Sunday, November 29, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, #97 Friday 11/27/15 The Enemy List Grows

Max and MD exchange rings through the bars of the local jail. They don't need a church or a judge, they consider themselves married.

Orlando returns to Josefa with Doris in tow, to ream her out for destroying his shop. Josefa accuses him of kidnapping her. She said that if he withdraws his report on her involvement of the theft of his stuff from the shop, she will withdraw her report of him kidnapping her. But she’s still furious that he made her miss all the good stuff that happened while she was trapped in the shop. She stomps off and Doris holds Orlando back from following her.
Doris convinces him that he should let it go, they have the money from her Nanis to start a new shop, and after everything that has happened, she can’t withstand Orlando being in jail and having to deal with everything without him being there for support. Orlando feels very guilty for spending the time to take Josefa away because if they hadn’t done that, he would have been there in time to stop what happened and Julian would still be alive. They cry together over the loss of Orlando’s best friend, a very sweet loving scene.

Fermin and Honoria are at the morgue? talking with Adrian. Fermin wants him to talk to Orlando about finding the guys that Honoria convinced to buy the gun for her, in order to convince them to declare where the gun came from in the first place.

Max calls Fermin to ask him to stand by and do what’s right, to rectify Julian’s death and  to help make sure that MD doesn’t pay for a crime that she didn’t commit. He agrees and they hang up. Honoria walks over and asks what’s up. Max wants them declare the gun’s origins and explain why MD had it in the first place. Bitter enemy #8, Honoria, (After Ursula, Arango, Dan, Maleny, Josefa, Ivana, and Jacinto), explains to Fermin that MD had it in order to kill Julian. Fermin is dumbstruck. Don’t say that, Daniel is the one who came and attacked her, but Honoria refuses to believe that. No one saw Daniel. And she will seek justice for Julian’s death.

Alma convinces Esperanza and Clara to spend the night at the Bustamontes.

At the police station, the police don’t accept MD's defense and want to accuse her of murder. The police are saying that MD was armed and Julian wasn’t.  Max defends MD, trying to say that MD was defending herself against Daniel and she didn’t shoot the gun intentionally. He relays the info to Esperanza, who said there were no witnesses, but Max remembers that Ivana called him to warn him what was happening, so he leaves to talk with her.

Dan agrees With the family to carry out the mission as planned. Ursula is very pleased. As Ursula rises to hug Dan, he tells her to stay away. As of now, she is dead to him. Ursula acts like she received a punch in the gut. He's angry about the lie about being bankrupt. None of this nightmare life would have happened if he could have just married MD like he wanted.

Jerry is nursing the bruise to Ivana’s face as the phone rings. Ursula is calling to let Ivana know that the plan is still on. MD in jail, Dan gets kid, kid goes to Ivana. Just then Max arrives. Ivana tells Ursula, within earshot of Max, that she will talk to Ursula later and hangs up. (not sure if her mentioning Ursula’s name in front of Max will mean something later or not).
Max sees Jerry putting ice on Ivana's face and asks if she’s ok. Jerry tries to speak for her, saying she doesn’t remember what happened and she’s under a lot of stress, she may have fainted, but Ivana blurts out that it was Daniel who did it, much to Jerry’s surprise. She explains that he forced her to run away from the scene of the crime, but she saw everything that happened.
Max tells Ivana that he needs to know what happened and begs her to go to the police to make a statement. Much to our and Jerry’s surprise, she agrees that she saw everything, that Daniel was there, and it was an accidental shooting. Max and Jerry are relieved to hear that. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ivana.
Max later tells Claudio, who then tells Esperanza and Clara. Now they need to find the origin of the gun. Esperanza said it came from Honoria who asked MD to hide it. Claudio said now they will wait for the judge’s decision.

Doris comes to visit MD with a bag of clothes and a blanket. MD begs Doris to look after Honoria, she promised Julian she would, and since she’s in jail, can Doris do it?  MD begs Doris to find Jenny to ask for her help. Another sweet, loving scene between friends as they mourn, cry, and love each other.

Back at the Bustamontes, Leo has a surprise for Clara. He whips out a tiny box and takes out promise rings to pledge their relationship, he thought to give it to her on Max and MDs wedding, but Clara just cries. Leo comforts her telling her that everything will turn out alright.

In the pen, the girl who defends Corina has to protect herself, she treats Corina badly to make it look like she’s not helping her out.

They take MD to the penitentiary.

Maleny ribs Dan about what he told his mother, that she’s dead to him. He creepily tells her, while he’s kissing her on the cheek (thankfully not on the lips), that he wants to see how long Max will stay by her side while she rots in jail.

Jerry tells Ivana how proud he is of her. He knows that this is her opportunity to finally have the baby. Ivana confesses that she could picture herself with the baby, but that she knew that she would never have peace knowing how she attained the baby in the first place. And guess what? The person who made her realize that was none other than Susana.
Later, Ivana thanks a surprised Susana for telling her something that she will always remember. She doesn’t want to be like the Santibanez, that’s why she confessed to Max, Jerry, and now Susana. She would be an accomplice to the crime, and what would she say if her son ever found out the truth? That you took him from his mother, said Susana. And that she could have prevented her mother from going to jail if she spoke up. She couldn’t live with herself if that happened. (I see an anvil hanging over Ivana’s head right now).

Max comes home and tells Claudio that it’s too late. The judge declared it a violent homicide and as a pretrial preventative measure, she’s now in the pen.

Doris leaves a voice mail on Jenny’s phone that MD wanted her to call her. But Jenny was too busy to answer because she was getting her drunk on.
MD is pushed into a crowded jail cell and stumbles over sleeping bodies. It’s then that she sees Corina. She makes a move to hug her, but enemy #9 tells her that she’s to blame for being in jail, she just was trying to help her and now she’s stuck in this hell hole. (She’s sort of right). She beats her up.  The wardens come and break them up.

Back with Jenny, she now brought a man back to her apartment to have some drunk sexy fun. She starts muttering about wanting to get pregnant so she won’t be alone in the future, but this scares the guy off. Her phone rings, it’s Adrian, to tell her that tomorrow Julian’s body comes home and it would be nice to be there with Honoria and Fermin. She tells him that she will be too busy drinking, and there’s nothing in it for her. Julian only loved MD, Jenny never had a chance. Adrian tells her there’s no use trying to discuss this now in her condition. After they hang up, Jenny becomes MD’s enemy #10.

In the pen, a group of women go after MD, she tells them that she’s pregnant, a fight starts up, but an old lady tells them to leave her alone. The leave and the old lady tells her that if they mess with her again, they won’t live to tell about it, and then she flashes a stun gun. The old lady must have some pull to have one of those.

Max and Adrian arrive at the morgue to tell Honoria and Fermin that Julian’s body is ready to take home. Max tells Honoria how truly sorry he is for her loss, but all Honoria can say is that if he’s truly sorry, he wouldn’t be defending his murderer. And if she gets out of this, you both will have blood on your hands. Fermin tells her not to be like this, but gracious Max says to not worry about it, he understands her pain.

Isela and Josefa argue about the usual. Isela tells Josefa that she shouldn’t be so happy about what happened to MD, because it’s the same thing that happened to Marta.  Yep, Josefa wants MD to commit suicide, just like Marta did. But Marta didn’t commit suicide, Isela has proof that the letter wasn’t written by Marta, and it was written a day earlier, in fact. Claudio had nothing to do with her death, on the contrary, he ordered an investigation of it. Isela says that they have to find out who wrote the letter. Josefa refuses to believe that she’s been seeking vengeance on the wrong person.
The warden and an officer are talking in the office, saying that MD said she was pregnant and the grandma inmate is now protecting her. Awww, that’s sweet. But the warden has other plans for MD.
In the prison yard where the food line is, MD watches the ladies getting their food. The prisoner who has defended Corina tells her that she needs to find a container to put the food in if she wants any. (I hope prisons aren’t actually this bad in Mexico).

The hearse arrives with Julian’s body. Out in the street, a guy selling papers is broadcasting the big news about the murder and to buy the paper to read about it.
Orlando, Adrian and 2 other guys carry the casket to the appartments, and Honoria and Fermin are behind them. All everyone can hear is the newspaper guy shouting the headlines. Everyone, including the priest, is in the courtyard for Julian’s arrival with grief stricken faces. Honoria has a difficult time entering, and Fermin takes charge. This is probably the saddest scene I’ve ever seen on a TN, I'm crying buckets.
The end.


Gracias, Cathyx.

Julian's funeral was the event I accidentally discovered a long time ago when looking for photos. In view of his chronic illness I had not expected that he would die like this.

Let this be a cautionary warning to anyone looking for photos to use in recaps. I'm definitely sticking to screenshots although that takes time.

I will forgive Ivana if she learns that she has no right to MD's baby and stops referring to it as "mine." She will also need to tell Max everything about the attempt on her own life, which may be the last clue he needs to realize that Mama Bear is looking to get Ivana's fortune through MD's baby. She will need to tell the police what she saw.

The one thing that could screw this up is the misinterpretation of the marital confidentiality thing, if that is law in Mexico. Has Max filed her divorce papers yet?

Honoria is completely delusional. If anything she says from this point on makes things any worse for MD she should be getting an anvil of her own.

I know that Ivana hasn't actually made her declaration to the police yet, but she has already told 3 people that what she saw, so I'm hoping she won't pull a fast one and change her mind about it. But it does worry me that she could get killed before she gets to the police station.

Her confrontation with Ursula definitely means she has a target on her back. The only issue is whether Ivana can make out her will fast enough to beat the gunshot (or whatever else).

Honoria also has to be willing to answer for why she possessed the gun in the first place, which was to protect them from Daniel. However, I don't think she will.

One more thing: Who else noticed the look on Ivana's face when Max kissed her hand? That is another red flag that she might decide to not speak to the police, let MD rot in prison and pick up an additional delusion that she can have Max.

Great retelling cathyx thanks bunches.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ivana"

Ivana changes her mind and mood with the wind and this is not a done deal.

I feel sorry for Corina and hope Max continues and get her release. She helped someone and was kidnapped, sexually assaulted, thrown in prison and abused. I'd be a little angry too.

I don't think Ivana's divorce is final.

Spousal Privilege relates to communications between spouses and is used when the prosecution attempts to force a spouse to testify against the other.

Julian's funeral another in a long list of well done scenes and felt I was right there.

Turns my stomach when Dan reminds me had Usurla not forced him to marry Ivana he and MD would be married right now.

Maleny is right, Dan is a pervert.


Cathyx, your recap was heart wrenchingly good. And the episode was very sad.
Now, I don't know anything actually about the laws in Mexico but they're not even going to do an investigation. Its like " the gun was in her hand there was a struggle gun goes off, Julian's dead" then theres not any investigation. Nothing, I mean what the hell is up with the laws in Mexico, or is this just for the TN? I fear that it isn't but, what the hell?
"(I hope prisons aren't actually this bad in Mexico). I wouldn't be surprised if they are and the ones in America isn't any better. Prison is a whole different world in any country. But this Is just sickening. And that warden, I think she Had everything to do with marta's death.
Honoria, my heart goes out to her. I've never
Losed a child, and this particular child, its just wrong that he's gone. And the way he
Died. That garbage gets to go free, while still
Trying to steal someones child, NO! Thats just wrong on all kinds of levels. And I don't care If hes disowned the *itch that spawned
Him, hes still a dead man walkin.

Orlando may have a point about that span of time that was taken to put that skank in the tool Shed. Maybe, maybe not. It was just a
Very bad episode. And its gonna just get bad
For MD. The enemies are just lined up around block for MD. And just wth is ivana up to? Just when I think theres hope for her
She goes and falls in a pond of cow poo. Are
Did I read her wrong? There is so so so much wrong with this story. As far as the peoples
Lives are concerned. Very sad. I just don't understand why there's no investigation it's just like they don't even care about the ramifications that led up to this tragic death.
Ok, onward.


Cathyx- Thanks for this fantastic recap, and the excellent rundown of MD's new enemies. Yikes!

Tofie- I don't trust Ivana either. Until I see her make her statement to the police, I won't believe she's really going to help the good guys. In the meantime, I was glad to see her talk to Max and Gerry, and to also ackowledge that Susana was the one who pulled her back from the brink. We will see what she does next.

Nina- There will still be a trial for MD. It's just that she has to wait it out in prison, and in Mexico it sometimes takes MANY years before your case is brought up for trial, which is why so much effort is put into being able to stay out on bail until the trail date comes up. MD's case was deemed too serious by the judge for her to make bail, so they sent her straight to prison.

Dan also still has to stand trial, but he's now allowed to walk free until that happens (thanks to Claudio).

How ironic that Jo and Isela thought Claud was the enemy the whole time, and he might even be an ally who had tried to get to the bottom of Marta's suspicious death way back in the day. That warden is dirty (and so is her right hand guard), and it looks like she has sinister plans for MD.

Here are excerpts from an April 2015 article on women’s prisons in Mexico. The link to the full article is at the end. This may give us an idea of what the warden has in mind for pretty prisoners like MD and Corina.
“Rampant human rights abuses and violations were documented, including neglect by correctional officials, prisons controlled by gangs, widespread sexual abuse, poor material conditions, inadequate services of all kinds…The study concluded that prisons for the fairer sex in Mexico are often overcrowded and run by mafias. Female inmates are victims of extortion and sexual abuse and sometimes forced into prostitution…Women who were mistreated were forced to pay for “protection” from organized crime-linked “parallel governments”… in 51 of the prisons studied, some women had to sleep on the floor among cockroaches and rats. In 20 prisons women were forced into prostitution and in other institutions they were forced to do the housekeeping chores, the cooking, cleaning and washing for their male counterparts…72% of the imprisoned women in that state are awaiting trial. Not only does incarceration of the pre-trial detainee contribute to overcrowded conditions, but unsentenced inmates spend three to six months side-by-side with convicted criminals…The unsentenced inmates, for the most part, include individuals too poor to pay their bond or bail. They cannot pay for an attorney or the court fees so they go to jail, sometimes without even knowing what it is they are guilty of.


Vivi, that sounds heinous. Those poor women. And it seems like the men's prison isn't any different.

"Sometimes without even knowing what they're guilty of" which means some of those people are in prison probably for something they didn't even do, or they were in the wrong place at the wrong time or they were set up, but whose going to care? their stuck there until the trial comes up and then they still may not even live to see the trial date.
MD's baby is a tough little customer. All shes
Been through and she hasn't miscarried yet.
And it looked like corina was kicking her, but
At a closer look she was using her fist. But
Still. The emotional stress would have made
Some women miscarry, but not this lady. I hope I haven't spoken to soon. Those three
Ladies that ganged up on her in the shower room Was about to rape her. O boy, come on max get your lady out of there. But shes got an ally, old tasser lady. I hope shes a good guy.
You know, somebody can take danny out now. Iam done with him. More than I was before. And and the same with ivana, if she does what I think shes going to do. If she does, her and danny deserve each other. And

Yeah, nothing about MD's and Corina's experience so far deviates from what the reality is in Mexican prisons.

I'm assuming the tan uniforms vs the black uniforms is to differentiate the convicted prisoners from the ones still awaiting trial.

Thanks, Cathyx. Fine recap.

Yep, that smile on Ivana's face when Max thanked her was scary. I couldn't tell whether she had a scheme or was just overjoyed to be touched by Max. Maybe both.

Despite her punches to MD, Corina doesn't seem like a hardened tough girl to me.

Wow cathyx, that was a great recap. Thank you for pinch-hitting this weekend. I especially like (and am terrified by) your growing list of MD's enemies, especially because her list of allies is so short). I'm really not sure how she and Max are going to get out of this. Legally, both cases could really go either way, especially if Ivana flips again.

I was hoping Corina had a completely different name because even if she ever lets MD speak, she's not going to buy the "we couldn't find you" excuse. The only thing that might keep her from making the cases against MD worse might be the fact that Daniel is the bigger enemy. Such a shame. Just like Ivana, Corina could've been a great friend.


Hellashelle- They only had Corina's first name. Corina is a pretty common name and that's why it took so long to find her. Her real last name turned out to be Rosas. All she told MD was that her nick name (what people called her) is Mil Amores. I don't see haw she expected MD to find her with that message she left with no info about where she was being booked or a last name.

Typo- How not haw.

I was really glad that guy drunk Jenny brought home took off before they had sex. She's going to feel bad enough that she fell off the wagon-- she doesn't need something else to worry about (getting pregnant or a disease from a one night stand). Also glad that he didn't hurt her. So many things could have gone wrong with that. Hopefully, she'll pull herself together soon so that she can be there to support Honoria and Fermin.

Meant to say earlier ITA about how amazingly they shot that scene with Julian's casket being brought into the vecinidad, and Honoria following it and barely being able to step foot over the threshold. Well done by the writer, director, and the actress.

Thank you for the great recap Cathyx!

It was so sad when they brought the casket, it's like Honoria died with her son, it hurts to see her.

Daniel gets even creepier when he is stoned.

Vivi you are right. Prisons here have different rules for their uniforms and I think they are taking their cue from the Santa Marta Acatitla prison where the tan uniform means they are awaiting for trial and the dark blue means they are convicted. The other day I read an article that claimed around 58% of those imprisoned in all Mexican prisons were awaiting for trial and one person said that many of them were imprisoned for minor theft crimes (like stealing chips from a convenience store). They were claiming that prisons are more of schools for crime since these people were spending their time with murderers and other bigger criminals while they were awating for their trial and then they were released with the anger from the injustice, back in stark poverty but now with a record that would make it hard for them to gain employment, and with the remnant influence of the bad people they met in prison.


Why is this? Why do they wait so long to come to trial?

By the way, that was a promise ring Leo gave Clara (not an engagement ring), which he told Alma he was planning to give to her as a sign he wanted them to get back together. He also put one on his own finger after he gave Clara hers. Nice bit of symmetry having both the Bustamante boys exchanging rings with the Morales girls.

Thanks for the clarification about the rings, Vivi. I will change it in the recap.

I agree that there are a lot of Corina's, but the fact that it took them that long to look her up through Dan/Jacinto's complaint seems unusual. Even if it isn't, I think the fact that they've been painted as the oh so powerful Bustamante's will make it hard to convince Corina.

Then again, she does know she didn't give MD her last name, so maybe...

Sigh. Never mind. I'm always wrong about these things anyway.

Yes, it was good that Jenny's one-night stand didn't come to anything. I hope Adrian and Fermin can pull her back up before she falls any further.

Cathyx--It was a great recap even though it was tough to watch. Thank you for a very painful episode to watch.

Loved the enemies list. MD's allies are caring, but not really as powerful as her enemies. MD has very little to be thankful for this season.

Vivi--Thank you for the link to the article. I knew, intellectually, that Mexican prisons were bad places to be for men, but hadn't really thought of the plight for women. Our system is somewhat better, although sometimes it takes 1-2 years to bring an accused to trial (for the most part due to prosecutors and defense attorneys), but once convicted and sentenced, at least they are cleaner, less crowded and you don't have to provide your own containers to get something to eat.

I assumed the lady with the taser was a guard or at the very least a trustee. Thanks for pointing out the difference in uniforms. But then, why is Corina in a dark suit? Isn't she also just waiting for a trial?

Corina is in tan. Her protector frienemy is in black.

So is it black uniforms or navy blue? someone in a comment farther up said blue and then vivi you just said black so is it which is it? Either way its just horrible for the
Women that arn't hardened criminals yet. Look what they were about to do to MD, whatever came into their sick twisted minds to do to her. And just where was she gonna
Get something to put her food in?............ She really Needs to get out of there. Corina and Md Really needs some time together to talk.
They probably wont get it tho.I don't want to watch that funeral tonight but I'm anxious to see honorias reacts to Espranza n Clara and some of the other people there that she's probably going to blame. I wish she had left that gun in her apartment and not given it to
Md. Maybe deap down shes blamin herself too. Or not. We'll see tonite.

Nina- They are either blue or black. Doesn't make a difference/matter. Jarocha mentioned the real uniform colors in a prison in Mexico where those awaiting sentence wear tan, and those sentenced wear dark blue. The uniforms show up black on my tv, but might very well be dark blue.

Nina- I think you are totally right that Honoria is blaming herself. She bought the gun, and she shoved it on MD who took it to her house. If neither of these things had happened, Julian would not have been shot. Hon is projecting her guilt and anger at herself onto MD.

Thanks, Vivi--Then it was Corina's "protector" (not the taser woman) who was in black. She and Corina look alot alike, to my eyes at least.

Honoria always had the stink eye out for Maria Dolores because MD hurt her little baby Julian. While I think there were times where Maria Dolores was giving Julian hopeful signmals (and I don't think she meant to), Maria Dolores NEVER wanted to be with Julian as his woman. Honoria knew that, but it's easier to say that Maria Dolores is a shameless hussy leading Julian on than to say "Julian, Maria Dolores doesn't want you. You need to find another woman."

I don't know that Julian ever would've found another woman. Sure, Jenny was there and wanted to be with him but it was easier for Julian to fixate on Maria Dolores (someone he knew deep down wouldn't return his affections) than to get involved with a new woman and all the uncertainties that come along with that.

And Honoria knows she carries some blame with Julian's death because she gave MD the gun in the first place.

But, it's easier to blame MD and want her locked up for life for killing Julian than to accept responsibility for giving MD the gun in the first place.

I don't know if Julian really could've just been satisfied watching Maria Dolores become Max's wife so it's kind of fitting he died on her wedding day.

But it's Honoria's MO to blame others to alleviate the guilt she feels. She blamed Fermin for Julian's disease, even though she was the carrier and she knew it, and she's blaming MD for killing Julian, even though it was Honoria who asked them to hide HER gun for her in their house.

Thank you, CathyX for pitching in for me. You did a great job.

Gun or no gun Julian may have been killed by Dan anyway. Dan choked Julian until he lost consciousnesses and only MD pulling out the gun kept him from killing him. Dan may have raped again or killed MD too.

Daniel wouldn't have killed MD, at least not deliberately. He's too stuck in his delusion that she wants to be with him.


Anon207 - while I agree Hon's finding it easier to grasp anger towards MD in the midst of her grief than work through her pain, but she said exactly what you suggested she say many a time, Julian just didn't want to give up the MD fantasy.

I don't know if Julian would've moved on either, but his last speech to MD suggested that maybe he was willing to try. Which just makes his death, moments later, all the sadder.

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