Friday, May 13, 2016

El hotel de los Secretos #75, 5/12/16: Andy is alive ALIVE!

Oh my sweet lord, we got our Andres back!

  • Gabriel tells Natalia that Belen is alive and that Andres was killed for a crime he did not commit.
  • Natalia realizes the danger this puts her brother in so she hides him- smart girl.
  • Everyone mourns the death of poor sweet Andres- Julio has some lovely things to say about how awesome Andres was.
  • Teresa goes looking for Doctor V. when she can't find him she sits in his room and has a melt down, she even starts reading the Bible.
  • Speaking of melt downs, Sofia is having awful nightmares of Beatriz who tells her she will never give her a moment of peace, then she sees a dead man sitting with the babies, it was so creepy to see dead baby #1.
  • Later Sofia and Isabel are bonding over Andres when a deranged Diego walks into the room and starts to terrorize them, he demands that Isabel return to their bedroom or else and then threatens Sofia with spilling the beans about Beatriz. Dude, esta rata de dos patas needs to DIE.
  • Isabel tells Detective Ayala the whole truth behind Sofia's babies.
  • Angela is keeping watch over Andres's body when Julio comes in to pay his respects, Angela leaves him alone with the body and Julio starts to cry at the sight of his dead BFF.
  • Julio rages about how awful the hotel is and about how much he will miss Andres, s he cries Andres slowly starts to come to life and scares the living day lights out of Julio, the two hug it out and Andres asks Julio to get him a snack before he dies of starvation.
  • In the hallway Natalia tells Angela that Belen is very much alive! Angela takes her straight to Ayala, so now several people know that Belen faked her own death to setup Andy.
  • Natalia wants blood! She wants Belen to pay for everything she did to Andy.
  • Isabel goes to see her dead brother and Julio pulls her away, they go into her fathers old office and he tells her that Andy is alive, later they both thank Ayala for helping save Andy.
  • Ignacio is leaving and he wants Mati to go with him, he loves her just as she is and wants to marry her (no,! she belongs with Ayala!)
  • Doctor V. is lurking about and is trying to find the trap door that opens into the secret room that Isabel and Julio have been using.
  • Doctor V. returns to his room and finds Teresa, he tries to comfort her but she runs away.

How they saved Andres:

Cecilia turned on Oleg and started to work with Manuela and Felipe. Cecilia told Ayala what Oleg's plan was and Mnuela then tells Ayala that she has a plan, and this is what they do:

They help Manuela's brothers break out of jail, in the confusion Manuela goes in and replaces the gun powder with salt- her brothers then dress up as soldiers and shoot at Andres with nothing but blanks, that's when Angela rushes to his side and pours fake blood all over him, then he is given by Ayala a strong muscle relaxer that makes it look like he has died. Ayala comments that the dose should have been stronger because it wore off less than 24 hours later.

Ayala realizes that they need to move Andres out of the hotel before anyone else learns the truth. As they are taking the body away Belen arrives screaming for her husband. Natalia looks like she's going to murder Belen on the spot and I kinda hope she does.


When I saw Andres in that coffin I knew he had to be alive. When Julio came in, I knew that Andres would open his eyes. I also had figured that Manuela and the Arenas brother had something to do with those bullets being blanks. It would have been too much of a downer to allow Andres to die. I laughed when I saw Belen running up pretending to be a grieving widow.

Salt in the bullets! Classic trick! I figured with Felipe and Angela being just a tiny bit too calm about everything, it was all a ruse.

My CC's were terrible so I didn't quite get everything that Ayala explained with Cece and Manuela... but yay, so glad Andres isn't really dead! Julio's reaction was priceless!

The doc is being so shady though. I hope he still ends up being a good guy...

Fabulous episode! Can't wait for your recap, Juju!

Just as the writers of Game of Thrones gave us back Jon Snow, the Hotel writers gave us back Andres. And this resurrection was MUCH happier (and funnier) than GOT's. :)

Things I loved: The fact that Ceci double crossed Oleg, pretending to be a bad guy in order to help the good guys (she's back on my good list); Ayala, Ceci, Manuela, and Manuela's bros/gang all working together to help Andres; Angela pretending to cry over Andres while putting the fake blood on him, and later in the morgue when she impressed Ayala with her fake wails; Julio and Andres' tearful, happy hug; and Manuela and Felipe setting his cell on fire with their scorching kisses.

Just loved the whole thing really (except the scenes with Diego).

PJulio's reaction was awesome! LOL sooo happy Andres is alive!!!
And why was Theresa being weird in the Docs room? Made me think "behind bars" when she was sitting on the bed.

Andres is alive. Belen doesn't know it.


In my internal secret fantasy world, Andres pops the coffin lid open and yells "BOO!!" right in Belen's face.

But I will be happy with however he ends up revealing himself to his monster wife.

It's funny about Cecilia - I thought from the very beginning that she was going to end up being more friend than foe. She sure gave a lot of reasons to doubt her, though.

I can't wait to read the recap :-)

Hey, Belen look up in the sky; its a bird, no its a plane-and its just about to drop a large load of heavy anvils on you! You're dressed in the right color of clothing girl.

Veronica- I think the guilt and fear that has gripped Teresa for years and kept her from being able to sleep well, is closing in on her. She realizes she is more trapped than ever (and Diego is her jailer). Her house (hotel) of cards is falling down around her, and she hasn't been able to do anything to stop it. She's realizing she has lost all control of her life.

Hotel de Secretos is Mexico's Breaking Bad!! I'm glued to my seat dying to know what happens next!

I cannot wait for the reaction of Natalie and Belen and want it to happen simultaneously. Wonder what excuse Belen will float for being MIA.

I want Manuela on my team next time we play dodgeball during PE.

Diego still menacing about is a little unbelievable. No one screams for help.

All I could think of is the smell should be ripe shut up in that little room if he were dead and I kept worrying Andres would suffocate with the lid closed.

There was dancin'...dancin' in the streets, oh yeah!!!

Apologies to the patio that we got a little rowdy at the Andres is Alive table last night. That teeny tiny smirk as Julio poured his heart out over the coffin and was yelling "Oh yeah!" that I think they heard me in Mexico.

What a great episode: so some of my LaLaLand fantasy actually worked out with the Sundance gang getting sprung to help with the fake out, Flippy helping with the cause ( and being justly rewarded) and even Angela in on the fake out. Manuela I could hug you, and Ayala bought into it. Sly dog you.

What the heck is going on with the Doc though? Now he's just down right creeping me out a bit. Hope this is all to still take down Diego.

I am LIVING for the Andres/Natalia reunion right now. Oh and Belen can just get run over by something. Seeing her utterly humilated will be a nice start to take her down.

Can't wait for your take on all this Count!!


Oh no, they DI-ENHT!! Salt bullets! Go, Manorje! It was all her plan! Brilliant!

But also, everyone involved is worthy of an Oscar ... except Julio and Isabel. As clever as the plan is, it's still extremely dangerous if they're found out and these two are giddily bopping around with wide, happy grins on their mugs - in the middle of everyone else's grief and prayers! - come on, you two, FOCUS!!!

I notice Belen had time to get the most fancy/posh widow's weeds out there, but somehow didn't have time to come and STOP her husband's execution. Hmmm... She's got to know any explanation she's worked out won't fly.

Yeah, how did she know she'd need widow-wear? Guess it's a big NOPE that she was unaware of Oleg's plan. This is going to be good! But I hope Julio was able to get Andres that food he asked for. Could be very difficult explaining why the dead guy's stomach is growling.

But wouldn't bullets, even if filled with salt, still hurt like the dickens? Seems like they could still cause damage.

Loved Manuela's men, standing in for the firing squad, trying to walk out of jail to freedom. So close guys! Maybe Ayala will cut them come slack and let them go. Or they can practice their marching while in jail, because their timing needs work.


So much yes! Well put!

Kelly- Yes. It would hurt like the dickens. Which is why Andres actually fell to the ground and possibly passed out for a bit.

I tried to look at the bullet holes and it looked like he had clothing still showing underneath. So he may have had some help with extra garments to soften the blow. I think, honestly, he may have passed out more from the fear and reality than the actual blow.

One thing I need the recap for was the whole Diego/Sophia grab and go and Isa standing there mouth agape. I think he told her about stuff, but then what? I mistakenly dropped the remote that then went to another channel and by the time I got back, next scene.

Significance of Teresa in Red? Very unlike her. have a few thoughts, but wondered if anyone else was surprised by her dress?


Daisynjay: I was surprised at Teresa's dress. I thought it was very disrespectful considering--even if she didn't care for Andres.

Diego didn't reveal anything really about Sofia in front of Isa, but said he held a secret over her. If Sofia didn't tell Isa to back off and let them go off to have their chat, then he would reveal all. That's when Sofia begged Isa to back off and to not say anything about what was going down between her (Sofia) and Diego. Isa agreed, and Diego dragged Sofia off to her room to threaten her. I didn't get all that he wanted from her. I was trying to tune him out frankly. But he did say he wished he hadn't let the baby be born. Jerk.

Juju- Thanks for the snappy recap. Your joy at Andres' resurrection was evident. A collective cheer went up in homes everywhere.

Doc Vic is being creepier than ever, and I can't wait until we find out who he really is, why he's at the hotel, and how he knows Diego's mom. The mystery around him deepens every day.

I don't know why Teresa would have chosen to put on red that day. By the time they all took Andres' body away, she was wearing appropriate black though.

Got it, Thanks Vivi. I'm really getting worried over that baby. Andres needs to be raised from the dead and maybe he and Natalia can raise him. Unless Alfie surfaces back again. He did love that little bugger.

I thought the same Nanette...everyone walking around in black, and she puts on bright red...a color she just doesn't do. So she's losing it, that we can see, but was that an act of defiance that others believe she was at fault for Andres' death and she is saying NO aand refuses to mourn him? In her warped little mind, that's how it came off to me. and the usual woe is me...but Doc going in for the kiss....STOP IT!! What is his end game?


Oh, and Doc got jumpy when he saw Teresa reading his Bible. After she left, he removed the picture that was in an envelope tucked into the Bible and put it in his jacket pocket. The picture was of a young woman in a bridal dress. Hmmm....

Thanks Princess.

Nat seems a bit smarter than Andres.

What was it that Ayala and Dag were talking about when Ayala said something to Dag in the one scene and Dag turned and left and the other scene Dag smiled like Ayala had said something nice to him?

Thought Diego was going to go after the baby.

Flaco said that the head guy was about to give Andres a tiro de gracia. Whew!! Glad Ayala stopped that.

Vivi: girl in pic looked a AWFUL lot like girl in Diego's wedding pic. :)



I do think that Diego's first wife was the Doc's daughter and maybe Diego somehow caused her death and his mother covered it up. He (Doc) wants revenge and is looking for the best way to accomplish it without tipping his hand before he's done with Diego. But ... what do you suppose he did with Diego's mother? Last we saw, Doc was marching her away at gunpoint!

Nanette- Julio was saying some really wonderful things about Andres and Dagoberto said that he hoped that when he died someone would write lovely things about him and Ayala told him he would do it.

Great work, Princess Juju.

I was so prepared for the worse alternative but I'm so relieved I was wrong. However, I won't think well of Cecelia if she doesn't remove her claws from Julio.

Can't wait for the next episode.

Sofia imagining dead and bloodied Andres holding the two babies was creepy. I get why Sofia was seeing Beatriz and Andres (thinking he was dead), but why did she hallucinate two dead babies?? Is she afraid she might kill the second one too?

Princess: Thanks. That was so sweet of Ayala.

Nannette- those two scenes with Ayala and Dag:

1) The police are standing around Andres's body at the Comiseria, lamenting what just happened, when Ayala briskly gives them something to do to get them away (so he can deal with Andres). Dagoberto says something about Ayala not having any feelings (Dag was really mourning Andres) and how can he think of nothing but work at a time like this.

2) Dag overhears what Julio is saying about Andres as he's preparing a Eulogy and says he (Dag) wishes that when he dies someone will say something nice about him. Ayala tells him that someone definitely will, which elicits that beaming smile from little Dag.


Princess Juju, loved your joyous title, and your boisterously happy bullet points recap, as well as throwing in a "rata de dos patas" for our beloved, ahem, Diego. And of course I am totally with you on the Matilde/Ayala pairing. The nice little Alarcon lad is sweet, but she needs a real. smart. and that is our wondrously paunchy Ayala.

My only thought on Teresa's earlier apparel was that "red" is the color of the Resurrection and when the young daughter of our music minister died several years ago, her mother wore red to the funeral service to signify her belief that her child was now safe and happy in heaven with God.

Okay, I'm giving Teresa a lot of grace here, thinking that might be her fashion notion. But who knows?

Thanks Princess Juju. We all rejoice with you. Hip Hip Hooray!

Nick: thanks. I was hoping that was the reason for the first scene when I watched it. Then when it was revealed Andres was alive, I thought that might have been what happened. I was curious as to what A said to D to get him to go. :) Poor little Dag. Sometimes Ayala abuses him terribly. For a really good reason this time.

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I think Mati is afraid of committing to Ayala. Ig is safe. With Ig she can pretty much call the shots. She does not love him, so there's no risk. With Ayala, they'd be equals--though I think she's afraid he'll try to be "head of the house". He can be a steamroller sometimes, but he's so besotted, just one look from Mati would stop that in its tracks. Mati's also in love with Ayala--so she's risking her heart--very scary stuff for her.

Thank you Juju!

I did think red was an odd choice for Teresa. In fact, I thought it was odd that she'd even own a red dress.

She's worn red before, not sure if it's the same gown.

Thank you, Juju, for a fantastic recap!

Tofie, I too wondered why Isabel and Sofía allowed themselves to be manhandled by Diego and did not even scream. Why did not one or both of them pick up something and hit him in his *******(fill in any expletive you would like) head. Unbelievable.

Nice plot twists.

I am most interested in Jorge/Manuela and Felipe and Ayala and Mati. Isabel and Julio pale in comparison to the out right passion of couple #1 and the smoldering passion of couple # 2.

Sofia begged Isa not to interfere, but knowing how violent Diego is, I would have still done something.

Anon 3:45--I agree with your theory. I didn't have any idea what the purpose of the Doc being around was before but now I remember how knows Diego's mother and her true identity.

As for the red dress, I didn't notice that but I do think it was a little out of place given that everyone else was in black. Reminded me of that scene in the Sixth Sense with the mother, who suffered from Munchausen's, who killed her daughter and wore red for the funeral.

I'm hoping at some point that Belen dies for real. She's like the master of stealth mode or something and keeps running away. Getting real tiring and confusing with her.

At the very start when Diego pushed Isabel back on the bed, she should have started screaming and hauled off at him with something. Maybe that would have shook Sofía out of her depressive state and would have brought other people to the scene. Habitually weak female characters annoy me, as you can tell. : ) Isabel could only be surprised the first time Diego laid his hands on her.

I think Isa is not willing to push Diego too far, knowing how violent he is. Maybe she figures she's close to getting him put away for good so not worth poking the bear, for now. Well, she kinda already has with wanting to leave his bedroom, so maybe not worth bashing the bear on the head with a jar like he totally deserves. She can deal with Sofia when they are all safer from Diego. Looking forward to her getting her memory back about her suegra.

As nice as Andres is, I would think Alfredo would be a good father for the baby. He's already registered as Alfredo's, Al would still get his land, and he could repeat Lupe and Jacinto's story (except hopefully with less brattiness this time).Al will need someone in his life when Sofia goes off to the manicomio, and it'd be nice for Andres and Natalia to not have any further connection to Belen and Diego. They should have a clean start.


Gracias Juju!

!Gracia a Dios! Andres esta vivo!!!!!

I did laugh when Ayala describes Angela screaming, "Mi hijo, mi hijo" he said they could hear her all the way to Bogata! So unlike our reserved Angela.

Also saw after the execution Angela ran to Andres, he said "mama" she covered his mouth & closed his eyes, I'm sure the guy was hurting.

Jacinto, I think sort of redeemed himself. Lupe is the best, he and Angela, I hope live happily ever after with many nietos from Andres y Natalia, all in THEIR Hotel! El hotel de happiness!

Probably Sofia will die of sth, Julio y Isa will move away.

Diego, nothing bad enough for him.

The Doc y Teresa, ?????, she has done many horrible things, but maybe redemption, I don't remember her actually killing anyone, but I would forgive her if it is Diego , maybe with Doc's help. I don't care who does it, JUST kill the bastard!

Andres flips open the casket When Belen is there & yells, "surprise"

I am going to watch again how they changed the soldiers for the Arenas.

So far, happy with Hulu. Anyone think Netflix is better?

Are Mathilde's parents dead? She may "like" Ayala because she misses a father figure in her life. She would however, be much better off with Ignacio. First of all he's HANDSOME, a well educated lawyer, and she would have a nice life with him. I'm willing to bet that he would be just fine with her having a career and family. (At least for that time period, this was the pre-women's rights era and era of the Suffragettes.) If she goes with Ayala, you have to remember life expectancy for men is pretty short at that time and she could be a young widow because of that. I vote for her to be with Iggy. He's hot.

Teresa's red dress....since she came to Dr. Vic's room, I'm wondering if she was trying to be seductive? It kind of worked because he tried to kiss her. I don't think I'm creeped out by him, but I'm wondering what his angle truly is.


Kelly: I like your happy ending for Alfie and the baby (and everyone else).

Cynthia: I prefer Ayala's teddy bear looks to Ig's handsomeness. Ig is also too whitebread for me. If Mati wants a passionate love and interesting life--then A's her man (I can't see her being the wife of a bland lawyer).

I'm with you Cynthia and think Mathilde should go with the young man. I like Ayala, except he looks crosseyed sometimes, but not a love interest for Mathilde.

Isabel suffered a brutal beating and rape by Diego's hand so anytime he came near I'd scream bloody murder. What else can happen to her that hasn't short of him killing her and if that's going to happen it will if she screams for help or not. His element of surprise is gone so scream.

Unfortunately for handsome Ignacio, Mati doesn't love him. Let her have her decade or so of passion and intellectual pursuits with Ayala, until he dies, then she can meet up with Ignacio. If he's still holding a torch for her, then maybe then she'll be more receptive.

I agree that Isabel should fight tooth and nail. If that makes Diego more violent she would be perfectly justified to administer some serious blunt force trauma to the head.... both of them.

I'm all for Mathilde and Ayala. They should be spun off into a new series.

Good one, Urban! You made me smile!

Have any of you watched Carlos Rivera's videos on Youtube? OMG, he is such an excellent singer. So romantic....makes me swoon. I can't get enough of him. If it hadn't been for him on Hotel playing Andres, I would have never discovered him.

Gracias Juju

Wow I am so glad that Andres is alive. The plan was just genius. I cannot wait until Andres breaks the lid screaming to Belen "I'm alive biatch!" . Then he should comfort poor Natalia and marry her. Well let's hope Andres doesn't suffocate in the lid first .But first I want Natalia and Angela to beat Belen up like a ragdoll.

Why doesn't anyone scream for help when faced by the ape Diego? That servant should have been the first to leave when Diego hulk smashed that table. So what if Sofia would go to jail. She has lost everything so it's not that of big deal especially to destroy Diego.

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