Saturday, May 07, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #71, 5/6/16: Watching The People Get Lairy Is Not Very Pretty I Tell Thee!

What do you mean there are only 9 episodes left?
At a glance

-- Isabel was abducted by a mysterious woman, who turns out to be Diego's mother. No way! Yes way!
-- A calcined corpse shows up in San Cristóbal and is believed to Belén's. You don't say! Oh, I say!

A closer look

After the hullabaloo of Diego’s rampage and Isabel’s abduction, Ayala instructs his men to take the injured Julio away. Diego comes to and asks about Isabel. Ayala informs him that his wife has been kidnapped. How could this happen if Diego himself shot his wife’s lover in the leg? Ayala denies that anybody got shot. No blood, no witnesses, no case. Diego flips out and threatens to denounce Isabel for adultery. 

Ángela urges Teresa to help free Andrés. After all, he carries the family name and is her children’s brother. Half-brother, corrects Teresa. Andrés is the result of a moment of lust (lujuria) by her late husband. A moment of lust that lasted 25 years, retorts Angela. I find it unfathomable that these two seemingly intelligent women had a lifelong pissing contest over a petty and despicable man, who deserves to be poisoned a hundred times over! Ángela reminds Teresa that the knife was planted in Andrés’s room, the same way it happened with Felipe before. Teresa agrees to call her lawyer when Sofía interrupts: Something bad happened to Isabel and Diego has lost his marbles! Teresa’s priorities change and she rushes to her daughter’s suite. 

The news spread below stairs too. A clearly-shaken Jacinto informs his father and the staff that Isabel was abducted near the train station and that Don Diego has gone barmy. Lupe worries his son is involved in something ugly at Diego’s behest. What does his boss make him do? Assignments (encargos), that’s what. Lupe wants his son to trust him. He can help, really. The pissy ungrateful brat orders his father to go check the beans he left on the stove. Seriously, someone needs to knock some sense into this boy’s head with a large spiky mallet!

Ayala informs Teresa and Sofía that Isabel has been abducted. Teresa panics, she demands that every house in the village be searched and yells at Diego for his passiveness. Isn’t he Isabel’s husband? Shouldn’t he do something? Diego says that Isabel deserves what happened to her. What was she doing at the train station? And more importantly, who was she with? Mother Terror gets into Mama Bear mode. She is ready to lunge at Diego and tear him a new one but Sofía restrains her. Ayala momentarily diffuses the tension by asking Diego to have his head wound cleaned to avoid an infection. Teresa asks Ayala if the police have a suspect or if the kidnappers requested a ransom. No, but the detective promises to exert every effort to locate her daughter. 

At the comisaría, Dagoberto and Cipriano extract the bullet lodged in Julio’s leg. Andrés hears Julio’s cries of pain and yells for his best friend. Coincidence has it that Jorge’s band of brothers are in the next cell. They howl and mock Andrés for his constant crying and whinging. 

Back at the hotel, Dr. Vicario examines Diego’s wound and asks Teresa to get him alcohol from the bathroom. Teresa sees the blood on the bed sheets and bathroom floor. She howls with pain: “What did you do to my daughter?”, as she bangs her bony little fists on Diego’s chest. He informs her that she sold him a prostitute! Her daughter has a lover and everything that happened to her in this room was well-deserved! Teresa vows to make him pay for every vile act he committed in his life. He assures her that the two of them will burn in hell side by side. Teresa asks Dr. Vicario to take her back to her room. “Oh my God! What did I do? What did I do?”, she cries on her way out. 

Ayala informs Matilde that Isabel was kidnapped and Julio was shot. Julio is at the comisaría and he needs Matilde’s help. “Detective, is Isabel going to be alright?” Ayala replies that he doesn’t know. 

Felipe wakes up in his room and wonders if he is dead. Sofía has been watching over him. He wonders who brought him back to the hotel. Is it Jorge? No, says Sofía, it was a woman on her horse. Felipe was unconscious and in bad shape. He should consider himself lucky to be alive. Eusebio had to drag his wife away kicking and screaming because she was adamant to take her revenge on Felipe. Sofía goes down to the kitchen to get her brother something to eat and as soon as she leaves the room, Felipe makes little hops to the bathroom. This boy loves trouble like a fly loves a pile of hot steaming manure. 

Teresa is in her room with Dr. Vicario. She is inconsolable: “That monster was right. I will burn in hell with him!”. Dr. Vicario tries to comfort her but she sobs uncontrollably: “Mi niña, I sold her like merchandise to that beast!” Dr. Vicario believes that parents can’t live the lives of their children; they can’t protect them forever. There comes a time when the children make their own decisions and Isabel’s decision to marry Diego was hers and hers alone. “What do you mean? That what happened to Isabel was her own fault?”, asks Teresa. No, of course not. That’s not what the Doc meant. Teresa continues bawling her eyes out and calling out for her poor niña

Felipe goes looking for Julio and finds Ayala instead. He learns that Julio is at the comisaría and asks to accompany Ayala and Matilde to see him. Ayala refuses at first because the youngest Alarcón is a trouble-magnet, but he acquiesces given Felipe’s insistence. 

At the comisaría, Felipe asks Julio what happened to Isabel. He knows that they were planning to run away together and he doesn’t care. They love each other and that’s fine by him. However, he needs more information because he knows people (Jorge/Manuela) who can help his sister. Julio is delirious from the fever, all he manages to say is that Diego hurt Isabel. Meanwhile, Matilde tells Ayala that she wants to lodge a complaint against Diego for raping his wife. Ayala doesn’t think this is possible. There need to be evidence of “male fluids” in the alleged victim to prove a case of rape. Other pieces of evidence that can be admitted are skin tears (desgarraduras) and/or proof that the victim cried for help and intended to defend herself. Moreover, Diego accused his wife of adultery and Isabel is abducted, so there isn’t much that can be done. Isabel is not around to prove her rape while Diego’s accusation can actually land her in jail for two years. Ayala apologizes to Matilde but he can’t do much in this regard. This is the law. “A law written by men”, says a disgusted Matilde. 

Felipe visits the cell of the Arenas brothers. He wants to know where Jorge/Manuela is. The guys blame him for their unenviable situation: They are stuck in this pigsty (pocilga) because of him. Felipe threatens to rat them out (delatar) if they don’t tell him where Jorge is. They point him to a nearby ranch called La Malquerida

Back at the Gran Manicomio, Cecilia is going berserk because Julio disappeared and she is almost certain he ran away with Isabel. 

Isabel wakes up in a dark place that looks like a deserted chapel. She is lying on a makeshift bed with her hands and feet tied. An unseen woman plants an anaesthetic mask on Isabel’s face and puts her back to sleep. 

The next morning, Sofía overlooks the preparations of the centennial festivities at the hotel but her heart is not in it. 

Ayala and Dagoberto interview two witnesses of Isabel’s abduction. The witnesses saw a tough guy (fortachón) with a middle-aged woman that they’ve never seen in the area before. 

Isabel comes to again. Just long enough to spot a framed photo of Diego with a woman. The mysterious woman puts her back to sleep again. 

Teresa goes looking for Diego in his room and encounters him drunk as as skunk. She demands that he help her find Isabel. He mocks her sudden maternal interest in her daughter when she was the one who sold her to him to keep her hands on this pigsty, this dungeon (calabozo) filled with lies and death! Teresa sold him Isabel like a precious jewel when she is, in fact, an adulterous whore! Did Teresa know that Isabel wasn’t even a virgin when she married him? Oh, and he told Isabel the whole truth about her father: The honorable Don Rómulo Alarcón tried to assassinate his wife! Diego threatens to contact each one of Rómulo’s creditors (acreedores) to inform them that Teresa is a thief just like her husband! A thief with delusions of grandeur (ínfulas de grandeza)! Diego will then happily sit on the front steps of the hotel and relish the spectacle of these scavengers (carroñeros) arriving, one after the other, to collect what they owe! Diego leaves Teresa totally speechless, which is an incredible feat in and of itself. 

One of the scavengers, Olegario Alarcón, is roaming around Judge Barreda. He seeks access to his 5,000 hectares of land. How would the judge feel if they encounter a little puddle (charquito) of petroleum under his lands? Judge Barreda is interested to meet Olegario’s gringo partners. Olegario agrees, in English: You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours! Ignacio is disgusted that his father is prepared to destroy the family of his own brother. Olegario thinks that his brother’s family is auto-destructing without any external help. Ignacio isn’t prepared to abandon his cousins. As a lawyer by profession, he will offer his services to Andrés. 

At the hotel’s service patio, Ángela can’t concentrate on work with all the problems that surround her. Lupe offers to cover for her so she can go see Andrés. She thanks him: “I don’t know what the world would be like without you, Lupe!” Just as she leaves, Julio hobbles in with Matilde’s help. The runteldat hoes see him and they run to tell Cecilia. 

Jacinto tries to open Diego’s safe. He hears someone approaching the office door and ducks behind the sofa. It’s Diego. He receives a phone call from Isabel’s kidnapper. He knows this person and pleads with them not to hurt his wife. He agrees to go to the rendez-vous, alone and without notifying anyone else. 

Ayala and Dagoberto interview more witnesses about Isabel’s abduction. They learn that the mysterious lady had her own automobile and that there is a weird man from Veracruz, staying at Melibea’s cantina, who might know more about her.

Jacinto bullies Mateo, the receptionist, into telling him where Diego’s phone call originated. The call came from Río Hondo. 

Julio is in his room. Cecilia pleads with him to run away to a secure place and continue looking for his little princess from there. Staying in the hotel is too dangerous. Diego is a sadist and neither Jacinto nor Dr. Vicario will hesitate to spill the beans if they are faced with the barrel of Diego’s gun. Julio wants to know what Lauro Prida (Mimí Peralta’s husband) told Cecilia when she showed him the photo he gave her. Lauro said that the blood-stained cape belonged to Diego, and not to Rómulo, as they initially thought. After speaking with Olegario, who belonged to the same masonic lodge, she discovered that it was Rómulo who threatened Diego, not the other way around. Julio doesn’t want Cecilia to expose herself to risk for his sake, yet he has no qualms about sending her out to pump dangerous guys for information. “Do you mean Diego killed Rómulo in self-defense?”, he asks. “What I’m saying is that these people are dangerous! These are political crimes that intent to protect wealth and power! I can’t carry on looking after you!” Julio says he doesn’t need Cecilia to look after him, yet, in the same breath, he asks her to help him get to the comisaría, because she is his friend. “You’ve just told me the worst thing that a man can say to a woman who is in love with him!”, sighs the lovelorn madam. 

The weird man from Veracruz tells Ayala and Dagoberto that the mysterious woman arrived on a boat from South America. Before they can start investigating the matter, Cipriano brings bad news: The corpse of a woman was discovered in a ravine! 

Diego intercepts Cecilia outside her room. He rubs up against her in the most nauseating manner and recounts how his wife, the little delicate child who can’t satisfy a man, couldn’t stand the rape and the beating he inflicted on her. She nearly fainted from the first hit and, afterwards, she hid in the bathroom like a scared little mouse. For a second, he felt sorry for Isabel but, the truth of the matter is, she bores him. Cecilia, on the other hand, proved to be a real woman who can carry the weight of a man. He will be visiting her tonight. After Diego leaves, an enraged Cecilia mutters: “I will kill you! I swear I will kill you!” Please do it! Both humanity and the animal kingdom will be eternally grateful. 

Felipe finds Manuela. She starts shooting at him but he doesn’t care. She can even kill him if she wants to. Before knowing her, he thought he was free and fearless but that wasn’t true. He wasn’t free, he was selfish; and he wasn’t fearless, he was afraid of feeling anything real. That’s until the day he met Jorge/Manuela. She is so alive and she makes him want to feel alive. She once told him she’ll teach him how to be a man, well, he is ready. Manuela gives him lesson n°1: A hard punch to the mouth! This is to teach Felipe never to lay a hand on her again unless she asks him to. She licks the blood trickling from his lip and gives him a toe-curling kiss. They’re too hot! Hot damn! Make a dragon wanna retire, man! 

Cecilia had her chauffeur bring her car out back to take Julio to the comisaría, like he asked. He tries to thank her but she doesn’t let him. No thanks needed. All she wants is a promise never to be called his friend again. 

The corpse brought to the comisaría is calcined. Ayala isn’t thrilled to see Ignacio in company of Matilde at the unveiling of the corpse. He informs them that the physical description corresponds to Belén but the features are unrecognizable. Quicklime cooks the skin and destroys the bones. The murdered woman isn’t wearing her blouse but she has a wedding ring on. Ayala takes the wedding band to Andrés, and, sure enough, it matches his own. 

Isabel is finally allowed to stay awake for more than 5 seconds. The mysterious woman is standing by the window. “Who are you?”, asks a groggy Isabel. “I am your suegra. The mother of your husband.” So Diego didn’t appear fully formed under a vermin-infested rock somewhere? Hmmm, interesting! 

A quote from the capítulo  

Teresa: “Te juro por Dios, Diego Montejo, que vas a pagar muy caro todas las vilezas que has cometido.” 
Diego: “Y yo le juro por ese mismo Dios, que usted y yo vamos a arder juntos en el infierno.”* 

*The Gran Manicomio’s villains, together to the bitter end! 
Teresa: “By God, I swear to you, Diego Montejo, that you will pay dearly for every vile act you committed.” 
Diego: “And I swear to you by the same God, that you and I will be burning together in hell.”

Your viewing vocabulario 
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)   

lujuria = lust. 
encargo = an assignment. 
desgarradura = a tear, a laceration. 
pocilga = a pigsty. 
delatar = to denounce, to rat on. 
fortachón = a burly tough guy.  
calabozo = a cell, a dungeon. 
acreedor = a creditor. 
ínfulas de grandeza = delusions of grandeur. 
carroñero = a scavenger. 
charco = a puddle, a pond. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hello Patio Pals! Hope you enjoy the recap and many thanks for being such kind, fun and astute readers! Only 9 episodes to go! How exciting!

Thanks ever so much to Cathyx, Julie, Jardinera, Vivi, Princess Juju for your recaps from last week and this week. I'm always 3 to 5 episodes behind but your excellent recaps entertain and help me catch up.

The title is the beginning of a song called "I Predict A Riot" by Kaiser Chiefs, an indie rock band from Leeds, England.

I'm afraid I won't be around much over the weekend but I'll catch up with you on Sunday night or Monday. Have a great weekend! :)

Before I forget, Cynthia, thank you bunches for sharing that personal family story and news article with us. It was a fascinating, albeit very sad, read!

"I Predict A Riot" by Kaiser Chiefs:

Enjoy your weekend! I have familia and amigos coming over for a barbecue! Hope you have something fun and/or relaxing planned out! Enjoy! :)

Thanks for the recap Nandicta! I was not expecting the mystery woman to be Diego's mother. Why in the world does she need Isabel? to get something from Diego?? She saw that Diego had a gun pointed at Isabel, so why would she think that he actually cares about her?

Watching scenes with Diego is making me sick. I thought Ayala was going to break it to Matilde that the law concerning rape doesn't protect wives against their husbands since a wife back then was basically a husband's property. :(

I don't know whether to believe if Belen is really dead. If not, who is the dead woman and did Belen (and/or whoever she's working with) actually kill someone to set Andres up?

I'm glad Felipe is finally starting to come around! I had always hoped that he would help Julio somehow. I liked their first interaction when they were in the kitchen (in like episode 5) and he was talking about upstairs vs. downstairs.

The gran finale is Friday, May 20!

Thanks so much, Nandicta
I don't want this exciting novels to end, best one ever. Every night a surprise, my salute to the writers. We know the premios won't agree though, it will be PyP all the way. !!Maldita sea!

Nandicta- I could not believe it when I saw yet another fabulous recap from you on the blog. I though you were already off having fun with friends, or you know, SLEEPING! Thanks so much, amiga.

I did not suspect or expect the woman to be Diego's mother. Somehow, I never pictured him having any family. What does she want?

Please, someone kill Diego already! He called Teresa a thief. Could she have been the one stealing from the hotel?

Again, Teresa throws one of her kids to the wolves, and cries after they get chewed up and spit out. Glad she can at least admit her error. And Doc Vic was also right that Isa made her choice, like an adult.

Boy, Felipe and Manuela have some scorching kisses! I chuckled when we learned she was hiding out in a ranch named La Malquerida. :)

Thank you, Nandicta, for the most excellent recap.

The whole idea of spousal rape makes the hairs stand on the back of my neck. I remember it still being problematic for a man to be convicted of raping his wife back in the 1970's/1980's in this country the USA let alone in the early 1900's in another country. There was real discussion about the issue and laws changed. In the story, I guess Matilde had to have that little conversation with Ayala to remind the viewer what the laws were like in Mexico at the time. I wonder what the laws are like in Mexico now.

The end of a plot, please.: It would be so nice for Jorge/Manuela to disappear with Felipe into the sunset on horseback ( of course,) at least they could have a hot and happy ending. I could not believe she licked his face. Very funny.

So if Cecilia knows another night of sexual sadism at the hands of Diego awaits her, why does she not just leave????? Maybe she likes to suffer.

Talk about bad mother-in- law jokes, this takes the cake. Can't wait to see how? why? this all turns out with Isabel. It creeps me out just thinking about Diego arriving on that scene with mommy in charge.

So now Teresa realizes what she has done to her poor little girl Isabel re.marrying her off to Diego. Teresa's grief and disgust finding out that Isabel had been beaten and raped was totally unbelievable in light of her earlier actions. Worthless!

Nandicta - I've not been watching this but stopped in here to tell you how wonderful the screen cap and caption are!!! LOL

How do you do it Nandicta? A brilliant recap for Yago, and then again here. You totally rocked this bizarre episode. Thank you so much for your wit, detail and triumphant retellings!

Gee, why are we not surprised that Deigo's mother is something out of a gothic novel? I almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity, but this TN seems now to be all about the mother figures, so why not? Let's bring in one the last one that created a monster for this tale.

Teresa's self-realization was too little too late. Would have liked to see a few more tears instead of just bemoaning herself. She knew exactly what Diego was...she just choose to ignore it because it suited her means to an end. And I always thought she was a thief herself...and would not be surprised to find SHE killed Rom, not Diego.

I always had the hope that Felipe somehow would come out ok in the end. Don't know why I've liked this lovable loser, but now sober, a man of action and that scene with Manuela...YES!! Though I want them to survive and ride off into the sunset, I think they may wind up helping save the day ( maybe spring the band and then help rescue Isa?) I'm all in with that scenario.

I'm of the mind the body recovered was a fake with the wedding band. Hair color seemed wrong on the corpse. I don't see a dead body identifiable, I don't believe it. Not in this tale.

Still hate Jacinto. Brat. Do some good before your anvil hits. And Cece--just go home.

My guess-the rest of the hell breaks loose during the celebration. And I still want this place to burn to the ground.


Jarifa- This is exactly Teresa's pattern. And she'll feel awful about it, until the next time she can benefit from selling out one of her kids. Which should be in about...1-2-3 seconds.

Daisynjay- Oh, you know this 100 anniversary party is going to be a disaster, and I can't wait! The other parties must have just been warm up. :)

Wow missed your calling. You could have been one of those amazing round the clock docs...say, maybe a neurosurgeon for starters. You need no sleep and after pounding out three fab recaps (Sueno, Yago and Hotel...complete with photos, quips and vocabulary) you're hosting half the neighborhood for dinner. Lord have mercy girl, please bottle your DNA and share it already!

Thanks for explaining the catchy title. We Yanks aren't familiar with the Kaiser Chiefs. At least I'm not.

Loved the picture of Teresa and Diego with the snarky quip. Perfect. And happy to have the meaning given for "carroñeros". I see how it relates to our word, "carrion". But while watching the episode, just thought it referred to rough and ready cart drivers or some such thing.

Very appreciative of all you do. And want to be you, lovely, high-energy lady, in my next life. Hey, and throw in Vivi's incredible memory, and it's a done deal!

Brilliant Nandicta and appreciate your commitment to our little corner. Your time is certainly valuable.

"This boy loves trouble like a fly loves a pile of hot steaming manure"

“A law written by men”, says a disgusted Matilde" Preach it sister!

Jorge Poza is incredible here. I'm stunned the brutality

Too easy for Belen to be dead or should I say I hope she's not.

Isabel & Diego married by choice even after he received a Dear Diego letter so Diego has no cause to bitch at Teresa.

I still don't like Felipe but comforted Manuela will skin him alive when he acts up again.


It has a mother??? That doesn't seem right. Then again, if she's willing to hold her daughter-in-law hostage, it might explain some of Diego's behavior.

I was hoping Felipe would get his. The women he seduced made their choice, but he acted like he loved them. His pants are totally on fire, and in the liar liar way. For the child we saw when he was hallucinating,and apparently abandoned, he should suffer just a little more. But then, I sympathized with Belen, so what do I know.

If Belen is still alive, she needs to make friends with Cecelia to take down Diego and this "mother". (Still can't believe it).


Happy Mother's Day, to all the lovely and wonderful moms, aunts, teachers, care-givers and nuturers on the blog!

Great job, Nandicta, and gracias.

I am certainly going to miss this series when it ends. This revelation that Diego has a mother and wasn't just conjured up by Satan himself will be interesting. She already reminds me of the grandmother in Flowers in the Attic.

Put me in the ballot box for this corpse not being Belen. She is vicious enough to kill another woman to fake her own death.

Vivi...what a sweet message. Thank you on behalf of all mothers reading this. And that includes all women. We all "mother" each other as friends, sisters, even just acquaintances--when we listen, when we care, when we empathize and when we comfort.

And so, sweet Vivi, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day as well and thank you for the many ways you have mothered others with kindness and love over the years.

Thank you Nandicta for your detailed recap. I particularly enjoy too your vocabulary lessons. I'm glad you enjoyed the article about my great-great aunt and uncle from the late 1800s. As you can see, it's the stuff Novelas are made of, especially the time period.

I hope all the mothers here had a very happy Mother's Day. If you are not a mother, I hope you were able to spend the time with either your own mother or someone who is like a mother to you. Some ladies are "mothers" to their pets, so that is very important too, since pets are like having kids.

I am saddened that there are very few shows left of EHDLS. I have come to very much enjoy these characters and the mystery. This is the first novela I have ever really started to watch. My aunt and uncle watch them regularly and although sometimes I have watched with them, I have never become that interested. But this one was so good, it was a like a very good book I could not put down!

I vote for the dead body NOT being Belen. Like Urban Anthropologist above, I think Belen is devious enough to fake her own death. I am not sure what that would get her since she seeks riches though. It would only serve to put Andres in prison but I'm not sure how it would benefit her specifically unless she just wants to get back at Andres for finding out the truth about her. I agree to with Urban Anthropologist that Diego's mother reminds me of the Grandmother from "Flowers in the Attic."

Thank you, Nandicta. I'm sad that this is your last recap for Hotel, but I'll see you over at Yago.

"I find it unfathomable that these two seemingly intelligent women had a lifelong pissing contest over a petty and despicable man, who deserves to be poisoned a hundred times over!" - Amen!

"So Diego didn’t appear fully formed under a vermin-infested rock somewhere?" Well, maybe he did, and Clara found him and raised him. At any rate, she's another horrible mother to add to our collection.

I also am skeptical that the corpse is Belen, but can't think of a good motive for her to fake, or participate in faking, her own death.

Anyone else notice that Jacinto has been adopting Diego's mannerisms? Like when he grabbed the back of Mateo's head and pushed their foreheads together. Adorable. Any chance he will use the info about Rio Hondo to help save Isabel? I don't know what else he can do with it. I guess he could try selling it to Teresa. I hope she slaps him silly.

Julie- Yeah, I noticed how Jacinto morphs into Diego whenever he's confronting someone smaller and weaker than himself. And it was very apparent in that scene with Mateo when he channeled Diego perfectly. Lupe would surely be mortified if he saw him acting like Diego's mini-me.

Has anyone considered that Clara may actually be trying to save Isabelle from the Go-Devil Diego? Yeah, giving ether is not exactly a 'motherly' thing to do, but it does provide us with continued drama and suspense in this exciting novel. We know Diego was previously married, and some of you have speculated that he was married to Dr. V's daughter; ergo, just perhaps Clara is intervening to keep anything horrible from occurring to Isa also. You remember the "mysterious" call that Dr. V. made and dropped a line to someone about being there on a specific night? Maybe it was to Clara?

"We know Diego was previous married"? What? How do we know that?

Ay! se me fue el boton antes de terminado. Forgot to include in my comment that I think Jacinto may intervene in the kidnapping and either get a Golden Anvil Award for his attempt at heroism, or actually have a revelation that will make his wolf eyes turn into puppy face and make his pa proud.

Julie, it appears that when Isabel was tied to the bed, she was able to reach over and see a framed photograph of a wedding portrait with Diego and another woman.

Was that a wedding photo, or just a photo of him and his mother?

I thought it was just a photo of him and his mother, or some woman. Not necessarily a wedding photo.

Do people sit down in wedding photos?

I am pretty sure that the photo of Diego and this other woman, it appeared she was wearing a wedding dress. But it was so quick, now I'm not entirely sure.

I'm sure it will be clarified tonight.

Ladies so excited to have found you!!! I love your posts...I really hope Belen is toast and that Andres get's cleared of her death ASAP!!!
If I recall, correctly Diego left the hotel looking for Isabel the evening that Andres and Belen were fighting. Just saying, it would be a perfect opportunity for Diego to get rid of Belen once and for all. I love Andres!!

Lupe witnessed Jacinto morph into Diego when he beat the poor blind guy and everyone saw it. Lupe knows and why it angers me the punk is allowed to be a petty tyrant.

Re: wedding photo: In the early 20th century, it was very common for a wedding photo to have one spouse sitting in a chair and the other standing along side with a hand/arm draped over their partner. I have such "sepia" wedding photos in the family album. It could be very crafty by the brilliant writers of the show to do otherwise, but don't know why such a photo-pose would include any persons other than newlyweds. But then again, we have have been Punked before in some of assumptions haven't we?? Been watching novelas for >10 years, and this has been the most compelling and consistently good production (and short too!). Hope this production cast can deliver similar ones in the future...Too bad we here in Viewerville USA didn't get to compete for the car give-away, huh? Would love to see one of you 'cappers get such a deserving reward for all the great work and being fun Snarkaholics!

Tofie- Did he actually see the beating or the aftermath? Again, episodes I missed.

Anon 4:22- I would love it if we could start getting similar quality tns, but seeing as how this one got abysmal ratings, I don't think there's any incentive for the production company/studio, alas.

Thank you Nandicta. Did someone say that May 20 was the gran finale? If that's the case, wouldn't you be doing the finale?

I definitely think that it was Belen who they found. And it has the earmark of Diego killing her all over it, sadistic burning.

The picture that was next to the bed that Isabel saw was Diego with another woman who was wearing a wedding dress.
I would assume that if Diego were married to Doc Vic's daughter, that Doc Vic and Diego would know each other.


Yes, it seems that Uni is splitting what would be a two hour finale into two nights-- Thursday and Friday.

I think Clara wants to save Isa also. Don't forget Doc recognizes Diego from somewhere, but I doubt he is suegro, otherwise he wold recognize the Doc.
Doc might also from where he remembers him.

Yes, the gran final is Friday, May 20. There are 81 episodes total, and they just finished filming on May 7, according to

I'm sure when they air it in Mexico and other places, the finale will be 2 hours. Finales are never just 1 hour. Ours is being split over 2 nights.

If Clara wants to save Isabela, why was Diego pleading with her not to hurt Isabela, at least not until he got there?

Wait, how do we know that Clara is Diego's mother?

We've been wondering why El Hotel hasn't been flying high in the ratings. Sure, in the US it has the unenviable 10:00 time slot. But secretly, or not so secretly, many of our guesses have amounted to suspecting that "the masses" don't appreciate the very qualities that draw us to it. The intricate plotting. The accurate, if less than colorful, costuming (ok, except Ceci and her girls). The way it avoids most, if not all, TN cliches.

But I think I have it. Something is missing from this TN:

Where are the product placements.

Lupe doesn't use La Costena! There are no Tostitos on the nightstands in the rooms. Isabela's fake blood wasn't nestled next to a group of Avon products in her medicine cabinet and Angela doesn't have one of those Avon figurines on her dresser as a testament to her forced sales to the maids. Sra. Limantour doesn't sip Abuelita, and the coffee isn't Nestle.


We only have her word for it. She introduced herself to Isabel as being her mother-in-law, suegra.

Anon, she never called herself Clara.

Cleary, good point. All the idiotic TNs have product placement. There's no way they could put the products in this one.

Thank you all for stopping by over the weekend. Much appreciated, indeed. :)


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