Wednesday, March 23, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #40, 3/22/16: If At First He Didn't Succeed, He'll Try, Try Again

Julio races to town to tell Det. Ayala that Andres is awake and has told him –along with Angela and Dr. Vicario—that it wasn’t an accident; he was attacked by the Gold Knife Killer and the horse got frightened and the rest is history.  Anyway, Ayala returns to the hotel to question Andres.

Diego has his goon and Jacinto spying on Isabel’s every move.

Dr. Vicario visits Teresa to give her the news that Andres has regained consciousness.  She head downstairs to ahem…“pay her respects”.

Alfredo and Sofia argue over her lackadaisical attitude around their baby.  They take it out into the hallway when he learns the kid still hasn’t even been named.  Teresa lights into the two of them for airing their dirty laundry in the hallway.  Dr. V explains again the facts of life to Alfy when it comes to his addicted wife.  I gather it’s lauding not laudanum the woman needs now.

Felipe returns to the monastery ready to retake his place among the monks.  However, they’ve had enough of him and kick him out.

Teresa finds Ayala questioning Andres and kicks him out.  She calls up the judge and bawls him out.  The judge bawls out Ayala and puts the town detective in charge of the case and makes him Ayala’s superior.

Violeta’s Big Mama comes barreling into the clinic to drag the girl home until Isa pays up the peso’s she’s promised.

Teri bawls out Angie for telling the police about Andres before giving her the news.  Angie states things happened so quickly she didn’t have time to think of telling Dona Teresa about Andres suddenly waking up; and she has no idea who told Det. Ayala and neither does she have any idea where Belen’s gone off to.

Isa calls Madi to bring her the special necklace her father gave her that she’s kept secreted away for Isa.  She also asks for more money from Diego for supplies.  Mati reminds her he’s crazy in love and hot to trot.  Isa’s got other more important things to worry about and hangs up.

Cecelia entices Natalia to give her gossip about Julio by treating her to a bit of lipstick and strawberries.  She learns about Cristina Olmedo's death and orders one of the chippies to find out what she can about her death.

Mati gets the cash they need from Diego, praising him to the skies for his generosity and cautioning him that a man has got to court his wife daily.  He wants her continued help in winning Isa’s trust and confidence.

Don Benjamin tells Julio he’s been specially requested to bring up a tray to Cecilia’s room.  Benji sends him up and Julio thanks her for all she did for him back when; he apologizes for leaving her and Ceci tries a romantic reconciliation.  It sputters and dies. Julio turns his head in shame.  Ceci then tells him she’s sorry to hear about his sister’s death and she wants to help him find her killers. Julio turns aways and claims things have changed with him since—oh, and his name is Julio Espinoza.  Ok……she can take a hint.  But things can reverse and change repeatedly in life she reminds him.  (Yep, but not necessarily for the better or the way you’d like ‘em to change, my dear…..)

Belen must have been found.  She’s feeding one of the babies and tells it that Sofia will never be able to raise a child.  Sooner or later the truth will out about everything and the twins and she are gonna be livin’ high on the hawg.  (Or some such.)

Mati reminds Isa she’s got expenses and the best way to get them paid is by giving her new hubby what he wants.  “Shameful!”  Isa thinks she can manipulate and give nothing back—but Viewerville thinks she’s in for a big surprise soon………….

Flippy asks Mama why his room has been given over to a paying guest.  Life is rough.  Go find one in the basement where the waiters sleep.  Benji gives him Andres’s old room—or he takes it over rather.

Andres tells his mama he wants to marry Belen right away.

Elise complains to Fredito about turning into a nanny (or something like) while his wife neglects herself and her kid.  She confronts Sofia later with the story of Solomon and the two mothers fighting over the same baby.  “-Would you allow your child to be cut in half?”  Sofia plays dumb again.  Elise’s hatching another plan apparently……

Somebody sneaks into Andres’s sick room and tries to give him an overdose of opium to kill him with.  He is stopped from completing the task when Angie enters the room to take care of her son.  The would-be killer hides in the shadows and as soon as Angie turns away, he bangs her over the head and escapes to kill another day…..


It's up, but just the bare bones this time. Ceci needs to give up on youngsters and realize she's now an oldster. The bloom is falling off that faded rose of hers.........

Thank you Jardinera.

What's with all the kinks on the head?

So . . .

Drug addled Sofía actually said the baby does not have a name because nobody showed them how to be parents? Or was I half asleep ?
I did doze off.

Felipe payed attention in catechism because he knows that the wine becomes the blood of Christ ONLY after it has been consecrated.

Dagoberto has now become Ayala's superior. Big deal because the "thinking" half of the investigative pair still has not changed. Love that Ayala was not sent back to Mexico City.

Poor Andrës.

Thanks, Jardinera!

I'm not so sure that the person who tried to kill Andres last night was a man. Though they may have been wearing a man's cloak and gloves, the hands did not look particularly big or manly to me. My bet is on Teresa.

So Teresa thinks that if a crime is committed against her staff, they don't have the right to call and speak to the police? Okey dokey, then.

Looks like Isa sold the necklace her father gave her, so that she could basically buy Violeta. That's great. But, what's Violeta going to live on now that Melibea (and Genaro) have her whole salary?

You got it all Jardinera! I needed quick and concise today as I only have a late lunch to check in. Thanks as always.

Vivi, right there with you. My first thought seeing those hands was "those are a woman's hands". My first thought was Teresa, something about the shape of the hands made me think of her. She certainly would want Andres out of the picture. And since she seems to know her way around meds, I wouldn't be surprised she was in charge of doing something similiar to Rom....yeah, I know. I'm still on that train that she offed him somehow.

Boy, Isa is clueless. She has seen Diego's temper. How does she think she's going to keep up this dance? She's actually building him up to get more and more frustrated.

You know, I could get behind Belen being a more loving mother except she still thinks she can use Andres and those babies to get rich, and that makes me cringe because she is putting those children in danger. Anything happens to them because of her antics....grrrr.

Thought having Cece around would be interesting, but I find her generally annoying now. Leave the young man alone and go home.

And I'm tired of evil eye Jacinto. Glad the doc saw his reaction to the poor blinded guy. Honestly, I don't want Violetta with him. Sorry, she's had enough in life than dealing with an over jealous control freak.


Daisynjay- Yeah. Jacinto needs to take it down a few notches. Maybe bring the girl some flowers and say some sweet things to her, before he thinks no other man can go near her. By the way, blinded guy is Dagobert's nephew/Natalia's brother. Nice that he's sweet on Violeta, without even seeing her face. But, how will he react when he knows her origins and her old profession?

Andres has not been eaten in 5 months and Ayala eats a delicious orange with juice dripping down to his elbows right in front of him!

I hate all those dripping sounds in Ayalas HQs, if its not raining, why is it always dripping?

Pablo- Much of the main town seems to be build into/dug out of the mountains. They are basically in a cave. Hence, the dampness.

Isnt that bad for papers and files?

Don't think Dagoberto cared much. He doesn't look like the kind of guy who was keeping a report and filing system before Ayala showed up.

You're right. Seems like nothing really happened there until the telenovela started and Ayala showed up. The noise of the water, damaging the goods or not, it is annoying enough and I can not imagine the prisoners having to endure that 24/7.

Found you!!! This recap isn't on the Secretos page.

Always takes me awhile to remember to look on the home page.

Missed this ep. Thanks for the recap, Jardinera. Get a different viewing pleasure when I watch after reading the recap/comments.

Jardinera- The recap needs to be labeled.

Jardinera, good stuff.

I also think that Teresa is the one who tried ti kill Andres this time. That poor boy is going to have a rough recovery.

Elise just gets on my last nerve. Who the hell is she to deny that this is Alfraido's child? It's not that we know the truth; it's that she has no right to accuse Sofia of anything. I realize this would be a huge scandal, but Alfraido should really take her to court.

I'm ready for Jacinto to leave town. His storyline is starting to annoy me. Poor Andres! I wonder how much longer he will be in the head brace. I was afraid for a second Natalia was going to become a "niece". Poor thing she's so clueless. And Isabel better have something lucky happen because I am starting to fear for her safety once she is really alone for more than 2 seconds with Diego.

Thanks Jardinera.
(Haven't read this. I didn't see it until just this minute because it isn't tagged as "hotel".)

Diego having Isabel watched and followed at all times is disgusting and what will make it more so is that Teresa will endorse it. They both already deserve really nasty Karmageddons.

What option does Belen have. One or two children, uneducated, unwed mother and people want her dead? I get why she's making a play for Andres.

I agree, the hands that prepared the potentially lethal dose didn't look manly to me.

I was also thinking of a possible subplot... there's morphine sitting around while Sofi is withdrawing from laudanum. What's worse than a laudanum habit? A morphine habit!

I had a bad evening and needed some laughs last night. The first laugh came when watching Jacinto grapple with that heavy trunk while Isa and Matilde stopped on the path to talk. I also laughed a little when Teresa delivered the news to Alfredo and Sofia that Andres was awake. The unspoken subtext of that message sure shut them up for a minute or two!

I know it's not technically a comedy, but the actors' timing is excellent (almost too good), and they all seem to bring a little something extra into each scene. I usually catch the last couple of minutes of PyP each night and sad to say, I don't see the same kind of enthusiasm there. Maybe it's just going over my head because I don't watch the show, but there's nothing there that makes me want to watch it (not even Colunga and Salinas side-by-side).

Julie- I so agree about the actors' timing. And I too was laughing as poor Jacinto struggled with that big heavy crate, while Isa and Mati were just nattering away, carrying their two tiny, light boxes. :)

From an actors standpoint, even the best actors, when they are in something special, they will bring their A-game more than when they realize they picked a bad script and well, it's a pay check. So you do good work, but it's not a total buy in. As viewers, we can see the difference.

But I also think the direction and cinematography in this TN is something to savor itself.


Hey! We're officially half way through!

Tks Jar
Finally dawned on me to search Caray Caray, its not on the side bar.

I didn't notice the hands, but the bulk seems more than Diego has, could be padding ie overcoat. I was thinking Garrido, but he is probably there to confuse us.

Who could be out there killing people on full moon, werewolf night. Is it full moon? I still think there is/are copy cat killer(s)

Someone wants Andres (he is so cute) dead because he is the oldest son of Romulo.

Who would benefit?
Teresa, Isa, Sofia, Felipe, Alfredo, Belen, (she just found out) Diego, Benjamin ?(for some unknown reason) Angela, Andres
Who knows Andres is the son, Angela, Teresa, Belen

I feel sure that wasn't a woman that tried to kill Andres when the horse intervened. I feel sure the gold knife killer isn't a woman..

Why is the full moon, gold knife killer killing men when he started out killing women? (copy cat)

But Belen wouldn't benefit until after she marries Andres.

I'm trying to think outside the box & I think I have overdone it.
Romulo had an affair, maybe Teresa did too, with Benjamin & that son that he visited (we know nothing about) is his & Teresa's? OK maybe not.

Diego also knows about Andres, and probably Sofia. She knew something about The Letter, so I assume she knows what's in it. Whether she can remember anything or not after all her drug use is another story. She couldn't even come up with a good lie as to why Baby #1 is nameless. "I was waiting for you to come home so we could name him together". "Of course his name is Alfredo Jr, duh". Something.

If Belen's ambition for money gets those babies out of this hotel or out from under Teresa's thumb, then I'm all for it. She's done some bad things with a bad attitude, but if working for Teresa your whole life was the option, I'd probably go full on bank-robber.

Thanks the Lord and Pasteur and all those other docs Matilde was praying to for Natalia's brother. Violeta needs options. Who does Jacinto think he is, demanding that she return home, knowing what's waiting for her there and not even being her proper beau much less a husband? More trunks for him!


When Jacinto offered to take Violeta "home," I'm not sure that he didn't mean HIS home. I think he's offered before, in fact. (I don't know how that's supposed to work. "Hi dad, I brought home this girl again. I know her mother and uncle are going to constantly be trying to get money for her or drag her home by the hair like they did before, but on the other hand, you have to admit that I'm not very bright."

Does Elisa have a motive to kill Andres? I can't think of one, but I'd like her to be the needle loader/head bonker because I want additional reasons to hate her.

Then again, I can't see her getting her (gloved) hands dirty. If she wanted Andres dead for some reason, she'd surely have Victoria do it. Or more likely a hired thug.

Sorry but it should be labeled now.

Thanks, Jardinera!

Maybe Jacinto did indeed mean to take Violeta back to the hotel. Melibea and Genaro might actually let her stay there as long as they are collecting her nursing assistant salary (or part of it...I hope Isa is savvy enough that the amount she told Meli isn't the full amount and Violeta will get some on the side). Ben would probably throw a fit about boarding her there, as well as some of the other staff, but if she's working for Isa and Isa okays it, then they'd probably have to stuff it.

What's Cecilia's game? Does she really want Julio back and since demanding payment of debt wasn't working, she's now trying to play nice to tempt him? Is she at the hotel to expand her business? Does she actually only want to collect whatever Julio owes her? Can her "nieces" escape the Gold Knife Werewolf? How long until Diego is in the sack with one or more of the happy whores?

Thank you Jardinera. Another mystery in the making.

At first I thought it may be Sofia taking that morphine, since she's such an addict, but not necessarily because I thought the hands looked feminine. I'm holding my prediction that it's Don Benjamin. He might be worried that Andres may have seen him and he wants to cover his tracks.


Did Cecilia end up at the hotel by chance or did she know Julio was there?

I think she tracked him down somehow.

People who are probably NOT the gold knife killer

Isa, Julio, Angela, Andres, Sofia, Felipe(wouldn't we be surprised), the Doc, Elisa, Belen, Lupe

main suspects
Diego (too obvious), Garrido, Ben, Genaro, a pawn of Teresa,

lesser suspects
Jacinto, Alfredo,

off the wall

I think when Ayala found Cecilia and questioned her about Julio, he probably at least mentioned which town he was doing the investigations for. And since the Gran Hotel in the only decent place to stay in that town, she ended up there.

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