Thursday, May 12, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 12 (May 9, 2016) Second Half

EPISODE #55 (Wed May 11)
Carlos comes to help Paco with his homework, but he says he can do it alone. Paco wants to know what he and his mother were arguing about. It’s adult stuff. Paco doesn’t think a mother and son should be fighting. Carlos says it happens.
Next morning Cesar is helping Fer at the quesadilla stand. Then she leaves for her new job and reflects on the burden she’s carrying on her shoulders. She needs to pay back the loan—with interest, all by herself, without a father, without a mother and without Carlos. How quickly life can change from night to morning. She thinks about her mother, how she knows now her mother didn’t love her. She wonders where she is.
Adelina comes to visit Pedro in his room at the clinic and introduces herself as Fer’s good friend. They spend time getting to know each other. She’s impressed by how happy he is, even in a place like this. He claims there’s always light at the end of the tunnel and his daughter is the light of his life.

Amelia is in Hernán’s office. Apparently there has been a robbery, as quick as from night to morning. Hernán doesn’t know how it could have happened; it’s never happened before. The administrative aide says the safe was empty when she came in to get ready to make some payments. The police are there. So is Old Fer. He is told the safe wasn’t forced. The investigator asks who knows the combination. Amelia says only Hernán and Don Fernando. Herny reminds her she also has the combination. He gave it to her just yesterday. Amelia swears she didn’t do it. Old Fer believes her. The police promise to get to the bottom of this. Herny says there was nearly 1 million and a half of Pesos (or about $83,250 USD). The police need to interrogate all the employees. They start with Amelia. The officer runs through his suspicions and comes to the only conclusion, Amelia is the chief suspect. Old Fer comes in and objects. Amelia is his daughter and he has full confidence in her.
Mariana arrives for her rendezvous with Lozórsano. [I sure hope this is the last we see of him. His name is hard to remember and harder to type.] Anyway, she’s brought his pay-off. He notices she’s a bit preoccupied. She just wants him gone—forever. She wants to up and leave. He pulls her back. He reminds her this is only the first payment on his $1 million USD.  Loz counts the money. He sees there is $500 missing, but he’ll give her a pass this time, in good faith.
Fernanda arrives at the hardware store. She finds out she’ll get 3,000 Pesos a month (that’s $167 USD), working 8-5, with half an hour for lunch. She’s to start by taking inventory.
Mariana gets back to the company office and is shocked—shocked, mind you, to hear there was a robbery. She asks to stay with Hernán during the interrogations. When they arrive back home, Mariana is loaded with jet fuel. She insinuates Amelia had to have stolen the cash. She lashes out at Amelia saying she’s been nothing but trouble since she returned and for the 20 years before that, tortured her husband and child. She wants Amelia OUT of there. Hernán is supporting his wife. Mariana carries on. She wants to know when Amelia will be leaving. Old Fer finally steps in and tells her to stop treating her sister that way. Mariana says, no, Pa, this woman is a thief and he’s only defending Amelia because he’s always loved Amelia more. Old Fer tries to tell her he loved both of them the same (not quite, old man). In any case, Amelia doesn’t want to create a rift. She didn’t steal anything and if it brings peace to the household, she’ll leave. Old Fer says no one is going anywhere. It hurts him to see them fighting like Cain and Abel. He’s going to call the police and stop the investigation. Old Fer only wants peace in the family and he’ll replace the money out of pocket. This does not satisfy Mariana. Not only is Amelia a thief, but she gets away with it. All that’s left is for Amelia to bring back that gardener. Old Fer steps in again. That gardener is the one to blame for having caused the separation of Amelia from him for all those years. He’ll never step foot in this house. He wants everybody to get along. Blanca swallows hard. Amelia looks guilty, not of the robbery.
Adelina and Pedro are out walking on the grounds. He’s stressed because Fernanda hasn’t come to see him that morning. Pedro wonders if Carlos is with her. Ade says, Carlos? Pedro says Carlos cheated on Fer. Ah, says Ade, she didn’t know they were novios. NO, exclaims Pedro, they are NOT novios. He starts getting agitated. Those two CANNOT be together. Ade calls a nurse and asks her to get Dr. Jay. He’s taken to his room where Pedro begs Jay to let him see his daughter. That’s all he wants. He doesn’t want a sedative. Jay says he needs to calm down. He’s much too agitated. Pedro hops into bed and promises he’ll wait there for Fernanda and will calm down. As Jay leaves, Pedro’s mind is still in turmoil over Carlos and Fernanda being together. He does not want Luis to take her away from him. He begs God not to do this to him. He has already taken away so much from him, not Fer, too.
Yep, old slimy hardware store boss enters the stockroom, locks the door and grabs Fernanda from behind. She yells and struggles. The noise brings wifey (who must have a key) and wants to know what’s going on. She ends up chasing Fer out into the street calling her a husband-thief. Fer goes back to the taco stand to help Cesar clean up. She tells him about her experience. Cesar hopes she files charges against Sr. Slime. She plans to, so no other young girl has to endure such an assault, right after she goes to see Pedro. She can’t believe there are people like that out there.
Fer arrives at the psychiatric clinic to be greeted by Javier. He’s so happy to see her, she always brings joy to everyone around her. Well, not this time, says Fer. She’ll tell him later. Right now she wants to see Pedro. Jay says she can't. They are running some tests on him, because he became very agitated when Fer didn’t visit earlier. (Poor Fer, now guilt on top of everything else.) Jay suggests cheerfully she sit down and tell him whatever it was. It turns out Jay thinks it’s a very humorous story. The way Fer told it may have been humorous, but as we heard her in conversation with Cesar, she took the incident very seriously.
Ignacio and Marissa are discussing the Luis problem. Carlos arrives. He mentions Paco/school/street kid/adoption and anticipates Iggy helping him with the adoption. Iggy certainly didn’t foresee something like that from Carlos. Carlos wants to know what they are to do with Luis. Yes, echoes Marissa, what are they to do with Luis. Iggy volunteers to go with Luis to the hearing. Carlos intends to charge him with attempted homicide. [There seems to be very strange laws in Mexico. Here, of course it is the prosecutor’s office that brings criminal charges, not the victim. Oh, well, it’s Emilia Beanie Time for me.] Marissa looks very concerned—is it for Carlos, for Iggy, for herself, for the scandal, or for Luis?
Luis is still mumbling, “Maldita Sea,” a curse that covers everything and anyone, starting with Andrea who happens to be calling him. After all this time, he remembers he has one phone call to make. He takes out his cell phone. (Whaaaa? They let him keep it overnight in jail?) She hangs up and we see that Leo is waiting to sweep her off her feet. Squeee! And they’re off.
As Iggy and Carlos are leaving for the hearing, Camila shows up. She wants to spend some quality time with Carlos, now that Fer has a new boyfriend, maybe dinner? Carlos comes up short. Yes, Camila saw them together at Fer’s burned out house. He came to get her to go out to dinner. It’s some guy named Javier Faria.
Iggy and Carlos reach the courthouse. Iggy will work on Carlos’ declaration and they’ll meet later to go over it. Carlos runs through the rest of the conversation with Cam in his head. Well, she didn’t exactly say they were novios but it looked like it. She left so they could be alone. Before he can get stressed by this news any further, the police bring Luis to the courthouse and he passes right in front of them, still spitting bile. When he gets out of this, he’s going to make Carlos pay. They are still standing together when Luis comes strolling out. He’s been let out on his own recognizance. Carlos wants to settle things in the street. Iggy holds him back. Luis’ parting words to Carlos is they will have plenty of time to settle things—he should remember he’s a LAWYER.
Marissa has come to see Frizzle-Head Isabela. [WHY for heaven’s sakes—you should be finished with this poor excuse of a future daughter-in-law and direct your emotions to Pedro, Fer and Carlos, ok? Listen to me, please.] She tells Isy about Luis, the gun, Carlos and the fact that she lived with this guy for 20 years, but never knew him, but mostly she doesn’t want him charged with attempted homicide. Isy has a blank look on her face since this story doesn’t involve her personally.
Carlos has high-tailed it over to the clinic to find Jay and Fer whooping it up over something funny. They fall silent when they see him. He tells them to go on, don’t stop for him, whatever the joke was. He’s here to see Pedro. Jay says that will not be possible (and doesn’t explain, of course). Carlos jumps to the wrong/right conclusion that Jay is keeping him away from Pedro intentionally. We get another scene of rutting moose. The poor little female is squished in the middle, looking up from one to the other. Is she wondering who this angry Carlos is?
Fer addresses Carlos off by themselves. She tells him Pedro doesn’t want to see Carlos. Jay doesn’t have anything to do with it. Carlos thinks it’s another ploy to separate the two of them. Fer is very persuasive. She tells Carlos Pedro is not doing well. Every time Carlos’ name is mentioned, Pedro gets very anxious and agitated. To help him get better, they need to respect his decision not to see Carlos. Is that what Jay told her? No, says Fer, it was Pedro himself. Pedro can’t forgive Carlos for cheating on her. Carlos says, and Fer either? Is that why she exchanged him for el psiquiatra? Fer says, look, things aren’t like that and even though they broke up they’ve always gotten along well, so she’s ending this discussion.
Carlos begs her to wait a minute. He asks her if she’s has something going on with Jay. What? Who told him that? Camila. She saw them together at her burned out place. He doesn’t understand how it is Rosaura doesn’t want them to be together alone and she goes along with it, yet Jay is allowed to? Again, Fernanda has to tell him things aren’t like that at all. She’s offended and besides, he has no claims over her. Carlos says he’s the man who loves her. He loves her and though she no longer wants to be with him, his feelings will never change. She lets him place his hands on her cheeks and looks up at him. He looks into her eyes and says he knows she loves him. Fer says that’s never been in dispute. He’s asked her in a thousand ways  to reconsider and not to let what they have end. He tells her, broken hearted, that he’s nothing without her. She says to him, she never asked him to…Carlos interrupts. What he does for her is not because she asks, but because he loves her. He can’t let her go, but it looks as though he will have to try to live without her.
Fer is suddenly struck with the idea of life without Carlos. She tells him not to say that. The reason they can’t be together is because Pedro doesn’t want them together. Carlos says, is it Pedro or el psiquiatra-ese? Fer says, please, don’t be ridiculous. She’s not responsible for Jay [I think this is correct—dar la cara]. Fer tells Carlos it’s all in his head, inventing scenarios. Carlos says, ok, tell him how it is. What about Javier, what does he feel for her. Fer is now getting annoyed with his questions. It’s none of his business. As far as she’s concerned Jay is Pedro’s doctor. Carlos says, no, he’s Pedro’s doctor. Well, psychiatrist, then, what does it matter. Carlos is at the end of his rope. He says that’s it. If Fer doesn’t want him near her, he’ll back off and will respect her decision. He doesn’t know how he’s going to live without her, but he learn to do it. He turns and leaves her as she’s calling his name.
Luis gets “home” and Marissa wants to know what he wants. He comes in peace. There are still things to talk about. He knows he let things get out of hand, but he didn’t know how to react. Marissa charges that the only way he could react was to take out a gun and point it at her son?   Aha, says Luis, he can tell Carlos has already gotten to her with his version. Well, there’s another side to the story. She doesn’t care about his side of the story. He begs. He can explain. He wants her to listen to him. After hearing him out, he wants her to forgive him. This situation is killing him.
Luis continues pleading his case before Judge Marissa. It’s because of Carlos. Ever since they got married he’s had problems with Carlos. The guy just doesn’t like him, never has. He tried to be a father to him. Marissa interrupts. She wants to know what happened at the hospital. He says he went there with the idea of asking Carlos to intercede with her on his behalf. Luis doesn’t want to lose her. Hmmm, says Judge Marissa, if, as he says, Carlos never liked him, what made Luis think Carlos would help him this time? He was desperate. He wanted to open up his heart to Carlos, but it was useless.
Luis is overruled. Marissa wants to know what provoked him to pull out a gun and point it at her son? Luis says she can’t take it out of context. It was Carlos that assaulted him, pushed him against a car and started to beat him. Marissa turns away in disgust. He took out the gun only to defend himself and frighten Carlos, to get him to leave him alone. He knows it wasn’t right, but there was no other solution. It was never his intention to harm him. Luis entreats his judge and jury. She should know he’s incapable of harming Carlos, but he had to defend himself. Judge Marissa says that’s not what Carlos told her. Obviously not, says Luis, that’s why he begged for this audience, for her to listen to his version. Insincere sincerity drips from the two-faced dog’s lips. The story is that his stepson accused him of trying to steal his car and got him stuck in a cell with other miscreants, but none of that is important, only that she believes him. He loves her, loves her with all his heart and soul.
After Carlos’ disastrous confrontation with Fer, he runs into his second best enemy (next to Luis), Isabela. She just came to find out how the family was. He’s very short with her and it seems she knows the whole story anyway. But, she asks, what about Marissa and Luis? Carlos spits out that Marissa and Luis are nothing to each other.
How, continues Luis, the two-faced dog, can he prove to Marissa he’s one sorry assed dog for having cheated on her. Doesn’t he think it’s a little late for that, asks Marissa. Luis says he will never stop repenting for what he did. Marissa, in a very calm voice says that sometimes being sorry isn’t enough. He asks her to look him in the eye. This is the man she’s been married to for almost 20 years. Even if she can’t forgive him, that one mistake shouldn’t be the cause to erase those 20 years. It's almost a whole lifetime. He looks sincerely into her eyes and softens his voice to a sensual level. It’s their story, a story of love. He inches closer, back to the front door.
And yep, everybody guessed it. Carlos walks in with Isy on what looks like a reconciliation kiss between Luis and Marissa. It sure looks like a kiss from where Carlos is. Carlos charges forward, but Isy holds him back and pulls him back toward the door.
Pedro is clearly still agitated, pacing while talking to Fer. He’s saying she can’t do this to him. Fer apologizes, she’d love to stay with him all day, but she has things she must attend to. He’s worried that Fer has stopped loving him. Fer doesn’t understand why he would think that. She has to leave him to work the taco stand and play her violin and she does it for him. She does want to know why he’s restricted his visitors to just her. He kind of looks at her. Fer says she knows he doesn’t want to see Carlos. He starts shaking her. She was not to speak to Carlos again. She was to respect his decision. He’s her father. He catches himself and turns to beat on his bed instead. He frightens her. He realizes that and tells her to leave and never come back. Fer tells him they are in this together, forever.
After the icky kiss Marissa just got, he smarmily suggests they retire to their bedroom. She says certainly not. He’s confused. She accepted his kiss. It must mean she loves him, as he loves her. Marissa tells him to get out of HER house. All the syrupy sweet sensuousness is gone from his voice. Nope, she wants him to leave just to make a fool of him and take her revenge, leave him with nothing, and in jail. He declares, never. He heads for the bedroom. Marissa wonders what she’s done and what is next.
Carlos has left the house in a furious mood. How could his mother be kissing that man. Isy says it’s called love. Carlos scoffs, the man pointed a gun at him. He’s not Luis’ son. Isy tries to tell him that besides being a mother, she’s a woman. She wants him to calm down. She offers to take him to her house. He declines. He’s in such a wild mood. He feels out of control. He wonders what is going wrong with him. Everything seems to be going wrong, ever since Rosario died. Isy keeps trying to calm him down. He decides to go back to the hospital and work.
Fer is consulting with Jay over Pedro’s condition. She was sure he was getting better and would soon be out. Jay explains that is what depression is like. Sometimes it seems as though everything is going well, then there is a relapse. It’s a long process and sometimes painful for the family members. Fer can’t understand what happened. Pedro has never been aggressive toward her. Her mother has been, yes, but not her father. He was never like this until her mother left them. It’s all her fault. Fer believes if she could just get her mother to come visit, even if it’s only once, everything would be fine. Jay doesn’t think it will fix anything. Fer does. Amelia is the love of his life. If she hadn’t left him for another man, none of this would have happened. He would have continued to have the life he had before. He wouldn’t be confined here. It’s her mother’s fault and she will never forgive her.
And she who can never be forgiven rolls in to see her father. She’s going to Mexico City for a few days. The doctors want to continue her treatment there and she wants to take Blanca with her. Of course she can. Amelia brightens up. When she returns, she’ll be walking (dream on woman).


Announcement to my Caminantes:

We've had a last minute change of travel plans and we will be leaving Friday morning for the whole weekend. There's no way I can do a recap for Friday, May 13 (Episode #57). If anyone wants to do highlights, please step forward.

I will try to put up some bullet points for discussion after Thursday night's episode (and pack and sleep).

Thanks for this, Anita. Great coverage, as always. I am running out of novel ways to express my appreciation for what you are doing for us.

We didn't see the legal proceedings with Luis, but I can't understand why he's out running around after he threatened Carlos with a pistol. I thought Mexican legal proceedings were swifter and more decisive than that. Did he somehow get a continuance or something?

At any rate, all the usual suspects are out causing trouble: Isy, Luis, Camila, Jay, Hernan, Mariana. God, I wish all of their parents had practiced protected sex.

Fer, despite all kinds of threats and problems, continues to be The Unsinkable Molly Brown, refusing to let "little" things like attempted rape to cause her to stray from her mission. I really wonder if this actress is as bubbly in real life as she is on the screen. She has just been great!

Jealous Carlos. At least he didn't fall into Isy's trap of her invitation to come to her house. He has been presented with such a wide variety of confusing, but incompletely understood situations that it's no wonder the guy feels rudderless right now.

Thanks again, Anita. What a delightful read.



Amelia, the recap was simply sensational.

Each successive episode seems to escalate emotionally. When you think things can’t possibly get more intense, they do.

“Mariana is loaded with jet fuel”, “Amelia looks guilty, not of the robbery”, “Insincere sincerity drips from the two-faced dog’s lips”, “All the syrupy sweet sensuousness is gone from his voice” and “she who can never be forgiven” were among many favorites.

I was crushed when it appeared Marissa was falling for Luis’ lying, treacherous words. I cannot imagine how Carlos felt when he saw the kiss from his vantage (or in this case disadvantage). I wish he had flown back in the house (he shouldn’t have allowed Isy to drag him out in the first place) to confront his mother and see what actually occurred.

I have a question here. Did Luis actually ascend the stairs to reclaim the bedroom? If so, has he learned nothing?

I readily admit that I didn’t recognize Adelina at first. Of course, not understanding the dialog, I was muttering under my breath, wondering who this beautiful woman was (thinking she was competition for Marissa!)

“Cesar hopes she files charges against Sr. Slime. She plans to, so no other young girl has to endure such an assault, right after she goes to see Pedro. She can’t believe there are people like that out there”. I am proud that Fernanda understands the gravity of her experience. What would have happened if the culprit’s suspicious, angry spouse hadn’t shown up? I shudder to think….But apparently, not everyone shares my concern: “It turns out Jay thinks it’s a very humorous story. Umm, really Jay? I’m starting to dislike you. And quickly.

I thought Amelia was relatively calm in the face of Marissa’s in your face scathing hatred. Did she realize how much her sister truly hates her? I guess her dispassionate nature served her well here. She rejected love from her daughter and husband for 20 years. It is not surprising she rejected her sister’s tirade of hate as well.

I am not seeing any improvement in Pedro. Perhaps Jav should concentrate on his patient’s rehab rather than on his daughter.

Stellar Anita!

Have a wonderful trip!

Thank you - Diana

Oh dear. Anita, the recap was simply sensational.

Not Amelia!

So sorry. Am exhausted and it's only Thursday!


David--Luis got out on bail, but no money posted--on his own recognizance.

BTW, flattery will get you everywhere, but I just can't deal with the mountains of it you've heaped on my humble scribblings. A nice thank you at the end will be sufficient from now on--you, too, Diana....and everyone else who checks in, REALLY--unequivocally unconfused....

Along with everyone I thank you a bazillion times Anita for doing this.

Carlos is a big baby. Pout you little baby. It's a good thing Fernanda didn't tell him about the sexual assault by the hardware store owner because he would assume she encouraged it.

Pedro is gonna hurt someone else and there will be no return. When he's released from the country club treatment center he needs to go to jail.

Carlos did two things very wrong he seems to forget. He shoved Luis first and he lied about his relationship with Luis to encourage the arrest. There were witnesses. My guess the lie is also in his sworn statement. Luis should not spend any more time in jail.

I'm astounded what Mariana can spew and get away with.


Thank you for another lovely recap, Anita. I really appreciate them. Some of the details fly out of my head immediately after the episode, like Amelia going for treatment in Mexico City. I guess Fernanda will take the job as Don Fer's assistant while Amelia's gone, so it will be a bit longer until the big reveal. The hardware store owner was a dangerous enough threat, but now she'll really be in harm's way with Mariana and Hernan out to get her.

Perhaps Dr. Jay was making a joke out of the attempted rape in order to help Fernanda cope with it ... prevent PTSD and all that, but they haven't shown him giving any help whatsoever to Pedro ... or to Adelina either, for that matter.

Seems like Carlos could have had a restraining order put on Luis, which would have kept him out of the house. Luis is supposed to be a mediocre lawyer, but Ordenez isn't looking that much better.

Ok, Insincere! Truly my favorite part of your recap. Huge thanks (as you requested).

Pedro...i think may actuallt be going crazy. I understand that he's not, but being locked away is making him crazy. Not to mention his fear of losing Fer. Why would he ever think that she would abandon him if she knew the truth (which she knows part of anyway)?

That hardware store rapist - wasted not even an hour to try to assault Fer (how many other girls has he done this to?) slimy bastard.

Isy, bye! Why are you still in the picture and why is Marissa talking to you? Please get some friends! This is pathetic.

Fer in that burned up shack (as Anita reminds us lol) is ridiculous. So no one (Lupe, Marissa, Camilla) is going to offer her a couch, a shed, anattic, nothing? Im with you Delilah...balance please

I missed the space bar evidently. 'an attic' othe typos in my comment but whatever

Tofie--I stand by your professional expertise. But isn't pulling a gun a more serious criminal act than shoving (assault nowadays)? Maybe if the gun was empty it would reduce the seriousness?

We were led to believe (by the writers) that Luis was planning something horrible to get back at Marissa through Carlos (assuming it was something harmful). Then we all saw Luis pull the gun. Was that it? What he was planning? It seems to me that Luis was dumb as rocks to not realize he was in a public space with witnesses when he pulled the gun.

OR, OR, it was part of his plan (except for spending the night in jail, where we see him muttering about his fate and it being enough to turn him into an assassin) to draw Carlos into a confrontation where he, as a lawyer, could prevail. He certainly acted cocky when he got out.

(Speculation is a tasty dish served hot or cold.)

Diana--We've never seen an upstairs or even stairs going up. We catch a glimpse of Luis heading back behind the living room, where we have seen him and Carlos go on other occasions. The bedrooms must be in a 1st floor wing. (I seem to remember people so focused on details they mapped out the towns, street layouts and house plans to follow the action. Not me.) In the earlier episodes, I had the impression from the overhead shots, the Gomez-Ruiz mansion was out in the country. Remember Fer saying it took her three buses to get there? With Paco in school, it seems much closer to town. So--take it for what it's worth--enjoy the scenery.

And no, Luis has learned nothing. He still feels entitled and that he will prevail in anything he sets his legal legs on.

Aleta--"Perhaps Dr. Jay was making a joke out of the attempted rape in order to help Fernanda cope with it..." I hadn't thought of that, but it didn't seem to me he was in "doctor mode" at the time. We didn't get any PSA announcement from him, either. The way I took it was he wanted to engage Fer and continue to enjoy her company as long as possible. Of course, we can't have everything we want in 44 minutes per night. I concur, he doesn't seem to have helped Pedro and Adelina much! And why must the men wear those ridiculous gowns. In these days, wouldn't pants and t-shirts be more comfortable for men and women? The staff should wear navy blue or red--it's hard to distinguish them when they are also wearing white.

Diana--"Did she realize how much her sister truly hates her? I guess her dispassionate nature served her well here. She rejected love from her daughter and husband for 20 years. It is not surprising she rejected her sister’s tirade of hate as well." That was a powerful observation. Amelia has been practicing for a long time.

The only emotions we've seen her capable of showing beyond feeling sorry for herself during her pre-hacienda life is her undying love for Luis, which actually projected as feeling sorry for herself. Conversely, she hasn't rejected Blanca's or her daddy's love and affection. But we should be reminded that two other people who were willing to love and assist her, Lupe and Iggy, were rejected when they were no longer useful to her when she became a dama de la hacienda class. I don't think she cares much about Hernan's or Mariana's feelings towards her, as long as she has her daddy's care and protection.

She's an enigma alright. Just as Pedro is.

Kendra--I'm still miffed, as you are about Fer's living arrangements. I don't understand why the school's directors haven't repaired the shack. It was on their property and it belonged to them (we heard Rosaura say in the first episode when she let Amelia and Pedro live there). I'm even more upset with Lupe, who promised to help with all of Pedro's other expenses after Fer got the loan from the bank. Cesar and Jose could have put up some plywood walls and a roof. I'm also upset with Marissa and Carlos. They should have been the first to rebuild or find her another location. Maybe she would have been too proud to accept, but surely the bank could have put up a donation jar for her. Jeeezh, there are plenty of ways besides busking to raise money. Marissa and Carlos could have made an "anonymous" donation with enough to rebuild it. Well, I could go on and on, but I need to pack.

Luis can maintain, as he told Marissa, he was fearful of his life when Carlos shoved him against the car. Unless he doesn't have a permit to carry, or the gun illegal he can defend himself. He didn't fire, just got Carlos to back off. We all know the intent but the judge doesn't and if Luis is a decent lawyer this defense should work. As problematic, Carlos lied and while it seems inconsequential he lied about the relationship he has with Luis believing it would make it worse and it has, maintaining some random thug came at him with a gun instead of a domestic dispute that got out of hand.

If Carlos is truly serious about Fernanda, then why didn't he ask her opinion before saying he would adopt Paco? She's so young to be getting an instant family.

I like the Paco character, but I wonder if he was an addition to the script. I guess his cardboard hut was made out of La Gata's old sleds.


The kid existed in the original version of the TN as well. But in La Hija del Jardinero it was Pedro who wanted to adopt him, not Carlos.

I applaud wanting to help Paco but is a young, single, on call doctor in the best position, without him hiring a nanny, to raise and care for the boy?

Fabulous Anita! You continue to delight with your wonderful recaps.

I felt sick watching Marissa soften towards Lousey, what is so great about that sack of shiz? The guy pulled a gun on her son and like that waltzes into her house? Carlos is a victim. Lousey shouldntbe allowed anywhere near Carlos or his place of residence. Unbelievable writers.

Poor Carlos his world is flipping upside down and I think Isy will be ready to pounce as Carlos becomes more vulnerable.

Im sure mileage varies but Pedro is working my nerves with his Carlos nonsense. He keeps leading Javier to believe Carlos is evil snd pkanting seeds that Fer and Carlos are bio related. Pedro knows darn good and well that Luis is not Carlos bio father. Its going to blowup in his face,because Fer is not a child. Shes almost 20 and his constant "she's my daughter" is getting tiresome. He's lying to her not just out if protection but out of possession now and it's wrong. Fer wont think so highly of her Papito when she discovers he allowed her all this stress of keeping a secret about her bio Dad when HE knew all along.

I love Mariana growling at Amelia.."the misery you caused your husband and daughter for 20 years" Oh you are telling the truth now Mariana! Amelia needs to be shamed everyday about it.

Anita this was as good a recap. The episode is just a bit annoying. the good guys can't seem to get a break. its very annoying seeing the bad guys get the upper hand. I cannot stand dr. Jay, I wish he'd go away. I didn't intend for that to rhyme but since it did I'll go with it.

Just when I think pedro is getting better he starts beating himself in the head again, going crazy running around in circles scaring the hell out of everybody, I wish they would hurry up and write that part out of the script, get him well and so they can move on cuz it's really annoying . That's what happens when you're married to a block of ice in 20 years but come on, make him better, make him better.

I hope Amelia does come back walking then maybe she can stand up to her mean old b...witch of a sister, give her some guts or something. She is such a mean person. She's playing that part really well whoever she is I can't remember her name. the actress that plays Mariana. okay I gotta go this headache isn't getting any better looking at this small screen. Thanks again Anita, good recap.

Sorry this had to be done on the fly. There was a lot of good conversation. Hope someone else can fill in. These are highlights from the scene changes. (NINA: The actress who plays Mariana is Ana Patricia Rojo—and is Old Don Fernando’s real daughter!!)

EPISODE #56 (Thu May 12) Pt 1
Fernanda pops her head in to see Javier. She’s on her way to see Pedro. He asks her to wait. He must talk to her. Fer worries it’s about Pedro. He says he must withdraw from Pedro’s case. It’s a matter of ethics. It’s causing a conflict. He explains how like Carlos is a problem for Pedro, Fer is a problem for him. Is it about Carlos’ jealousy? Javier says that Carlos is right. Jay tells her he’s in love with her. Cara de impactada de Fer. He is telling her this because he wants to be honest with her. He realized after hearing the way she talked about Carlos that he himself was jealous. There can’t be a relationship other than professional between doctor and patient. Fer points out Pedro is his patient. Still, Jay says, he will still see her daily and what he feels for her is getting stronger.

Carlos appears at breakfast, but he’s not eating there. Marissa asks him to sit down. She can tell something is wrong. Carlos says he’s leaving the house. He tells her he needs some solidarity in his life and he can’t keep fighting against what she feels for Luis Montero. He saw them kissing the day before. It’s obvious she doesn’t care what Luis did to her or to him. He could kill anyone, Fer, Clarita, him and she would justify and defend him. Marissa says he’s wrong. That kiss was not returned—it was one-sided and meant nothing to her. She said she might have forgiven something he did to her, but when he messed with her son that was it. There is no possible reconciliation. Come what may, she’s divorcing him.

Alicia comes in to Luis’ office. She’s not quite sure what will happen now. He starts to tell her what a great person she is when the notary comes in. Guess what he’s going to do!

Carlos takes Paco to school. Some blonde finds out he’s a single father and bats her eyes at him. >>FF

Fer begs Jay to change his mind. If she’s the problem, she’s willing to do anything so he doesn’t stop treating Pedro. She’ll avoid him. She’s willing to come visit when he’s not there. He agrees.

Camila, Old Fer and the rest of the family are having breakfast. Cam wants to know from Old Fer if she can bring her friend out to meet him. Mariana tells Cam she needs someone serious for the job. Luis barges in. Old Fer welcomes him. Luis has something rather sensitive to discuss and they go off by themselves (although Mariana is never out of earshot). Luis tells Old Fer he’s going through some tough times at the moment. He’s lost his law office and was wondering if he could work out of his company office. He would still represent Old Fer’s business, of course. Old Fer is quite amenable. Luis goes on to say he needs a little advance. Old Fer would gladly loan him some, but things are kind of tight. He had to replace money from a robbery at the company office out of pocket. But he will and Luis says it can come out of his monthly retainer.

While Mariana was listening behind the door, she was thinking she would give him everything, she loves him so much. She likes the idea that he’ll be working in the company office. She’ll help solve his problems. Mariana comes in and tells Luis that her father has gone to bed. He gets very sleepy after he takes his medicine. Luis, deadpans, is she poisoning him? She gets all up in his face and tries out her best seductive pose. She promises up to the presidency if he wants it. He keeps backing up until there’s nowhere else to back up. She gives him a something yucky on his lips. [Sorry, I just couldn’t say it.] Luis pushes her away. Mariana is more angry than hurt. Why with Amelia and not her? Luis says frankly, he always liked (la quise) Amelia, but always thought of Mariana as a friend.

EPISODE #56 (Thu May 12) Pt 2
Mariana makes a slip and refers to Amelia in the present. Luis catches it and wants to know if she’s heard anything about her. Nope, she lies. Luis says he knows he has no chance with Amelia, but with his daughter he might. Mariana says Good Luck with that! He starts to take his leave saying he wants to forget that yucky ever happened. If he’s going to be working in the company office, he doesn’t want any problems with her husband.

Marissa has come to see Dr. Javier! She feels overwhelmed by her problems. If it were just a matter of her husband having cheated on her, she could probably deal with it. But she has mixed feelings. On the one hand she’s full of rage and on the other hand it pains her to see him so helpless. Marissa knows he’s treating Pedro and Carlos thinks Jay is a good person. She wants Jay to take her on as his patient. A nurse knocks and tells him there is an emergency. Jay tells her to get an appointment.

Pedro feels worse, he tells Fer. This is like a jail. He wants to get out. He feels so locked in. He needs to be outside, working in the fresh air with his plants. Fer looks very concerned. He makes Fer go get Jay to show him he’s ok and ready to go home. Instead, he’s been sedated and is sleeping. Fer watches over him wondering why he’s not getting better. Jay assures her that he is, although it may not seem that way. He tells Fer he'll be there for Pedro and she can go to her job search with an easy mind.

Fer is giving Rosaura an update on Pedro. Camila shows up. Is she ready to go? Rosaura hopes she gets the job Camila is trying to get for her.

Marcos and Carlos are talking about Old Fer’s medication. The pills are still making him too sleepy. He should come in for a check-up. Marcos asks Carlos about his relationship with Old Fer. He always calls Carlos even though Marcos is the doctor of record. It seems like it’s more than merely doctor-patient. Carlos says he’s feels a great affection for him, like a father and son—well maybe more like a grandson, because of their ages.

Jay shows up and he and Carlos get into it again. Carlos snidely calls Jay a jailer, while Jay says Marissa and Fer think he is very professional. Then he tells Carlos that Marissa asked him to treat her (and how ‘bout them apples, Carlos)! There’s some talk back and forth about confidentiality because Carlos wants to know why Marissa is seeing him. Marcos is trying to calm them down. In the middle of all this, Isabela walks in. Is she interrupting anything?

Hernán has showed up at home for an early lunch. Camila arrives with Fer in tow. Hernán recognizes her. Mariana remembers her from the time she was there with Carlos. Cam is surprised. With Carlos? When was she there with Carlos? Mariana tells her she’s interrupting. Hernán points his finger at Fer. He knows her very well. Fer can only look stressed. She introduces herself as Fernanda Perez. Mariana suddenly feels ill and leaves the room. Cam holds Fer back from leaving. They’ll talk directly with Old Fer. Now, back to Carlos.

Hernán goes after Mariana. Mariana says it is she! Herny remember meeting her with the gardener and his wife, but didn’t know then that Amelia was her sister until she showed up here. Mariana and Herny realize Fer can’t stay in the house. When Amelia returns, she’ll know Mariana lied about her daughter being dead and also about the gardener being dead.

Pedro wakes up from his sedated sleep. Adelina has come to visit. She makes him laugh. He still feels Fernanda is running a great risk.

EPISODE #56 (Thu May 12) Pt 3
Amelia and Blanca are in Mexico City (I can see the corner of the Museo de Bellas Artes). Amelia is crying over her dead “family.” Blanca comforts her. She was happy and never knew it.

Mariana is back and grilling Fer (but not with the job in mind). If she gets the job, Mariana will continue to control the medications. She’d be Old Fer’s companion. She tells Mariana she needs the job and why. Fer tells her family history, her father is in a psychiatric clinic and her mother abandoned them. Is that all the family she has? Fer says she has a paternal aunt. Mariana wants to know about anyone on her mother’s side. Fer, not knowing who she’s really talking to, says her mother told her about her father and a sister. All she knows about them is they didn’t like her father and the fact he married her mother. She really doesn’t know anything else about them.

Marcos talks to Jay about the behavior between him and Carlos. They are too aggressive with each other and Jay is partly to blame. It has to do with Fer, with whom Carlos is very much in love. Jay is still steamed up. He’s Pedro’s psychiatrist. It’s inevitable he sees Fer. If Carlos is jealous, it’s his problem.

Carlos is back at the hospital in his smock. Isy can tell he’s having trouble with Fernanda. He’s jealous. She knows him. Jay is treating Pedro, so...Carlos tells her he can’t sit down and talk to her calmly any more. She’s toxic. Isy asks him out to dinner to celebrate her return to modeling. He declines. She’s off to see Marissa.

Pedro tosses and turns during the night. He gets up and paces his room. He must leave this place. He’s going to escape.

Luis dines alone. No office, no credit cards, no cash, no child. (So how can he pay for his meal?) Wait--he has a light bulb moment. He’s going to annul the fake will.

Paco tells Carlos about fútbol. Isy arrives with Marissa. Marissa feels badly about Luis. Carlos rolls his eyes.

Luis barges into the Altamirano living room. He sees Fer. What is she doing here? Mariana says she’s a friend of Camila’s. Luis directs the question to Fer. Fer says it’s none of his business, Licenciado Montero. Mariana dismisses Fer and tells her she’ll get back to her after she talks to her father.

Mariana wants to know if he’s thought over her proposal (on how to gain the presidency on his back). He tells Mariana no, he’s there to get the will back. He’s going to find his daughter and tell Old Fer who she is and HE will administer her great fortune.

Don't forget--there won't be an Anita recap for Friday night. Invitations are open to do highlights.

Great recap Anita! Ooh this is getting juicy, Mariana and Hernan have now realized who Amelia's daughter is! I keot wanting Don Fer to wake up. Surely Cami will tell Don Fer her friend came by while he was sleeping. It will be interesting to see how Mariana tries to stop thus.

Luis is an idiot, he only just now thought about all the $s his daughter would inherit? He really is a snake, slithering around looking for handouts from others. I can't wsit until Don Fer learns the truth about him. What will Amelia do when she comes back (most likely walking again), Fernanda will nit be pleasedyo see her mother as she holds her respondibke for Pedro's breakdown. The tables will be turned and Amelia will be groveling.

Interesting turn seeing Marissa seeking therapy, I wonder iwhere this is going? Surely Javier learns the truth about Carlos bio Dad not being Luus. I hate that he thinks that. I did appreciate Javier coming clean about hus feelings to Fer. Carlos wasn't imagining the Dr's attention to Fer and now she can see for herself. Carlos is clearly kicked in the gut by her constant rejection and it apoears its going to get worse as Javier seems to be gearing uo for a full court press for Fernanda. Poor Carlos,Isy will be lurking to make it worse and fuel the situation.

Any guesses where Pedro went? Did he get far?

Anita I can do the Friday recap unless someone else prefers to do it. Safe travels!


Anita, marvelous.

"She gives him a something yucky on his lips. [Sorry, I just couldn’t say it]", "Luis dines alone. No office, no credit cards, no cash, no chil". and "Then he tells Carlos that Marissa asked him to treat her (and how ‘bout them apples, Carlos)!" were among my favorites.

"Jay tells her he’s in love with her". “Instantly smitten” must be the name of the fragrance Fernanda sports. Men look and her and fall head over heels in love. But, can you blame them? I can’t. She is the epitome of what every young girl wishes to be – loving, kind, sincere, honest, talented and loyal. I think it was a tad early for Jay to fall so hard, so quickly, but… Proof positive that lovely and innocent is as strong a lure as sexy and provocative.

Luis practically recoiled from Mariana, didn't he (I say smiling with glee!). If that (along with the look of profound distaste he sported) did not deter her, I don't know what will. Isy is undaunted after being rebuffed but in fairness, she and Carlos did have a relationship. The only relationship Mariana had with Luis was in her evil mind.

I'm happy Marissa and Carlos straightened out what actually happened (or didn't happen) with Luis before Carlos actually left the house. Still I ( and Carlos) was disquieted by "Marissa feels badly about Luis. Carlos rolls his eyes". Me too. Please don't backslide Marissa. You've come too far. Luis almost killed your son.

He’s going to find his daughter and tell Old Fer who she is and HE will administer her great fortune. Ahh Luis. We know exactly what you mean – you will administer your daughter’s fortune by spending every red cent, won’t you?

Enjoyed the shocked Hernan and Mariana's reaction to seeing Fer. I did not enjoy Mariana's cold cross examination though...Run Fer Run.

Nina, like you, I want Pedro to get better. That does not seem to be occurring. Of course, is Jay actually working with Pedro? He seems to be spending all his time mooning after Fer.

"Amelia is crying over her dead “family.” Blanca comforts her. She was happy and never knew it". Amelia to me is by far the most intriguing character here. I am very reluctant to say this but I think she is feeling genuine regret and remorse. I do hope she has the chance for another attempt at a relationship with her daughter. Initially, I wanted it just for Fernanda's sake. And now, I must admit, I hope she can start to heal the 20 years of heartbreak she wrought on those who loved her. True repentance and forgiveness are crucial TN staples. I believe Fernanda's kind gentle heart will be the catalyst for their reconciliation. However long it takes for Amelia to find out Fer is alive is another story.

Thank you Anita for your brilliant rendition of yet another fantastic episode.


Thanks, Anita!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was amazed at how adept Mariana was at extracting personal information from Fer using the guise of a job interview.

I think everyone thought Carlos was being paranoid about Jay. In reality, he was recognizing a genuine threat. Acting defensively against a real threat is not paranoia, it is prudence.

Hope Pedro doesn't run out and get into some kind of trouble, and get hauled back in in a straight jacket, and I very much disagree with Jay; he's NOT getting better.

Luis and whale excrement are vying for the title of "The Lowest Thing on the Planet." What a worthless waste of protoplasm. I guess that Fernanda is a prime example of what trumps what in the age old debate about nature vs nurture. No one could ever imagine that this industrious, lovable girl shares any DNA with Luis.

Delilah, I too think that Amelia will return from Mexico City and walk through the front door. Looking forward to your recap!!


Diana--You always try to see the goodness in everyone. The world would be a better place if not only we could always see the goodness in others, but that those others would act accordingly.

David--Whale excrement? I've never seen any, but I imagine it comes in large portions? For me the lowest thing on the planet is a cockroach. I loathe them so much I can't even step on them. They crunch and spurt. Ok, sorry, I've had my breakfast and am about ready to go out the door.

Delilah--Thanks for taking the editorial chair. We've managed never to miss an episode for all these weeks. It's a testament to future viewers and re-viewers. I'm re-reading the recaps along with the re-broadcasts of CME and Amores Verdaderos. What a delight. I'm so glad they are archived for us to enjoy again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Anita

"He keeps backing up until there’s nowhere else to back up"

See Javier's got ethics if only he could resist rubbing it in Carlos's face.

Carlos seems more childlike everyday to me. I thought he would hold his breath till he passed out at the breakfast table cause his mommy kissed Luis.

Hmmm. Not once in 19 years did Amelia tell her daughter she loved her. All those years and Fernanda starving for the slightest display of affection. A smile even, but instead she got at best apathy but more times than not a shove. If she didn't think Fernanda was dead she wouldn't be giving her much thought. I hate her.

Yep. Luis wins this leg of the idiot race edging out Pedro but Pedro is on the loose so stay tuned.

Pedro is a danger to the community, he is not getting better (sedation ain't fixin), and Fernanda should find another doctor.

Mariana continues to impress and amaze me.


Anita, what did you miss? Seems as if you got it all!

Jay made me laugh with his ethics...what type of ethics had you telling people who didnt ask about your patient list. Telling info you extracted from a patient's family to "treat" your patient to someone who didnt ask? Remind me not to tell him anything he's a terrible secret keeper.

Luis? Really? Did you practice law since you kerp telling everyone you are a lawyer? How do you not have any money with a private practice? Pathetic!

Thanks Anita hope you have a great trip!

Thanks Anita. Good recap. Yucky episode. she put something on his mouth? Eeeewwwwww!!! yucky!!! two nasty people that deserve each other. O Anita I already knew about Patricia being old fer's bio daughter. I was looking up the cast of the show one day and I came across that little tidbit. Someone commented I think last week about how much fun they must have acting together, they're two really good actors.

Does fernanda own a blouse that covers her midriff? Ok the house burned down, but before that? Besides the school uniform? Ok maybe not.
Poor carlos he's at the end of his rope with fer. He should really get it together if hes going to adopt little paco, and watch out for "luis the leech".
I'll be glad when this puzzle is put together.

Thanks Anita!!!!

Friday - May 13 Part I

Luis informs Mariana that she doesn't get a dime from her father's will and on top of that he's prepared to tell Don Fer that he was the sorry no good for nothing that knocked up Amelia. Mariana isn't having it and threatens Luis. Luis says "Ooh I'm scared..NOT! All your plans fail Mariana" This from the smartest attorney in all of Mexico who is now homeless.

Fer returns to her camp ground surprised to find Javier sitting on a tree stump bathed in the moonlight. The school on the distant hill by contrast also shines brightly lit up by electricity. Javier has come to check on Fer and to inquire about her job interview. She tells him that it's a wait and see situation but she's hopeful. Javier hates to see Fer this way, defenseless and wishes he could protect her so that she wouldn't have to worry about anything. How cool would that be? She responds. In her usual sweet way she accepts with a smile that it's only a fantasy and "that's life huh?" Javier seems caught off guard by Fer's ability to accept things and not feel sorry for herself. He studies her while closing the distance between them, never taking his eyes off of her "I love you Fernanda..I like you so much" Just then Captain Carlos jumps out of the darkened woods to push Javier back "Don't you touch her! You can't kiss her!" Carlos accuses Javier of being unethical, but Javier reminds Carlos that Pedro is his patient, Fer is not! Fer tries to stop the escalating fight, but to no avail, Carlos unleashes his accusations on Javier.

C: "You tried to take me for a fool, didn't you? You said you weren't in love with her"
J: "I refused to accept it myself, you're not the center of the universe"
C: "You knew I was in love with her"
J: "Well how will you stop me from loving her?"
C: "You want to know how?"

Javier responds with a forceful shove to Javier. Fer who has unsuccessfully tried to stop the argument finally comes between the two before they come to blows. She demands they stop and for Carlos to calm down. This only inflames things further, as Carlos see Fer as defending Javier. She assures him she is not takings sides, but she already knew Javier was in love with her, the good doc told her. Cara impactada de Carlos!

Meanwhile at the Crazy Inn, Pedro is lurking through the halls in his Karate kid outfit, muttering that he won't get caught as he peeks around corners, dodging a night shift nurse. He is just about to taste freedom when he hears Adelina behind him telling him not to do it. Please don't go.

Carlos can't believe it! They (Fer/Jav) were both making a fool of him. Fer tries to assure him that he's wrong and "acting like a madman" He says he is mad, because he loves Fer, his world is crumbling down around him and he needs her.. is dying without her but she doesn't care. He realizes she doesn't love him, he's an idiot. Javier looks on painfully witnessing Carlos humiliating plea to Fer.


Friday - May 13 Part II

At the Hacienda of lies, Don Fer who at some point must have been awakened by the shouting, demands to know why Mariana and Luis are arguing. They both say it's nothing. Don Fer insists and Luis caves, he wants to find Don Fer's granddaughter. Good says DF because his granddaughter is the heiress to his entire fortune. Since this is the umpteenth time the patio has heard DF say this, we all take a drink! Bartender, another round please! *clink*

Back at burned grounds, exasperated heiress tells Carlos to please stop saying that she doesn't love him. It's not true and when he says those things he hurts her. Carlos can't believe she's hurt, couples stick together through thick and thin, they don't break up every time there is a problem. She's a hypocrite! Javier has had enough of standing by silently and he stands up for Fer, telling Carlos to stop. The two begin trading barbs again but Fer puts a stop to it all. Carlos reminds her about the almost kiss he interrupted. Fer has had it and tells Carlos she wasn't going to let Doc Javier kiss her, but so what? It's her issue to deal with and none of his business. "Well you knew he loved you and you didn't tell me." Fer tells Carlos she didn't have to. Carlos says she's laughed at him long enough. Javier pipes in goading Carlos, that he told Fer the truth because he loves her. Carlos is ready to pummel Javier, but Fer stops him again. She doesn't understand why Carlos is acting this way and says "Sweetheart please calm down" Carlos is incredulous that she would use the word sweetheart. All her protests mean nothing to him when Doc Javier is there causing so many problems between them. Carlos sets Fer free so she can be happy presumably with Doc Javier, but don't come looking for him anymore. Later babe!

Pedro tells Adelina she doesn't know his life..waaah waaah. She says she doesn't but everyone in there has problems and are suffering the same as him. Does he think being in that jail is any less painful for her? Well then "C'mon let's go, I'll help you escape!" Pedro says hoping he can encourage Addy to join him.

Don Fer points out that unlike Amelia who loves him for who he is, Mariana only sees him as a wallet. Pffft..Oh Daddy, we are the same, sneers Mariana you raised us. Well yeah but now that Amelia is back, begins Don Fer as Luis jumps in "Amelia is back?!" He glares at Mariana who has probably just soiled her panties.

Adelina declines jumping the joint with Pedro. She won't do that because she has two families on the outside who want her to get well. Her school family and her mother. They're the reason she fights to get well. Pedro begins whining "Pero mi hija..." but Adelina gives him a come to Jesus wake up "Yeah that daughter who needs you, but all you can do is plan your escape" Pedro denies it, but Adelina calls him out on his blatant lie. Oh snap! Adelina respects Pedro, but he's not being very brave right now. Pedro leans helplessly against the wall for support. Obviously exhausted by the bag of guilt trip Adelina has just placed on his shoulders. She encourages him to fight for his health. They'll do it together.

Friday-May13 Part III

Don Fer assumes Luis knew his daughter Amelia was back, Luis wants to know from Mariana where Amelia is. "It's none of your business" she snaps "You aren't family!" Don Fer tells Mariana to mind her manners. She doesn't take kindly to being reprimanded like a child. Well then don't act like one Don Fer says. Ouch! Luis doesn't miss a beat and continues to press for Amelia's whereabouts. Don Fer is about to spill, when Mariana cuts her father off, offering to tell Don Fer the truth about who Luis really is and the problems he has inflicted on their family.

Pedro continues to moan and groan about how time goes so slowly in the crazy in. The days...and oh Amelia he's lost without her He could never get her to love him and now he's further and further away from sanity. He doesn't know how to survive. Pedro is becoming a drip.

Mariana is growling,gearing up " Luis Montero, the great lawyer Luis Montero isn't but...."

Suddenly little Hernan busts in,pleading for his wife to come to bed. It's too late to be arguing. She rolls her eyes, unbelievable at her idiot husband's timing. Can't ya'll just let me finish my bedtime story? It's good yo!"

Don Fer, thinks it's a good idea, because Hernan's wife just went mad! Hmm..go find those pills Hernan! Mariana isn't having it she's not mad. Luis gives her the side eye "Oh yeah?" I'm gonna finish my story she says, but Hernan slices his hands through the air. "!" Mariana has got to tell the truth to her PaPa, but Hernan reaches across to his bride, you don't need to tell him nuthin, now lets get to bed" He gives her a hard yank dragging her back to their cave as she continues yelling. "Shut up for God's sake!" Hernan bellows from their bedroom. Don Fer apologizes to Luis ashamed at his daughters behavior. Luis brushes it aside, he is more interested in where Amelia is but Don Fer is tired. Tomorrow he will tell Luis.

Pedro, continues to lay in his bed worrying about Fer, as we see she is back at her burned out home playing her beloved violin. Pedro wonders when he will be her father again, where is the Pedro he once was? The one had a smile instead of tears. He continues to ponder his love for Amelia. Amelia also lays in her bed thinking of what she had and how she lost it. Her daughter and her husband. It's a lesson she is not ready to learn, if only she could go back. A single tear falls across her

Friday-May13 Part IV

Luis lays in his/Marissa's bed. He seems to have an epiphany of the louse he has become. He thinks regretfully about the way he treated Amelia and while there is most likely no chance for them, he asks for life to give him the chance to at least see Amelia, he'd do things so differently for his daughter. She would be the one to save him from the dirty path he has chosen. His daughter would get the best of him. Where are you Amelia? Give me my daughter back.

It's a new day, the birds are singing and Fernanda springs up the hacienda steps looking very cute with her princess Leia hair do. She encounters Don Fer looking dapper while sitting outside reading the paper. She greets him cheerfully "Hola Don Fernando!" He stands up, realizing he's met her before but not sure where. In any case, he's charmed and feels good to see her. She tries to jog his memory by recounting the instances they have crossed paths but he simply states he doesn't remember much of anything these days. She points out she's Cami's friend and he realizes she's the girl who could be his nurse. The two hit it off and he is just about to offer her the job, when Mariana comes in with her usual growl to halt the business transaction.

Meanwhile Carlos is reporting Doc Javier to Chief of Staff Dr. Macias, for unethical behavior. According to Carlos, Doc Javier has no business being appointed to head of Dept. of Psychiatry. That's some serious accusation Dr. Macias points out. Yeah well it's true he's in love with the daughter of one of his patients. Okay Dr. Macias will look into it, but because of the arguments. Carlos is embarrassed and surprised Dr. Macias knew. Well he does and so does the whole staff. Dr. Macias sees no issued with Javier having feelings for a patients daughter. After Carlos is a doctor too and that didn't stop him from falling in love with Fernanda and helping/treating her relatives. Oh snapola Dr. Macias. Well played! Hypocrite much Carlos?

Mariana tells Fernanda, she has made up her mind. You don't have the job. Don Fer takes a page out of Hernan's and tells Mariana to shut it. He's the patient after all and he'll decide who takes care of him. Doesn't his opinion count? Sure Mariana says, and you can tell me about it later. No I think now Don Fer says. So tell you what, she has the job, she's my new caregiver and guess what? I really like her! He flashes a bright smile that takes about five years off. "From now on you'll take care of this wrecked old man" Fernanda flashes an equally bright smile. "Really?" She can't believe her ears. A job! "Hey what's your name?" Don Fer asks "Fernanda Perez at your disposal" Don Fer repeats only her first,"Fernanda" And just like that,Don Fer has his beloved granddaughter. Squeee!

Friday-May 13 Part V

Marcos is not happy that his two buds Carlos and Javier almost came to blows. Javier has come to a conclusion; Marcos hopes it's to make peace with Carlos because he doesn't want either of his buds to get into trouble. Forget it, Javier says, he has no intention of being buds with Carlos and he's done taking Carlos feelings into consideration. All is fair in love and war. He's not giving up a woman who drives him crazy with love. He's what Fer needs; a dude who can love and support her the way she deserves. In return she can make him believe in love again.

Fer and Cami celebrate her job. Fer was so excited she forgot to ask about the pay. Cami says she'll take care of it. Fer would have done the same for her. The gotta look out for each other, you never know when the tables turn. Cami will never ask Fer for anything in return. She tells Fer she'll keep her informed of what she's missing in school, so Fer can catch up when she return. They exchange ILY's and hug it out.

Pedro has a counseling session in the fresh air overlooking a hill. Javier wonders how long Pedro was a gardner? Since he was a small boy. It was born in his genes. His grandfather worked a flower stall and Pedro loved to go visit with his mother. He loved the colors and plus it was his grandfathers job, it put food on the table. Pedro took up the calling. Javier tells Pedro if he gets a list together, they will buy supplies and Pedro can turn that plain hillside into a floral feast. Pedro is happy and wants to start right now.

Carlos receives a visit from his mother. He wonders how her visit with Isy went. Supposedly she told Marissa her heart still burns for Carlos. He states he's forgiven Isy for her lies but he's all about Fernanda. The convo shifts to Dr.Javier. and his being her therapist. She explains to Carlos she needs it to get through the things she is going through with Luis.

Friday-May 13 Part VI

Lupe surprises Pedro while he is still outside with Javier. It's only a few seconds before Pedro starts harping about where Fernanda is and why she hasn't show up yet. Javier tries to assure Pedro that she's probably in class. "Oh no, she's working now" Lupe spills unaware insane Pedro can easily be tipped into a fit "And as you know she lost the scholarship" Thanks Lupe, Pedro will start muttering and smacking his head again.

Mariana tells Don Fer since he missed his dose of pills yesterday, today it's double the dose. He's skeptical and wonders if she ran it by Carlos. She says it's Marco Artaega who is treating him,not Carlos. In any case, he wants to make sure Mariana gets Fernanda up to speed on his medications she'll be handling it. Nope, no way Mariana says. She's been doing it and she's going to keep doing it. Cami who has been witnessing things, doesn't appreciate stepmumsy's tone. The two begin to go at it like hens. Fer says it's ok, don't fight because of her. Don Fer says it's always this way, but he's sure when Fernanda meets his other daughter they'll get along swell. Oh Don Fer. Remember when Mariana told you she and Amelia were alike?

Ding Dong! Luis comes barging in. He wants to talk to Don Fer in private about his daughter and he turns to Fernanda "about this scammer"

We cut back to Pedro, indeed having a fit. He goes on and on about how his mental state did this. She has to study, where is she working? Where? He's so out of control he has to be restrained. Poor Lupe.

Mariana is salivating to know how Luis knows Fernanda. "Why did he call you a scammer?"

Javier tries to comfort Lupe but poor lady was so traumatized by Pedro and his idiotic nonsense. Marissa comes along to hear about it all. Javier says it's going to take time and patience.


Friday- May 13 Part VII

Don Fer feeling the affects of the dosage is dozing off in his chair and can barely pay attention to Luis as he questions about Amelia. All he knows is he's sleepy. Luis continues to press, Don Fer wants to know why is it so important Luis find Amelia?

Out in the living room, Mariana presses Fer what is up with you and Luis? Tell or you're fired. Cami takes offense. Mariana tries to dismiss Cami but she's not having it. Fer says fine, I'll tell you how I know Luis Montero.

Back in Don Fer's study, Luis tries to rouse Don Fer who is falling asleep. He needs to know where Amelia is so he can find the granddaughter. Remember? You asked me to handle that? It's no use Don Fer is sleepy, please get Fernanda. Luis shifts to that now. "Look that girl, she's a scammer..." Zzzzz Don Fer hasn't heard a word. Luis leaves.

Mariana who by now has heard the whole story is skeptical. She knows Luis, he's an upstanding man. How she said that without choking, I don't know. Anyway Cami says, look I was there you weren't. Whatever, Mariana is sure Luis was right about her being a scammer. When her father finds out, she'll be fired. Luis comes in just then. Mariana assures him she believes his version of things. Did he tell her father? Luis says well he fell asleep. What he wanted was for her to come take him up to bed. Fer says she has a name, but Mariana shouts her down. Cami says well if Don Fer sent for her it's because he considers Fernanda still employed as his nurse. Mariana hisses that she will have Hernan send Cami to boarding school. The two girls leave.

Javier and Marissa have just completed a successful counseling session. She feels a weight off her shoulders. Because you were heard Javier replies. Shed like some sleeping pills but her says exercises are a better approach. She is good with it. She wants to see Pedro. Javier tells her he's asleep but she doesn't care, she just wants to see him, it's important to her. Moments later she is with a sedated Pedro, holding his hand and speaking softly to him. She encourages him to fight please. He has the strength, his daughter needs him, you'll get up again. In her opinion nothing is impossible to him. She feels he heard her. She kisses his brow and asks God to bless him. "We're waiting for you" She says with a final look before walking out the door.

Luis wonders why Mariana allows her father to sleep like that. It's the pills she says. Luis suggest she get a better doctor instead of that recent grad Carlos. That's who he wants she says with a casual shrug. We have to respect my father's wishes. Weird,suddenly she respects her Dad's choice. Luis doesn't look convinced. Mariana tries to butter him up, what if she talks to her Dad about the scammer. He suggests she cough up where Amelia is instead.

Bitchy bangs is happy, she has some feeling in her legs. I think it's the only place she's ever had feeling in that cold body of hers, but anyway. Blanca can't wait to get home and share the news. Amelia wants to move herself so she can find out where Pedro and Fer are buried. Blanca wonders why they aren't buried in the village cemetery, that's where the poor are buried. Unless they died somewhere else? What do you think? Amelia begins to ponder it.


Friday-March 13 Part VIII

Mariana wants to know why Luis is looking for Amelia, will he rush to where she is? Yes he says. He would love for her to come back to him. Well she can't have that, he may seduce Amelia again. Luis doubts Amelia would run back into his arms. She's glad her sister has come to her senses. She wants him to focus on her. He says nope, not interested and never was. Oh he prefers those dull women like the one his wife busted him with? He doesn't want to discuss Andrea. Just tell him where Amelia is, do it for his daughter. Well sorry, that's one thing I can't help you with.

Amelia agrees that Pedro and Fer would have never left the village. She's got to confront Rosaura. Blanca says they'll find them and then put flowers together. It will be closure for Amelia.

Carlos come for his weekly check up to discover Fer works there now. He's pleasantly surprised.

Luis now at Isy's is not happy that she is so chummy with Marissa. He thought she was on his side. After all he's done for her. She tries to convince Luis she's trying to keep their friendship discreet. He's not buying it.

Don Fer wakes up pleased that Carlos has met Fer. He's surprised how much he's slept. Carlos learns Fer is his nurse. She tells him don't worry "Mr namesake" she's been reading an astrology book he left on his desk. It turns out they have that in common. Don Fer is excited. Carlos reminds Don Fer that Fer was his girlfriend once. She is not amused.

Isy cooks up that she can help Luis find out what Marissa and Carlos have planned for Luis. He's content with that arrangement.

Carlos tries to get Don Fer on his side. It's a lousy spot he's put Fer in, but Don Fer ever the romantic encourages the two young lovers to work out their differences. Oh this is going to be fun!

That's it for me folks. A super long recap, I know. I'll have to work on how to condense my recaps. Anita is a master at it.


Hey, Delilah, this was just great. I enjoyed your detail and insight, as well as your irreverent asides.

I am really wondering about Jay's expertise. Every time Pedro has an episode, Jay short circuits to sedation. That doesn't seem like a particularly efficacious approach. I think him offering to let Pedro start a garden was a much better way of dealing with his demons.

Luis is a pain. Loved your, "This from the smartest lawyer in Mexico who is now homeless." Now that Luis and Mariana have openly proclaimed that they have very different goals in mind, things should get interesting in the legal area.

The whole confrontation between Carlos and Jay could have been averted if Fer had merely said, "Javier, please stop. I don't love you and I do not want your attention like that. I love Carlos, and that's that. Please leave." Instead, she did that ineffectual break up the bar room fight thing.

Amelia has some surprises ahead, for sure. She's salving her soul with self-pity.

Thanks again, Delilah.


Delilah, outstanding. Truly.

"Meanwhile at the Crazy Inn, Pedro is lurking through the halls in his Karate kid outfit" ,"Back at burned grounds, exasperated heiress Pedro leans helplessly against the wall for support and "Obviously exhausted by the bag of guilt trip Adelina has just placed on his shoulders" were among many favorites.

David, I totally agree that Fer could and should have stopped Jav in his tracks by sweetly averring that she does not love him. This may be the first time that a character has been honestly and truly too sweet.

Marissa is enchanting. "She feels he heard her. She kisses his brow and asks God to bless him. "We're waiting for you" She says with a final look before walking out the door". A beautifully played, touching scene.

I cannot wait until Luis finds out the young woman he's been much maligning is his long lost child. If there was any chance a wedge could have possibly be driven between Pedro and his beloved daughter, Luis is certainly not it.

Old Fer as a matchmaker. Who would have thought? Loved this unexpected twist.

Delilah, every word you wrote was splendid. The fact you were so detailed was greatly appreciated. You brought this to life gracefully and completely. Thank you.


Delilah so good and sooooo funnay!

"Meanwhile at the Crazy Inn, Pedro is lurking through the halls in his Karate kid outfit"

"Mariana is growling, gearing up"

"Lupe spills unaware insane Pedro can easily be tipped into a fit"

"Bitchy bangs is happy, she has some feeling in her legs"

Carlos does believe he is the center of the universe.

Just once I wished Fernanda would give Carlos a list of what she has endured and is still coping with when he boohoos about his life crashing down. He's a little baby and will sleep in a big ole bed tonight while Fernanda will sleep on a cot in a shack that smells of smoke, with no water, electricity or glass in it's window.

Pedro made me mad trying to get Adelina to leave the cuckoo's nest

I love it when Camila gives it back to Mariana, unafraid.


Thanks all! I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap. I personally found the scene with Don Fer, Mariana and Luis a complete hoot. Hernan topped it off coming in to grab Mariana. The actress is stellar and knows how to make the most of her scenes and dialogue. She is so much fun to watch with her growling and facial expressions. A scene stealer!

Tofie I love Cami getting mouthy with Mariana. So you want to see if my Dad will send me to boarding school? *Shrug* Go ahead lady. Cami is not the least bit affected by Mariana's threats. I'm just not sure that Cami is completely trustworthy. I feel like her words to Fer about always having her back and not asking anything in return are going to come back to haunt Fer, especially when Cami finds out Fer is an heiress. I hope I'm wrong.

I'm glad Javier is going to let Pedro work in the soil. Maybe now Pedro will stop obsessing over Fernanda and her life. I like Pedro and think he has suffered enough but it is becoming tiresome watching him fret over Fer all the time. There has to be more to the man's life than him trying to hold on to Fernanda. She is his daughter, but she's also her own person. It's time he let her live her life the way she wants and decide for herself who she wants to be with. She also has a right to know who her bio father is, even if he is low life. Pedro lying to her is not right and will be a huge disappointment to her.

So are we to believe Luis has loved Amelia all along? That's a tall one to buy, considering how easily he moved on from her to marry Marissa. He didn't show the least bit of regret or even heartbreak the day he threw her aside. What will Amelia's reaction be? Will she doe a Julia Gomez-Luna and realize you can't really go back to your first love after many years have passed? Will she beg Pedro to give her another chance?

I think Pedro having a fresh new landscape to sow seeds and flowers is also going to be a metaphor for his life. He has cleared away the old landscaping of his life. It's a wide open plot in which to sow new seeds of life and love ----> Marissa.

I love Marissa. She really is grand kind lady. She's compassionate and has so much empathy for other's even Luis who does not deserve it. I picture an aged Fer much this way. Wise, kind and generous of heart with much love to give all of those around her.

I feel for Carlos, he whines a lot for sure, but he's in love and he doesn't understand how thinks could just shift so badly. He was in love enjoying Fer by his side and suddenly it was all snatched away. Now he has to watch Javier lurking around Fer. Anyone in his position would be seeing red. I just hope Don Fer is able to help these two.

Speaking of, I love that Don Fer has his granddaughter with him. The two of them are going to be thick as thieves. A beautiful new love story, about an old man and his long lost grand daughter who will be the keeper of his fortune but more importantly his heart. *tears*

I can't figure out Isy, what is she playing at? Is she running a scam on Luis?

Wow, Delilah, in addition to your wonderful recap, you have provided a synopsis of the characters with so much insight and even projections of their character traits. Very well done.

I too think that Jay letting Pedro loose to sow seeds in the hospital's garden will be his salvation, not the official treatment that Jay is providing, but, being a linear thinker, that is as far as I had taken the story. Your insight that this is a metaphor for him continuing with his life in previously unsowed fields is stunningly beautiful.

I hope that Fer, being now so intimately involved with her grandfather's life, will begin to see the mishandling of drugs by Mariana, and with Carlos' help, will be able to correct the situation.

I too loved that don Fer, in his increasingly rare moments of lucidity, encouraged the love between Carlos and Fer. I think that Fer and don Fer will develop an admiration for each other independent of their relatedness, and when the big reveal comes, it will be so much sweeter.


Delilah, not just a delight—a tour de force. I had to read it twice just to savor the deliciousness of your recap. I didn’t want it to end. Then I watched the episode. I’m amazed by all the dialog you were able to decipher. I just can’t hear it all. Thank you, Delilah.

Here are some of your verbal candy kisses I liked the best (some are dups, but ni modo):

This from the smartest attorney in all of Mexico who is now homeless. [How could he even say what he did!]

Fer returns to her camp ground surprised to find Javier sitting on a tree stump bathed in the moonlight. The school on the distant hill by contrast also shines brightly lit up by electricity. [Beautiful imagery.]

Meanwhile at the Crazy Inn, Pedro is lurking through the halls in his Karate kid outfit,… [It's been a long time since I was in a Karate studio, but this is so funny.]

He glares at Mariana who has probably just soiled her panties. [This one takes first prize.]

Pedro is becoming a drip. [Perfectly stated.]

[The rest deserve to become classic Camino.]
Can't ya'll just let me finish my bedtime story?

He seems to have an epiphany of the louse he has become.

Oh snapola Dr. Macias. Well played! Hypocrite much Carlos?

She knows Luis, he's an upstanding man. How she said that without choking, I don't know.

Bitchy bangs is happy, she has some feeling in her legs. I think it's the only place she's ever had feeling in that cold body of hers, but anyway.

Delilah--I bow to your sobriquet for Old Fer. Old Fer, slipping memory or not, becomes Don Fer from now on!

It’s nice to be back home again (and I mean Camino)!

I'll be posting a new headliner later today. The recap will be late (since I have to do it LIVE-hehe) or perhaps early tomorrow morning.


Hi Delilah, this was a long and imformative recap. I liked it. Mariana is almost funny, shes gonna have herny send cami to a boarding school. She must be gonna pay for it, cuz hes broke. And luis is an upstanding man? "lol". you say" how can she said that without coughing", I say how can she say it without throwing up. Hes as upstandin as she is. Bless their nasty greedy little hearts.

I certainly hope carlos change that medicine so mariana wont overdose ol fer. I want him to stick around to kick luis to the curve, when he finds out that he is the low down no account that knocked up his precious Amelia all those years ago. And blanca can can tare into mariana.

O lupe, this is one time they should have slaped a muzzle on the massenger, not shoot her. She meant well it just didn't come across that way. I hate to see pedro start slappin himself upside the head. I do wish they'd hurry up and get rid of this part of the show. Its just wrong that he's in a mental hospital. luis should be in a mental hospital, or Isy. Not this good man. I blame Amelia, she got a lot of making up to do. She better hurry up and start walking.

I agree with you Delilah, this is going to be so much fun with Fernando trying to get them back together. Its going to be really really good to see that, I just hope ol fer don't start to remember what luis said about her being a scammer and kick her out.

Marissa has fallen in luuuuuuve with pedro. And he's still hung up on amelia. what a dilemma.

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