Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #52 Wed 11/4/15 (Mex 75) Nothing Good

Hm, well, some stuff happened and I figured you might want to know about it.

The Fed Bureau of Investigations: Fed's upping her game with some incense and garudasana arms (Eagle Pose in yoga).  Dante lies about his whereabouts.  Fed reminds us all that the cards never lie.  She kept drawing The Moon and sure enough, Aitana, that two-faced woman, was skulking around in Pedro's office.  I notice the bottom of Fed's long, trailing sleeves aren't actually trailing, but attached to the hem of her blouse.  Interesting.

Hospital/Sonia/Baby Daddy Drama:  Yes, Osvaldo, Pedro thinks he's the father of Sonia's baby.  He saw the test results.  Before the argument can resume, the doctor calls Os into Sonia's room to tell him there's very little chance of the baby surviving, and/or surviving without having serious health issues.  Cute Hospital Doctor would like to get his hands on the quack who did the test despite the massive risks.  Pedro comes in, gets the update, and resumes explaining how he was drunk and he made a mistake.  I would suggest drinking every time Pedro says "mistake," but nobody's liver deserves that kind of punishment.  Belinda arrives to kick them out before they can upset Sonia.  Yeah, Sonia was awake and she heard that the jig is up.  Out in the waiting area, Os is the one making the most sense (scary!) because it was HIS chosen doctor who did the DNA test and he saw the results IN the doctor's office.  Sonia is ready to blame this mess on anyone but herself, but mostly Pedro for not being able to keep his mouth shut.  She and Belinda concoct a plan.  The plan is--Sonia tells the truth, except she claims that Belinda made her do it.  Back in the waiting area, Os is pissed that the allegedly pristine Pedro Angeles would actually sleep with his own cousin's wife, "mistake" or not.  He says this time when he shoots Pedro accidentally-on-purpose, he won't miss.  Uh, not that he admits to doing it accidentally-on-purpose the last time.  Back in her room, Sonia and Os go another 10 rounds about whose fault this is and he accuses her of sleeping with every guy who came within reach.  Just as I'm wondering why she's not hooked up to a bunch of machines that are beeping madly and summoning a nurse and/or security to throw Os out of there, he calls her a slut and she screams in pain.  The doctor arrives to take Sonia into surgery.

The Fi/Vitto/Diana triangle:   Fi tells Diana she saw her kissing Vitto Claus without benefit of mistletoe.  Diana couldn't care less.  Fi asks Domingo (the sommelier?  The head waiter?) what he thinks of Diana and he admits he can't stand her!  She's always bossing him around.  Fi gets to laughing and Diana takes the opportunity to sow some more doubt with Vitto.  Back at the house, Vitto brings up Domingo and when Fi gets annoyed that Diana's spreading gossip and says Diana is in love with Vitto, Vitto's diamond-hard ego acts as a prism and transforms that into "You're jealous!"  His glee disgusts me.  Fi just sits there with a baffled look on her face.

At the ranch: Belinda, with Sonia giving her instructions by phone,  searches through Sonia's stuff for her stash of cash so she can get out of town.  Belinda gets busted by Eloisa, but claims she's packing up stuff to take to Sonia at the hospital.  Fed remarks on Belinda's bad vibes and hopes they aren't catching.  Pedro comes home, but he's barely arrived when Fed gets the call about Sonia.  Pedro and Eloisa head for the hospital.

Bad news: Sonia lost the baby.  Os blames Pedro, loudly, and in front of Eloisa, the doctor, and a couple of orderlies.  Pedro feigns ignorance about why Os is shouting about everything being all Pedro's fault.  Eloisa is crushed, but not so crushed she doesn't drag Os down the hall like she's going to give him an ass-whooping for misbehaving in public.

Rox's conflict: Rox asks Aitana what she'd do if she had feelings for…the gardener.  I mean, not the actual gardener, but…what if he were younger and hot?  Aitana confesses she had a fling with her chauffeur, but had to fire him.  The guy thought they actually had a relationship--I mean, can you imagine?!  The horror!  Her advice is, if the gardener starts looking good, fire him.  Later, in the stables, Rox sadly breaks up with Benito.

The Saga of Gael and Gianna:  Rather than admit she looked at his cell phone, Gianna asks Gael to take her to the movies tonight.  He mostly tells the truth about having a charity event to go to, except that he says it was his "compañero Abel" who invited him.  Gi decides she's going to go to this charity shindig and fight for her love, or something.  This entails channeling her inner Rox and getting glammed-up Gi style: full face of makeup, and a sparkly sweater with a floral dress and some borderline-athletic shoes.  I'm hoping she's got some bike shorts under that skirt in case she actually has to throw down with Anel.  Fi gives her little pumpkin cash for a decent cab both ways and Gi is off to the ball.

Julieta: While Sergio goes back down to valet parking (at the hospital?!) to get his ticket, Julieta is accosted by Anibal, who chloroforms and kidnaps her.

Fi and Pedro: Fidel understands why Pedro is upset, but he wishes Pedro would take refuge in Aitana.  No?  Not gonna happen? Aitana's not the one he wants?  Then call Fi already!  Fidel is even willing to dial for him.  Pedro calls and asks to meet Fi.    Vitto asks Fi to come with him back to the restaurant because there's a large dinner going on.  Fi says she would rather stay home, but she's actually going out to meet Pedro at the lake.  Just watch it without the sound on.  Pedro is sad, Fi is comforting, there are smoochies.

Previous: Episode 51
Next: Episode 53


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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LaDiva, smoorh recap. Easy listening.Thanks
For the short and bear facts..
Pedro crys pretty. Some woman don't cry like
That. Turn the sound down and watch. He's
Pretty, even more than fifi. He just a pretty man. Im glad they've stopped the babydaddy
Madness. I did say maybe she should have a miscarrage.. I didn't want it, miscarrages are just Heartbreaking. But this child never had a chance, cloaked in lies and deception and a
Lot of other bad stuff. That poor fetus didn't have a chance. Very sad. And the adults have
learned nothing.I thought maybe while he was standing there accusing her of being a slut she would have pulled out that phone and told him what she saw and made him think she showed it to somebody else. But no. And the happiness/deception/stupidity
Continues. Short lived happiness.
Thanks LD.

Thank you, Nina. Such a bummer of an episode, and instead of being a big turning point, "And the adults have learned nothing" I think you're right on. Tomorrow everything will go back to "normal" and nothing will really have changed. I guess we have until tomorrow to sigh over Pretty Pedro and his smoochies with Fi before it all goes to crap again.

Do I sound bitter? Aw, hell, I guess I'm bitter.

Good night folks. Oh my God now Assvaldo is officially a killer. In some way he killed his own son with the DNA test and with all his abuse towards Sonia. If there was a little chance for him to change with the baby, he messed it up with his awful attitude. Now with his baby dead he is only gonna go more crazy and his hate for pietro will grow. He surely is gonna want to take revenge, he threatened pietro of making him pay.

Aye, Diva, how delightful! Your recaps make it all worth while! Here are just a few faves:

Vitto's diamond-hard ego acts as a prism and transforms that into "You're jealous!"

I'm hoping she's got some bike shorts under that skirt in case she actually has to throw down with Anel.

Fi gives her little pumpkin cash for a decent cab both ways and Gi is off to the ball.

Well! Little Sonia/Fabio?/Assvaldo? RIP but I'm glad that storyline is over and I'm glad Belinda is gone (I hope) since she only came to facilitate the fake DNA story! Frickin' trashy lush!

I FELT NOTHING for Sonia! NOTHING! So now she becomes an even bigger whipping girl in the Angeles family. And Ass boy. He DID make the most sense about the fake DNA test but even if Pedro hadn't fake boinked his wifey, this is still in NO WAY Pedro's fault. Sonia has NEVER taken one iota of responsibility for this whole fiasco. I can't stand people like her who make dumb "decisions", stupid choices, or, more likely than not, just give in to whatever lust they're in the throes of at the moment and when the results are predictably disastrous, it's everybody elses fault, they're the victim and they try to rope everybody into crisis/rescue mode. HATE IT!!

This "promise" of Fifi's is weaker than ever. She knows she doesn't even believe in it anymore. How conveniently she ditches this "honor" to go suck face with Pedro on the dock of the bay. . . .wasting time!

Gianna. Hoo boy. Getting ready to make a fool of herself, confirm the kinds of things Gael believes about the IQ of her "class" and drive him into the arms of the cute Doc with the blond bob. She and Benny are looking more and more like they deserve each other. Maybe they'll bring in a decent rich guy to sweep her off her feet. . . .OR, once she finds out she's the daughter of a lowly "sub human maid" she'll resign her self to Benito.

Okay. I'm going on too long. Bottom line: Mille grazie, Diva, Capitana mia!

Grazie, Kat. You're really taking one for the team here.

This disaster is partly on Assvaldo and the rest on Sonia. And the doctor could have saved the day by refusing to do the test that caused her miscarriage. Part of a doctor's job is to manage situations like this and that one just caved despite the risks. He should lose his license.

Sonia didn't even fess up that nothing actually happened the night Pedro got drunk. He still thinks he boinked her and didn't remember and Assvaldo now wants his blood. Nice work, Sonia. Your anvil just dropped.

Ten bucks says she will be told she can't have children, Helloisa will be fed up with Assvaldo's recent behavior, and Pedro will get the corner office back.

Fi tells Diana she saw her kissing Vitto Claus without benefit of mistletoe. Diana couldn't care less. Good one! What would make too much sense and cost too many follow-up episodes would be if Fiorella would just come clean with Diana about the situation. They could come up with a plan so that Diana could end up with Vittorio and Fiorella with Pedro.

Vittorio's delusion about Fiorella being jealous is truly pathetic. Either that or Machiavellian, which is easy to suspect considering the actor.


"Maybe they'll bring in a decent rich guy to sweep her off her feet. . . .OR, "

I was referring to Roxi here. That maybe after having dumped Benni who will go to Gigi, maybe Roxi willget get a rich boy etc. etc.

Kat, your recap was wonderful. I thought the episode very depressing while your words were uplifting.

"I would suggest drinking every time Pedro says "mistake," but nobody's liver deserves that kind of punishment", "pumpkin cash" and "Vitto's diamond-hard ego acts as a prism" were outstanding. All.

"garudasana arms (Eagle Pose in yoga)". Hmm. I learned something new today. Gracias!

Well, the "mixed doubles" are changing every 5 minutes aren't they? I thought Roxi and Benito looked pretty solid. That lasted for a nano second. Gi and Gael are in for a rough patch with jealousy and the new doctora seeming to be major stumbling blocks.

Thank heavens for Fidel! The one voice of reason. Unfortunately, a few sweet words and kisses might be exchanged but that will change by morning light.


Urban, ditto to you!

Sonia didn't even fess up that nothing actually happened the night Pedro got drunk. That is so true! I was so shocked that she was telling the "truth" and distracted by her crocodile tears and Ozzie's big bad wolf act that I missed that. She is allowing Pedro to stay in Ozzie's cross hairs!

I have also longed for Fifi and Diana to just have a talk. If Diana had said to Fifi "It's obvious you don't love Vitto" with an empathic earnestness she could've gotten the whole story out of her and they could work together. I guess it's more novelaesque to have the rival be a bitch, though.

Vitto's delusion IS pathetic and just the kind of thing that I dreaded: episode after episode of his sickening baying over Fifi. And why does she look so confused every time he does so or twists every situation around to fit his delusion? She's just lucky he is a gentleman despite this embarrassing obsession and that he hasn't tried to force his "charms" upon her.

Nina, you speak truth as well. These idiots have learned NOTHING!

Kat – Thank you for the recrap. My favorite lines are:

”The Fed Bureau of Investigations” (LOL! It took me a minute to get that one)

”I would suggest drinking every time Pedro says "mistake," but nobody's liver deserves that kind of punishment.”

Well, I hate that Sonia lost the baby. Miscarriages are always said because no matter how evil the telenovela character might be, the loss of a baby is sad.

We don't know if the DNA test caused her miscarriage, or if her body cannot maintain a pregnancy. I say this because of her previous miscarriage experience.

Really? Anibal kidnaps Julieta? Puh-leeze…..

Diva – I was perusing our local library’s adult class offerings, and saw this:
Chakras and Chocolate
Sunday, November 15
Program fee: $15
Register here.
Relax and enjoy a restorative and healing guided Chakra Meditation unlike anything you have experienced before.

Using custom made dark chocolates infused with individual flavors specific to a coordinating chakra center this mediation is meant to stimulate and release blocks in each or the seven chakras as well as leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated.

I remembered a link you shared, a couple telenovelas ago, to a local media article about your chocolate candy talents (or did I dream that???) and when I saw this, I just had to share.
I might need CCM (Chocolate Chakra Meditation) after watching this silly telenovela!

Oh here's an idea for the Patio Peeps --- instead of taking a drink every time Pedro says "mistake", and ruining our livers, let's just eat a piece of chocolate. Do I hear a motion on the floor -- er --- Patio?

Doris! I second that motion and that Emotion! Hear! Hear!

Thank you, Marla, Lila, Urban, Diana, and doris.

I'm sure we'll be getting even more of the same today. Just about the only thing that would change my mind would be Fi jumping into Pedro's car and the two of them driving off into the night together. But no, she'll say something about how she "has to" tell Vitto and it's all downhill from there.

I don't know why they put us/the characters through this whole thing with the baby. All that happened the first time Sonia lost a baby was...nothing. Os was still an ass and the family wasn't any nicer to Sonia. So now we get to watch that happen all over again? Fed cracking horrible jokes, Eloisa making snide comments about whether she was even pregnant in the first place, Os huffing and puffing and *talking* about wanting to kill Pedro and not having the guts to actually do anything. Sonia being all teary-eyed, but not actually changing her behavior either. We're back at square 1.

I guess I'm tuning in tonight to see how the charity benefit thing goes. Maybe they'll surprise us, Gael will just shell out some cash for another ticket and it will all be no big deal. But more likely there will be shouting, thrown canapes, and photographers.

doris, I'll second your motion!

Sonia brought this on herself. Had she not caved to Belinda's scheme to get dinero out of Pedro she could put all the blame on Assvaldo about the test and its risks. No pity for her now.

There was a mistake when Federica talked about the Moon Tarot card: She was holding up the Sun. If Aitana is the Moon in a reading for Pedro, Fiorella is the Sun.

While I'm complaining anyway...I don't think I like Pedro. Last night, once again, he had the opportunity to tell the truth (as he knew it anyway) and instead, he pretended he had no idea what Osvaldo was talking about in front of Eloisa. And it wasn't so much that he said "I have no idea," but the way his eyes went over to Eloisa like he was afraid of her.

And supposedly now he has nothing left for her to take away from him? Maybe that's why they didn't want us to know. To keep him from looking like an even more spineless weenie.

Nope, Fed was holding up The Moon. You're thinking it looks like The Sun because there was a full circle. The crescent of the moon is within that circle. It's like that on many decks.

Also, there's a wolf and a dog...howling at the moon. The Sun has a child riding a horse.

But Fed's insistence that The Moon means a two-faced woman is either lazy research on the part of the writers or Fed's meant to be one of those people who doesn't read based on the traditional meanings of the cards. She's previously claimed that The Tower represents the business which is also not a traditional interpretation. We've also seen her pretend to be reading when she's really just feeding back information she knows from other sources--like Rox's drunken selfies being leaked on the Internet--so we know she's not above BS-ing for effect.

Awesome 3 Pete Kat! Thanks

"I would suggest drinking every time Pedro says "mistake," but nobody's liver deserves that kind of punishment"

"Vitto's diamond-hard ego acts as a prism and transforms that into "You're jealous!"

"Just watch it without the sound on"

Mostly I like Gianna and love Gael but I kinda get why he wants a night off.

If ever there is a Mexican remake of "Big", Jose Ron should get Tom Hanks part. He does a great little boy.


I like chocolate better than the booze. Its healthier, but to much of a good thing's not
Good either. So lets hope he don't say the M
Word to much. But who we talk bout here? The "LOVE MACHINE", pedro los Angeles. The guy that makes mistakes, way to many times. But he is such a pretty man. WOW!!!!

Diva, but the way his eyes went over to Eloisa like he was afraid of her.

That's it, Diva, and thus my rant the other day. Don't insult weenies, he's a worm!

For all that he is capable of running a company, Pedro is definitely a weakling when it comes to Helloisa.

And I third the chocolate. That's something I can never get enough of.

Let's not forget that Isela Vega -- who's birthday is today -- was one of the first Mujeres Asesinas.

Diva thanks for the recap - I've been missing all but the last 15 min of the episodes Tues and Weds (real life making even Pietro's pretty face much less important) so thanks a lot for filling in (actually I'm kinda glad I missed all that)

I actually do feel sorry for Sonia, miscarriages are brutal, maybe now she'll see she can't win with Os and get the hell out

When Roxi was breaking up w/Beni because they come from different classes I was thinking "it's contagious, pretty soon they'll all have it"

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