Saturday, February 27, 2016
Pasión y Poder Episode #94 February 26th 2016 While Franco plays nice, Erick gets called a murderer (twice) AND a man whore, Julia realizes that she has to pay her employees, and Fanny gives Nina the finger.
If you can watch the episode again, watch the last scene again. When Fanny is with Nina, and counting on her fingers, she accidentally gives Nina the finger, and Uni blurs it out.
Franco, the two-faced bastard, tries to stir up some trouble, when he barges into Eladio's office and informs him that Julia is with Arturo in HIS office. Eladio is impactado, but does his best to keep his cool, as he remembers that he must respect Julia's wishes to stay out of her life. Oh, this wasn't the reaction that Franco had hoped for, so he further twists the knife, and points out to Eladio, how it's one thing for Arturo to be seeking out Julia, and another thing for JULIA to be seeking out Arturo. Franco tells Eladio how it enrages him and irks him to see him so depressed while Julia is over there with Arturo. Eladio losses his cool with Franco, tells him to shut up several times, yells at him that he can't say anything about Julia, and finally calms down and tells him that he did good by informing him, and that he must always keep him informed about what is happening.
Consuelo gets off the phone with her doctor, and informs Clara, that she's out of milk due to angustía (anxiety, distress), and that it's psychological. And yes, she's been feeling a lot of anxiety, with the mere thought of the Chimp (Erick) wanting to take Erick Jr. from her. Clara advises Consuelo to stay calm, and not pay any attention to what Chimp Boy says. Consuelo asks Clara to babysit Erick Jr. and heads out the door on her way to GM.
Franco plays nice, tells Eladio that he feels bad that their relationship isn't the same as before, because now is when he would like to be closer to him, and that it hurts him to see him so depressed. Franco tells Eladio that he has come to a decision.. if Eladio doesn't want to acknowledge him as his spawn, err son.. then fine he'll have to accept it. What Franco really wants is for his and Eladio's relationship to be the same as before. Franco grew up with Eladio's support and affection (one way or another) and he doesn't want to lose that. Eladio seems to fall for the BS (depression must be causing Eladio to let his guard down when it comes to his mini-me) and David enters the office just in time to witness Eladio approaching Franco and caressing Franco's shoulders as he thanks him for his decision. Franco notices David's presence, and takes glee in uttering an "I love, you dad" to Eladio.
Julia meets with Dr. Phil #1, her shrink, and tells him that Arturo has been insisting that a relationship between them could work out. Arturo has also be telling her that the time has come for the two of them to live that love that was left unfinished. Julia tells Dr. Phil #1, that Arturo is getting divorced and that he wants her to do the same. Dr. Phil #1 asks her what she thinks about that. She replies that she feels *confused* because she's thinking about Eladio all the time, but she can't forgive him, for what he did. And Arturo... oh Arturo.. he's so sure of what he says and feels.. and of what he is doing for her. She feels *very confused* especially because Arturo asked her what would happen if David and Regina weren't in the middle of things. Dr. Phil #1 asks her what she thinks would happen. Julia replies that she doesn't know... and then tells her shrink that she has always asked herself how her life would have been had she been with Arturo. Dr. Phil #1 asks her if she still wants to know how her life would have been, and if she imagines getting back together with Arturo, because of Arturo, or because she's mad at what Eladio did to her. Julia lets out a *sigh* and is left very pensive.
Franco continues his rounds, and tries to play nice with David, who sees right through his BS. David refuses to talk to Franco about anything not work related, doesn't let Franco touch him (no me toques!), and certainly doesn't buy Franco's claims about "not wanting to have any problems with him" because if that were the case, then Franco wouldn't have put him (David) against his own mother. Franco swears that, that wasn't his intention, and that he just wanted David to understand their father. Franco tells David that Julia has NEVER loved Eladio, and that he (Franco) is NOT to blame for that, just like he's NOT to blame for being Eladio's son. Franco tells David to think about it, because the most affected ones, are both Gabriela and Eladio.
Eladio is on the phone, and thanks Rueda for the information that he has just shared with him. Nina enters, thanks Eladio for receiving her, and tells him that she has to come to thank him for letting Daniela keep her job. When he tells her that he's a man of his word, she tells him that she wishes that there were more men like him. Eladio furrows his brow, not understanding the remark. She apologizes for her remark, tells him that she has come very affected, and tells him how Arturo wants to keep the house and wants her and her kids to move out. He tells her that he's sorry to hear that and she tells him that she knows that he (Eladio) would be incapable of doing such a thing because he left his house to Julia. He tells her that the house belongs to Julia, it was a wedding gift. She wishes that Arturo would have taken that same attitude, but no, he's acting like a jerk. He tells her that he's sorry to hear that, and she apologizes and tells him that she shouldn't have said that. Then she tells him that she has come to ask him to teach her to protect her businesses. She knows that he'll see her as the competition, but reminds him, that he offered to help her.
Regina is glad to be able to see Miguel at GM, since she doesn't want to visit him at his place, so she doesn't run into David. She suggests that Miguel came back to work at GM. Miguel tells her that he thought about it, and now that Consuelo doesn't work there, he can be there without any problems. Regina just asks him to please not get into a fight with Erick, and points out that Erick is very mad at him. Duh! Miguel knows that, and tells Regina how Erick threatened to kill him. Miguel tells Regina that he isn't afraid of no Chimp, and lets her know that he is sure that Erick is exterminated The Ratt. Regina gets pissed at Miguel's remark, and tells him that Erick is innocent, but Miguel is sure that Erick is The Exterminator. The scene ends with both of them standing off. Regina is really pissed.
Eladio asks Nina if she realizes that him advising her could bring her more problems with Arturo. He asks her if she wants to provoke Arturo. Nina replies that she wants both things, but she especially wants to learn how to manage what will be hers and her kids. "Even if we are competition in business?" Eladio asks her. She replies that they could even become partners, like he had asked her, but everything would come with time. He accepts to be her "teacher" and teach her about business, but reminds her that he doesn't like information being leaked. Then, shows her an example of how easily information can be leaked, by telling her that he knows that Arturo has been giving his assets (no, NOT those assets!) to someone else. Does she want to know who Arturo has been passing off those assets too?! Oh, yeah, she does. He tells her: the first person is Agustín, his lawyer, and the second person is Miguel, his eldest son. Oh, Nina doesn't like hearing that AT ALL, and you can just how pissed off she is, and how much she is boiling up on the inside.
Consuelo and Miguel run into each other at GM. They each yearn to embrace one another, and finally do, after she tells him that Erick wants to take Erick Jr. from her. Naturally, someone has to spot them in an embrace, and this time it's Arturo. (Angeles witnesses the public show of emotion between a brother-in-law and sister-in-law as well)
Nina can't believe that Arturo is betraying her like this, and obviously it had to be with Miguel, who has never loved her (and who SHE treated like crap and never loved either; but she doesn't say this, of course), and with Agustín, who has always been Arturo's accomplice. It hurts Nina to get know the REAL Arturo Montenegro after so many years of marriage. She says that love blinded her, because she always thought of Arturo as being of the best guys out there. Now she realizes that, that wasn't the case. "They say, that you get to know your spouse, when you get a divorce", Eladio tells her. Eladio changes the subject, and makes Nina squirm a little, when he asks her what Arturo did to keep Erick out of the slammer. Eladio knows the witness backed down for no reason and is sure that Arturo payed him off. Nina denies it, says that she doesn't think that Arturo would do such a thing. Nina tells Eladio that what happened is that the witness was simply wrong and Erick is innocent. Eladio doesn't believe it. He points out that she could be blinded with Erick, just like she was with Arturo. Nina says that she knows Erick well, and while it's true that he was spoiled, a lot of things have made him mature. She swears that Erick has been through a lot. She says that Erick doesn't hate Miguel for no reason, even though that infeliz (wretch) (Miguel) got involved with HIS wife.
Arturo angrily approaches Miguel and Consuelo and asks them to at least respect the place where Erick works (Obviously, Arturo has conveniently forgotten about the kiss he stole from Julia in the exact same place, and the lack of respect he showed the place where Nina has shares) Anyway, Miguel explains that he was only calming Consuelo down by taking her into his arms. Consuelo tells Arturo how Erick wants to take Erick Jr. from her and that he doesn't want her to see him again. Arturo tells her that, that won't happen, but points out that if she wants that situation to be resolved, she and Miguel, will have to quit doing this (quit seeing each other, I guess??). Miguel kind of gives his dad the stinkeye, it seems. Either that or who knows what he meant by that creep look on his face.
Justino confirms that David was being overcharged (at least 20% more). David wants Justino to work for him. It would involve higher pay, of course. Justino accepts.
David returns home and realizes that Regina forgot her bracelet there. He stares at it a little and then realizes that now he has an excuse to go and see her. He leaves.
Daniela and Franco meet for coffee. Franco tells her that he has something very important that he wants to talk to her about. For some reason, Daniela takes that to mean, that Franco wants her, so before Franco can say anymore, she lets him that she'd never give him the time of day, not even if she were the son of a prince. Uh, Franco doesn't want her, and he shows her his wedding ring to point that out. Anyway, the reason Franco asked to meet with her, was to tell her that Eladio is keeping an eye on her. He lies and tells her that he interceded on her behalf with Eladio so she could keep her job. Daniela smells BS and points out that it was her mother who came to speak with Eladio. Franco doesn't deny that Nina came over, but tells Daniela that Nina wasn't able to convince Eladio, but he was. He wants Daniela to keep that in mind and advises to be careful with what she does.
El Callao reminds Eladio that it's payday and offers to take the pay of the GLA mansion employees over to them. Eladio decides that this time he'll give them their pay.
At home, Hummy rolls into the living room on his hover chair, and finds Julia quiet and pensive on the sofa. Hummy asks her what's wrong. Does she want she want tell him about it? Before Julia can say anything, Efraín enters and asks Julia if he can be dismissed for the night. That is, if she doesn't need anything. Julia dismisses him for the night, but Efraín stands there, obviously waiting to be paid. Although he feels about it, Efraín asks Julia, who will be paying him from now on, will it be her or will it be Eladio. Oh dear, it doesn't look like it crossed Julia's mind that she would have to pay her employees from HER own money. Julia apologizes to Efraín, tells him that she'll go get his money, but stops herself, obviously not knowing how much she has to pay him.
David uses returning the bracelet as an excuse to see Regina. Regina shuts him down, tells him there is no point in the two talking, because his mom went to go and see her dad today at the office, and used the excuse that she had to see her. David can't believe it, his mom told him that she supported their relationship, and he can't believe that his mom wold say one thing while she does another. Regina is glad that he is realizing how things are. Regina asks him to leave and he does end up leaving.
Eladio lets out a *yawn* when David mentions Justino (The Patio sympathizes, because we also do the same when it comes to Justino). Anyway, David tells Eladio that he wants Justino to work for him. Eladio gives him the OK. David asks Eladio if he's alright. Eladio responds that he is, it's just that he had a bad night, because he found out that Julia went to see Arturo in his office. David confirms it. Regina told him the same thing.
Erick wants Arturo's support and help in taking Erick Jr. away from Consuelo. The same way that Erick has helped his dad in everything. Arturo gives him an "I don't think so" look.
Julia tells Itzel (her co-worker/new BFF) that she hopes to be able to sell a home soon. Julia is worried about having to handle the expenses of the GLA mansion while also handling her father's medical expenses. Itzel (the voice of reason in this scene) thinks that Julia should ask Eladio for help. Eladio arrives. Itzel leaves. Eladio has come to pay the employees at the mansion, but Julia refuses his help, and tells him that she'll be paying them from now on. Eladio losses his cool, yells at her and accuses her of refusing his financial help, because she now she has the financial help of Arturo. Eladio asks her if that's why she went to go and see Arturo at HIS office, so she could ask him for money.
Arturo tells Erick that in this case, he's siding with "reason", and "reason" is telling him that a baby's place is with his mother. Erick points out that if Consuelo distances the baby from the entire Montenegro clan (not that, that would be a bad thing), it will be Arturo's fault. Arturo stands his ground, tells Erick that he's not going to blackmail him, and makes it clear to Erick that Erick is NOT going to take the baby away from Consuelo. PERIOD. Nina, who has been eavesdropping on the conversation, enters the room, and makes the announcement that Arturo has signed off some of his assets (the assets that he doesn't want to give to her) over to Miguel. Erick approaches his mother, stands by her side, and asks Arturo if all this is true.
Julia and Eladio shout at each other. She doesn't deny that she was with Arturo in his office, and yells at him to butt out. He reminds her that he's HER husband. She points out that he's her husband "by word only" and ends up shouting at him that she wants a DIVORCE.
Nina tells Erick that Arturo has also been singing off some of his assets over to Agustín. Erick can't believe that his dad is shoving him and his mom to the side and siding with Miguel and Consuelo. Erick begins to say how Miguel and Consuelo have NO MORALS, but Arturo shuts the Chimp up. Arturo tells Chimp that he (Chimp) can't talk about morals, when Chimp is a thief, a golfo (man whore) (because HE'S the one who cheated on Consuelo), and to top it all of a MURDERER. Arturo states that if he signed off some his assets (again, NOT those assets) it was because of Nina's ambition. Nina points out that she had just wanted to pressure him to stop the divorce, but NOW she won't won't STOP at anything. She tells him that he can go ahead and say bye bye to the house, because the only want she'll ever leave is DEAD. (Oh dear, that doesn't sound good) Nina then turns to Eric, assures him that The Ratt's extermination was an accident, and tells him that she will support him so Consuelo doesn't keep Erick Jr. Mother and Chimp embrace. Arturo, disgusted with both of them, tells them that he'll give everything, but to get OUT OF HIS LIFE. Arturo leaves. Erick tells Mommy to destroy Daddy. "Destroy him, mommy, destroy him...." is what Erick tells his mommy his to do.
Eladio apologizes to Julia for offending her. It's just that he got jealous thinking that Arturo is seeking her out. Julia points out that she could say the same thing about Caridad. Eladio desperately wants to know if she's jealous, because if she is, then it gives him some hope. Julia claims that it's not jealously, she's just angry at him for what he did. Eladio asks her to realize that she still loves him. But she tells him that she needs time. She needs time to see if she'll be able to forgive him or if it is all over between them. Fine, Eladio will give her the space that she needs, but he does want to help manage the expenses of the mansion. Julia refuses his help. He insists. She thinks that he doesn't think that she'll be able to. It's not that, Eladio tells her. She tells him that she'll show him that she can handle it.
Franco plays nice with Gaby the fool and feeds her a lot of BS that she eats up and swallows. He tells her how he talked to Eladio to find a way so they could all be at peace. Then he shows a (double intentioned) concern for his mother and asks Gaby to take her to the beauty salon so she can look better (so she could look better for Eladio, I bet). Gaby is glad to hear that Franco worries about his mother. He lies through his teeth and tells her that he has realized that his mom isn't to blame, her only sin was falling in love with his dad.
Caridad and Clara talk about Eladio and Franco. Caridad tells Clara how Franco has the hope of her and Eladio getting back together. When Clara asks her if she still has feelings for Eladio, Caridad replies that for years she thought she hated Eladio's guts, but now that she has been close to him, she realizes that deep down inside he has a great big heart, because despite everything he has done something for Franco and his grandson. Clara takes her answer to mean that she still loves Eladio. Caridad tells her that getting involved with a married man was the worst sin that she ever committed and that it was a sin that brought the worst things to her. So she can't even think about him until he divorces Julia. (Ugh!)
Hummy continues to play nice and pretend to be on Team Eladio. He denies having known that Arturo and Julia have been in contact, but does admit that Arturo sought him to tell him that he's getting a divorce. Hummy tells Eladio that to win some time, he told Arturo that he can't seek Julia out, until he's a free man. Hummy advises Eladio to take advantage of that time or else he'll lose Julia. Eladio doesn't know what to do. Julia is mad and wants nothing coming from him. Hummy suggests that Eladio STOP it with the jealous snits, but Eladio states that he can't control them. Eladio brings up how Julia was with Arturo at his office, and Hummy explains that Julia was over there to see Regina. Eladio wonders if "seeing Regina" was just an excuse to really see Arturo. Hummy advises Eladio to give Julia a nice piece of jewelry to surpass the flowers that Arturo sent. Eladio gets pissed at Hummy because he obviously doesn't know that his daughter can't be bought.
Arturo and Agustín talk. Agustín laments that Nina found out that Arturo use him and Miguel as a frontman. Arturo points out that both Erick and Nina think that he is Miguel and Consuelo's side, but that's not really the case, Arturo just wants what is best for his grandson, and what is best for him is to be with Consuelo. Angeles comes in just as Agustín and Arturo get to talk about Jorge and his contract. Arturo talks about Jorge and how he wishes that he'd help Regina get over David. Angeles overhears.
Hummy interrogates Julia about what she did to make Eladio leave so DISAPPOINTED in her. Julia has begun to realize that Hummy is playing on both sides, trying to get in both Arturo and Eladio's good graces, just in case she decides to stay with either of them. Hummy says she's just imaging things, he only wants her happiness. Julia makes the old man squirm when she suggests that she may end up deciding to stay ALONE.
Franco tries to play nice with David. He tries to touch David again, but David doesn't want to be touched by him. Franco warns David about what's going on: Arturo is supporting some guy named Jorge who is very interested in Regina.
Hummy makes a desperate attempt to convince Julia that being alone is not the way to go. After many years of being a widower, he realizes that his life would have been different, had he decided to start again with someone else. He points out that she doesn't even have her son by her side anymore, and that Eladio could find someone else, and she'd end up alone and wasting the final years of her life.
David asks Franco to butt out of what doesn't concern him, but Franco says that it does concern him, because David is HIS brother and he's telling him this so he can be alert, because Arturo wants to separate him from Regina. David doesn't buy his BS about caring about him. Franco advises David to fight for Regina if he loves her.
Arturo tries to sell Mr. Turtle (Jorge) to Regina, by pointing out his virtues. Regina realizes what her dad is doing, and makes it clear to him that she wants NOTHING with anyone. Arturo tells her that she says that now, but will end up interested in someone else. Regina says that maybe what happened to him will happen to her, and she'll end up marrying someone else while still thinking about David. Regina once again blames him and Julia for her breakup with David. She sarcastically "thanks" for that and hopes that he'll be able to live with it.
Gaby runs her mouth talking about Franco to Julia, when she knows that Julia could care less if Franco fell off the face of the earth. Franco arrives.
Eladio meets with his shrink, Dr. Phil #2, and tells him about his jealous snit when he found out that Julia had gone to see Arturo. Eladio is pissed that it looks like he's advancing, but isn't really advancing. Dr. Phil #2 points out that at least he realizes there is advance and that is a good start. The difficult part is acknowledging it and taking that next step which is to control his anger. Eladio responds by losing his cool and grabbing Dr. Phil #2 by the lapels and shouting at him and asking him what will happen if he can't control himself. Eladio realizes what he's doing, lets go of Dr. Phil #2, and apologizes. He says that he's nervous, feels insecure, and that he sees that Arturo is around Julia, and that she in a way is allowing it. Dr. Phil #2 writes something down (a prescription for some Prozac, perhaps?) and tells Eladio that learning to control his anger will be a great help whether he gets back together with Julia or not. This causes Eladio to lose his cool again, and says that he'll destroy everything if he loses Julia. Dr. Phil #2 points out how important it is to control what he does and say, because he could something that he'd regret.
Gaby convinces Julia to speak with Franco. Do it for me, she tells her aunt. Gaby leaves the two alone. Franco plays nice with Julia, but she doesn't buy his BS. He tells her that he still cares for her and never stopped admiring her even though they distanced themselves when he grew up. Julia points out that if all that were the case: then why in hell did he tell David about her supposed relationship with Arturo.

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Now that Arturo has stuck up for Consuelo and put Erick in his place, maybe I won't be so lonely at the Art table?
Hasta Pronto
Favorite line...or refrain (no, NOT those assets!) and
[Eladio yawning at the mention of Justino] the Patio sympathizes because we also do the same when it comes to Justino
Yes, with the morass of this one, I'm either yawning or gnashing my teeth. Not good.
Favorite scene of the night was Petra gushing over David and his love-sick eyes going from green to dark brown with sorrow etc. The actress does make the most of her little bits and pieces in this. Hoping she eventually finds a love interest, 'cause she would not break up with him, no how no way.
I see more toil and trouble ahead, but thanks for the recap Mauricio. Excellent job.
"Erick is very mad at him. Duh!"
Neither Julia or Eladio have any friends, friends that would listen and do just what they are paying Dr. Phil #1 & #2 for while Art discusses boy stuff with Augustin and Nina has Fanny.
I don't think the finger was a mistake and a great detail and well timed. I agree Lily, the finger was for Art.
Shock, Julia has never had to think about money. If Art or Eladio were a poor men she wouldn't have given them a second look.
I like to think of this one as the ¡No me toques! episode. And like you, I loved it when Arturo called Erick a thief, a murderer and a golfo.
So what do you guys make of the background "art" in the therapists' offices? In both cases, the images seem quite disturbing. I wonder if the good doctors are just trying to drum up business, or at least keep any of their patients from getting too complacent.
And now both Caridad and Nina are considering their prospects as the next Sra Gómez Luna. I wonder how far we'll go with that one...
I don't think the finger was a mistake, but it could have been for Nina herself.
Fanny was in a relatively early episode (on my watch) in a restaurant scene with Nina. They were parting company and Nina made a catty remark about her wearing the same dress twice in a row. Fanny's response to her shows she was a frenemy in that scene, so watch for the possibility that she is hanging around to collect gossip she can throw into Nina's face later. If Nina has any notion of chasing Eladio, she will end up disappointed. He has her number.
Arturo is facing the ugly reality about Erick. I'm still not convinced that Ape Child is the Orkin man, but everything else Arturo threw in his and Nina's faces was the truth.
I've added a screen cap of the Fanny scene to the recap just in case someone missed it and can't go back to watch it again.
Lily and tofie, it didn't occur to me that Fanny could have done it on purpose, and that it was intended for Arturo.
It was a nice detail. If Uni didn't want us to see it, then they failed, because the only reason I noticed it was because of the blur that suddenly appeared on TV. When I saw that, I knew I had to look to see what was happening. :)
His flight to PV and that he had possession of the necklace does make him look guilty. But remember that he is also a major coward.
Eladio's questioning Purple Lips was werry werry suspicious to me too. It makes me think Eladio Boy is again asking questions he already knows the answers to. I try to be objective and not let my pretend hatred of a pretend person interfere. :-)
Purple Lips' comment about the only way she leaves is dead will be so PROPHETIC!
Eladio going off on Dr. Phil was HILARIOUS!
Franco on a roll. Gaby still STUPID!
Regina also stupid because she knows Miguel has been right about OJ Simpson 2.0 (Erick) from Day 1.
Daniela: When can we expect the downward spiral of drugs to begin ?
It happens so often that that one could place a bet and have no fear of loosing.
Whenever Arturo confronts either Erick or Daniela, SWEET mother Nina will be right there to step in and defend either of them. I wonder if she would be right there to defend Regina time and time again as she does Erick and Dani? Anyway, she was there right on time Friday to step into the fray on behalf her Chimp Boy--Consuelo be damned.
it's time out for now. Maybe more tomorrow.
must see tv
the gringo
Thanks for this splendid recap. Very well done.
When Nina interrupted Arturo warning Erick about trying to take Li'l Erick from Coni, as Mauricio describes, she told Erick about Arturo signing company shares over to Agustín and Miguel. Erick looked at his dad and asked, "You did that, Papa?" But then Arturo looked squarely at him and raised his eyebrows in a conspiratorial way as if to signal, "Don't worry, I'll explain later," or perhaps something similar... or did I just imagine that? I almost got the impression that Erick and Arturo were playing antagonistic roles in order to confuse and befuddle Nina, but then Erick seemed sincere when he said to Nina after Arturo skulked away, "Destroy him, mommy, destroy him..."... Not certain about Nina but I'm confused and befuddled.
In any event, I'm doubting that Arturo will be very effective at protecting Coni and Li'l Erick from Erick's plan to snatch the kid. I'm afraid that his main goal is protecting his assets and hooking up with Julia.
As for Nina going after Eladio, I'm all for it. As far as I'm concerned, Julia and Arturo have both left the door open for just such as that. Not too sure how all the kids'll feel, however.
I like the "Mr Turtle" nickname for Jorge, suits him well. Also loved this line: "Dr. Phil #2 writes something down (a prescription for some Prozac, perhaps?)" I was cracking up! I loved how the therapist started writing furiously after Eladio roughed him up.
I'm looking forward to Caridad's makeover, I think she looks quite pretty in the credits and it will be fun to see her and Nina fighting over Eladio!
I agree Steve, Nina's statement that she'll only leave the house when she's dead seems very prophetic.
I also loved Arturo telling Chimp boy off! It's sick how he seems to forget how horrible he was to Connie while cheating on her with the rat! And then for Arturo to call him a murderer, makes me think he is regretting what he did maybe a little.
Don't care much for Justino either but I'd rather watch him than slimy Franco feeding bs to Gaby, anyone notice she has her mouth open a lot too?
I'm glad Julia isn't fooled by Franco, let's see what lies he spins, too bad Gaby wasn't there.
Before we give Art too much credit for defending Connie. Like it or not Connie loves Miguel, Art needs a compliant Miguel to hide his assets, Art needs those assets to survive a divorce from Nina because he knows the highest bidder wins Oz Scarecrow Julia.
Yup. So when she finds out, she and Mama Martinia have something else in common besides sleeping with Fartbreath.
She's just too dam stupid to shut her mouth.
Purple Lips has not seen the "Puleeeeeze, You Have Got To Be Kidding" look on Eladio's face when she tries to clutch his hand, etc?
He has said many times he will go to his grave loving Julia and I believe him, for whichever it means.
(depression must be causing Eladio to let his guard down when it comes to his mini-me)
Oh dear, it doesn't look like it crossed Julia's mind that she would have to pay her employees from HER own money.
I’m still sure that Erick killed Montserrat. When Miguel and Art have each thrown the murder in his face, Erick get this pained and guilty look. If he didn't do it, seems he would wonder who did kill his lady love. We've never seen him look puzzled about who did it.
Looking forward to Caridad's makeover.
Eladio doesn't seem to have any interest sexually in Nina, but if Julia thinks both Caridad & Nina are after him, that should rattle her cage.
I can't stand Julia, its me,me,me. No love for Franco (no wonder he is the way he is), & she raised him, no love or sex in the beginning for Eladio (no wonder he is the way he is). She doesn't have the sense to stay far away from Arturo.
Julia doesn't blame Franco for what happened, but seeing him is a reminder of a 21-year deception she has every right to be angry about. We didn't see the childhoods and teen years of this tale's Cain and Abel but Julia did. It's not a stretch for her to worry about whether Franco will end up with the lion's share of Eladio's fortune in view of his past favoritism toward him. David's reaction to Franco is even less logical in view of his previous assertions that he didn't care about Eladio's money and that Franco himself wasn't part of that long deception. Neither he nor Julia know that that Eladio and Franco extended that deception by six months and that Gabriela was in on it.
Both Eladio and Nina have spoken of hanging on until death. That was a series of prophesies or this series will be one of the biggest rule-breakers of all time.
Of course, when one sees a blurred image, one is drawn to it immediately. Though intentional, I don't think it was meant for Nina. It was meant for Arturo.
Gringo--As for the Mom protecting her cubs--she concentrates on Erick and Daniela. She never protected Miguel AND when the opportunity presented itself, she threw Regina under the bus, or in front of the bus, or into the bus, siding with Erick when he accused her of being the one who sold company secrets for less than 30 pieces of silver. She willingly believed the worst of that daughter.
I was delighted to hear Julia was going to assume the expenses for the household and pay the employees. I'm actually hoping she fails (or is that not nice of me), can't sell houses to get the commissions and slides into serious debt. Of course, I'd be delighted to hear Hummy has to either live with her in a 4th floor, 2-bedroom apartment with no elevator or be packed off to the nearest public institution.
Niece--I have never considered that Erick has not shown any interest or concern in finding if someone else really killed TheRatt. He was too busy finding a way out for himself. If things go in Mexico, the way they do here, once the police zero in on a strong suspect, they stop looking for anyone else. It may be as simple as his believing he did cause the accident (as he told Nina) and the case is closed as long as he is exonerated.
We've had two predictions come from the mouths of our characters. Nina says she won't leave the family mansion unless she's dead and Eladio says (in a true fit of rage) he will destroy everything if he loses Julia. 'Cmon folks, we see the flames every night, 5 nights in a row. It's coming. If he accidentally destroys himself and Nina, case solved for Arturo and Julia--they can turn toward each other in their grief and the kids won't mind. At that point, Julia is going to need money, no? (Please, if you are going to criticize this theory, there is a note of sarcasm you would hear, but not read.)
You've given us much to ponder with your thoughtful, well crafted summary, particularly with "Dr. Phil #1 asks her if she still wants to know how her life would have been, and if she imagines getting back together with Arturo, because of Arturo, or because she's mad at what Eladio did to her. Julia lets out a *sigh* and is left very pensive".
I honestly don't know what to make of things. Eladio's jealousy may have taken a brief respite but has now returned, full force. Anita, Eladio's declaration of revenge was chilling Anita. Additionally, I don't like Nina, but I am not happy with his manipulation of her.
And while I'm not quite ready to join you at Artruo's table Niece, I'm with Carvivlie and others in that my chair is now a bit more toward Arturo's table.
Eladio sees through Nina and I don't think he is attracted to her in the slightest. If however, a dalliance/"relationship" presents an opportunity to retaliate and hurt Julia, he might well consider that. Can you imagine how delighted Arturo would be at the prospect of getting Nina off his back and lessen the competition for Julia!? He would be thrilled at the prospect.
Wonderful comments today.
I was listening to the radio and heard a song by Glenn Frey (RIP, Glenn)..." Are you going to stay with the one who loves you , or are you going to go to the one you love?" #damndillema
And these wise words from Carly Simon " There's more room in a broken heart"
Tofie---I don't believe for one minute that the highest bidder wins. Yes right now Julia has found herself in need of money to run the estate which she hasn't counted on but she has been under the thumb of Eladio for most of her life and before that, her father. Right now, I think that she would like to find her own way if that is possible. Her love life? She is confused and uncertain. She would like to get some things straightened out in her life and as Mauricio put it, she is seeing Dr. Phil #2. But as for selling out to the highest bidder? I don't see that at all and am not buying that.
Poor Justino---no one likes or cares about him even a little but I would favor him over Jorge Perez any day. I don't know why but I just don't like this guy. Something about his attitude that gets to me where on the other hand, Justino seems like a super nice guy. That's what I say and I'm sticking to it.
the gringo
the gringo
While she wasn't forced to wear rags while being locked in her cage I doubt she was allowed to shop unless she was being trotted out for black tie charity balls or dinners with Eladio's clients. She may have no realistic notion of day-to-day financial matters. Many women who grew up in Old Money families are in such a position. Many would have been raised to be dependent on men. This is tough to understand by those of us who have paid our own bills throughout our lives, but Julia is now seeing that this was not to her advantage.
Does anyone like Jorge(?) He is just an annoyance to me now but will grow in my disfavor if he indulges in any behavior to keep Regina and David apart.
Thanks for the ratings update, UA. I was wondering how this was doing...
He just isn't worthy paying much attention to thus far. If he does turn out to be "bad", he will be way down on the list and other villains are way too powerful.
Thank you again Urban for your comments on Julia, I agree with you. If Julia seem self centered right now it's only because she is trying to find herself, to find who she is without a man. I would love see her sell the mansion like you said Urban, not only would it help her be independent but it would really show Eladio that she's done with him.
In regards to the artwork in the therapists offices, I find the fixture in Eladio's Dr. Phil's office to be somewhat disturbing. To me it looks very chaotic and reminds me of falling. Maybe I'm just projecting what I think Eladio is feeling or maybe it was a conscious design by the set people?
I totally agree with you, Urban, as to Julia selling the house and going off to live an independent life. It's high time and who knows, she may ultimately realize that she does love Eladio and that at some point later on they might reunite. I can expressly testify from personal experience, Urban, about the women from Old Money. You put it so succinctly and it is so true!
To me, Jorge looks to be about 17 max. Don't get what he's doing in Regina's life, at least not yet. But the Regina/David thing is becoming tiresome at best. Can't any of these people resolve their problems. They seem to keep making big ones of little ones. I very much fear for Consuelo, but there again is a woman who needs to
be on "the lam". I hope that Nina has to go back to her old profession, you know, the one that's called "the oldest profession in the world". I do think, though, that Arturo is unnecessarily mean and disrespectful to her after 25 years of marriage.
In fact, it will be interesting to see how Arturo ends up. I think Eladio will survive, but not Arturo. I still think there is something about Aldo.....
You know I got to thinking about Rat's death.
I came to my conclusion.,,,that Eric did kill her. The confession he gave Nina was a doctored up version of the truth, he deliberately made it sound like it was an accident to his mother. He is the one Monse was screeching "tu??" because she was so mad at Eric that Consuelo went over to ruin her party. Thats what I think anyway.
I thought it was hilarious when Art asked Eric if it was true that he wanted to take the baby away from C. eric says "yes, its true. And I expect you to help me just like I help you." That look that Art gave him said it all. He was like incredulous at his son's stupidity and nerve. His face was saying "Did you really just say that? What????" not believing that Eric actually had the gall to say that Art should help him because Eric has helped Art." After he sells him out to the enemy and Art lost millions. Art just doesn't believe Eric is so stupid and shallow." That look wow, priceless.
Yes, Steve I agree that Nina saying they will need to remove her dead body from the mansion is self prophetic statement that she never should have said.
I also think that Eladio actually might have witnessed Eric in action throwing Monse off the balcony.
Julia welcome to reality, paying bills!!! And not enough moola to go around, its feast or famine when you get paid on commission only. I know the same feeling.
Urban---Thanks for the ratings info. Novelas more popular than the Pope??? Wow! How can that be? PyP on top--YES!!! I Love this show.
Lily---No problem, I figured it out. That was an easy one. Had it been something else???
Lily---The artwork in the therapists office? Is that the white net that is twisted out of shape? I kind of like that one. I guess that it represents a out of shape or a confused twisted mind.
Gale---Eladio will survive but not Arturo. Wouldn't that be something? I foresee Julia going back to her first love but who knows what is going to happen. One thing that I'm sure will happen though is that the death toll will be rising.
Leticia---Does Eladio know more about Montse's death than he is telling? Maybe but isn't there against withholding evidence or information in a criminal investigation?
must see tv
the gringo
Gringo, I dont know if withholding info about a crime is illegal in Mexico. Even if it is, Eladio is so astute and smooth that he will figure out how to present this evidence (if that is the case, and he decides to do so.)
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