Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #57 Wed 11/11/15 (Mex 83) Of all the massage cabins in all the world….

[I took some major liberties with the order of scenes here, but still, this was a good one to actually watch if you haven't been watching lately.]

The masseuse goes off to get backup while Pedro and Fi contemplate their fate.  Fi admits she's having a crappy time and she finds the whole place weird…with the tables and strangers touching you.  Pedro claims it's about spa-ing with the right person.  When the masseuses show up, Pedro keeps up the pretense that they're married and tells the story of how they met.  Fi accuses him of exaggerating the bike accident.  Fi really freaks out when she hears that part of a couple's massage is teaching her how to give her "husband" a massage and get the cranky expression off his face.  Yes, Fi…oil on the hands...hands on his chest…circular motions….  Neither one of them can quit grinning.

Fi gets to keep her robe and skip her massage, just like she wanted.  *sigh*  She actually asks Pedro not to tell Eloisa that she's now had some massage training…or else Eloisa will be asking for massages all the time.  No, she's serious about that.  The masseuse tells them the "temazcal" is available (this is both a purifying sweat ritual and the structure where it takes place) and there's nothing like it, especially when you experience it with the one you love.  Pedro talks her into it.

10 minutes later, they're outside the temazcal in swimsuits watching a "temazcalero" (person who facilitates the temazcal ritual; in Kat-speak the "-ero" suffix amounts to adding "dude" after whatever the noun is, so the temazcalero is "the temazcal dude") go through a ritual before he ushers them inside a small, domed stone hut.  Inside, the temazcalero continues the ritual, pouring water over hot rocks.  Fi and Pedro join in on chanting and drumming.  Afterwards, they rush off to take a shower that's bound to feel cold no matter the actual temperature!

And thus ends our romantic interlude at the Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort.  Alas, other people exist and other events happened outside the cozy little Pedro-Fi bubble.  If you really want to know, read on….

When last we left Benito, he was getting such an eyeful of Aitana's stunning figure, he had to wear shades.  He claims to be invading Aitana's massage cabin and her privacy for security reasons.  She tries to kick him out, but the door won't open!  She screams at the top of her lungs and bangs on the door, but no one appears to let them out.  Benito suggests she chill--someone will be along eventually.  He doesn't happen to have brought his cell phone along since he was planning on getting a massage.  He tries to get Aitana to massage him but...yeah, no.

Fi gets back to Vitto with a hearty appetite.  He's spending a lot of time on the phone to the restaurant.  He apparently moves around to different offices and now it's time for him to be at the Roma branch (I think that's the one where he tried to send Diana before) and he's giving instructions for things to be moved.  He turns down Fi's offer of help and prepares to get on another call when who should walk by, surrounded by a bevy of bathing beauties?  Why, it's Benito…the Ben-ster…Ben-o-rama!  She goes running off after him.

Aitana harshes Pedro's buzz by complaining about Benito.  She wants him fired, but Pedro won't do it.  He tells her to relax and enjoy their vacation and Aitana apologizes.  Pedro suggests they go on a motorcycle tour, but Aitana's a total buzzkill on that too.  She whines about how obviously they don't want the same things, but this is the first decision Pedro has made for himself.  She's the one who planned this trip and picked the location and scheduled the spa services.  So, yeah, he's going to go on a motorcycle tour.  Honestly, I don't know which of the two was the bigger jerk there.

Aitana is getting a mani-pedi.  She calls Benito in to tell him to call Eloisa and tell her that "Pedro would rather spend all day playing Boy Escout than be with me."  She goes on and on about how he needs to do it nowrightnow and how she won't tell Eloisa that he locked them into a cabin.  The whole time, the manicurist is shooting "Seriously?" looks to her co-worker.  Aitana gets all screechy over how she's going to get married to the best guy in the world and look at the big honking ring his grandma he got her.  She lies about the big romantic proposal, complete with flower petals and tears in his eyes.  And Fi overhears it all.

Benito calls Eloisa, as ordered, and tells her Pedro and Aitana are both soooo happy.  Well, you know, even though Pedro makes grumpy faces all the time.  Hm, maybe he didn't follow instructions all that closely.  Fiorella finds him right after he hangs up with Eloisa and asks him QTH is going on!  She just saw Aitana with a big honkin' rock and she's saying she's engaged to Pedro.  Benito's in his cups, so he babbles about following orders without really answering her.  She starts dragging him over to see Pedro so he can tell Pedro the truth?

Pedro is signing for an ATV rental when screeching Fi comes up with drunk Ben.  She starts to say she really needs to talk to him about something, she needs to ask him a question, she needs…he just picks her up, puts her on the back of his little ATV and drives off.  So, we're back in the Pedro-Fi bubble.  It will eventually burst, as bubbles do, but in the meantime, enjoy the pretty colors and try not to think of anything outside the bubble….

Aitana is giving the hotel staff a hard time because they're not displaying an appropriate level of concern for Pedro's whereabouts.  Well, uh, he rented an ATV for several hours, ma'am, and this is a safe area.  If anything had happened to him, we would know about it.  Aitana flounces like only an entitled twit can flounce.  Vitto immediately walks in looking for Fi, but his description of her is a little generic.  And, no, telling the guy that her name is "Bianchi" now but it will later be "Dragone" is not going to help the guy find her.  Having learned his lesson, Hotel Dude says he'll look for her.

Back in town….

Gianna and Rox are acting more like they're in Pre-K than in medical school.  Later, Gianna gripes to Gael that Rox is the teacher's pet.  Gael tells her to look on the bright side--if Rox is occupied she'll leave them alone.  They decide to go back to the Vitto's place where Gianna can cook lunch for Gael.  They share a giant bowl of spaghetti…and some teasing…and some kisses.  The statue out in the courtyard gets an eyeful of something….  Several scenes later, we find that sex (or however far they actually got) might be too much for Gianna's heart.  She's freaking out and feeling like she left her body.

The new fancy doctor has never seen this kind of a reaction to his treatment.  Did they tell him everything, I wonder?  His reaction is to double the dosage.  Gael and I make the same face, except that mine gets considerably more hostile when the doctor's reaction to Gael asking if that isn't a little extreme is "Who's the doctor, you or me?" He gives them samples and a prescription.  I have a bad feeling about this.

Rox hits up the prof for a little extra help.  No, I mean it literally.  So far.  He really likes Rox's change of attitude and she's understanding the material a lot better.  Rox lays a liplock on him.  Cue "Don't Stand So Close To Me"!  He tells her this was wrong and she misunderstood his intentions.  His only interest in her is academic.  He has a family, and teacher-student relationships are against the rules.  And then he runs right the hell out of there!

Os and Fabio lock horns at a board meeting for Acorp.  Sonia has returned to work and makes sure Os gets an eyeful of her flirting with Fabio.

Fidel has a cold.  Joaquina fusses over him.

Sergio meets with Belinda, who claims Sonia won't take her calls.  She whines about how she wasn't welcome at the ranch.  Sergio is still warding off her advances and insisting he's with Julieta.

Gi and Gael end up going back to school for afternoon classes.  Anel invites them both to a party, but Gael declines.  He doesn't think it's a good idea for Gi to be partying after what just happened.  Gi's pov is that this is exactly what she needs.  All her life has been nothing but being sick and now she wants to live it up.  She's tired of missing out.  Gael is won over.

Sonia gets the luxury of an Os-less meal at the Rancho.  Sergio happily tells her that her mom will be coming to visit later.  Then he asks Julieta how her old boyfriend is doing.  And then he takes off.  And since Julieta and Sonia are now BFFs, Julieta tells Sonia that she got in touch with her old boyfriend and he told her that her daughter is alive.

Now that Rox has been not-kissed, dissed, and dismissed she's not paying attention in class again and Gianna gets to shine.

Rox is getting all dolled up to go out, and rejecting Joaquina's attempts at affection as usual.  She calls Benito while he's in the middle of a mani-pedi-shoulder massage.  She demands he come home and take her to the party.  Benito's response is priceless "Claro....que no!" (Of course…not!)  He switches to an overly sexy operator voice for " Lo sentimos.  En este momento todas las lineas se encuentran ocupadas.  Favor de llamar mas tarde." (We're sorry.  All lines are busy at this time.  Please call later.)  He laughs and hangs up and Rox throws a fit.

The bubble….

Pedro and Fi reach the town and get off the ATV.  He admits he's engaged to Aitana, but it's not what she thinks.  He didn't want this.  She repeats Aitana's telling of the proposal story and Pedro is confused.  He says his engagement with Aitana was his end of a deal he made with Eloisa.  Fi doesn't ask for a further explanation, she just says none of this makes any sense.  This can never be!  Pedro says they can make this all worth it, it's all up to them.  But Fi could never forgive herself if she hurt Vittorio, or if Pedro's family ended up hating him.  He says he'd never blame her, because she's the love of his life.

Fi: You say that now, but when you realize you've lost everything…your grandmother's love, your family.  You're responsible for an entire company, and you'll lose everything with me.
Pedro: So what if I do?!
Fi: All those people, and my promise to Vitto keep us from being together.  Especially now that you've asked another woman to marry you.  For whatever reason.  I don't want to fight.  Like you said, let's take advantage of the day.  The seconds we have to be together.  You and me.

 Montage of Fi driving the ATV; Fi and Pedro eating and Pedro sticking Fi with the bill; Fi and Pedro walking down the aisle of the church and pretending they've just gotten married.

Let's just stay in the bubble, peeps.  Stay in the bubble.  Until tomorrow….

Previous: Episode 56
Next: Episode 58


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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The bubble is a magical place, full of beautiful galans with spines, and gorgeous protagonistas who say what they mean instead of saying that they have something to say over and over again. It's a place of beauty.

Diva - amazing as usual. I giggled throughout, but legit lol'd at " Aitana flounces like only an entitled twit can flounce." Yes! Thank you! The only reason I'll call her and Pedro's mini-fight a draw is that he spent all that time with Fi beforehand, otherwise, she's the bigger buzzkill. (And can I just say WOW! I actually got to see something I wanted to see on this show? More than I even asked for? I'm shocked! And I wish I could have a billion dollars! No? Okay, I used it up on this episode. Dammit!) Anyway, she knows she and Eloisa are conspiring to trap him, she knows she found him a total bore when they dated before. Why's she complaining now, like she doesn't know all of this? Whatever.

On the other hand, WTH is Pedro talking about with Fi? It could all be worth it? I didn't mean for this to happen? Bupkiss, you idiot! What is your plan from here? Are you going to repeat these lines when your walk back into the house after your honeymoon and Fi's been ordered to dry clean Aitana's wedding lingerie? Imbecile.

Also shocked that Gi and Gael got nekkid! QThHeck?! I was so not expecting that at all! What an surreal first experience (yes, I'm assuming it's Gianna's first time.), to feel like you're having an out of body experience (in a bad way). But how nice to have a novio that takes that in stride and trades lust for concern effortlessly.

Great stuff, Kat. This was full episode #83.

I'm thinking that Vittorio is looking to off Gianna to take away what he thinks is the biggest barrier to Fiorella.

Julieta did see Belinda coming on to Sergio in the past and she is justified in her objection to her being there. Not to mention that Belinda is a total skank.

More tomorrow.

Gracias, Hellashelle! If you get a billion dollars, you're sharing, right? :D

I wish that Pedro didn't have that edge of manipulativeness to him. I'm waiting for him to suggest that it's totally ok to be with Fi on the side because his marriage is just a "deal" or whatever.

I don't know if Gi and Gael made it that far, but please can we not have a pregnancy scare with Gi?! If her heart can't handle sex, I don't even want to think about what pregnancy would do. They're smart kids, right? They would have taken precautions, right? Right?

OK...back to the bubble...look at the pretty colors....

Gracias, Urban! Uh, I don't know where your supposition about Vitto is coming from, considering they spent no time together today. Wouldn't it be in his best interest to keep Gianna around, since without her need for medical care, Fi wouldn't have to be responsible for anyone but herself?

Unless in his twisted mind he thinks that he'll recreate the low Fi was in when her dad died and she turned to him for help. Loco.

With a billion dollars? I'd open up the Naughty Melon and host the First Annual Caray! Caray! conference! You'd be a guest of honor, Captain.

Ay! I didn't even think about a pregnancy scare! (And no, they're not that smart.) I think one pregnancy scare is enough per TN though. Wouldn't put it past Aitana to fake one though. And given the way this TN has been, it's entirely possible to have one, two, or even three more. Ay! Sálvame de estas locuras!

Good thing Aitana's not into the plan! If she were on board, I'd be more concerned. Still, all she has to do is convince him they had sex...but I think Pedro's been avoiding getting THAT drunk since the night he made his "mistake" with Sonia.

This was a wonderful episode and as ironic as it can sound we have to thank federica and helloisa for those pretty scenes between fiorella and pietro. But I wonder why they have to always end up having the same discussions about vitto and aitana and repeating the same fake promises of love. I want to put some glue or tape in their mouths so they stay quiet and just enjoy the moment. I want to see them really fighting for their love and not just promising to do. Actions is what we need, the words are gone with the wind. Was I too harsh on them? So sorry.

Oh poor Gianna that new doctors treatment is only worsening her heart condition. That dude gives me bad vibes, is he really a doctor or a fake one? By the way I loved that spaghetti scene, Gael and Gigi are such a sweet couple. But wasnt it a little disrespectful wanting to have sex in a house that it is not theirs. Kids go to a hotel if you are gonna do it.

Oh the bubble.... Wanna join them in it, love the chemistry between Fifi and pedro just wanna root for them all the time... Can't stand aitana she a weird just like hair... Won't mind slapping vitro glasses off though haha he does look like a vampire haha

You shine again and again Kat. Love your "bubble" although for me it was more like those play bubbles; one popping after another.

I just can't wrap my head around what Petey thinks he is accomplishing here. How far is he going with this engagement and he expects Fi along for the ride? Details buster. And Fi with her "promises". She pulls that one more time, there may be a plate of spaghetti flowing down her hair. So their adventure was cute, but we'll be right back to the nonsense tomorrow I'm sure.

How the heck would Benny ever know when he's really met the woman of his dreams if he hits on anything within his sight? I would let the comedic aspect of that go if he wasn't really trying to keep sweet talking one of the main females.

I loved how Gael handled Gia's reaction. The guy is a keeper. But I think he's not happy with the new doctor and especially when he pulled out his drug stash in the drawer. I'm sorry, this is a young woman with a fatal heart condition and you're giving her your latest batch of kick-back samples to try? I don't think they would go there with Vitto purposefully doing anything to Gia, but I think he pulled this dude either out of his hat, or he's some friend, and he has no clue the idiot is incompetent. Scary where this is leading.

Crap, Roxy back in b**** mode. But Freddie and Eloisa moaning last night.



The fact that Vittorio prevented Fiorella from making a phone call about this is telling. He has no real sense of family and no appreciation of the fact that Fiorella has been a mother-substitute to Gianna ever since their mother died. Hell, he doesn't even have any real friends.

Plus he knows that Gianna has his number.

No objective outsider would ever recommend that Fiorella marry him. How could this ever be a good idea except for his ego?

I'd make a prediction but somebody might think it's a spoiler.

I got the impression that the doctor was pushing the pharmaceutical angle. Wonder what his cut of the profits is.

I'm glad we got to see Fi and Pedro enjoying the resort, but was it weird to anyone else that he 1) didn't respond to Fi when she was calling his name and he was signing the receipt and 2) picked her up and put her on the moto without any explanation when she was in the middle of talking? Just a weird scene to me. I don't think I understand the direction in this TN.

Also, why was the spa staff getting squealy with Aitana over her engagement? It seemed a little much since she doesn't know any of them and since she didn't call her parents or her actual friends, like Roxana. I feel like a more realistic staff reaction would've been for them to say "Congratulations ma'am! What wonderful news!" and get on with the mani/pedi.

The perverse part of me doesn't want Roxana to get with the program until she's come down off the cloud of megabitchiness that she likes to ride, but she's clearly capable of getting herself together and being a good student and possibly a good doctor (biggest hurdle would probably be bedside manner).

Kat, this was wonderful. “The Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort”, “Why, it's Benito…the Ben-ster…Ben-o-rama!” and “Aitana flounces like only an entitled twit can flounce” were great. “Sonia gets the luxury of an Os-less meal” was my hands down favorite.

Benito is just making this TN for me right now. I am getting a kick out of his “man around the resort” right now. I think he has a good heart despite some questionable decisions. I enjoyed seeing get his “MANicure”. He makes me smile.

“Fidel has a cold. Joaquina fusses over him”. Hmmm, could this be the start of a beautiful romance? I think these two would make a great couple.

I was also shocked at Gi and Gael. I just don’t think she was ready emotionally and I hope she doesn’t regret it.

Kat, thank you thank you!


Hi, 5ft. Boy, you nailed this one! I love how you write. Thanks so much to you and Lila for keeping this thing together.

Regarding the questionable doctor's comment. That kind of stuff really pisses me off. For the doctor to respond to a reasonable question by invoking his authority as an educated person - but not his success as a clinician, nor reliable sources in the medical literature - kind of says it all about his expertise.

The pre-honey moon that Eloisa envisioned for Pedro and Aitana is being lived out by Pedro and Fi. Seems like Ben has seen more of Aitana than Pedro has.


Gracias, Marla! I'm sure he's a real doctor, but what a jerk! OK, I'm going to challenge you on the "disrespect" angle...Rancho Los Angeles is Eloisa's house, so should nobody else be having sex in it?

Gracias, Daisynjay! I think at this point, I would like Benito more if he was strictly a skirt-chaser and wasn't trying to insist he's in love with Fi...and Rox...and getting jealous of Gi and Gael. He can't have it both ways!

This "doctor" is supposed to be top of his field with a fancy website to prove it. Because of course, if it's on the Internet it must be true.

HellaShelle, I was surprised at the squealing of the spa employees when they'd just listened to her talking to Benito and that one who was in frame over Aitana's shoulder was practically rolling her eyes.

Gracias, Diana! I wonder if all of Benito's spa services are included or if Pedro's going to get a big shock when he sees the bill! Ben's been through most of the brochure by now :D

Gracias, David! Good to see you again! Thanks for your expert opinion on the creepy doc's demeanor. It's too bad Gi's being more timid with him than she was with the previous doctor and that Gael's not quite ready to trust his own gut yet.

Love the vibe you give off Kat, thanks. I feel like a jr high school girl giggling and being silly with my friends.

"Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort"

"Now that Rox has been not-kissed, dissed, and dismissed"

Fio - wax on wax off

Gianna - was that a Cosmo foretold out of body orgasm?

Benito - my adolescent fantasy, cold drinks and boobie sammiches

Aitana - I ain't the first gossip girl at the beauty parlor to embellish

Vitto - I lost my puppy

Petey - Born To Be Mild

Roxy - what, no examination

Doctor - Shhhh, I'm figurin', if half a pill for a 6 lb puppy, then....


Gracias, tofie! Are you trying to imply that I have a juvenile sense of humor?! Eh, that's fair :D "Aitana - I ain't the first gossip girl at the beauty parlor to embellish" Duuuuude, yeah, it would be easy for them to verify her story. Somebody either had to set up those rose petals or clear them away.

uh, it does sound like what I implied. Well, it takes one to know one

Well, I'm glad they didn't show the seafood buffet. I have a gift card to Red Lobster that I'm saving for Lobsterfest which isn't for a couple more months! I have no doubt that Benito would have really indulged himself on lobster, shrimp, scallops, and umbrella drinks.

Something occurred to me this morning, which is that when Aitana broke up with Pedro in the first place we weren't clear on what that was about. She just looked flaky because of the Cousin Itt hair. Is it possible that her parents were hoping to fleece Pedro and his family then and she was backing off?

It was a really sketchy reason, like there was no real "reason" and she didn't expect there to be a breakup. She just wanted to flounce and have him come after her "like a movie" and instead Pedro let her walk. And it's been...a year? A few years? So if her parents actually had this plan back then, they sure did let it go easily.

They could have found a wealthier mark. One wonders how long they'be been doing this and how many victims they've claimed.

*cough* Europe *cough* But she's presumably rather high-profile? So either this is their one big score or nobody's talking or maybe they're not the hot shots they think they are. Or Eloisa's gossip network is as crappy as the security at the Ranch.

Helloisa also has major selectivity in what she is willing to see and to listen to.

O LaDiva, this is the most fun I've had reading a recap...........since I've been reading
Recaps." Lets stay in the bubble peeps. stay
In the bubble......until tomorrow." I was a hopin something would happen to keep the
Hairy one and hot stuff looked up. Love love
Love seeing people in love have fun together.
This was a fun episode. If they could stay
like this for the duration of the show I'm in
Hook line and sinker.
When gi said it felt like she was comin out of
Her body, I'd call that ecstasy, but since she
Got heart trouble they better pay attention.
And do some research on that quack that
Doubled her meds.
I like to see fi and pedy steal time together. He is having fun on vacation with the one &
Only woman he loooooves, that ain't the ol
Hairry one. *sigh* like you said, boubles pop.
Back to reality tonight.

Diva - Thank you for the delightful recrap of a very watchable episode. Yes, Patio peeps, it was quite watchable.

“The Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort” and
“Why, it's Benito…the Ben-ster…Ben-o-rama!” are classic!!! (Where's the Rob Schneid-meister when we need him?)

Gi/Gael – Whoa. I was rather surprised they did the horizontal tango.
Giana – That “out of body” experience is why one does what you just did.

I do not trust that doctor. At all.

Spa staff squeals and fawns all over Aitana in hopes of a big fat juicy tip. That’s why. Not all spas automatically ad the gratuity to the bill and leave it up to the client.

tofie - ”Doctor - Shhhh, I'm figurin', if half a pill for a 6 lb puppy, then....”

If anyone saw and remembers . . . Many years ago, there was a Tractor Supply Company ad on TV for fencing, to confine a female dog in heat and keep the males out. At the end of the commercial, there was one tiny little dog (size of a rat terrier) trying to jump over a 6-ft tall fence. He just kept jumping and jumping and jumping up against that tall fence.
~~~ Benny reminds me of that little dog. ;o)

Oh tofie, that Doctor gibe. What's sad is, that's exactly what he came off like. Yeah, honey, try these. If they don't work, I have a great contact at a funeral home I can forward (winking at Gael). Like some sleezy sales man instead of a doctor. She and Gael need to fess up and talk to Fifi. Two changes in meds in what a week??? Ah, that would be a NO!

I do wonder what's behind this big fleecing Cousin It's parents are so hell bent on happening. Could the guys have been burned by Maximo in the past? There has to be more to this than just trying to take a con on a company. Nowadays, you can pretty much trace any confiscation or transfer or funds, so they would get caught eventually. If they are trying to learn secrets or access company files for a hostile takeover, I don't know, I need more to make this all feasible and make sense.


I like the bubble
And I liked when Pietro put Fi on the ATV and rode off, they had a bumpy start, but that's the most pro-active thing he has done for a while
Staying in the bubble

Thanks Diva for the recap
And yesterday's too

gonna just go ahead and post so it'll work this time

Again I find myself drawn to the MIVAC patio and again I'm glad I stopped by. "-ero = dude" . I'm totally telling my students this. Thank you for the Katspeak lesson!

Late to the party but never too late to say MILLE GRAZIE, Diva for this absolutely fab recap! I LOVE the bubble imagery and it's soo appropriate and, YES! I want to stay! This is where we should be, inside a lovely romantic bubble with Fifi and Petey, not seeing them brow beaten by a couple of old geezers and looking anxious all the time!

There were so many swell lines which I'm sure have already been mentioned but loved this one:

Now that Rox has been not-kissed, dissed, and dismissed she's not paying attention in class again and Gianna gets to shine.

So Gael makes a woman have an out of body experience, hunh? That sounds damned sexy but the outcome didn't look so hot for poor Gigi!

So Fifi can't stand to hurt Vitto? He's a big boy, he set this farce up and he's well able to take care of his own feelings.

Good to see Petey and Fifi having fun!

Grazie, Capitana!


Gracias Nina, doris, sneaky, sara, and Lila! I will catch you on the next one!

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