Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #79 Tue 12/15/15 (Mex 109-110) Honeymoonin'

Fi and Pedro are curled up post-coital in the pre-matrimonial bed.  She calls Vittorio's name, but not the way he would have wanted!  She had a nightmare that she was at the wedding with Vitto and she tried to say she didn't want to, but her voice just wouldn't come out.  Pedro says that was just a nightmare, and THIS is reality…this meaning nekkid smoochies.

Aitana is STILL at the Rancho, fussing over how she's SURE Pedro's with Fi.  Os doesn't think Pedro and Luca would have plotted together.  Aitana basically calls him stupid.  Os suggests they have Gianna watched.  Aitana changes her tune…and gets a little handsy with Os.  WTF does anybody see in that guy?  Sonia comes in and looks like she's ready to start a fight over him.  Yuck!  Aitana departs and Os fills her in on the convo.

Gi meets with Fidel in the employee kitchen.  Fi called his phone from Pedro's phone.  I see we're all suddenly being smart now.  Except that Fidel didn't stick around.  Fi just wanted to check up on Gi and tell her that she's, ahem, happy.  Oh yeah, she's waaaaaaay happy.  But every time we see Gianna, the open door is visible in the shot and it makes me nervous.  Sure enough, Aitana appears, but she doesn't hear anything incriminating.

SALVAME VIRGEN!  Gianna wakes up to Aitana lying in Fi's bed humming the wedding march and playing with a cake topper.  THE HORROR!  She starts roughing up Gianna and asking where Fi is, but Gi stays firm.  She was talking to a friend from school who just hooked up with a guy is all.  And if Aitana wants to find Pedro then she needs to look for Pedro, because Fi isn't with him.  Aitana roughs up Gi and swears she'll rip her heart out with her bare hands.  I believe her.

El's doctor took blood samples.  Clearly he'll have to be killed.  Just look at Fed's eyes.  Dante's eyes say he's worried that Fed has something to do with all this. When Fed walks the doctor to the door (goodbye, doc!) Dante asks El for permission to be a little more forceful in his questioning of Fidel, because he's SURE Fidel knows where Pedro is.  El turns him down.

Gianna and Gael are at school and he notices her mood, but she blames it on impending exams.  He casually asks about Fi, but she's on edge and wonders if Aitana put him up to it.  It passes quickly, but she still doesn't tell him what Aitana did.  The Papi Chulo we suspect donated his DNA to Gael lurks in the background.

Is El eating green Jello while she listens to Os spout nonsense?  He whines about Pedro's disappearance being bad for the company…but no, he doesn't want her to do anything…no, please don't call Benigno…just, uh, put me in charge!  El's all "Nope.  Your grandpappy and I never picked you because you married Sonia.  If you want to advance in Acorp, you can't do it with a wife like her."  Seriously?  All this time I've been thinking he couldn't ditch Sonia because "scandal" and now she's basically telling him to?  These people are cracked!

Pedro and Fi's honeymoon cottage is one of Pedro's mom's properties.  He hasn't been there in years, so none of the family will suspect he's there.  He usually spends so much time working that he never got around to visiting for years.  He talks about his mom--she was beautiful, she had a smile that lit up a room, she could make him feel loved with just a look.  When she died he always had this fantasy..well, he was convinced, actually…that she had never died and she was at this house.  [WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE A HINT? ALERT]  The shots from behind foliage are lending an extra touch of suspicion.

Rox sees Papi Chulo stalking Gael and chases him off, assuming he's a paparazzo.  Damn, he really does look like an older version of Gael!

Os is back to his usual insulting self with Sonia, telling her to frickin' act like a classy lady worthy of the head of Acorp.  So, uh, I can't decide if he's being mean or this is his Os-nice way of trying to not have to get rid of her.

Sergio leaves a voicemail for Pedro and rushes to answer the phone when it rings…but it's his Italian Mystery Floozy.  Her info leaves him speechless and he thanks her profusely.  "Important information" he says, "about Julieta's daughter."

Fi cooked Pedro a lovely Italian dinner.  He's impressed that his "bella mujer" (beautiful woman/wife) his "princessa" his "woman"…Fi's all "That sounds weird.  Does that mean I can call you 'mi hombre'?"  Pedro says she can if she wants to, but nobody says that.  She invites him to dance and then impugns his dancing ability, so his honor demands a dance.  Out in the courtyard just off the kitchen, by a pretty little fountain.

Back at the Rancho, Benito has been inspired and wants to run off with Roxi like Fi ran off with Luca.  Gianna doesn't know if she could run off with Gael…assuming he wanted to.  Benito doesn't know if Rox would run off with him either.  Gi says Rox is "impredecible" (unpredictable).  Benito says she is, but he would hope his love is enough for her to want to.  Gi hopes they don't both end up having to hide away forever with their respective loves.

Back in her room, she finds an invitation to meet in the sauna from Gael, with a few lines of Neruda "Podran cortar todas las flores, pero no podran detener la primavera."  ("You can cut all the flowers, but you can't stop Spring."  He adds that he loves her and nothing can stop them.

Sergi makes a frantic call to Julieta and leaves a voicemail with love and kisses.  But then he hears her at the front door angrily telling Santino that his investigator hasn't done jack and she'd rather he get his fine Italian ass back to Italy to search for their daughter himself.  She leaves him in tears--well, I guess they both were-- and he's about to leave, but Sergio rushes down to talk to him.

Fi and Pedro drink some wine in front of a fire.  Pedro rhapsodizes about marriage, kids, grandkids…can we just start at the top of that list, dude?  They start negotiating the exact number of kids.  He's all for 10, but she won't give him a number.  They take their wine to go, because there's something Pedro wants to show her.  I keep looking at the prominence of that big window behind them, and the shadows on the wall and expecting to see something, but no.

Dante is suspicious of Fed.  'Cause she's all "Let's kill Eloisa!" about every five minutes.  So don’t be acting all innocent, Fed.  Fed acts innocent.  Gross smoochyface stuff.

Sergio tells Santino that the info is important and genuine, not that we get to hear it!  He thinks Julieta should hear it from Santino.  Santino is suspicious, but Sergio gives him until tomorrow to either tell Julieta himself or he'll tell her.

Pedro brought Fi out into the cold night to tell her a story:  "Once upon a time there was a great warrior  and his beloved princess.  They both had to run away because everyone opposed their great love.  They traveled to a place where the warrior vowed eternal love to the beautiful princess.  The warrior buried his knife and promised never to go back to war, but only if the princess stayed by his side.  She accepted.  And above the place where the knife was buried, the most beautiful flower in the world bloomed, as a symbol of their love."  Pedro points out a nearby flower with a necklace hanging from it and asks Fi to marry him.  I know I'm being picky, but…what about a ring?  And what about just going and getting married now, since you've already run off and are basically in the middle of your honeymoon?

Eloisa's doctor has the results of the blood work and something weird showed up.  Fed and Dante lurk.

Os and Aitana meet in a room near the sauna.  Suddenly the Neruda line is sullied when he pulls Gi in there and threatens to rat out her relationship with Gael if she doesn't tell them where Fi is.  Aitana shoves her into the sauna on the premise that heat isn't good for cardiac patients.  So talk or die.

Fi accepts Pedro's proposal.  It's all hugs and kisses and tears…and then Fi gets worried about what's going to happen when the family finds out.  Pedro's insistence that no one can separate them is contradicted by pretty much the entirety of the show so far.  He talks about how they've got to be smarter than everyone else and keep this love a secret.

Previous: Episode 78
Next: Episode 80


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Thank you for the recap Diva. Didn't get to watch yet or read it, hopefully do that after work.

I just wanted to say Cassie has been found far away from home but alive and (hopefully) well! There is a story behind what happened and I will continue to pray for Cassie and her family and I thank you for myself and on behalf of my friend, Emilie, and her family for your prayers. THANK YOU!!

Diva –Thank you for the recap! Great job with another romantic-bubble episode.

Aitana = Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Doesn’t Dante know about the Deadly Drops Fed bought? Elo’s green jello looks like congealed anti-freeze to me. Blech.

Why do I NOT trust Sergio to tell Santino the truth? Unless the info is that the child cannot be found/is believed dead?

I did not get the feeling that Pedro’s mom might still be alive and hiding out at that house, but I like your theory that this could be a Plot Alert.

The Plot Alert I was getting, however, was Fi’s commentary about their re-entry to the real world. All of Pedro’s FFOL blather just rolled over my telenovela beanie hat and past my brain, because we all know that once they get back to the snake pit …. er … den of wolves .... er .... .committee of vultures ….. er ….. The Ranch …. Pedro will tell Fi that they have to keep their engagement a secret! There are too many episodes left for them to go public just now. This is my prediction. Otherwise, wouldn’t he have given her a ring???

- Also, did he buy that necklace or is it his mother’s? If it is his mother’s, someone “back at the ranch” will recognize it and have questions.

At least Fi has upgraded her floweredy dresses from Grandma's Garage Sale to Lily Pulitzer's Mexico resort collection, thanks to Pedro's credit cards.

Lila - Good news about the missing teen. Safe and sound, I hope. With all the nut jobs and human trafficking in the world today, one never knows. A 17 y/o girl from a town 30 mi. north of here has been missing since Friday but they think they know where she was headed. It's all so scary...

The nice thing about being rich and a Los Angeles is that they have Dr. Elizalde as their concierge doctor. No hour-long waits in the reception waiting room with people coughing and sneezing on Helloisa, having to wait again at the lab for them to draw blood, deal with bad traffic and parking, etc. etc. etc. Yeah, having enough money for a concierge doctor would be nice.

Thank you so much Kat, do you ever sleep or do things normal people do cause you're everywhere

"So, uh, I can't decide if he's being mean or this is his Os-nice way of trying to not have to get rid of her"

Julieta hasn't missed a salon appointment or augmentation opportunity in over 20 years but it's ok to chew Sergio a new one cause he is actually trying to find their daughter and coming up empty.

Reality, really Petey, from a boy who whisk his playmate away on a motorcycle procured by his chauffeur to his mothers 4 Seasons resort, never eaten with a plastic spoon.

Fifi you ain't doing much better. What part of we cannot tell grandma or anybody, did you not understand? Sounds to me the only thing that has changed is you aren't a virgin anymore.

"Gianna wakes up to Aitana lying in Fi's bed humming the wedding march and playing with a cake topper" Nothing has come close, this was the best scene of the whole TN and I have a new found appreciation for Candela Márquez.


What a memory you have Kat! Thanks for the fantastic recap.

You started out with a bang (sorry, couldn’t help myself) with “curled up post-coital in the pre-matrimonial bed” and "I know I'm being picky, but…what about a ring? And what about just going and getting married now, since you've already run off and are basically in the middle of your honeymoon?" were a few of my favorite comments.

Agree that "SALVAME VIRGEN! Gianna wakes up to Aitana lying in Fi's bed humming the wedding march and playing with a cake topper" was sublime.

I so enjoyed the lingering chemistry with Fiorella and Pedro. I have to say Jose Ron has really impressed me here. The sparks he is generating are incredible. Their "romance" is totally, absolutely believable.

Aitana is so pathetically desperate. Ummm, if I were left at the alter, I would likely make myself scarce rather than being hell bent on finding someone who unceremoniously dumped me...

And, she is playing with fire/Os...I don't think a moment of her trying to lure him into her web was lost on Sonia.

I'm confused - does Eloisa know about Aitana's treachery? Rather than kissing Sonia's feet for staying married to the awful Os, I love how Eloisa threw her under the bus. Sonia is detestable, but to tell her husband he is on the track to no where because of her, well, doesn't seem quite fair!

tofie, oh no you didn't: "Julieta hasn't missed a salon appointment or augmentation opportunity in over 20 years but it's ok to chew Sergio a new one cause he is actually trying to find their daughter and coming up empty". Still laughing.


Thanks so much, Diva, for identifying that lovely line as being from a Neruda poem. My Spanish lit culture is pretty much zero...I've read one book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez---and...that's it. One book. So your literary info is much appreciated.

My delight in our consummated romance was blighted by Pedro's once again fudging the truth to his grandmother. Ye Gods, he's a grown man. Tell the truth. I hate this wussy, pussy-footing, we-have-to-keep-our-love-a-secret crap. If you're old enough to deflower a sweet virgin, you're old enough to admit it. Still not liking this "galan".

But loved the recap. Thanks.

Oh and bless you Lila for giving us the good news about Cassie. So often it is NOT good news. Still a very dangerous world for young women and children, sad to say.

Lila- SOOOO glad to hear your friend's daughter has been found. I hope she is well both physically and emotionally.

Kat- Thank you for this wonderful retelling. I have to say that Aitana scared the bejeezus out of me too. Since I haven't been watching this tn in such a long time, when did Aitana go from whiny and annoying, to terrifying? Yikes! Poor Gianna!

Tofie- Yeah, I thought Juli was being really mean and unfair to Santino, when I haven't seen HER doing much to find their daughter.

Os and Aitana. Uhm...ok.

Other than not being able to pronounce escargot, that is nothing more low class about Sonia's behavior than any of the other women in the Angeles family. Roxi, Fed, hello!

Great recap Kat. Tough one last night, felt like a ping pong ball--happy, sad, happy, horrible

First off, happy to hear Lila the young girl was found. We had a similar situation here that occurred-- young teen was lured by someone online and then he took her across state lines. we'll keep sending prayers she will be well.

So, yeah, Petey at times makes me want to find a trusty sledgehammer. He honestly started spouting the "our love will conquer all" spiel. Yeah, so how did that work for you prior to this point? You do know the people you are dealing with when you get home? Delusional I swear. And a necklace? Still want to know how they've been shopping for all this stuff.

Aitanna crossed the line to full on villianess versus just annoying twat last night. Her behavior and threats were doing everything to hurt a young woman she KNEW to be ill. That's a good-size anvil worth of antics if ever I saw. And she's smoozing with Os--first it hurt my eyes, but who knows, Eloisa may just jump for joy at the idea. That makes Sonia dangerous again. However, they could all go fall in a vat of pasta sauce for all I care.

So you think they are implying Petey's mom isn't dead? Possibilities how she may have been taken out of the picture. If Max was equally an elitist idiot, he could have wanted her drunken self removed. The possibilities of where all these parents disappeared to, or the "accidents" they had is starting to get disturbing.

Gorgeous man sighting!!! Yeah. The man is suitable for framing. More please.



I loved the frame of Gael in the foreground and his look alike Papa in the background. For unrelated actors, casting did a good job. Can't believe Rox wasn't struck by the resemblance of that papa-razzi.

Thank you Kat for the recap.
Lila -I glad the girl has been found, hope everything else get resolved fine.

Aitana is crazy, she could actually kill Gianna, or does she not understand that.I also never understand what would make someone still want to be with the person who left them at the altar if not lack of self respect.
I'm pretty sure Pedro's vow of truth and love forever might not hold till we are around the last episode, too many pissed off villains.They will probably lie to each other again at some point, but as it's good now i might as well enjoy the lack of angst.



Grazie tanto, Kat. This was edited from Mex episodes 109 and 110.

Aitana went from mermaid to sea monster in this. She has no feeling for anyone and clearly no compassion for anyone who is ill and apparently deserted by the older sister who cared for and protected her for most of her life. As I said in yesterday's discussion, Gianna is not even a person to her.

That she was apparently willing to boink Assvaldo shows what a heartless bitch she really is.

I don't think there was much important missing except:

Diana had hidden some cash under the sofa cushion when Vittorio almost caught her stealing it, then boinked Vittorio in the office. He at least had the smarts to lock the door first.

Later Vittorio was looking for Gianluca and Fiorella and getting no information from the airline or whomever he called in Italy.

Why, oh WHY do couples in novelas already talk about having big families when they haven't even taken the vows yet? When are the heroines going to get smart enough to want to keep their men rather than risk their marriages by having children too soon?

I thought it was funny when Fi said the whole "my woman" thing was odd, and said that if he can call her that, then she should be able to call him "my man." That's right, Fi.

LaDiva, thank you for this juicy recap. Im glad they are in love and sealed It and stuff, but they need to get their happy buts back there Before those fools kill gi. Then there will be a funeral over shadowing the love and happiness.
I like what Sergio told santino about him being the one to tell Julieta that fiorellal is still alive because after all he is fi's father and he should be the one to tell fi's mother that she's still alive. I would love to see Fiorella getting violent just for a few minutes so she can open up a can of whoop a$$ on a hairy heffa.
I'll say more but right now I got to get back to work, have at it people, have at it.

UA, I don't cringe at the discussion of kids. To be honest, I saw marriages with friends break up because that discussion wasn't had and when it turned out to be a major issue, it tore the marriage apart. Best to know up front if both want children, when and maybe even how many. However, I did cringe at the 10. I know Fi isn't a professional woman and that seemed to imply she can just sit at home and take care of a small army of munchkins and she would smile and sing and still look beautiful with perfect makeup. Yeah, if Petey can still afford a nanny maybe. Borrow a line from a character in PyP-- "That is so 1950's"


where the hell do they get off always making out like they're better than anybody else she's telling assvaldo that sonia isn't good enough to be his wife. Is she serious? he already thinks he's God's gift to women and I guess he got that attitude from her. but sonia is just as good as they are and shes certainly no better than they are and they are no better than she is. they're stupid a$$ people together so I guess Its okay to say that she married into a good family, cuz they're just as stupid as she is.

Diva, thanks a million. Much as I love this TN, I find the recaps much more entertaining. Thank you for that. Lila, thank God Cassie is home safe and sound. The world is getting truly crazy. Our girls are in constant danger. The sad part is they don't feel the danger.
Aye the madness continues! Fed trying to kill Helloisa, makes as much sense as her acting. The old woman holds all the power. The love birds have no idea what hell awaits them at the ranch. They should enjoy the little time they have together. They have Helloisa, Aitana, Vitto, Assvaldo, Benigno and Sergio all waiting for them. Aitana is beyond pathetic. If a man left me at the alter, I would be on the first plane out of the planet. What she wants with Fi is not very clear. Pedro still left her at the alter, her humiliation is complete. Nothing she does to anybody will remedy that. Fed usually calls it as she sees it, why she isn't saying anything is beyond me. Oh I forgot she is busy trying to kill her aunt. I like the turn this TN is taking, must watch TV.


Mille grazie, Capitana Diva! Finally watched the episode and read the recap! I loved the lovey-dovey stuff and skipped the threatening and abuse of Gianna: that was just too hard to take. Thanks for covering it, Diva. I was afraid that love note supposedly from Gael was a trap!

Diva, I also felt like they were dropping a big hint about Pedro's mother but that would be even more creepier than Aitana over in Fiorella's bed humming the wedding march! Still, Diva, I kind of felt it, too. But back to Aitana. I said yesterday that the Aitana actress is bringing it and ITA with all of you that she's gone to a new level of darkness/evil/craziness and Gianna is in GRAVE DANGER -- literally and figuratively!

Again, I'm hanging with the kissy face until the badness returns and I HAVE to face it. Oh yeah, also liked Fiorella saying she should call Pedro "mi hombre"! Yah, it may not always be comfy but this show is getting reeeeal inter-resting!


Thanks again, everybody. The world IS scary and while we don't want our children and young people paralyzed by fear, extreme caution is always warranted and in a world where virtual reality and people can seem more real and caring than one's physical reality, it can make the unwary vulnerable to predation by, yes, nut jobs and perverts. The up side is that the internet and social media can also help locate people who have run or been lured away. I shudder! Anyway, thanks, y'all!

I can NOT believe that I am actually looking forward to tonight's episode of MIVAC. I tried to find out who is the actor that plays Gael's dad. With TelenovelaWorld currently down we've lost a major resource. I hope Ben and Diane can get the server up and running in the new location. Ack.

But,,, back to the Hottie Gael Daddy..... He is Marcus Ornellas/Ornelas (because I found it spelled both ways) from Brazil. In real life the actor is maybe ten years older than Jose Pablo Minor, but this is telenovelaland so who's counting? I'm on his team and hope he can buy and sell the Los Angeles three times over.

Lila, that is good news about Cassie.

Daisy, the kids thing that I cringe at is the idea of having children right away and the notion of a big family. Nobody has such big families anymore and why give up so much of one's youth? And if I were beautiful I would never want to lose that prematurely.

That guy that plays gael daf is gorgeous. Its good to know the older gael gets, the prettier
Hes gonna get. I hope he (hot daddy),gets a chance to Talk to him without all the noise (roxi) in the. Way. The two lovey doveys need
To get back home cuz aitanna has really wigged out. Watch and see don't her and assy start humpin each other. Yuck!!!!! Now
Granny will probably start cheerin for them.
That ol woman is insufferable.

Oh Nina yeah it seems like Aitana and Ass are getting very close to each other. Surely Ass wants to approach Aitana's anger and use her to destroy Pietro. There was some scene edited in which he was feeding more aitana's anger and offering to help her on her revenge plans.
And now poor Gianna is paying the broken plates, oh poor baby these scorpions are really getting her so frightened. Someone needs to stop them. Ok, I love that Fiorella and Pietro are having such a wonderful time but yeah they need to return to the ranch to rescue Gianna. By the way, why the heck Fiorella left her there and not at Adela's house like she did other times?

Thank you all for the comments! I've been on a video shoot for the last two days, so my time was not my own. I'm working on the next recap now.

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