Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Antes muerta que Lichita - Malicia on the Road to Hell.

Between the almost total lack of subtitles and the choppy, helter-skelter episode, I missed a lot, so please add in whatever.
  • Dressed as a fallen angel in black with creepy black wings, Alicia nails the toilet paper account. Braulio is stunned: "She used my movie, my life, so people will wipe themselves with this toilet paper."
    Luciana goes on stage and accuses Alicia of stealing Braulio's idea. Braulio swallows and takes one for the team, saying "it was a misunderstanding."

    Later Alicia offers him money for his idea which she has already stolen. He says it's not for sale and bids her a disillusioned "adios."

  • Alicia calls Dafne and asks her to take a picture of Gumaro and Alicia together. Success. Dafne sends it to Alicia.

    At Augusto's office, he demands that Luci apologize for falsely (!) accusing Alicia of plagiarizing. It's tough. She squeaks out a tiny "sorry." Remembering the time Luci made her get on her knees to apologize for an accidently coffee-spill, Malicia squints and demands Luci get on her knees, using the cellphone photo of her and Gumaro embracing as leverage.

    Weeping, Luci gets on her knees. Hard-eyed, Alicia demands a big apology. Ximena sees it and is so disappointed with Alicia, who weakly describes it as a joke. Ximena isn't having any.

  • Fatima tells Alicia how badly things are going for Sandra. Alicia goes to see Sandra and offers her (unspecified) work at Ikonika. Sandra seems to accept and shows up at Ikonika to everyone's astonishment. What do you bet she'll be making photocopies?

    Dafne sees her there. She barges into Augusto's office and hisses, why is your ex-lover here? Exasperated, Augusto lets slip that Dafne is - ADOPTED! She is appalled and runs out. She and Sandra appear to make up in front of the elevator. Yes. That's what happened.

  • Valeria and Luciana go to the doctor. Surprise, Luci is pregnant.

  • In some unspecified location, Beto and Mateo have a few chats none of which I understood!

  • Magos is a lousy student, duh, she has an exam coming up, she makes herself an "acordeon" (a tightly folded up cheat sheet) but drops it on the floor. At the exam without it, she has no alternative but to guess (and talk and chuckle to herself constantly, shut up Magos people are trying to take an exam!).

    Later, at the cafe, she and all assembled are relieved, she got a D, she passes! She's so relieved. Then, Valeria innocently produces the "acordeon" and all realize Magos had planned to cheat. Alicia tells her: "I'm going to court to get full custody of Ximena." Tears.

    Elsa is appalled but Nacho thinks it's a good idea and starts up about success. Alicia turns on him, asking if he knows what torture it's been to feel the weight of his expectations, to be forced to be so responsible all her life. "The road to hell" is mentioned.

    Elsa and Nacho let slip: there was an earlier child, a boy, he died in the crib. Rather unmoved, Alicia says: "so you made me step into his role."

  • At home Dafne confronts her mom, why did you never tell me I was adopted, she runs to her room and sits on the floor and sobs, Bea comes in and there is a completely illogical conversation about Dafne being loved and needed, it ends with them both crying and Bea being nicer than I've ever seen her before.

  • Augusto calls Alicia from a car somewhere in the dark and pretends to have emotions about Dafne, can we get together and talk? Alicia says she has things to talk about too.

    On her way out the door she's stopped by Beto who bursts in asking for one more kiss. They have their usual fight except this time, to add to the sting, Alicia shows him the picture of Luciana and Gumaro.

    He goes off to yell at Gumaro. She goes off to meet Augusto in an expensive restaurant. He works on seducing her by talking about feelings.

  • Next day there is filming for the toilet paper commercial. A baby appears and ends up in Luciana's arms. It needs changing. The mother comes and takes it away. Luciana yells "I detest babies" [actually enanos - dwarfs, midgets] and bursts into tears, to Chuchette's astonishment.

    She yells at Augusto: "I need to go on a trip, where is the money from the sale of our house in Buenos Aires?"

Tomorrow: will our newly evil Alicia fall willingly into the arms of Don Augusto?


Jane, terrific title and recap. "Malicia" definitely earned her name this episode.

Arath (oops, Roberto) still makes me laugh. His wild saucer eyes when he saw the pic of Gumaro and Luciana smooching was a hoot.

So Alicia is blaming Nacho's ambitions for her on making her go to the dark side to succeed? I'm not buying it. Betraying Braulio, without a heartfelt apology, and sinking to Luciana's level making her get down on her knees? There is no joy in Alicia anymore. I must say that I don't mind her seeking parental rights over Ximena though. Magos deserves this. But then if Alicia is so messed up now is she really fit for this?

Augusto relished telling Daphne she's adopted. His anvil can't come soon enough.

Ah Jane, you handled this cringe worthy episode so deftly!

I so admire the way you conveyed the facts interspersed with your wry observations: "Braulio swallows and takes one for the team, saying "it was a misunderstanding" and "He goes off to yell at Gumaro. She goes off to meet Augusto in an expensive restaurant. He works on seducing her by talking about feelings" were among my favorites.

There are few (if any) lingering traces of comedic elements.

Surely, Augusto revealing Dafne's adoption was the most calculatingly cruel event of the night. Monster.

Not far behind was: "Alicia tells her: "I'm going to court to get full custody of Ximena." My eyes widened incredulously at the callous, flat delivery.

"Weeping, Luci gets on her knees. Hard-eyed, Alicia demands a big apology". Did Alicia derive any satisfaction from that? Can anyone remember what those present did when it was Alicia who was on her knees? I recall (perhaps wrongly) that there was snickering through the embarrassment. Last night, even Chuchette and Nestor seemed chastised. Was it perhaps because they did not expect it from Alicia?

"Braulio is stunned: "She used my movie, my life, so people will wipe themselves with this toilet paper". By betraying her best friend, Alicia continues her tirade of tyranny.

Should I add Alicia showing Roberto the pictures of Luci and Gumaro? No, I think not.

I'm stretching for things to be grateful for. I can only come up with Bea (finally) comforting her daughter.

"will our newly evil Alicia fall willingly into the arms of Don Augusto?" I don't know Jane but do you know what? At this point, I can't really say I care!!


Niecie, our comments crossed.

"Augusto relished telling Daphne she's adopted". Yes!! Hideous...


Thanks Jane, totally agree with the title of this episode.

I must admit I have mixed feelings about the Luci on her knees scene. I felt sorry for her and you could see the shock and embarrassment for her on everyone else's faces. But all of them felt nothing at repeatedly humiliating Alicia for years. As much as I don't like the new Alicia, I felt like all of them were getting what they deserved, except Elias, who looked confounded. Actually, I was disappointed that Elias didn't confront Alicia later about the incident. But then it was this kind of laissez faire attitude by all of the employees that allowed Alicia's abuse to go on.

The way Alicia thought she could just buy off Braulio! And she didn't even seem upset when he walked out. I was hoping to see more aftermath of that, like Brau moving his stuff out of the apartment or just quitting.

So our speculation that one of the kids was adopted came true. Alex knew and I'm surprised he hadn't persuaded his parents to tell Dafne earlier. And Augie relishing the pain was horrible. I need a series of huge anvils to befall him.

Alicia is trying to control and manipulate everyone now, even her own parents. Magos deserves a lot but I don't think she deserves losing rights to her child. Not yet anyway. And Alicia is working all of the time so how is she going to be there for Xime? Nacho and Elsa are already the primary care givers. I don't see any improvement in Xime's situation.

Can't believe Sandra is back at Iconika. She can't be that desperate. I don't like Sandra, but she has gotten her anvil. I fear what Alicia will do to her.

At this point I'm so disillusioned with Alicia that her hooking up with Augie almost feels like the next step. Of course, I don't want him to win so I hope it doesn't happen.

Everyone in this tn is now unhappy except Augie. Kind of depressing tv at the moment.

One last thing, I feel like Alicia taking Xime away from Magos is more about Magos than Xime. What I mean is that Alicia is tired of all of Magos' shenanigans and wants to punish her by taking Xime. Right now Alicia is all about who she can take revenge on and what she can get for herself.

Jane, thank you for the wonderful recap.

I loved this episode and Malicia so much of the truth being revealed.

I did not mind Alicia making Luciana get on her knees to apologize and quoting her verbatim in this process since Luciana was still trying to make life difficult for her. It was not until this happened that Luciana really got the message. Bullies need to be paid back in kind to get the message and stop poking the bear. It was a good thing that Chuchette and Néstor were present.

It looks like Alicia will have a long way repairing things with Braulio because she did steal something--still not sure exactly what--from his movie script for her commercial. Guess I will just have to believe it was the drivel of the narration.

A real smart move was Alicia wanting custody of Ximena. Maybe that will shake Magos up FINALLY prompting her to be responsible. Wow! Magos just passed. I was happy they all thought she used the cheat sheet even though she didn't.

As for Alicia's attitude towards her father, I can understand it especially just finding out about her dead brother. Being a responsible kind of person and loving her family, she seems to have shouldered a lot of responsibility in helping her family get ahead or just hold on. Family here is not only her mother and father but also her sister and niece. To me, they seem to have taken her (and her earning power) for granted.

The worst of the worst was Augusto telling Dafne she as adopted. Ironically it seems to have brought Beatriz and her closer together when Beatriz told her she might not have ever been pregnant Dafne her but she grew in her heart. Augusto's anvil better be a good one.,

I loved Luciana asking Augusto about money from the family house sale in Buenos Aires because she wanted to travel. Whoopsie!

This just keeps getting better!


I want to thank all the re-cappers for their awesome work; without this blog, I'd be lost as to what's really going on. First, because I came in on the middle of the novela, and second because Spanish is my 2nd language. I saw yesterday's episode but because of my own family drama (I can laugh about it now), I had the sound off. Even so, it was obvious that poor Braulio didn't expose Alicia's fraud and betrayal. Amazing. Funny to see Luci at the doctor's office and astounded that she's pregnant. Major Duh! What I'm sad about is that Alicia has transformed into such a hardened, cruel and underhanded character. It makes me wonder what Roberto still sees in her. Is the same sweet Lichita hiding under the layers of heavy makeup and spandex? She could never be that young woman again but will she rehabilitate her character? I'm starting to not like her very much at all. At least Don Augusto who IS evil, social climbing and vain has a sense of humor and charisma. Guess that's what makes him able to achieve his desires and status. Looking forward to seeing how it will all turn out. Who will redeem themselves and who will give into obsession, madness and greed.

Carvivlie, "Everyone in this tn is now unhappy except Augie. Kind of depressing tv at the moment' is spot on. I sadly agree.

I wish there had been another way for Alicia to achieve her professional rise in the company. She still has not escaped the ridicule. They just now do it to someone better dressed with a smaller heart. Right now, Nestor and Chuchette have one because Alicia has been reduced to their level.

You are right in that Elias should have spoken up. He knows better and has been the voice of reason through all this. His silence enabled the abuse of Alicia to continue. And continue.

Even seeing him in my favorite red silk Nehru jacket didn't cheer me up at all. Sigh.


Thanks, Jane! This is the first episode I’ve seen in a while, so it was really weird seeing Malicia. I thought Valeria also took Luci to the doctor and they finally found out she’s pregnant. Don’t think I imagined that. I thought Rob took finding out about Gumaro and Luci rather well. He seemed more upset that Gumaro didn’t tell him he had romantic feelings for Luci, than about the actual affair.

The most disappointing moment to me was Alicia offering Brau money for stealing his idea, and not even batting an eye when he told her off. She is lucky that he’s a loyal friend, because being outed as a cheat in front of everyone could have really hurt her career (ask Sandra). The next disappointing moment was Alicia’s conversation with her parents. I thought she was extremely callous. Carvivilie- I agree that the custody thing was more about punishing Magos that it was about what’s best for Ximena. Ximena is just fine where she is, surrounded by the love of her grandparents, and even her immature mom. What does Alicia think she can provide Ximena in her cold penthouse apartment on her own, than she’s not getting with Magos, Nacho and Elsa?


Nestor and Chuchette have won (not one)


I don't see Ximena necessarily moving out if Alicia were to get custody. For me it seems more like insurance so Magos' poor decision making could never affect Ximena.

Jarifa, Xime seeing Magos' poor decision making is affecting her. The fact that she doesn't call her Mom Mom and acts like the grown up. I do think though there can be a positive affect too. I believe you have to be extremely careful when ripping the rights away from a parent. Magos isn't a great role model but that doesn't mean her parental rights should be stripped.

Augie might give Luci the money just to get rid of her annoying self.

Carvivlie, here is hoping that just the threat of Alicia's wanting custody will make an impression on blockhead Magos.

Agree Jarifa, but if almost losing Xime in that car accident didn't set Magos on the straight and narrow I hope this does.

This was another two episodes chopped and compressed into one.

Thanks Jane---I would have lost a lot were it not for your recap.

No Jane no. Will Alicia fall into the arms of Agusto? Please no, that would be a fate worse than #%!*&&#!!!

Agusto just keeps getting worse and worse. I think that he enjoyed hurting Dafne. I have no idea how he will end up but whatever his fate will be, I won't be feeling sorry for him one little bit. Whatever he gets, he will most definitely have earned it.

Right Diana---Not much comedy recently but it's getting better and better.

Jarifa---Agreed. Bullies need to be paid back. The big question now is---has Luciana learned anything from her humiliating experience last night? Has Chuchette and Nestor learned anything as well?

Jarifa---Yes, Alicia's family do seem to have taken her success and earning power for granted. It does look like Alicia has become a replacement for the son that died
The Family is working but daughter Alicia is the "big" bread winner.

Will loosing custody of Ximena finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back and wakes up Magos? Some have lost faith in Magos but I haven't. Two weeks to go?

Alicia really has turned into Malicia but I don't see that lasting. By the time that we see fin on the screen, I think that we will be witnessing the sweet loveable
Alicia that we have grown to love.

But for the here and now---I didn't get the dark angel. Was that supposed to be a tie into our new Malicia? If so, I get that but how was a dark angel supposed to tie into a toilet paper commercial?

It is hard for me to believe that Alicia stole from Braulio. Way back when just about the whole company was laughing and making fun of Lichita, Braulio and Brisa were two that never joined in on her debasement. He must be crushed over this theft by Alicia. Ok, she offered to pay but only after her thievery was revealed. He did take it well but I am soooo disappointed in Alicia right now. She should be begging
Brau for forgiveness. Will Alicia make it up to him in some way?

Can't wait for MUST SEE TV tonight. Luciana wants the money from the house sale so that she can travel. Where will this lead? I'm staying tuned.

the gringo


Thanks Jane for filling me in since I missed this episode. So Alicia is the new Sandra hmmm....

Alicia getting custody of ximena...no thank you. She just needs to stay with her grandparents who are the only stable ppl right now.

Alicia is stupid of she galls for Augusto....she knows of his affairs and how he treats women. He makes Roberto look like a knight in shining armor.

Alicia/Malicia will probably be on the "apology tour" soon enough but at least family, friends and coworkers will think twice about the way they treat her which will be to her advantage.

Thanks all! I too thought a black angel was not the obvious choice for a toilet paper commercial. What I think is realistic about this is the bitterness which twists Alicia's heart. She was hurt by many and betrayed by Roberto who she stupidly continues to love. Her father gave her the message for years that getting to the top was the goal. The way it's played out with the evil makeup and skin tight clothes which I forgot to mention were all black in this episode! They are cartoonish. But disappointment turning to rancor, that's truth.

Thanks, Jane!
my fav for Monday night's ep was the previews for tUesday with SHushette coming behind Roberto and telling him that now ALicia had definitely crossed over to the dark side of the force (and made the Darth Vader breathing noise LOL!!)

i can't get to your recap. will try again later... just wanted to let you know it comes up with an error when i try the preview link.

Marta, the recap for tonight's episode is not written yet so you cannot access it yet. Thanks for the interest! :)

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