Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #87. Monday July 18, 2016. Absurd And Absurder With A Gillette Commercial Thrown In For Good Measure!
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The love scene we'll never get to see from the real protagonist couple of this novela, which Osorio ruined before they even got a chance to get together. Pox on you, Juabbly Juan! |
Hello Patio Pals! Since I'll be providing a detailed recap for Tuesday's episode, this here is a summary of what went on in Sueñolandia last night.
CVV can't accept starting a formal relationship with Tricky Ricky until she makes sure that his ex doesn’t have a bun in the oven. She says she can’t commit to someone with a baby mama. However, CVV is perfectly happy to shack up with a man who forgot the love of his life in less than two months, who attracts danger like a magnet and who has a trigger-happy lunatic ex-wife on the prowl.
Back at Casa Guerrero, Ernesto dozes off while watching his Dulcinea sleep. He dreams that he is making sweet tender love to Esperanza. Pato wakes him up and thanks him for always being there (al pie del cañón) for her mother. She also informs him that the wedding of his two favorite children (PatoLuca) is back on. Later, Esperanza wakes up and says she needs to stretch her legs a bit. Ernesto helps her as she totters like a toddler learning to walk.
Tricky Ricky shows up at Esperanza’s door and demands to know whether she is expecting his spawn. She says she is not pregnant. He accuses her of lying to him like she lied before. Esperanza insists that her fainting earlier today was not baby-related, it was due to her strenuous dieting. Ricardo looks at her with disdain and says: “I have now confirmed that nothing unites us anymore. End of story!” “Yes, indeed. End of story!”, reaffirms Esperanza, but she cries when she gets back inside her house and closes the door.
Estrella helps Adrián study for his entry test at Instituto Palacios. Salma, her pregnant belly and her suitcases interrupt study-smoochy time. It’s Salma's first night in her new house. She tells Adrián and Estrella she is considering the possibility of keeping the baby. Awkward doesn't begin to describe this situation or this new living arrangement.
Tricky Ricky shows up at CVV’s place with an orchid. He gets down on one knee and asks her to be his novia again, now that Esperanza is definitely not preggers. The kids witness the scene and express their excitement. Their dad fell in and out of love with two different women in the space of two measly months, what's not to be excited about?
Esperanza confesses to Pato that she isn’t indifferent to Ernesto's love and devotion. Still, seeing Ricardo again and hearing him ask her if she's pregnant reminded her of the plans they once shared. The two of them used to dream of having children together, perhaps even twins. Unfortunately, that fantasy cannot become reality. End of story!
Margarita tells Félix she is thankful to life for giving her a companion who loves and supports her. Félix promises that the two of them shall love each other until death do them part.
Viviana and Mario attempt to make love but the candles start a fire that turns the fire sprinklers on. Nevertheless, this little contretemps doesn't dampen their amorous ardor.
The next morning, all the fathers and surrogate fathers in Sueñolandia get gifts, hugs and gratitude for Father’s Day.
Silvana asks Napoleón, the security guard of Instituto Palacios, to give her shelter in his home. She goes as far as offering him vajayjay payments. Lucky for him, Napoleón is gay.
Anastasia is depressed and she wants to see her son. Father's Day stirred up her maternal instincts.
Gillette commercial starring Pato, Aranza and a Little Black Dress (LBD): When you're too poor to afford diamonds, Gillette Venus Breeze and LBDs are your best friends!
At Casa Guerrero, Pato, Pedro, Ernesto and Aranza give Esperanza a surprise for Father's Day. She has been mother and father to her children and she deserves to be celebrated and appreciated today. Pato gives Ernesto a gift and thanks him for trying so hard to be a good father to her. They cheer for fathers, mothers and Mapas everywhere: “A la bio, a la bao, a la bim bom ba. Los papás, las mamás, las mapas, ¡ra ra raaaaa!”
Labels: sda
Hope you all had an excellent weekend and start to your week. Many thanks for a a very entertaining recap for Friday's episode, Adriana! The comments were just as fun to read so thank you all for taking the time to pop in over the weekend.
As of week c/ July 25, SdA is moving to the afternoons at 3pm EDT. Jarifa asked when we should post the recaps. I reckon anytime after 4pm EDT on the day the episode airs is fine.
As far as I can tell, the SdA finale in Mexico will air on August 21. Since we are about 3 weeks ahead of Mexico, then we should get the finale in the US at the end of the first week in September. I shall confirm it once I find out that Mexico entered últimas semanas
One last thing, my dear amigowz. You may or may not have seen an avance of tomorrow episode. I know you will be dying to discuss it now (and so am I) but on Caray Caray we endeavor not to post spoilers of the next episodes. Let us please discuss only the events that occurred in this episode. I don't want readers weeks, months or even years down the line to cuss us out under breath when they read a spoiler on this episode thread from an episode they have yet to see.
Thank you all for your continued support and for your wonderful sense of humor. Enjoy the summary and discussion. I shall join you tomorrow as I have another recap to prepare for the folks over at the Yago patio.
Catch ya later! :)
We now have elder abuse with Viviana pushing Margarita down on the bed after getting deservedly slapped and thrown out. I loved her on the street and having to seek help from Napoleón.
I did like Cristiana demanding to know if Esperanza was pregnant and Ricardo having to crawl over like a dog to ask Esperanza knowing how unfriendly the reception would be.
Yes, Kristel was smart enough to have a video chat with Mario and family. No, she did not sail off the end of the earth.
My favorite part (surprisingly sweet!) was Selena and Abril covering each other's eyes as Cristiana and Ricardo were kissing.
Ernesto continues to impress (even if he is a cold blooded killer.) He is sort of like an old fashioned mafia don in that way.
I am revved for the rest of the story!.
To say wires are crossed and that this has veered off the beaten path would be an understatement.
Color me confused.
"The love triangle agrees to undo itself and wipe the slate clean (hacer borrón y cuenta nueva). Luca and Erasmo shake hands and hug as if nothing" was my favorite of many. Inexplicable and baffling.
"She tells Adrián and Estrella she is considering the possibility of keeping the baby. Awkward doesn't begin to describe this situation or this new living arrangement". No, it doesn't, does it? Color me flummoxed on this as well.
Jarifa, "Ernesto continues to impress (even if he is a cold blooded killer)". I'm going to go a step further. At this point, I don't even care. My wish is that he whisks Espe away and that her health improve (to the extent it can) and that they are happy until she passes. Then, Ernesto's anvil can fall. I just cannot condone Ricardo as a suitable partner as he fawns all over Cris after a NY minute.
Please indulge me as I need to comment on the time change.
After many months of faithful watching, we are rewarded by Uni yanking this to the afternoon. I cannot say how frustrated I am. This is not the first time something I've watched has been relegated to the afternoon or banished to the midnight time slot. At least at midnight, I could get a little sleep and turn on my alarm and wake up and watch. But I do not have a VCR, a DVR (or whatever it is) and have no means to record afternoon episodes. If Uni was going to yank it, they should have done it sooner not waited until there was less than two months or so to go. A pox on you Univision.
I will continue to read the recaps and will rely on you marvelous recappers to bring this to life.
Thanks again Nandicta!
The lines that made me laugh very loud were when Margarita started spinning on a heel like a top, and when lucky for him, Napo was gay.
I don't know if they did it on purpose, but when Salma gets to Adrián's home, she stands right were we can see her new earnt wings. Stone, but wings after all, and she says she wants to keep the baby.
I don't want to throw more wood to the fire, but Ricardo said he wanted to flaunt CVV because he felt proud of being with such a beautiful and smart woman, more like a trophy...
When Margarita falls on the bed, she said ''how did I give birth to this!'' (Cómo la fui a parir yo!). Its been a long time since I heard that anywhere and it is so funny!
When Margarita and Félix were in bed talking about death, I seriously thought Margarita was going to die in her sleep! (I can only wish)
Someone, not me but I envy whoever came up with that, is calling today's mothers MAPACHA (it means female racoon, but it also means MA (mamá) + PA (papá) + CHA (chacha, or maid) and is used for all those mothers who besides being also the father in the family, are the maids, for all those kids that are lazy and/or stay in home well into adulthood since is cheaper than levaing on their own. Brilliant!
As a matter of fact, it might be time for me to send another letter snail mail style to Univisión. Yes, I do write and complain. I have yet to find the right person at corporate :( but I am confident I will someday, I don't like when viewers get lost in a ratings shuffle as in this case.
They've tried to deter us with lousy, unexpected and cringe worthy story twists but even this time change will not thwart us!
Pablo, I love your comments and to all love being kept up to date on terms and the occasional bits of slang I have not heard before. Gracias to all
Have a wonderful day, everyone! Catch you later! :)
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