Friday, January 29, 2016

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #109 1-29-16 BIANCHI, for crying out loud, BIANCHI!!!

Ciao, miei cari Patio Peeps!  No refrito tonight, let's get right to the action.  Andiamo!

Freddie's head didn't pop off and fly around the room (thanks for that image, Sneaky) but she did collapse and slide out of the chair onto the floor and she wails as Pilar holds her and cries that she is sorry, Federica was so young and had suffered so much.  Of course these people don't know what a closed door is so Dante walks right up and asks what's going on.  Now, friends, whoever said that Pilar has more on the ball than she's letting on, take a bow.  Pilar and Freddie smoothly switch roles and Pilar begins to cry and wail uncontrollably as Freddie pretends to comfort her.  Freddie says, "She's fine, we're getting closer and she was telling me about that evil Maximo.  How could you work for somebody like him?"  Dante defends Maximo, "He got me out prison, he wanted me to be a good man!"  A good man?  Freddie thinks Dante's face and demeanor are like that of a beast.  No!  They don't need help.  She will get Domingo.  She dismisses him.

Pedro and Fiorella walk through the living room.  Fiorella frets about how sad Gianna is and decides she will flash Gianna a smile every time she looks at her.  She asks how it went at ACorp.  He, Eloisa and Osvaldo plan to meet, Fiorella will attend.

Domingo flirts with Simoneta as she brushes Pilar's hair and tells her how spiffy she'll look when they go on their walk around the Ranch.   Pilar is silent, her brow is furrowed.  Eloisa approaches and notices this and that Pilar is more quiet than usual.  Domingo mentions that she was talking to Freddie a bit ago.  Eloisa goes ballistic and leaves the room yelling for Freddie.  There's a cute little bit where Domingo clumsily tries to tell Simoneta that he is....he is....enamorado Pilar says with a roll of her eyes!

Roxi helps Gianna get ready but before she can make up that pretty face, she's got to get it off the floor.  Gigi is understandably down about her fragile heart and doesn't want to go to the fancy schmancy dinner.  "No way!  Do you want to die and leave Gael to Katia?"  Roxi gives her a pep talk and offers her a hug:  "but don't get used to it."  and gently embraces Gianna.  "Rox, you have to get your degree because you're going to be a wonderful Doctor."  "And YOU have to go to the dinner!" Roxi pronounces!

Eloisa has caught up to Freddie and confronts her about her damning performance at the ACorp Board and Investors meeting.  Eloisa tries to tell the stony-faced Freddie that it's her business too and thanks to her antics, it's in danger of going under.  Everything will be destroyed because of her revenge!  Freddie doesn't care, she wants to strip every family member of every bit of money, every bit of property and shares and leave them all in ruin!  Dante enters the room to ask Eloisa if he wants her to administer her drops.  Freddie flounces out telling Eloisa that she is in good hands with Dante.  "He knows how to treat an Angeles," she spits, without looking at him.  Dante looks puzzled.

Roxi continues to doll up Gianna and fends off Gianna's bubbling thanks by telling her 1.  She bought the clothes for herself; Gianna is only borrowing.  2.  She can't stand to see that Katia win.  [Oh yeah, in that first scene above, Roxi referred to her as a meerkat!  I love it!]  and  3.  Well, Roxi is doing it for Gianna.  She gives Gianna a towel and two types of body wash:  one for above the waist and one for below!

Back to Fiorella and Pedro's update on the ACorp situation:  It sucks, hard!  With the departure of the Japanese, they have to get another big investor.  Fifi's phone chimes.  It's a text from her friend back in Maratea, Nicoleta.  Nicoleta has news about Fifi's parents but can't tell her now.  Fifi doesn't know what's up.  Osvaldo enters the room.  Pedro tells him they have to meet with Eloisa to decide the future of ACorp!

More primping, and patting and marking with a "B" (for Babe) of Gianna.  She even gets a crash course (literally) on how to walk sexily in wedgy heels.  Yeah, she crashes to the floor.  [Watch those ankles, girl!  I broke one with a similar tumble!]  When Gianna is all done we get Roxi's approving and joyous reaction but we don't get to see her because it's commercial time.

The new and improved Angeles Family meets in the study:  Eloisa, Pedro, Fiorella and an attentive and sincere Osvaldo.  The upshot is they are in deep doo.  Freddie's statements have created a real problem for ACorp and they have to be united as a family from here on out says Pedro.  Yes, Eloisa agrees, a united family with no more low blows or back stabbing.  Os is so cool, he doesn't even wince at this statement.  Yes, he says, they are going to move forward with or without the Japanese! Pedro is glad Osvaldo is so positive but he wonders if Os appreciates the gravity of the situation.  Not only did they lose important and powerful associates but there is now a campaign to discredit Acorp! Eloisa observes that Maximo faced even worse problems than these and he was unstoppable!  Well, maybe so, Os says, but Grandpa also got them into a fair amount of trouble as well.  Fiorella adds that more than destroy ACorp, Freddie's aim was to exact vengeance on Maximo for all the pain he caused her.  Elo agrees:  Maximo not only left them bank accounts and property, he left them a wounded and damaged family.  [No shit, Eloisa.]  Oh, sorry.  Anyway, Pedro pipes up to laud Eloisa for her firm leadership after Maximo's death.  Fiorella joins Pedro as does a gently tinkling piano: She taught them to be stong, to fight against all odds but more importantly to fight together as Angeles!  [Hip boots and shovels, please!]

Eloisa is so happy to hear them talk this way and Osvaldo says he agrees with Pedro.  Osvaldo's shirt is open halfway to his navel.  He posture is relaxed and easy.  His jaw is not clenched, he is not snorting through flared nostrils, his eyes are clear and direct as he looks at Pedro with admiration and, dare I say it, affection.  "There's a reason to be alive, to give our heirs a better life.  Everyday is an opportunity for a second chance and we're not going to let them beat us."  Fiorella listens with a quiet smile.  She seems to glow with pride.  Pedro and Eloisa are deeply impressed.  They have never seen Osvaldo like this and appreciate his changed attitude.  Eloisa tells him it seems that now that he's going to be a father he seems so relaxed.  He used to be chronically stressed and short-tempered (aka, "to have one's ass on one's shoulder).  Osvaldo smiles softly.  "I don't know if that's the reason but I have to tell you, I feel like a different man."  Fiorella leans forward and tells him she is so happy to hear him speak this way .  They flash each other brilliant and subtly knowing smiles.  Pedro declares it a miracle!  They all laugh like the last scene of an eighties sitcom!

Ah, Julieta returning to the Ranch.  She greets Fiorella warmly and tells her she is so pleased to see her and Pedro so happy together!  Julieta wants to see Sergio to tell him some news.  Pedro goes to get Sergio and Fiorella shares the wisdom that she thinks Sergio is mad at her for spending so much time with Santino.  Well, Julieta's got more reason to be pissed at him!  To Fiorella's question Julieta answers yes, she's got news on her daughter but she wants to tell Sergio first.  Pedro comes back with with Sergio.  Pedro and Fiorella leave them to talk.  Sergio is decidedly chilly to Julieta.  [Whatever, loser!]

Dante runs into Simoneta who gives him a note from Freddie.  She's waiting for him in her bedroom.  She wants him to get all duded up.  "I'm going to give you a night you won't soon forget."

Sonia and Osvaldo get turned on looking at a book about pregnancy care and fetal development and decide to act on their inspiration.

Quina, Fidel and Simoneta fuss at Roxi over how much she spent on clothes and shoes!  Simoneta is ready to call in her bet that Roxi dress in service clothes and wait table in the Big House.  Roxi shows them a phone photograph of the dolled up Gianna.  She is sooooo dolled up they don't even recognize her at first!  They're impressed so they get off her case and Roxi wins!

Finally, it's time for the highfalutin dinner.  Augustin is there, and Gael and Katia, who picked the restaurant.  All are seated, awaiting Gianna.  Katia proposes a toast to change the subject from Gael's brief discussion of organ donation.  Augustin is halted in mid sentence by a vision of beauty in a deep pink dress walking towards them.  Heads turn, Gael's eyes lock on her and light up like a supernova.  Gianna does a slow mo sexy, confident sashay towards the table, her hair gently fluttering in the breeze, her eyes fixed on her man.  [You. Go. Girl!!]  Oh yeah, Katia's unsmiling stink eye tells us that Gianna. Is. HOT!

Dante shows up for HIS hot date with Freddie.  He's wearing a black suit and she's in a little black dress.  She wants them to celebrate the discovery of Maximo's scam, the suit against the Angeles Empire and that they've almost accomplished their goals.  He thinks she's celebrating prematurely.  No.  Today she got the fortune card and he's going to share it with her.  Together they will destroy the Angeles empire and build one of their own.  MUWHA HA HA HAHAHAHA!!!  Dante warms up some and calls her "Queen Federica the First."  She plies him with wine.

Eloisa meets with Alina for a report on Pilar's progress. Pilar has suffered brain damage not only from the twenty-two  year imprisonment but having taken psychotropic drugs all that time.  Dr. Elizalde knows and is working with a Psychiatrist to wean her off the powerful drugs.  Alina tells Eloisa about something that Pilar has repeated several times:  Dante killed Gabriel.  Eloisa silently gasps and seems shocked.  Alina says that although Pilar often lives in a fantasy world which she mixes with reality, she feels there is something highly sensitive and real about Pilar's assertion!

Osvaldo and Sonia continue to coo to each other in their afterglow.  Osvaldo temporarily slips back into assdom and asks Sonia if the baby is his.  Aw man, he blew the moment!  [Good thing he didn't say that a few minutes ago, if you know what I mean.]  Anywho it leads to a painiful memory of the DNA test which killed their last baby and, more importantly, to a confession by Sonia that she never had sex with Pedro!  She explains she made it up back when he was being an anal orifice to make him jealous.  She's pouting and has pulled away.  Osvaldo draws her near and whispers, "You are making me the happiest man in the world!"  Sonia looks at him with disbelief that slowly warms into a smile.

Dante can't get enough wine.  He pulls Freddie on to his lap and she asks if he remembers how their relationship started.

We are plunged into black and white as a (supposedly) young Maximo walks with a crying, distraught Freddie into the big house.  Young Freddie is crying, "I can't do it, my father already died." Maximio says, "Tears won't help."  Maximo goes up the stairs and a long-haired Freddie runs to the arms of a tall, svelte and gentle-eyed Dante.  She cries that her parents are dead now and she has to live with her family knowing they don't love her and that she's all alone in the world.  He holds her and tells her she is not alone, he will help her.  

"You have me.  I know I’m not good enough for you, no one would ever let you be near me."  Freddie pulls back and looks at him questioningly.

"Don’t you see it?" Dante asks.


"What I feel for you.  I don’t know if you will ever feel the same, it doesn’t matter.  I will always protect you and never let anything bad happen to you."  

Back in technicolor Dante says, "I loved you from the first day."  Freddie replies, "I was hopeless until that day."  He answers,  "You were so fragile, beautiful and sad."  Freddie answers quietly, "And I trusted you from that day. I thought you were the man that could protect me."  He says, "That’s what I’ve done all these years."  "Yes, of course," Freddie answers.  Her voice is full of resignation and finality.  [Too bad Dante wasn't, like, a darkly HOT dude.  This would've been a more touching scene.]

Julieta and Sergio talk.  She explains the shower thing from yesterday.  [No need to explain, Julieta, me and my friends enjoyed it!]  Anyway, Sergio tries to apologize again and she brushes him off as well as an attempt to touch her.  She admits what they had was beautiful and won't answer his question about whether it's because of Santino.  She's come to talk about her daughter.  "I know the name of the adoptive father!"

Just then Pedro and Fiorella approach the room where Sergio and Julieta are seated.  She has a tray of tea and cookies.  Pedro wants to tell Sergio about what happened at ACorp and Fiorella is anxious to see if Julieta and Sergio reconciled. They hear the next part of Julieta and Sergio's conversation:

"I'm closer to my daughter than I ever imagined!"  Sergio asks what's the adoptive father's last name.  "Bianchi.  BIANCHI!"

Quick switch back to Pedro and Fifi who act as if she just said "McGuillicutty!" Jeezo-pete!

Hey!  Be sure to read and comment on Urban's MIVAC Karmaggedon!


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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Whoa! That got kinda long-winded! Okay, Peeps! Have at it!

LILA! THanks a bunch for the great and lovingly crafted recap of the strangely unsatisfying episode. It will keep the patio a-buzz all weekend!

Gael's signing up to be a heart donor was creepy, even if a red herring. Really creepy. Is he going to step in front of a bus holding his organ donor card? *shudder*.

So, didn't it say that 25 years ago, after Sergio masqueraded as Santino to get into Julieta's bed...that Julieta and Santino were never "together" again after that? And if so, wouldn't Julieta now be wondering if Sergio could be the father of her missing child, not Santino?

Do we think Fed used fast acting or slow acting poison in Dante's wine?

I loved your description of Gianna showing up at the restaurante and Katia giving her the stink-eye (such a great expression!).

Thanks again Lila,

J in Oregon


Thank you Lila, amazing recap.

I'm not exactly sure what Freddy is planning to do to Dante, but should be fun to watch.

I think i'm rooting a little more for Osvaldo and Sonia as the episodes pass, they seem more relatable.

I liked how Gianna gave Katia a taste of her medicine, that whole scene was satisfying to watch. Look like Fiorella's birth secret won't be stalled for much episodes.



Brongiorno e mille grazie, J in Oregon! Girl, I could've slapped both Julieta and Fiorella silly! Oh well, we know the real reaction will be Monday. Man, they're dragging this reveal out. The final recognition and reunion had better be epic!

J, I don't know the timeline of the boinking. More observant folk with better memories than mine need to chime in. I think they screwed up and that masquerade escapade was a last minute ploy to make sure Santino and Julieta get together. Coo coo!

Slow acting poison.

Wasn't little Gigi HOT! Oh, I can't wait for the rest of that scene! They'd better not edit it out!!

Buongiorno e grazie tantissimo, Elorej! Yes, what is Freddie doing to Dante, making him relieve the start of their love affair, get in a few snuggles and carreses before he chokes on his own vomit and dies with crushing abdominal cramps!? Ah, what a hot date Freddie is!

Elorej, I know he's been an ass through the whole thing but I'm kinda pulling for Os and Sonia too but I want one or both of them to tell Pedro about the false boinking accusation and beg his forgiveness!!

They had BETTER reveal the birth secret Monday or I'm gonna splode!

Yes Lila, simply outstanding, yet again.

I enjoy your recounting of the events as much as watching them. You bring things to life so vividly.

"before she can make up that pretty face, she's got to get it off the floor" and "More primping, and patting and marking with a "B" (for Babe) of Gianna" were among my favorites.

Loved Roxi's makeover of Gianna. Of course, she was always beautiful so in her case, clothes didn't make the woman but they certainly showcased her loveliness.

I knew Katia was someone on P&P (which I'm watching) but just realized who she is - Dani. Also a stunning woman (although Gianna edges her out in my humble opinion)...

J, I was also very disconcerted by Gael's opting to be a heart donor. I have a sneaking suspicion the donor will be someone from the family. Let's just say I would be surprised if someone's recent dastardly actions (pulled from the fire by a kind hearted person) don't end up with repercussions. Let's leave it at that!

Lila, totally agree with you that the Sergio "getting together" with Julieta was simply done so her ending up with Santiago would seem plausible. I was going to say the masquerade didn't seem to be part of Sergio's character. Then, on second thought, I have absolutely no idea who Sergio is supposed to be. They seemed to reshape his character when it suited the storyline. I believe he loves his son and likely his wife (before she "died"). Other than that...

The one constant here has been Fiorella. Her happiness and chirpiness have been strangely welcome amidst this sea of vipers (Freddie, Os, etc.). The epitome of love and forgiveness. I am really enjoying her and Pedro as a couple and hope they have been through the last of their hurdles. Finding her parents is a joyous and fitting end for her story.


Gracias, Lila! You had me giggling so many times with this recap.

Gi looked beautiful. Not hard to accomplish. Both the Bianchi sisters clean up well. The dress she wore, looked like it came out of Fiorella's collection of soft, feminine dresses, and not the ramera wear Rox wears or looks like she purchased- like the yellow crop top she had Gi try.

For the love of...what is taking Vitto so long in getting that letter to Fi?! The writers are just dragging this thing out needlessly. Monday better bring some realization on either Fi's side, or Juli-Santino's side.

Wondrous as always Lila!!

And with all the slicing and dicing, why oh why couldn't they have put some scissors to the innocuous "family" scene in the study. Good lord, you are right Lila, get out the hip boots. All the accolades for Eloisa--hello writers, that's not what I saw. Learning to be strong would not be the way I would describe the way she allowed the sniping, abuse and general lack of respect each member had in that family. Guess now they play it she was embracing survival of the fittest and they are all the better for it? No, just no. Talk about rewriting history.

Oh, and sell the stupid company people. Not sure I would want to hang unto anything Maximo had his mitts on anymore.

Made my heart happy to see Gia stride into that restaurant with such self assurance, her killer smile and looking HOT! Thought Gael's eyes would pop out of his head.(And we got a Papa C. smile....sigh). I too want to see how Skania reacts...if we're lucky she'll storm out and get hit by a taxi. A girl can dream.

Think Freddie might have some more of that poison she used for Eloisa left over? She sure wanted Dante to keep drinking that wine. That B/W throw back was creepy, Dante was creepy then too. How much of what she is was also aided and abetted by his taking this sad, impressionable girl? Something really not right about that scene and it rather made me cheer on her revenge a bit more.

For once, I didn't eye roll at Alina's spilling about Pilar's Dante comments because she is helping a patient who needs the type assistance that the family needs to know status and what is causing their issues. Now what does Eloisa do with that? If Dante goes feet up, will Eloisa know it's Freddie. Will she want to protect her and not let police get her but have her put away? Methinks Freddie is going to surely snap for good after she offs Dante. Bets?

I'm still convinced as I noted the other day, that Pilar is WAY more aware and coherent than she is being giving out to people. Her eye roll and little side smirk listening to Simonetta and Dom (lord they are cute) gives evidence as did her fast on her feet reaction with Freddie. Question is, why is she staying so withdrawn? I think it's her dear of Dante--Maybe if he is out of the picture, she suddenly shows she has her wits about her. Freddie will have done one good thing before she cracks.

Suddenly, just don't like Sergio. What is with that snotty face whenever he sees Julietta, like she's the one who is being difficult in breaking them up? Stupid writers will still put those two together and it will be disgusting, especially if Julie in ANY way apologizes to Sergio for being difficult.

And hello...I didn't think Bianchi was that common a last name that it shouldn't have given Fi at least, Petey is a little slow at the uptake anyway, a surprise and open her eyes a whole lot wider? That was weird.



Meant FEAR of on lap and typing...bound to have a mistake.


Good work, Lila. This was an unedited episode but I don't remember the number.

I thought the actress playing the young Federica was an excellent match to Nailea Norvind, but the actor playing the young Dante was probably a little too tall to match Salvador Pineda. However, the scene was creepy.

Skankia is definitely getting her butt kicked in the restaurant. Good stuff.

Lila – Thank you for the recap! You hit it out of the ballpark with this one. I LOVE your “hip boots and shovels, please”

Ultimos Capitulos! I heard them say it last night, after the end of the episode.

Will the writers please stop working the Sergio storyline? The guy is stuck in a moral dilemma --- his believed wife is alive and, dude, YOU ARE STILL LEGALLY MARRIED to her! --- yet he conveniently forgets that 95% of the time and wants to continue with Julieta. ~Gah!~

If Julieta chooses Sergio, she deserves him. She might want to swear off men for a while or go away to a convent for quiet time. Or at least go to AlAnon. Sheesh......

So, will Fiorella save the day and talk the Japanese corp. folks into rethinking their deal with Acorp? NOTHING will surprise me, at this point in time. Gaaah.

In spite of 22 years of confinement and drugs, it was heart-warming to see that Pilar had not forgotten how to roll her eyes! The actress looked like she was trying hard to not crack up with laughter in that scene.

Roxi was so cute when she hugged Gi and then told her ‘don’t get used to this’. She still hanging on to her bad-ass exterior but the girl is softening up. Awwwww. The Roxi table on the Patio is quietly cheering.

Gael signing up to donate organs is Telerisa’s big PSA for organ donation, which is a good PSA. I have no clue as to whether they writers will kill him off, though.

"I'm still convinced as I noted the other day, that Pilar is WAY more aware and coherent than she is being giving out to people."
THIS would be a great twist to the story! Right now, it might be Pilar's best defense mechanism, too.

Buongiorno e grazie grazie, Diana!

Your summary of Fiorella is so lilting and soaring and it sums up her role in this story!

The one constant here has been Fiorella. Her happiness and chirpiness have been strangely welcome amidst this sea of vipers (Freddie, Os, etc.).

I remember when we were chomping at the bit for Pedro to leave Aitana, then to marry her, then to reveal the marriage. Well, we've got it all now and it WOULD be a fitting end for her to find her parents and for Gianna's life to be saved. We both probably fear that salvation may come at a heartbreaking price but, HEY! Let's enjoy the good stuff while we have it!

Buongiorno e mille mille grazie, Vivi! I am SO with you on the reveal. Do it, already, and let us enjoy some Julieta and Fiorella bonding time! Sheesh!

Buongiorno e grazie tantissimo, Daisynjay!

Learning to be strong would not be the way I would describe the way she allowed the sniping, abuse and general lack of respect each member had in that family. Guess now they play it she was embracing survival of the fittest and they are all the better for it?

Amen, and grazie for saying so. Is that what Eloisa called building strength? The "family" came a hair's breadth within murder several times and it's not over!

I too want to see how Skania reacts...if we're lucky she'll storm out and get hit by a taxi. A girl can dream.

YES! It's perfect! That's how Gigi gets her heart!!

ITA with your analysis of the genesis of Freddie the Freak and her likely end when Dante becomes a bloated, stiff-legged carcass. Eloisa can just check her in to Pilar's former room!

I'm still convinced as I noted the other day, that Pilar is WAY more aware and coherent than she is being giving out to people.

Yes, I was thinking of you but couldn't remember who said it! Take a bow, my dear!

Buongiorno e grazie tanto, Urban! Yes, I thought it was unedited. Even though we were creeped out and frustrated at times, it didn't leave us breathless! Again, they had better not edit out Gianna crushing Skankia!

Buongiorno e grazie tantissimo, Doris!

If Julieta chooses Sergio, she deserves him. She might want to swear off men for a while or go away to a convent for quiet time. Or at least go to AlAnon. Sheesh......

Amen, sister! She's got a chance to get back with the honest, principled, SOBER, totally BUFF father of her long lost daughter and she wants to choose unscrupulous, jaded, drunk, flaccid Sergio instead! Girl, bye!

That was a great scene when she helped Domingito tell Simoneta he was in love with her. That was great!

Roxi was so cute when she hugged Gi and then told her ‘don’t get used to this’. She still hanging on to her bad-ass exterior but the girl is softening up. Awwwww. The Roxi table on the Patio is quietly cheering.

Isn't Roxi so beautiful when she smiles? Whoodathunk she could be so sweet!

Oh, Doris, thank you for the confirmation of Ultimos Capitulos! YES!!! We're almost there, beloved Patio! We can do it!!

"So, will Fiorella save the day and talk the Japanese corp. folks into rethinking their deal with Acorp? NOTHING will surprise me, at this point in time. Gaaah."

doris, they go there and I swear the cats better scramble because the woman of the house will implode. Just no, fairy tale or no. Now, can I see her inheriting money and suddenly being a wealthy girl and throwing that money stupidly at the business. Yep I can. For once in his spoiled, privileged life, I hope that Petey would get a clue and say no and make her keep it for their future. That business has to go unless Asshat survives to deep breathe another day and he and Sonia can run it with another new investor. But I question: if they are so stinking rich, how come the business is in such sad shape they need a major investor?

And thanks again doris for the "PSA" vibe on the Gael organ donating scene. I need to stay in my happy patio place with him.



"But I question: if they are so stinking rich, how come the business is in such sad shape they need a major investor? "
Good question. Currently, a very stinking rich candidate for president has filed bankruptcy on more than one of his businesses, committed fraud, and is still rich. 'nuff said or we'll break the Caray rules.

Lots of rich people file for bankruptcy every day. If they have the right lawyer and set of facts in their case, they get to keep the house, country club membership, kids in private school, vacation home, cars, etc.

Sometimes it is their company that goes down the tubes, but there might be other companies or investments that keep their lifestyle afloat. It just depends on the situation. This is why shell corporations are so prevalent.

The Los Angeles are "rich" for now but, like families on Downton Abbey, behind the scenes the money might be dwindling and the lifestyle is next. Poor Thomas is starting to realize, by interviewing for other butler positions, just how good he has it at DA.

In telenovelaland as in real life, we never really know all the facts.

Thank you for the latest installment Lila and for holding the family together. Shout out to sister sneaky too.

"Oh yeah, Katia's unsmiling stink eye tells us that Gianna. Is. HOT!"

Sergio makes my skin crawl

Santino needs to rethink the Julieta thing, she is no prize. Not saying much if she picks you over Aníbal or Sergio.

Cannot wait to see Ela Velden in the next TN, she's been a bright spot in this one and did a lot with the shot she was given.


Mille grazie, sorellina Tofita! Yah on Julieta. Sergio is looking more and more like a mistake but I'd forgotten about the disaster that Anibal was! Girl knows how to pick 'em, doesn't she?

Fifi seems to want her back with Sergio. What do y'all think Fifi will do when she finds out that Santino is her Poppa? Will Santino try to enlist Fifi to help him press his case?

Hey, wait a minute! Didn't Pedro even say he wanted Sergio and Julieta to make up? Maybe he feels his poor Momma is damaged enough.

ITA about Ela Velden. She has shone sho 'nuff!

Lila - yes, you are right! Pedro wants Sergio and Julieta to make up. Maybe Pilar is a classic plot device and they all know it? Bless her heart!

Or Petey sees his mother as someone one short of a load and though free, would not be someone to carry on a "relationship". Sort of leaves me cold that he wouldn't maybe think that her ex could make her feel wanted and whole again...unless he really was that p***-poor of a husband and father. (Petey tolerating him now 'cos he's all grown up).

I do give the Cake-toppers the benefit of the doubt that they don't know the bone-headed move that Sergio pulled on Julie back in the day. Being reminded that this chicka wavered off and on with Anibal there for a bit doesn't give me hope that she has the sense to see the man who loves her and can be good to her versus someone who is Mr. Jealousy and still has never worked a day in his life that I can see. What happens if things go bust?


Thanks, Doris and ITA with everything you say, Daisy! I know Pilar is very traumatized but, hell, Sergio is damaged, too. Let them get couples therapy and try to rebuild their lives.

OR, like someone said earlier, let Petey, Fifi, and maybe Gigi and Gael go live at Pilar's villa away from the vipers!

Wait. Fifi wants to live in Maratea. Julieta loves Eloisa so much, let her stay there with booze-soaked Sergio and let Santino go to Maratea with Petey and Fifi. Let Pilar return to her villa with Domingo and Simoneta joining the house staff where those two nice, loyal and intelligent care takers were!

Lila, you are such an amusing lady with these recaps. Thank you for the
And sneaky 2 shoes. Thats a cute name for her.
Now, I must say I like THIS osvaldo. Now He better not mess this up, and then he almost
Does. But then hes nice again, great save sonia. Now if they both would just stop reverting back to the past, they'll be fine.

[Hip boots, and shovels please]" O girl can they shovel it or what? That industrial strength stull too. Maximo screwed them up big time and they're stuck with his mess. And
Eloisa help in a largely small way. But they're
Cheerin themselves up cause they know that
They're in deep sh**. And Elo knew this day
Was comin.

I had an inkling that gigi & roxi would some
Day be best buds. Lets cross our figure. And Please don't let it be roxi's heart.

I was watching pilar's face when simoneta &
Mr. Sunday was talkin, I don't think she is as
Out of it as they think. And sergio should try
And make up to pilar fot being a lous of a
Husband, and let fiorela have papa santino &
Moma julieta be the family they missed out on. Besides sergio owes pilar and pedro big
"He got me out of prison. He wanted me to be A good man". Bull!!!! He needed a yesman henchman.
And he got one. Probably guilted him into doing whatever he wanted. By the time max died he was head deep in doo.

Katia better pick her mouth up off the floor before something crowls in it. whatever chance she thought she had just flew out the window.
And things are moving right along. This is good. Thanks again Lila. Yall have a good

Mille grazie, Nina Well, Nina, this wild ride is coming to a close. I hope everybody we want together will be together and let's have just desserts for the baddies. Osvaldo may escape a big anvil. I would really like to see Sonia tell Pedro what she told Os, though. She owes that to him!

I think that Aitana and her father wanted to bleed the company and bankrupt it. Right now thanks to Federica it's at risk of not getting investors because of the scandal she created. Whether Pedro could have taken action sooner is questionable.

I'd like to see her confess to pedro to, since
Shes fessin up to hubby. He and fi may have been together sooner if that baby daddy drama Hadn't been hangin over his head. Or not.
Rattanna was lookin like a upper class hobo.
She should have opened a savings account
While helping daddy steal that money. Now
She has to really stoop to freddy's level. Now
Thats desperation.

Thanks Lila for a spicy recap of a sort of bland epi
Like this "They all laugh like the last scene of an eighties sitcom! "
And this " [Too bad Dante wasn't, like, a darkly HOT dude. This would've been a more touching scene.] "

Am I missing something? Am I doing it wrong? I've never even heard of different kinds of bodywash for the top and bottom halves of the body.
Ooh Lila a broken ankle? Ouch!

I'm happy that Gia looked hot for her competition w/Katia date but I'm not sure if it was my $ I'd have let Roxi off the hook, she might deserve to wear a uniform for a while.

Mille, mille grazie, Sneaky! Child, they are drrrraaaagggging this thing out. I understand we're ultimas capitulos so we're likely to get some real smooshed up episodes until the end.

Can't help you on the body wash. I'm a boring Zest kinda girl!

Yah, my right ankle a few years ago. The most unfun thing I've ever done!

They'd better give us OUR money's worth on the Gianna vs. Skankia scene! Please don't let her have an episode of tachycardia!

Hip boots and shovels please.

Oh Lila, way to go, girl. That scene was no doubt a little gag-worthy. Haven't had a chance to watch this yet. Was at a conference Friday night and all day Saturday, but your always lively and sassy recap is keeping me up to date.

And yes, Sergio [Whatever loser!]. My sentiments exactly. A stalker, a lay about, an alcoholic, abusive husband, neglectful father and then the underhanded sex with Julieta. Maybe he'll be the heart donor, though with his history of alcoholism, I would imagine that would not be a very healthy organ.

It's requiring the patience of a saint to put up with all this dragging out of Fiorella's true parentage (Diana, loved your remark about her "chirpiness"..that IS the word!) but maybe Monday will bring some resolution.

As always, thanks for your incredible sustained effort to keep this going Lila. And Sneaky Two Shoes, thanks for coming alongside so Lila is not carrying this load all alone. Bless you both!

Petey deserves to be fired by the board. He suspected/uncovered foulplay over the stock purchase, should have gone to the authorities instead of trying to be a hero for personal reasons and should have disclosed the majority stock holder's ownership claim was in question. But this is consistent with a spoiled boy who gets inked up trying hard to be a badass and has his own swat team.

All Freddy did was disclose to the board Eloisa and Petey had been lying to them about many things and shouldn't be trusted. The Japanese and the Board rightly demanded Petey's resignation and the Japanese rightly withdrew when Eloisa thought it best to protect her baby over the solvency of ACorp. This is nepotism run a muck.

Pedro was hoping to fix the problem without a public scandal, which would have been distasteful to Eloisa and even more dangerous to the future of the company. I don't think there was any ego-based stuff involved in this, but maybe a certain psychologically necessary catharsis of satisfaction in bringing down these vultures.

Federica could have reported all this to the authorities but she didn't. Instead she created scandal which could destroy the company. All that could give her is a pyric victory and a major financial loss. Her possible motive is some need to punish somebody -- anybody -- for any and all wrongdoing by Maximo whether they knew about it or not.

JudyB! Buongiorno e mille, mille grazie! So glad to help you stay up to date! We're going to keep an eagle eye on these folks: we've had enough silliness, let's not let them get away with anything.

You know what, on Fiorella's saving the company by using her cheerful siren song to woo back the Japanese. There is a precedent in that. Remember at the beginning of the story Fabio was going to give them the finger and leave but Fifi patched up the difference and Fabio stayed on with the company. Can't remember excact details and maybe his staying wasn't the greatest thing for ACorp, but the point is "The Chirpy One" has some great powers of persuasion!

I'm going to guess that when Julieta and Santino are revealed as Fiorella's parents Santino will invest enough to fix any problems in ACorp.

Vittorio also owes Fiorella big time. He needs to get this ball rolling by handing over Mario's letter. Once this has its consequences and Vittorio gets back the money Anibal forced Diana to steal maybe Vittorio will put some cash into this in the name of his previous friendship with Pedro.

All plausible, Urban! That would be very satisfying!

I think that's what Vittorio needs to do to earn the redemption the writers have set him up for.

It does annoy me that Sergio has been manipulated in whatever direction the writers could come up with to serve the plot. Not good planning on their part.

BTW, since Sergio and the whole rest of the family was manipulated by Maximo and Dante to believe that Pilar was dead, is he still legally married to her?

UA, I was thinking the same thing. My guess is Pilar was declared legally dead, but I don't think Max did a great job making sure no loose ends existed. In any case, I don't know Mexico law, but in the US there is 7 year rule. Even if a person simply disappear, the spouse can declare them legally dead or sue for no fault divorce, if I remember right, to free themselves to move forward.

I'm sure a court of law in Mexico would support Sergio's decision to not be legally married to Pilar, unless he solicited to do otherwise. Jerk that he is and the way he's been pursuing and acting all jealous over Julie, I take it he got over all his sadness on Pilar and her being alive, and has already moved on. Domingo seems to give her more affection as her caregiver than Sergio does. Sorry, the character as a whole just bugs the daylights out of me. Writers fault I'm sure, they have been trying to make him some reformed lovable do-nothing. But still don't like him.


7 years for Legally Dead status is almost universal.

Thus far it seems that Dante was the only other person who knew that Pilar was still alive. I wonder if any provision had been made if he had died before this was discovered.

Wow, I always learn something here on Caray. So Sergio is no longer technically married to Pilar! I wonder if Pilar knows. Or cares.

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