Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #51 Tue 11/3/15 (Mex 73-74) Not the Virgen I was looking for

Fi witnessed Vito and Diana's spit swapping, but never mentioned it again.  In fact, it's Diana who later threatens to expose Fi for a gold digging liar.

Sergio witnessed Belinda's birthday suit, and while she's right, he is eeeeeasy and never turns down a woman's advances…there's a first time for everything.  Take a hike, Belinda.

Vitto continues his relentless campaign to control EVERYTHING and vows to pay for both Gianna's tuition and find her a new doctor.  To this end, he and Fi visit Pedro's office to tell him so.  They behave like small children fighting over a toy (i.e., Fi).  Fi even says as much.  And tells them this isn't about who has the bigger…bank account.  And it STILL doesn't get her to call things off.

Gianna sees the aftermath of the fistfight on Gael and Benito's faces, and she's no fool.  They didn't both fall off the same horse.   Except, she kind of is a fool.  She immediately believes Benito's story about Gael  getting it on in full view of his entire class, PLUS the professor.  Anel, the classmate, finds it funny for about a second, but she cares not one bit for Gianna's apology after mistakenly calling her a ho.  Gi and Gael make up, but then rather quickly break up as Gael blames Benito's behavior on his class.  Gianna tells him he sounds like an Angeles…BURN!...and runs off.

Vitto takes Fi to the church where they're going to be married.  He does NOT burst into flames.  I'm amazed the priest agrees to hear Fi's confession without Vitto present.  While I don't entirely blame her for not confiding in him, no, Fi, this entire situation is not adequately described with "Padre, I've committed the sin of gluttony.  I have a weakness for…pastries…and when I see a …pastry…even though I know it's someone else's, I can't resist eating the…pastry…and then I get angry at myself for giving in and eating someone's…pastry."  The Padre's as skilled at not listening and creatively interpreting events as Vitto is.  Instead of asking her QTH she's talking about with "pastry," and telling her to get outta here with that nonsense 'cause confession is serious business…he tells her she and Vitto have obviously worked so hard at being together and overcome so many obstacles and it's lovely to see a couple so in love and why don't you just hang out in the confessional booth alone and do some praying to San Biagio while I arrange the rest of your wedding with your hubby, 'k?  I'm sure San Biagio's a nice guy, but is anyone else feeling the need for some tough love from the Virgen de Guadalupe?

Vague work shenanigans: Pedro decides to go home. He leaves Aitana in charge of copying some documents and passing them along to Os.  Fed witnesses her going into Pedro's super seekrit file cabinet, pulling out some other random piece of paperwork, and adding it to the documents in the folder.  They hang out in Pedro's office, chatting, until his secretary finally comes in to throw them out and lock up.

Neither Fi nor Gi are thrilled with the idea of changing doctors, but Vitto dangles the possibility of a cure in front of them, and suddenly it's Dr. Elizalde, who?  This new doctor, Dr. Izquierdo, is a world-renowned expert in the thing Gianna has that we never talk about by name.  Such an expert, in fact, that Vitto's going to have him check out Fi as well, so they can make sure their future offspring aren't going to have the same unnamed malady Gianna does.  That was gross on so many levels.

Dante is Mr. Moneybags today.  He hands Vinicio's daughter a fat wad of cash to move her comatose dad to Puebla to be nearer his brother.  Fed lurks awkwardly outside just to make sure we see her seeing the hand-off.  Then he visits some guy who claims to have the name of Vinicio's mistress, and while he also hands THAT guy a fat wad of cash (just how much cash can you fit in a wallet anyway?) the guy demands…I kid you not…a game console, 10 games, and 4 controllers.  It's his hobby, you see.

Anel, Gael's CPR partner, accompanies him to the orphanage.  She used to work with HIV-positive kids in Africa and it's how she got interested in medicine.  She invites him to a charity event for kids with cancer and he agrees to go.  Later, he gets together with Gianna at a café and they make up…again.  And then, while he's in the restroom, she sees a text message from Anel on his phone with the address of the charity shindig.

Benito's little bit of drama-stirring earns him a shopping trip with Roxana.  Really, it's just a ploy so the actor can show off his underwear yet again.  Rox is tired of the suits, and while Bennie looks good in just about everything, she ultimately decides that what he looks best in is tight, distressed jeans, and a tight shirt with a disturbing lack of buttons above the navel.  Whatever.  The lack of buttons comes in handy later, when he takes her to a random shack in a park and tries to turn it into their little love nest.  It's all going fine until Rox has a blue-tinged fantasy of hanging out with her girlfriends (including Aitana who REALLY looks way too old for that sort of thing) and telling them that her first time (yep, you read that correctly) was so much better than she ever could have imagined and it was with…her chauffeur.  She fakes a stomachache and asks Benito to take her home.

Once again Alina succumbs to the dubious charms of Os.  I'm not going to explain that further.  We alllll know what it means.  Sonia stops by Alina's office and gets an eyeful.  And a cell-phone full.  She's showing off her mad photography skillz to Belinda later when Pedro comes home.  And then she suffers some serious abdominal cramping and has to be taken to the hospital.  To bad Os can't be reached because he's still busy on Alina's couch.  When he finally bothers to show up, he blames it on Sonia's insistence on working…"just like last time."  Pedro tells him it was the DNA test.  "Well, if she'd been faithful, I wouldn't have needed one."  He blames Sonia for "killing" his baby and claims the right to make as big a scene as he wants to because it's HIS wife and HIS baby.  Pedro shuts him up with "It's MY baby."

Previous: Episode 50
Next: Episode 52


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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The guy playing Os needs to stop with the huffing and puffing. That just does not convey "anger" to me. It conveys "I'm trying really, really hard to act like I'm angry." Either that or "I just did some cardio and I'm trying to pretend I'm not out of breath."

Kat, first of all, heartfelt thanks to you and Lila for keeping this going.

I have to admit that when reading your recaps, I look for all your witty and wry comments first, then go back to pick up specifics about what actually occurred.

"They behave like small children fighting over a toy (i.e., Fi). Fi even says as much. And tells them this isn't about who has the bigger…bank account. And it STILL doesn't get her to call things off" was my favorite observation of many.

"Rox is tired of the suits, and while Bennie looks good in just about everything, she ultimately decides that what he looks best in is tight, distressed jeans, and a tight shirt with a disturbing lack of buttons above the navel" had me nodding in agreement. Rox is perpetually irritable but she has mad fashion sense.

I thought Gael definitely seemed interested in the doctora. She didn't seem especially warm or cuddly to me but she has an impressive background so maybe I'm judging too quickly. Gi may be left out in the cold!

I missed Dante handing out money like candy. I can only grimly surmise what Fred's retribution will be.

I was rather surprised that Pedro told Os the "truth" about the baby. Perhaps telling an irate husband in the middle of a heated exchange may not have been the best of timing...I am a huge Mike Biagio fan and while I agree he should huff and puff a bit less, I think he's portraying Os as the evil, cra cra character he is.

Thanks again Kat!


Kat, off topic...

We've been marveling at the comedic acting prowess of Ingrid Martz over on Lichita. You aren't watching that, are you?

I posted today that I wondered if it is as difficult or even more so to do comedy rather than drama? As an accomplished actor, I would really like to hear your opinion. While Eduardo Santamaria is doing a great job, Ingrid has brought new and hysterical facial contortions to a whole nother level.


Good one Kat thank you!

"And tells them this isn't about who has the bigger…bank account"

"Vitto takes Fi to the church where they're going to be married. He does NOT burst into flames"

"need for some tough love from the Virgen de Guadalupe?"

Gianna and her sister getting all butthurt and running off is getting old. Gael is patient but gosh what drama queens.

I believe Roxy is a virgin, we've seen her with one guy, Benny, unlike those two Italian sisters.

Yep, Vitto is growing on Fio.

Please, please let Petey's blurted confession be the final word on Sonia's baby daddy.


Thanks so much Kat! You make these recaps so much more fun han watching some days.

At work, so random thoughts:

- Gia apparently inherited the "sabotage" gene along with her sister, half sister, whatever the heck FiFi is. Immediately believe everyone but the person you supposedly love, overreact, makeup, repeat. She keeps that up, and I like her, but I'll get if Gael starts looking in another direction.

- Benny--that outfit looked like a it came out of "Skank-Ho for Guys". And it must have gone to his brain, because the shack. Really?

- I sometimes wonder what cylinders Fifi fires on. The rant to the priest was stupid, she won't say boo to Vitto with his smarmy comments and it's tiring. Show some spirit girl. And what would happen if she DID have a heart condition...would Vitto kick her to the curb? She should have asked.

- Diana looked particularly wicked witch last night.

- That Os/Petey scene was painful to watch. But hey, if you plan to beat each other to a pulp, at least they are in a good place to get patched back up quick.


Good stuff, Kat. This was edited episodes #73 and 74.

Loved "Vitto takes Fi to the church where they're going to be married. He does NOT burst into flames". I completely agree that his fixation on having a baby with Fiorella is creepy and sick. I'm shocked that the priest didn't see this and more that he didn't realize that Fiorella is wishing she could run away.

As for whether the new doctor has a cure, I'm sure that this is a Vittorio tactic to guilt Fiorella into a greater sense of obligation. If the doctor he chose is such an expert, why didn't Pedro find him in the first place?

Geneticists today are telling men they shouldn't wait too long to become fathers. Vittorio is at least 35 years past the expiration date. Mario was at least ten years past it when Fiorella was conceived. That's if he was actually her bio-dad. This situation could provoke such a revelation if Vittorio knows for a fact that Fiorella is adopted.

I must have said this already, but wouldn't it be out of character for Fiorella not to have found a priest long before this?

What was missing:

A conversation between Vittorio and Fiorella about the bizarre dynamic of Diana's family. Both noticed that nothing about them added up.

More important: Julieta got a call from her lawyer that the arsonist ratted out Anibal and there is now an arrest warrant out for him. Helloisa didn't want to buy this, but was ultimately convinced.

Mille grazie, Diva! Yah. Gianna IS getting as tiring as Fifi with the make up break up thing. And I'm sorry, it may not be class related but the whole thinking Gael was making out with his whole class and professor watching was just effin' stupid! Stupid, stupid, STOOOPIT!

Just as stupid is Alina screwing one of her client's brothers right in the office and the two idiots cannot even hear or sense or see when the door is open. Sonia stood there a LONG time! Funky idiots! I need to just not even mention her anymore, she is just a stankin' skank ho. We KNEW Ozie was a dog!

So idiot Pedro. Yes, I called him an idiot. Idiot Pedro shouts in Ozie's face that the baby is his. What an IDIOT he is. As a matter of fact, Sonia, Ozie and Pedro deserve this effed up situation.

What. Ever.

Thank you so much, Diva, I hope you're feeling better, hon!

LaDiva, good recap. Thank you much.
Assvaldo is s giant jackass. Im not crazy about sonia, but she would probably not be a
Manipulating person setting up her cousin Inlaw and sleepy around on assvaldo if he wasn't Such a SOB like his father. She looks
Like she could be a nice person if she could
Just not let her stupid husband make her
Feel insecure. And her sorry alcoholic mama ain't no help.(belinda).
Pedro and fiorella are very tiresome. Not much to say about those two, not until they
Get some guts and stand up for their looove!
Neither one of them will speak up for that "said Love" that they confess to each other a
Few nights a week on univision. Whateveeer.
I wonder who will win the hospital brawl, Osy
Or pedeypo? That poor baby. Sonia for mom
Belinda for granma, ol granny for (I don't know how many greats elo would be) a great
Great granma maybe. That kid has so much
Going against him or her. Maybe best thing
Would be to miscarry, as bad as that is. She
Really wants to be a part of that circus that is
The Los Angeles Family.

Thank you very much Diva for this funny recap. Maybe you have a little bit of reason on Assvaldo's acting. I am a fan of Mike Biagio and I consider him a very good actor but when this novela was airing in Mexico he was very critizised for being overacted in his character. But oh well it could be the direction or the character itself is a very crazy and always angry dude that doesn't know how to deal with his feelings and has too much emotional problems, maybe he has a bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Diva - thank you for the sassy snarky recrap of this mess! It was way funny and better than the episode.

I wonder if Sonia will lose the baby?

Thank you, Diana! I agree, Gael looked like he was mentally changing the letterhead on that future pediatrics practice.

My completely opiniony opinion is that it's both harder to DO comedy and harder to TEACH someone how to do it. But maybe that's because I'm a naturally gifted smartass.

Thank you, tofie! There were times in the past when I thought Gianna was the more mature sister, but lately? Not so much.

Thank you, Daisynjay! I was really bothered by Vitto's statement about the heart condition. I get that it might help to know about a predisposition in order to be aware/prepared, but since I can't stand Vitto, I assume that this is more of an admissions requirement. If she fails she might get out of marrying him, or she might only get out of childbearing duties. *shudder*

Thank you, Urban! I don't believe for a minute that the new doctor can "cure" anything. And I'll admit that might be because I don't trust anything that comes from Vile Vitto.

Thank you, Lila! Sonia had ample time to take video...instead her phone was making the shutter clicking sound and nooooobody noticed? Guess the sound of smacking was too loud to hear it. (Sorry, I even grossed myself out there!)

Thank you, Nina! Yeah, Sonia would have been better off marrying a nice rich dude instead of Os. I didn't want to be moved by her tears, but I'll admit, I was. She got herself into a hot mess there's no good way out of, and even trying to pin the daddy role on Pedro is bound to fail. It's only a matter of time.

Thank you, Marla! Nope, nope, you were fine to end the sentence at emotional problems. Anger management issues, sure, but does not have symptoms that meet real-world criteria for either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. He's just a big pissed off jerk!

Thank you, doris! I hope not. Osvaldo's already unbearable now...I don't even want to contemplate how much worse he would get.

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