Monday, May 09, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4 and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 9, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here's the lineup (all times are Eastern Time):

• noon-2 pm—¿Quién Es Quién?   
• 8pm—Eva, La Trailera  
• 9pm—La Esclava Blanca 
• 10pm—El Señor de los Cielos  

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.

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Thanks, LXV, for your heroic effort to give us the scheduling info re ¿Quién es Quién?. I've now checked Zap2It (thanks, deb, for letting me know about this listing), and it shows Quién in the 12-2 slot all this week. I don't know why Telemundo doesn't make it clear on its own website. (Perhaps it's embarrassed at having yanked Quién out of the evening lineup?)

Telemundo: thanks Juanita for confirming what I suspected. Do we have a clue how long Quien is supposed to run?

Eva – Lunes – Parte 1 de 2

Esteban gives Luis some good advice about how Adriana feels about her baby and how he hurt her with what he said.

Soraya now knows who she is. Eva calls Luis to come to the hospital to see his mother.

Andy the Asqueroso (alias Antonio) pumps Camila about her living arrangements. She mentions all of the women who live in the house of Eva Soler. She tells him she didn’t get on well with Adriana at first. But now Adri is having a bad time of it, and they’ve become better friends. She tells AA that Adri got pregnant by a horrible guy who fed her drugs. Camila says he can’t imagine how much Adriana hates that guy. He got her pregnant when she was unconscious and drugged. Just the thought of him disgusts Adriana and disgusts her as well.

Eva talks with Soraya, filling in some of the blanks about what a great thing Pancho did, paying her bail. Soraya talks about him, saying how considerate he was when they first began to make love. And he saved her from that horrible place and never blamed her for all the men she’d been forced to have sex with.

Camila gets antsy when Andy comes on to her a bit. I think her having been abused by her step-father may keep her out of his clutches.

Soraya says that Pancho returned her faith in humanity to her. He was not only her husband but her spine, her lighthouse, her light, her everything. She says she doesn’t think she’ll have the strength to go on without him. Luis comes in asking if she can go on for his sake. They embrace, crying.

Pablo is in a bad mood. He tells his father that he’s angry with himself for keeping trying to get Eva back. He says he detests her. Betty overhears this and thinks he means her!

Robert Monteverde picks a bad time to get chippy with Luis. He greets him as he returns from the hospital. He says the company is in bad shape, and Luis has to get control of things by having Soraya declared incompetent. Robert has a lawyer all ready to move on this. Luis tells him this isn’t going to happen. Furthermore, his mother is now back to herself and even remembers the accident.

Adriana is crying on her mother’s lap, telling her what Luis said about not wanting involvement with the baby. Eva is wise. She tells her that Adriana needs to try to understand how Luis feels. He’s going through a terrible time. Also, he wasn’t trying to hurt Adriana; he was just being honest about his own feelings. Eva says that his manhood was hurt by her having left him for AA.

Soraya is sunk into a deep, deep depression in the hospital.

Federica is talking with Rey. He says she needs to take steps to get her money and properties back. Federica says the Contreras firm has been immensely helpful to her.

Eva – Lunes – Parte 2 de 2

Adriana is at work in the pharmacy. The sleazoid pharmacist sends her on an errand so he can get busy with a woman who has come in. As she’s on her way out, AA confronts her, grabbing her and telling her what she’s been saying about him. [If this weren’t a telenovela, she’d be wondering how and from whom he heard what she’d said about him.]

Marisol comes in to see JJ and apparently, once again, “things” don’t work out for JJ.

AA is grabbing Adriana and telling her that she loved being with him. She knees him and gets away. He chases her into the shopping center nearby. She’s going down the escalator and is looking anxiously behind her when she bumps into another guy and falls all the way down the escalator. All the people there see AA. He runs away.

Luis brings his mother home. At the front of their house, Cinthia says something about apologizing for any “misunderstanding” at the hospital. Soraya doesn’t even acknowledge her presence. Wish she’d hurry up and tell Luis what Cinthia did.

Upon arriving home Soraya goes straight to bed. While lying there she has some flashbacks and happy memories of how sweet Pancho was to her.

Rey and Federica come to Agency Contreras. Rey remembers when Pablo came to see him in prison. They want Pablo to be their lawyer, but he refuses, saying his specialty is criminal law, not civil. But Martín is furious. He knows Pablo is refusing for some other reason.

Eva is putting a worried Evencio in charge of everything at Soler e Hijas. She has to stay close to home to help Soraya. Just then Adriana comes rushing in clutching her stomach. She tells her mother and Camila that she’s bleeding. They call an ambulance.

AA comes to see his Big Sis, saying he did a stupid thing. He said he heard that Adri was saying bad things about him and he went to confront her. He chased her into a public place, everyone saw him, and she fell. Marlene tells him that, if Adriana loses the baby, they’ll lose a way to control Eva. He says that should be the least of their worries. What about when Armando finds out what he did.

Gusano tells Marlene that they’ve lost some clients to Eva. She then goes to Armando and tells him they have to lower their prices so as to undercut Eva.

The doctor comes to tell Eva that Adriana was hemorrhaging and lost the baby. She also tells her that the baby had severe congenital problems and would probably not have survived. Eva cries, saying she was dying to hold Adriana’s baby.

I predict that Adri will be angry with Luis, because he said something about things working out for them if she lost the baby. Also, I’m hoping for a beatdown for AA from Armando.


the doctor tries desperately to save Victoria, or was he doing a high school experiment.

Milagros tries desperately to find that special toad to make an antidote.

the snotty kid Jaime snoops around the Eden house stumbling on Isabel who's missing her friend, but he won't stay, he doesn't want to get her disease.

the doctor says poisoning comes from bad water and food so all are thrown out.

Nicholas is led to Eugenia for the chocolates she left, but she never confirms or denies they were poison as Nicholas strangles her, stopped by a knife in the arm by Bunme, Eugenia's handmaiden ??

Isabel packs up her things, her favorite toys mostly, and runs away from home.

Adela decides on a spiritual cleansing starting with the necklace Victoria's mother gave her, getting the priest there and having Tomas burn it, (he pulls what he can of it out of the fire after they leave) next she has the priest bless the fresh water and the house.

Milagros makes the antidote, which is a combined with her prayers for Victoria, Miguel lights the crops on fire for a distraction, then gets in the room and gives Victoria a drink (I'm guessing you have to be really out of it to get past the taste) but the Doctor is offended, wants to shoot Miguel, but Victoria recovers.

Nicholas sends the doctor on his way, who is not happy with the fee he was paid, and after he leaves, Nicholas says what he admires most about Miguel is that he is a man of action regardless of the consequences.

ah but where is Isabel, she must have hidden in the crops, so Nicholas now insists they put the fire out rather than contain it, Miguel pours a bucket of water over himself and runs into the flames, he can only find her suitcase.

Remi has issues with Milagros, it doesn't matter she didn't know who Victoria was, you just don't go around killing people, but fetches her anyway to make some tea for Victoria, and of course sweet Victoria forgives her, she loves her sister.

Isabel has gotten clear of the fire but where, when another young lad stumbles upon her in the dark, each thinking the other was a ghost, but before they part, she says she has no home, and he says as well, should they be friends?

as the crops burn the smoke filled air is filled with ominous forth comings, it was fire that killed the Quinteros and gave them Eden, (and some say the daughter still haunts the place)


Thank you novelera! I was wondering when the staircase of doom (or rather the escalator of doom) would play its part. Actually, I had been thinking it would be the one in the Palacios palace, but I was wrong. So Adriana has lost the spawn of Satan. Luis will most likely feel sorry for having confessed his lack of acceptance. But Andy's got worse problems. Not sure he has an ounce of humanity, so it seems unlikely he would grieve, except for the injury to his manhood and his control over the evil empire. Thanks also for explaining that Betty thought Pablo's words were aimed at her. It went right over my head.

Soraya is in a sorry state. The way they've built her character, I'm sure she'll come out of this all the stronger, especially with Luís at her side. But, as she said, "Let me sleep."

Camila worries me. She's gone for "Antonio" hook line & sinker. I hope her inner warning system kicks into full gear when he tries his next assault. Did we get the impression she beat a hasty retreat because she actually sensed the danger?

And please, please Evencio: keep a cool head. Everything's riding on you now, including the fireworks.



Many thanks, novelera, for another great recap. I know it sounds harsh, but I gave a sigh of relief when Adri fell down the escalator. I really didn't want her to have to raise the devil's spawn, and I also wanted to see Marlene and Andy lose the leverage they thought the baby gave them. And, of course, the baby's death is softened by the fact that it already had serious congenital problems that would have made it difficult if not impossible for it to survive even had there been no accident.

I was astonished to see Adri come back home after an accident that seemed to leave her at least momentarily unconscious and bleeding. I would have thought that she would ask someone at the scene to call an ambulance, since she was very concerned about the baby. Indeed, I wouldn't have thought she'd have to ask.

I was very disappointed when Cinthia's "apology" to Soraya didn't trigger Soraya's memory of the Halloween mask. Perhaps it will eventually.

I hope you're right about Camila's experience with her step-father perhaps keeping her out of Andy's clutches.


Thanks so much, deb, for this terrific recap. I loved your opening line about the doctor trying to save Victoria "or was he doing a high school experiment." I'm not sure which was worse, his Rube Goldberg contraption of pumps or his use of leeches (which apparently really were an accepted medical treatment at the time).

I wondered whether Tomas was going to burn Victoria's necklace or defy the order to do so. I'm glad he managed to salvage much of the necklace from the fire.

So Isabella finally high-tailed it out of Eden and survived. I wonder what role she'll play in the rest of the novela.



LXV, I loved your "escalator of doom." And I too found myself worried about Evencio and his nervousness. The fact that there will be a shipment of fireworks may be an example of the writers playing with us, but perhaps not. My Imagination of Disaster is on full alert.


loved your recap novelera!

yes Andy, your reputation is shot, it's all over the internet by now.

Pancho was such a neat guy.

since Adri's baby would probably not have survived, maybe this was best, or as Virginia put it, God knows what he's doing, but wow, what Luis said about if there was no baby, this is a pretty big elephant in the middle of the room.

and what the? Armando has given Eva everything she needs to succeed, but is he realizing now that it is going to cut into his business, and where is his fake smile?



(hmm, my first post disappeared)

loved your recap novelera!

yes Andy, your reputation is shot, it's all over the internet by now.

Pancho was such a neat guy.

since Adri's baby would probably not have survived, maybe this was best, or as Virginia put it, God knows what he's doing, but then, what Luis said about if there was no baby, this is a pretty big elephant in the middle of the room.

and what the? Armando has given Eva everything she needs to succeed, but is he realizing now that it is going to cut into his business, and where is his fake smile?


Eva.Excellent recap, novelera. I second Juanita that that was a very good observation about Camila's having been abused keeping her out of Andy's clutches. Also some very good observations by everyone on Evencio. It could go either way. Either putting him in charge of everything, including the fireworks bodes ill for him (But hasn't he suffered enough?) or he'll end up a respected equal partner at Soler e Hijas. I loved the scene of morning at Eva's, with everyone getting ready forwork, school, the agency appointment, or the housekeeping tasks. Another very cozy feeling in that nearly all-female household. I also love how Eva is always so comforting to everyone. I also wondered why the bystanders or store security didn't call for an ambulance for Adriana. And if Luis had only said something positive about the baby before Adri's accident!

Esclava: I don't even know what to say at this point. I need some anvils for the evil villains in this show & soon!

Eva: The bad guys plotting to destroy Eva again! UGH.

Juanita: Adri lost the baby ? OH NO :(


Thought you all might be interested in seeing this review of the current lineup on Uni and Telemundo:


Once Hotel de los Secretos ends next week, I'll finally have time to start watching Esclava Blanca since I won't be watching the tn that replaces Hotel. Thanks so much for the great recaps, that are allowing me to keep current on the action.

Thank you for the recap. Tomas could not disobey an order from his "owners" plus his temperament is so reasonable. He did what he could under the circumstances. I am happy to have been born centuries after these atrocities the blacks were suffering. How big hypocrites are these so called Christians? Doing horrible things to others but praying and carrying on about the Almighty.


Thanks, Vivi, for the link to Latin Times' ratings of current telenovelas on Univisión and Telemundo. I can't comment on their thoughts about the Univisión novelas, since I haven't seen any of them, but I think they've underestimated the worth of "Eva la Trailera" and way overestimated "El Señor de los Cielos #4." Season 1 of El Señor was fun, but I threw in the towel midway through season #2, and from what I've heard, it's only gotten worse since then. But I guess that's what makes horse races and novela competitions.


Thanks, Vivi, I also read the Latin Times rating article. I agree 100% with Juanita. I'm enjoying Eva la Trailera and have no idea what they meant by saying Edith is miscast. I also gave up on El Señor after the first season and have no idea why Latin Times think it's worthy of being #4. Yago sounds interesting. I had a big crush on Iván Sánchez after watching La Reina del Sur. But I can't possibly watch three novelas, even playing catch-up on the weekends.

It sounds like Yago is roughly based on The Count of Monte Cristo. Interesting. They had references to that in La Reina del Sur when Patty O'Farrell referred to herself as Abbé Faria, who was Edmond Dantés' prison friend.


I agree. They should have switched the spots between Eva and Senor4. I would even put Senor4 in last place. In general though, there is currently a good crop of tns. Some quality ones to choose from, among the usual.


Well, I had hoped to have the recap up tonight, but (as usual) it will be up sometime tomorrow morning.


Nicolas is talked out of sending others into the burning flames to look for Isabel, they concentrate on putting out the fire, afterwards they search the fields, and Isabel is no where to be found, nor her body.

Isabel and her new friend, Gabriel ??, walk through the night, and come upon a fiesta, oh wait, Ann (the redhead wife) is there, who slinks away unseen, there is alcohol, music and dance (Chalupa) and the party is on.

morning arrives with Isabel in the sun, she freaks and hides under a blanket, Jesus laughs thinking this is the craziest hangover he's ever seen, and offers her some food, that she eats under the blanket, hmm, this is good.

Nicholas' people widen their search, one of Ann's slaves finds Miguel and says she wants to see him, she tells him about Isabel, a place she goes to have fun when her husband is gone, but don't tell anyone, and as Miguel leaves the back way, her husband Francisco, spots him, ut oh, and later grabs her by the back of the neck. locking her in her room.

Victoria is feeling better and wishes to see her father, getting the necklace her mother gave her, where is it, Remi tells of Adela taking it, and Victoria crashes into her room, cursing Adela for stealing her things.

Jesus and Gabriel take Isabel to Santa Marta where Jesus' sister Manuela treats her sun damaged skin with aloe vera, and Isabel loves the food, something about at home she was being fed special food without seasoning like salt that you would give to a sick person.

meanwhile Tomas, (this actor is so cool the way he does quiet, cautious, but deliberate) is pacing the dirt in his blacksmith shop all night and into the day, he needs to see Victoria, finally grabbing his toolbox and heading to the house and begs his way in, some work the master wants done, but as he goes upstairs he hears the piano, and goes to the sound, he recognizes the music as a song he wrote for Victoria, the day she became his daughter, oh I wish you were my real parents she says, as they embrace, he has something to say, but not here.

Ann's husband Captain Francisco Granados rounds up the inner circle, which includes the doctor, a guy and his son, he gives them their next target, Miguel.

Miguel tracks Isabel to Santa Marta where Nicholas is searching, and leads them to Jesus and Manuela's place, who spill, catching Gabriel and Isabel alone in a room, Nicholas accuses Gabriel of kidnapping his daughter and trying to abuse her, he must die to preserve her honor, Isabel is not having any of this so Nicholas has Morales cart her off, but not before he is warned not to kill the boy but to turn him in.

Tomas takes Victoria to the stables where he spills her real story, Eden was torched by Morales, who works for... killing her parents, she is the rightful owner, this is quite a bit for her to take in one lump.

Victoria visits her real parents graves, telling Remi the story.

The General takes custody of the boy, but is shaken, later visiting him in his cell, why are you here he asks, you should be at the front line, the boy says, I deserted.

Isabel is delivered to Adela kicking and screaming by Morales, Isabel will have nothing to do with her past life here, and runs inside followed by Adela, Remi and Victoria have watched the whole scene, Remi comments, I haven't seen any one so upset since your first day at the convent.

Nicolas and Miguel leave Santa Marta, Nicholas proud of his son, followed by the inner circle four, eyeing their next kill.

(I'm just doing these from memory so any additions or corrections are welcomed, did anyone catch the alcohol name Isabel was drinking)



they kept replaying the "escalator of doom", where I noticed the escalator was not moving at all, and neither were the people on it, so strange.

ah, so here is doctora Maritza Bustamante.

loved the argument scene with Eva and Armando, and Pablo, and Marlene, and Reynaldo.



The episode opens in the hospital. Eva is waiting to find out how Adriana is. She has Adriana's phone, and it rings. Octavio, Adriana's boss at the pharmacy, starts yelling at her over the phone for not being at work. Eva explains that Adriana is in the hospital. She gives the phone to Camila, and asks her to tell him she'll sub for Adriana. Camila does so.

Rey is talking with Federica about Pablo. Rey feels Pablo has changed and is more distant. Federica suggests that perhaps Pablo is in a bad mood because he and Eva have had a fight. Pablo and Eva? asks Rey. Oh yes, affirms Federica. They love each other, but they're both stubborn and their relationship is at times stormy.

Marlene and Armando discuss the problems caused by the competition from Soler e Hijas. Armando agrees with her that they have to lower prices and do whatever else is needed to show Eva who's who. Marlene is delighted that Armando agrees with her. She leaves, and Armando thinks to himself: "You're going to have to thank me, Eva. You're going to have a lot more business."

Andy/Antonio calls Camila at the pharmacy. He wants to get together. She says she'd love to, but she has to fill in for her friend Adriana, who is in the hospital. She had a fall and lost her baby. Andy is stunned. He mumbles something about getting together another day and hangs up. He's very upset, apparently at himself for screwing things up again. He hits himself on the head, yelling ¡Maldito, Maldito, por tu culpa!

Back at the hospital, Eva, Federica, Rey, and Virginia wait to hear from the doctor about Adri. The doctor appears and tells Eva that Adriana is weak from the loss of blood, but she wants to see you. Eva enters Adri's room and asks how she is. Adri immediately responds, "I didn't want this to happen. I wanted the baby, I swear." [ She apparently really means it, but I confess to thinking "Methinks the lady doth protest too much," a thought I kept having throughout the episode.] The scene continues, with Eva being wise, loving, and supportive and Adri insisting that she wanted the baby and that God is punishing her for not wanting it at first. She also blames herself for having taken drugs that caused much harm to the baby. Eva tells her to stop feeling guilty. The drugs were Andy's fault, not hers. Moreover, Eva goes on to point out, many women who are young and healthy nonetheless have babies that don't make it, and many women who are young and healthy can't have babies.

Eva comes back to the waiting area, and Federica asks how Adri is doing. "Very badly," replies Eva. "She's emotionally devastated, but she'll come through it and move ahead, she's strong." Federica observes, "she comes by it naturally, like mother like daughter" (Lo que se herede no se hurta [Literally, that which is inherited isn't stolen]).

The scene shifts from the hospital back to the pharmacy. A guy who introduces himself to Camila as Ramon Estevez comes in with a large shipment of stuff for Octavio. Octavio tells him he was expecting this delivery and has a check for him. "And the other?" the guy asks. At this point, Octavio gives Camila an inventory task to do. He then bawls out Estevez for doing his business in front of everyone. Estevez tells him he's $300 short, and Camila notes that Octavio makes this payment in cash. When Estevez leaves, Camila whips out her phone and takes a photo of Estevez' license plate.


Cinthia asks Luis about Soraya. "Does she remember everything?" (¿Se acordó de todo todo?). Luis asks what she means by "todo todo." Cinthia clarifies: "Does she remember all the details of the accident?" Luis finds her question insensitive and leaves. Cinthia then assures Robert that Soraya doesn't remember the details. Robert is pleased at this good news. "Let's hope that Soraya stays that way," he says, "crying and not opening her mouth."

Soraya is lying in bed. Esteban brings her a tray containing food and a rose. He explains that he made the food himself from a recipe he found on the Internet, and the rose is to remind her of the beautiful things of life. [Wow!] Soraya thanks him but tells him she's not hungry. She asks him to get the bottle of pills in her pocketbook. She has a bad headache, and the doctor prescribed these pills. He gives them to her. She takes one or two with water that he gives her, and then she tells him she just wants to sleep for a hundred years, and she wants no one to bother her. [My Imagination of Disaster immediately goes on high alert.]

Fabi and Bertha are alone in the house. Fabi asks Bertha why Adri is in the hospital. Bertha tells her Adri has a pain in her belly. In the belly of the baby? Fabi asks. Armando comes to the house, and Fabi tells him that Adri is in the hospital with a pain in her belly. Armando is stunned and asks Bertha whether Adri has lost the baby. Fabi says that she doesn't want to be locked up again, and she doesn't want her mother to be locked up, either. Armando swears to her that neither she nor her mother nor her sister will be locked up ever again, and that he will never again do harm to any of them. He adores them.

Armando goes to the hospital. Eva suggests that he go to see Adri. He does, and not surprisingly he tells her that this is all for the good, and that she doesn't want to have a baby with that good-for-nothing scoundrel (sinvergüenza). Also not surprisingly, Adri chews him out. She tells him that she wanted the baby, and that Armando is the same boor (patán) as always. Armando's sensitive twin then appears and manages to undo some of the damage by telling Adri that he knows how she feels about the baby because he remembers how ecstatic he was when she was born and he held her for the first time. He asks her to forgive him, and they embrace.

Marlene has been repeatedly trying to call Armando, without success. Finally she reaches him. Where are you? she asks. If you're so eager to know, why don't you hire a private detective? he replies. He then tells her that he's at the hospital, that Adriana has had a fall and has lost the baby. Marlene responds, " And Eva is there, right?" He hangs up on her. She tries unsuccessfully to call him back; she leaves a message saying that it matters very little to her that Adri has lost the baby. Noemi and Celeste overhear her say this.

Pablo and Betty arrive at The Only Hospital in Los Angeles for Betty's weekly checkup just as Federica, Rey, and Virginia are leaving. Pablo asks why they are there, and Federica tells him about Adriana. He of course thinks about how Eva must be feeling. The three of them leave, and Betty is furious. First, because he didn't even introduce her to them, and second (or perhaps first) because all he can think of is Eva, Eva, Eva. Betty tells him to go comfort Eva. Pablo says he promised to come with Betty, but if she continues like this, he'll leave and give her money to take a taxi. Betty calms down and asks him not to go. [For once, I'm actually slightly sympathetic toward Betty.]


Meanwhile, Noemi tells Esteban that Adri has lost the baby. Esteban immediately goes to the Monteverdes' to find Luis. Cinthia tries to get him to give her a message, but he insists on speaking directly to Luis. Luis appears, and Esteban tells him. Cinthia insists that Luis should have nothing to do with Adriana, but Luis contradicts her and goes off to find out which hospital Adri is in [he apparently doesn't know that there's only one, TOHILA].

Meanwhile, at TOHILA, Betty is getting some bad news. Her baby is fine, but she is not. Pre-eclampsia is threatening both her life and the life of her baby. The doctor recommends that Betty not carry the baby to term but rather have an induced birth and let the baby develop the rest of the way in an incubator. These days, the procedure is safe and is the best way to avoid very serious risks. The doctor introduces Betty and Pablo to a young and cheery neonatal specialist who tells them they make a lovely married couple. Pablo feels compelled to correct her: we're not married, we're...friends. The two doctors confer again by themselves, and the first doctor says that the most recent test done that day shows too many toxins in Betty's blood. There are apparently very serious kidney problems.

Luis arrives at TOHILA to see Adri. He asks how she is. She replies that she's not well, but that he must be happy that she has lost the baby. "You're happy that the baby has died. You wanted this to happen." Luis tries to tell her that that's not so, and that he loves her, but she calls him a hypocrite. She assures him that even though her baby is dead, nothing will ever happen between them.

Elsewhere at TOHILA, Armando is once again telling Eva that he wants them to get back together and be the family they were before. Eva is annoyed and incredulous. "Leave me in peace!" she yells at him. "Leave her in peace!" echos Pablo, who arrives by Eva's side. The two alpha males hurl insults at one another, with Eva in the middle trying to keep them apart and put an end to the verbal fight. At one point, Eva says to Armando that she's had to tell him many times....Oops, Marlene the Omnipresent suddenly makes her magical entrance and asks Eva what it is that she has to tell Armando so many times. Now Rey too appears, asking what's going on and telling them that he could hear them yelling even from the parking lot. Finally, Armando and Marlene leave, and Eva suddenly hears Adriana calling for her, so she too leaves.

Eva comes into Adriana's room to find Adriana demanding that Luis leave. Eva asks him much more softly to do so, and he does. Alas, no sooner does he leave than he gets a phone call from Esteban asking him to come at once. Earlier, Soraya had taken some pills for a headache, and now Esteban found Soraya in bed and unresponsive. [Score one for my Imagination of Disaster.]

When they're alone, Rey asks to speak to Pablo for just a minute. He asks whether Pablo is in love with Eva. Pablo says yes, and so what? I just wanted to confirm that with you, Rey says. Pablo says he saw Rey with Eva [which is true--he saw them talking on the porch]. Rey is puzzled. He tells Pablo he only very recently met her. Pablo again says "I saw you with her," and he accuses Rey of hovering around Eva. Rey tries to explain, but Pablo is sure he won't like Rey's explanation. He tells Rey "Eva es mi mujer," and "even though at the moment we're technically separated, she continues to be my woman." Rey tells him that this is something he plans to ask Eva about. "If she confirms that that's the case, I'll respect that." "Do what you want" (Haz lo que te de la gana), Pablo replies, and leaves. And thus ends this rather frustrating episode.


I just noticed that I left out something I had meant to include. Pablo tells the doctor that the baby will be named Cecilia, after his mother. Betty looks at him with what is either a puzzled or surprised or unhappy look, or perhaps all three. This doesn't seem to have been a decision they made together.

Also, I will not be able to do any recaps for the next two weeks. I'll be away for part of the time, and when I return I've got tickets for the four operas of Wagner's Ring cycle, all of which occur as soon as I'm back. I'm hoping to resume recaps two weeks from yesterday, Tuesday, May 24.


wow thanks so much Juanita!

you did a wonderful job of getting all the confrontations.

oh, after Eva got Adri calmed down she asked her how it happened, and Adri responded that she fell, it was all her fault, darn I was hoping for an Andy beat down.


Eva. Excellent recap, Juanita, and I'm so sorry you wont't be doing one for a couple of weeks! A very eventful episode! For the life of me, I can't figure out why Adriana won't tell anyone that she fell down the escalator because Andy was chasing her. That certainly wasn't her fault, and someone might finally do something about that sociopath. If Luis had inherited Pancho's brains, he would be highly suspicious of Cinthia's asking whether Soraya remembers everything about the accident. Camila (like Adri) is an excellent detective. It's pretty obvious that the writers are preparing us for Betty's probable death (but occasionally they confound our expectations), and the pretty young doctor may very easily become an alternative love interest for Pablo. In something closer to real life, Reynaldo and Eva might end up as a couple and Pablo and the young doctor.

Thank you Juanita A very frustrating episode indeed, but I'm so hooked, it's all good.

I love how you handled all the confrontations, especially: 'but I confess to thinking "Methinks the lady doth protest too much," a thought I kept having throughout the episode.' Y á mi tambien! Especially at the end when she used it to push Bobby away. I think she wants to sulk & feel sorry. And then, of course, she neglects to tell the truth about the accident, so Andy is off the hook. Why?

Luís "goes off to find out which hospital Adri is in [he apparently doesn't know that there's only one" Yes!! I cracked up over this. Which hospital? Whaddya mean? This is Los Angeles!

Have a safe trip. We'll miss your stellar reporting, but am I ever jealous you're going to see a complete Ring Cycle!!



Juanita, that was a terrific and witty recap. So many good lines! Loved “Imagination of Disaster on High Alert”. I envisioned Viewerville’s Living Rooms with a red light bulb flashing in the corner. We veterans can see an impending crisis a mile off!

Is it remotely possible that Andy the Asqueroso actually felt badly that his child died? Or was he just mad for having lost the weapon against Eva?

I wasn’t feeling the amount of sympathy I should have felt for Adriana last night. Sure, she was fulfilling the #1 rule of telenovela pregnancy, anguish when there’s a miscarriage. But her tirade against Luis was unnecessary. Plus, why in blue blazes didn’t she tell either her mother or her father about being chased through the streets by AA?

Marlene just doesn’t disappoint, does she? She keeps showing up where she isn’t wanted. She showed up at Pancho’s funeral when Armando explicitly told her to stay home. And she comes to the hospital to make a jealous scene.

I was expecting to see the classic open pill bottle showing that Soraya took all of them. So this failure to wake up is mysterious. I’m sure she’ll survive. But just like Adriana coming home bleeding profusely instead of going to the hospital, why didn’t Esteban call 911 instead asking Luis to come there, probably through rush-hour LA traffic to do something about his unconscious mother?

Sounds like they’re setting the stage for Betty to die and have Pablo and Eva raise the little girl.

I wasn’t best pleased with Pablo last night either. He’s exhibiting classic telenovela protagonist jealousy, but he’s way off base being mad at Rey. He shouldn’t have been spying on Eva in the first place. He has picked up on the guy’s interest, but Rey is a good guy and I don’t like the way he talked to him. He can chew out Armando all he wants. Eva keeps asking Armando if he’s forgotten everything he did to her and that he’s married to someone else. He doesn’t have an answer for that, but keeps it up.

Esclava: Thank you. I wonder why Adela and Nicolas are faking Isabelita's illness? I don't think she is really sick. I wonder where this is going. Of course, the truth will change everything for Victoria. Both father and son are in love with Victoria, if Nic can love that is or is it lust? He disgusts me.

Eva. I'm in favor of cutting Adriana a little slack regarding the miscarriage. When my oldest daughter and her husband were first trying to have children she suffered a very early miscarriage--so early that in my day a woman wouldn't even have known for sure that she was pregnant. Despite that, she felt absolutely terrible, and she still only mentions it with sadness, even though if that child had gone to term, she wouldn't have the wonderful oldest child she has now (he's just finishing elementary school and loves math, science and video games, just like his dad, and is great at track). I think some of the upset when a woman miscarries, no matter how early, no matter how many problems the fetus had, are because her hormones are all out of whack--kind of like some of the causes of post-partum depression.


Wow, deb, you did that amazing recap from memory? It was fantastic! ¡Muchísimas gracias!

Eva. And as others have mentioned, in Adriana's case, the situation is complicated by her guilt over the drug use and over taking up with Andy in the first place.


Many thanks, deb, SpanProf, LXV, and novelera, for your very heartening responses to the recap and your insightful comments. It looks as though several of us were puzzled and frustrated by Adriana's strange account of her accident. I too have no idea why she didn't say more about Andy's role.

Yes, it does indeed look as if the writers are preparing us for Betty to die but her baby to survive.

Novelera, like you, I did not feel very sympathetic last night to either Adri or Pablo. I was somewhat reluctant to criticize Adri given her situation, but still, I found her increasingly hard to take. I kept thinking ¡Ya basta!. Still, I do appreciate SpanProf's point about the toll a miscarriage can take.

I asked myself the same question you asked, novelera, about Andy's response to Adri's miscarriage. I decided that he seemed more angry and annoyed than sad, so I think he's upset about screwing things up and losing the leverage he and Marlene had, not sad for Adri nor for his never-to-be-born child.


Romy- even Manuela said Isabela had very sensitive skin so I think she was taken to be sickly, but then there is this native cure for that.

Juanita- thanks, I've been doing all these from memory, it's easier, this show is completely different from Eva where most of the content is in the discussions.

ok, a little more.

Virginia and Miguel were working on plan B, but now knowing she is the lawful heir to Eden, changes things and she was off to see Miguel about a new plan.

the only people that know right now she is Victoria Quintero ?? are Tomas, Milagros (if she remembers because Lorenza wouldn't talk about Victoria's past in order to protect her), Victoria, and Remi.

people who would know who she was if she disclosed herself would be Morales, and the Priest, everyone else believes she died in the fire, (except Nicholas that thinks Morales killed her at the Palenque)

I think I got that right.


Eva. And I definitely agree that Pablo is overdoing it!

Eva la trailera... epi 73, wednesday
part 1

Betty is finishing her tests at the hospital as Pablo returns, did you see her (Eva) she demands,,, as the doctor brings her a wheel chair, but I'm fine Betty insists, to no avail.

Armando and Marlene arrive home, and she is running her broken record on him, are you cheating on me, with our enemies, you just don't get it, Armando says, you can't just erase 20 years of my life.

Soraya is awake, I guess it was the pills, she still doesn't want to eat but she promises Luis no more pills, she's just tired, Luis tells Esteban, we'll take turns watching her.

the doctors talk about Betty, does she have a shot at surviving childbirth?

at Pablo's, Diego says he doesn't like Betty but he doesn't like that she is sick, he'll help, Pablo takes Betty her dinner on a tray, she rants how she doesn't like being this way, etc, etc, Pablo reminds her it's just temporary until the baby is born, our baby she corrects him, our daughter who will bring us back together.

Adri is whining about what a perfect family they were, what went wrong she asks Eva, ya, ya, which leads on to Eva saying she doesn't hate Armando, sometimes even thinks well of him, but it's about justice, your father hurt a lot of people, I'm sure he was involved with Carmen and Sofia's deaths.

Armando and Gusano are in a restaurant chatting, Armando lamenting the loss of his family, ya, ya, Gusano adds, you kicked her out of the business, her house, took away her daughters, a toxic love, no, no, I'm giving it all back to her, Armando says.

Eva sends for Vivi, the "family" therapist, and leaves her with Adri, but I don't need a psychiatrist, Adri protests, Vivi says to think of her as a friend, and they talk, it wasn't an accident Adri admits, I was being chased by my ex-boyfriend, ah but you have to tell your mother, no, no Adri protests, you know how she is, and my fathers worse, he would kill Andy, so Vivi agrees to keep her secret, but you must come see me when you are released and you must go to the police to get a restraining order against him.

as Eva waits, Rey (who I find creepy) has returned to (stalk) get to know Eva better, and ask her about Pablo (I don't suppose the writers could have all these people meeting at places like a circus or something so we could have something interesting to watch while they chat) at first she doesn't want to talk but then does, etc, etc, Pablo is the love of her life but he has too much baggage, and she's not looking for romance, just peace of mind, now it's Rey's turn, you have a house full of convicts, 2 daughters and a housekeeper, starting a business, peace of mind? yes, Eva adds, getting justice, we have the same enemies Rey points out, so they could be friends, amigos but that's all, Eva says.

Gusano wants to go to the girly bar rather than listen to Armando, the girls are nice to him, that's because I pay them Armando says, and driving home Armando makes him stop, at a church, where he goes in to pray (something new for Armando), Gusano waits at the door, and in his talk with God he lays out how he married a demon, is an accomplice to drug trafficking and murder, but if God will help him get his family back he'll do anything, even go to prison.

back on the road, Armando is now ready for the girly bar, Gusano is happy.


Eva la trailera... epi 73, wednesday
part 2

Rey brings Eva some coffee (are those cups always empty or am I bored enough to notice) as Vivi is finished with Adri, Eva introduces her to Rey, praising her, then asks about Adri, she is a Soler all I will have to do is give her a little push and she will fly,

as Vivi leaves, Rey comments on he sees how Eva works, how she gets everyone eating out of her hand, what?, and that he ought to leave too before he is eating out of her hand

Luis brings Soraya some food, but she is not there, he finds her by the pool, she was pondering how easy it would be to let the water in so she could find peace, no she doesn't want to die she just wants to be with Pablo, and what about me Luis asks, you'd leave me all alone, an orphan again.

Gusano brings Armando home, drunk, to Marlene's displeasure, smelling of cheap women and booze, cheap women are affectionate, Armando says, you are like a porcupine, and besides, we didn't do anything,
the girls did all the work.

a fuming Marlene has Gusano get Armando upstairs, then interrogates him, tell me everything, where did you go, aaa,,,, we went to church, Gusano says, so Armando could pray, he's never gone to church, Marlene comments, what did he say, that was between him and God, Gusano replies.

Adri is being released when Luis shows up, no, he came to see Eva about Soraya.

Andy tells Marlene, yes I'll get the info you want and hangs up as there is a knock at the door, in walks smiling Camila, he has prepared dinner for her, and afterwards, he is being honest with her (as if he ever could) when he first saw her he wanted to make love to her, but he sees she is not that kind of girl as he is moving in for a kiss.

Rey stops by the Contreras office, Pablo tells him he'll take the case, why? for Federica, so she can get back what belongs to her, and then they each state their case with Eva, Rey likes her, she's the love of Pablo's life.

Eva shows up in Sorayas bedroom with the things the girls have rounded up for her, drain cleaner, bleach, sleeping pills, various poisons, a gun, Soraya's like what the, as a friend that loves you I've come to help, Eva says, then rants on about Pablo, who went out and founded an empire, who could have any woman he wanted but came back and found you, and devoted his life to making you happy, etc, etc,

Soraya's teary eyes are big as half dollars,

ah, but the big red truck comes flying down the highway blowing it's horn,
shows over.


Great work deb! They are really digging Betty's grave aren't they? That last snippy comment from her about the baby that would bring them together had me reaching through the TV screen to wring her neck. I'm with you about creepy Rey. He seems too calculating. And that business of stepping aside, I don't buy it. And now that Camila is in the lion's den, what Andy got prepared for her? I don't think he'll let her get away so easily this time, now that he's had a chance to prepare. Do we have any clue as to why Adri is concealing the facts of her fall from the people who count and might make a difference?


Magnificent recap, deb! I loved your "she is running her broken record on him" and "ya ya". Actually, that applies to the vast majority of things said by everyone in the episode. So your wonderful recap could, alternatively, simply read as follows:

s/he is running her/his broken record on him/her
ya ya
ah, but the big red truck comes flying down the highway blowing it's horn,
shows over.

Actually, there were two statements I'd include even in the "abridged" version:
The psychiatrist's suggestion about a restraining order, and Luis' poignant plea about being left an orphan again.

Anyway, I loved your recap. Many thanks!

Eva. Excellent recap, deb! I especially liked your remark about how the writers should have character meet at a circus instead of a hospital waiting room. Of course, what goes on between them is sometimes like a circus! We find out that Adri hasn't told her parents about chasing her because one of them would kill him. What would be wrong with that. :) When Rey says that now he knows how Eva gets people to eat of her hand, he's really talking about her talent to inspire loyalty--it's the secret of both her business and personal success--true leadership! Soraya evidently only took twice as many pills as she should have, so it COULD have been a accident. I thought it was great how Eva is using tough love with Soraya. Basically, she's saying: Either kill yourself once and for all or stop torturing your friends and family who think you might commit suicide and have to watch you constantly.

Eva. Andy's chasing her, that is.


thanks guys!

Betty's conversations always start out with a lot of promise (I don't like being this way) and always ends with no hope.

LXV- I guess I didn't make that very clear, but Adri is afraid her parents will flip out and maybe even kill Andy, causing even more problems.

Juanita- didn't Armando at one time say he was going to get a restraining order against Andy, and what ever happened to the divorce?

SpanProf- that part of Soraya taking twice as many pills must have been clipped off by the commercials, thanks for adding it, and where Rey was talking about people eating out of Eva's hand sounds better with loyalty, maybe it was the english captions that made it seem weird, I'm just not getting any sincerity from this guy, just a lot of pent up anger where he is ready to take down the world, and the superficial (high society) way Federica does things isn't helping.


Deb: Adri still hasn't told her parents about Andy pushing her down the escalators ?

What is she waiting for ?


Thanks so much, deb. I loved your sarcasm in the recap. I’m mostly enjoying the novela, but these characters do make you want to scream sometimes. (are those cups always empty or am I bored enough to notice) – good one. There is kind of a lag in the drama here. Adriana is a big bore. Watching Andy court Camila is like watching a snake stalking a mouse. And Eva keeps saying Pablo is un imposible. Sigh

I don’t think Rey is such a bad guy. He’s just stuck with the telenovela convention that there must be more than one guy after the female protagonist. Armando, having helped kill her niece and her sister and complicit in her being sent to prison, is out as a candidate. So they called on Rey. I would suspect that that was written in on the fly. I guess he is stalkerish, but other guys in TNs usually are.

Andy didn’t fix dinner; he fixed breakfast. I’m sure that was a ploy to allay her suspicions. He knows this is going to be a hard fish to reel in, so fixing her dinner might sound too much like dinner and sex. And then he goes all sincere on her about how much he respects her and wants to take it slow. Gah! I don’t like this part of the novela and want Adri to see them together tout suite.

Armando told Marlene that his 20 years with Eva were the best years of his life. He’s really rubbing salt in her wounds lately.


we learn Gabriel has been away for 10 years and was put in prison without a trial by his dad the General

Victoria apologizes to Adela and offers to help with Isabelita who Adela thinks is insane.

Victoria makes friends with Isabel, by saying she will be honest with her, not like her father or grandmother, and the hint she will be sent to a convent, they rip down the black curtains together, Adela comes in and tries to close the shutters and a fuss ensues, bringing Nicholas, he calls for a family meeting, adults only, but Isabel listens.

later, Victoria tells Remi she has a new plan, destroy the family from the inside, Remi isn't liking this, it's revenge, Victoria will reclaim what is hers, destroy the family and free ALL the slaves.

when the doctor examines Isabel, she was wearing some sort of harness with chains that went down to her legs, holding her knees up, and he was looking around under her skirt with a lantern, Isabel looks totally humiliated, the doctor reports back to Nicholas that her flower is still intact.

Nicholas rounds up the slaves to make an announcement, introduces Isabel as his heir, their new owner, and that Miguel will be the foreman, Morales his right hand man.

Alonso gets his brother Gabriel out of prison, promises him a job.

Victoria and Nicholas end the day with a glass of rum and a chat, interesting how Nicholas justifies everything he does.

Remi is not liking the new Victoria, she is not the only one who lost, Victoria tells her to go back to Spain, she will not like what Victoria will do.

Isabel cleans up her room, getting rid of her childish things, tells her father to let Gabriel go, and when he starts to protest, closes the door.

with Nicholas' blessing the slaves party, Trinadad wants to carry on with the cause, Miguel says he needs to keep the trust of the owners, later Tomas, Milagros and Miguel discuss their plans (not knowing Victoria's), they will wait till Victoria takes them away, but Miguel wants to stay, he's in a position to help the others.

later Morales, who has been drinking, busts in on Miguel who was asleep, telling him, you are Nicholas' bastard from a slave he used as he wished.

Next day, Remi tells Victoria she is staying, Miguel is sent to a distant plantation to break some horses, he will no longer be Victoria's carriage driver, and Victoria goes to confession, where she quizzes the priest on the former owners of Eden.

and along the way Miguel is ambushed, by the doctors son (one of the inner circle four) the shot misses ?? but knocks Miguel off his horse, and a wild footrace through the woods is on, where Miguel gets the jump on him from a tree, but the son (Jaime López ??) gets free with his gun, and rubs in that he was the one that killed Rosa, Miguel charges, the gun is fired, but Miguel gets him down, smashing his hand with a rock, then his face, and runs into the woods...


Eva. novelera: Great comments! Though if anyone ever deserved to have salt rubbed in her wounds it's evil Marlene or Marlacula. :)

Eva. Maybe a stake driven through her heart? Wonder if that's what will happen to her in the end--maybe a car or the wind drives a stake or something else that somewhat resembles a stake through her heart.


SpanProf. I like the stake through the heart concept. But I'm still wishing her to get life in prison and regular beatdowns by, say, Rebeca. She needs about 40 more years of suffering to make up for all she's done.


Another wonderful recap, deb, for which I'm most grateful. I'm having a lot more trouble understanding the dialogue in this novela, and so I'm especially thankful to have your recaps. Since I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, I won't be able to comment for several days, but please know that the recaps will be all the more needed and appreciated.


I'd usually go for SpanProf's stake through the heart, but this time I agree with you, novelera, I want Marlene to SUFFER for years and years.

Eva. novelera and Juanita: :)

General. And btw, Juanita, have a great trip!


I forgot to wish you a wonderful vacation, Juanita. And The Ring! I only ever saw Die Walküre at San Francisco Opera. It was terrific!


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