Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sueño de amor #76 Wed. 6/29/16

So, here we go! I had some technical difficulties tonight. Let us just say, my recording was less than ideal.

The surgery has started. Ernesto is being supportive not just with opening his wallet but to Pato and also Pedro as his own children. They all have high hopes for Esperanza's survival.

Long hours of surgery . . . .

Pedro talks out his problems with Kristel with Ernesto. Pablo is reluctant to have any involvement with her because of the possibility of her blackmailing him using her depression and not eating.

At Margarita's house, Kristel is bemoaning her solo state without boyfriends. Her whole family cheers her and tells her how much they love her. Although smiling, on the inside Silvana is happy Kristel has ended up alone.

At the Instituto Palacios, Ricardo goes to give Cristina a pep talk: he gives her his word that her daughter Abril is alive. She is worried that her ex Óscar will retaliate against him. He Insists he has had worse enemies. (Like his wifey?) Cristina is grateful for his help in finding her daughter. She has nothing to be grateful for. He is just doing it to show her he is not a jerk. He never will let her forget that, will he? Nope, nor will he let her forget how they met. She corrects him: How they literally ran into each other, etc. etc. etc. . . . down memory lane. He tells her that they will find April. He gives her his word. They shake on it.

At Óscar's place he is throwing a fit. He is angry that Abril called her mother. He is especially angry with Gervasia the maid who was supposed to be watching her. He grabs Gervasia by her collar and shakes her while shouting at her. He then tells Abril that if she grabs a phone again, he will . . .

Back at Margarita's, it is laundry time. Kristel convinces Margarita that she does not have to get involved with any of her special laundry treatments if she just uses ASE laundry detergent. Kristel mentions that Viviana is coming over. Margarita suspects it is for something really good.

At Cristina's office the chit chat comes to an abrupt halt because Cristina has to go substitute for Esperanza. She acknowledges that she knows he was involved with Esperanza but is really not interested in knowing anything else. She is off to class. Ricardo is left alone and pensive outside of her office wondering what Esperanza is doing. He imagines her in Paris with Ernesto in the lap of luxury. His thoughts coincide with . . .

Esperanza's surgery as it goes on . . . and on . . . and on

The next stop is Ernesto's place where Murillo has just brought him a newspaper that has published a report of Tracy's death along with a photo in order to verify it. Ernesto tells Murillo that that is just perfect and finally he did something right. (uh oh! That was a dig! Might Not Ernesto and Murillo be on the best of terms?)Murillo has no comment but just nods.

At the hospital in the waiting room, Pato is getting impatient that only three of the five hour surgery has passed. Her attention is soon taken up by a visit from Luca.

At the Instituto, Cristina starts substituting for Esperanza. She promptly kicks out Paulo Rey for being the obnoxious jerk he always is when he asks if she has a boyfriend.

Ricardo is on the phone with Baxter having him use his connections to investigate Óscar and Abril. He has no news. It turns out that Ricardo has another friend investigating the Óscar/Abril matter in Aguascalientes.

Pato and Luca are at it again eventhough he just stopped by to see how Esperanza was doing. She brought up Anastasia and the ring so he brought up Erasmo having been over to see her. Tit for tat. blah blah blah!

Mario and Viviana are at Margarita's. They have an announcement: he and Viviana are novios. Of course, Silvana ruins the moment and makes them all squirm talking about how she still loves Mario but has accepted that she has lost him and how she wants to be friends. She even manages a smile on her face as they all cringe. Then she damns them and expresses how much she hates them in her head.

Ricardo and the kids are at the child psychologist Dr. Mireya's office. While the kids are with the doctor, Ricardo looks preoccupied and calls Cristina and asks if Óscar knows where she lives. Yes, he does. She still lives in the house they both shared when they were married. He tells her to lock up immediately. He is coming right over. Ricardo is off to Cristina's.

The operation is over but according to the doctor it was much more difficult than originally thought because of the lymph glands, etc. Esperanza is in intensive care and in two hours one person can go see her.

Ricardo is speeding over to Cristina's as fast as he can.

Of course at Cristina's, Óscar has already found his way in and is planning to mess up Cristina's face with his brass knuckles. Ricardo arrives just in time and he and Cristiana manage to escape and drive away. Óscar runs out after them and vows to find out who Ricardo is because he will kill him.

Ricardo makes sure they are not being followed and then parks in a garage. Cristina is hysterical because Óscar was going to beat her again.

In intensive care, Esperanza is resting. In the waiting area the doctor tells Pato and Pedro that the tumors were of considerable size and were sent to pathology. Esperanza is a strong woman and she will pull out of this but she is not out of the woods yet. The next 48 hours will be very important to her recovery since internal hemorraging, scar formation, and the way her esophagus functions now connected to her small intestine all could cause her problems. The doctor will be monitoring her all the time. Pato needs to see her. The doctor tells her there is a visiting schedule. Pato will go see Esperanza first.

Next Ernesto talks to the doctor. Ernesto is interested in the cancer prognosis. The doctor tells him it will all depend on how the treatment goes and if the cancer has spread to other organs. Ernesto leads the doctor away down a hallway so they are alone and can talk more privately. He says that the last time they talked he was willing to give the doctor whatever he needed so that Esperanza would survive. The doctor says that was not necessary. Ernesto cuts him off. This time Ernesto is there to give him a different kind of incentive: if Esperanza dies, so does he.

Kristel has now stopped by the hospital to ask about Esperanza who will be in intensive care for a minimum of 48 hours and Pedro about his diabetes which is under control just fine. He thanks her for coming and cuts the conversation short. She leaves.

Ricardo and Cristina go on by Dr. Mireya's office to pick up the kids.

At Margarita's, Kristel arrives.  It is congrats all the way around to Viviana and Mario on their "noviazgo" except for Silvana who is thinking ugly mean thoughts. Viviana makes it clear that she is not there to take Silvana's place. She is there just to bring more love to the family. Then it is time to celebrate and play "mímica" (charades with props?)

Pato "gowns up" and goes in to see her mother in intensive care. She takes off her mask to talk to Esperanza and kiss her on the forehead. (just spread those germs around, why don't you? why does she think they told her to put on a mask? to protect herself? She truly deserves Erasmo and Luca.)

At the company, Luca is talking with Ernesto about his latest altercation with Pato. He is not doing well. He knows he was way out of line with the her mom being in surgery and him having a jealous fit. Ernesto wants to know what is going on with Anastasia. The paternity test still has not been done so there is still the possibility the baby is Ernesto's. That is why they need a DNA test. Ernesto thinks it would be so much better for Luca if the baby were his. Luca agrees because if not he will never be able to get Anastasia out of his life. He will never be able to be happy with Pato. Ernesto tells Luca not to blame the whole mess on Anastasia. He Luca also made mistakes with Pato.

At Anastasia's, she is remarking to Murillo that he looks nervous. He sure is since Ernesto threatened to kill him. He never ever should have helped her out. She has another job for him. He does not know if he can. She knows he will for the right amount of money. She is hiring Murillo to make sure the DNA test shows that Luca is the father. Murillo asks how he is going to do that. That's his problem. When she finds that poor baby Luca has dirtied his diaper she hands him over to Murillo and goes to throw up.

Back at Luca's office, Luca is telling his dad about the whole Anastasia situation.  Ernesto thinks that Luca telling Pato he loves her should do the trick. Luca is worried he will never be free of Anastasia. As for Pato, Ernesto says that right now the only thing that Pato can think about is her mother Esperanza. He should be by Pato's side. What about the company? asks Luca. Ernesto tells him that he needs to learn to delegate. He has fine staff. Ernesto tells Luca not to lose Pato the love of his life because of pride.

Back at Margarita's, everyone is having a great time with the game except for Silvana who is thinking how much she hates the game even while she is smiling all the time. Having to play it is worse than being in jail.

At the Gallo's, Kiko is planning on selling lemonade down on the corner. He tells Estrella that he needs to get some money together so he can take Salma out to eat.

At the police station, Cristina is there supported by Ricardo to file a report against Óscar for breaking in and threatening her. Ricardo talks about his relationship with Esperanza since Cristina says he knows all about her but she knows nothing about him. He tells her about Esperanza cancelling the wedding out of the blue. She says love is like that sometimes it can suddenly end or suddenly arise. The usual police officer Ricardo has dealt with in the past comes in and just wants to know one thing: why does he see Ricardo even in his "sopa" soup.(everywhere). Tee Hee!

At Oscar's, Gervasia is asleep on the couch and Abril is trying to sneak keys out of her sweater pocket. Gervasia moves and Abril has to stop. Abril tries again and this time gets the keys out. Next, she lets herself out.

Esperanza starts to regain consciousness in intensive care.

The doctor tells Pato and Pedro to go home. Visiting hours are very limited. They can come on by tomorrow. Esperanza is getting the best care. He will call them with any news.

Kiko is thinking about making his lemonade business successful. He is counting up his spare coins. He calls Salma up and invites her to go out for dinner. She says yes! Her dad will bring her.

At the Guerrero apartment, Erasmo is ready to knock on the door when Luca arrives on the scene and wants to know what Erasmo wants. Luca makes it clear: he does want Erasmo seeing Pato. Luca gets the message and leaves.(for now?)

The doctor visits a now conscious Esperanza and gives her pain meds.

Pato is still worried about Esperanza being all alone at the hospital. She tells Pedro they are all alone without Esperanza. Pedro does not agree. They will always have each other.

Ricardo has news: they (really Baxter and his connections) got a photo of Abril in Colonia del Valle. He shows Cristina the photo on his phone and she confirms she is her daughter.


I will look for typos and comment tomorrow.

Thank you for a most excellent recap! You captured my frustrations perfectly! The bla-bla is getting mind-numbingly tedious! Several waiting room scenes with repetitive dialogue showing anguish and worry. Several scenes to announce in great pomp the Viviana-Mario noviazgo. Several scenes of Silvana playing nicey-nicey while secretely cursing everybody (nearly 10 episodes-worth of the same dialogues and situations for Silvana, after several episodes of her in jail lamenting her fate and swearing revenge on her family). More scenes where Pato and Luca have the same snail-like argument that neither wants to end nor go away. More scenes of Mireya acting like Santa on Prozac. More scenes of Ricardo's Get-A-Load-Of-Me spiels and heroic acts. Protracted product placement scenes. Filler scenes where characters tell each other what we've heard 47 times already. In comparison, over at Yago, I tried doing a summary for last night's episode and I couldn't make it shorter than a 1,600 words, even after omitting several riveting scenes and interesting dialogue. The events covered in last night's episode could easily be stretched to 5 episodes while keeping a decent pace and continuing to captivate the audience. Everytime I remember that an outstanding series like Yago received the most disrespectful and abysmal of treatments from Loonyvision (exiled to the graveyard shift 12am/11pm central on UniMas) while this heap of stinking donkey manure of SdA continues on the air, I feel like sending daily hate mail to Loonyvision.

Sorry for the rant. Back to this circus. One scene that made me laugh (for all th wrong reasons) was Ernesto's threat to Dr. Medrano. I should’ve tried it on my Ma’s doctor before her eye surgery: "Watch it, Doc! She loses a cornea, you lose a cornea!" I don’t know how Dr. Medrano kept a straight face when he heard Ernesto’s (adorably) illogical threat! I would’ve been like “Oooh, aren’t you a toughy! What are you doing later, Steamy McScreamy?” :D

Thanks again, Jarifa! :)

One last thing I need to get off my chest: How come the newspaper published the story about Kracy's "death", accompanied by the exact photo Murillo himself took of Kracy's "corpse", when the next-of-kin has even been notified by the police? I'd better see a burial or a cremation by Friday's episode, otherwise, a pox on Osorio for stretching this circus with a badly-executed fake death.

Hopefully, more later.

Sorry about the typo: *the next-of-kin has not been notified


Jarifa, thank you for your (always) superb recap.

"He Insists he has had worse enemies. (Like his wifey?)" and "(just spread those germs around, why don't you? why does she think they told her to put on a mask? to protect herself? She truly deserves Erasmo and Luca)" made me smile and were among many favorites.

"Esperanza's surgery as it goes on . . . and on . . . and on". Exactly, Jarifa. On the drive into work today, I was wondering if any other heroine has been through as much gut wrenching (no pun intended) illness? This woman has had issues with virtually every internal organ. I've never seen anyone put through this much. It seems the character is being punished. Now falling in love with Ricardo may not have been the most intelligent thing Espe ever did, but it certainly did not merit this grueling punishment. If she does not have a happy ending, I am going to be vexed. Speaking of, what about the doctor? I have never thought it imperative the heroine end up with a man. Espe has her kids, a career and a full life. I just want her to have a bit more as she has really been put through the ringer.

Those brass knuckles were frightening but "This time Ernesto is there to give him a different kind of incentive: if Esperanza dies, so does he was even more so". Ack. Ernesto, you’ve broken my heart.

I do think Kristel deserves to be alone. As does her not so sweet sister Salma. Ernesto is too stupid to be in a relationship, Pato is too whiny and needy and Luca is too confused. And Pedro doesn't deserve anything either until he hacks off that horrific man bun...Hrruuumph (as Sylvia used to say).

I'm glad Cris' daughter escaped but papa bear is greatly disturbed and the grizzly bear is on the prowl.

I still "have" Estrella and Adrian and Kiko. My hopes are resting with them now...

Jarifa, thank you, thank you.


I meant Erasmo is too stupid to be in a relationship (too many E's here).



Nandicta, you are so right about "Yago." I started watching it but had to give it up due to too many other things I was already watching. It was put on the air here at 9:00 p.m. CST opposite Telemundo's ratings hit "El señor de los cielos." I don't think Univisión has anything in its arsenal to win that ratings slot. They now have a shorter series "Por siempre Joan Sebastián" in that slot. It will be interesting to see if it's ratings are any better than "Yago" against " El señor de los cielos".

As for our little "gem", it just sort of rumbles and bumbles along, doesn't it?

Nandicta, that was a very good point about the photo in the newspaper matching the one on Murillo's phone. I wonder how and if Murillo will pay for his disloyalty if Ernesto finds out his has been working for Tracy and Anastasia in his contra.

Margarita was funny with her wanting to play a game to celebrate the "noviazgo". It was ???? for me. It was almost like some writer had come up with the "fun" mímica game idea and so they had to stick it somewhere in some episode to eat up time.

So how long before "Ex super duper secret agent" Ricardo finds Abril with the assistance of "real" " super duper secret agents", rescues Abril and becomes the target along with his kids of an even more crazed Óscar? Maybe Tracy, Anastasia and Óscar can team up and form their own little gang.


Diana, "hack off that horrific man bun" Yes! My sentiments exactly!

At this point I hope Kiko ends up dancing his way down the road in the closing credits. Diana, along with you , I am still liking him, Estrella, Adrián as well as Margarita and Félix for their slap stick silliness.

The brass knuckle thing was something else. It belonged in another novela. We don't need the violence to be escalated anymore in this one. It reminds me of MCET another Osorio production that I enjoyed EXCEPT for a very depressing and extremely violent subplot about a gangster club owner who held his employees in virtual indentured servitude and terribly beat and held prisoner/kidnapped one of his employees Johnny. It just did not "go" with the supposed "family fare" that novela was purported to be. The same thing with the extreme violence hinted at/shown here. I like to know what I am in for. If I want violence I will watch "The Walking Dead" or "Game of Thrones" or another novela that honestly tells me what it is going to be.

Thanks for the recap Jarifa!

You made me laugh with your ''She truly deserves Erasmo and Luca''

And for the first time I agree with Silvana when she said: ''Spending time with this stupids is worse than jail''. Go back! You can still fail to sign and they'll come pick you up!!

So April has not grown in he last year? She even has the same haircut? Mhm.

And lastly, did anybody noticed that Esperanza's little board was empty? :-(

Pablo, Silvana could do everyone a favor by returning to the big house. No, I did not notice that the little board was empty.

Diana, "gut wrenching" gave me a good laugh this a.m.

Great recap! This week has been busy and I'll be out of town (without cable) for the next few episodes, so it's great to be able to stay caught up in the meantime!

"She has nothing to be grateful for." I think that's Ricardo's favorite phrase! I think if you pieced together every time he has said "no hay nada que agradecer" you'd have enough to fill a whole episode. It might even be more entertaining than some of the filler scenes they keep using, and it would DEFINITELY be more enjoyable than any of the Lala or laundry detergent commercials they've somehow convinced themselves it would be ok to put into their show 3 or 4 times an episode. I wonder if the actors sometimes wake up at night after having nightmares about participating in those shameless scenes...

I wish Pato and Luca would either break up all the way or hurry up and get back together again. This petty fighting is getting on my last nerve, and it does not make Pato a very sympathetic character.

Christina needs to fire whatever private investigator she's been using all year if Oscar and Abril have been basically right in their same neighborhood this entire time!

Also, why aren't the police aware of this kid's situation? TN police are pretty much the most useless people ever. I guess maybe that's why most TN characters never even think to call them (I'm looking at you, Esperanza's doctor who just received a pretty menacing death threat...).

Hola amigowz, is not that I can not sleep in sueñolandia, but I had to pause this for a couple hours to go watch INDEPENDENCE DAY 2. Sorry for the delay. All comments are appreciated.

INDEPENDENCE DAY 2 sounds like fun!

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