Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #3. Thursday March 10, 2016. Give Me A Cris To Build A Dream On... Alas, The Reencounter Of Hope And Happiness Doesn't Go Well!

At a glance 

-- Esperanza and Ricardo (Cristiáaaaan!) have their long-awaited reencounter. It took 2 decades for them and 2 episodes for us. Alas, she learns that he is married with two kids. Drat!
-- Kristel (Redhead Flying Skirt that has Pedro going gaga) has a meet-cute with Erasmo Gallo, the sexy construction worker.
-- Viviana, Luca's botoxed mom, does not approve of his interest in Pato and talks Ernesto's ears off in the hope of convincing him to separate the young couple. Ernesto is adamant to defend their relationship. We also learn that Viviana cheated on Ernesto around the time he got involved with Esperanza. 
-- Pedro has diabetes and his dad passed away before he was born.
-- Ricardo does his first SWAT operation against La Sombra. 
-- No impromptu street-dancing in musturd uniforms to report.

A closer look

It’s mother-and-son elote time for SuperMom and her adorable blond cubby. Esperanza spots a leather-clad hunk riding away in his motorcycle and thinks it’s Ricardo. She feels that her heart is leaving her chest: It’s gotta be Ricardo! Pedro chases the guy but can’t catch up to him. The mystery motorcyclist is wearing a helmet but I recognized those beautiful brown eyes right away. I know my Chilean Bombón when I see him. You can’t slip that beefcake by me!

Esperanza is disappointed and she flashbacks to the tearful fare-the-well she and Ricardo had 20 years ago. Younger Esperanza pleads with Younger Ricardo to stay but he says that he must go (to the US). He must strive (luchar) to get ahead (salir adelante) for his father’s sake and for her sake. She wants him to stay so they can fight together for a better life. He vows to marry her upon his return to Mexico. She proclaims her eternal love to him and he reciprocates. “May La Virgen de La Paz bless you. My Esperanza/hope, my only hope” are his parting words. He seals them with a kiss and disappears. The thunder interrupts Esperanza’s sad flashback: “And what if I never see him again?”, she whimpers to Pedro. The fact that she’s still holding out hope that this dude would turn up one day after he gave no signs of life for 20 years is truly remarkable. And by remarkable I mean lame.

At the La Colina Mansion, Viviana hangs out with her sons. She tells Adrián that she didn’t agree with his father’s idea of putting him in that school for broke oafs (peladitos); the mere thought of it gives her the shivers (escalofríos)! She seems to have invoked Ernesto because he arrives at that precise moment, still holding the expensive present that Pato rejected. Ernesto doesn’t feel the need to consult Viviana about his decisions and wants to know what the heck she’s doing in his house in the first place. He’s not in the mood to be dealing with her. She points to the gift bag and asks who the recipient of the piece of jewelry (joya) that Ernesto bought is. “My daughter, but she rejected it.” He leaves the room looking really sad. It goes to show that even sexy mustached rascals have feelings. Viviana tells her sons that this is the problem with poor women: they think that they are too proud (dignas)! The boys don’t comment on this. Instead, Adrián wants to know how his half-sister is. Luca is positively gushing: “She is the most beautiful, the most intelligent and the most friendly (simpática) girl in the world!” And he knows this after knowing Pato for a whole 4 hours! Viviana and I roll our eyes and make derisive faces in tandem. She scorns: “¡Bah! ¡Y recontra-bah!”. ("Bah and mega-bah", alright! You tell’em, Viv!) Luca says that he is so besotted (clavado) with Pato, they could sign him up for the Olympics of besotted fools. (He didn’t say ‘fool’, that’s recapping license). They all start laughing at Luca’s lame joke. This time I’m rolling my eyes and making faces all by myself because Viviana is chuckling along with her idiot sons.

Esperanza is still moping over Ricardo, this time in her house, surrounded by her cubs. Pato has the idea of looking Ricardo up on Facebook, or in this case, Socialbook. His full name is Ricardo Alegría. Ricardo Happiness. (I see what you’re doing there, Osorio! Stop it!). “Happiness is his last name or what you feel when you see him?”, asks Pato. “Funnily enough, there are a lot of Ricardo Alegrías here. Could they be comedians?”, she continues. Pedro is not amused and neither am I. Ricardo’s second last name is Sandoval but a search for Ricardo Alegría Sandoval does not yield any results either. Esperanza puts a stop to the unsuccessful Socialbook hounding of Ricardo: “You know what? Let’s leave it at that (dejemos esto por la paz). Maybe I just imagined it (seeing Ricardo).” The kids can see her disappointment and they comfort her. “You can cry if you need to. Let it out! There’s no need to act strong.” She doesn’t cry; instead she tells them how much she loves them and they all get into a nameless group hug. (This was a golden opportunity for an "Abrazo Guerrero" punctuated by a war cry! Tsk, tsk, tsk... You're slipping up, Osorio!)

The next day, Kristel is visiting a construction (obra) site with her father, Arquitecto Mario Kuri, the same one who was present during Luca’s rescue of the dangling workman in Episode 1. Mario is married to Silvana, Principal Crazy-Eyes. She calls to yell at him, know his whereabouts and bark orders at him to sort out her credit cards at the bank. Erasmo Gallo is plastering (repellar) a wall with panache as he receives praise and encouragement from his boss, Jerónimo (played by El Chapo de Sinaloa. Not THAT Chapo de Sinaloa. Another Chapo de Sinaloa. A singing one). Mario is looking at the plans with Jerónimo. Kristel spots Erasmo's sweaty athletic frame and muscly back. He inadvertently splashes her with some plaster. She shrieks. He falls to his knees, mumbling apologies and cleaning her bare legs (she’s wearing a flared miniskirt that just about covers her derrière. To a construction site). He looks at her. She looks at him. A terrible banda song starts playing. Meet-cute complete: They are both flèched by Cupid’s arrow of instant infatuation! We get a close-up of Erasmo’s beaming face. We get a super close-up of Kristel’s eyes because, you know, they’re colored and Osorio wants to emphasize this fact. Congratulations, Oso! You managed to gather a cast with a panoply of non-brown eye colors and we are truly impressed! NEXT! as our dear Dr. Carlos, Caray Caray's resident physician, would say.

Finally, the moment we’ve been waiting for and the reason we agreed to watch this circus in the first place: Ricardo pulls up next to Esperanza’s car at the traffic lights. She is looking at some papers on the passenger seat of her car but he recognizes the back of her head nonetheless. The back of her head has not changed in 20 years. He calls out her name. She turns around in slo-mo, sees Ricardo’s devastatingly beautiful smile and stares at him with eyes big as saucers, her head moving side to side in utter incredulity. Her reaction mirrors mine perfectly. Ricardo is still flashing us those pearlies and fixing us with those gorgeous brown eyes. Esperanza and I are positively melting! For a second there, I forgave Osorio for all his sins, past and present. Some street vendors buzz around the lovers' car windows. Ricardo can’t believe it’s her. Esperanza can’t believe it’s him. She is full of questions. She can’t believe he’s alive! She saw him riding a bike yesterday! What has he done in all these years? Does he live nearby? He replies that he is in Mexico for work. The light changes to green and Esperanza asks Ricardo to phone her. She yells out her cell number and leaves! (WTF? If this were my long-lost love and he blossomed this much compared to the flashback version of him, there is no human force than can move me from that spot! They’d have to tow me and the car together! At least she could’ve pulled over somewhere near so they can talk). Ricardo is writing down her number but it looks like he didn’t get it right (Oh nooooo!). And to add insult to injury, Ricardo gets a ticket for holding up traffic. Drat!

Esperanza pulls over and gets out of her car to thank La Virgencita for helping her find Ricardo. Why didn’t she motion for him to follow her when they were at the lights? Why? Why? I’m so frustrated with you right now, Esperanza, I could shake those extensions clear out your hair! Dummy!

Pedro is at the doctor’s office. Judging from his analyses, the doctor believes that there is no turning back (esto ya no tiene vuelta de hoja) and that Pedro must accept this. He is diabetic.

Back at the construction site, the Kristel-Erasmo meet-cute is still underway. He’s mortified for splattering her clothes, especially since she is the daughter of the architect. She insinuates that there’ll be consequences precisely because she is the daughter of the architect. He starts pleading that he needs this job. She says it was only a joke (What a douche! She is truly Silvana’s daughter!). He wants to pay for her clothes’ dry-cleaning (tintorería) but she declines. They introduce themselves to one another and shake hands but Erasmo can’t bring himself to address her with the familiar “” form.

Esperanza gets ready to meet up with Ricardo. Apparently, he managed to get her cellphone number right, after all (
¡Gracias, Virgencita de la Paz!). Esperanza looks spectacular but she is nervous because she’s meeting the love of her life after 20 years of absence. Wouldn’t Pedro and Pato feel nervous in a similar situation? Pedro says he wouldn’t know because he hasn’t met the love of his life yet. Pato’s cell rings and she says: “Speaking of the love of one’s life!”, then she answers Luca’s call with a chirpy: “Hello, superhero!” (Haven’t these annoying adolescents met 24 hours ago? What’s going on here?) Luca invites Pato to dinner.

Ricardo is getting ready for his date with Esperanza. He’s nervous and he showers himself with cologne. Then he smells himself to see whether he put too much cologne. He’s so adorable! And those biceps! Dayum! Someone has been working out! OK, enough gushing over this guy! I am NOT Pato! Back to the story. Ricardo receives a text on his phone: “There is no trace (rastro) of La Sombra”. He rehearses his greeting to Esperanza in the mirror then decides to go shave (afeitarse).

In the plaza, outside the cathedral, Esperanza waits for Ricardo and deplores the slow passing of time: “¡Qué lento pasa el tiempo!”. Ricardo sneaks up behind her (why do they always do this in novelas?). He agrees that time goes by very slowly. He tells her she is beautiful. She tells him he looks handsome. He gives her a friendly peck on the cheek. They stare into each other’s eyes and the world comes to a near standstill around them. Maná and Shakira serenade the star-crossed lovers: “Tú eres mi amor, mi alegría, la verdad de mi vida...” (“You are my love, my happiness, the truth of my life...”) They’re grinning that foolish grin that adorns the face of people in love when they are lost in their loved one’s eyes. Ricardo tells Esperanza that she hasn’t changed a bit, that she is exactly as he remembers her. It's as if no time had passed at all. It’s as if Ricardo were seeing her again for the very first time, with that same smile that used to fascinate him. Esperanza is blushing. She gently touches his face and he closes his eyes to thoroughly savor a touch he yearned for for nearly two decades. Esperanza asks him if he is still living in the United States. His look of pure bliss darkens: Yes, he lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children. The magic of the moment is shattered. Esperanza is unsettled and disappointed but she tries to hide it. She says that she needs a little snack. Ricardo asks that she permit him to invite her. There’s an ice-cream vendor nearby and he recommends a new flavor called “Sueño de Amor” and it’s perfect for a couple in love. (Osorio, I could strangle you with toilet paper! This was a lovely scene, why did you have to ruin it?). Ricardo thought-bubbles: “Goodness! I am still in love with this woman!”

Back at the house, Pedro and Pato are talking about love. Pato senses that something is wrong with her brother. When she insists with her questions, he gets mad and leaves the living room. Pato follows him to the bathroom where he locked himself. When he opens the door, tears are streaming down his face. He hugs his sister and cries some more. He confesses to Pato that he has diabetes and makes her promise not to tell their mom.

At the plaza, the reencounter is a tad awkward now. Ricardo shows Esperanza pictures of his children photoshopped onto weird backgrounds. His son, Rodrigo, is 10 and his little princess, Selena, is 8. Ricardo got married 12 years ago. His wife is called Tracy. Esperanza says that his wife is beautiful. Esperanza also thinks that she’d better leave and that they’d better not see each other again. She tells him that she understands why he had to move on with his life (rehacer su vida). It was the normal thing to do. She leaves and he tries to retain her to no avail. “Esperanza, you are so beautiful and so sweet like you always were”, muses a sad Ricardo.

Esperanza berates herself for getting her hopes up and acting like a 16 year-old. She believes that Ricardo had every right to move on with his life, just like she did with hers. Still, a broken heart doesn’t understand reason so the brokenhearted woman gets into her car and cries over her steering wheel.

Ricardo instructs someone over the phone to start “Operación Luz” (“Operation Light”).

Viviana is getting a massage and bitching to her masseur about Pato. She enumerates a list of words synonymous with "insipid" and "bland" (insulsa, insustancial, vacía, ñoña, lacia, sosa, exangüe, sin chiste, sin sangre, desabrida) to describe Pato. She can’t believe Luca is interested in a girl like her; and to make matters worse, she doesn’t even belong to their social class. Viviana thinks that her son deserves a much better woman and not Pato who is a lackey (lacaya) just like her mother.

Esperanza vents her heartache and disappointment to her children. Pato wonders whether her mom asked Ricardo if he is happily married. Esperanza thinks that this is irrelevant. At the end of the day, the guy is married and has a family of his own. Esperanza had held out hope that someday Ricardo would come back and they could have a new opportunity together. However, today she bumped into the harsh reality (toparse con la realidad) and she has to accept that there could never be anything between her and Ricardo. She must concentrate on her work, her students, her projects and her kids. As for love, Esperanza believes that the love of her children is more than enough (me basta y me sobra). Still, she thinks it would be beautiful to love and be loved. Sadface.

Still in pampering mode, Viviana FaceTimes Ernesto to complain about Luca and Pato’s fraternizing. Ernesto is surprised to hear that the youngsters kissed but at the end of the day, Luca is old enough to make his own decisions. Besides, Ernesto does not want Viviana to bother him unless it’s an emergency. Viviana thinks that Pato is not worthy of her son, even if she is Ernesto’s daughter. Ernesto orders Viviana to “do something productive with your life, woman! And stop living vicariously through others!” then he hangs up on her. (Loved the back-and-forth between these two and Julián Gil was brilliant in this scene!)

Pedro is pretending to be a DJ in his living room. His mom’s cell rings and she tells him to answer it. It’s Ricardo.

Pato is in Ernesto’s constructora and she is bitching about Luca’s mom to the secretary. (She has met Luca yesterday, spent a total of 4 hours with him but she takes the liberty of dissing his mother to a lady that works at Luca’s office and that she also only met yesterday! Was there a time-jump in this novela that nobody's telling me about?). By the way, the secretary is
Begoña, the wife of Nacho, a.k.a Weeping Willow, the stooge who was crying in the garbage truck in Episode 1 because "his Begoña left him". Viviana comes out of Luca’s office and she tries to guilt-trip him for not empathizing with her problems then she kiss-attacks him in the hallway, much to his embarrassment. When Viviana sees Pato, she turns her nose up at her and makes snide remarks. Luca gets rid of his overbearing mom and invites Pato to his office.

Someone is knocking at Esperanza’s door. It’s Ricardo. Pedro gave him the address and a full report on Esperanza’s life. Ricardo confesses that he never loved nor will he ever love anyone like he loves Esperanza. “You are the love of my life!” (Swoon!). We learn in this scene that Pedro is named after his dad, a Pedro Carmona who studied with Esperanza and Ricardo at the school for teachers. Pedro Sr. died before Pedrito was born. Esperanza also tells Ricardo about her story with Pato’s dad. “I have been unlucky in love”, she says with tears in her eyes.

At the constructora, Viviana and Ernesto are having a repeat of the argument they had earlier. Viviana doesn’t approve of Pato. Ernesto thinks that Luca has every right to choose who he wants to date and Viviana ought to mind her own business. We learn from their argument that Viviana cheated on him before he got involved with Esperanza.

Ricardo is still at Esperanza’s doorstep. He thanks her for giving him the opportunity to tell her he loves her. He asks for permission to call her later but she doesn’t want to see or speak to him again. He is a married man with a family in the US. “Yes, but you and me...”, he begins to protest. She interrupts him: “There is no you or me. Good afternoon and may La Virgen de La Paz bless you. OK?” She closes the door and starts sobbing uncontrollably. “You have no idea how sorry I am”, sighs Ricardo to a closed door.

Bickering continues at the constructora and Viviana is now dissing Pato for being as ordinary (corriente) as her mother. Ernesto defends his daughter and Esperanza. Viviana is surprised that a monster like him is converting into a defender of women. Ernesto vows to always defend Esperanza from Viviana. Strutting around the office to show off her figure, Viviana wonders why men who have sirloin at home (she slaps her thigh for emphasis) go looking outside for basket tacos (tacos de canasta). Ernesto reminds her that their marriage was a mere negotiation, a merger of business partners, and if it weren’t for him, this constructora that once belonged to her father would have come down crashing (derrumbarse). Without Ernesto, there would have been no business, no money and no Viviana (in her current plastic form, I assume). In light of these elements, Ernesto believes that Viviana should stop bothering him and leave the youngsters alone because HE is prepared to support their relationship.

In Luca’s office, Luca tells Pato that he has a surprise dinner for her. Pato wants to know how much Viviana dislikes her on a scale of 1 to 10. Pato thinks it’s 9.9. Luca thinks that she shouldn’t worry; all moms are jealous when it comes to their sons and his mom is no exception. Viviana is inoffensive according to Luca. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how inoffensive is she?”. Luca doesn’t answer. I’m putting my money on 9.9.

Esperanza is walking around the house, moping and crying. Pedro comforts her. It looks like someone has mixed up the incidental music during this brief scene because for a few seconds two tracks were playing at the same. Maybe Osorio, the director, the sound guy and the editor were out back having a smoke when this scene was being finalized.

Ricardo is in his super-cop uniform and he wears it well. A female agent, sporting one of those designer uneven bobcuts, briefs him on the house they’re staking. She says that thermal imagining shows at least 2 to 3 people inside but something is interfering with the signal. She tells Ricardo that she heard he was in the Marines but he cuts her short: “This is not the moment for introductions. We are contending (lidiar) with one of the most dangerous criminal syndicates that deal in art objects and jewels. We have to act now!”. She orders the start of the assault.

Luca takes Pato to the house of the dangling workman whose life he saved. (THIS is the surprise dinner?!). It's banda music-galore in there. Sorry, I’m fast-forwarding.

Kristel is remembering her meet-cute with Erasmo. She fantasizes that he comes to dinner and her family is nice to him. Silvana’s screechy voice interrupts her reverie and accuses her of smiling too much. Over at the Gallo household, Erasmo is recounting details of his meet-cute with Kristel to his younger brother Kiko. For dinner, their sister Estrella is serving them watery rubbery eggs with bits of undefined meat and they are eating this in plastic plates, using plastic cutlery. Because, you know, they’re poor. However, in the Gallo household, there is no daily quota for smiling. The Gallos are eating their plastic eggs using their plastic cutlery, with an ear-to-ear grin on their faces and no crazy-eyes lady yelling at them. Aaaah the simple joys of poverty!

Esperanza is telling Pedro that she can’t talk to Ricardo because she doesn’t want to be responsible for destroying a marriage and a family; not after he confessed his love to her. She shows Pedro her engagement ring (anillo de compromiso) and we flashback to the most ridonculous marriage proposal ever. Ricardo uses a falcon to deliver the ring and Esperanza is not freaked out one bit. (Obviously, she never saw how Kirk Douglas lost his eye in “The Vikings”.) A little time after he proposed, Ricardo left for the US and went MIA. Esperanza thought he was dead. The end. Go to sleep, Pedro.

The assault on the baddies' house is ongoing. Ricardo and the SWAT team are neutralizing the baddies. In the garden, someone sporting a Halloween ninja costume and a Picasso-esque mask is neutralizing the female agent that Ricardo rudely interrupted before she could even start flirting with him. Ricardo and Picasso Ninja fight while Lopsided Bobcut lies unconscious on the grass. Ricardo and Picasso Ninja are now on the ground struggling for the gun. A shot goes off in the direction of Lopsided Bobcut. Goodbye Lopsided Bobcut, we hardly knew ye.

A quote from the capítulo

“Tranquila, Mamá. Pareces sismógrafo.” *

* Adorable blond cubby tells his Momma Bear to stop trembling ahead of her date with Ricardo: “Calm down, Mom. You look like a seismograph.”

Your viewing vocabulario
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated) 

elote = arguably THE best corn on the cob you will ever eat! Grilled to perfection then rubbed with chili lime mayo and cojita cheese! Yumminess!
luchar = to fight, to wrestle, to struggle.
salir adelante = to move forward, to get ahead (in life, in a job, in money matters).

pelado = in Mexico: an oaf, a boor, a coarse-mannered individual. Sometimes it also means: a poor, penniless slob.
escalofríos = shivers, shudders, chills.
joya = a piece of jewelry.
digno(a) = proud, dignified, self-important, honorable.
simpático(a) = pleasant, likeable, friendly.
clavado(a) = in Mexico: infatuated, besotted, crazy about someone. "Clavado" literally means: pinned with a nail.

dejar (un asunto) por la paz = to leave (a matter) at that, to put it aside, to not deal with it for now. Not to confuse with “dejar en paz”, which means to “leave alone”. Example: “Dejémoslo por la paz” is “let’s leave it at that!” but “Dejémoslo en paz” means “Let’s leave him/it alone” or “Let’s give him/it some space”).
obra = work (of art, craftmanship). In this context, “obra” means construction.
repellar = to plaster.
esto ya no tiene vuelta de hoja = There is no going back/turning back from this. Literally translates as: this has no turn of page.
tintorería = dry-cleaner’s.
rastro = trace, track, trail.
afeitarse = to shave.
rehacer su vida = to move on with one’s life, to rebuild one’s life.

insulso(a) = bland, flavorless, boring.
insustancial = without substance, lightweight.
vacío(a) = empty, superficial.
ñoño(a) = dull, boring. Can also mean: whimpy, crybaby, nerdy or clingy, depending on the context.
lacio(a) = straight when speaking about hair and hairstyles. When referring to  someone, it means: limp, weak, droopy.
soso(a) = lacking salt, bland, flavorless, boring.
exangüe = Literally: bloodless. Also means lifeless, spent, exhausted.
sin chiste = Literally: without joke. Means that something or someone is graceless, insipid and/or lacks meaning and logic (if we’re talking about a plotline or this TN for instance).
sin sangre = same meaning as “exangüe”.
desabrido(a) = Literally: without flavor (“sin sabor”), i.e. bland, insipid. However, when you say that a commentary someone made was “desabrido”, it means that the remark was brusque, rude, glacial or disagreeable.
lacayo(a) = footman, lackey, servant.

toparse con la realidad = to bump into (the harsh) reality.
me basta y me sobra = it is more than enough for me, it more that satisfies my needs. Literal translation: it suffices and exceeds me.

corriente = ordinary, common. Sometimes it is even used as a euphemism for vulgar.
tacos de canasta = basket tacos.
derrumbarse = to collapse, to fall down, to come down crashing (in the physical and/or emotional and/or moral sense).
lidiar = to fight, to deal with, to struggle, to contend with, to come to grips with.

anillo = ring.
compromiso = commitment, obligation. When talking about couples (and rings), “compromiso” means “engagement” or “romantic commitment”.

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hello Patio Pals! Sorry this is so long and sorry for the many mini-rants. I recapped as I watched the episode, so I didn't have that little dose of emotional distance that a second viewing normally provides.

Enjoy the recap. I'll add the quote and vocab tomorrow. Too sleepy now. Night night.

Thank you for the recap. This Novela is going so fast or are they editing? I was expecting to see more reaction from Pedro after the doctor told him that he has diabetes. By the way, sincerely I felt a little bit insensitive the way in which he said it to the poor kid. Also I wanted to see Patos reaction too.
I don't remember a single Novela in which this sickness has been talked about, they usually talk about breast cancer or Aids but diabetes no. It's gonna be an interesting theme to hear from and surely Polo Morin will have very intense scenes.

"Obviously, she never saw how Kirk Douglas lost his eye in the 'Vikings'".Thank you for this wondrously funny thought as well as the excellent recap. And I thought I was the only one who never had forgotten that nightmarish movie scene. . .

María, you are so right about the doctor being a little "brusque" with his diagnosis. He actually said "Welcome to the world of diabetics." No bedside manner there. Poor kid!

How much cheesier can you get after the "sueño de amor" ice cream? Not much.

So glad Esperanza literally closed the door on Ricardo due to his married status. Cannot wait to hear how he went from "engaged" to Esperanza to married with 2 kids in the US but Esperanza was the "love of his life"? Better be a good explanation but I cannot imagine what that would be short of him being in a coma for 20 years, suffering from amnesia or dead. Ha! Ha! Is there more Esperanza will reveal in a flashback????

How much cologne did Ricardo pour on himself? With that much, Esperanza would have smelled him coming.

Now tonight we find out who really did get shot. I am enjoying the fast pacing of this one.

Sorry, it should have been "Marla" not "María".

Thanks. I felt the same with the extreme close-ups and when after 20 years and being completely different and not having seen each other even once and from that far AND FROM THE BACK! He recognized her and she immediately knew it was HIM! No doubt this new virgen de la paz baja california sur is more powerful than the one Osorio used for PEAM. And speaking of that and the corny name for the ice cream, I am sure there was another Begonia over there, married to one of the other three stooges... and they were also having problems of the same nature, he was spending too much time with his buddies, but anyway, that rainbow ice cream looked more like all yesterdays leftovers put together.

For a Silvia Derbez homage, Osorio surely chose a very bad picture, where she looks like she is upset or something. Derbez was no Miroslava, but there are better pictures, where she looks pretty.

I also thought the same thing when I saw SNL's the falconer. Don't tell me is another homage to Will Forte!

Wow! Another great recap from you this week Nandicta. Thank you. Especially appreciated because I missed the episode. I'm bummed about miss Cristian, and might have to look for it On Demand.

A few years ago, I was at a luncheon for work. I saw the back of the head of a guy and immediately recognized him as a guy I went to high school with 20 years before. I don't know how. I just did. We had gone to school together in CA. This was DC and I had no idea he lived here. So I can believe this plot point.

Boy you amaze me Nandicta, I have difficulty remembering a three item grocery list much less the isle, shelf, price and if it is new and/or improved.

"She seems to have invoked Ernesto"

I think it kinda rotten of Ricky to show up and drop the love of his life bomb. Not fair, not fair at all.

thanks, Nandicta...Ha..loved the title.I used to daydream to that song !

Nandicta, thank you for providing us with great fun and delicious snark on this fast and furious episode.

"And by remarkable I mean lame", "It goes to show that even sexy mustached rascals have feelings a broken heart doesn’t understand reason" were great but "And those biceps! Dayum! Someone has been working out! OK, enough gushing over this guy! I am NOT Pato!" was my favorite. Side note: Well maybe I am Pato? The guy makes me salivate. Sigh...

My heart broke a bit for Esperanza who truly seemed to believe and hope her dreamed of fairy tale reconciliation would go smoothly.

I'm with you tofie! Ricardo has a wife and family. He really had no right to turn his dazzling smile Esperanza's way. So he rues the fact he let her go? Well he should. Now go back to your family and don't return unless you end things with your wife. I'm curious to see just how "bad" Sabine will be. I'm sure she will be a whirling nightmare if her past roles are any indication! ;)

Marla and Jarifa, the callousness of the physician also surprised me. Poor interpersonal and communication skills - shame on him.

Really enjoying this.

Thanks again Nandicta!



Nandicta - Thanking you in advance for this recap. (no time to read right now)

Looks like Univision and ATT U-Verse have come to a contract price agreement, and I'll be able to give this a try. Maybe the earlier episodes are on Demand....
I look forward to reading this recap later today! ♥♥♥

Nandicta, I am officially hooked on this one. Thank you for helping me get all the folks in their correct slots and understanding some of the vocabulary. And Christian.........Oh Yeah!!

Vivi, are you secretly giving Osorio tips for his novelas? (Not that he needs them)

I am sure that ''welcome to the world of diabetes'' is been borrowed from that famous line ''welcome to the world of aids'' that a guy supposedly found written on his bathroom mirror after a one night stand. It has to be yet another homage, since I find highly unbelievable that a doctor can say that to a patient, specially when the word welcome means something good, right? You don't use welcome to something bad... Unless you are Laura Zapata in LA GATA!!

Pablo- The guy wasn't even my first love. He was my best friend's first love. He was and is quite handsome though, even the back of his head. :)

Jajaja! Don't make me laugh that my lips are chapped!

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Hey beautiful peeps! A quote from the capítulo and Your viewing vocabulario have been added to the end of the recap, including the definitions of the long list of choice words that Viviana used to describe Pato. Enjoy!

Now onto the comments! Catch you in a wee bit! :)


Nandicta, this was excellent, thank you!
You put it so well - finally, the reason we're all watching showed up on the screen and I was not disappointed . CdlF works out a lot, he mentions it on his twitter (with pictures and all, it's quite the treat ).
You made me laugh all through the recap but especially when you pointed out the ridiculous proposal and the poor feeding with eggs and hugs.
My mom, who was not watching but packing her bags after a short visit, kept listening to the lines and commenting about all the "no puede ser" and "amor de mi vida " usual routines. When Ricardo was getting ready for the date she stopped to watch and simply said :"He's too dressed, you don't spray your clothes with perfume, but your empty body. Off with the clothes!"
What a missed opportunity, truly.

Jarifa, I think both these madly in love kids bailed on the "amor de mi vida " rather quick. Esperanza married a guy that Ricardo also knew from school so going by Pedro's age, she probably got together with him not too long after Ricardo left. Or maybe a couple of years went by, but still, she has grown kids, not toddlers. Ricardo did take some time to find another woman to commit to, but he had made a promise of love that hé never kept. So I'd say they are even for now - life just got in the way for both of them and theirs remained a young love. That being said, by how into one another they look after so much time one has to wonder how come Ric didn't ever try to contact Espe and how come she ended up having 2 kids so soon (soonish ) after his departure. Maybe we'll get some explanations later on.

-- Marla: Welcome to our humble Patio! I don't know if Univision got scissor-happy again with last night's episode but I watch the unedited Mexican broadcast and the editing is horrendous! It's so abrupt and choppy, even the incidental music is messed up. They took a lot of smoke and snack breaks while editing! And you're right, that doctor was a jerk to poor Pedro. He could have sugar-coated the announcement a bit. En fin...

As for diabetes and novelas, I'm pretty sure I've seen PSAs in some old TN I watched before, but for the life of me I cannot recall which one it was. Anyhoo, it might come back to me later. Thanks for joining us and I really look forward to "seeing" you more of you here and in the EHDLS Patio! :)

-- Jarifa: Hahahaha, glad I'm not the only one who was traumatized by that scene! Kirk Douglas had it coming, but still... Brrrrrr!

I'm glad you enjoyed the episode and the recap. Thank you for your kind words. That ice-cream "Dream of Love" looked yucky! So much food colorant in there to emulate the Crayola color palette used in the TN logo. Osorio wouldn't know subtelty if it hit him upside the head!

As for Ricardo's disappearing act, the only excuse I will accept is a 2-decade-long amnesia or alien abduction! He looked so swoon-worthy during his love declaration but Esperanza did well in telling him to scram! The girl has spunk, dignity and dollops of common sense, unlike a next-door TN protagonista. See that Julia Vallado de Gómez-Luna? You insecurity, disloyalty, impulsive flirting and "mosca muerta" ways are destroying the PyP universe! But I digress...

Totally agree on the doctor. Zero bedside manner indeed.

Your observation about Ric's cologne made me chuckle. I missed that because I was too creeped out by that sneak-up-on-you-from-behind move that they are so fond of in TNs. En fin...

-- Pablo: You're welcome. How annoying are those super close eye close-ups? I really wish they'd knock it off, already! The secretary from the office is the same Begonia, Nacho was crying about. He was looking at her picture in that scene and it the same redhead lady with that same chignon.

-- Tofie: Thanks. Very kind of you. Ricardo "dropping the love bomb" after all that time while still being married to another woman is a caddish thing to do. I'm going to wait to find out more because in the synopsis they said that he was estranged from his wife. Still, I don't want another Arturo Montenegro in this story. (I can't wait for Monday to be unleashed on the PyP Patio. I've been saving up stuff to rant about for two weeks. Just about ready to burst! :D)

Clavado also means ''to dive'', like los clavadistas de la quebrada. When Adrián said ''estás tan clavado que podrías ir a las olimpiadas'' meant ''you're ready for the diving olympics'' but I guess it only makes sense in spanish.

Also, Patricia called Luca ''chorero'' meaning that he speaks too much or that he doesn't mean what he says.

-- Susanlynn: Cheers, my lovely. I also daydream to that song. I was humming it yesterday before the episode and the first part of the title hit me. This is the first time that I write the title first. All my life, I've always written the title and the introduction last.

-- Diana: Many thanks for your kind words. ¡Qué linda!
Ricardo is making me salivate too but I totally agree that it wasn't fair to make those kinds of grand declarations to a lover you abandoned 20 years prior without giving a sign of life. To be honest, after the first minutes of bedazzlement, I would have asked: "Where in poo-perfect heck have you been all these years?"

As for Sabine Moussier, I've never seen her in anything before but I hear she is a lethal villana. I'll reserve judgement until I see her in action.

-- Doris: You're welcome, dear. I'm pleased to know that the feud between Univision and your cable provider are resolved so you can feed your TN addiction. The sweetest addiction! Enjoy the recap! :)

-- Emeraldrose: I too I'm hooked, despite my utter abhorrence for anything Osorio. But I'm staying the course for my Chilean beefcake. Cris can hook the unhookable. What a man! Glad that you're enjoying the TN and that the recap has been useful to you. I've compiled the vocabulary at the end with more explanations. Thanks for stopping by.

-- Vivi: Thank you kindly, dear maestra. I would really recommend seeing at least the scene of Esperanza and Ricardo's reencounter in the plaza. It was lovely. Until Osorio ruined it with that ice-cream vendor! Ugh!

Your story is amazing because I have a hard a hard time remembering faces that I went to uni with 2 years ago, never mind recognize the back of their heads. You have an amazing memory, amiga! But we already knew that on Caray Caray, because you remember a lot minutiae long after everybody has forgotten it.

There is only one person from 20 years ago that I could recognize by seeing the back of their head. It's a classmate from 5th grade who had a triangular head. He had a non-fraternal twin that was much shorter and looked nothing like him. They didn't even look like they could be brothers. They were great friends of mine and we had such fun together! I would love it if our paths crossed again... Hopefully, I can still recognize the back of his triangular head from afar. Thanks for prompting this lovely memory, Vivi! :)

Sorry for the typos, Vivi. I should start reading my posts before hitting "send".

-- Adriana: Thank you, dear. Glad you enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing your mom's perspective on that cologne-spraying scene! It made me chuckle! Come to think of it, there was also a lost opportunity for a shower scene. Cleanliness is next to godliness! Hope your mother has a pleasant and safe journey home.
I agree that both Esperanza and Ricardo bailed out on that eternal love they claimed o have for each other. The only difference is that so far, we have zero indication as to what may have happened to Ricardo during all these years? Why did he suddenly vanish into thin air? Unless, I learn that soon, he is the guilty party in his and Esperanza's separation.

-- Pablo: Thank you for your addendum to the definition of "clavado".

I gotta skidaddle but thank you to everyone for stopping by, leaving such kind and interesting comments and for keeping the conversation rolling! Catch you all this weekend in the recap page of Friday's episode! Take it away, Adriana :)

Nandicta--You are everywhere at once, regularly delivering to our doors an over-the-top recap for us to sit back and consume with gusto. Thank you.

I have ONE or maybe TWO words for our bonbon Ricardo. Ok, he's been married for 12 years, gone for 20. That leaves 8 years where, presumably he was single and still had his promise to his fiancée in his head. He couldn't WRITE or PHONE? 'Cmon is this Osorio country or 21st C. non-telecommunicationlandia?

The only excuse I'll accept from his lips (Luscious Lips though they are) is that's his been in deep undercover and only came up for air 12 years ago. So then he immediately meets this seductive temptress and got married and had two kids. It seems to me he could have taken the time to check in with Srta. Esperanza, who presumably was waiting for him (although she got busy herself at a young age) to let her know he was off the market? (Am I being to hard on this bonbon, or should I be yelling at Osorio for letting this go by without an explanation. Expletive Deleted.)

Please help me out as my memory fades. Wasn't there another tn, maybe a long time ago where a bird delivered the ring? It was laughable then. Was it Alborada or Pasion, or was it in a movie I've forgotten.

There is no excuse for not keeping in touch. Period. Even when he was in US ilegally in the beginning not being able to go back to Mexico as he pleased, there was the letters, the phone, the internet, the facebook, and all that people use to find people when they want to.

He said that he was ilegal, then probably married Tracy for the papers, got into the marines, the FBI and the rest is history. I do not excuse his behaviour for anything he say. But this is only a novela and has to last at least 100 episodes, so, they write Pelanchas character sooooooo in love with him that she went to bed with 2 guys, just to try to forget him, to no avail, Jajaja!

Anita- It was Amores Verdaderos. That was how Niki Briz got her ring. Also from a hawk.

Thank you, Vivi. So Osorio "stole" the germ of the idea from Nico Diaz Gonzalez. Maybe he paid him a royalty? Ha!

He is calling them homages, LOL! After all, el homenaje es la forma mas sincera de plagio...

Nandicta, thanks so much. I was watching this last night thinking it must be really hard to recap. It jumps so much I kept thinking I must have missed something. Anyway, fantastic work.

Is this only a 20-episode run or something? Why are they in such a hurry that they have to skip through things so much, like how the powerful happy one (Ricardo) got in touch with the warrior of hope after it looked like he didn't get the number right and she didn't pull over to wait and talk to him.

I am VERY CURIOUS about why he forgot how to use the phone or the mailbox after he left for Gringolandia. They were apparently engaged, not merely sorta dreamy about each other! But why was she still holding out hope of his return, rather than mourning him as if she were convinced he were dead? And why did he seem to think they could pick back up como si nada? This makes no sense. And that Crayola ice cream must be gorgonzola flavor, it was so cheesy. It looked awful.

So Kristel has met Erasmo? Buh-bye, creepy stalky Pedro; you don't stand a chance. Go console yourself with a protein bar and some insulin.

Nandicta, your line about how the doctor should have sugar-coated the diabetes news made me laugh.

But also, why doesn't Pedro want to tell his mother about the diabetes? This family seems to share everything. Is she not going to notice the refrigerator full of insulin and the needles or pump and the blood sugar tester?


This being an Osorio mess, we can all look forward to playing Spot-the-Logo in all the scenes. Because it makes sense that everyone has Sueño de Amor brand computers and bottled water and Sueño de Amor sofa pillows and table cloths and who knows what else. Esperanza will probably name her school Sueño de Amor Academy and print the logo on all the uniforms. Hard to tell whether that will be better or worse than the musturd uniforms.

Jajaja! That was so funny!!

"Anita- It was Amores Verdaderos. That was how Niki Briz got her ring. Also from a hawk."
Vivi - you never cease to amaze me!!! I do not remember that and I watched every episode of AV and loved it. Gah...



Esperanza (Mom)


Ernesto (dad to Adrian & Pato; step/adoptive dad to Luca)
Viviana (Mom to Luca & Adrian)


Erasmo (oldest brother)
Estrella (sister)
Kiko (little brother)


Mario (dad)
Silvana (mom)
Kristel (older daughter)
Salma (younger daughter)


Ricardo (dad)
Tracy (mom)
Rodrigo (son)
Selena (daughter)

Random kid: Paulo, son of wealthy donor to rich kids' school

Thanks, Anon 207! This is really helpful.

Pablo--this just sunk in. You are really funny. So glad you are part of this mess.

"He is calling them homages, LOL! After all, el homenaje es la forma mas sincera de plagio..."

Julie--Spot the Logo. New Game. Better than the drinking games. No chance of getting drunk, but we might fall asleep anyway.

Thanks, I didn't know how to say it in english...

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

If that's true, Osorio should be really flattered by how much he's imitating his own past work. It's starting to make a little more sense why, in Una Familia Con Suerte, Pancho named his newborn daughter after his two older daughters. How could he possible do better than what he had already done? If you did it once, rinse and repeat!

Julia, not Julie for our brain game. I was momentarily confused by rinse and repeat.

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