Friday, January 29, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita, 29 Jan 2016... Alicia is victim of another prank with a video of her own face and voice... Augie and Sandra have another Face off... Beto and Vladimir meet again but someone slipped her tongue a bit

Santy has no choice but to confirm that he dealt with Augusto: doing the marketing for ALL his brands in exchange for Alicia being the General Director of Iconika.  Alicia of course takes it the worst way possible (you bought that title for me!)  Roberto tries to twist the knife but she gets mad at him as well. She leaves in a huff, Santy repeats to Beto (Roberto) that what he did, he did for love for Ali (Alicia).
Luciana, Nestor and Shush, as usual, are planning and are at the same time clueless about what is going on.
Santy approaches Ali, apologizes to her. She is irritated that he was not honest with her, same sin Beto is carrying.  Santy tells Augie that he made the deal offer due to her talents in the job, not only for his feelings. He wanted to see her progress/climb and he wanted to celebrate her accomplishments with her.  He holds her hands and repeats to her that what he did, he did for love for her.   He tells her that when he told Augie about the deal, Augie had told him that the front runner for the job was already Alicia.  HE wants her to stop trying to justify her job to others, she deserves to be where she is.   Please!!   Alicia calms down a bit and tells him that she did not expect something like this from him.  She did not want to be treated like a commodity.  She did not want to feel like she owed him something.  He never meant for her to take it like that.  She says they have to practice some forgiveness… (she is no longer mad at him by now… and this is not making Beto happy (loved his facial smirk to let us know that)
At the cafecito, Makos is talking to a client who stutters a bit… Elsa and Nacho are spying from the counter.  HE notices that, so does she.  He tries to set up a date between them.  Magos, to his dismay, is definitely interested in their date.  She tells him about Ximena and have to arrange for someone to watch her. The guy offers to bring Ximena along.
Beto approaches Ali, tells her that her anger at her boyfriend did not last long at all.  She is now mad at him. She tells him she was about to make the same mistake all over again of throwing everything down the tubes to be with him.  She reminds him that now he is married.  He gets mad and tries to yank his wedding band off his finger.
Ximena has her reservations about their ‘three-some’ date.  She seems to get along with the guy pretty good.  But first they have to watch a princesses movie on her laptop. LOL! (that’s what I call the test of a step parent to-be)
Elias is at same table as Bea, he asks her why she picked Ali for Director.  Bea praises Alicia as a woman who keeps her values/priorities in place and that is priceless for her. She turns around toward Augie and Luciana at another table and adds ‘I am talking about loyalty!’
Shush makes the presentation of Augie as the speaker.  Augie starts his speech.  He is talking about what the API represents, marketers committed to the families… yada yada… (seems to me from Augie’s speech he is no longer THAT excited about Beto being the API PRez).
All of a sudden Sandra is there, taking over the spotlight from Augie.  HE is angry grinding his teeth as he whispers to her.

At the house, the maid and Gumaro are talking.  She tells him the owners will be home late… she gets mad at him for trying to get more info…
Sandra pushes Augie off the pedestal and says ‘it is sad that the clumsy coordinators of the event missed inviting her company. She even mentions that Beto sits on Augie’s lap (basically that he became the prez because he used his pucker lips…).  Roberto starts talking. He wants everyone to see who he really is by his performance as PRez.
At the Cafecito, Elsa, Nacho and Vale are talking very entertained.  Elsa tells them she is having a hard time finding someone to handle the cart at Iconika.   Nacho offers his car insurance settlement money to help.
Beto commits himself to help the API.  Everyone applauds.  Including Ali.  Santy tells Ali that Beto did not say much but he sounded honest.  Ali seems to also praise Beto a bit more than Santy is willing to not notice.  Luciana comes by and again has hurting and undermining words for Ali, but Santy puts Luciana in her place, no one will undermine Ali in front of him. He leaves with Ali. Luciana says the last one to laugh laughs better.
At the house Gumaro is spying around. 
Augie argues with Sandra, wants to know what she is pretending.  She tells him not to be frightened, it is not personal, purely business.  Augie is not buying.  She just smirks a smile. 
Nestor talks to Brisa, Brau, Shush and other employees that Sandra is up to something.   Then Nestor tries to praise Luciana in front of them, Brisa tells him to go buy a brain. 
Sandra is amused NOT about Augie saying he is getting a divorce.  HE tells her don’t sit and wait, it is not for her sake that he is splitting with Bea.  She says she has heard the same line so many times.  Knowing him like she does, he won’t rest until he gets what he is after … Bea comes by and is curious to hear what is it he is after.
Gumaro finds a VERY HUGE pair of boxer shorts…
Augie says he will crush the Madelaine agency. Sandra turns to Bea and starts undermining her relationship with Augie.  Bea answers in kind to Sandra that she will continue being as naïve… (not!) The ladies insult each other… Elias comes by and tries to stop them, remember we are at a public event.  He asks Sandra to leave instead of feeding the fire.  She says the event left much to be desired… and tries to leave… not before Elias has to stop Bea from slapping Sandra. They leave. Augie asks Sandra to leave before he kicks her to the curb. Ali comes by and also wants to know the real reason Sandra is there.
Luciana is bragging about being Beto’s wife to the Council old guys. They tell her they trust Beto to perform very well as Prez. Beto promises he won’t let them down.  Behind him comes Vladimir (yeah the con that he beat up in prison), faking coming to congratulate Beto. Beto has deer in headlights eyes.
Sandra tells Ali that the only thing she will tell her is she wishes Ali will enjoy the little time she will last as Director at Iconika.  Ali tells her that she is listening to the employees and creating a cooperative environment. Sandra tells her that she will do better if she inspires fear in the employees.  Santee comes to Ali’s side, asks if all is ok. She says yes. Sandra leaves after repeating to Ali to watch her back.
Vladimir tells Beto *(in code so the others won’t know what they really mean) that he ended up staying in jail a bit longer than Beto did.  Luciana and the old guys don’t suspect Vladimir at all. They compliment the title and the company.  Beto tries to pull Vladimir aside… Vladimir is dragged but not before he keeps giving double-meaning phrases to the old guys like ‘we both have been prisoners…. Of work’.
Gumaro keeps spying around… Daphne makes his exit from Augie’s studio a bit tricky since he cannot let her see him.
Beto and Vladimir argue.  Turns out Vladimir works for a company who is client of Iconika.  He starts insinuating and threatening Beto with telling all about his past stays in jail.  Beto grabs him hard by lapel… Vladimir says ‘the API PRez is going to beat me up… again?’   Beto keeps threatening him to leave before he kicks him out.   Vladimir says ‘you surely have something or someone you are afraid to lose’.
The old guys from the council ask Augie how his family life is going.  HE says its been tough… but so far the separation issue has been civilized.  HE blames Bea about her finding an excuse for the split.  The guys mention that his name/reputation is in question around lately.  Augie swears to them that he will get things clear eventually and he assures them he is decent. 
Magos, Ximena and the guy are back from the ‘date’.  Elsa offers him a coffee but Nacho reminds them its getting late.  The guy says it will be some other day.   He thanks Magos for going out with him. And leaves.  Vale asks Ximena how was he.  Ximena says he was funny, sometimes talked nonsense but he was nice.  Magos says the grown up is her (sometimes I question/doubt that).
Ali talks to Santee, she wonders why can’t a woman have both a family and a fulfilling career?  Santee says she can.  Ali mentions Sandra, she is afraid to end up like her.  HE swears she will never end up like Sandra.  SHushette comes to summon Ali. Its time for her speech.
Sheyla calls Beto, he wants to see Mateo… he needs the meeting to be in a more private place, not something public like a park.  She questions why his request.   He says they have to avoid being seen.  She says her lawyer has adviced her not to give Beto anything or any privileges.
Elsa and Nacho are sad to see Valeria go… They offer their place anytime she wants to come back. 
Ximena comes to get Elsa to see together how many ‘likes’ their page has got so far.
Gumaro is still checking out Augie’s studio, complete with squeaky doors.  (why is he shouting?)  he rigs open a locked drawer.  IT happens to have a double bottom.  And inside he finds Rafael’s old medicine case. (of course he gets interested, after all he is an experienced burglar)
Augie makes the announcement that Ali is the new Director. She comes to the podium.  She says its an honor being named the Creative Director.  At Iconika we all know the competition is tough but we commit to continue making a quality product. But that would be an impossible feat without the very best team. Everyone at Iconika, from the lowly to the higher manager, is indispensable to our work. 
Sheyla gives Beto a bit too much info on phone and instantly regrets it… but its too late. Beto is remembering Vladimir saying about him having something or someone that he does not want to reveal.
Ali keeps her blah blah about considering herself a proud product of Iconika.  She announces a video they prepared that expresses everyone’s praises to Iconika.
Of course the video begins with the clip where Ali said trash about IConika. Everyone is in shock, including Santee, Augie, Luciana, et al.   Ali has a ‘wanna get away?’ moment. 
Ali thinks that someone played her a prank again to hurt her in the company. 
Seems they are going to suspect Beto is behind the video prank. Since he is the one who saw the videos besides Braulio and Brisa.

Whoa! VO announced that Lichita is in its final weeks!


Wow, Marta, you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for another great recap!

My favorites:

Alicia reminding Roberto : he is married.

Luciana practicing having the "last laugh".

Gumaro skulking around and amazed at Augusto's boxer shorts. Gumaro finding Gabriel's pill case.

Dafne standing in the hall screaming for Yesenia to feed her.

Viriato (the collection agency guy) willing to go out with Magos AND Ximena. He might be the best male/husband prospect we gave seen so far. Sure hope he is all he seems to be.

Roberto wondering if Vladimir is working with Sheila.

Can't wait to see how Alicia is going to deal with the video.


Thank you Marta for doing this for us.

So sad two minutes of flash in the pan flowery speech by Roberto, the content of which he does not believe, enamors Alicia still. I've given her too much credit.

I really feel sorry for Viriato, Magos will be his problem child and not sure he is equipped to handle her.

Let's say Vladimir is working with Sheila. Someone took over the orphanage, blew up the adoption process and got rid of Venus. They couldn't have done this alone.

Tofie, your comment about Vlad and Sheila makes me wonder if Augusto is indeed behind the Mateo situation. If so, how and how long has he known all about Roberto? It just makes sense he would have had Roberto investigated when he came to work for him and then married Luciana with Roberto's shadowy past. Being a criminal himself, Augusto would not have been put off by Roberto's stint in prison nor his fighting ability and would have been delighted to find his weak point: Mateo for future coercion.

Thanks so much, Marta!

I was happy to see Alicia give Santi another chance. Not happy to see how she mooned over Rob during his speech, and Santi noticed.

I have always and still believe Augusto is behind what happened to the orphanage and Mateo. That's the way he operates. Just like how he always knew Alex was gay and that Kenny was his boyfriend, and pulled that info out just when he needed it to strong arm Alex.

Looks like Alicia's hair (the tips) were darkened. I like it. Hate her dress.

When she was going on about what a great place Iconika is and that the employees are like family, I was asking myself, just which company is she talking about. Meanwhile, her work "family" were just licking their lips, waiting for that embarrassing video to start.

Marta, terrific title. Your recap was fabulous. Your enthusiasm and on point detail make your recaps a pleasure to read.

"Beto and Vladimir meet again but someone slipped her tongue a bit" and "She just smirks a smile" were among my favorites.

While I still see kindness and caring in Alicia, I miss the spark, the softness and the sweetness she used to exude so effortlessly. It is obvious she still pines for Roberto (although I'm sure the consensus on the patio is that none of us fathom why). Whether we want him to or not, Santiago is not making her happy. I want Alicia to be happy and it's frustrating that there just doesn't seem a clear path now to make that happen.

I love Elias. Working and weaving his magic behind the scenes. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all had an Elias in our lives?

I like Magos' new suitor. I would like to see her and Ximena happily settled. That doesn't necessarily mean there has to be a man in the picture for that to happen but I like his interactions with Ximena thus far. Let's see.

Everyone who has commented thus far has had so many interesting things to say.

tofie, your "Someone took over the orphanage, blew up the adoption process and got rid of Venus. They couldn't have done this alone", Jarifa's "Being a criminal himself, Augusto would not have been put off by Roberto's stint in prison nor his fighting ability and would have been delighted to find his weak point: Mateo for future coercion" and Vivi's "That's the way he operates. Just like how he always knew Alex was gay and that Kenny was his boyfriend, and pulled that info out just when he needed it to strong arm Alex" show we appear to be united in thinking Augusto is behind Mateo's disappearance/abduction.

What was most heart wrenching to me was that after all that has transpired, Alicia is still the whipping post for her callous colleagues. As you so perfectly noted Vivi, "Meanwhile, her work "family" were just licking their lips, waiting for that embarrassing video to start". It was just terrible...I've said for some time, Alicia must leave and feel more strongly than ever that needs to occur.

She must leave that hateful place and vicious, vindictive people in order to truly find herself.

That said, I know she will come up with some plan to turn things around. Although I have no faith in most of the people here, Alicia has my full fledged confidence.


Diana- I would argue that Santi DOES make Alicia happy (minus this one hiccup), but she just doesn't love him. Meanwhile, Roberto makes her UNHAPPY, but she loves him. It's ironic.

I like how bill-collector guy has always been there in the background. He's been smitten with Magos since they first spoke on the phone when she pretended to be Alicia, way back when. It's clear to me that he is the guy for Magos. He certainly knows that she's flawed, and he doesn't mind! And his easy interaction with Ximena just sealed the deal for me.

Agree Vivi Alicia doesn't love Santiago however when she is upset or challenged and they speak, it calms her, encourages her and puts things in perspective. More like a coach really. She is very fortunate to have him and Elias. Santiago sees them as a team and could bridge a professional career and family, each supporting the other in creating a wonderful life stable life. Thing is Alicia doesn't believe she brings anything to that relationship. How can anyone adore her? Kinda bland up against a smooth talking, lying, capricious leach, forever a child but he would keep her on her toes. Alicia refuses to be helped. No, Alicia doesn't believe she is worthy of being helped and considered an equal and feels more comfortable as the schoolmarm for a wayward lovable boy.

Thanks, Marta. Great title and recap.

I would love to see Sandra and Alicia join forces and start their own business together. I too am sick and tired of Alicia wanting to stay at a company that keeps treating her like crap.

So Alicia doesn't feel the sizzle with Santiago that she feels with Roberto. I hope they bring in someone new for Santi. I don't remember -- does Alicia know Roberto hasn't had marital sex with his wife? I'd give her a little break if she knows this.

Yep, bill-collector guy is the one. He's knows all Magos faults and he's still in.

Vivi, yeah, "love" is grand, isn't it? At least the novela is true to life . . . unfortunately . . .

Vivi, I should have said Alicia doesn't love Santiago. I still think that he doesn't make her happy. Well at least not enough for her to fall in love with him.


Thanks for the recap Marta!

Agree Alicia isn't feeling it for Santi.

Sandra said Alicia needed to use fear, and at the time I didn't agree, but now that I think about the type of people she is working with, fear isn't a bad idea. I would start firing the bad apples and try to get Augie to ban Luci from the premises by showing proof Luci is undermining the company. Bea may be more ken to this argument if Elias backed it.

Xime really seemed to like the new guy. Looks like a good egg, if a bit weird.

Looks like Gumaro may have found the honey pot on things to bring Augie down. Hope so anyway.

Is there a place online where I can watch WITH subtitles? Our antenna hasn't worked right since the blizzard and I don't know how to fix it. Ez and I can't recap unless someone has a link for us. I don't mind paying to watch. Please email me

Is it too late to say thank you Marta? I know that the Monday epi is almost here but still, I enjoyed your recap even though I read it late.

Late or not, I won't miss Lichita.

With all of the contracts that Alicia has secured for Iconika, thus saving jobs from layoffs, I can't believe why she is so despised. Are they just rotten people (save a few) over there? Fire them Alicia! Fire them! You're the director. Bring in good people that you can rely on.

I agree that Augusto is probably behind the Mateo caper---as well as several other things. Remember, he does have some mafia dealings.

Can't wait to see how Alicia deals with this VERY ROTTEN joke that she is now faced with. I will have a front row seat tonight because Antes Muerta Que Lichita is

must see tv.
the gringo


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