Thursday, January 28, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita #88 Wednesday 1/27/16. "Santiago Seals his Fate in a Deal with the Devil"

Picking up just where we left off . . .

Roberto and Alicia are discussing the general director position and how he is backing Luciana for that job and working against Alicia. She needs to remember that Luciana is the daughter of the owner. Alicia says that Luciana at the helm would be the worst possible thing to happen to Icónika. Roberto adds that it would be the best for Alicia. She wants to know what he meant by that.

At Icónika, Augusto talks with Elías who tells him to not beat around the bush and just tell him what he wants. Augusto wants him to be an adviser to his wife soon to be ex-wife Beatriz. Elías looks puzzled.

In the board room Valeria continues to serve the coffee and chit chat with everyone there to their delight. Someone actually says the mother is so much nicer than the daughter. Luciana hurries Valeria out of with the coffee cart. Chuchette tries to get them all involved in an "interaction" exercise. She wants them to repeat "I can!"

Roberto and Alicia are still discussing nose to nose. They almost kiss. Roberto throws Alicia having a millionaire boyfriend in her face: she doesn't have time for everything, right? Roberto leaves. Alicia says to herself that she is going to show everybody that if anyone deserves that position it is she. She opens the door and calls Roberto a jerk.

In Luciana's office, Valeria tells her that she appeared with the coffee cart to teach Luciana a lesson for having humiliated Alicia the day before. If Rafael were to see her he would be spinning in his grave. Luciana tells her that she is nobody to be giving her lessons in morality. Valeria hopes that Luciana learns something someday.

Braulio is still moving out. Brisa's old boyfriend is chatting with him. Braulio is curious where her old boyfriend is going to sleep since there is only one bed. "With Brisas of course" of course if the answer that sends Braulio into a panic. The old boyfriend says that nothing is going to happen they are beyond the "carnal" and  into the spiritual level of existence. He spoils that thought by ending up saying that on this plane of life and on the other plane  really anything can happen! Braulio is not a happy camper.

Back in the board room, Luciana returns cutting off Alicia who is talking to the clients trying to  kill time.  They want the general director(who they think is Alicia) to continue. Luciana corrects them and tells them that she is the general director. She refers to herself as Augusto's daughter. The clients are confused. Then is s she not Dafne? That can't be.  Luciana starts to address them and they are still asking if she is Augusto's daughter? the general director? They thought the general director was Alicia Gutiérrez.

Shortly after Luciana talks with Augusto in his office about what just happened. It is urgent that he clarify things. She is his daughter after all. Are they just going to let the "bastard" rumor about her float out there? He tells her to cool her jets. She needs to think about the reputation of Valeria and Rafael. She could give a hoot. Roberto comes by "just in time to take his wife away" (Augusto's words). So he does!

At a café, Alicia and Santiago talk about her future at Icónika. According to Alicia, it was such a short time ago that being the general director of Icónika was something she would never had imagined. With her talent and leadership skills he thinks the job will be hers. He is behind her to become general manager of Icónika come what may. His professional advice: she needs to be very clear about her objectives in wanting this position, what motivates her and what would make her different if she were the general director.

In Luciana's office, Roberto talks with Luciana so she gets the idea of what tasks/projects are pending. Augusto may be family but business is business. He tells her that if she could just focus herself she could be brilliant. Is she going to focus or just fritter her time away? They both end up frittering their time away talking about Alicia and Santiago and how they are the worst couple on the world.

Back at the café, Santiago is fascinated by how passionate Alicia is about her job. She believes one can sell and help other people at the same time. She thinks that a social message is important for the consumer. Santiago is in love and impressed: he wants her to know what a really beautiful mind she has.  She deserves this job and all the advancements she is going to have in her career.

Néstor is having a video chat with Chuchette. He wants to know if anyone has talked about his return. The answer is no. He has not looked for another job. He is true blue to Icónika. He does not want to work anywhere else. His work is his life. He is a full time workaholic. That is why his family left him. Chuchette wants to know all the details about that. Néstor is not talking.

At the Cafecito, Alicia talks about her goal to be general director of Icónika with her family. Nacho is all excited about her decision. Elsa is the wet rag quoting 20th century Spanish poet Federico García Lorca in reference to ambition:   "El quien quiere arañar la luna, se araña el corazón." (He who wants to scratch the moon, scratches his own heart.) Elsa tells Alicia to be careful. Nacho sighs. Even Magos does not get Elsa and criticizes her mother:   it isn't as if Alicia is a social climber or a  shameless hussy like Teresa in her telenovela "Corazón enamorado".

Néstor and Chuchette are still chatting. Néstor will be keeping details about his family to himself. Chuchette says it is too bad he is not gay, because if he were they would be besties forever and ever. He will make his triumphant return to Icónika if just someone clarifies his situation. They both would prefer Luciana to be in charge over Alicia. Alicia does not have an inner child: she has an inner crybaby.

At the mansion, Beatriz and Augusto are discussing things in a calm and orderly way. Augusto says they are people with class. Better to let their lawyers do the fighting. He has the person that will advise her at Icónika. Yes, she is happy. Roberto and Luciana arrive. Luciana is so tired from working so hard to prove she can handle the general director position. Roberto agrees there is nobody better than Luciana for the job. Beatriz's eyes just get bigger and bigger.

Back at the Cafecito. Elsa tells Valeria that she is all worried about Alicia because of this overnight decision she made wanting to be the general director. There is just something about the whole thing that bothers her. She wants Alicia to be the same and for life not to change her. Valeria has her own worries about Luciana.

Gumaro and Roberto are talking at the mansion. The topic is about how to distance Alicia from Augusto. If she were the general director, she would report directly to Augusto and Roberto could never let that much contact happen. Gumaro tries to feel out Roberto's true feeling for Luciana. Yes, Roberto does love Luciana but in different kind of way. Gumaro wants Roberto to define exactly what he means.

Still at the Cafecito, Alicia talks to her mom about why she is being so strange with her. Elsa says ever since she talked about being the general director, she just has not been the same. Is there something else behind this decision? Alicia sees the position as a real opportunity to be able to include her promotion of social causes, to be able to honor her thesis. Also, she wants to better her status at Icónika and better it in general. Elsa wants to know if this has something to do with her falling in love since this all coincides with her going out with Santiago. She does admit she is falling in love with Santiago, his assuredness, the way he takes on the world, the things he does, everything that has to do with him. Elsa wants to know what exactly she is falling in love with: Santiago or his lifestyle? Alicia tells her that with him it it almost all the same but that she will never let ambition carry her away. Her mother has no reason to worry. Elsa disagrees. She does have a reason to worry.

At the mansion Augusto has a visitor in his home office. It is Santiago. The long and the short of it: Santiago owns a lot of successful businesses. Santiago will give him the advertising and marketing accounts for ALL of his businesses if he makes Alicia Gutiérrez the next general director of Icónika.

Back at the Cafecito, Valeria, Magos, and Elsa talk about the telenovela "Corazón enamorado". They talk about work, sex (amajuje) and love.

Back at the mansion, Augusto wants to know if Alicia had something to do with this proposal. Santiago says not at all. Nothing is to ever be told to Alicia. He wants to do this for the woman he loves; help her achieve her goals. He just wants to make her happy. Augusto says he had Alicia in mind for that position anyway. As he leaves, Santiago points to a picture of Napoleon that Augusto has hanging in his office. After Santiago goes,  Augusto is not happy. As Santiago is walking down the hall to leave the mansion, Roberto calls to him. It is so strange seeing Santiago there. Santiago says it was just some business he needed to clear up with Augusto.  Roberto wants to know if he will be staying for dinner. No he won't.  Roberto presumes he will be going out with Alicia. No, Santiago has seen her already and her whole beautiful family. Roberto is just dripping with sarcasm. Roberto says he sure didn't waste anytime getting to know his future in laws.   Santiago's response: He never wastes time because you can never get it back. Does not Roberto agree? Roberto has no answer.

Dafne and Alicia are having a video chat. They talk about her parents' divorce. Neither of her parents care about how she feels. All Dafne wants to hear about is Santiago and Alicia and how they became "novios".

Santiago still has not left the mansion. Roberto continues to bait him. He cannot believe that Santiago does not know the name of Ximena's school because he Roberto does. Roberto quotes (misquotes) 20th century Mexican poet Jaime Sabines "Los amorosos no duermen porque si se duermen se los comen los gusanos." (Those in love do not sleep, because if they fall asleep the worms will eat them.)(It should have been "Los amorosos no PUEDEN DORMIR porque si se duermen se los comen los gusanos" Those in love cannot sleep, because if they fall asleep the worms will eat them.). (Anyway, this is the second time they have quoted from this poem in this novela) And yet Roberto thought that Santiago was really close to the family. Santiago admits to not knowing that detail but since he does respect the privacy of people, he does not go around asking about things that are none of his business. Santiago admits that Roberto must know them well and acknowledges the trust his future in laws have in Roberto. Santiago then brings up the latest decorations at the Cafecito. Right, Roberto would not know about them because Santiago has been there lately and he has not.Valeria has put some little flags from Argentina on the tables. "Conversation" time has ended. Santiago leaves with a smile; not so Roberto. Luciana wants to know what the Peoples' Café magnate was doing at the mansion at this time of night. Roberto says he was making a delivery. She is angry nobody asked her what she wanted.

In Alicia's office, an employee is telling her how hard it is to contact the person who is writing as "Daffy"(?)on the blog. (he never seems to pronounce the name the same way twice)  He has had no success. He does not even know if it is a woman or a man. Alex and Luciana come in to talk to Alicia. Alex has a possible new account: a travel agency that specializes in LGBT clientele. They manage hotels, cruises, and tours to gay friendly cities. Alicia loves the idea. Luciana is not sold because she knows how Augusto is and she is right. When they tell Augusto, he has an "over my dead body" reaction. Santiago reminds him he is not the sole owner of the company. He will be talking to his mother. Augusto reminds him that his mother hates gays. Alex does not agree because she has come to accept his relationship with Kenny quite well. Anyway, he already has told the travel agency he would take their account. Alex leaves and Augusto blames Luciana. If she wants to have the job, she needs to do what he tells her. Roberto escorts Alicia out because it is "family" business.

Magdalena is discussing money with her estranged husband Néstor. She is in a bind and needs some money. She always knew she could not count on him. He has nothing to give her for the kids. She is the one who took the kids and abandoned him. Where has she been all this time? The phone rings. He says it is Icónika. No, he is not sure if he is interested in returning. He has had a lot of other offers. Triple his salary? Now that is just fine. They must have been desperate. His wife reminds him now is the time to support his children. When will he be depositing money in their account? They need it.

At Icónika, Augusto tells Roberto why Santiago came to the mansion. Now Roberto knows the deal that was made. Néstor is back at Icónika to talk to Augusto.

Elías starts "advising" Beatriz per Augusto's instructions. She wants to know more about how the agency runs so she can make the right decision about who should be the general director. He will be happy to help her. He quotes from the Bible (Matthew 22:14)  " For many are called but few are chosen." which even makes her happier and more relaxed.

Néstor meets with Augusto and thanks him for giving him his job back. Augusto has an assignment for him. He tells Néstor about the deal Alex made with the LGBT travel agency. He wants Néstor to break the deal. He will have all of Augusto's support. Néstor also asks for the Peoples' Café account. Augusto tells him if he wants it, it is his. Néstor goes back to his office and brags and fantasizes about his great new relationship with Augusto to Chuchette and other office workers.

Roberto meets with Sheila at the park. He is upset that Mateo is not there. She says told him she was not bringing him. She is angry that the other day he could not even come over and say "hi" to his son. Roberto tells her he was dealing with an unsavory guy. Roberto is direct and does not waste much time asking the most important question: How much does she want to return Mateo to his custody?   She tells him he is just awful asking her a thing like that but she will think about it.


Looks like Santiago is just as controlling as Roberto.

Yes, I do get into trivia when it comes to literature! :)

Thank you Jarifa and for the literary asides.

"They both end up frittering their time away"

Crap, Santiago needed to be perfect and interceding to help Alicia achieve her goal is a capital offense.

Never liked Elsa much and much less when she tries to clip Alicia's wings.

It's a shame Alicia's primary motivation to have the general directors position is not Santiago's lifestyle or encouragement, professional accolades or even her thesis but to stick it in Roberto's face.

Where in the heck is this Nestor thing going?


Jarifa, your recap was mesmerizing. You translated everything that happened perfectly and astutely. Your sharing Roberto's misquote was fantastic. We are so fortunate to have you recapping with your superb comprehension.

“Roberto does love Luciana but in different kind of way”. Umm, really? Roberto’s admission to Gumaro was a total surprise to me. I do think he sees her a tad bit sympathetically but I thought he indulged and tolerated her more than anything else. He surely sees something in her (which I do not) to have any kind of love for her.

After explaining that Alicia “does admit she is falling in love with Santiago, his assuredness, the way he takes on the world, the things he does, everything that has to do with him”, why on earth would Elsa begin to question if she is falling for the man or his lifestyle? I suppose you could say that power and success build confidence but there are many with self-assurance that comes from within, not from what they have.

When Santiago proposed Alicia for the promotion, I must admit I was happy. She has had so many plotting against her, keeping her down for so long. I know she wanted to be promoted on her own merits but the deck has been tampered with and stacked against her from the beginning. But, after I read your comment about him controlling her Jarifa, I did get uncomfortable. So, let me ask this: Does trying to control a situation necessarily mean you are controlling the person too?? Hey listen, Soto has been a badly needed knight for me here, I hate to see a chink in the armor developing! :)

tofie, yes, what is going on with Nestor? Honestly, I don't care...I would be happy if I never saw him or Chuchette again...

Jarifa, you've made my day. Gracias amiga.


Diana, it is just my opinion that Alicia is going to be angry that Santiago "bought" her the job no matter what his intention. He will have turned into just another man exercising control over her career. I love when they include literature in these novelas. It really enriches the writing. They just should be a little more careful, unless they wanted Roberto to misquote which is always a possibility.

Tofie, they sure did spend a lot of time on Néstor which does make him a more interesting character but why at this point?

Jarifa- The attention to detail you gave this episode was fantastic.

Yeah, they needed to give Alicia a reason to eventually break up with Santiago, and now she has it. I forgive him. It was coming from a good place.

I think you have to look at the intent and I don't see selfish intent in what Santiago did. He really believes in Alicia as a person and professionally. When he was encouraging her he switched and spoke to her as an entrepreneur and gave her a different perspective on how she should position herself professionally. I don't believe he would waste his time if she was not capable.

What makes me uneasy is Alicia was able to justify leveraging the impending marriage to Alex and the subsequent deal with Augusto (because of Alex) so she could have a shot. She used the Peoples Cafe account to satisfy a debt to Augusto and Santiago made it clear to everyone he wanted Alicia to handle the account. He's been upfront with his intentions on a romantic level and did not make a personal relationship part of the deal. If she becomes angry with Santiago it is because she wants to be angry at Santiago.

Roberto has berated and belittled Alicia every time she showed any independence of him way before Santiago entered the picture or discovering Augusto had designs. Instead of being happy for her or proud of her achievements he sees a threat.

I see very little equivalence in Roberto's and Santiago's approach except Roberto is able to offer encouragement to his wife.


Great recap Jarifa!

The moment Santiago made his deal with Augie, I was yelling at the screen "you just blew it"! Alicia wants to get the job on her own merits and even though Santi's heart was in the right place, it was wrong to go behind her back. The previews make it look like Rob outs him so we shall see how Alicia feels.

Santi is such a knight in shining armor to Rob. And the way Rob keeps treating Alicia, I don't care what kind of chemical attraction those two have, she shouldn't want to get near Rob right now.

Even though Nestor should have been fired earlier for a thousand different reasons, I was surprised Alicia didn't try to get him his job back when she found out the coffee guy was the traitor.

I realized last night that the only thing I like about Luci is her relationship with Gumaro. Otherwise, she annoys the hell out of me.

How can Rob love Luci? I thought he only tolerated her too. Maybe he is starting to find her craziness endearing. If he felt any sort of romantic love I would think he would be trying to sleep with her.

So Augie wants to accuse Bea of infidelity with Elias so his doesn't look that bad? I'm sure he'll manipulate some sort of proof because I can't imagine anything actually happening between the two of them.

Elsa would rather clip Alicia's wings so she can stay near her than let her soar to great heights. Not exactly the dream a mother should have for her daughter. So far Alicia has moved up but still maintained a too close relationship with her family and stayed grounded. Elsa seems more worried about Santi's influence. Its not like she will turn into Luci.

Bravo to Val for trying to teach Luci a lesson.

If Rob buys Mateo from Sheila I hope he is somewhat smart about getting her to sign away her parental rights.


Vivi, yes, this sure seems like it will be the reason for Santiago to get the boot.

Carvivlie, I think you hit it on the head with Elsa. Seems like their economic situation kept her tied down there. That no longer is the case. I was also surprised Alicia did nothing to assist the innocent Néstor to get his job back but was very happy she didn't.

I wish Roberto would be totally honest about his feelings for Luciana. He may love her in a "different kind of way" but that is not like a husband. I would love to see Luciana sneaking around with Gumaro with Roberto's blessing.

Jarifa---A great job as always and well appreciated.

Yes, Alicia should have tried to get Nestor's job back. Anyway, he's coming back but I for one don't like this guy one little bit.

Agreed---Luciana is cute with Gumaro but at Iconika? Good grief!! Get her out of there. She'll have all the clients running for the competition.

I also agree that Santiago should want to help Alicia because she's the best person for the job and not just because he cares for her. Come on Santiago, use your brain instead of your eyes and lips. Alicia is the best person for the job by a mile.

Can't wait for tonight---
must see tv
the gringo


Gringo- I don't doubt that Santiago thinks Alicia is the best person for the job. He thinks she is qualified to run the whole place. It's what other people will think when they hear how he used his influence to get the job that will be the problem.

Gosh I hope Santiago apologizes and Alicia forgives him! So far he has been just wonderful!!

We, and Alicia (and Santiago now) know that there is no such thing a merit promotion at Iconika. It doesn't matter how qualified Alicia is. That shouldn't even be in question at this point, and yet the folks at Iconika continue to do so. Even if Augusto or Bea were the ones to give her the promotion, with no outside person influencing their decision, it would still be a decision based on whatever personal stuff or plots they have going on. It would have nothing to do with Alicia's talent. To me, the only real option for Alicia to get the credit and status she deserves, is to leave Iconika, and either start her own company or go to a company that respects her. But that company is clearly NOT Iconika.

I agree, Vivi, that is Alicia's only option. As for Santiago, no matter how Icónika is run, no matter how good his intentions; his purchase of the position for Alicia smacks of a certain kind of paternalism to me, a certain kind machismo even. I wonder how he would feel if the situation were reversed. That is why he needs to go. IMO, no apology should be good enough because this decision has exposed a fatal flaw.

Totally agree Vivi but Alicia still seems to think merit will get her the job because she isn't looking to make a move. I totally want her to start her own company with Elias, Fatima and B&B.

Wow Jarifa you are tough! I look at this as an opportunity for Santiago to learn and grow. I think Alicia could be a great influence on him. I hope she puts him in his place but I also hope he learns he did wrong and wants to be better.

Yeah, I'm not ready to throw Santi away because of this. His reaction when he's called out will be the determining factor.

"That is why he needs to go. IMO, no apology should be good enough because this decision has exposed a fatal flaw".

Jarifa, now do you really, truly mean that?? Have you actually looked at that handsome face and mesmerizing, piercing, blue eyed stare? Have you seen those biceps? The smile? The personality??

I would definitely give him another chance. And only, only, because it is the right thing to do of course. ;)


Oh, I found out where the original dark-haired receptionist went. She's one of the maids in the Gran Hotel over on El Hotel de los Secretos. I spotted her last night.

Good eye Vivi! I was thinking the other night that she never came back. Hope her new gig is better. I am dvr'ing all of the Secretos episodes and hope to watch this weekend. I wish it didn't come on so late.

Diana, he is all yours! I do admit he is a cutie but not cute enough to overlook his misguided action. Enjoy! :)

Thanks, Jarifa. Great job.

I'm sticking with Santi too, but I do want Alicia to set him straight.

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