Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Yago #26. Tuesday June 28, 2016. The Pawns Are Turning Against Their King

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Lorenzo is the one who received a bullet as a result of the scuffle with Teo. The next scene shows medical personnel scrambling to save a patient who went into cardiac arrest. Lorenzo starts narrating: Ever since he lost his father, he has been wondering how his own death would be like. Would his dad be waiting for him in the great beyond? The patient is revived. Unfortunately, it’s that old crook Damián. Young Lorenzo is well and truly dead. Abel is devastated following the loss of his vato/young man, his “keed” (kid). Teo apologizes. Abel says he is the one who failed Lorenzo. He is equally responsible for the death of Lorenzo, just as he is to blame for the death of Lorenzo's father, Facundo. Later on, when Abel and Teo prepare to bury the body in the woods, Abel removes Lorenzo’s chain, the one that once belonged to his dad. He grabs Lorenzo’s lifeless face between his hands and, fighting back the tears, he bids him farewell: “Hey kid! I hope that you’re finally going to be OK, that you will be with your Papá and that you’re finally at peace. I also hope we see each other again, somewhere, some time.” In a later scene, Abel visits Facundo’s grave to give him back his son’s chain, the chain of “their” kid. He assures him that not a day goes by where he doesn’t think about him. If there is justice in this life, Abel knows he will be punished for what he did. Getting his just deserts will be a relief for Abel. He would finally be at peace. 

As it turns out, Lucio’s eviction and arrest for fraud were solely Fidel’s doing. Yago is fuming that Fidel didn’t consult him before setting the plan in motion. It’s unacceptable that his son, Matías, gets evicted from his home, just a few days after suffering an abduction. Is this how things are going to get done from now on? Fidel will just do whatever rocks his boat without even deigning to notify Yago? Fidel thinks that he did well in taking the lead (tomar la batuta) on this one. Your kid is in your house and your enemy is in jail, so take a chill pill and let’s eat some paella! 

Yet another Madrigal sister is homeless and staying at Yago’s house. Sara and her son are officially moved in. Matías believes it’s his fault the family lost their house. He thinks his parents had to sell it in order to pay his ransom. Later, Sara realizes that all her financial assets are frozen and that the only money she has are the 2,000 pesos currently in her purse. Sucks to be you, princesa! However, Sara feels she deserves what’s happening to her. For a long time, she has been expecting the day when all the bad things she did in the past will come back to bite her in the hiney. Ámbar assures her big sister that she isn’t a bad person. Sara confesses the ugly truth to Ámbar: The casino heist, the plot to frame Omar, the fact that Damián took off with their part of the loot while Lucio offered to split his part with Sara and pay for Ámbar's operation. I did it all for you! is Sara’s timeless motto. She conveniently leaves out the part where she repeatedly boinks the man Ámbar loves. Ámbar is horrified by what she hears, especially the truth about her Daddy Dearest, who she has always defended tooth and nail. Learning that sweet attentive Abel also took part in the robbery and killed a security guard is another shock to poor Ámbar. Dismayed and nauseated, she asks her sister: “Who are you?” 

The brief stint in jail seems to have done wonders for Lucio’s reasoning skills. He finally puts two and two together: Fidel tricked him! Yago pays Lucio’s bail (fianza) but, after getting out, Lucio gives him attitude instead of thanks. He reproaches Yago for introducing him to the man who set him up. Yago disagrees: What happened is Lucio’s fault for going to Fidel behind Yago’s back. Lucio suspects this business partnership with Yago is just an elaborate plan to dispossess him of everything he worked so hard to steal build. Yago reminds him that it was he, slimy Lucio, who jumped through hoops to partner up with Yago. He was the one who got involved with mafiosi and he was the one who willingly signed a business deal with Fidel behind Yago’s back. It’s all on you, bruh, so quit your whinging!

El Chino’s wife, Jesusa, visits Damián at the hospital. He tells her the young woman who tried to swindle her at her husband’s funeral was the one who put Damián in hospital and he must get back at her. He also says he needs Jesusa to put him in touch with El Chino’s boss, i.e. Camilo Michell. However, Jesusa can’t be of help to him. She still thinks the death of her Chino was very fishy (El Chino is the thug that Camilo Michell obliged to shoot his partner then jump off the roof). Besides, she has no idea how to get to the boss; all she knows is that the boss is the devil. 

Alejandra tells Bruno the whole truth about her investigation of Damián. Bruno is worried about her safety and is sorry he doubted her before. Bruno learns that Damián is Sara’s dad and that he is the same dude who requested the security tapes of the casino (which were tampered with and delivered to Bruno by Lucio, as proof of Omar’s guilt). Later on, Alejandra and Bruno go to the hospital and pretend they are relatives of Óscar Bravo, i.e. Damián. Bruno gives the receptionist his ID card and says he is the fiancé of Óscar’s daughter, i.e. Alejandra. The trick works and the sleuthing twosome manage to retrieve Damián's personal belongings. Jesusa recognizes Alejandra and causes a ruckus in the lobby but Ale runs away and, later, manages to get into Damián’s hotel suite. 

Katia is off her rocker on drugs. Raúl searches her handbag and tries to unlock her cellphone. When she finally comes to, she worries that Yago must be looking for her. Raúl says not to worry, her dear Yago Vila wouldn’t mind too much; she’s been gone for hours, a couple more wouldn’t matter. Katia realizes she never told Raúl Yago’s last name. Raúl says she was too plastered (peda) to remember. Katia insists something is up. Raúl admits he is an old friend of Fidel’s and threatens her with a gun. 

Lucio wants to take his wife and kid to their hotel but Sara refuses. She insists they spend the night at Yago’s. Lucio says goodbye to Matías and promises to come back for him later. It is interesting to note that the boy wanted to go with his dad and looked gutted to have to stay with his mom at Yago’s place. 

Selma is a lounge singer, who goes by the name Rita. Sorry to be the one to say this, but the bits I heard of her singing were marvelously off-key. I don't know how this ties into the story but here you have it.

The next morning, Lucio wakes up in his office. He slept on his desk. He refused to sleep in one of his hotel rooms because, when he and Sara inaugurated their hotel, they swore never to use any of its rooms unless they are together. The lawyer informs Lucio that he lost the hotel too. Ha ha! 

At Yago’s lair, Sara wonders whether Yago had planned to take away all their belongings from the get-go. Yago blames Fidel for the Sarquis family's financial woes and promises to find out what he is up to. Sara doesn’t feel she would have the heart to send the father of her son to jail (Bah!). Mati is ready for school. He takes orange juice with salt, just like his bio daddy Yago. When Sara and Mati leave for school, Katia arrives. She tells Yago what happened and realizes her phone was stolen by Raúl. This is a good thing because Yago had installed a GPS tracker (rastreador) in Katia's cellphone. 

Lucio intercepts Sara outside Mati’s school. He is panicking: They must take their son and run away! Fidel Yampolski is back to take revenge for the robbery of his casino! Sara refuses. Lucio asks her to swear that she is not cheating on him. She lies to his face without even flinching: She is not cheating on him! Lucio can tell she is a lying liar who lies. He will never allow her to take Matías away from him. Lucio can’t lose his son and he can’t lose Sara. He loves her more than anything in the world. “That's the difference between you and me: I never loved you!”, she says smugly. This gets her a hard slap across the face. Lucio apologizes immediately. Sara drives off. 

Yago and Katia snag Raúl, just as he was leaving Katia's stolen cellphone in a dumpster somewhere for Camilo to send for. They deliver him to Fidel but Yago covers for Katia: He never mentions just how Raúl managed to infiltrate their team. Yago learns that Teo accidentally killed Lorenzo. Teo was so distraught that Fidel had to give him a smack upside the head and a vacation to get him to chill. Fidel tortures Raúl with kitchen knives and boiling water, the weapons of predilection for gourmet mobsters. He finds out that Raúl was sent by Camilo Michell. Fidel slashes Raúl’s throat as soon as he learns this truth. Yago witnesses the gruesome scene and accuses Fidel of killing people for sport. Fidel maintains that it is necessary to sacrifice a few pieces in order to win a game of chess. Yago demands to know, right now, who the heck Camilo Michell is, or else Fidel can start counting him, Yago, as another one of his enemies. 

Abel hangs himself but Teo saves him in the nick of time. Poor guy can’t catch a break. Even suicide isn’t working well for him! 

A quote from the capítulo   

“Hace mucho que dejé de sentir miedo a la muerte. Es la única ventaja de perderlo todo en la vida”*  

*RIP Lorenzo. You shall be missed, vato: I stopped fearing death a long time ago. It's the only advantage of losing everything in life.

Your viewing vocabulario    
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)   

tomar la batuta = to take the lead. “Batuta” is baton. 
pagar la fianza = to post bail. 
estar pedo(a) = (vulgar) to be drunk, to be plastered. The literal translation of “pedo” is fart, but this word has many colloquial uses in Mexican Spanish. 
rastreador = a tracker. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hey Patio Pals! This was intended to be a summary but there was so much going on, I didn't know what to take out.

Enjoy the mini-recap and the discussion! Catch you later! :)

Nandicta- OMG! This wasn't mini at all! Poor Lorenzo! Teo screwed up big time! I'm surprised he didn't throw another noose around the beam and join Abel.

Ambar finally knows the kind of vipers she's grown up with, and Yago finally sees the real face of Fidel. Yipes!

And now Ale is Damian's number one target. Oh no! At least Bruno now knows what she's been up to and is supportive.

I thought it was a nice bit of deflection, Yago denying culpability and then pointedly asking Sara and Lucio why Fidel would have it out for them. Hmmm?... Guilty looks from both of them.

Sara is indeed an amazing liar. Not even a flinch when she swore she has no lover. Notice how unhappy she was with Ambar kissing Yago goodbye.

Thanks, Vivi! I had a lump in my throat during the scenes of Lorenzo's death and burial. Abel's overwhelming grief really moved me. If only he and his "keed" left for the US a few days earlier and cut off all ties with the Sarquis vipers and their poisonous world, both of them would have had a shot at happiness and healing.

Even though Alejandra is in the line of sight of a violent and vengeful Damián, I feel better for her safety after Bruno learnt what she has been up to. Or maybe I should worry about both of them now?

Yago can look disgusted all he wants with Fidel but a) he has known the guy is a ruthless mafioso from day one, and b) he himself is no blanca paloma either. Omar/Yago committed murder and arson in prison. He also committed fraud, after he broke out of jail, by assuming a false identity and amassing a fortune through gambling (and possibly swindling?).

Gracias Nandicta!

Wow that scene with Fidel at the end was awesome, Fidel the butcher LOL. It kind of fit the theme that Camilo&Fidel are really just butchers. The rest are either flesh or knives. I agree that Yago knew from day one in what "game" he was putting himself in. Yago is willingly destroying the life of his family,Ambar and Matias. His ramblings make him look like a hypocrite.

I honestly don't feel bad for Sara getting slapped. I am not a proponent for domestic violence or a fan of Lucio but Sara is a witch,equally deserving of her fate. I would snap too if I was in Lucio's skin. Sara is not Maria Dolores.

Lorenzo's death felt inevitable but it was still devastating. Abel may be a bastard but he is still a character in pain.Even Ambar knows the truth know. Abel is better off hanging himself. I admit that I like the original Abel better(Boris Falay is way too hot for a simple human!!) but Abel is growing on me too even if I don't like his looks.

Thank you, Countx! I gotta admit that I whooped with laughter when Sara received that backhand slap! It was a long-time coming Gaby de la Garza is delivering a masterful performance as the unapologetically loathsome Sara.

I agree the last scene was gruesome but it was also riveting. I don't know about you but I'm fascinated by Fidel. Once again, the actor's performance is magnetic. His name is Patricio Castillo and I've never seen him in anything else before but I'm a fan. He has such a kind face and warm-sounding voice; he is a real charmer and a great story-teller... then the metamorphosis occurs and Fidel goes from sweet grampa to sadistic killer in a split second.

I'll try to stop by later. Until then, good day to all and thank you for taking the time to join us! :)


Thanks, Nandicta. Fabulous recap. I always appreciate vocab and quotations. My favorite line: Fidel tortures Raúl with kitchen knives and boiling water, the weapons of predilection for gourmet mobsters.

So sad that Lorenzo died. And this is the second time Teo carried out a clandestine burial. At least Abel wanted to kill himself. But what in the world is Teo hanging on for?

Yay, something upbeat. Ale and Bruno together again, sleuthing. Was there a genuine marriage proposal hiding in Bruno's lie to the hospital clerk? He seemed to warm to the thought. These two are so cute.

Countx, I didn't mind Lucio's slap to Sara either. Of the two of them, I like him better. Sara has a lot of gall thinking she's better than Lucio. Why at this low point for him does she have to remind him that she never loved him? Cause she thinks she's all that and deserves better than him.

The real mystery here is why Yago still loves Sara. Why does he not see that the woman Omar fell in love with does not exist?

Nandicta, I see whatever "crimes" Omar committed in prison as self-defense. He was harassed and bullied there, and they even messed with his mom when she visited.

Amazing recap Nandicta!!!

I was tearing up with Abel and Teo during Lorenzo's death and burial scenes. After seeing what Fidel did to Raul, and the fact that he wanted Lorenzo, maybe a quick death was the better alternative.

The moment Abel laid out those clothes I knew he was going to try to kill himself. For some reason I was surprised by his choice of hanging. With Ambar knowing the truth he has absolutely no one now. I kinda want Yago to bring him on his team. I feel like all of this is Lucio and Sara's fault.

I'm not sure Teo saved Abel because he likes him or because after the reaming he got from Fidel for losing Lor he couldn't lose a major puzzle piece like Abel.

If Yago or Katia had any doubt about what Fidel was capable of they now know. That scene was hard to watch. Camillo and Fidel deserve each other. Both need to go out in a burst of flames.

Yago has to know that he and Fidel are not a team. That he is only another piece in Fidel's game. And Yago has to know that Sara is a traitorous, lying beeotch. But Yago questioning Fidel on kicking the Sarquis out of there house because of Matias sounded ludicrous to me. Again, he has to know that if he continues, there is no happy ever after for him and Matias. The kid loves his mom and dad. Anything he does to them will hurt Matias.


The Body Count as of today:
1.) Facundo, the security guard at Fidel's casino

2.) The little kid shot by Abel in El Paso, TX

3.) Incompetent kidnappers of Matias

4.) Fidel's 2 sons

5.) Lorenzo

6.) Alejandra

*If I missed anyone else, let me know.

I forgot to include 7.) Raul: Katia's drug binge buddy

Julie- I think Sara wanted to make sure Ambar and Yago weren't alone, and that there was no boinking. :) Also, she wants to start separating herself from Lucio-- emotionally and physically. She did not want to be stuck in a hotel room all night with him, while he blubbered and whined, especially as it would remind her of her own role in his downfall.

Sara is getting just what she deserves, including the slap. She plotted with Yago to get rid of Lucio. Now that it has backfired on her too she blames Lucio, when she is the one that manipulated him and told him it would be okay if he signed the papers. She might not love him but it looks like he has been a decent husband to her and a good father to Matias. And if anything, she is more culpable for the heist than anyone, sans Damian, so she has no standing to feel above Lucio. Lucio doesn't deserve what he is getting from her. From Yago, yes, but not Sara.

OK, I get why Sara didn't go with Lucio - but why didn't Lucio stay at Yago's? (I assume the invitation included him.)

If I was Lucio I would be questioning why this guy I barely know keeps bailing me out and yet nothing has happened with our business deal. I mean, they are supposed to be partners in something right, and yet I've heard nothing about progress on it. If my new business partner just lost all of his money, is in jail, I would be drawing up docs to get out of the agreement, not bailing his booty out of jail.

I agree with you, Carvivlie, that any other business partner would have run away by now. But Yago can use his relationship with Ambar and his fondness for Mati as an excuse to stay in. He can even declare, with moist eyes, that he feels partially responsible for some of their troubles (never mind that he's already disavowed responsibility). Or that his word is his bond. Or he's got partners of his own higher up the chain who won't let him back out.

Lucio has figured out that Fidel is after him. (Fidel is really after Camilo, but that's a whole other thing.) I don't know if he realizes how much Yago has to do with it. Yago has done a good job so far of looking blameless and innocent.

I still dislike Lucio more than I dislike Sara. I don't know if that's irrational or not. Sara's betrayal of Omar was of a more personal and intimate nature than Lucio's was, but I keep thinking that none of it would have happened if Damian hadn't pushed the right buttons to get her to do it. She actually did resist until he played the Ambar card.

Lucio, on the other hand, although similarly deprived of a mother's love, had a nice surrogate family to make him feel welcome and loved. Sara didn't even have that. Lucio wormed his way into the casino heist specifically so that he could have everything that was Omar's, all to himself. Somehow that bothers me a little more than what Sara did. I guess it comes down to the motive. It seems meaner and pettier because it is so personal.

Of course I find Damian the most repulsive of all, and it appears that he has the endurance of a cockroach. He will be tough to get rid of.

Missed your recap last night Nandicta. Was just getting around to watching the episode at the time you posted. And reminded myself to NEVER watch a Yago episode at night. Every time I closed my eyes last night, the torture scene welled up again, as well as the heartbreaking death and burial of kid Lorenzo. Oh my. Woke up as tired as when I went to bed.

As always thanks for the vocabulary and key phrase. Certainly did not know of the alternative meanings of "pedo" although I did know about "fart". Mainly because a friend of mine was talking to a Mexican once, and telling him about her "perro" and he misunderstood it as "pedo". Pretty embarrassing.

And I'm with you, Nandicta, the actor playing Fidel is mesmerizing. Those gentle, grandfatherly eyes, the soft voice. Enchanting. Then the brisk but effective torture. All business. I really winced when that boiling water was poured on the poor guy and he pleaded "Stop, stop, I'll tell you the name. But stop" The killing was indeed merciful.

But back when I was a reporter, my sardonic editor, after putting in a story about a jealous wife pouring boiling water on her unfaithful husband's lap, gave the headline "Who's wearing the Hot Pants Now?" Male humor. Not my style.

Like Fidel, this telenovela is mesmerizing. But never again will I watch it last thing at night. Luckily, Hulu was a little more timely getting the episode posted today.

Oh I'm with you JudyB. I had a terrible time sleeping last night. I was sure all of my dreams were going to be violent so I tossed and turned.

Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear Judy and Carvivlie that this episode affected your sleep last night. I watched this episode when I got home, and then I watched La Esclava Blanca, in which a master sicced his dogs on one of his slaves, killing her, simply because she overheard him talking about some of his other dastardly deeds. Couldn't watch anything else after that (no 3xAna). Had some tea, read, and luckily was able to sleep when the time came.

Well great! not only do I envy your memory, dear Vivi, but now I envy your ability to compartmentalize as well! Fear not, "envy" is the sincerest compliment there is. In my next life...!

JudyB, maybe we need to start drinking Vivi's tea before bed!

Honey-ginger tea. :)

Just stellar Nandicta and thank you bunches.

Tell ya. Bruno is very fortunate to have a woman like Alejandra love him. If he ever, ever, ever compares her to Sara again I'll backhand him. Sara is filth.

Hey amig@s! Good to see you enjoying the discussion. I'm sorry I can't join in today, I have people over for the Portugal-Poland game. Loved your insightful comments and I thank you for taking the time to contribute to the patio. You are all very appreciated.

Dear Steve, you're one of my favorite patio pals ever since our PyP discussions but I'm afraid I had to delete your latest comment. Caray Caray is a spoiler-free space and it is a well-known rule of every TN patio to confine the discussion of the events that ocurr in an episode to their respective discussion thread. You mentioned a spoiler for the Monday episode but it was an honest mistake since the episode thread was already posted. However, this time, the Wednesday episode has not yet been posted (Julie is working on it as we speak) and many of our fellow commenters, including myself, have not had a chance to watch Wednesday's episode yet due to the late broadcasting hour. Therefore, out of respect for the work of our recappers and the enjoyment of our readers present and future, please kindly refrain from mentioning any details from episodes whose recaps/discussion pages have not yet been posted. Based on these elements, I was unfortunately forced to remove Carvivlie's follow-up comment. Thank you all for your understanding. Enjoy the discussion and catch you all tomorrow. :)

I'll take responsibility for Steve's comment, because I asked if he could verify what he said and asked for details. Sorry!

I won't actually start working on the next recap until I get home and have dinner. However, I'll post a discussion header before I leave work (around 7 EDT).

Thank you Nandicta, i can't believe this is just a brief summary. You're recaps are always amazing.

Abel is such a complex character, a good bad guy who we tend to pull for. I don't see how he can ever have any peace by living. Teo should have left him alone.

I don't think that Yago is in love with Sara, like Niecie believes. I think he's going to leave her high and dry when it's over, when she thinks she's going to walk off into the sunset with him. One thing I don't see Yago getting out of, is hurting Ambar in the process. When she finds out that they were having an affair, even one where Yago is only in it to hurt Sara, it will still devastate Ambar.

Ale sure has guts. Now to go through Damian's belongings and copy his harddrive too. She's awesome.

Got it Nandicta! With most of us being a day behind each episode, I never know if those that were able to see it on time are allowed to comment on previous day's thread. 12am showings are screwing us all up! Sorry Steve. You will have to wait to discuss the scoop!!

That's alright, Julie. I understand that we might get carried away and curious but advanced details into the next episodes should not be mentioned to begin with. Thanks for turning my attention to your comment, the spoiler is at the end of a long comment so, I'm afraid I'll have to delete it and post your comment without the spoiler in the next post. Sorry, amiga, rules are rules. :)

Julie said at 11:18 EDT:

"Thank you, Nandicta. Yes, it's hard to "summarize" when so much is going on. I ended up with four pages the other night, a record for my Yago recaps so far - and I WAS trying to be brief!

For what it's worth, I agree about Selma's singing. Save it for the lounge, when people are drunk.

Major kudos to the actor who played Lorenzo. He played live-Lorenzo beautifully, but his depiction of a stiff was remarkable. I don't know how he was able to lie still with Abel blubbering right next to his face, getting tickled by his mustache too.

I wonder if it will be a problem that Abel's fingerprints are all over Facundo's tags and chain.

I knew what Abel was up to as soon as he picked out the outfit. I would have thought he'd use a gun, though. Hanging was a bizarre choice. Now he'll always think of that as yet another thing that he screwed up! Carvivlie, I sympathize with your wish to see him on Yago's team, but I don't think they can afford to deal with such a blunderer!

I think Teo saved him because he feels that he owes Abel his life. He likes him, too, but there's that debt. There's also the fact that he'd hate to see Abel punish himself when Teo's the one who pulled the trigger.

I noticed that in Sara's story to Ambar, she also left out the part where she and Lucio sort of railroaded Abel into being the guard's killer. I'm sure Ambar wouldn't approve of the way Abel uses his pliers anyway, but painting the guy as a cold-blooded killer was unfair. There's nothing cold-blooded about Abel.

Ale certainly recovered quickly from her brush with death. She is capable of feeling fear, but that doesn't prevent her from pursuing the truth. That's... scary. I wonder if the receptionist at the hospital made a note of Bruno's name when they claimed Dam's stuff from the hospital? That'll be a jumbo clue for Damian if he finds out.

Why did Sara refuse to go to the hotel, and why did Lucio refuse to stay at Yago's? That's just silly. At times like this you're supposed to stay together as a family.

Salt in OJ? Yeuch.

Lucio was funny the next morning when he met Sara at Mati's school. I don't mean he was funny when he hit her (not that I don't get why he did it), but he was funny in that the last 18 hours seemed to have taken all the starch out of him. He looked like a bum, all disheveled and wild-eyed."

Cheers for your understanding, Carvivlie! I personally don't care about spoilers but this is a rule implemented to guarantee everyone's enjoyment of this friendly space. Besides, I wouldn't want us to get cussed out by a future reader several months (or even years) down the line! :)

Cathyx! Good to see you back, amiga! :)

Can't wait to discuss the scoop in the thread of the Wednesday episode, with Steve, Carvivlie and all of your amig@s!

I look forward to your recap, Julie! Many thanks for taking on the responsibility of recapping Wednesdays, you are a star! :)

Gotta skidaddle! The game is in extra-time! Qué nervios!

I've been here since almost the beginning Nandicta. I just haven't had any time to comment. But now that summer is here I will, so you will be hearing from me a little bit more.

Tks so much Nandicta

Must be a lot of people with insomnia, or DVR
I catch it if I happen be awake at midnight. I just don't get around to watching on dailymotion, I guess they have it, I watch Gran Hotel there.

So I keep up here.

New one coming on telemndo soon so I will get my novela fix

Pissed at uni for moving Yago, they are morons

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