Friday, November 06, 2015

Pasión y Poder #3 Thursday 11/5/15 DNA Tests are for Losers

It's only the third episode and already the mail from troubled characters is piling up on my desk.  So let's clear a few queries off the top before we get into the recap, okay?

Dear Maven,
I dumped my scuzzball fiancé after he nearly killed a (much hotter) guy with his bike and tried to run from the scene and then swapped spit with my slutty sister right there in the hospital.  Now my even sluttier ma says I still have to marry the jerk.  What do I do?
– Latin Queen*

Dear Queen,
OMG, your life sounds like something out of a bad telenovela.  Oh, wait...  Listen, honey, you need to get out of town NOW.  I hear Querétero is lovely at this time of the year.

[*Word Nerd Note: The name "Regina" is the Latin (and Italian) word for 'queen.'  In Spanish, of course, the word is 'reina.']

Dear Maven,
How can I put the magic back in my marriage?
– Solace*

Sol sweetie, not even Harry Potter could put the magic back.  Lo siento.

[*Word Nerd Note:  The name "Consuelo" literally means 'solace' or 'comfort,' and is related to the English word 'console.']

And finally:

Dear Maven,
Recently I bumped into an old flame.  It turns out we are both married to terrible people.  I swear there's still a spark between us.  Can we hope for a happy-ever-after together?
– Jules

Oh Jules, you have a long row to hoe.  Stock up on waterproof mascara, keep an eye on those canaries, and hope for the best.

Now on with the show!

In the hospital hallway, Julia and Arturo come face to face.  They stare.  We stare...

Francisco sits at David's bedside and fills him in.   The guy who caused the crash wasn't hurt at all.  David's mother was very worried about him because of how he left on his bike in such a fury.  It was because of his dad, David explains.  He can't take it anymore – he doesn't understand why he treats his mother that way, and why he doesn't love his own son.  

Francisco agrees that Eladio should support David more... the way he does Franco.   David says ever since Franco came to the house as a child, he and Eladio have been very close.  They're the ones who seem like father and son.

David would give anything to have a loving father like Francisco's.  He thought that moving away might improve things with his dad, but that didn't happen.  Now he isn't going anywhere – he needs to be around for his mother.  He wants to find out what is really going on with his parents.

Still staring

Arturo breaks the silence.  "Julia!  It's been so long!"  She responds with a tentative, "Yes, it's been many years."  He struggles to find the right tone.  "Imagine – we live in the same city and I haven't been lucky enough to see you... I mean we haven't crossed paths.  All I know about you is what I read in the papers."

Julia looks away.  "I always accompany my husband to his events."

"I'm very sorry about your son," he tells her.  "Whatever Eladio may have told you, it was an accident." 

Now Arturo moves a little closer and almost whispers: he was so worried when he found out the other boy was her son:

Yo hubiese dado lo que fuera para evitarte esta angustia.
(I would have given anything to spare you this anguish.)

"Thank you," she says simply.  Now Arturo's words come tumbling out –  She looks so good, maybe they can get together and talk, there are so many things he didn't get a chance to explain when they stopped seeing each other.

Julia sighs.  If only things were different!  But given the rivalry between Arturo and Eladio, she thinks seeing each other would be very hard.  Arturo says it's not business that makes them rivals.   Then, almost involuntarily, he says softly: ¡Estás hermosa!  (You look so beautiful!)  

Suddenly she hears her name spoken like a harsh command – ¡Julia!  She turns to see Eladio staring at them, his face a tight mask.

Eladio marks his territory.

He holds Julia's delicate neck and forces a kiss on her.  He tells her not to bother reproaching Arturo for the injury to their son because he's already done so.  "Arturo was telling me it was an accident," says Julia.  Eladio ignores her words and pulls her away.

I met a girl...

David confides to Francisco that he met a girl he really liked, but the timing was wrong: she was wearing a wedding gown!  "I don't believe in these things, but I could swear to you it was love at first sight."

I met a boy...

Regina tells Consuelo and Miguel about her own embarrassing crash, wedding gown and all.  The guy was so kind – and very handsome.  He had light eyes, curly black hair and a beautiful smile.  And he was the same guy who was involved in the motorcycle crash – David Gomez Luna.  Whoa.  They all agree not to hold his father against him.  After all, Regina is nothing like Nina.

I own you!

Eladio is convinced he was right.  Julia came to the hospital to see Arturo.  He's the one who called her.  She repeats that a young woman answered David's cellphone and told her about the accident.  As for Arturo, the last time she saw him was before she married Eladio.  (And he should know – he's her jailer.)

"Let's go!" he barks.  She resists.  She says she wants to stay with David.  "Your duty as a wife is to be with me because you are mine – mine until you die."

A study in contrasts

"You're as beautiful as ever," murmurs Arturo, now back home, as he gazes at Julia's photo in his cellphone.  "And you're still hurting me more than I imagined."

Vulgar Nina marches in – still wearing the tight leopard-skin print dress and burgundy lipstick – and tells Arturo he has to do something about Regina.  She can't cancel her wedding just like that!  She saw Daniela hugging Joshua and blew it out of proportion.  

Arturo isn't so sure.  Joshua is very immature.  If it's a question of his daughter's happiness, he'd just as soon cancel the wedding.

Julia is back under house arrest

She is angry and humiliated at the way Eladio treated her in the hospital and sad that she couldn't stay with David.  He is still ranting about seeing her with Arturo.  He's going to show her that SHE IS HIS WIFE!  He grabs her neck, kisses her violently and pins her down on the bed.

"Are you going to rape me again?"

A multi-pronged approach

Nina won't take no for an answer.  She worked so hard to make sure all the right people would come – senators, ambassadors, captains of industry...  Arturo says Regina has made her decision.  Besides, after the accident, Joshua behaved irresponsibly.  That boy thinks money fixes everything.  "Well that's the truth and you know it!" protests Nina.  She accuses him of siding with Regina because she's his favorite (he denies it); and then goes all sugary and seductive:  "Just talk to her...okay?"

A very long time to be miserable

Eladio actually seems surprised by Julia's words.  "What do you mean?  You're my wife!"

Julia stands her ground: When one person forces another, it's rape.  "Are you going to do what you did on our honeymoon?"

"Your problem is that you haven't been able to forget the past!  Yes, our wedding night was difficult, but that was years ago and I've changed."

"But too late.  Every time I feel you breathing next to me, I relive it as if it were yesterday."

"Do you think I don't notice how you reject me every time I come near you?  Of course I notice.  But you should be grateful it worked that night because it justified your pregnancy."

"David is your son!" Julia shouts.  "I wasn't unfaithful to you!  I went into premature labor.  The doctor told you that David was born at 7 months."

"I know you met with Arturo several times before our wedding.  AND YOU DIDN'T SLEEP TOGETHER????"  

Eladio's shouts fall on Julia like blows.  "Do the DNA test," she pleads, "and do away with your damned doubts once and for all!"

Your mother is worried about you...

Arturo, yielding to Nina's wheedling, goes to talk to Regina about her decision.  Regina holds her ground.  Arturo tells her he won't let her run away.  It's her future that's at stake.

Not gonna do it!

Eladio has told Julia many times: he won't do the test because it will make him look like a fool.   If David finds out his mother was sleeping with someone else before the wedding, he'll lose his respect for Eladio.  Besides, Eladio knows the real reason she wants to do the test: to prove that Arturo is David's father!  And when that happens, David will go running to Arturo.

Julia tries again. "If you don't do it, you'll continue to live in this hell and the hatred you feel for your own son will never end!"

"No," says Eladio, "I won't give you that pleasure."  He clenches and unclenches his fist.  "I know that David is Arturo's son."

He finally leaves the room.  Alone, Julia sobs.

New Character Alert!

David's cousin Gabriela, a cheerful, flirty young woman, has been assigned to stay with him in the hospital.  David confides to her that he's worried about his mother – she's getting more and more nervous and depressed.

The cause of Julia's problems walks in just then.  Grim-faced Eladio, shadowed by the ubiquitous guy with the earpiece, dismisses Gabriela.  

David immediately begins to blather:  "It wasn't my fault..."  Eladio, however, has his own agenda.  He is worried about what happened because it wasn't an accident – it was done to hurt Eladio himself.  It was the work of Arturo Montenegro.

David groans.  Eladio is undeterred.  He wants David to file a complaint accusing Arturo's son-in-law Joshua of attempted murder.

David stares dumbly at his apparently paranoid parent.

This is too much!

Regina complains to Miguel that she feels uncomfortable in her own house.  She doesn't understand why her father didn't let her leave the night before.  Miguel thinks Arturo did the right thing – she shouldn't just run away.  

Joshua keeps calling her, but she doesn't answer.

And I had such high hopes

David flatly refuses to do what Eladio is asking.  He's not going to accuse an innocent man!  

Como siempre – ¡defraudándome! hisses Crazy Eladio.  (As always, disappointing me!)

Young Love

Franco surprises Gabriela, hugging her from behind and then spinning her around for a kiss.  He tells her not to worry about Eladio – he is with David.  Besides, Franco wants the whole world to know he loves her.  

They are nearly in full make-out mode, but break apart just before Eladio and Shadow Man appear on the scene.  Eladio orders Gabi back into David's room.

"Is everything ready for the 5pm press conference?"  Franco assures Eladio that it is.  "Call my lawyer!"  Franco pulls out his phone and then falls into line behind Eladio and Shadow Man.

Say it with Flowers

Joshua ambushes Regina at home.  He has been bombarding her with flowers and vows he won't stop until she forgives him.  All she wants is to be left alone.  She can't trust him anymore.  If it were up to her, she'd be in Querétero now, far from him and Daniela.

Nina and Daniela have come downstairs.  They stand behind Regina and take in the show.

"You hurt me!" Regina is saying.

Nina suddenly notices that Petra has joined them.  "What are you doing here?" she asks, irritated at the intrusion. 

Regina turns and enjoys watching Nina and Petra bicker.... until Petra finally spits out that the police have come for Joshua.

Montenegro Offices 

Arturo and Agustín greet Mariano Santos.  Has the board decided who gets to buy the land in Huatulco?

If a sense of entitlement were a crime...

The police have a warrant for Joshua's arrest.  They seem unimpressed by the threats of Daniela and Nina to go over their heads.  Joshua is led away.

"Dad, you have to see this!"

Erick rushes into the office and switches on the tv.  There is Eladio holding a press conference to announce his firm's  new tourist complex in Huatulco.

Arturo turns to Santos: "You sold the land to Eladio, right?"  He did.  He wanted to tell Arturo in person.

On the tv screen, a reporter asks Eladio about his son's accident.  He replies that it was no accident – Arturo Montenegro was responsible for provoking the accident that sent Eladio's beloved son to the hospital. 

"How dare he tell a lie like that?" says Arturo, both enraged and incredulous.  "I took care of his son when that bastard abandoned him!"

"You mean what he told me isn't true?" asks Santos.  "Of course not," Arturo tells him.  "He's lying!  You sold the terrain to him!  You know what he was planning!"

At home, Julia stands on her balcony with Simona and looks down at the press conference unfolding below her.  "I can't believe it," she says.  "What is Eladio trying to do?"

Arturo accuses Santos of using him to get a better price from Eladio.  He warns him that he's doing business with a scorpion and one day he'll turn on him.  Santos tries to tell him it wasn't like that, but nobody believes him.  They tell him to leave.

Julia is for Justice

Julia has come down from her balcony – is she trying to get to her car? – and is immediately surrounded by reporters.  Does she think Montenegro had anything to do with what happened to her son?

"There are various versions," she begins.  "It could have been an accident..."  She glances at Eladio's face and continues: "... or not.  We don't know."

"So you don't agree with your husband?"

"Of course I support my husband.  I also want justice done.  If the boy who caused this is guilty, he will have to pay; but if he's innocent, we'll have to apologize."

"So you would be capable of offering an apology to Mr. Montenegro?"

Before Julia can answer, Eladio steers her away and back inside the prison of her house.  

Dropping the mask

As soon as the door closes behind them, Eladio grabs Julia by her hair and twists her arm.  She shrieks in pain.

"Your son could have died and you're still defending that imbecile!"

"That's not true!  David himself knows it was an accident!  I don't know why you're doing this." 

"For your son – I'm doing it for him."  He pushes her neck against the bannister, nearly choking her.  Then he picks up a framed photo and smashes it to the floor.  Julia, sobbing, kneels down and picks it up.

The Montenegro family is under siege 

Arturo vows he is going to clear his name.

Nina calls to tell him about Joshua's arrest.  Meanwhile, much to Daniela's horror, Miguel and Regina head down to the police station to offer Joshua their support.  

Jail cell: Obligatory 'Hell is other people' scene.   

A tough guy eyes Joshua's shoes.  A transvestite eyes Joshua.  Everyone eyes Regina when she stands at the bars of the cell and offers encouragement, telling him that Agustín is on his way.


Daniel surveys the social media for Nina and reports that Joshua and Regina are the scandal of the moment.  [So Daniela does have some skills.]

Erick leaves Consuelo's side to take a call from Montserrat.  She heard what happened and invites him over for a little sympathy.  He declines, saying he has to take care of his dad.  "Who was that, love?" Consuelo asks.  "A client."  Consuelo frowns.

Montserrat then calls Eladio and makes the same offer.

Arturo and Agustín arrive at the police station.  Arturo persuades Regina to go home because it's going to be a long haul.  Miguel accompanies her.  On the way out, Regina says there's one more thing she wants to do before they go home...

New Character Alert – Maribel, her husband and her daughter

A van drops off Clara (the cleaning lady in Gomez Luna and Consuelo's old friend) and a guy we haven't met before.  He talks about the new Gomez Luna construction project in Huatulco.  He's going to work there for four or five days, right by the sea.

A little girl named Luisita runs up to him.  ¡Papá! she cries, jumping happily into his arms.   Then they greet his wife Maribel, who has a corn stand.   He asks her if her headache is any better.  "A little," she says, obviously trying to minimize the problem.

Arturo tells Agustín they need to get the insurance report.  The experts must have determined that it was an accident and how it happened.  Agustín says that may make things worse because Joshua tried to bribe the police who detained him.  "That boy..." begins Arturo, exasperated.

"When did you stop beating your wife?" and other loaded questions

Before he can complete his thought, he is sandbagged by a group of reporters asking for his reaction to Eladio's statement.  "Everything will be clarified.  Right now I'm taking care of another matter."

The reporters are far from satisfied.  "Sir, in order to beat out Mr. Gomez Luna, was it worth sacrificing his son's happiness?"

Agustín tries to handle the problem, but Arturo needs to be heard:  "Joshua and I are innocent.  Mr. Gomez Luna wants to destroy my reputation, but I am not going to allow him to do so."

The cousins have a late night chat in the hospital

David has never understood why his father hates Arturo Montenegro so much.  In fact, they say he learned a lot from Arturo's father.  He started working for him as an assistant and then a manager... David's phone is out of power so he asks Gabi to call his mom from her cell...

... when Regina drops in!

"You and I have to talk," she says.  "Aren't you the girl in the wedding gown?" asks David.  She is, she says.   And he is the one who sent her fiancé to jail.

David looks at her blankly.  She says David accused her fiancé of trying to kill him.

"Listen, I didn't do that."

"I understand that our fathers hate each other, but Joshua is innocent."

"You're wrong!  I didn't do anything!"

Regina tells him about Eladio's press conference and shows him the headlines on her phone.  

David repeats that he didn't make any accusation.  Regina repeats that he did and the proof is that Joshua is in jail.  He has to retract.

Arturo is still meeting the press 

Eladio Gomez Luna, he says, betrayed him and his father many years ago.

Is Arturo saying that because Gomez Luna beat him out on the Huatulco project?

Arturo says he supports honest people who get ahead in the world by working hard.  What's unacceptable is getting ahead at the expense of others, people without civility, who, through malfeasance (malos manejos)... 

The reporters try to pin him down.  What malfeasance?  But Arturo is done giving statements for the night.

All over but the shoutin' 

David finally loses his temper.  "You have no right to come here and tell me anything.  I'm in the hospital because of your boyfriend's stupidity!" [And you're there under observation for a head injury – this yelling and aggravation surely can't be good for you.]

"I realize that," counters Regina, "but it was an accident!  And you can change everything by making that clear!"

David repeats that he had nothing to do with any accusations.  Regina now accuses him of colluding with his father.  She wags a finger in his face:  "It's on your conscience that an innocent man is in jail!"  

Finally, she leaves.  Whew.

At the Gomez Luna home, Julia is busy hiding away David's photos.  She tells Simona that she doesn't want David to notice that his photos have been removed.  He'd confront Eladio about it and they'd just end up fighting again.  Simona can't understand why Julia doesn't put an end to it and just leave.  Julia says sometimes she is so afraid...

David calls home looking for Eladio.  He tells Julia he's upset about Eladio's accusations – what happened was clearly an accident.

In the hospital, Regina comes out of David's room wearing her "I need some Pepto-Bismol" expression.  She tells Miguel that David denies making the accusation, but she knows he's in cahoots with his father.  Miguel wants to try something, but Regina tells him not to bother: David is an imbecile who doesn't listen to reason.

Montserrat entertains

Wearing a blouse that seems to remove itself, Montsy welcomes Eladio to her apartment.   She is more than ready to help him celebrate.   Is he feeling like partying because his son is going to be okay?  Nah, that's not it.  He's celebrating because "I stuck it to Arturo Montenegro."

Why does he hate Arturo so much?  Eladio tells her not to be so nosy.  Then the two get down to business... Montserrat's business.  


I suppose the instrumental theme music is meant to be very contemporary and stylish, but I'm such a sucker for a good vocal theme song. Where's Enrique Iglesias when you need him?

Happy Friday!

Very well done NovelaMaven, thank you.

"Finally, she leaves. Whew"

"I need some Pepto-Bismol" expression"

Were in the heck are Joshua's parents? For the owner and President of a large company to spend so much time cleaning up after a boneheaded fiancee at hospital and jail, would seem suspect.

Yes Regina, believe what supports your version of events just like your younger sister and Eladio.

I kinda feel bad for Arturo's other kids cause it seems he got eyes for only one.

Susana González does long suffering really, really well but I don't have much sympathy for Julia, she in her gilded cage.


Chuckling over your advice emails NM! Brilliant way to start a stellar recap.

I didn't get home in time for the Artie/Jules meeting follow up, but maybe it was for the best. Like I guessed yesterday, The Devil showed up and did his thing.

I agree tofie, noone does abused wife like Suzanna, but I need more back story on this one. So they have basically a marriage in name only, it doesn't sound like she wanted to marry him, and she has stuck to this guy for over 20 years? And what's this now about Devil abandoning his son which makes me wonder if Artie took him under his wing, why does Julia think her Main Slime is supporting him? I'm sooo confused.

Good lord that burgundy lipstick of Nina's is already on my last nerve and it's only episode 3.

Boy Toy in jail was actually good for him. He is a spoiled brat and my guess is he's one of those kids whose rich parents are traveling the globe and jet-setting and he's on his own with enough cash to take care of himself. Have to wonder why the jerk didn't just go after Daniela to begin with.

So calling it....Franco really is The Devil's son. Heck, he even looks like him. How old do we think Montsy is? Or maybe there was another drop-sleeve maven prior to her. Methinks The Devil doth protests too much to maybe hide the fact he's the one who has the out of wedlock kid.

Please don't make Regina be a weepy heroine. Bless her, but Michelle cries ugly sometimes. And note to the girl: when you visit a jail and want to be ignored, baggy jeans and a sweatshirt might be a better clothing option. Gees with these butt creep dresses!


NovelaMaven- Loved the start to this recap, which only got better with each paragraph.

Yeah, Joshua can only benefit from a few hours in jail to cool his jets. I can't believe that he and Daniela are trying to convince Regina that she didn't see them sucking each others faces off. She stood there for a full minute, dudes. Wish she had taken out her cell phone and recorded it, so people would stop asking her if she's just exaggerating/misinterpreting. But it was not cool the way she jumped to the conclusion that David is behind the charges against Joshua.

Monse looks like she may have some larger plan for playing both sides of the Luna-Montenegro rivalry. She's definitely privy to the strategy on both sides from the pillow talk she has with Erick and Eladio. She could use this to some advantage, if she's smart. That blouse she was wearing was not meant to be kept on for any period of time. Sheesh!

Daisynjay- I'm confused about your question. Are you asking if Arturo is already supporting David? He doesn't know David and has never had any contact with him. It's Eladio who pays for his son's studies. But Eladio thinks that as soon as Julia were to get confirmation through a DNA test that David is Arturo's kid, both Julia and David would jump ship and go to Art, leaving him humiliated and alone.

Thanks for the awesome recap N.M.!

Vivi, Daisy Jay is correct. Art said that he supported David when Eladio abandoned him. I was curious about that too.

Did he say it to the reporters? Now I'm confused. When did Arturo even meet David, because they don't seem to have any kind of connection to each other.

OK. I just went back and looked at the scene you guys are talking about, when Art is watching the press conference with Santos. What Art says is that he took care of things for David (in the hospital) when Eladio took off. He's not speaking about anything else. Art has still never met David face to face or had any kind of dealings with him until now.

DaisynJay - I too immediately thought that Franco was really Eladio's son since the show has been hitting us hard with that referencing the physical similarities, saying how he's more of a son to Eladio than David, mentioning that he's been around since he was a kid, etc.. and I was hoping we'd find out who his Mother was soon to see who Eladio had cheated with BUT then Franco went and kissed Gabriela who would be his blood first cousin so now I am kind of freaking out. Please tell me they are not kissing cousins..and please tell me they haven't done more than kiss! Unless Gabriela calls Eladio 'Tio' for a random reason, I am pretty sure that he's actually her uncle and the show mentioned her Mother so I assume that she and Eladio are siblings.

Thank you NovelaMaven for your great recap!

Fantastic NovelaMaven. Thank you. I loved the letters and the responses. Also, loved the title and every line of the recap.

Vulgar Nina is right. I can't stand the leopard print and was glad when she finally changed out of it. Hopefully, she never wears that dress again. That's something I don't want to see.

Yes, Joshua deserves some jail time. He was irresponsible on his bike and did cause the accident. Plus, we can't forget that he wanted to flee the scene not caring about David and what could have happened to him.

Well, we finally know why Eladio doesn't want to do a DNA test. Julia should go ahead and get one done and then show him the results.

To UrbanA, AuntyAnn and NovelaMaven, thank you! To be honest, this TN is not a "love at first sight" tn for me, but I cannot resist your recaps, so I am in!

I'm on board with those who think Franco is the devils spawn-- however, I believe David is as well. An even worse "EWWWW!" then kissing cousins would be sibs and if David is Arturo's then we can't have a David/Regina union, no? Also, I think we are meant to see Julia as near perfect (except of course that minor detail of being willing to be in an abusive marriage for 20 years) and she wouldn't have gone outside of her marriage. BTW wasn't the actress also the dead wife of JS in Mi Corazon es Tuyo?

This TN started with the kind of action packed episodes I wish we had seen in anywhere near the final of LI. We are starting out full throttle!

Thanks again, the recaps have been amazing!

Yes, when Arturo said that Eladio had abandoned David and he took care of him, he was referring to Eladio having left David at the hospital.

Ok - thanks for the clarification Vivi, but I thought there was an implication that maybe Arturo knew "of" David and had helped, not necessarily met him.

I am always suspect on these possible kissing cousin scenarios. Not to say although a first cousin affair would be EWWWWW, if this TN is going to go there, who knows. Something is too fishy with Franco though. Eladio almost has an affectionate quality in talking to him he doesn't have with anyone else. There has to be more to that than just the fact he's a "godson" and the dude follows him like a puppy dog.

I would like to see David stick it to his father and have his own news conference totally refuting what his father implied and said. But the sad fact is, he probably knows that Eladio would take it out on Julia.


Well , it is making me cringe and giving me a sad to see Fernando as a crazzzyy villain, but I am so happy to get a Novelamaven recap. I just could not stay with LI, but I am hoping to be able to endure this tn to the bitter end. Before I forget, I especially loved the description of Nina going "all sugary and seductive." You can actuslly almost taste some words , and I found thatbphrase to be delicious. It made me feel like a bunny in the sun. I might use it as a hashtag.

Will we one day discover that the pregnancy that drove Art and Julia apart was not of his doing ? Every time I see Marlena (Nina), I think of her in the Zorro tn.

Fernando's treatment of Julia reminds me of crazyinlove Manuel's abuse of his new bride Matilde after he discovers that she planned to run off with her lover after their wedding. However, that was Amor Real , and it had a happy ending for the two.

Well, we are off to see the new Bond film . We have never missed one. I wonder if Fernando can do a good British accent .

Going into the 70s here today...November?????

Thanks, NovelaMaven. Loved the advice letters opening. Your recap was riveting from top to bottom. My favorite lines:

I met a girl...I met a boy...

A tough guy eyes Joshua's shoes. A transvestite eyes Joshua.

Wearing a blouse that seems to remove itself

Regina was wrong to yell at David, but I do see why she assumes he was behind his dad’s accusations. She could use a lesson on diplomacy though.

When I saw the new character Gabriela I thought she looked familiar, like a double of Isela in Yo no creo en los hombres. Well it's not. It's the same actress: Fabiola Guajardo, co-protagonist in the two concurrently running TNs.

Thank you for your sharp-eyed comments, guys. It's fun to read everyone's take on this thing.

Like Rebecca, I'm still struggling, trying hard to, if not fall in love with it, at least fall in like with it. I am usually drawn to novelas with a strong sense of place in which geography is almost one of the protagonists. I miss that here.

As I said above, I also find the music uninspiring.

It looks as if Colunga's character is not going to have a sense of humor at all. That's another obstacle for me.

On the other hand, there is obviously going to be a ton of unintentional humor. I can live with that. And then there's always the Nina and Petra show...

I definitely think that David is really Eladio's son. Julia is supposed to be a good girl so no way was she pregnant with another man's child when she married Eladio and clearly Regina/David are going to be the young true love couple so they can't end up being siblings. Of course one if not more of Arturo's 'kids' could turn out not to be his since it's not really a stretch to think that Nina had an affair or two but if that were to happen, surely it would be Erick or Daniela, not Regina who I believe is a true Montenegro.

A couple peeps on here commented that MR is basically playing Aldonza again and I admit that last night when she was reprimanding David in the hospital room and couldn't believe that David wouldn't be just like his Father and surely had to have been behind the complaint despite the fact that he kept denying it, I definitely had flashbacks of Aldonza seeing Cristobal as his Father and having trouble separating the two in Sombra.

Franco and Gabriela were trying to kiss it up in secret and didn't want Eladio to see them. Perhaps he forbid the two from dating? ...because he knows they are really cousins? Hmmm..
I really feel like Franco is Eladio's son but again, that makes Gabriela and him related in a big way so I just don't know where this is going.

I'm rather speechless except to say this was exquisite NovelaMaven. The drama, the yearning, the heartbreak all conveyed to perfection. Your translations are always greatly appreciated.

I am delighted and honored to be reading your recaps once again.

I loved your titles, your text - all sublime. I smiled throughout but "Oh Jules, you have a long row to hoe" had me laughing out loud.

The script is tightly wound - but not nearly as much as Eladio. I worry about his blood pressure and his heart. May we dare to hope an attack is forthcoming? I can think of few TN characters who have deserved it as much. His treatment of Julia is almost too painful to watch.

How Julia even breathe? She is a virtual prisoner whether with loved ones like David or in the most public of places. My heart goes out to her.


Floodgate- That's what happens when Univision decides to wait almost a year before showing a telenovela in the States (Yo No Creo...). We start to see double vision, because all these actors move on quickly to new tns as soon as the one they are in wraps up.

Character confusion?

Joshua is Arturo's son, Regina is Arturo's hija?????? They are (were) getting married? Where did I go wrong?.

Didn't realize this was a remake. Any one see the 1988 version?

Variopinta Joshua is/was about to marry Arturo's daughter. Not his son.

Quick question that might have been touched on but I missed it... why does it seem that Miguel has puppy eyes/or is in love with his media-hermana Regina?

Is that just my impression?


Rebecca- I think Regina is the only person in the family who gives him the time of day and acknowledges his existence (even Art barely seems to register him). I don't think he gives her puppy eyes. Just think he's protective of his little sister.

If Joshua is not Arturo's son, what is the big deal about Eladio having him arrested?

NM: thanks for the great recap! Love the Dear Abby bit.

I had to watch Weds ep last night so wasn't planning on watching the current ep, too, but tuned in for a few minutes and ended up watching the whole thing! This one is starting out with a bang.

I do think FC's yelling might get old after awhile, but I think he's doing a fantastic job. Usually, the villains irritate the heck out of me, but I find Eladio fascinating to watch.


Good work, NovelaMaven. My comments are late because I've had meetups all week. Tonight I see the new Bond film in a Prime screening room. Looking forward to that.

Love the advice column intro!

Josh is a complete jerk but my concern right now is how this arrest will play out once he's out. It could go either way:

--Nina might try to force the marriage to show that he is innocent
--The scandal could help Regina if it's bad enough that Nina will change her mind.

Arturo clearly wants Regina to be happy but he needs to realize that Nina just doesn't care. I don't think he really has a clue of that yet. He got a hint in this episode but will need a lot more.

As for the DNA test I think that Eladio evades it not for his stated reasons but because proving that David is his son takes away a weapon he uses against Julia.

UA: "As for the DNA test I think that Eladio evades it not for his stated reasons but because proving that David is his son takes away a weapon he uses against Julia."--Makes a lot of sense.

Wait a minute.....What if Miguel is actually Eladio's kid? Blame Susanlynn..."Will we one day discover that the pregnancy that drove Art and Julia apart was not of his doing?"

OK, blame Susanlynn again...I love Eladio because he reminds of Manuel. He's that kind of crazy. I can't feel sorry for Julia. After 20 years of taking abuse, I have trouble blaming the abuser for everything wrong with the marriage.

NovelaMaven---I just absolutely loved your Dear Abby style opening. I have never seen that in a novela recap before.

Eladio's face a tight mask.--Yes, to me his face always looks like it is a tight mask.

So Nina said ---she saw Daniela hugging Joshua and blew it out of proportion. No Nina that's incorrect. She saw them in a passionate lip lock.

But anyway---It looks like Regina's breakup with Joshua as brief as it was is all but over. Regina sure ran to the jail fast to see him. So will the wedding planners be back in business soon? It looks like they may be.

NM---I laughed when I read --- that Montse was wearing a blouse that seems to remove itself. I was thinking the same thing last night. Boy that blouse slipped down fast. Where do you buy those?

I don't know how Julia could stand what Eladio puts her through for twenty years. This is only episode three and I am wondering when is she going to pick up a frying pan (she probably never goes into the kitchen) or something else and bash his face.
He would look nice going to work sporting two black eyes.

must see tv
the gringo

Heck gringo...I was looking at those 4 inch heels she had on and thought, wow, girl, those could do some damage.

But I agree, as much as we are made to feel Eladio is one step up from slime, the fact this has all gone on for the full 20 years had my mind boggling. Ok, you stay for the child, but oh, I don't know, financial aid could get him through college and she seems a savvy women who would do well working in an office or a retailer, unless that's schlepping in her world. At some point, you take the car keys or call a cab and leave. I'm still leaning to something is fishy with her parents too. Was it really a knee jerk reaction to Artie's slip up or were her parents more than happy to be like Nina and marry her off to a spoiled brat rich kid to ensure their financial stability. Now if it turns out Slimey hubby actually has some criminal ties, or even acted on one of his threats to kill someone close to her, then I would get her fear he wouldn't hesitate to kill David or her father ( if he's actually a nice guy).


Arturo is not a stupid man. When Nina told him her version of the cafeteria incident he should have asked "Did you see this happen?" and she would have to admit she didn't. I suspect he suspects that Daniela is no angel and he has definitely suspected that Josh is an immature brat.

Of Nina's three children, I think only Daniela is not Arturo's. Nina is not so dumb as to pull that right after the wedding but more likely to get careless later.

As for Erick, I'm having a problem seeing which side of the game he's really playing. Does he know that he's boinking Eladio's whore? If not he's in shark-infested waters and hasn't a clue.

One more thing: Does Julia even have a driver's license? Did she ever learn how to drive? Does Eladio have possession of her birth certificate, passport, etc.? I can see him keeping those things locked up in his office wall safe to make any escape attempt more difficult.

I also have difficulty believing that they haven't had any sexual contact since the honeymoon rape.

Urban- I am sure Eladio has all of Julia's escape documents on lockdown. Did you see how all those bodyguards and the housekeeper jumped all over her and surrounded her when she tried to leave the house to see her son in the hospital?! That was crazy. Telling her they had to call her husband first before she could leave. You know all those guards are at the house to keep her in-- not because the family are in some kind of danger. Eladio travels around with his one bodyguard, but there were like 3 or 4 at the house when only Julia was there. He probably has a tracker on all the cars too, and if she had a cell phone, you can bet he'd have the tracker app on it. Yeah, it's crazy to believe she has put up with this for 20+ years. And if they haven't had sex since he raped her on their honeymoon, then I understand why he has a mistress. He also has a lot more restraint than I thought, because I would have expected he would have forced himself on her at least a few more times over the years.

I know it's mean, but my one thought also was "where and how does she get that wardrobe, get her hair done, etc." Sorry, those little stupid details I want the writers to flesh out. if she doesn't have a cell phone, I would guess he also refuses a laptop so she can't shop online? People coming to the house ( it's bad enough, you could seek help from them?)

I'm just having a tough time wrapping my head around the prisoner in her own home in the 20th century. So without the back story, just gnaws there are pieces missing or reasons that better be a step up from what we are getting now. I understand Stockholm syndrome, but she has a son who's ready to book her out of there and she tells him no and those reasons didn't work for me. (They don't work for him either.) I don' have much good to say about the help if they don't try to help either and just watch it happen. She needs to have Petra come work for her.

My money might be on the new security guy. C'mon dude, fall for the lady in distress and help her out!!!


It has to be that she comes from an abusive home herself. As in she married a younger version of her father.

And when I say that I understand why Eladio has a mistress, I don't mean he's justified in cheating because he's got a rocky marriage. I mean that a guy like him who needs his ego stroked so badly, also likely needs to have other things stroked to feel like a man.

He would have a paid whore on the side even if he were getting any action at home. It's an ego thing and something else he can hold over Julia's head.

Love this episode's recap NovelaMaven. Also had a laugh reading the advice column submitted by Regina Eladio and Julia :P

Por favor, help me understand this! Eladio is trying to get Arturo because Joshua( ex novio of Regina) ran over his son David. But Joshua is NOT Arturo's son!!!! WTF?


Eladio is using Joshua (Arturo's soon to be son-in-law) causing the accident as a way to ruin Arturo's reputation by claiming that Arturo and his son-in-law were in cahoots to cause David's accident.

I hope Regina doesn't cave and marry Joshua. He's a jerk and unworthy of her.

As for Daniela, I'm sure her actions would have Nina's endorsement if she had witnessed them. Daniela is her mother's daughter, which feeds Nina's narcissism.

Tks Maricio,
However, that is stretching it, Regina doesn't want Joshua anymore, unless she feels sorry for him, and I think Eladio (or the writers) could come up with sth better . Of course Arturo couldn't abandon his future SIL, that would look bad.
Oh well, so far this one is way over the top. No one is that mad all the time.

Reminding myself, te amo FC, it's not your fault.

I appreciate your kind words. It's especially fun to see old friends around here like Diana, Daisynjay, Nanette, Urban, Cynderella, Niecie and Susanlynn. It's been a while since we watched something together and I know it's gonna be a blast.

Thanks to Variopinta, Mauricio, Vivi, gringo, Rebecca and tofie – it's always a pleasure!

I'm also glad to see some names that are new to me: Renji Herbosa, Anon321 and floodgate – welcome! I hope to see you around here often.

Forgive me if I overlooked anyone. Although I haven't had time to reply to your comments individually today, please know that I appreciate them. I'm particularly grateful to you for indulging my "Letters to NovelaMaven." Sometimes I just can't help myself. :-)

And what are we to make of Eladio? He is the first villain I can recall who seems – from day 1 – to be genuinely mad. Mad, as in mentally ill – if not outright paranoid, at least with some paranoid delusions about his wife and his rival.

I wonder how much the writers will use flashbacks to fill in the history of the characters. Now it's being parceled out in bits and pieces and is still rather mysterious. This continued revelation of the past could make for some compelling drama.

A word note: Eladio refers to Joshua as Arturo's "yerno," which I translated here literally as "son-in-law." It would have been more culturally accurate – and perhaps less confusing – to say "Arturo's daughter's boyfriend" or "Arturo's daughter's fiancé." It's a kind of anticipatory kinship that we don't really indulge in. I would never have addressed or referred to Mr. Maven's parents as my "suegros" before we were married, but we hear our characters use "suegro" and "suegra" (father-in-law and mother-in-law) like this all the time.

NovelaMaven, that one got my goat in my early days of watching novelas. It's too anticipatory for us gringas but might speak to a closeness that's expected in Mexican culture.

NovellaMaven, excellent recap Thanks. But
don't you feel like taking a shower after you get through writing about eladio? that guy is really he is paranoid and just downright looni
Insane. To himself he makes a lot of sense. He rapes his wife and then tells her it was good to cover up the pregnancy! is he crazy? Yes.And then he accuses her of rejecting him every time he gets near her. Well after you've raped someone a few times they do tend to reject you.
David may not be his, but she wishes he wasn't
Theres other stuff to comment about in this show, But Eladio kinda sucks the wind out of talkin About anybody else. This guy thats
Playin this part, this an Academy Award winning performance. he plays crazy very well and he's even got the look. crazy look, his eyes stretches his voice rising he looks like... I don't know he looks like he's about to explode. his poor wife and son needs a break from insanity, this is just the first week and the second week coming up, maybe in the third week everybody is getting a little bit of a break from his craziness. We can only hope.

La mujer perfecta para mi es Julia

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