Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #58 Monday 12/14/15: having pneumonia is better than having a honeymoon.

One of the great things about this show is that no matter what happens to Lichita, she is not destroyed. She tolerates Sandra yelling at her and Augusto YELLING at her. She tries standing up for herself but she's outweighed, especially when he reveals that he's known along it was she kissing Beto in Luciana's cellphone video.

Roberto is very ill in the honeymoon suite. Luciana urges him to tell his secrets but as he tries he gets sicker and hoarser and can't really get anything out. Even though he told her Mateo was his son, and that he himself was an orphan, she thinks he's hallucinating and discounts it all.

Chuchette calls and says: "Come quickly and watch the devastating downfall of the detested Lichita" so Luci leaves her sick husband to go gloat over Lichita with the rest of the bullies. Lichita listens patiently to all their taunts (including Luciana offering her the job of bringing coffee and making photocopies) and leaves.

Beatrice wails about sodomy to Valeria who is the voice of reason and says, forgive him.

There was a security guard who got fired when the cart no longer is allowed at Ikonika - he and Alicia commiserate briefly and she says she'll help him when she can.

Sandra, glad Alicia's out, nevertheless has to tell Augusto there are a number of clients who have asked that Alicia herself personally carry out their campaigns. Augusto calls a meeting and says everybody has to keep it quiet that Alicia's fired, at least until her clients' jobs are finished. He tries to name Elias as Alicia's replacement, but he demurs (not wanting to go back to the loony bin) so Augusto appoints Luciana!

Alicia goes to the cafe to help out. She knows her mom wants to expand into the adjacent building and suggests the security guard could be hired. As usual, Nacho poopoos it all. Magos and Ximena walk up - the therapy is going well but Magos complains to her mom: "Ximena will barely talk to me."

Beto somehow gets himself back to his old pad. Gumaro says "a sore throat is psychological - when you can't say something it all closes up - and you spent a night in jail where they didn't even give you a taco, then tore over to the church, I mean to the slaughter house..." he speculates idly about the exhausting honeymoon duties but Beto just says "come with me to see Mateo." "You can't go are you crazy? You could get him sick." So Robert records a video for Mateo ("Remember our fun adventure with the police? I love you.") and sends it with Gumaro - but no matter how much he flirts with the prison guard, uh, orphanage attendant, turns out nobody is allowed to see Mateo until it's settled in court.

Rafael has taken such a shine to Dafne! He comes in to talk to her about bullying and reveals that when he was young he tortured baby Don Augusto so he knows about bullying. He assumes it's been Dafne being bullied but she reveals it's the other way around - she's aggressive to head off anybody making fun of her.

The one journalist who's been especially interested in Alicia shows up at the cafe and makes this proposal: Dish on Augusto and all the dirt of Ikonika, we'll put it on national TV, you can tell your side. I thought Alicia should say yes but she, not wanting to hurt Dafne or Alex, says "I'm not like that." She has a day or two to think it over.

Brisa and Braulio come to the cafe to show support and they think it's a "triple like" cafe. "Maybe you should be a big restaurant empresario," they suggest.

Bea confesses her sins to the priest, that she is dissolute and loves luxury. He temporizes: "You can hardly tell!"

Luciana wants to have a celebration of her promotion - she has no idea where Roberto is and doesn't care much, he's sick so what good is he to her?

Chuchette tells Augusto the press is insistent on an interview, which he refuses to do, or at least a statement, but the statement he proposes is clearly not one that can be aired in public. She tries to give him a massage but he yells, DON'T TOUCH ME.

Sandra also tries to give him a massage. "What is it with women and massages? DON'T TOUCH ME. What bothers me is those old doofuses at API. We need to blame it all on Alicia." Sandra asks whether he really thinks his daughter Luciana can replace Alicia but he says, deal with it.

Augusto goes to the API guys and tries to blame everything on Alicia but there is pushback. He says he'll propose another candidate.

Everyone is still together at the mansion and Augusto mocks Luciana for how all the press thinks she's pregnant. He mentions his "nephew-grandson" and crosses his eyes at his slip. Soemone else says "he can't wait to be a grandfather" and Valeria collapses in nervous hysterical giggles.

Beto, staggering around in the street, sees one of the supermarket cow ads on a street pole and brings Alicia's number up on his phone. And promptly faints.

The doctor calls Alicia, thinks she's Roberto's wife, says come quick he's very ill. She comes. He has pneumonia and needs to be taken to a specialist at a different hospital. She reluctantly agrees to take care of it.

In his feverish stupor, he flashes back to being taken away by the police from his first wife and baby Mateo. He also flashes to Alicia saying "I do" at the church and murmurs "I love you," and Alicia thinks he means her, but then he flashes to his ex-wife and says "Sheila" -- Alicia stares furiously -- and cut.

Previous: Episode 57
Next: Episode 59


Sorry, I missed the avances.

Thanks for the great recap!

When Rob saw that cow and said te amo to it I couldn't stop laughing.

I was hoping Elias would come looking for Alicia but alas no. I, also, was hoping he would walk out when Luci was given the job but again, no. But I was happy to see the hippie and the hipster stop by the cafe.

I am still hoping that the clients find out Alicia is gone and pull the accounts. Also, I know the previews look like Alicia goes back to Augie with some leverage to get her job back but I sooo don't want her working there anymore.

Gosh I hope Chuchette, Nestor and Luci have an epic take down.

Jane, thank you for an excellent recap of a very (to me) sad episode.

"He assumes it's been Dafne being bullied but she reveals it's the other way around - she's aggressive to head off anybody making fun of her". That was a total surprise to me. An unhappy one. While I no longer have her on a pedestal, I still love her lots. I understand the protective armor, but she is too smart to get down to that level.

I can't describe the anger I felt toward Luci, Nestor and Chuchette for what they did to Alicia. Yet again. And Sandra can stand right with them. Carvivlie, I totally agree - I do not want her working there for one more minute. They are vile and abusive and I just want them to go away. Oh yes, take Auggie with you too!

I can see my "naughty" list is growing daily. Sigh.

"He also flashes to Alicia saying "I do" at the church and murmurs "I love you," and Alicia thinks he means her, but then he flashes to his ex-wife and says "Sheila" -- Alicia stares furiously -- and cut."

Rather a surprise ending to the episode. I think that is the one thing keeping me here, (that and Ingrid and Gumaro) - the unpredictability!

Thanks Jane.


Diana, ITA that Sandra can stand with the three meanies. Thought it was interesting that after being delighted at firing Alicia she now worried about the clients. Why Sandra can't give Alicia credit for her work and saving those campaigns is beyond me? Can envy be that blind? Well now she has nothing to envy her for.

Great recap Jane thank you so much.

"tries to blame everything on Alicia but there is pushback" I cannot wait till Alicia kicks his sorry butt.

Agree with ya'll Sandra is worried

Boohooohoo Magos

I don't like Roberto any more than I did over the weekend just wished Alicia would get over him.

Thank you Jane for putting up with the sadness last night. I can't wait for the Gang of Four to get theirs. Will some of them be redeemed? Maybe but I want them to pay big time for their actions first.

Alicia is smart and well educated. Will she go back to Iconika? I say yes because this novela is built around that company. Even if she doesn't return there, Alicia will not have any trouble landing a lucrative job with a competing company. With Alicia's brains, education, and drive, she would be a triple +++ for any competitor.
and that's even with a higher salary.

Wow, a surprise ending. Roberto is talking about his love for his first wife. Where will this go? I'm tuning in. It's a no miss tv night.

must see tv
the gringo

On the run today. Short comment. Thank you Jane the recap was excellent!

I love the way that the writers are making these characters so wonderfully complicated. Who would have thought that Rafael was a bully and a Dafne is also one? Sort of makes you wonder if Beatriz has known it all along. I am liking this more and more!

Thanks so much, Jane!

Carvivlie- I also laughed when delirious Rob told the La Vaca Feliz ad that he loves her.

Gringo- Rob wasn't telling Sheila he loves her, in his delirium. He was flashing back to Alicia when he said I love you. Then he flashed back to Sheila and the day he was taken from Mateo, and that's when he said her name. But of course, since Alicia isn't inside his head like we were, she thinks it was all part of the same thought.

Dafne WAS bullied when she started at the new school. We saw her being ridiculed for her size and clothing as she walked through the halls on her first day. She must have just quickly decided to turn it around on everyone and start being the new bully on the block.

Dafne took over their facebook pages remember? She became the bully to push back. Oh to be a teenage girl!

Yep, the Facebook page takeover is one of her bullying tricks we were made privy to when the girls were brought before the principal. The principal also seems fooled that Dafne is the victim of the bullying. She WAS initially. But now, she's the one doing the bullying.

I think we probably missed a lot of the Dafne storyline development back when they were cutting and combining episodes. I'm so glad Rafael is there now, and she actually has someone to speak with and interact with.

I'd like to see ikonika fall apart without Alicia


Jane- Yo tambien.

Thanks, Jane. Terrific title and recap.

Loved Alicia standing up to Augusto. He uses his size to intimidate, doesn't he? Feisty Alicia was right up in his face, yay! But he had the nerve to mock her poor posture, grrrrh! [but kind of funny seeing him do the Alicia slouch]

Yep, Daphne figured a good offense is the best defense. Bullying is never right, but if mom (forget about pop) had given her an iota of support, Daphne wouldn't have gone there.

Fingers crossed that there will be a client revolt at Iconika if/when the word is out that Alicia got fired because the owner's son is gay. And how in Sam Hill does Augusto think he can get away with blaming Alicia before the API board?

Enjoyed the recap, Jane. Hard to believe that there are enough people really working to keep things going at Iconika. With Alicia gone, I expect chaos to ensue.

One more thing, I loved Beatriz confessing her lustful desires (for Augusto) to the priest. Poor thing. Augusto could not care less.

Hello everyone. Thanks for the wonderful recap. :)
I have a question as I am very confused about something here.

What is API? Why did Augusto wanted Alex to be a part of it? What kind of power would that give him?
Also why does Augusto hate his brother Rafael? I like Rafael.

Thanks so much and keep up the wonderful work. :)


Veronica, API is supposed to be the governing board of the publicity business, so it's very conflict-of-interesty for Augusto to be its head (I think they said "wolf guarding the goats" recently) and for him to try to push through his son as his successor is scandalous nepotism as well. Augusto hates Rafael because (1) he got all the money when their father died, and blew it all and is now penniless; (2) Rafael, the older brother, bullied Augusto mercilessly when they were little (we just learned that Monday).

Thank you for answering my question Jane. :)

So Augusto wanted to use Alex as a way of controlling this API? Is Augusto a part this board of publicity? Being president I guess it means Alex would of have some type of control over other publicity companies like Iconika?


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