Wednesday, February 24, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #21, 2/23/16 Tuesday: The Gold Knife Killer Shakes Up His MO

We jump right in to the conversation right after Cristina refuses to give Julio the letter or tell him where it is. Julio asks, “Cristina, when did you become so cynical?”

“When they killed my father. When I was left for dead in a pond. When the love of my life was killed. Every time something I cared about was taken from me! And you also lost the little that you had.” She begins to weep and begs her brother, “Tell me that you understand me.” Julio takes his sister in his arms and hugs her tight.

Back at the hotel, Teresa sees the note from the loan/advance Diego gave Andres and she’s ticked off. “We don’t pay for work that hasn’t yet been done.” She calls Angela to her office, and waves the loan note in her face. “Don’t you think we’ve done your son enough favors!” Angela bites her tongue and contains her rage until she’s downstairs and spots Andres. She grabs him by the ear, not caring how she’s embarrassing him in front of the whole staff, and shoves him up against the wall. “How many times have I told you not to ask any favors of Teresa! You’ve given her reason to humiliate us!” Andres remains respectful, but basically tells Angela that he’s a man and it’s HIS business.

Alfredo also prepares himself for mama drama as he enters Elisa’s room. But she shocks Alfredo by actually apologizing to him! Then she ruins it all by telling/threatening him that she’s going to stay right there in the hotel until she makes amends, and won’t be going home.

Julio returns to the hotel and speaks to Isabel. She demands an explanation. He tells her about the letter, on which the future of the hotel hangs, and about Don Romulo warning Cris not to give the letter to Teresa. Julio further explains that Cris thinks Diego attacked her on orders of Teresa. That’s the last straw for Isabel. “Your sister is a liar who is manipulating you!…What motive would my mother have to murder a maid?” Isa has heard enough of this nonsense. Clearly, Diego is innocent, and it’s not fair for Julio to ask for justice for Cris, while allowing Diego to languish in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Isabel says she’s not going to continue to be a fool, and Julio shouldn’t either.

Sofia goes to Dr. Vic’s room all aflutter and excited about the miracle. She has Doc Vic feel her swollen belly. She is sure she is somehow pregnant. The Doc is really shocked by this, and heads to get his bag to examine her. But Sofia is too certain of this miracle and too excited to wait around for the Doc to examine her. She runs off, and leaves him mighty confused.

Near the kitchens, Jacinto runs off some of the footmen who are harassing Violeta, then turns right around and gets nasty with her. When Lupe calls him on it, and threatens to smack him in his smart aleck mouth, Jacinto challenges him. “Hit me! Like a man!” Lupe just looks at his son in wonder and says he doesn’t know who he’s turning into. This doesn’t deter Jacinto. He continues to insult his father. “My mother isn’t here because you didn’t have the balls to keep her from leaving you for that gringo!” (He should have smacked him.)

Angela, who witnessed the whole fight, finds Lupe later and adds a few shots of brandy to his tea. They commiserate. “Kids! Hell is filled with kids!” Angela wonders why Lupe is letting Jacinto blame him for his mother’s absence. Why doesn’t he tell him “the truth?”  “Probably for the same reason you don’t tell (Andres) the truth.” Angela walks off, clearly not ready for the conversation to go there.

Andres finds Belen deep in thought, smoking, and blowing some impressive smoke rings. She’s in a sour mood again and wonders if he asked his mommy permission before coming to speak to her. He once again asserts that he is his own man. He hands her another wad of cash, and asks her to keep it safe and add it to their family savings—for the three of them, without his mother.  Belen then asks if she can also buy a little gift for herself, and Andres agrees. This puts Belen in an amorous mood, and she rewards Andres with some kisses.

A beaten up Melibea find Dr. Vic in the garden maze and tells him Violeta has to sing in the cantina every night, or else both she and Violeta will be dead, or she’ll reveal Doc’s involvement with them.

In order to avoid prying eyes, and her mom finding out, Isabel waits till the evening to go to the prison to clear Diego. She goes on foot, since she doesn’t want Jacinto reporting her movements. Matilde stays in her room to cover, so she’s there to answer the door when Julio comes calling. He can’t believe Matilde let Isabel go alone, on foot, at night! It’s a full moon!  He rushes off to catch up to Isabel.

Isabel, her white ensemble glowing in the full moon, walks through the empty streets of town. She trips over something on the ground, and when she looks up and over to the left, she sees a dark figure in the shadows. Their face is not visible, but their knife glints and practically sparkles in the moonlight. Isabel calls out in a panic. “Who’s there?! Who are you?!” And just as the killer is about to strike, Julio runs up to Isabel and takes her in his arms. Isabel tells him she saw the killer and the knife. Julio can’t believe he almost lost her! They rush off to the police station.

Which is where Diego is still whining to Ayala about being locked up. “You don’t have witnesses! You have nothing! Accept that you lost!” Dagoberto runs down to the cells to tell Ayala that the Gold Knife Killer is on the loose! They head up to speak to Isabel and Julio about what Isa saw. Ayala, Dago, a deputy, and Julio head out with shot guns, in search of the killer. Isabel goes to the cells to speak to Diego. “I’ve come to apologize, Diego. I made a big mistake. Cristina Olmedo is alive.” Diego looks smugly vindicated.

Dr. Vic finds Jacinto working on the car and tells him he’ll need to escort Violeta to and from the cantina to sing each night. Jacinto gives him attitude about that not being his problem. Doc Vic shoves right back. “This problem is as much yours as mine! You liked playing the savior of damsels in distress, but you need to see it through to the end!”  He points out that Jacinto was the one who first brought Violeta to him, and he needs to take responsibility for continuing to help her. “The lives of this girl and her mother are in danger.”

Jacinto finds Violeta, and very roughly tells her about this arrangement, even calling her a whore. She slaps him. (Yay!)  She says, “I am a maid who earns a living honorably for myself and my child!” When he says she’ll always be a whore, she points to her singing and says, “I’m an artist and I make people happy. I don’t need to go around hurting people (like Jacinto).”

Let’s get through this foolishness quickly... Eugenia tempts Felipe into the baths, where she’s a big old tease, but doesn’t close the deal. Mercedes sees them and is devastated. Felipe, whose motor has been revved up by Eugenia, breaks into Mercedes' room to have her finish what her sister started. And although she’s not happy about it, Mercedes seems to give in. (Felipe deserves the same kind of slap Jacinto got.)

Violeta goes to the ironing room, where she’s still not safe from the looks and whispers of the other maids. She starts to cry as Andres passes by. He enters and closes the door, and Violeta completely breaks down. “I can’t take any more!” She can’t take people whispering and badmouthing her, and making assumptions about who she is. “Do you think I chose this?! Or do you think I like it- to have dirty, sweaty men on top of me? Do you think I would have chosen something like that for myself?!” Andres says of course not. “I just want to be at peace, to have my baby in peace. If I can’t choose my life, I can choose the life my child has. I don’t want him/her to experience the same thing…Someone has to break the chain, right?” Andres assures her she will, and hugs her. Belen sees and hears them, and is about to enter to claim her man, but changes her mind.

Julio and Ayala hear the scream of a man and go running in that direction. They find the fresh kill of the Gold Knife Killer—a male victim! Ayala is completely thrown off his game. He realizes that perhaps he allowed his own prejudices to make him believe the killer only targeted women. “I fear I might have committed an error to think that the killer had criteria as narrow as mine.”

Alfredo goes to tell Sofia the bad news that Elisa is going to stay and live with them, indefinitely. But Sofia has no desire to talk about Elisa, or to talk about anything else right now. She comes out in her corset and underclothes, and quickly sheds the corset so that Alfredo can see all of her….

The detectives bring the body of the man in, and Isabel marvels at how different a real dead body is from the ones in books. She tells Ayala that she needs to change her statement about Diego because he’s innocent.

Doc Vic is the next visitor to Isabel’s room. He immediately realizes that Isabel is gone and that Matilde is covering for her. “Tell your friend when she returns that I need to speak to her about her dangerous habits.”

Ayala drops off Isabel and Julio in front of the hotel. Before he drives back to town, he assures Isabel that he won’t detain Diego any longer than the law and bureaucracy dictates. He then turns to Julio. “Tell your sister to come see me as soon as possible.” As soon as Ayala is gone, Julio pulls Isabel into his arms and plants a hungry kiss on her. She doesn’t resist, and Doc Vic doesn’t miss seeing it all from the balcony terrace above.


Are we obliged to conclude that the full moon killer is someone who has access to the hotel's gold knives? Who has access? Perhaps Cristina, since she used to be a higher up maid supervisor. Does she still have a key to the goldware cabinet? Teresa, Angela, maybe Lupe, Andres possibly since he might palm his mother's key (ama de llaves). Sophia might, but she has to have maids open doors for her; so less likely. Anybody else? If Lupe has a key, then Jacinto might palm the key. The list of such persons is not long. I think the murders started before Isa Bell came home to the hotel. De Eggo would probably have a key. He was in jail at the time of tonight's murder though. Al Fraido has been around the hotel a long time perhaps, so he might have acquired a key somehow during that time.

I suppose that Sophia may not be pregnant, but have a belly swollen from some other cause. How long will the screen writer allow Sophia to be happy?

Thanks so very much to Vivi for her very helpful recap.

Morning, Enoch. Perhaps the killer is getting his gold knives from elsewhere? I really couldn't tell if the knife he was holding was gold. It might have just been the one time, with Ximena, that he used a gold knife. But the name is catchy, and it's what the police have dubbed him. I guess it's flashier than the Full Moon Killer. :)

Thank you so much Vivi. Missed night traveling but don't want to lose the pace.

Since I didn't see what was happening and appreciate Isabel's confusion with Cristian's appearance, why on earth would she head out to free Diego at night?

Isabel should think long and hard about the guy she attached herself to. Part of her attraction to Julio was the pursuit of justice and while Julio's intentions good, underlying the quest was nothing more than a hired girl opening, reading, sharing with her lover and taking a letter that was not hers.

Great recap Vivi. Always love having the dialog out in since some of the characters speak REALLY fast for me. I try.

"Full Moon Killer" had an interesting silhouette. The illuions and shadowing made the person look larger, and now that we have a male being killed, hard to think it would be one of the thinner/smaller women dressed as a man. But I'm not assuming anything in this story. I liked the interplay between the Miami Vice guys going through town and showing who was firmly placed at the hotel and could be eliminated as the suspect.

But still leaves a group of people: everyone from the cantina folks, Cristina, to Diego's sidekick to some individuals at the hotel. And it doesn't take long to get from the hotel to the town since Julio seemed to have sprinted there pretty fast to save Isabel.

Julio needs to get kid sister to reveal herself and deal with the letter. It's not hers to keep hidden and frankly, why is she just hanging around town anyway. Love of her life---was that Pascual or was she talking Diego? Why is it so important to her and not the people it's meant to deal with. Give it to the police and let them deal with it. Something about the character I'm definitely not liking. And that kiss by Julio at the end...something tells me his loyalties are leaning to the Women in White. I don't think he's trusting his twin either.

Ah fell right in the trap. Some sister poor Mercedes has. This won't end well. (And yes, he needed a good plank up the side of the head.)

Can't stand Jacinto. So it's his father's fault that his mother ran off with someone else. Yeah, kid, think about what you just said and who is still working to put a roof over your head. He definitely has "women" issues. Could he have got to town and killed the dude and got back to the hotel? he has access to the car...

I guess Diego sees the sun again tonight. Was it me or did he NOT seem overly stunned to hear about Cristina? Just smug that he will now be getting out.

Every night...good stuff. Never seems to let us down on the plot movement.



DnJ I thought the same and I doubt the love of her life was Pascal, didn't look that way, and it was Diego.

Good one Vivi, gracias

Most serial killers are men & require more strength than a woman would normally have especially now that we have a male victim. I still suspect Diego of the murders of the women & the male victim is from a copycat killer. He is probably someone that knows sth

Its not Andres, he is too sweet. I can see Violeta ending up with Andres. Lupe is too busy in the kitchen. Jacinto has a real love/hate relationship with women, so he is a possibility, & could have access to the knives. Elisa is enough to mess up any son's mind, but I don't think they would do that to Sofia, (making her esposo a serial killer)

I am rating this TN very high on my novela list. Hard to believe its Televisa.

I will read all of this after lunch, but there's something I've been wanting to say since last night.

Cristina saying she became cynical as a result of all these bad things happening to her is BS. She was already stealing from her employer, reading stuff she wasn't supposed to, and blackmailing Teresa even before Diego betrayed her and before she was left for dead in a pond. So please, Cristina, spare me the self-serving sob stories. Don't get me wrong; what happened to you was bad. But as far as I can tell, so are you.

If you can't tell the truth, whatever it is, to your brother who was willing to go to prison to get justice in your name, then please don't say anything at all. That's better than lying to his face.

Am I overreacting? Something is really off with Cristina. Maybe she's being blackmailed.

Afternoon Tofie, Daisynjay, Variopinta, and Julie!

I enjoyed Isabel calling out Cris to Julio-- calling her a liar and a manipulator. She is right in some aspects. But just because that might be true, doesn’t mean that Diego is totally innocent ,or that her mother isn’t a cold blooded plotter of murders. How long will it take for her to realize that her mother isn’t just cold and controlling, but also criminal?

Variopinta- I like the idea of a copycat killer. So many possibilities. Hmmmm…

Daisynjay- Well, Cristina did spend the last couple of months with Pascual as he lovingly nursed her back to health and helped her plot revenge. That’s more time that Julio has spent with Isabel, and likely in more intimate ways, and I bet HE’D call Isa the love of his life, and not that madame he spent all those months with. So yeah, Pascual could really be the man she’s most loved.


Thank you, Vivi! I am not generally a fan of violence, but agree with you as to all these people who need a swift -azo of some sort, and not a Nerfazo.

Jacinto is kind of the worst. Violeta deserves much better than his glowering judgmental self. Choosing to be a jerk indicates a much worse character than having been forced into unsavory business. I'm curious why his mother is really gone, but the way he treats Lupe reminds me of the way single mothers are often vilified for the ills of society. Why are you blaming the parent who stayed and takes care of things? Though if I were Lupe, I'd probably snap at Jacinto, "you're making ME want to leave you, too!" That kid needs a good therapist. So does Lupe.

Cristina seems all sorts of shady. Why is she still hanging around and hanging on to the letter? It could ruin the hotel? I doubt she's keeping quiet to protect the Alarcons. She seems to hate them. Is she trying to figure out how to use it for blackmail or to collect a reward? Does she have another reason for hanging around? Their mother must be going mad with worry by this point, if neither of them has written.


Julia- "you're making ME want to leave you, too!" LOL! That would be so satisfying if Lupe said that to Jacinto. So true about the parent who stays being vilified by society, and getting flack from their kid. Happens all the time!

Julio and Cris need to write their mother, ASAP! They don't have to tell her the truth. Just that they are alive and well.

Thanks, Vivi! So Angela really said, "Hell is filled with kids!"? I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that last night. I mean... not that I blame her for saying so at that moment. But it seems to me that the only happy parent in this story is the doctor, whose kid is DEAD.

Funny how Belen asked Andres if she could buy something for herself. Unusually courteous of her ;-)

I hope Sofia is really pregnant. I don't think I could bear another of her breakdowns. It will be interesting to see her next scene with Alfredo's mom. "Hey, Ma! I just banged your son, and it was good. Here, feel my baby-bump!!"

And YES, I wish Julio and Cris would write to their mother. Poor woman.

Julie- OMG! Sofia would truly lose the rest of her fevered mind if this bump turns out to be something else, not a baby. I feel bad for her already. I really enjoy seeing her and Alfredo happy together. Neither of them is very sharp, but they love each other.

I think Sofia and Alfredo might actually be fairly sharp - but they have the wrong kind of sharpness for their situation. It's literally making them crazy. They're trying so hard to fit in and impress, in a society that's filled with pretentious jackasses. When other people do it, it's "charming"; but when Fraido and Sofi do it, it looks pretentious and jackassy.

Not unlike Mercedes. I don't think she's unattractive at all, and she seems like a fun person to be around. Alas, her personal charms are not the kind that are valued in that particular time and place. She's not conventional "wife material," so by the standards of her time, she's worthless. (At least she has her father's support. All Sofi has is Alfredo, and I can't swear that he won't "go for a walk" again the next time they have a problem.)

Julie- True. Neither is stupid, and they do seem to have a real flair for coming up with good business ideas. They are both just so socially awkward and emotionally high strung- not a good combination.

Thanks Vivi, so much, or the great recap.

I thought Teresa knew about the loan already.

I think the general should insist that Felipe marry Eugenia. It would make both Felipe and Eugenia miserable and be only what they deserved. Mercy would be well out of it.

Belen's reaction to seeing Violeta and Andres hugging was curious to me.

I can't remember, but I'm assuming that Isa told Ayala that Diego was innocent because Cris was still alive.

Re: fingers. My ring fingers are longer than my index fingers. Is that normal?! :)


My ring fingers are very slightly longer than my index fingers. I don't know if it's normal, but my fingers work, so that's good enough for me.

Nanette- Yes, I believe in the conversation that we didn't see, after the body was brought in, Isa and/or Julio must have told Ayala about Cris being alive, because Ayala's parting words to Julio were to have Cris come speak to him. Cris is obviously NOT going to be pleased that Julio 1) told Isa about the letter, and 2) told the cops (and Diego, via Isa) that he's alive.

This will be an interesting dilemma for Teresa and Diego, having Cris alive. If they try to hurt her again, it will prove Cris right. They can't risk trying to off her again. So they are going to have to try to bargain with her, or torture/blackmail her somehow (Julio in danger?) to make her give it to them.

Julia- "My ring fingers are very slightly longer than my index fingers. I don't know if it's normal, but my fingers work, so that's good enough for me."

Ditto! :)

Typo: That SHE'S (Cris) alive.

My ring fingers are also longer than my index fingers. Just a little. I don't wear rings, so that extra length is wasted.

It is possible that Cris actually is a decent person, but is lying and saying weird things because she's already being blackmailed or extorted in some way. How, I have no idea. But I've watched enough TV in my lifetime to know that sometimes a person will behave very poorly in a misguided effort to hide an even worse secret.

I hope Jacinto's mother is a prostitute, and Lupe (real father or not) took him in out of the kindness of his heart. That would be the comeuppance the little putz deserves after his insults to Violeta. But we did get confirmation that something is up with Andres' parentage.

I was impressed at how quickly Sofia got that corset off given all those hooks. She looked happy, so I hope Alfredo isn't the killer.

I like Full Moon Killer better than Gold Knife Killer. The moon is less flexible and therefore a more apt description. If Killer can switch up the genders then surely he can switch up the murder weapon. There are, after all, plenty of candlesticks around.


Diego's reaction to the news about Cristina being alive almost seemed a little panicy - like, oh crap, she's still alive and she knows some secrets that can bring me down.

Jacinto is driving me crazy! I do like how nice Andres is to Violeta, but isn't there like a 12 year age difference between the two? I thought Andres was around 28 and Violeta around 16?

The knife definitely looked gold on my screen. Didn't Benjamin say that only he, Andres, and Julio had access to them (at least for that particular murder that Ayala was investigating)?

I'm really glad the episode ended on a happy note for Julio and Isabel. I was afraid Julio was going to side with Cristina and that would push Julio and Isabel apart, but he didn't say anything and just kissed her. Aww. I love this TN so much. The plot actually advances and there aren't so many annoying and predictable character traits. So much better than waiting 100 episodes for an adorable couple to actually spend time together and be happy (well, as much as you can be happy with all the murders happening around you...)


I couldn't read Diego's reaction to hearing about Cris. Mostly I thought he seemed smug that he would be released from jail, but I couldn't tell whether he was also surprised, worried, etc.

However, as Nanette also remarked, Belen's reaction to Andres and Violeta was curious. I thought she looked ready to cry. (Again, not sad to lose Andres personally, but sad to lose another meal ticket.)

I didn't see enough of the knife or the killer to make any useful observation, but the quick glimpse that I got it looked to be a different type of knife altogether. I think (I may be wrong) that the gold knife was pointy, and this knife was shaped somewhere between a butter knife and a steak knife.

It's Wednesday. I don't have a good record for staying awake on Wednesday nights, but if I can't make it tonight I'll have to consider myself hopeless. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thank you Vivi. Another strike by the full moon killer. My theory is still holding that it's Benjamin. I had a feeling the next one would be when he was gone.

I couldn't decipher Belen's behavior on seeing Andres and Violeta hugging. Did she stop because she didn't want to mess with her new fake bestie's relationship with Violeta? That's the only conclusion that makes sense to me.

If we are taking a tally, my index finger is longer than my ring finger on both of my hands.

Hey Kelly and J!

The shape of the knife looked different than the hotel knives to me too. We'll just Have to see eventually how this shakes out.

I'm still not seeing romance yet between Violeta and Andres. Just kindness and friendship. Something she could really use right now, poor girl.

I had thought too that maybe Jacinto's mom is a lady of the evening-- maybe even Julio's madame friend...

Cathyx- Yeah, Don Ben being gone does nothing to get him off the suspects list. Hmmm...

We didn't get to see the conclusion of Andres being messed with by Garido over telling him who was going to testify against Diego.

I was mad that Isabel told Diego that Cristina is alive. Isabel needs to do some snooping to find that letter. Maybe Cristina and Isabel can have a little talk. But why is Cristina keeping the contents of the letter quiet? Why doesn't she just leave and go home? She's not talking about the secret, and she's not going to work there again, so why stay?

Andres is just a genuinely nice guy to everyone. Except occasionally his mother. Unless he's secretly the killer. But even then he's still nice to people he's not murdering. If he ever gives up Belen then Natalia might be more his type. Unless he's secretly the killer, and then he should take Eugenia. Don't even think El General would miss her that much.


Question: in the flashback where Cristina was selling stuff to Genaro and there was a skanky woman sitting on his lap, was that Melibea? (or as I think of her, Mal y fea) Somehow I had thought that he was Violeta's literal uncle, but it's more "uncle", yes? Duh, me.

I didn't quite recognize lap-woman at the time, but I don't think it was Mal-y-fea. Maybe that was Jimena?

I didn't notice the woman, and definitely would have if it were Mel.

Kelly- Last night I was hoping that the killer would find Eugenia. I'll happily point him in her direction.

Lol, Kelly.

It was a woman who we've not seen before sitting on his lap. I did notice her, she had black hair and dark complexion and she was short.

Oh, it was a different woman? I wasn't sure. I guess rode-hard-and-put-up-wet companions of Genaro all look the same to me :).

If the killer wanted to dispatch either Eugenia or Belen or Genaro or Melibea, I'd get over it.

Vivi--Splendid recap, thank you ever so much. I got confused in the darkness and thought at first the figure on the stairs WAS Julio, then he came out of nowhere to envelope Isabel. Meanwhile, did we get any closer to the figure on the stairs? I only saw him "there" one second and "not there" the next.

A couple of episodes back, I put up Jacinto's name--in jest--as perhaps the killer. I was dissuaded by my fellow Carayers. Now I'm putting his name back in the killer pool. That young man has a dark side to him, women issues, and especially "whore" issues.

Daisynjay--you mentioned first that Jacinto had access to the car. He would have gotten to the pueblo before Julio, even if he left later. Only thing to consider, would Julio have remembered ONE lonely car driving toward the pueblo at that time of night, or Jacinto seeing Julio walking. If neither of those things happened, the pedestrian walkway was not along side the roadway.

Anyway, when we saw Doc Laz talking to Jacinto, he looked a bit spooked (red herring type of spooked, maybe). Was this before or after Isa nearly got stabbed--timewise.

I think Isabel had to tell Diego why she thought he was innocent. If she had left off the Cristina is alive part, he would have wondered, and found out from Ayala later anyway. I think Isabel is trying to stay on his good side, especially after their break-up. I certainly hope Momma Dearest and Diego don't talk Isabel back into a formal engagement to him.

Yes, I feel sorry for Matilde. She's not having much fun, spending her time covering for Isabel's escapades. I hope we find someone else to occupy her time--maybe the doc himself?

Ok, survey answer--both my ring fingers are longer than my index fingers.
Enoch, could you expand on that research and the results? Are Hotel Carayers secretly all men?

Hey Anita! Jacinto has been so horrible lately, I say go ahead and put him at the top of your suspect list.

The figure on the stairs was flashing a knife and was definitely NOT friendly or benign like Julio or some random person. It was the killer, or A killer if he was a copycat killer.

My ring fingers are slightly longer than my index fingers, am I still a man?

Many thanks for vividly recounting the happenings of this exciting episode! This was a great read, Vivi! Cheers :)

I realize I'm late to the party but I watched Monday's episode (Thanks, Julie! Loved your recap!) and Tuesday's episode back-to-back and I'm gobsmacked! Here are some random impressions:

-- Cristina's comeback has shattered the image I had of her. I don't like her, I think she's lying and I feel that she's manipulating her brother. However, the main thing I can't forgive her is that she engaged in icky bunnyhopping with that moustached vulture! How could she? How could she? Yuck!

-- I can't wait for the day Ángela smacks Teresa's puffy chignon flat! I wonder why Ángela puts up with that nasty woman. I'm rethinking my theory about Andrés being an Alarcón because if that were the case, Ángela would have some ammo against Teresa. I think there is something else there.

-- I like this new Alfredo better! He has such a radiant smile and he oozes confidence. It's great what growing a backbone can do for you! I hope Sofía's "pregnancy" isn't some dangerous tumor or putrefaction or something (remember those pains she was getting after her miscarriage?)

-- Jacinto is being such a jerk to Violeta! I really hope he and his "respectable" colleagues stop bullying that poor girl, pero ya! I can't take any more scenes of her sobbing, she tugged at my heartstrings! :(

-- I hope Eugenia and Felipe get syphilis and die!

-- Last but certainly not least, the whole golden knife killer business made me chuckle quite a bit. What kind of a murderer roams the countryside with a supply of gold knives? Qué the hell? And Isabel meandering through the empty scary streets at that ungodly hour then managing to see the gold knife in the dark alley from that distance? Hazme el regalado favor! That scene required some major beanie adjustment! Same goes for the scene in the previous episode where Cristina catches a glimpse of the gold knife clearly inundated by the light of the electric lightbulbs yet the person wielding the knife was plunged in darkness and could not be seen, according to her! Huh?

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