Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sueño de amor #26 Wednesday 4/13/16

A note on "La Virgen de la Paz": After a little research, I discovered that "La Virgen de La Paz" (Our Lady of Medjugorje) has such a prominent role in this novela because producer Juan Osorio has a particular devotion to her.

Now back to the story . . . a little choppy and disjointed on my part. . .

Erasmo and Estrella visit with Kiko in the hospital where he will be recuperating from his surgery. He will need two weeks of rest. Ernesto calls looking for Adrián. Estrella tells Erasmo to tell Ernesto that Adrián is with Salma. Kiko is told that he has to recover from this incident before he can have his surgery to enable him to walk again. In the middle of the night, Kiko tells Erasmo he can leave but Erasmo insists on staying and talks about how much he loves Kristel.

Nacho and Begoña are out having dinner. He tells her that he was able to get his wedding ring back after he had pawned it to get money to set up the sandwich stand and that he also broke off his friendship with the other two stooges. Begoña is not impressed and tells him there will be nothing between them until he is working.

It is the middle of the night and Silvana is upset she has to wake up and answer the phone. Mario is not home. Viviana is calling because she is looking for Adrián. Viviana orders Silvana to call her "black sheep". Just then the driver enters dragging/carrying Adrián into Viviana's house. End of phone call.

At the Guerrero house, Pedro comes home from work still bummed over Kristel. Esperanza and Ricardo give him advice on love. (Really?)

Ernesto has to leave Tracy to get back to Mexico and can't give her the night she would like (or so it looks) but gets in one last lingering glance of her legs and derrière. Early in the morning as the rooster actually crows, Ernesto arrives at home screaming at Viviana to wake up and criticizes her for not taking care of her son Adrián. His next stop is to drag a puking Adrián by the collar of his shirt out of the house with his book bag so he can go to school. He pushes him and he stumbles to the ground. Ernesto next fires the driver that was driving him around the previous night. Then Ernesto goes to whack Adrián upside the head but Viviana stops him saying Adrián needs love.

Before spin class, Pato talks to Esperanza and goes through all that would not have happened including her own birth if Ricardo had not kept the secret and Pedro's father had not lied in the first place. Ricardo appears and needs to talk to Esperanza. He didn't sleep well and is worried about his kids. He tells her more: the lawyer that got him out of jail was Tracy's dad. He and Tracy were a great support in the beginning but no longer. His "present" belongs to Esperanza. (Now it makes sense when back in Monday's episode Ricardo's lawyer Mr. Wellbanks referred to having warned him to be careful when the Kidman's became a part of his life. He knew more of the "Kidman's" than just Tracy.) Ricardo gives Esperanza a gift of a little safe where all of their love is kept. It has a combination lock. The combination is the date when they became novios but it won't open when Erperanza tries. It turns out Ricardo has not given her the last needed clue. It will be her job eventually to open the safe and when she does, their love will be free.

Ricardo calls to talk to Tracy and arrange weekend visitation with the kids. She cannot take them away from him until the divorce is final. No luck for Ricardo. Ghe kids want to talk to him but she says they will never never ever ever ever talk to him again. Selena asks why she is so bad. Tracy's response is because she deserves it.

Esperanza returns to school. No sympathy from Silvana for being kidnapped. She will be docking her salary the two days she was gone. She will find some way to get rid of her one way or another. Félix would love to hear all of the details of Esperanza's kidnapping but that is not happening. He asks if he can do something for her. Yes there is: change Silvana's character but she realizes he probably can't. He is left playing with his moustache thinking about what he can do . . . .

Margarita visits Kiko in the hospital. She brings him a book of stories. When he finishes that one, she will gift him another.She tells him to fight on and not give up. In the lobby Erasmo opens his heart to Margarita and talks about how guilty he feels about Kiko and How inadequate he feels as a provider. She gives him a pep talk, hope and a blessing.

At school Estrella does not want to know any more about Adrián. He is as good as dead to her. Adrián arrives at school still hungover and is ridiculed by his fellow students.

Ricardo is at school and tries to explain absence to Silvana. She brings up that he and Esperanza we're gone the same two days. Luckily, he gets a phone call that he sees is urgent. He answers it. It turns out it is his kids getting in a quick secret call to him as Tracy is in the washroom. Tracy talking to Ernesto. She wants Richard back not a family. She wanted support from Ernesto but did not get it. Silvana admires Ricardo's physique the whole time he is on the phone. Ricardo tells Silvana about the kids being in LA and the impending divorce. She suddenly is all flirty asking him if she can do something for him.

Pato and Ara tell Félix a story about a ghost named Agatha that haunts the school campus and ends up scaring him and themselves in the process.

Esperanza talks to Adrián. He has to confront his problems. She has confidence in him being able to handle this. Crying will get him nowhere. She hugs him. (What is the kids supposed to say or do???Will someone just put him into rehab and AA already? What are they waiting for? for him to die?)

Pedro and Kristel might be having a moment at separate tables in the student lounge with her emotionally reading a poem Pedro had written (Invento que te toco . . .) and him witnessing it, when Ara appears with a Shakira wig and bare midriff and a musical lip syncing performance. Afterwards, she hugs and kisses Pedro. Kristel leaves in a huff stopping just long enough to tear up the poem and throwing the pieces at Pedro. Pedro then asks Ara why she did that anyway? He is not happy. She does not have an answer and leaves.

Rodrigo and Selena drive their mother crazy in the hotel room with them jumping on the bed and shouting all day into night. Tracy ends up crying in the bathroom wondering what she is doing. The manager comes looking for their mom. They lie saying she is not there. Then they lie to her about who was at the door. Next stop: more jumping on the bed and screaming!!!

Ricardo thinks back about his children and how he misses them.

On the bus, Esperanza has severe abdominal pains and gets a seat to sit down. They get home and Esperanza is still in severe pain writhing on the bed. Pato calls the doctor for her and also calls Ricardo. Esperanza thinks it is menstrual cramps. Esperanza ends up in the hospital. It turns out the ultra sound shows has a 5 cm tumor. They will have to do a biopsy to see if it is malignant. They will give her some meds for the pain.

Pato and Pedro leave and Esperanza is left talking to Ricardo. She feeling guilty about getting ill and adding to his stress. Ricardo likes when she talks about them as "we" and "us". She asks Ricardo to check on her "niños" for her.

At Margarita's house, Silvana is moaning about Salma. Margarita tells her she has created a monster but then it is probably not easy having a mother like Silvana who is always in a bad mood from the time she gets up in the morning. Silvana starts to wonder if she is in a bad mood all of the time.

Pato talks to Luca who was trying to get in contact with her. When he hears the situation with Esperanza he wants to fly back to be with her. Pato tells him he does not have to come yet anyway. She will talk to him tomorrow and they can decide if he needs to come depending on the outcome of the biopsy.

PSA time: Esperanza is still talking to Ricardo and mentions that she does does not even remember when she went to the gyne for a checkup and how she might have avoided all of this. She says he is probably the same with going to the doctor. He says no: in his line of police work he has to get a checkup every six months.


I really dislike hospital/illness plots more than anything else and I got a double dose tonight. Yuck!

So, it looks like Tracy really does not want the kids at all. She only wants Rcardo and the kids are a necessary nuisance. I loved them creating a havoc and lying to the manager and Tracy, I wonder how long it will be before she catches on to what they are doing.


So far the subplots are getting more interesting than the main ''love dream'' story.

I can see that today, Ricardo did a lot of searching for la sombra (under Esperanza's skirt).

Jarifa, I loved your recap.

"Esperanza and Ricardo give him advice on love. (Really?)" was my favorite line of many. Thank you for the interesting backstory on "La Virgen de La Paz”.

"Then Ernesto goes to whack Adrián upside the head but Viviana stops him saying Adrián needs love". Yes, and he also needs a mother who is cognizant of the deep trouble her son is in, who banishes her ex from any contact with his son and who needs to intervene before he dies. I totally agree with you Jarifa, no one is acting and the boy seems doomed.

“Kiko tells Erasmo he can leave but Erasmo insists on staying and talks about how much he loves Kristel”. Why is it then when our loved ones need us the most, we cannot help but put the focus on ourselves. It’s unintentional but shows how highly flawed and insensitive we can be.

I hate the newest health crisis as well Jarifa - Esperanza. Now two of our favorites are in grave danger. Things come in threes. Let's hope a warm bed in a rehab facility is waiting for our Adrian.

Hmmm, the safe? It might have been cute if they were 10 but…I love romantic gestures but this fell short.

Pablo, I'm still chucking at Ricardo's search for la sombra :)

Jarifa, thank you so much!


Pablo, so very funny!

Diana, thank you! The safe was a little juvenile. The only thing that could help it is if there is a ring inside. The Adrián plot is just annoying because everyone sees he is out of control but the best anyone can do is offer him platitudes. Frustrating. Anyway, I hope we are out of the hospital/illness circuit soon. I need more La Sombra.

Thanks so very much Jarifa.

"Ernesto next fires the driver that was driving him around the previous night" Finally somebody did something to stop the enabling but didn't go far enough. Adrián whining about the pics but the pics aren't his problem, he's a blackout drunk. The spoiled little boy should be glad someone didn't take a sharpie and write fool on his forehead, shave his eyebrows and smear him with barbecue sauce.

"She feeling guilty about getting ill and adding to his stress" His stress, OMG, men like Ricky prey on women like Esperanza who have no self esteem and it's hard to watch.

Ricky didn't take Wellbanks threat of dismissal seriously.


Tofie, that would be a twist if Ricardo were fired and really had to earn a living teaching at those schools. I can wish, right?

If Ricky is fired Esperanza will take him in and support him. She'll take 4 more jobs and all he'll have to do is go to the gym everyday.

Tofie, you are probably right. Hey, she probably wouldn't want him to have to do "too much."

Another whole episode and all Rickety has done is shop for a safe, make more puppy eyes at Espe, go to spin class (for which he arrived late), and hover around the hospital. When exactly is he going to try to find La Sombra? And Espe feels guilty about HIS stress, after his incompetence and clinging to her got HER kidnapped and in trouble at work, not to mention still has her and her family in danger.

I like that the kids are now conspiring against Kracy. Maybe she should run off with Ernesto and they can just stay in the hotel and live it up Eloise style or like Home Alone 2. Come to think of it, a plot like in Home Alone would be awesome if La Sombra decided to show up to scare them. Or if their mom came back.

I hate hospital and health problem plots. Personally, I think the only problematic tumor Espe is suffering is much larger than 5 cm and is called Ricardo. He is so annoying, I'm surprised that when she said she hadn't been to the doctor in a long time, he didn't creepily offer to be her gynocologist.

Thanks, Jarifa!

I agree.

Before Ricardo:
Success, kids, no problems, happy go lucky, usual stress for managing three jobs and a dream of building an useless school that will offer what other schools already have, etc.

After Ricardo:
More stress than usual, endangerment, kidnapping that almost costed her life, tumors, making Ernesto become interested in her again, she has now 3 quarters less blood, Pedro with diabetes and Pato without brain, as we say: se baja el cero y no contiene. She is paying way more for the broth than for the meatballs.

Julia, great "tumor" call!

Pablo, great and oh so true "before" and "after" lists.

You both have me laughing.

tofie and Jarifa, I hope Ricardo is a better teacher than spy! I haven't seen he is particularly adept at much...

I am also happy the kids have Kracy's number!

And Pablo, you also have me smiling. Perfect!


Thank you Jarifa! Your recap is more organized and interesting than the episode itself. The plot is all over the place and more silly subplots are being added. After the gratuitious kidnapping and the gratuitious stabbing, we're getting a gratuitious cancer scare. Diabetes, alcoholism, unprotected sex, non-consensual sex, plastic surgery addiction... Did I miss something? It's like a medical show without the hot medicos.

And what's the point of the haunting? What's the angle on this Ágata ghost? And why is Silvana turning into Stooge #5? We already have a silly lovelorn villainess in this story and her name is Viviana. Everytime I start warming up to a character, Osorio shoots him or her down. Ugh!

That walk of shame into school was just awful! Poor Estrella and poor Adrián! Why has nobody called his therapist? Manhandling him and throwing him out of the house will not help. Nor will Esperanza peppy pep-talk. The kid needs rehab.

Gracias otra vez, Jarifa!

Julia you are crazy funny

"I think the only problematic tumor Espe is suffering is much larger than 5 cm and is called Ricardo"

I'm torn with Kracy and the kids and wished she would straighten up and the kids go back to the home Ricky sold and work out visitation for Slick Rick since he'll stay in Mexico. Oh well she won't so Esperanza will raise Ricky and his kids too.

After all of the PSA's for all of these diseases and conditions I am beginning to wonder if the goal of Osorio is to include absolutely EVERYTHING in one novela. Hey, we now have the start of a ghost story. I think I will start thinking of it in that way.

Nandicta, EVERYONE is dragging their feet re. Adrián. Besides sitting in traffic, what else will he have to do to get put into treatment?

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