Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episodes 17 - Jails, card readings and still no memory

Before you had time to recover from yesterday's episode that featured 44 minutes of Santi and Evaristo deeply staring in each other's eyes in the dark forest, Televisa brings you one where Santiago spends 44 minutes in jail waiting to be interrogated.

Let's start with important plot points we learned today to help us in deciphering what everyone's end game is.

In crazy oboe musician's memory, he is crying over Gina's coffin. Suddenly Marcelo and Mariano walk in. Cue angry stares, no doubt signaling we are about to witness Mexican standoff. Before we can though, memory cuts off.

Ramiro is remembering getting to the hospital after Gina's death. He sees Marcelo, asks him if he could see Gina. Ana Le helpfully volunteers that she saw Gina with a bottle of pills the other night. Isn't it how she died, darling? No, says Marcelo - Gina dies in her apartment from asphyxiation. She left a note. Side-comment: interesting suicide tactic. Judging from the rest of the episode, which you'll read about below, perhaps, indeed, Ana Le's plan of handing Gina pills did backfire, and in reality...could it be that Gina was killed by her own grandfather?? If so, why?

In any case, this was the exciting part, onward to the other 43 minutes then... 

Breaking it down by location today.

San Nicholas 

Orlando found some information for Ramiro - Soledad left, and rumor has it she wants to cross the border. She will never come back. Chana is recruiting town folk to stop Ramiro from finding out the truth - don't tell him anything about Sole or Ana Lu, he will bring them misfortune. Then she "accidentally" runs into Ramiro and offers to read his hand. He is skeptical, she gives him a couple things that coincide - he is here to look for a lost girl, etc. that he agrees to come to her house for a more extensive and expensive reading.

At Chana's she tells him she sees a woman in a bride's dress that he lost to death. She sees a woman he loves and another man will steal her. She is in danger though and Ramiro ought to not separate from her, as she needs him. She sees Ramiro's best friend, still here, alive and kicking, although after hearing he is definitely dead, she concludes that maybe she just sees his soul still here and kicking. She sees a woman who wants to separate him from his love, and that woman is dangerous. And finally she "sees" that the girl he is looking for died a long time ago and cards don't lie. And since cards don't lie, I am predicting Ramiro will take away only what Chana wants him to - Ana Lu is dead, Llora in danger and run back home.

Costa Paraiso 

Ana Le finished ordering Marcelo's exhumation and went to have lunch with Jenny. After a bit of prodding she tells her the whole story of Evaristo's claims that Marcelo is alive and her necessity for a DNA test. Interesting. So did she really have nothing to do with it? And does she actually want him alive/maybe even love him??

Later that night the family of crazies are at dinner and Marcelo asks Ana Le what she would think if he married Jenny tomorrow. This question would be way less creepy if he wasn't holding her hand so tenderly as he asked her. The idea, apparently, seems laughable to Ana Le, but not to Marcelo. He proposes the same to Jenny when she joins them with Ernestina. Jenny is happy and would marry him right now, but she needs to get things in order first. Ana Le who looked like she could crush a mountain with her bare hands, jumps at the wisdom of these words - they need to wait. Everybody toasts and Ana Le looks like is clenching her teeth so tight that she almost spills her drink.

Mexico City

Santi is off to work early in the episode, gets pulled over and takes his sweet time noticing the flashing lights and stopping. Then he argues with the policeman when asked to get out of the car. C'mon, Santi - we already watched a century worth of footage of your date with Evaristo. Just pull over for this cop and get out of the car! He finally does and is arrested.

A chain of events ensues: he calls Inaki to come over. When the latter comes to jail, he asks him to go to hostel and tell Ana Lucia discreetly what is happening, but nobody else, since he doesn't want to scare Rem. Inaki goes over to the hostel and mistakes Maribel for Ana Lu. Tells her the whole story. I swear I was banking on Maribel conveniently "forgetting" to pass on that information. Surprisingly, she does disclose it and Ana Lu is off to jail. Turns out Santi just wanted to see her because he missed her. They spent 30 minutes in pointless conversation, even though the jail attendant informs us only 5 minutes have passed. Ana Lu is to go home and tell everyone he is ok and working overnight, so nobody worries. She does just that and even manages to convince Remedios. Sole is not convinced all is ok though.

Santiago in the meantime is shown a photo of Gina and asked if he recognizes her. He does not, he lost his memory. That's a flimsy excuse, says policeman - you killed this woman, she was asphyxiated. It was made to look as a suicide. Santi doesn't remember anything.

Side-note on that: who, besides Evaristo, could have done that or had the motive? Ana Le gave her the pills, doubtful she would have strangled Gina herself.

Solead today was sitting quietly on a bench when Evaristo came up on her. They talked for a while about Evaristo's love for Sole's mother and Sole being like a daughter to him. If Sole is free and not in jail, it is thanks to Evaristo. She should keep him as a friend, he is protecting her. You are a criminal, and so are your grandsons, says Sole, and your wife died because of you. She is not winning popularity points with him for that comment.

Elsewhere in the episode: Inaki's brother showed up to hostel and tried to disrobe in his own room, only to run into naked Maribel and spend some time arguing with her and Rem over whose room it is and who should go. Llora and Tin went to the art gallery and surprisingly again she smiled most of the time. Abue told Mariano about Ana Le's "dream" and about Ramiro's betrayal. Mariano is outraged. Abue doesn't want Ramiro near them and hypothesizes that Ana Le, though strong, is very sensitive. Abue, I think, needs to stop drinking whatever reality-altering juice they mix in her coffee.


Thanks, Ria, for another great recap.

Crazy Valentín is sure putting the moves on Ana Laura. Thinking of how depressed she has been until hanging out with him, how depressed is she going to be if she turns out to be just another part of a Valentín revenge plot?

It was so very creepy that Ana Leticia was holding hands with her uncle Marcelo at the dinner table before Ernestina and Jennifer arrived, You could just see Ana Leticia losing it when she thought her dear uncle was getting married the next day.

So, Gina was not poisoned after all but died from asphyxiation. It seems there is always a little more to learn about Gina.

Chana could just do Tarot card readings of all if the characters and tell us the whole story from beginning to end. She sure had Ramiro down.

It will be very interesting to know Evaristo's whole story at some point.

Funny: the interrogation officer telling Santiago that he had never heard an excuse more stupid than his" three year accident caused amnesia."


A great recap Ria...and I chuckled at the 44 minutes nod.

Good lord, how many actual days pass in this story? The writing is getting a little bonkers too and I swear, the outtakes from this show must be hilarious, because I have a feeling the actors are purposefully going just a tad over the top to spice things up. Otherwise, they are probably as bored as we are. Zepedas must have had an absolute lark sitting and tyring to look appropriately interested in that taro reading....which went on forever( and done a tad weird.)

If that hand holding at the table wasn't tongue in cheek I don't know. Again, no intent on Tia's side, he's supposed to just be holding his dear niece's hands.....wait, as he stares intently into her big eyes? Yeah...still say they are having fun with us with some of this. Now AnaLe doing the wily coyote reaction with her those same big eyes bugging out of her head, now that was for plot. I could just see the wheels turning on what she was thinking of doing in that time frame to stop this wedding. Permanently??

I like Carlos too much to be a nut job baddie in this, and certainly couldn't stand to see Llora get hurt AGAIN and the tears that would ensue (get the buckets). That said...I think his intent is questionable, but maybe he winds up falling for her in the meantime.

Yeah let's put Maribel and Inaki together. Now there's a twosome that deserve each other.

Jarifa, you made me laugh out loud with comment on Chana doing readings for other characters to tell the whole story. YES!! That would surely move the plot faster!

Daisynjay, I wonder too about what Ana Le's next move is to prevent/stop this wedding. And Maribel and Inaki idea is fantastic - they do certainly deserve each other, though it seems the writers want her to get together with Inaki's brother.


Thanks for another great recap, Ria!

I was surfing in and out, so maybe I missed this...In all the time the police had him, did Santi or Ana Lucia ask them what the heck his name is (or is supposed to be)?! We know this whole thing has Evaristo written all over it.

I get that people feel protective of Soledad, but did Chana or Orlando pause for one moment to think about the fact that Soledad is basically a KIDNAPPER, and that Ana Lucia's family deserves to know she's alive and she deserves to know who she really is? No one seems to have any moral qualms about this. And in all her whining, Soledad has only focused on either "losing" Ana Lucia when the truth comes out, or going to jail. Not a thought for what her family has been going through all these years. No wonder Marcelo was so pissed off at her in flashbacks. I'm feeling that way myself about these folks who don't seem to get how messed up this situation is, and what Soledad has done wrong. Is kidnapping only a bad thing when the kidnapper treats the victim badly?

Thanks, Ria!

Vivi, I did not hear anyone say (or ask) Santi's real identity. Very odd. Yes, I'm sure Evaristo put them on Santi's trail. Else why would he have let him go the other night.

I was nearly screeching with laughter during the Inaki and Maribel scene. Yet another "near miss" - but that one was funny. I too thought for sure Maribel wouldn't tell AnaLu about Santi's arrest - but I guess Maribel didn't have any good reason to keep it a secret.

Daisy, I don't see Maribel ending up with Inaki - I imagine her ending up with Inaki's brother. Their half-naked run-in had "luv" written all over it.

No idea who killed Gina - who does seem to be dead, what with the coffin and the murder charge and everything. Actually I'm not even sure she didn't kill herself. "Asphyxiation" could mean any of several things, so was she strangled? Did she hang herself? Put a plastic "this is not a toy, do not place in baby's crib" bag over her head? Swallow a sandwich the wrong way?

"Swallow a sandwich the wrong way" is the best!

Thanks Ria for the great recap!

So Santi has been running around in his taxi for 3 years and some sharp eyed cop sees him and arrests him? Huh?? The guy is supposed to be dead anyway. And when was the case reopened? Wouldn't Mariano and AnaLet have known? Ramiro definitely should have as the fiance as number one suspect. This all reeks of Evaristo.

Why would Ev kill Gina when he went to talk on her behalf to Ramiro? Val couldn't have done it in his wheel chair. AnaLet is too tiny to stage a hanging. (I'm assuming it was a hanging since they first ruled it a suicide.) Even if the pills knocked her unconscious, that is a lot of dead weight (no pun intended) to move around and set up as a hanging. Why would Marcelo kill Gina?

Mariano has been a pretty boring character so far, I'm going to go out on a limb and say he killed Gina. Why? IDK. Just makes him more interesting.

Agree totally Vivi about protecting Soledad! She is a kidnapper. Why is everyone protecting her?

Ria, thank you for the terrific recap.

"Llora and Tin went to the art gallery and surprisingly again she smiled most of the time" was great

I did watch last night but am fairly confused as I haven't been a faithful viewer nor have I read the other recaps which I hope to catch up on. In the interim, a sincere thanks to all recappers.

daisy, I like Carlos too but he is uncomfortably believable in his evil role. He really is paired with the wrong sister!

Carvivlie, I liked your "Mariano has been a pretty boring character so far, I'm going to go out on a limb and say he killed Gina". Totally agree. He seems without personality or spark to me and utterly devoid of charm. Not sure what Ana sees (?) and furthermore, why...

I like Inaki as well as his brother (I like the actress playing Maribel although I seem to be in the minority)...

I agree that Chana is quite gifted Jarifa. I know I'd rather see life play out rather than have it told to me in advance. Surprises are not always welcome!

Boyer must be exhausted. She is in almost every single scene.


Diana, great comment about Carlos Mota. I like when actors can be good or bad characters. I also agree that he and Ana Leticia sure would be a better match. :)

Vivi, you really hit the reason I've never felt sorry for Soledad, and am increasingly frustrated with her and all around her over this secrecy she wants kept. She may swear she loves her "daughter", but really, I instead continually get the vibe this is all about her: how she NEEDS to have this 'child" still in her life and heaven forbid she go to jail. She lies to this same child, she has no qualms what she has to do to others to keep the secret, and never shown an iota of remorse or thought of what any family must have gone through. I honestly think she feels...they think she;'s dead, so be it and let's keep it that way. It suits ME.

As for the others, Ev is a questionable character, so remorse might not be on his radar, but anyone else? C'mon. I'll be honest, and maybe it's the actress, but I don't see her as the sweet, lovable, want to help type person everyone would rally around. She has always come off as aloof, controlling and a bit "I'm better than you are" with those around her. Even when she's begging for help.


Gracias, Ria.

The arrest reeks of Evaristo. I'm not sure what his motive is since I am not buying that he cares at all about Soledad. He might be doing this to get rid of Santiago for Ana Leticia. For all that she says he was her great love, her only great love is herself. He has a great bod and sexual talent, but nothing else she wants. I can see her going after serious dinero which.... is her likely motive for pursuing Mariano. He told her early on that she will inherit his business and the one guarantee she would have of that is if she prevents him from marrying someone he can have children with.

We can probably expect something to happen to Jenny soon.


If I read that scene right, Evaristo didn't let Santiago go until he was convinced of Santi's memory loss. Maybe the memory loss changed Ev's mind about something.

Say Marcelo knew who killed Gina. To protect that person, Ev would have to kill Marcelo. But since Santi doesn't remember anything, blaming him for the murder and letting him go to jail for it is even better, for reasons that we can only speculate at for now.

Maybe this doesn't really work, because what if Santi gets his memory back? Granted probably no one will listen to him once he's been convicted, but it could be trouble. However, maybe there are even more valuable secrets buried in Santi's head that are worth something to Evaristo if he can get to them before AnaLet or anyone else does. Keeping him locked up in jail might make that easier.

(I don't really get how it's not a big deal to the police that their suspect is someone who's already legally dead.)

Thanks Ria. Like the different ways you find of organizing the recap. And particularly enjoyed your parting shot:

Abue, I think, needs to stop drinking whatever reality-altering juice they mix in her coffee.

Yes, Abue seems clueless in myriad ways. Another powerful pawn to keep the action sluggishly moving along without any revelation of motives and murky character.

I agree that Maribel and her reluctant roommate are bound for romance land. At least maybe this will keep her from sandbagging Ana Lucia every 5 minutes. And laughing at all of you who consider Tio Mariano boring. Man, I think that guy is hawt. True, not the character. But the actor. Love the silver fox hair and the icy blue eyes. Grrrrrrrrr. Evidently no one is going to be fighting me for my telenovio. All for me. Yum.

If Chana is so great at reading palms, why couldn't she see that Ramiro has a perfectly legitimate and worthy reason for seeking Ana Lucia? As a "vidente", supposedly into helping people, she should do the "right thing" rather than hiding the truth about her standoffish friend Soledad...whose very name indicates that she holds herself apart from other people

OT Daisynjay. HOOORAY HOORAY HOORAY. Csvaliers finally won one. Now let's make it two. The odds still favor Golden State but we can dream, can't we?

PS I don't care how "peligroso" Valentin supposedly is for Ana Laura. He's making her smile, he's getting her out, he's setting her straight about her over-the-top self-consciousness and her self-defeating attitudes and behavior. Regardless of his motives, he's definitely Good Medicine for our dedicated "Lisiada" at the moment. When she finally ends up with Ramiro, as she surely will, hopefully she'll be a little less neurotic.

JudyB, I think Chana believes she is honoring a promise to Soledad and that she is protecting her from being arrested for kidnapping. If Ana Lucia ended up leaving for the mansion in DF Soledad would be truly alone.

However, that is a condition of her own making. No doubt because she knows who Ana Lucia really is, as proven by the contents of her Pandora's Box. She will suffer for this eventually.

My Direct TV guide shows 3XAna airing at 8pm tonight instead of 9pm

Oh , I don't know about that, Judyb. HUbba is a silver fox, so Mariano , likewise, elicits a hardy grrrr from me, too. Fine wine these mature hombres. Grrrrr, indeed.

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