Sunday, November 08, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Cap 84, Fri Nov 6 2015: A Merry Christmas to All, Except for Isela and Los Santibañez


This is J desde NYC again. This recap is from memory as I am uber-busy this weekend. Scenes are combined, as usual.

Lo Nuevo:

Alma thanks the Morales for inviting her and showing her a great time at the Las Posadas festivities. It was one of her dreams, she says, to attend a traditional one since she was a girl. She had so much fun. She asks Espy and co to come over to their place so she can return their hospitality. She happily leaves her sons to say goodbye to the Morales sisters before they head home. The Bustamante brothers kiss their respective Morales girlfriend and Clara tells Leo to enjoy his family because the Morales women  didn't know that their last Christmas with Dad Rudolfo would be their last.

Isela tells Alma she wants to spend the holiday with her family and Alma needs to spend time with hers. In the morning as she leaves, she sees Claudio walking with breakfast in bed for Alma, and lets him know she's leaving for good. Claudio and Isela sad eyes each other about their lost lust but realize this is the best.

Isela heads to MD's and leaves her suitcase there but heads over Josefa's to celebrate. She brings food and begs Jo that they celebrate together. Ma complains that she wants to be surrounded by Bustamante finery, not Isela's porquerias. Isela keeps on insisting on family time with Ma, and Josefa seems to concede, hugging her, then rubbing her face in the food. "You enjoy it!" she screams at Isela.

The Morales take the Bustamantes up on their offer to spend Christmas at their home. They talk about their respective Christmas traditions, which includes a lot of charity. Alma usually both presents and spent time  with children from orphanages. Max and MD decide to carry on this tradition by providing Christmas dinners for prisoners. Espie approves noting the good we do for others is always repaid in this life.

At the same time Corina is in jail and unknowingly receives her Christmas dinner thanks to Max and MD's newly formed foundation. Max and MD have been looking for her to no avail, but in her solitary cell, she at least gets her Christmas dinner.

Ursula calls Dan in the slammer and breaks the news that he will not be out for Christmas because Claudio and the other lawyers won't help him. Dan throws a tantrum at this and his cellies beat him yp for disrespecting their space-all of which Ursula hears in the background.

Ursula sends Dan and his cellies a rich Christmas dinner, which Dan, still nursing his wounds, refuses to eat. He promises to avenge himself on MD, on whom he blames his predicament.

Later at the Santibañez Christmas dinner, to which Jacinto is invited, Ursula has a breakdown at Dan not being home for Christmas. "Yo quiero a mi hijo...Yo quiero a mi hijo....Yo quiero a mi hijo aqui conmigo" (I want my son...I want my son...I want my son here with me), she sputters out at the finely appointed table at which she heads and Jacinto, Arango and Maleny are seated. She summarily overthrows the table's finery and falls on her knees crying. Jacinto, Arango, and Maleny look on marvelling internally how the mighty have fallen.

Maleny then celebrates by going to her room with brown liquor, reminscing on her father's death and falling down drunk in a fetal position.

Ivana reminisces about her last Xmas with Gerry, where they decorated the XMas tree like a bride in hopes Ivana would get married. Susana breaks Ivana's reverie, and says Gerry was a bad influence on Ivana. Ivana rushes out and heads straight to  Gerry's to reconcile with him. He's not there but Ivana showers Gerry's mirror with affection by putting post-its of how and why she misses him. She even leaves a handwritten card saying how much she loves and misses him. She leaves and Gerry comes out of his closet (really writers!) to bask in Ivana's show of love.

Gerry heads to Ivana's and they reconcile. He gives her a baby Jesus ornament and says that's not the real present but what's on the card attached. He wants to have a baby with Ivana.

End of chapter


Thanks JdesdeNYC! Lovely recap.

"Claudio and Isela sad eyes each other about their lost lust but realize this is the best. This was such a weird moment, but I think it made sense. Isela started this as revenge and Claudio started this as just lust, but it's become much more for both of them. What a complex web.

Few shades of gray: Isela asks Josefa to "forget" the revenge plot, just for Christmas, so that they can celebrate, but Josefa says that since Marta died she has nothing to celebrate. I have to take back my comment from Thursday's recap that she was missing Isela. Guess I gave her way too much credit on that one.

Max and MD haven't quite started a foundation, but Max looked one up and took Md to it on Xmas. They helped put together the candy packages the prisoners get in lieu of cake. Also, Corina's whacked out prison guard as clearly got it out for her! Corina's in solitary and the guard only gives her food in exchange for sexual favors! WTH?! Is Ursula behind this incredibly cruel treatment?

Maleny's sola scene was her drunkenly reenacting her father's murder. She curls up on the floor where he died, in the same position (well, she's curled up and sobbing).

I am totally gobsmacked by Gerry's Xmas gift to Ivana! Is this where we see a surrogate (and some sanity) come in to her plans to build a family?


Thanks for posting this so quickly Hellashelle. I'm off to nap and run my errands.

Thank you J desde NYC I really appreciate this.

Yep, the scene with Maleny was intense. Sophie Alexander has done great work in this TN.

I missed what was heard by Max when Ursula showed up at the Bustamante's (actually thought with the loud banging it would be Josefa). How did Claudio get her away and placate Max so easily?

Didn't Dan also say he would take away the things MD loves most, Max and her child?

Gracias, JdesdeNYC.

I am wondering at Gerry's proposal. Is that a proposal of marriage? We're still debating whether he's gay or not and I abstain on the grounds that I think the writers were still making up their minds.

Corina's Christmas dinner looked pretty meager to me. Not to mention how chili can be messed with on its way to a cell.

I've mentioned in another discussion about the abusive men we're getting in these series and I find it disturbing. They all had better get severe Karmageddons.

Claudio told Ursula he would help get Dan and his friend out of jail, but she had to leave NOW. She did. About five seconds later, Max came back and Claudio told him Ursula wanted him to help get Dan out but he wouldn't. Max went to go yell at Ursula, but Claudio told him they should drop it because it could be Alma's last Christmas ever.

So what are our thoughts on Alma? I figure she's going to pass, but I don't know much about cancer. If one of our baddies dies, can she get massive transplants?

Tofie - Yup, Dan swore to take the baby and Max.

UA - I still hope he and Ivana could be an endgame, but it's looking less and less likely. She might still get un galan, but this TN is so real, I guess we're looking at bittersweet endings: Alma's dying, Ivana with a baby, but not with Gerry. Max and MD never again hitting the high, but going for a solid, stable love, Julian in a wheelchair. Ay! What heartache!

UA - Let's not forget the ladies! They're not always as violent, but so emotionally and psychologically abusive that's it's sick

Women are usually more expert at bullying with words than men are. Men usually don't have the patience to think that one through. True sociopaths like Eladio know that one well, but most male bullies use the purse strings on all victims and fists usually with peers.

That's why toxic mothers are usually much more deadly than toxic fathers and why they have far lesser chance of redemption.

Thanks JdesdeNYC. You did great, especially considering it was all from memory.

Gerry offered to father Ivana's baby, so I'm guessing he will donate his sperm to a surrogate, but he didn't offer to marry her.
Ivana didn't shower Gerry's mirror with notes, those were leftover from when she had a sleepover with him and he was building her self esteem. She left a note to him and a copy of her keys asking him to forgive her and spend christmas with her. That's why he appeared later.

I was feeling a bit sorry for Maleny this episode. She witnesses her mother's extreme sadness over Dan, she's heard her mother tell her that she wished Mal had never been born, that would drive me to drink too. She laid down in the office where her father died in the same position that she saw him all those years ago because that is as close as she can get to him and she misses the one person who did actually love her. So sad for her.


The flashback conclusively proves that Maleny wasn't the shooter. The quesion is how did she forget who was?

With the way Mama protects and defends Dan, I'm guessing he's the real killer.

I'm fully on the Dan is Hector's killer train. But with both Ursula and Arango insisting their whole lives that Mal did it, I think they could be fully convinced now. Well, except that Mal's now questioning that plot.

Still very, very concerned about Corina. She knew the score going in, but at this point she must believe MD's left her to rot without a backwards glance. And since scum find scum with utmost ease in jail, who knows who she'll run into and what connection they'll have to MD. Hey! Maybe she'll run into an old cell mate of Marta's and get tied back in that way!

JdesdeNYC, This was a lovely recap. What espy said about the good people do comin
Back to them in life, I hope that happens for
Alma. Shes done some good in her life. I sure hope it comes back to her in healing form.
This us a tn, it could happen.
Dan is right where he belongs. All the crap he
Done has come back on him, and its not done yet.
"Jacinto, arango and maleny looking on
Marveling internally, how the mighty has fallen". And they're not through fallin, they're
I really hope they keep lookin for corina, she
Does not belong in jail, daniel does, and so
Does jacinto, and arango. Maleny, carma's a bitch, look out. How she forgot she didn't
Remember killing her father? Momma could
Have had the evil dr. Give her a drug to make
Her forget what she actually saw, and told
Her " you killed your father, but you didn't mean to".I wouldn't put it past that heffa to do that and protect Daniel because after all she really didn't want maleny she just only wanted Daniel. Gave him the same drug. The
Woman is twisted and cold blooded. I'm just
Sayin. But all truth comes out in the end.
I think thats a great idea gerry came up with.
Now all they need is a surrogate to carry the baby. At least he actaully loves her, and he's
Not dannyboy.

I hope corina didn't give her no sexaul favors,
Thats just gross. Please please please, get
Cory out of there. Thats just wrong. And all
She did was help someone get away from 2
Whack jobs. Thats just so so so wrong for
Her to be there. When is her good going to be

What all that did was to illustrate that to los Santibanez and to Jacinto other people are just means to an end. They are sociopaths, nothing more. Some are more clever than others. However, none of them see anyone else as people.

Jacinto is a typical slimeball accomplice type who will do whatever his paymaster demands as long as he gets paid for it. When he has outlived his usefulness to Mama Bear and her cubs they will dispose of him. Except he seems to be a little smarter than the usual one of this type.

We still have 38 hours to go to the end so lots of stuff will happen.

Great recap from memory, JdesdeNYC!

Sorry to be reading and commenting so late, but it was a busy weekend.

The scene with drunk Maleny remembering the shooting and her dad's body, then curling up where he died, was superbly done and brought tears to my eyes. Sofie rocked it. That scene was the very first flashback of the shooting that we saw way back when Mal went to the police station. It was pretty obvious since that flashback that SHE was not the shooter since she saw the gun being fired by some mystery person.

Loved seeing all the different Christmas celebrations (or sadness). My jaw dropped open when Josefa said she wanted to be at the Bustamante house, not only to get the finery, but also to ruin it and cause trouble. And she knows this will likely be Alma's last holiday with her family. Bitch. Glad Isela didn't give in to her. Their interaction was sad. But again, no one is forcing Isela to stay (and apparently she finally intends to go).

Cathyx- JdesdeNYC was right. The post-its were fresh that Ivana left for Gerry. The asked him to forgive her, said that she missed him and loved him, etc. They were not affirmation notes as part of the exercise Gerry asked her to do. She never got that far with it when they were last at his place, and she never wrote any notes at the time.

Ursula's and Dan's epic tantrums made it clear these two are mother and son-- two peas in a pod. Throw a tantrum when they don't get their way, and blame others for the evil that they do. The nerve of Dan plotting revenge on MD for putting him in jail for raping her, like she doesn't have a right to make him pay for his crime.

The other happy Christmas scenes were Orlando (in a nice button down shirt) surprising Doris with a big Christmas dinner and her nana Chelo. Loved that whole scene of the three of them hugging and kissing, and Chelo pushing them to get married and have kids. Also, Orly encouraged Doris to make amends with her parents (both of his are dead). I don't think she was convinced to do so.

Other nice Christmas dinner scene was Honoria, Fermin and Julian, hosting Adrian and Jenny. Fermin's gift to Hon and Julian was a pledge to never drink again.

I was disgusted by that guard sexually harassing poor Corina in solitary, but glad she got her meal and chocolates sent by Max and MD to all the prisoners, and delivered by Violeta Isfel (which means she must become a regular character at some point).

Thanks, J desde NYC. Terrific recap.

When Ursula jerked the food off the dinner table, I couldn't help but laugh. Some nerve she's got to get hysterical over her absent hijo after all the misery she's causing others.

Maleny was just so sad on the floor like her dad. Too bad she hasn't thought to get a psyche to help her remember what really happened.

Poor Corinna. Probably the only reason she's in solitaire is because she's refusing that guard's sexual demands. I'm wondering if the prisoner the guard let in to give her a plate of food is as nice as she seems.

I don't know if Gerry's talking about getting a surrogate or adopting, but either way he's handed Ivana a great opportunity to leave that cesspool she's been in with Ursula.

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