Thursday, April 07, 2016

Pasión y poder, Episode 120, Thursday, April 7, 2016: What happens in Vegas... comes back to haunt you in Mexico (even when nothing much happened).

In which Julia and Eladio suffer, each believing that the other has been unfaithful, and each too proud to tell the other the truth; Nina gets tougher; and Arturo...  well, Arturo is still a putz.

Franco the Joker is taking the enemy down.  He can hardly contain his glee – he smirks and mugs and grins, excitedly waving his spider-like fingers in the air as he cants his head to one side or the other.  He is pushing Julia farther and farther out of the picture.  Eladio grows more vulnerable every day.  Gabriela still seems bewitched.  And the Joker dances daringly ever closer to the flaming abyss.

Julia says goodbye to the tacky charms of Las Vegas and thanks Arturo for providing a few days of distraction away from all her problems.  Of course, she admits, flashing him a radiant smile, she is still a little confused.  [Oh god.]  Arturo, however, has his eye fixed firmly on the prize.  He still loves Julia, he assures her – he has never stopped loving her.

Julia turns.  Now the frame expands and we see Humberto sitting in his chair beside her.  "Time to go, Dad."  He has trouble letting go.  Can't they please stay a few more days?  But Julia guides his scooter towards the exit and follows close behind him.  Arturo watches her.  "Turn around," he whispers.  She does.  She waves to him.  He returns the gesture.

Eladio is at his therapist's office, trying to work through his feelings.  Is he going to continue seeing Nina? They talked about it, Eladio says, and they realized they're both still in love with their exes.   It was an impulse – they both got carried away by the moment.   It hasn't even occurred to him to have a relationship with her.

"And you know what," continues Eladio, getting up from the couch.  "I have to go now."

Before he leaves, he gets some news: the therapist has been offered a post as director of a psychoanalytic institute.  That means he won't be able continue with Eladio's treatment.  He's looking for someone good to pick up his therapy – someone he trusts completely.  Eladio hesitates and then accepts the change.  "Sure, if it's someone you really trust."

[Interesting.  Why throw this at us unless the new shrink is going to influence Eladio in either a helpful or wildly wrong-headed way?]

Gabriela and Caridad sit on the couch together faced with a daunting stack of papers, the fake reports that Franco claims to have brought back from Aguascalientes, but which, in fact, Marcos has spent the night concocting.  Caridad assures her daughter-in-law that the answers to her questions about the sale of the factory must be in these documents.  "What bothers me," says Gaby, "is that Franco didn't talk to me before he did it."  His behavior has made her begin to have doubts about him.  [Finally!] She can't look at him the same way.  Everything he does or says raises questions

Caridad hugs Gaby and gives her one of her Judas kisses as a plaintive cello plays in the background.  She urges the young woman to take her time before making any decisions.  It is, after all, her life.

At the corporate offices of Grupo Montenegro, Regina directs one of her blissed-out the-lights-are-on-but-nobody's-home Hare Krishna grins at Jorge.  He has just told her that everything's set for their romantic weekend in Valle de Bravo.  They kiss.  

Meanwhile, in the front hallway of the Gómez Luna mansion, David rejects his mother's joyful greeting, slithering out of her attempted embrace with a withering ya.  She told him she wasn't seeing Arturo, but now it's evident that she was lying.  Julia tries to explain, but he isn't listening.  [Because along with almost everyone else in this story, listening is not his strong suit.]  Instead, he shouts at her, interrogating and vilifying her.  If she isn't with Arturo, why did she go to Las Vegas with him?

"Where is your morality?  Where are your principles?  Why are you lying to me?  You're a hypocrite!  Don't deny it!"

THWAP!  Julia gives the sanctimonious little twit a richly-deserved cachetada and then is immediately seized with remorse.  Her eyes fill with tears.  Her hands fly to her face as if to hide her shame over what she has just done.  [And as if to display her tastefully manicured pale pink fingernails.] 

Gaby, carrying her stacks of paper, bumps into Agustín in the hallway at GLA.  She was looking for David, but he's not in.  Is she okay?  She's fine, she answers automatically.  And then she reconsiders:  "Wait... not really.  I'm feeling a little sad."  Agustín puts an arm around her shoulder and she leans gratefully against his [quite respectably muscled, thank you very much] chest.  Ay Gaby, he sighs.

David isn't done savaging his mother.  "You don't like hearing the truth?" he sneers.  "You don't want to know who you are?"  Julia is sorry that she hit his smug little face.  [Though we, of course, are not.]  She had never raised a hand to him before, but then he had never shown her such disrespect, and she's not about to allow it now.  He has no idea what he is saying.  [True.]  If he wants to know what really happened, he needs to calm down and listen.

[At this point, someone else is listening calmly.  Humberto has rolled into the background and takes it all in.]

"Yes, I went to Las Vegas.  But I didn't go with Arturo, nor did he ask me to go with him.  I didn't know he was there."

"Swear to me that you didn't see Arturo," responds David.

"But I did see him."  

"Aha.  And now you're going to say it was a coincidence!"

Julia insists that is precisely what it was, whether David believes her or not.  He's not willing to swallow such a lame story (un argumento tan débil).  In fact, he is offended by it.  But in the end, he says, he has no right to question what she does.  She can be with whomever she wants – it's just too bad the person she has chosen is his girlfriend's father.

"You're going to regret speaking to me like that and judging me," Julia answers sadly.  

David doubts that.  If she admitted what she was up to, he'd accept her decision.  Meh. In the end, it's her choice.  Allá tú (That's your problem).

Humberto is still looking on.  He sees David storm out and watches Julia sink into a chair, shattered by her son's attack.

Agustín assures Gaby that he bears her no resentment for rejecting his advances in the past.  He wants her to feel free to approach him as a friend when she feels sad.  And he offers to take her to coffee so they can talk.  "Can we go to your place?" asks Gaby.  She's not worried about being alone with him (Miguel isn't in the apartment).  Don't trusted friends visit each other?

Humberto finally wheels in and shows his face to Julia, [or at least one of them].  When he asks what's wrong, she tells him that her little outing to Las Vegas is going to cause her problems: David thinks she went there to whoop it up with Arturo, and undoubtedly Eladio thinks so too.  She turns down his offer to "explain" things, saying she doesn't want anyone to think he is manipulating the situation to force her into a relationship with Arturo.   He sputters, all offended dignity, at the idea that anyone might think he would lend himself to such a thing.  

"I've changed, daughter!  My principles wouldn't allow it."

Humberto pats Julia's hand.  She stares at him hard, her brow furrowed.

Gaby and Agustín sit in Agustín's apartment, her stacks of papers laid out on the table between them.  She explains about the shoe factory and its serious financial problems.  She wanted David to check out the reports.  She now accepts Agustín's offer to review them.  She just wants to know if she could have done something to save it.

Is anything else troubling her?  Gaby hesitates before answering "no."  It's a good thing her worries are unrelated to her marriage, says Agustín ruefully, because in that case, he'd help to free her from it.

Arturo sits at his desk and moons over an old photo of him and Julia.  Nina enters and asks him about his trip with Julia.  Did he take her to the restaurants they used to go to together?  It couldn't have gone too well.  After all, he's not wearing his happy face, the one he used to sport after a trip to Vegas with her.

He won't take the bait.  But Arturo has wounded Nina and she is determined to return the favor:

"I wasn't wasting my time either.   You know I always thought we had great sexual chemistry – I even thought it couldn't be better – but now I realize it wasn't so..."

"Are you trying to make me jealous?" Arturo asks wearily.

"No, I'm only telling you so you can be happy that I'm no longer suffering because of you – or at least, I'm not going to miss you in my bed."

Arturo hopes she has chosen wisely.  Oh she has, she assures him.  And now she understands why Julia was so hurt when she saw Eladio with other women.

At the sound of the J word, Arturo suddenly becomes alert.  "What are you saying?"

"Just this – I discovered that Eladio is a much better lover than you."

Regina joins David at a table in a café.  Yamila, the woman who chose them for the Monterrey hotel project, has asked them to meet her here, though she has not yet arrived.  Left alone, these two start picking at each other's scabs [never a pretty sight] until Yamila arrives.  The new hotel is about to open to the public, she says.  Before that happens, she needs them to return to Monterrey together and check out the construction and make sure every detail is perfect.

Arturo doesn't believe Nina.  But if she is telling the truth, she's making a big mistake.  Nina shrugs.  "Ask him," she says.

Yamila gives Engineer Gómez Luna and Architect Montenegro the dates.  Both promise to be there.  When the young woman steps away from the table to take a call, David points out the obvious: it won't be easy for them to return to Monterrey with all the memories it holds of their past happiness together.

Arturo's apparent indifference to what she has said must be maddening to Nina.  Perhaps still hoping to hit a nerve, she continues:  "Eladio isn't at all the way you described him.  I've discovered that he's better than you in many ways.  I don't understand how Julia could leave him."

Arturo isn't interested in her opinion.  If she's only there to talk nonsense, she can leave right now.

She'll be on her way in a moment, but in fact she did come to see him on business.  She hands him a black folder – her proposal – and tells him she wants it discussed at the next board meeting.

When Nina finally leaves, Arturo sighs, pulls out his phone, and calls his new BFF...

Humberto chuckles as he answers the call.  "You beat me to it, Arturo.  (Me ganaste.)  I was just about to call you!"  He tells him how David lashed out at Julia because he thought she had gone to Las Vegas because of Arturo.  Humberto offered to explain things to David and Julia turned him down.  

"Why's that?"

Maybe she no longer cares if anyone knows they are seeing each other... it's the moment for Arturo to make his presence felt in Julia's life.

That's exactly what Arturo intends to do.  He asks Humberto to put Julia on the line.  Humberto says she has gone to work... and he hopes she isn't in trouble for missing a few days because they need the money.  [Oh, come off it, Humberto!]

Humberto and Arturo agree that Julia shouldn't be working – she should be Arturo's happy wife!

Regina and David are having a moment.  [Yeah, yeah, another one.]  He keeps thinking they should have considered their own happiness – they should have gotten married, been happy...  David has been holding her hand.  Now Regina pulls it away.  "That's impossible," she tells him.  "Don't you regret it?" David asks.  Everything we lost?"

Yamila returns before Regina can answer.  They are all in agreement about Monterrey.  She leaves.  Regina turns to David:

"What were you saying?"

"Nothing.  Whether you were brave or not, you made a decision and it's in the past.  See you in Monterrey."

Left alone, Regina's face crumples.

Caridad and Franco are hanging out in Eladio's office at GLA.  

[Could it be that Caridad's makeover is her anvil?  Her ghastly Julia wannabe look? Her Medusa locks that seem to swallow her while Julia's flowing tresses evoke Botticelli's Venus?  The wardrobe that turns her petite frame dumpy?]

Caridad is glad Franco had a good reason for selling Gaby's shoe factory.  Franco just hopes that Gaby understands.  Caridad worries that she'll want to talk it over with Eladio...

At this point, Eladio enters and removes his cool shades.  Evidently he has heard Caridad's last remark.  

"Who wants to talk to me?"

Franco lies without hesitation: Marcos.  He had some questions about the budget.

And why would that worry Caridad?

She's no slouch when it comes to spontaneous lies either.  Oh she feels bad for him, she says.  Eladio has been so impatient with him...

Eladio snaps at her for her being an ignorant metiche and shoos the distasteful duo out of his office.

Agustín has reviewed the documents and gives Gaby his verdict:  Sad to say, it's true.  The factory is practically bankrupt.  "I would sell it."

Much to Agustín's surprise, Gaby seems relieved to hear it.  She wants to pay him for his assessment.  He smiles.  She can pay him back with a cup of coffee.  "I owe you one,"  Gaby says with a smile. 

Day turns to night over Mexico.

Arturo barges into Eladio's office, intruding on his solitude. "I just wanted to give you a souvenir," he says.  He holds up a ceramic tile and reads its message in English:

What happens in Vegas estays in Vegas.

When Eladio looks at him blankly, Arturo helpfully translates it:

Lo que pasa en Las Vegas se queda en Las Vegas.

He plops the ghastly thing down on Eladio's desk.  [On The Patio, we take a moment to reflect:  Arturo has about as much class as that souvenir tile.]

We take a short break to watch the Petra and Obdulio Show.  Petra is scolding Obdulio for his latest territorial invasion – messing with Nina's dirty laundry.  (That is, her actual, not figurative dirty laundry.) Nina asks what is going on.  Nada, both Petra and Obdulio assure her.

Fanny has been visiting Nina.  Before leaving, she warns Nina not to ignore her advice.  (No eches en saco roto lo que te digo, Nina. Literally, "Don't throw what I'm telling you in a torn bag/a sack full of holes.  Don't turn a deaf ear on it.")

Once Fanny is gone, Petra asks Nina to tell Obdulio that she's the one in charge of Nina's wardrobe.  Nina is delighted to relieve Obdulio of these duties so he can bring her a slice of his delicious cake, the one with no calories.  Petra's feelings are obviously hurt (though the rest of us are hoping Odbulio will give us his recipe).

Marcos Who is in Over His Head and is Sure to Drown Very Soon scurries into Eladio's office.  "Caridad said you sent for me."  Eladio wants to know about these questions he has about the budget.  What questions?  What budget?  Marcos, of course, has no questions at all and says so to the boss.  Eladio chews him out for wasting his time: Does he think this is a game?  One more estupidez like this and he's out!

Sanctimonious David happens to be on his way in to see Eladio, so he gets an earful.  Naturally, he scolds his father:  "That's not the way you talk to your employees!"  [Apparently, the only person you can browbeat like that is your mother.]  Then he notices the tile on the desk.  Eladio explains that Arturo felt the need to deliver it personally so he, Eladio, could "celebrate" what happened between Art and Julia in Vegas.  

Now it's David's turn to explode: 

"He's an idiot!  A bastard!  I don't know how my mother can be with him.  And the worst thing is that she still denies it!"

As hurt as Eladio may be, he won't permit David to judge Julia.  She has her reasons, he tells his son.  Obviously Arturo is taking advantage of the situation and boasting about it.

"I judged you for a very long time," David tells his father.  "I thought your jealousy was absurd.  But you were right.  My mother never stopped loving him!"

Marcos Sure to Drown complains to Franco that he just made him look like a fool in front of Eladio.  And that fake report he had to write for Franco caused problems with his wife.  (Marcos had to disappoint her after promising a night out together.)  Franco is unsympathetic.  The accountant will just have to suck it up – it's part of the job.

"I don't like this at all!" wails Marcos Sure to Drown.  "I think I should get out.  I'm telling you right now – I'm done!"

Daniela – who has made a remarkable recovery despite getting NO TREATMENT AT ALL for her heavy-duty withdrawal of the day before – understands when David tells her about going to Monterrey with Regina.  Negocios son negocios.  But how about if she comes along?  At first he objects – she has her therapy to think about – but then gives in.  After all, it's only a couple of days. They can go together.  They hug.

Franco grabs Marcos Sure to Drown by his lapels.  "You're up to your neck in this!  What if my father found out what you did?"  Then he relaxes his grip.  "Stick with me and you'll retire as a relatively young millionaire.  But you have to learn to resist pressure.  We need to figure out where to get our hands on some money because my wife is going to ask about the sale of the factory."

Another night sky over the city.  Has another day elapsed?  It sure feels like it.

Gaby sits at home alone and waits.  She looks somber.  Her eyes are dry, but they are suspiciously pink, as if she has been crying.  Franco enters and she greets him by saying this:  

"Now I know that the shoe factory was essentially bankrupt."  

"See?  I was right to sell it!"

"Well yes, Franco, but I still think I had the right to know about it."  

Franco says he was just trying to spare her feelings.  Besides, she has enough stress from the infertility treatment she is enduring.  She says she still doesn't want him hiding things from her.  "Please don't do that again."

The night sky turns to day.

Julia finds Arturo waiting for her at the Gómez Luna mansion.  She isn't pleased.  She asks him to stop coming to the house – it puts her in a compromising position.  But Arturo needs to talk to her in person:

"I want us to keep seeing each other – to continue what we started in Las Vegas."  They are both free.  They have no reason to hide...

Julia is uncomfortable with the idea.  She had a wonderful time in Las Vegas but she can't help thinking about what...

Arturo finishes the thought for her:  "...about what Eladio might think?  His opinion still matters."

Jorge has a fistful of tourist pamphlets about Valle de Bravo.  Alas, the pouty princess tells him she won't be able to go after all.  

Julia doesn't want to talk about Eladio with Arturo.  But Arturo can't wait to use what Nina has told him against his rival.  "You've kept your honor (in spite of my best efforts at seduction) while HE'S sleeping with Nina!"

"Are you sure?"

"She told me so herself.  Julia, what they do is none of our business.  You and I respected our marriages right up to the end.  Eladio had a son with another woman. You raised that son.  Don't forget.  Those were pure lies."

"That's true," admits Julia.

"I don't want to lose another minute I could spend with you."  Arturo takes her hand and kisses her chastely on the cheek.  "I'll be waiting for you to decide to call me."

Julia is left alone, tears streaming prettily down her face.

Regina explains to Jorge about the trip to Monterrey.  As always, she is scrupulously honest:  David is going to be there too.  But just like Jorge himself, David is a consummate professional.  Nothing untoward is going to happen.

Franco breaks away from Gaby's kisses to ask her if she has spoken to anyone else about the factory.  She says she has not (she is wise enough to keep Agustín's name out of their conversation).  She followed Caridad's advice to straighten things out between the two of them.  But... she needs to know who bought it and when.  He promises to get that information for her.  He's only happy she didn't involve David or Eladio – he's getting along so well with them now and doesn't want any misunderstandings.

Kiss kiss kiss ...  Franco breaks away again.  He has to go to work.  Gaby looks thoughtful.  [The possible dawn of understanding?]

When Franco is gone, she phones Agustín:  "You think you could you advise me about something else?"  They arrange to meet.

In her office at Grupo Montenegro, Regina confides to Consuelo and The Patio that she and Jorge haven't had relations yet.  [Consuelo seems quite interested in this tidbit, The Patio not so much.]  It's just that it was so different with David.  That was so special:

Lo vi, me encantó y ¡pum!  (I saw him, I fell in love and bang!)

"So break up with Jorge," says Consuelo sensibly.  "I have a feeling you're with him so you won't be alone.  David is the one you still love."

"I care very much about Jorge."

"You're fond of him, but you don't love him the way you love David."

Can Regina really be happy like that?  Besides, "Aren't you using Jorge to keep from running into David's arms and telling him you love him and that you made a mistake?"

Regina protests that she can't do that because of David's relationship with Daniela.

"Do you think David really loves Daniela?  Or does he only feel affection for her like you feel for Jorge?"

Hmmm....  Regina smiles.

At the Gómez Luna mansion, Julia stares at a photo of her and Eladio kissing.  When Simona walks in, Julia confesses that she is tormented by uncertainty (una duda).  But she is going to find out the truth!

At Grupo Montenegro, Daniela tells Arturo about her plans to go to Monterrey with David.  While she is in her father's office, the secretary announces that Ashmore is there to see him.  Dani scurries away in an attempt to avoid the Ash (though they cross paths on the threshold).

The Ash says he's there for the loan Arturo promised him.  He needs the advance to finish the hydroelectric project.  But Arturo has no intention of advancing him a single peso.  In fact, he is going to call in his debts and then sue him for breach of contract.  He is also going to dissolve their partnership.

Regina tells Consuelo that David and Daniela look plenty happy together.  Is Regina sure?  Regina ends the conversation by saying that she has a client waiting.

Regina leaves the office.  Enter Miguel.  Consuelo tells him her concerns about Regina and Jorge.  Miguel thinks it's a shame – Jorge cares about her and he's a good guy.  In any case, he doesn't think there's anything they can do about it.  If David is truly the love of her life – the one who got away – Regina will have to discover that for herself.  He only hopes she doesn't suffer in the process.  Or make Jorge suffer either.  [Oh count on it, Miguel.  Count on it.]

The petulant and incredibly clueless Ash accuses Arturo of acting out of revenge.  [Ya think?]

"I'm not going to help you," says Arturo.  "You seduced my daughter and you gave her drugs.  What's wrong with you?"

"We had an agreement!"

"In Mexico we have values and you betrayed them!"

"You're a bastard!"

"I know," says Arturo.  "With my enemies.  Be prepared – our partnership is going to end very soon.  Now get out!"

Eladio sits at his desk idly flicking the flame of his gold lighter.  On and off, on and off...  He looks up when Julia walks in.  "Welcome," he says.  "Did you bring me something from Las Vegas too?  Or did you just come by to tell me what a great time you had there with Arturo?"

"You didn't waste any time either," Julia retorts.  "I know you saw Nina."

"Well let me tell you – I not only saw her, we also had a great time together."

Wanna know what happens next?  Tune in tomorrow!


Thank you NovelaMaven. An excellent recap of what happened in PyP land tonight. Perfect title and agree completely that Arturo is a putz. He sure hit another low with the "souvenir" from Las Vegas that he brought Eladio.

I agree that Marcos is sure to drown. He just doesn't have what it takes to be involved in a scheme like the one Franco has planned.

Oh yes, the info about the new shrink has to mean something. Can't wait to find out where the writers are going with that storyline.

Gracias, NovelaMaven.

Your question Interesting. Why throw this at us unless the new shrink is going to influence Eladio in either a helpful or wildly wrong-headed way?

I think the new shrink will not be good for Eladio. Not necessarily due to incompetence but because the change is happening at a bad time. A change like this can often involve steps backward.

"Where is your morality? Where are your principles? Why are you lying to me? You're a hypocrite! Don't deny it!" I applauded the slap. Despite that we know nothing really happened this is none of David's business. His parents are divorced and so are Arturo and Nina. It's time for David to grow up. What is Julia supposed to do, become a nun?

Of course, now is not the time for Daniela to go anywhere, especially to spy on David and Regina. No matter what happens or doesn't she'll find an excuse to be bitchy, nasty, and reach for her favorite poison.

Humberto finally wheels in and shows his face to Julia, [or at least one of them].

Perfection. That's exactly what's up with him.

Nina started a nasty game of dirty pool here. Arturo seems to be on to her, but he shouldn't have ultimately taken the bait and gone to Eladio's office. Neither Eladio nor Nina have any excuse for jealousy or for acting like high school kids who should be in detention.

It was a chimp-free episode, but we did get Assmore, who will get his own anvil. I have to think about what it should be.

More later.


I don't know how David can be talking about morals and principles when he has dated and slept with two sisters. He definitely deserved that slap!

Novelamaven..thank you so much for that review of the crazy.

If I were Julia, I wouldn't give Dave that souvenir tee she got him..."My mom wentnto Vegas with her lover , and all I got was this lousy tee shirt." Dave is a self righteous twit.

Gaby seems to be waking up a bit from her trance. Hmmm...going to Augie's for coffee. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

"Great sexual chemistry"... #science

Oh no she dint!!..she played the macho card... "Eladio is a much better lover than you. ".... burn and yikes

Wonderful witty recap Novela. Thank you much. I have found that I simply do not have the will power and self discipline to watch this show. Recaps are nice. Maybe blogger has an app to text me when there is a death? A menu in blogger would be nice.

Text when there is: Choose as many as apply: Death, murder attempt, emasculation, dismemberment, castrtation, Melting of plastic added-on body parts, (Michael Jackson style), poisoning, Overdose, lobotomy (with, without medical assist), removal of tougue, (Biblical remedy for lying about bunnyhoping) engulfed by Lava flow, swallowing by earthquake.

Julia...If you REALLY..REALLY want to know, something should be PURPLE. OK shut up.



NovelaMaven: A masterpiece.

This was perfect from start to finish. A wonderful episode even more enhanced by your marvelous summary.

"Franco the Joker", (who will always be Cesar Romero to me, sorry Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson), "the Joker dances daringly ever closer to the flaming abyss" and "Caridad hugs Gaby and gives her one of her Judas kisses as a plaintive cello plays in the background Humberto finally wheels in and shows his face to Julia, [or at least one of them]" were only a few of my favorites.

"[Could it be that Caridad's makeover is her anvil? Her ghastly Julia wannabe look? Her Medusa locks that seem to swallow her while Julia's flowing tresses evoke Botticelli's Venus?" was hands down one of the best lines. Ever.

Most deserved moment? "Julia gives the sanctimonious little twit a richly-deserved cachetada". The air must be purer where David sits on his very high horse. It has obviously affected his judgment. Like most of us, I am perplexed how seemingly quickly he has turned on his mother who has devoted her life to him. Eladio mistreated him for all but a NY minute and now David is not only taking his side but bad mouthing Julia to Eladio. I hope he ends up alone and miserable. Basta bratty boy.

Mauricio and Urban, I agree and wonder what part the new doctor will play in all of this. There is a reason a new character is being introduced this close to the end.

I just love Augustin and was glad Gaby sought out his advice even though the books were cooked. I hope Gaby will start putting the pieces together. Of everyone here, she will fall the hardest...I hope you are right susanlynn in that "Gaby seems to be waking up a bit from her trance".

I laughed at the tacky souvenir Arturo delivered to Eladio. I mean really!

I think Julia enjoys Arturo's company as it reminds her of a time when she was happy. She cannot have those memories of Eladio as they do not exist. How long were they actually happy? 2 days? 3? Ordinarily, I would chastise her for not telling Arturo they have no chance but I truly believe she is still mulling the possibility over.

Perhaps it's a shame nothing happened between Julia and Arturo. They are getting all of the blame without any of the benefits.

Humberto is wretched.

Nina is fighting for her life and not above playing dirty. It was interesting though that far from being jealous, her remarks only gave Arturo the ammunition to tell Julia that their former partners are moving on and they need to as well. Now, I do not think that Arturo and Nina will ever get back together...

NovelaMaven, thank you, thank you.


Caridad hugs Gaby and gives her one of her Judas kisses as a plaintive cello plays in the background.

What a jewel of a sentence. Conveys so much. As did...

Humberto finally wheels in and shows his face to Julia [or at least one of them].

Also appreciated all the little phrase translations. My favorite was"me ganaste".
I have found, in a rapid-fire conversation (as all Latino conversations seem to be) that I'm utterly incapable of forming complex sentences with complicated verb tenses, you know the old "if only, then..." but I can now murmur brief phrases and platitudes with the best of 'em, thanks to these telenovelas.

Really enjoyed the musings on Caridad's possible anvil. Yes indeed, the lurid make-up, the wig they've planted on her head and those swirly dresses make her look like a highly painted mushroom. Nowhere near as fetching as the long-legged, impossibly graceful Julia.

Now as to the intriguing What's up with the therapist change? How about if it's a woman? A gorgeous, empathetic woman? Gentlemen, start your engines!!!!

Laughed at your "distasteful duo" sobriquet for Caridad and Franco. Yep, they are. But Franco and Mouth-breather. Also distasteful. Consuelo and Miguel. DD. for me anyway. Regina and Jorge. DD David and Daniela. DD Obdulio and Petra. Remains to be seen.

Finally, unlike many of the commenters...I'm appalled st the amount of slapping that goes on in these telenovelas. I hope to God that's not really how educated people in Mexico act with each other. Unthinkably disrespectful. No matter what is being said. Reminds me of the oft-repeated phrase we use to guide scrappy toddlers into better behavior..."USE YOUR WORDS!"

Anyway, NovelaMaven, so glad you used your words to bring us another clever, wittily organized recap on the doings and misdoings of these confused, manipulative characters. The traditional Happy Ending is looking more and more unlikely at the moment. Sigh. All these folks are still using their words to wound and mislead each other. Sigh sigh and sigh!

NovelaMaven, this was your best work ever, as Diana said, "a masterpiece."

(Regina) "the -lights-are-on-but-nobody's-home Hare Krishna grins at Jorge." All Regina needed was an orange toga to complete that clever visual!

"What happens in Vegas estays in Vegas." Yes! After this novela, I'm encouraged to try my Spanish more, I couldn't possibly be as bad as I think!

"[On The Patio, we take a moment to reflect: Arturo has about as much class as that souvenir tile.]" Can't wait to see what he brought Petra, a Las Vegas snow globe?

NM, truly wonderful, thanks!

With one Eladio kiss, Nina has realized that, with Arturo, she lost the best bedroom years of her life. After Las Vegas, it doesn't take a Future Farmer of America to see that Arturo's kissing technique is much like a cow on a salt lick, Nina could have done so much better!

Yes Judy, it doesn't look good for a PyP "Happy Ending," it just might be the worst ever! I have never liked the slapping as well, and can't imagine that it is sanctioned in Mexico.

AuntieAnn, I agree with you and your mom on Daniela.

Incredible NovelaMaven that whole Joker/Franco thing great.

"and Arturo... well, Arturo is still a putz"

I've dismissed most of Caridad's face time but paint her face green and stick a pointed hat on her head...

Did you see clueless Gaby carrying that stack of paper around having no idea at all what to do with it and to be saved by the tight end to carry her books.

David is a phallus head.

And an idiot too, Dani is not the reason Regina and he are not together, Regina is, but because he is a phallus head he deserves the punishment Regina will put him through before breaking up with him again before 4th period.

OMG, did you hear Eladio and Nina did it, you know went all the way? Julia will be crushed, they were such a cute couple and thought they would be together FOREVER.


I was also wondering whether Eladio's new shrink is a woman. Was there anything in his current one's dialogue to imply that? I personally think that would be a disaster from Eladio's perspective. Can you imagine him admitting to a female shrink that he raped his wife, imprisoned, insulted, and cheated on her for 25 years?

Obviously no sex happened in Vegas and none between Eladio and Nina; either of these would be important enough to show us.

The dress Nina wore to Arturo's office would have looked much better in one solid color. That color combo was awful.

She is past the best sex of her life and she knows it. However, insulting someone's talent in that area gets you nowhere. She seems to be looking for a pyrrhic victory.


I just yped in "caray caray" into Google Translate, and the English translation came out as "gee gee". If I type in just one "caray", Google Translate says it means "wow"

Is that right?

What does "caray caray" actually mean?

I sometimes think its correct translation should be "Oy vey!"

Judyb...hmmm...I female psychiatrist for Eladio.Interesting. Wasn't there a megacrazy female psychiatrist in that awful telenovela "comedy" that FC was in? Plus his baby mama Vs megaultra crazed .

Diana..My Uncle Ray was a friend of Ceasar Romero when they were lads .

"She is best sex of her life , and she knows it.". Ummmm......

Gee, I couldn't even type that sentence correctly ..."She is PAST the best sex in her life, and she knows it." Again...ummmm.

Yes, Susanlynn, there was. I don't remember the character's name, but she was. Let's not forget Alina of MIVAC, who was highly unethical and never got an anvil.


This is simply perfect. You blow me away with your talent. I'm still in awe.

I think my favorite line of your recap is this:

"Apparently, the only person you can browbeat like that is your mother."

One of Life's truths?

I noticed this very same thing:

"Daniela – who has made a remarkable recovery despite getting NO TREATMENT AT ALL…"

Withdrawal from cocaine... a minor inconvenience.

You said this about Caridad:

"She's no slouch when it comes to spontaneous lies either."

This could apply to Gabriela:

"She says she has not (she is wise enough to keep Agustín's name out of their conversation)."

And yet here it's viewed as a virtue... and speaking of Gabi, this has piqued my curiosity:

"You think you could you advise me about something else?"

D I V O R C E consultation perhaps? It would tickle me if she enlists his help in obtaining a divorce and the move on to someone entirely different. Cradle robber.

Arturo really made me smile with this gem:

"In Mexico we have values..."

So we've learned Arturo... we watch telenovelas.


Carlos...yes, I grimaced at that line delivered by Saint Artie .

Hey, Auggie deserves a little happiness after spending this whole telenovela cleaning uo after Art and his offspring. Personally , I do not see Gaby as much of a prize but....Auggie seems smitten with her. Como sea (thanks, Novelamaven for that new buzzword)

At this point, all of these oxygenwasters deserve each other. I. Just. Do. Not. Care. Anymore.


"Nina started a nasty game of dirty pool here."

I think that Arturo had already planned to jump into that pool, after all he purchased that cute little plaque while he was still in Las Vegas... I doubt that it was originally intended as a souvenir for one of the kiddies. I did think that it was amusing that he had to translate it for Eladio. Don't you just hate it when you have to explain a joke?


NovelaMaven, thank you so much for this gem. All of it was great but this little zinger was so fun -" [Consuelo seems quite interested in this tidbit, The Patio not so much.]"

Diana - yes CR was the best Joker. For all of the silliness (or camp) of that series, it seemed all the actors had such fun especially the baddies. And I want to join you and Sandy at the Connie and Miguel table. I'm also hoping that none of the 4 leads are attached by the end of this tn (No happy ending) as they all need therapy before tying the knot again.

Yes Art is a putz, such a disappointment. And Sandy, your assessment of his skills as a lover (or better put his complete lacking in this area) was another good chuckle. Though I'm not a Nina fan, poor thing, she could have done better.

Judy - in real life, such laying on of hands would be completely unacceptable. For me, slapping in tns is a kind of equivalent to revenge fantasies (like the show "24"). And with some characters, such as David, who seems to have had a lobotomy since the start of the series, can't get slapped enough. I feel momentary guilt about my delight in such violence and then blame the writers ;)


Ooh, what delicious and deliciously astute comments, my friends. Thank you all for stopping by, and thanks especially for the kind words. But be careful because, as my mother used to say, "You'll only encourage her!"

Tofie, you crack me up! You capture the high school level angst and cruelty that seems to underlie much of our story. It makes me wonder why they haven't snuck in product placements for Pro-Activ zit remover.

JudyB, normally I agree with you about these slap-happy telenovela characters. (Early on, I was horrified at the way Regina went around slamming people in the kisser como si nada. But I have to admit it: Last night, David had it coming and I LOVED seeing Lady Julia lose her cool for once. (Come on – she TRIED to use her words, but they failed.)

"How about if [the therapist is] a woman? A gorgeous, empathetic woman? Gentlemen, start your engines!!!!
Some of us still remember Paty Manterola as Rodrigo's psychologist in "Destilando Amor." She fell in love with Big Eddie Yáñez, though his heart continued to beat for la Gaviota.

Diana, the generosity of your words is only equalled by the astuteness of your observations.

"The air must be purer where David sits on his very high horse."

You're probably right about where this is all heading. Even so, I still want to see Eladio and Julia back together. (And for that matter, I wouldn't mind seeing Arturo and Nina making up. As the story develops, it appears that these two have a great deal more in common than we thought.)

Novelamaven...ah yes..As I recall, ONLY one woman could actually start Rod's engine...GAVIOTAAAA. The poor guy even had just that one channel..Gavivision. Is that the novela in which Big Ed was running through the jungle with Dr. Hotlips (the now famous Sofia Vagara)????


"In Mexico we have values..."

So we've learned Arturo... we watch telenovelas.


I don't mind Gaby's self-protective hedging. A girl has to do something when she's married to The Joker. It seems to me that Julia is the only main character who is consistently truthful – and look at where that got her!

I rather like the Agustín-Gabriela possibilities. He's not that old, she's not that young, and they're both decent human beings. It just depends on whether or not she returns his affection.

Susanlynn, I see you agree with me about Auggie. :)

"At this point, all of these oxygenwasters deserve each other. I. Just. Do. Not. Care. Anymore."

Of course you're right, but oddly and inexplicably... I DO care. I am completely hooked and MUST KNOW what happens next! It's a crazy story full of holes and disconnects, but man, it has me intrigued. And I am enjoying the lucha libre at the core of the story, the Eladio/Arturo face-off.

I can't remember Sofia V in the jungle, but maybe someone else does.

I have two problems with Agustin and Gaby. One, While Agustin is hot I think he's a 40 year old virgin, hell Miguel has more moves than he and two, Gaby has less personality than a name tent.

So ,who is going to win this ultimate challenge? ...Superman or Batman?

Mauricio, Thanks, amigo.

Yeah, as our characters like to say, poor Marcos has los días contados.

So glad to see you carrying a David Deserved That Slap sign. As Karen says, in real life, that behavior would be unacceptable. But here:

...David, who seems to have had a lobotomy since the start of the series, can't get slapped enough. I feel momentary guilt about my delight in such violence and then blame the writers ;)

Far be it from me to defend Arturo's romantic skills, but we should remember that what we saw the other night was just Eladio's fantasy. :-)

Thank you! I'm especially glad you picked up on "estays." It's funny – as Ashmore's Spanish gets better and better, Arturo's English gets worse and worse. (And I feel sure that "estays" was completely spontaneous!)

You're welcome.

"I sometimes think its [caray caray's] correct translation should be "Oy vey!"

Nice! (Gobluefan, I don't think there's a better possible answer to your question!)

Tofie...yeah..but I have seen couples , and I go..What...those two together? For some reason, Auggie is just crushing on dull Gaby. As for his moves, he seems to be very busy as Art's right hand man...a workaholic who has lots of work due to Art and his kids. Also, I have relatives and friends who are married to guys who are seven to ten years older. I also have a friend who is married to a guy who is five years younger ..a long, happy marriage. The friend who was married to a guy ten years younger..divorced after a few years.

I missed last night's episode because I was recording the final episode of American Idol!


Petra is scolding Obdulio for his latest territorial invasion – messing with Nina's dirty laundry.

I'm so glad that we weren't actually treated to a visual of this encroachment. Let's hope that he's not a sniffer. Yikes!


Tofie: "breaking up with him before 4th period.." LOL!

Mean Girls 3.0 & Pretty Little Liars all rolled up between Dani, Regina, Connie, Clara, etc.,

Hey, Arturo has to be good in bed because Nina would not have married him in the first place if he wasn't. In the sex scenes they had she looked thoroughly satisfied. She was looking to hurt his ego.

NovelaMaven, the scripts didn't tell us how hold Gaby is, but I'm guessing she is the same age as Regina, which would make her about a year younger than Erick, who is 24. Augustin is Arturo's best friend, so I can't see him being younger than 45; let's forget the actors' real ages (as the casting department did when they cast Alejandro Nones as Erick). I don't think that Augustin is a virgin but I do think he's a workaholic, like Arturo.

Is anyone else hearing Don Henley's tune "Dirty Laundry" ?

Oh Novela fabulous...i felt like I was actually watching, such a clear portrait of the characters you weave. Thank you!

Julia not only "waves goodbye to Las Vegas tacky charms" but also Mr. tacky himself. Art is so crude with his behavior. Seriously how would Julia look upon his implications with that plaque? I can see why Nina ended up with him..its all making sense now. It sounds like Eladio kept his cool though. I had to laugh at Nina painting Hotladio as the better lover...Im sure shes picked up on that sexy charisma. You keep imagining it Nina girl!

Julia slapped the taste out of David's mouth. Well if you disrespect your mama throwing up her values and morals while you switch out sisters. He deserved a slap one way then quickly back the other way. Sit down David.

Eladio calling Caridad a metiche..I had to laugh. Its so true and Im glad he said it. Novela you so perfectly described her makeover. The clothes especially do make her look frumpy.

Cocaine withdrawal is relatively not that serious and varies depending on what form. She is addicted to powder, so most likely some irratibility and anxiety over a two week period not requiring medical supervision. Though she needs rehab to deal with the cravings which will be the worst of it. I feel for her. Therapy and a support group and sponsor are what she needs.

Franco is cold. The guy has ice in his veins. I hope Gaby really starts paying attention to him. She has to see how shady he is.

I find myself wondering if perhaps Marintia lied about Mateos parentage. No one asked for DNA.



"You've kept your honor (in spite of my best efforts at seduction)"

Maybe resisting was easy for Julia... she may have remembered just how good Arturo actually was in bed... perhaps she knows firsthand the truth that Nina was only guessing at:

"...Eladio is a much better lover than you."


Karen, I have your place set at the table. What would you care to imbibe today? I'm still sipping coffee as I have not yet awakened and having been at work for the last 6 hours, feel it's time I do so! :)

I think it's best that the 4 principals go their separate ways - I agree with you. Totally.

I think it was susanlynn who suggested Eladio and Julia parting and then running into each other years later. I like that scenario! I think hurts are too raw and deep to be healed in the present timeframe. We would need to leap way into the future for that to happen. But I would be deeply surprised if there wasn't at least one main couple reconciling by the time we see "FIN".

susanlynn, I'm impressed your uncle was a friend of CR!!

NovelaMaven, I agree that David just wasn't listening to Julia. He has become totally disrespectful and Julia does not deserve his treatment. I am not a fan of laying hands on others but I feel she needed to do something to stop him and her Cher-Moonstruck like slap (snap out of it!) was the most logical way to proceed.


Eladio was minding his business in his office when Arturo bounced in and told him what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. That's why I'm not mad at Eladio for going after Arturo because the last several confrontations they've had, Arturo has been the one provoking it.

Gaby should keep hounding Franco for the money from her dad's factory until he gives it to her. Better yet, ask the new owners how the sale went down.

Delilah, "I find myself wondering if perhaps Marintia lied about Mateos parentage. No one asked for DNA".

That never, ever occurred to me.

Wouldn't that be something??


Mateo not being Franco's? That's interesting. You'd think he'd have been careful enough to not let this happen. He definitely is a cold fish. The sale of the factory is all the evidence we need for that. What gets me is how he expected to get away with this unless he's planning to off Gabriela.

Daniela's withdrawal would be less serious if she were a stronger person and not a drama queen. But she is a weak little attention wh*** so she will make the most of it.

susanlynn, MY Eduardo Yanez (smirk) was with Dr. Hotlips in FELS I believe!


Susanlynn, yeah me too all over the place. Got friends with an over 20 year gap (second marriage) that's solid but another just collapsed when he traded in for an even younger model. If Gaby were in her 30's not early 20's it would be different. I imagine it is Agustin's work that kept him in the single department but it was obvious early on he is quite awkward with the ladies so that might be part of it or perhaps his biological clock was ticking. The attraction certainly wasn't a meeting of the minds.

That's for sure. Arturo has questioned this and I said early on that if he were a college prof and she a genius student this age gap would be far less egregious. But if she has fertility issues it doesn't matter where the hands are pointing to on the clock.


"I imagine it is Agustin's work that kept him in the single department..."

And here I was thinking that it is that skunk perched atop his head.


Aw, shucks. Thanks.

The truth is that Eladio didn't use the word "metiche" – that was my interpretation of what he said when he told Caridad to butt out because she knew nothing about the business, much less the way he should treat his employees.

"Cocaine withdrawal is relatively not that serious and varies depending on what form."

I'm sure that's true. The problem is that what we saw on Tuesday (I think) was Dani thrashing about, covered in sweat, trembling and running a fever. She wasn't convulsing, but didn't seem far from that point. It required us to suspend believe from Mexico to Las Vegas to believe that her loving mother didn't call for medical help.

That -- and the haircut -- definitely doesn't help.

Hey!! Diana , I thought that you were a sharer. Big Ed is a big guy. Don't be selfish .p.S I wonder what he is doing. Is he working on his next novella?

Now, Carlos. Be kind. It's a bad hairdo, but I am picturing !ong, luxurious shoulder length hair.....where was I ?????

Firstly, thanks for the brilliant recap NM. A silk purse out of a sow's ear for sure.

"I. Just. Do. Not. Care. Anymore."

Ah, Susanlynn...again, you write for me as well. At this point, it's like watching a train wreck. Somehow, you can't NOT watch, though you really should because it's awful to see.

The "I kissed so and so under the bleachers. Nah nah na na na..." is so juvenile by these brain dead adults that I wanted to slap MYSELF to believe this is what they are saying.

I had actually cheered for an Auggie/Gaby pairing wayyyyyy back when this started. But somewhere, the character of Gaby became this the grown up version of Wednesday Addams. The writers made a mess of her turning her gullible, turning a supposedly lively smart girl into a walking dead, and just morose most of the time. I know Auggie is smitten, but after all he's done for these idiots, I'd rather see him head off to the sunset with the cash from his piece of the business and find a life away from this nim-nulls, Gaby included.

This is defintely heading into the "Oh, it's over. That was Meh" final territory.


Diana...No, that wasn't me who suggested that Eladio would run into Julia years later. I'm the one who can't believe that these people are as dumb as they are and keep making bad decisions. They frustrate me.

Funny but that more likely. Weirdly this week as friends and I headed to a Chris Botti concert racoon caps came up (something about a Fess Parker look alike) and I couldn't quite picture what they were talking about until Agustin's head came to mind. Not the same but at least a mammal.

daisynjay...Let's do lunch, sister.


Anon207...Yeah, Eladio was minding his own beeswax in his own office , and Art waltzes in with the lovely souvenir suggesting that he has carnal knowledge of Eladio's ex\onetruelove. What is up with Art? How do you say "Slow your roll" in Spanish?

I somehow don't think that would have happened if Nina hadn't tried to punk him first.

Alas, chronological age is no prevention against foolish behavior.


So you think that Arturo bought that plaque as a keepsake from his excellent Las Vegas adventure?


NovelaMaven---You did it again, a writers Hall of Fame Masterpiece. Caridad's Judas kiss did it for me but I must add that there were several other great lines.

Marcos is on the verge of cracking, he's not one than can take pressure. Not criminal pressure anyway. He will play a big part in Franco's undoing.

Right Urban---The color combination on Nina's dress was terrible. The good thing however was that she didn't use the hot pink lipstick to match the dresses pink top

The young goddess Regina wore a hot pink dress in the show last night but she had a really nice shade of soft pink lipstick to go with it.

Eladio's new shrink? That could go either way---bring him back to Julia or send him to a novela doom. Either way, I'm not missing a minute of PyP.

must see tv
the gringo


Oh puhleeeze...Art is as transparent as cellophane. He shoukd be embarrassed..,especially since none of his efforts worked.

Indeed glad what happened in Vegas stays there because Hotladio would be kaughing at how you pulled out all the stops and were denied. Fail.

I loathe him. Die Arturo.

I love how in both offices, people seem to just walk in at will. Is there no one at the front desk? Do you have an appointment? I'm sorry, Mr. X is very busy today, can I put you down for next Tuesday at 10:15AM

The gringo

My suspicion of Marintia began when Eladio showed up to give her information about health insurance for Mateo. Eladio told her to make sure no one ever found who is Mateos father. She shut the door and pulled a very concerned face. It got me thinking that maybe shes pulling her own scam. Or perhaps she isn't so sure herself who his father is.

Novelamaven..I forgot to mention how much I loved Marcos's new nickname " Marcos Sure to Drown." Perhaps at this point, we should give new names to all these inept characters who continue to step on their own tails. ...for example, Jorge, the dumped.

I would like to see Julia jealously confront Nina and ask for a description of any identifying marks she may have noticed on Hotladio's body....that tattoo is pretty hard to miss.

I wonder what kind of retaliation we will see from Assmore. Will he go after Art or Dani or both? Those darned , valueless, drug dealing, daughter defiling Americans, right? Yikes

NovelaMaven--Just checking in and get to read another one of your fabulous narratives. Thank you. I'm so far behind watching, but you bring out all the best and the worst of these crazy, mixed-up characters. The only thing lacking is I can't "see" what they are wearing.

I see everyone is approaching the motivations of these characters as if it were a graduate seminar in psychology. Aren't we giving these writers a little too much credit? Even so, it's fun and helps keep the brain cells active.

Julia is still confudida? What else is new.
Artie still chasing Julia? What else is new.
Hummy still humming along. What else is new.
Jorge hanging on to Regina? What else is new, except he's trying a new tactic.
Regina still not accepting blame for letting David get away? What else is new.
David still acting like a jerk? What else is new.
Connie still making dumb decisions? What else is new.

Eladio changing shrinks? That is new.
Gaby and Augustin collaborating? That is new (but should have happened many episodes ago.
Dani detoxed in 24 hours? That is new.
Obladi-Oblada just being on the set. That is new.

Franco turning into a outsized, ego-maniac, ready to take down the leaders of industry (well, at least his father) and rule the Mexican military-industrial complex himself? Not new, but Pedro will throw a monkey-wrench into that.

Where are the babies?


I just remembered that Susana Gonzalez's beloved husband in "Por siempre mi amor" was named Arturo. Too bad this one doesn't behave the same.

Your comment left me chuckling. But Gaby? Come on, have a heart – the poor thing never even had a chance to grieve for her parents. I for one look forward to her sheltering in Auggie's arms, far from Franco, Caridad and the Mouth Breather. Why the heck not? :)

My pleasure!

"I love how in both offices, people seem to just walk in at will. Is there no one at the front desk?"

Hahaha! I can understand someone pushing right past the 90 lb secretary at the reception desk (or the housekeeper at the front door), but it's harder to imagine getting past the burly, armed security guards at the entrance to the facility (or to the mansion grounds, for that matter). I guess we're just not supposed to think about those things. :-)

What a pleasure to see you around these parts. As you shrewdly note, The more things change, the more they stay the same. And yet... we keep coming back for more. You're gonna stay to meet the new shrink, right?

"Franco turning into a outsized, ego-maniac, ready to take down the leaders of industry (well, at least his father) and rule the Mexican military-industrial complex himself?'
You think he'll be able to do it? (Ay ay ay, if this were a documentary, he just might succeed. But this is our fairytale and we need some sense of justice, right? Are you listening to me, writers?)

Susanlynn, you betcha! You are ever in Cleveland, lunch is on me!!

I keep wondering where they are going with the change in shrink for Eladio. We've never heard that any of these characters were related or knew a shrink for that to come back to haunt him. If it's a gorgeous, leggy woman and he falls instantly in love...that sound you hear will be me with the "Are you kidding me???" though it would solve the Julia problem and he could move on.

Then poor Julia won't be so "confused".



Arturo from Siempre was a bit of a putz. He didnt treat Susana's character all that great; allowing his spoiled daughter Aranza to manipulate him to the point he threw his loyal faithful wife (Susana) out of their home.

Yeah..We had a special nickname for that Art. Susana played a handwringing, weepy, long-suffering ex in that one, too.

Daisynjay...Gee, Cleveland . I thought that you were from njay (as in NJ..New Jersey). If I am ever in Ohio , I will pick up judyb and head to Cleveland for that lunch.

Gawd, fArt was awful. I'm mad just thinking about him. He forbade anyone to speak her name and she went back to the fool.

Not to mention that Univision edited the hell out of that series.

If you go to YouTube, you can see what a good dancer Susana is. She was on Bailando a few years ago. She can move it, move it.

I believe it Susanlynn, Susana has a beautiful carriage and she moves with a certain elegance and grace. I believe she would be very light and fluid in her dance movements. I find her simply sultry and beautiful. She's one of my absolute faves in any TN. My husband thinks she's a goddess. I don't mind, he has good taste.

I wish they were still doing Bilando; that was a great program.

Susanlynn and Daisynjay...absolutely. We're on for lunch. Some day. We'll talk music, and gorgeous hunky men and if Daisynjay and I slip up and start talking sports, you can make us shut up! Como sea....

Diana, I think Sandy in TN was the one who suggested Julia and Eladio run into each other years later (but before they're old codgers) and after having a drink or whatever...get back together. I'm okay with that but I want an "años después to flash on the screen so I can happy my Feliz Fin.

Thanks for the excelleng recap. I have yet to see this epi, but I know your recap is better.

I am off to read as many comments as I can before I have to get back to work.

Hasta Pronto

Thanks, NovelaMaven. Absolutely fabulous recap. My favorite has been mentioned, but I liked it soooo much: Caridad hugs Gaby and gives her one of her Judas kisses

Yay, for two straight days in a row, Gaby remained suspicious of Franco. Fingers crossed that she gets her personality and her money back with Augie's help. She still wanted to get busy with Franco though, so I guess that's the last happy thing in the marriage for her.

Art and Nina showed how much they have in common this episode, with each one telling a big fat lie to get a rise.

Wondering if Eladio's new shrink will be played by someone famous, or maybe just someone beautiful.

I have never liked those "anos despues" things. They seem artificially tacked on most of the time.

If nobody is paired up at the end this could serve as lessons about decisions, honesty, and self-awareness.

Sandy in TN,
Just read that you agree about Dani. I wish there were another way and she could recover from her addiction and live a full life. The problem is that she is too dependent on David. If he had stayed away from her she could have a chance at recovery. The writers were stupid for putting D&D together. Now, I don't think Dani will survive.


I'm not generally a fan of años despues either but I think that it would be fun and weirdly satisfying if we are left up in the air about who ends up with whom and then see the four of them, Eladio, Arturo, Julia, and Nina (all clearly much older) sitting around an outdoor table at a beach resort chatting amiably, with no indication of who is with whom, as Fin appears on the screen and the camera slowly pulls back ascending, leaving us wondering how it all worked out.


If nobody is paired up that would of course squash my Eladio/Julia happy ending.

That said, how refreshing no? Adults who actually come to some sort of self awareness and can go on to what we assume is starting a new path to their own happiness that does not rely on another. I would be down for that...(while still harboring dreams of Eladio/Julia in the future *wink*

Someone asked the question yesterday about whether they knew someone who has carried a torch for someone for their entire life. I debated whether to share, but ok what the hell.

My ex whom I have been divorced from for 25 years could possibly be put in this category. We have a daughter together, and he consistently bugs her for info about me. Has drunk dialed her to cry on her shoulder about mistakes he has made, begging her to give him my cell phone, "To get things right before he meets his maker" Mind you he is perfectly healthy, remarried and with other children from his current wife. Fortunately I live across the US from him, and only have to see him once every few years or so for things pertaining to our grown daughter.

I think like Arturo my ex remembers a woman who doesn't exist anymore. Life changes us, we grow and mature and evolve as people. Arturo doesn't know this Julia, anymore than my ex knows the woman I am now.

AuntyAnn, I completely agree, Dani is a goner! (No spoiler, just reading the handwriting on the wall)

Hey, judyb..wouldn't lunch be fun??? I met up a few times with a couple of women whom I met on a Highlander forum, and my daughters had a fit. "Mom, you can't go to meet strangers " I just watched the big parade in Philly for the Villanova Wildcats. Philly has crazy fans. Hubba says that those final seconds of the final game were exciting.

P.S. What Outlander book are you on?.

I think Gaby was implementing a plan when she was all over Francofurter. She has never shown THAT much interest in anything this whole show. It seemed to me she had an ulterior motive, but I couldn't figure it out.

Maybe Muttly was just trying to make it up to Francenfurter for doubting him, but I believe she smells a rat. A very big RAT.

I hope.

I'm impressed that that Arturo stayed at Caesar's Palace and wasn't tempted to gamble. I'm even more surprised that he was allowed to stay in that amazing suite without gambling. It wouldn't matter to the folks at CP that he could well afford it. Suites like that are reserved for high rollers and are comped.


Gambling isn't for everyone and Arturo knows that Humberto lost an entire family fortune and business on it. If you are a workaholic and concerned about income I don't think gambling is your thing.

There was also a business convention, which I know CP has deals about.

Carlos..good point abiut the suite . The only gambling Art is doing is gambling on Eladio not going BSC on him when he gives him that little Vegas souvenir. Art keeps poking that dragon.

Yesterday, after Gringo posed the question about how much Arturo's weekend cost, I called reservations at Caesar's Palace and immediately I was asked for my CP rewards number. When I couldn't provide a number, I could never get a quote for the Penthouse Suite, I was just shuttled around from place to place until I got a quote on the Empire Suite, nothing like the Penthouse. Clearly, non-gambling unknown people are not their priority.


Just watched the first episode of Outlander, Season 2 (available on the Starz web site). Well done, but I won't discuss it here because of spoilers.

I keep meaning to mention that it looked to me as though Julia still was wearing her wedding ring while she was with Arturo in Las Vegas. I wonder if he noticed?


Susanlynn...I'm still on the first book of Outlander. Got sidetracked reading various studies on fibromyalgia since someone I'm very close to is suffering from it. Outlander is waiting patiently on me on my Kindle. Eventually I'll make it back.

And yes, the final few seconds of the Villanova/North Carolina game were UNBELIEVABLE. You couldn't have scripted a more enthralling, incredible game. A game for the ages. Unless you were an NC fan.

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