Saturday, January 23, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita #85 Friday 1/22/16

Well, here we go!

We are starting out with returning to Alicia and Santiago at their dinner date where Santiago is promising Alicia he will do all he can to help her get over Roberto. She adds that it is a lost cause already between her and Roberto because he is already married. Santiago sees the marriage as the least of the problems because not everybody marries for love: people marry for all sorts of reasons. Alicia's cell phone suddenly rings and it is a very distraught Dafne on the other end telling Alicia that she just cannot take it anymore and also asking her to come over please. Santiago keeps looking over his shoulder to see what Roberto is doing. (He better keep looking over his shoulder.

Of course, Magos' party is out of control and she has done nothing to bring it back under control being as immature and goofy as she is. It seems like the police have arrived. Her friends think that is great because they will get everyone under control. Magos has to remind them that they all could be in hot water with no licenses for parties and their "crooked" business they are running. Pau and Gerry try to make a run for it but Magos drags them back.

Back at the restaurant, Luciana wants to talk about Santiago and Alicia. Roberto tries to get her back on track to talk about themselves. Roberto wants to talk about not being able to live forever at the mansion. Luciana wants his support for her to returning to work at Icónika. Her main reason is so that he will see she is so much more talented than Alicia and she is back to talking about how much she hates Alicia.

At the mansion, Alicia has arrived and is talking to Dafne who is sorry to have ruined her date. Alicia is just happy she is feeling so much better. Dafne tells her that the divorce is taking a bigger toll on her than she thought. She has absolutely nobody. She simply has to accept that her mother is never going to love her. Alicia insists that is important that she put her best foot forward to try to live with her other. She shouldn't take her mother's reactions personally and to support her. Dafne does not think the advice will work but is going to give it a try. Alicia tells her that whenever she needs her, she knows where to find her. Santiago is waiting for her by the door.  Alicia apologizes for the interrupted evening. He is not concerned about that: he just wants to spend the rest of the night with her. He clarifies himself: he wants to spend the rest of the night in her company. He takes her to the movies at a theater where he is part owner. Rank has its privileges: the theater is closed down for just the two of them with their own private screening and popcorn. Of course her cell phone rings. Santiago reminds her that there is a sign saying to turn off your cell phones in the theater. She feels she has to take the call since it is from Braulio who never calls her: must be something wrong. Braulio feels so low it is as if he is I n a pit. He needs to talk to her.

Back at the birthday party, Magos is trying to convince the police officer that it was just a birthday party. What about charging to get in and for the drinks??? Magos tries to talk her way around those questions along with Pau and Gerry. Heck, they even sing a verse from "Las mañanitas" but to no avail. They are being arrested eventhough the police officer needs to get a couple selfies and autographs with the telenovela stars before he hauls Magos and company to the police station.

Back at the mansion , Roberto and Luciana are in their bedroom. Ever since they returned from the restaurant, Luciana has noticed how pensive and into himself he has been, he says it is just issues at API he is thinking about. She gets out of there with the excuse of getting a glass of milk to help with some acid indigestion. He is left thinking about Alicia and Santiago.

At the police station, it seems Magos, being the birthday girl, didn't get actually put in a cell so she bails out Pau and Gerry (who did get put in a cell) as well as herself. The news media are there to cover the telenovela stars who try to lie their way out about why they are at a police station.

Back at the the theater Braulio has joined Alicia, Santiago, he movie and the popcorn. Braulio and Alicia have a conversation about how much he loves Brisa but also how much he does not understand her. Braulio is a mess. Finally it hits Braulio that Alicia and Santiago are on a date. She asks him to be discreet about  them on a date because he knows how things are at Icónika. She tells him he might as well stay and watch the end of the movie. (Poor Santiago)

At the mansion, Luciana and Gumaro are literally sneaking and skulking around. She wants to know what he was talking about with Roberto (last episode she saw them talking by the car). Gumaro and Luciana are in each other's face they are standing so close. He says that he and Roberto were talking just about stuff. Roberto amd Luciana are then back talking about what didn't happen (their sexual relationship) and how it is not going to happen again because Luciana is going to dedicate herself to her career and won't be around much and also because she and her husband are going to get a house of their own. Gumaro is hoping for at least a farewell from her when she does leave. She and he go on to discuss what kind of a farewell: emotional? Before long, the conversation ends and they are kissing again.

Magos, Pau and Gerry are back at the Cafecito sitting on the floor among the filth and empty bottles bemoaning the fact that the money they made had to be used to bail themselves out of jail. Eventually they clean up the café so nobody will know what went on there. Thank to Magos' magical kittie kat hoodie nobody will be the wiser.

After Braulio leaves the theater. Alicia apologizes to Santiago who says that is not necessary. He wanted them to get to know each other better and he has found out so much about her in the hours that they spent together. He is impressed by her friendships. Santiago talks about his friends: his right hand man Félix (who spent time in jail). Santiago thinks that giving people second chances is very important. he wants to know if Alcia is up for another one of his surprises. Would she like to get into some mischief with him? They end up sneaking and running around inside of Santiago's home. Santiago takes off his shoes and goes swimming fully dressed in the pool.

At the mansion, Gumaro and Roberto meet to talk in the garage. Roberto just cannot get Alicia out of his mind. Gumaro tells him to calm down. He then asks Roberto what he feels for Luciana. Roberto answers they have not had sex even once since they have been married. they never had the right circumstances: Rafael's death and so many other events. He wants to give his marriage a try but would never force himself on Luciana. Next, Gumaro wants to know if Augusto is getting a divorce, then why should he be hanging around the mansion anymore? Roberto wants Gumaro to stay put. He does not think Augusto will be gone so quickly; at least not with the API vote coming up. Gumaro will have to stay there working and working. . . Gumaro is not thinking about work

Back at the pool, Santiago has a game: in the water or a question. Alicia chooses the question. Santiago asks: if Roberto wanted to come back to her, would she give him another chance? She says of course not but thinks back to when she was drowning in the pool and how Roberto saved her life. She then says no, because she is with Santiago and jumps in the pool. She manages to swim to him. She lost her fear of the water because of him. Alicia tells us that Santiago was suddenly so special she was ready to take a second chance on love. In the pool with Santiago, they discuss what they will call their relationship: a couple, novios. Alicia wants to be called a couple: more equality in that word. Félix appears to tell them that dinner is ready.

At the Gutiérrez household, Magos tries to sneak in but Nacho, sitting at the kitchen table, hears her. Nacho is worried because Alicia is out at these late hours (and also with the owner of People's Cafë) just like Magos' should not be out at these late hours either. Nacho wonders out loud if Magos and her friends had a wild time at the Cafecito. Magos laughs it off.

Santiago and Aliciia sit at a table pool side and have dinner. He wonders about her age. She starts to talk about starting her own life And doing important things for herself, for example, living alone. That is when her phone pings. It is her dad who is worried about her. She had better go. Santiago insists on accompanying her. He also wants to know when the best time would be for him to talk to their parents about their relationship: they should be the first to know. Alicia thinks it is better to wait a bit before talking to them.

Braulio is stuck sleeping at work.

Back at the Gutiérrez household, Magos is giving Alicia the third degree about Santiago. Alicia has very little to say. Alicia is busy blogging about her feelings and continues at the Cafecito the next morning. Elsa wants to know how her date went. Alicia wants to show her an apartment she is interested in on her computer when she notices that there is a banner advertising the API elections TODAY. Elsa notices how loose and off balance the table they are sitting at seems: was there someone dancing on it? Magos has a hard time keeping a straight face. Elsa is concerned about the table. Maybe the factory sent it that way? Ximena finds a piece of glass that Naco identifies as part of a beer bottle. The usual bickering ensues. Magos still has nothing to say. Alicia leaves for Icónika.
Surprise: Santiago has stopped by to see her.

At the mansion the whole family is at the breakfast table except for Beatriz. Dafne asks where her mom is. Augusto does not care and reminds Dafne he is still the head of the family. Nothing is going to spoil Augusto's very special day; the day of the API vote. Luciana is all excited about Roberto being the next API president. Beatriz arrives. Augusto seats her and even leads the family in grace.

Augusto is talking to Roberto in his office telling him in that  just in a little bit Roberto will be announced as his successor. Roberto asks what if they do not vote him in. Augusto tells him that is not going to happen. He will get the majority of votes. Roberto wonders what kind of discord will appear in API when they find out that Luciana is Augusto's daughter. Once they have voted Roberto in, nobody can take that title away from him.

Santiago and Alicia are chatting at the Cafecito. She is trying to explain that it is not because she does not want Santiago to talk to her parents about their relationship, this is simply not the time. He agrees to wait until she is comfortable. He also has another surprise for her that afternoon. Nacho is reading aloud an article in the newspaper about the telenovela actors ending up in jail. He goes on to read that they were released with Gerry and Pau. Elsa puts two and two together. Magos lies through her teeth and denies it all then finally admits to it. What is she to do when she owes so much money? How can she pay off her credit card debt.  Nacho says he  has found a place to invest his money.

At API, Roberto is the only one without a tie and a vest rather than a suit coat. Anyway, is time for the vote. Guess who wins: is the new API president.  They all toast Roberto. The API board members leave and Augusto tells Roberto he has his agenda set for the next three months. Roberto has to learn to exercise his power.

At Iconika Alicia chats with Braulio.  It really sounds ilke he is done wih Brisa. Now he needs to find a place to live.  Alicia mentions moving out.  Maybe they could be roomates? Braulio looks interested.

Augusto has decided to have a meeting even though it is Saturday. He sees Alicia in the hallway and tells her about it.  Alicia did not know abut it and is planning on leaving. He says no to that because the meeting is going to be about the general directorship of the company. Nestor and Chuchette are also there in the hallway.  Augusto introduces Roberto as the new API president to everyone. Congratulations all the way around.

Santiago then shows up to see Alicia but Augusto thinks it is for business. They must be finalizing their business agreement.  Alicia sets him straight: she and Santiago are also couple. Santiago came to just see her. Augusto drops his handbag and is suddenly looking very stressed. Roberto turns to the wall and laughs.


Too bad they did not at lest throw Magos in a cell . . . Did I ever say how much I dislike that character? Ha! ha! So many times it probably has been too many times.

Thank you Jarifa, much appreciated!

"He better keep looking over his shoulder" I'm fearful Santiago's relationship with Alicia will get him hurt or killed.

Why does Alicia have anything to do with Augusto or Roberto? Neither respects her as an equal (nor ever will) despite her demand otherwise. It really is time for her to move on.

"Magos' magical kittie kat hoodie nobody will be the wiser" Is Valeria trying to cover for Magos now? Well, Valeria does have plenty of practice with deceit.

"Roberto is the only one without a tie and a vest rather than a suit coat" Do you know how hard it is to get a monkey in a sportcoat much less a tie?

Loved this show early but I'm bored now. All I see is Roberto going weak kneed when he thinks Alicia has another man and the only thing really keeping them apart is a sham marriage to Luciana.


Tofie, your "monkey In a sport coat much less a tie" has me laughing. Thanks!

Thank You Jarifa. Entertaining recap. The show, not so much.

I oh well.....Oh Ximena. She is adorable. I hope she turns out alright being raised by retards.

I am tired of:
Maggot ...Maybe they should get her a pole dancing job
EVERYONE in Iconica except Alicia and Fatima
Alicia getting screwed over by everyone
Nacho Cheese and his insurance money
Loosey legs even if she is boinking Gummy's wheels off; it's time they got caught
Maggot getting away with everything
Choochette squeezed into a dress sized for Ximena
Sitting through this show waiting for the Cheerios and Cicatricure commercials
Bea making sure she is going straight to hell.
Alicia still not being able to swim.


Thanks, Jarifa. Great recap.

Augusto commandeering the family at breakfast to lead a hand-holding prayer was a hoot. Lord, please don’t take my stuff away.

Braulio crashing the private date was funny too. But poor Santiago.

Not right but kind of sweet the way Valeria tries to cover for Magos. This is the second time. Maybe reformed sinner Valeria will be the one to finally get Magos to change?

So Santiago's right-hand man, Felix, has been in jail. Wondering if there's a connection to Roberto there.

Alicia looked especially cute in this episode. Maybe because they toned down her new bimbo luke.

Thank You Jarifa. A Lot.

Well, space cadet Brisa took a perfectly happy, Braulio, mated with him and eventually kicked him out of his home? I coulda told him that sack time with B was gonna cost him.

Oh well, at least now he knows. Like the girl on TMZ famously said a while back, " Everybody knows those crazy girls got hot pants."

Tofie and Niecie, thanks for the info on Valeria. I got in late and do admit to falling asleep while watching the episode. :( Now II know what I missed.

Jarifa, loved your smart and savvy recap.

"Santiago keeps looking over his shoulder to see what Roberto is doing. (He better keep looking over his shoulder" and "Gumaro is not thinking about work" were among my favorites.

I am so enjoying Alicia and Santiago's romance. He is sweet, supportive and seems like a dream. I simply cannot fathom anything, and I mean anything that would make Alicia choose the increasingly less appealing Roberto over Santiago. Unless Santiago is perpetrating some kind of scam, this deal is sealed. tofie, I really hope Augusto doesn't go after him but as we know, Augusto the snake has no conscience and no morals.

Niecie, you have me wondering now if Felix will end up having some kind of tie to Roberto. Hmmm. Could there be any possibility Santiago could have a criminal background? If so, he has definitely been redeemed as he is a hawt angel here on earth. Sigh...

Enjoying any scene Gumaro is in and am looking forward to see if he and Luci really do have a future together.

The only low light for me was Dafne. "She has absolutely nobody. She simply has to accept that her mother is never going to love her". Isn't a mother's love the one thing in life we should all be able to count on? But to realize your mother doesn't love you must be unbearable. I want Dafne out of that house and now. She and Valeria should end up living together far away.

Thanks again Jarifa!


Thanks Jarifa---Wow, another long weekend before we can get back to these shenanigans again.
My favorite line went something like this---Roberto tells Gummy to stay at the mansion and keep working---Gumaro isn't thinking about work.

Did I miss something? Did Brisa throw Braulio out? What caused that?

Roberto is now President of API---Does that mean that he will have to work? He hasn't worked from the shows beginning.

Magos---Nobody likes her but I do. Maybe it's because she's Sherlyn. I've liked Sherlyn since the first novela I saw her in way back in 2002. Ok, Magos screwed up again but she really isn't evil. She hasn't done anything really bad since she damaged that car in the parking lot. She's full of mischief and doesn't think things through but I still have hope that she will get turned around. Valeria? Maybe

I didn't get the swimming pool thing but I liked it. Lets go for a swim? We don't have any swimwear. That's ok, just jump in. Wet or dry, Maite is fab to the max.

Carvivlie---I answered your question in a late post Thursday.

must see tv
the gringo


Thanks for the wonderful recap!

Magos got off way lite!! I couldn't believe Elsa and Nacho let that go. They could have lost their license and the cafe.

Gringo, I agree, looks can get her far, but eventually you can't overlook the crazy. She's been a hot mess! Though last night I felt she redeemed herself and showed her heart, which will make him stay.

Santiago mentioned that people marry for many reasons. Hope that isn't foreshadowing his intentions. Intentions that don't include marrying for love.

Diana, I'm with you. I would like to see Val and Dafne together. Disappointed Santi didn't strip down before getting into pool. He could have at least taken off his shirt :)

Niecie, I was thinking the same thing about Felix.

Kirbo, Agree about Brisa. I'm surprised Brau was able to put up with her craziness for so long.

Jarifa, Magos is so frustrating.

Thanks, Jarifa, and thanks to all our recappers. I've been distracted and not commenting lately, despite watching and scanning the recaps.

Santiago is a sweetie and almost too good to be true. I enjoy Gumaro and Luci's crazy clandestine romance.

Augusto the patriarch at the breakfast table, leading the blessing on the food, left me not knowing whether to laugh or puke. He's starting to suffer a little stress, though, strumming his fingers on the desk at work, then telling his hand to "estop!" and hitting it with the blue man-clutch. To me, that was a genius bit of business.

Because of being snowed in I finally got a chance to catch up with the week's episodes, thanks to all you recappers and commenters. Kirbo I like that idea about Chuchette's dress. I am so so tired of Magos, they should send her to the army. I agree that at the moment there isn't a way in which Santi isn't an improvement over that confused, cowardly lying Roberto. I still don't get why API is important. Gumaro and Luciana are adorable together. I don't want to hear another word out of Nacho.

Send Magos to the army? Oh my! Saving private Magos?

the gringo

That is a good one, gringo!

Ooh I love the idea o Magos going to some kind of military school!!

Army fatigues....pole dancing...Army fatigues...pole dancing....Aw, I just don't know. Maggot what do you want to do?

OK. Just watched the episode. Thank you so much, Jarifa!

Alicia's dresses this episode were much more appropriate for work. Not short, not tight, not sleeveless, and conservative cleavage. Were the producers listening to the audience.

What I can't figure out is how she went from carrying a heavy backpack to work each day, to carrying a briefcase, to now just a fancy black clutch. I'll start to worry when she starts carrying a tiny blue clutch.

Santi looked very fetching all wet in that pool. I thought he was very patient and a gentleman throughout their constantly interrupted date. I was annoyed with Alicia for wanting to keep their relationship a secret, so I was very happy when she announced it to Augusto and Rob at the end. Loved their reactions! But worried for Santi's safety now that Aug knows about him.

All in all, Alicia is moving on up in the relationship department. Relationship #1) Passionate, mostly secret relationship with a user and a liar who broke her heart. #2) Very public sham relationship with a nice gay man. #3) Honest, open, mature, and public relationship with a man who sees her as his equal and desires her. The writers are going to have to work miracles to make me Team Roberto instead of Team Santiago.

Jane and Vivi, take care with the snow. The amounts out east are unbelievable.

Thanks Jarifa! Just finished watching the episode.

Poor least she has Alicia and sorta kinda Alex on her side. I'm surprised she kept it together for this long (perhaps Rafael had something to do with that).

Jarifa not only does Santi need to watch his back for Roberto but Don Augusto also. He should just hire a 24hour bodyguard.

Very surprised that Alicia told everyone at the end since she was so insistent on keeping their relationship a secret to her family like 2 seconds before. Loved the reactions from Roberto and Don Augusto.

CeCe, you are so right about Santiago needing to hire a bodyguard. I don't think he has any idea of the type of risk he runs entering the world of Augusto by way of Alicia and Icónika.

Thank you so much Jarifa! for pitching in. I am back in Orlando. Have to go to CHicago next week but i should be fine with the recap this week.
I am almost caught up, have to watch friday episode so the recap is a saving grace for me. Thanks again! i updated my profile with a pix from my San Francisco trip.

Maybe it was the storm but now it antenna is not picking up Univision can anybody cover for me tonight?

No problem, Jane. I just threw a tape in the vcr and will put something up later.

THANKS Jarifa! I hope this is temporary and not that I need to buy another antenna!!

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