Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #40. Tuesday May 3, 2016. Estalkin' Is Bad. It Gets People Stabbed.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Someone does us all a favor and stabs Vicente. In 24 hours, witnesses saw him tussle with Luca, fight with Pedro and get roughed up by Ricardo. Neither one of the three has an alibi, this was made abundantly clear throughout the episode. 

In other Sueñolandia news: 

Salma discovers she’s pregnant. At long last! Poor thing is distraught. She is barely 14, she sexually abused a drunken teenage boy, she got a very average boink out of it at best AND she fell pregnant to top it all off. I know this sounds sarcastic but I actually felt sorry for the kid. Thankfully, she has the support of her grandma and her older sister. 

Kristel gets fired from her job as visual enticement at the antro. She has plenty of free time now to blubber and be confundida

Félix sees a spider in Ricardo’s classroom and faints. 

Adán and Begoña argue over Nacho. The actress who is playing Arleth has been reduced to shushing people. 

Viviana moves to a new apartment with her two boys. 

Ernesto warns Mario against fraternizing with his ex-wife but I’m pretty sure Stooge #4 went ahead and saw Viviana anyway. I seem to recall a most redonkulous mouth-to-mouth scene in a public place. I was falling asleep when I watched this so please tell me I dreamt that up! 

Aranza reveals the nature of her work to Pato. She is not a prostitute, she is a hostess (edecán). However, in order to keep her job, she has to put up with dirty old men (raboverdes) pawing and groping (manosear) her. She goes to serve a group of men a new brand of whisky but they tell her they are more interested in trying her than in trying the drink. I say, if someone touches you inappropriately or manhandles you to get something you are not willing to give, glass them in the face or kick them in the boysenberries! That oughta dampen their impetuousness

Agent and/or Detective Rentería, the police officer in charge of the Dead Rat Case, informs Luca that he is a prime suspect in the Estalkerr Murder. I knew they gave us the cop’s name in an earlier episode because he’ll keep showing up. Osorio figures, since this strange concoction is giving viewers visual indigestion anyway, why not throw in a whodunnit while he’s at it? One thing is sure, I'm gonna enjoy seeing Saint Luca's martyred face behind bars. Tee hee hee!

A quote from the capítulo

“¿A qué debo el disgusto de escuchar su desagradable voz?”* 

*Principal Crazy-Eyes answers Esperanza’s call with a friendly: “To what do I owe the displeasure of hearing your disagreeable voice?” 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hello Patio Pals! Sorry for the delay. I'm gonna enjoy seeing the three galanes get roughed up! I know, I'm bad! :)

I can't wait to read your comments on this episode. Gotta skidaddle for now but I'll check back in later! Toodles!

Thanks, Nandicta.

I felt sorry for Ara that she was so ashamed by what she does to make a living that even Pato did not know. Ara's experience should be a heads up to any of the teenage set in this tale who do not appreciate their fine standard of living. As for Salma, she literally caused her situation, so no sympathy from me. I feel sorry for Adrián. And by extension Esperanza . . . What will all this mean for the musical! Oh, no!!

Too bad Kristel got fired.

So glad Vicente is dead and gone. It would be great if the culprit were one of the main characters. I can only wish . . . Since so many bizarro things are happening here anyway.

Looks like Tracy was wherever she goes and missed all the drama.

When will Kiko walk again? ; )



I haven't seen this episode yet because I was reading a book I couldn't put down, but Estalkerr was estabbed?! To DEATH?! Yikes, but also oh well. No loss. Are we sure Saint Luca didn't do it? He's a creep also; just saying.


Thanks for the summary also, Nandicta.

I don't feel TOO sorry for Salma. I feel sorry for Adrian, who was assaulted, and for the baby, but Salma DELIBERATELY raped him and without protection to boot; she should be in jail.

I hope Aranza's story is leading to some sort of message that no one should have to put up with that just because they need money. Bar patrons who think their servers are on the menu should go to jail and serve themselves toilet wine instead. Maybe she can get Kristel's club decoration job instead.

Apparently I want everyone thrown in prison today. Zero tolerance.

It was ridiculous to see Viviana dressed up as Aquaman feeling the "virgen de Guadalupe" breeze in her face blowing her hair, Jajaja, Osorio, and his "all inclusive" ideas!

Hiya Jarifa and Julia! Cheers for stopping by!

Yep, the estalkerr was estabbed to death! Lo despacharon para el otro barrio, they sent him to the other neighborhood! And the stabbing scene was hilarious! This show makes me LOL at the weirdest times. I will not miss tonight's episode for the world. Saint Luca in the can! Oh joy of joys!

I agree with both of you, Aranza shouldn't have to put up with this constant sexual harassment at work, nobody does! If this storyline is a PSA, they should show girls that they ought to rely on themselves to defend themselves, as well as seek help from employers, family members and the local authorities if necessary. Unfortunately, both Kristel and Pato are portrayed as victims. Pato was idle in face of Vicente's harassment. She was/is relying on Luca, Ricardo and/or Pedro to defend her. How about going to the police yourself and showing them the lingeries, flowers, teddy bears and creey notes Vicente sent her? Why not a get a pepper spray? Why not take a self-defense class? The first course at self-defense is usually "hit them in the groin and run", it won't take long for her to learn that! I hate how every woman is portrayed in this TN. Margarita is nice but I don't like her acting like a drooling fool over Félix. Why can't she have a romantic partner or a love interest that is interested in her? Why can't we see her start a friendship with someone then see that blossoms into a romance? Oh well...

Hello Pablo! Cheers for popping in to share your impressions!

So that scene DID happen? I thought I dozed off and it was part of my SdA-fuelled hallucinations! Oh dear!

Sorry, I meant both *Aranza and Pato are portrayed as victims (Kristel too but she is a "victim of her own feelings" according to her father)

Well... I am sorry to say that you DID NOT HAVE a sueno de amor! LOL

To me, it looks like the intention was good showing Esperanza as a empowered woman who has been fending for herself for the last 20 years but as soon as the gallon shows up, she becomes the damsel in distress again so he can rescue her from being a warrior. So funny it hurts! Incongruent, inconsistent?

That's so true! Esperanza was a warrior mom: she had 3 jobs, raised two kids on her own, handled her financial, personal and professional problems without anybody's help. Then Tricky Ricky shows up and she doesn't know whether she is coming or going! Why can't she have love AND a personality? She is reduced to gushing over Ric, worrying about his dangerous work, dissing his ex and babysitting his kids for free.

Esperanza is still my favorite character in this train wreck though! Betty Monroe is just adorable! :)

The overarching theme of this show seems to be that the women are all better off without these men in their lives. Esperanza was doing great juggling everything on her own, then Ricky shows up and suddenly everything's about accommodating his needs and wants and being endangered by his job/incompetence. Pato was the top student with a bright future, now she spends all her time drooling over Luca and being estalked and acting helpless. Kristel didn't have all that much going on, but she was studying to be an architect, now she's all verklempt over stupid creepy Pedro. Tracy is her own problem but she'd be better off out saving gorillas instead of trying to trap stupid Ricardo. Viviana seemed to dump most of her neuroses and bitchiness when she dumped Ernesto. Estrella is a sweet young thing who certainly should have better things to do than get entangled in Adrian's mess. Aranza would do better to focus on finishing school and getting a better job away from entitled pervs, rather than constantly reinventing herself to try to entice Pedro. Triana is probably somewhere toasting her good fortune in getting fired by her abusive boss. I hope she files a wrongful termination claim and collects a good settlement.

It's been apparent for years that Osorio hates women (they are generally either Madonnas or crazy whores in his shows), but now I'm thinking maybe he despises men as well.

Most of the guys in the novelas I have seen have been no bargain. : (

Also, unfortunately, it always seems that the "good guys" in these novelas suddenly get stupid when preyed upon by the "bad guys" and never do anything to protect themselves (like calling the police) in a timely manner which just enboldens their aggressors. Tired tired convention just like the men being so flawed.

I totally agree with your assessment. The cliché TN protagonista suffers and/or is confundida. The cliché TN galán is dumb and/or jealous and/or always falls for the villains' lies and tricks.

Now if Osorio or somebody would just break with some of these clichés there might be some hope for the telenovela!

I want Esperanza to become an amazingly competent secret agent and show up Ricardo in every way, then decide she has better things to do than let him drag her down and fight crime all over D.F. Like El Lirio de Plata in Llena de Amor, but she'd be the competent masked crusader instead of the confundida ditz girlfriend.

Ricardo can get a nice job selling shoes or jewelry or something, so he can smile and try to charm people and no one's in danger.

Nandicta, thank you for the fantastic summary.

"Kristel gets fired from her job as visual enticement at the antro. She has plenty of free time now to blubber and be confundida" and "Why can't she have love AND a personality? She is reduced to gushing over Ric, worrying about his dangerous work, dissing his ex and babysitting his kids for free" were among many favorites.

I admit I am not a Salma fan but do have some pity for her. I fear she will be more upset at what everyone has to say rather than the reality of her situation. She is hardly prepared to be a mother. And Adrian? The lad can't even take care of himself. A very sad situation. Estrella? You dodged a bullet on this one. Run. Run. Away...

Poor Ara. She deserves someone who will appreciate her. She shouldn't have to beg for Pedro's bun crumbs. (Sorry, couldn't help myself. Have I mention I hate that manbun??)

"Kristel gets fired from her job as visual enticement at the antro. She has plenty of free time now to blubber and be confundida". Jarifa, thanks for the laugh amiga.

Pablo, you are on to something in your assessment of Espe. She was doing just fine on her own prior to Rick showing up. Totally agree! (Although I'm with Nandicta in that I really like Betty Monroe.

"It's been apparent for years that Osorio hates women...but now I'm thinking maybe he despises men as well". Excellent Julia. An equal opportunity hater! ":)

Great summary and wonderful comments.


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