Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Yago #37. Monday July 18, 2016. Look At Me! Who Am I? Tell Me, What’s My Name?
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Omar? Yago? Yomar? Omago? Least fun game ever! |
At a glance
At Yago’s lair, Ámbar had just overheard Sara’s drunken outburst. She’s never seen her older sister like that. She even starts crying because she is afraid Sara will do something stupid. Ámbar remembers how she wanted to die when she discovered Yago with Sara. Yago says it’s because Ámbar is a gentle spirit. But Sara isn’t bad, protests Ámbar, she just had a bad life. Yago says it’s perfectly fine if Ámbar wants to forgive her sister. This plan is a folly of his and he understands if she wants to leave and never come back. She tearfully says this isn’t easy, which means she agrees to stick with the revenge plan. Yago hugs her. She cries to drain some of the guilt off her conscience.
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Well, well, well! Look what the cat showered, dressed, stilettoed, coiffed, face-painted and dragged in! |
At Mexico’s Sing Sing, Lucio receives an unexpected visitor: “There is no doubt that a bigmouth falls faster than a limping man. What brings you here, beautiful?” Sara is not in the mood for sarcasm. “Did you at last realize that nobody loves you like I do?”, asks Lucio. “You were right”, concedes Sara, “Yago lied to me. He is going to marry Ámbar!”. “For real?”, Lucio is in stitches. “If this were a lie, would I be here?”, says Sara. “Nah! You would be having a roll in the hay with him, forgetting that your husband is in jail!”, he reproaches her. “Ex-husband”, she corrects. “Not voluntarily [your ex]!”, he protests before cutting to the chase: “Why are you here?” “Yago hides something and we need to find out what it is”, she declares. Lucio loved hearing that “we”! He gazes deeply into Sara's eyes: “You and I are stronger than him! Together we are invincible!” She purses her mouth in a “Game on!” seductive simper. I can totally see why Lucio is mesmerized and obsessed by her. Zowie! This woman is Sexy-On-A-Stick!
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I'm shmexy and I shknow it! |
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Don't let the grandpa sweater fool you! I'm a bad motha! |
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)
deslumbrar = to dazzle.
impoluto(a) = unpolluted, pure, flawless, unblemished.
estar cortados con (por) la misma tijera = Lit. “To be cut with the same scissors”, i.e. to be cut from the same cloth.
un árbol genealógico = a family tree.
superchería = trickery, hocus-pocus, quackery.
cae más rápido un hablador que un cojo = Lit. “a bigmouth/liar falls faster than a limping man”. Other variations of this refrán/saying are: “Más pronto cae un hablador que un cojo”, or “Se atrapa más rápido a un hablador/mentiroso que a un cojo” (“A bigmouth/liar gets caught faster than a limping man”). This means that a bigmouth, a braggart and/or a liar trips up in his/her own lies and exposes himself/herself as a fraud, sooner rather than later.
un hablador = a bigmouth, a liar, a braggart, a gossip, depending on the context.
Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!
Labels: yago
Good night and apologies once again for the tardiness! :)
Also, welcome back Delilah! So good to hear from you! Reminded me of the good old days over at the PyP Patio. Please don't be a stranger and pop in to talk to us every now and again.
I really gotta ht the hay now. Nighty night! :)
Julia needs to evacuate immediatly from the country . Both Camilo&Fidel are psychopaths and belong in the same category. I almost teared up when Valentin saw the dead body of his beloved dog. Only an animal lover could understand the pain. My sister has two dogs and a cat while my stepmother has a beautiful dog of her own. Valentin should watch John Wick.
I LOL'd when Sara came to Lucio like nothing happened. I am certain that Sara will abandon Lucio once again when their game with Yago ends. Lucio is a smart man and knows that Sara is a Class S witch but he is still obsessed with her.
Matias not including Grandpa Cockroach in the family tree was hilarious. Grandpa Cockroach is a really really bad dude and doesn't deserve absolutely nothing other than the slow, brain-jolting, tear inducing pain.
Another episode that left me breathless. Loved the scene between Yago/Omar and Abel when he was drugged, Sara in the prison working her magic on Lucio, and the scene when Julia reveals what she learned to Camilo. I agree that she needs to get out of there fast. I see Camilo holding her prisoner for real, or tracking her down wherever she might go and snatching her. He's more dangerous than ever now that he's lost his Yuli.
Hope Fidel and Camilo eventually take each other out, and Juli/Fabi and Selma walk off into the sunset together. When Fidel killed Candy I was done with him.
I don't feel sorry for Abel. Clearing Omar's name and telling his family the truth is the least of what he should do. He belongs in prison, so living on the outside with guilt seems a fair exchange to me.
I was impressed that Melina has Braille tarot cards! I've never seen that before.
I knew it had to be Fidel who killed the dog before we were shown the collar. It's true, Fidel isn't much better than Camilo, both are ruthless killers.
Sara was scarily beautiful and seductive in her scene with Lucio. That slight curve of the lips was killer. And your summation said it all....
" They toast their rekindled alliance with styrofoam cups of vile prison coffee. "
Also impressed with the actor playing Abel. His drug-induced thrashing scene was awesome. Watched it twice, I was so fascinated.
But the worst moment for me was the killing of Candy and Fidel's malicious, gleeful smile as he contemplated the dog collar. Animals seem so innocent. We humans know the many deliberate unkindnesses we have committed. Animals seem free of that. To our way of thinking anyway. Just a chilling scene.
Julie, Ambar and Mathias are lost lambs and bewildered pawns among these revenge-focused wolves. Yes, indeed, happy endings do not seem to be in store.
Delighted to learn some new words as well..."impoluto" and "supercherias". Always a plus, as are your beautifully crafted recaps. Thanks Nandicta.
Vivi: Fabiona/Julia better leave FAST because Daddy Michell is going to go full B613 on the good guys.
Countx: Sara & Lucio joining forces in plotting against Yago & the Avengers!
Not good at all because I know that Bruno, Ambar & Melina are likely in serious danger.
I'm not surprised that Fidel killed Candy the dog.
Nandicta: Everyone should be ready to get the Body Count ready because Yago & the Avengers (Katia & Teo) better anticipate a major counter-attack from Daddy Michell & the conspirators (Lucio, Daddy Dearest, Sara, etc.,)!
I agree with both of you that Julia/Fabiana will be happier away from Camilo and Fidel and I'm including also Selma. That trio is toxic regardless of the love they profess to have for her. I do have a confession to make though. When he first appeared, Camilo used to give me the creeps. Just looking at him scared me and the more he tried to play inoffensive, the more terrifying he appeared to me. However, some of his early interactions with Julia made me think of my own dad. Except my daddy isn't a murderous psycho! There were three things in particular: the scene he fussed over at lunch bringing her favorite food and trying to get her to talk to him as she gives him the silent treatment. My dad doesn't know how to begin saying sorry if we argue and he is at fault, so he bends himself backwards to be extra nice, brings me stuff I like, invites me to watch a movie, starts acting like a clown to make me smile, ... Anything to get me to talk to him again. That scene and the bit where he told her she was the light of his life. My dad says to me a lot and my mother reckons nobody in our family has my father wrapped around their little finger like me. I'm very close to my mom too but I'm definitely daddy's little girl! Sorry about the rambling but all this is to say that the scenes between Camilo and his Yuli last night got me on the verge of tears. Regardless of anything, these two love each other deeply but their separation is inevitable and the ensuing heartache will be unbearable for both.
Countx, I laughed out loud at the Sara visiting Lucio scene before we even saw Sara! Lucio's hair and expression as he asked her "what brings you here, guapa?" had me in stitches. Flavio Medina is a boss! And you're right the scene with Abel, Yago and Omar was masterfully acted and executed! It sent chills down my spine!
Vivi, this episode was amazing and the more I watch the harder it is for me to fathom the abysmal treatment it received from Looneyvision. I liked the scenes as you, though to be fair, everyone is spot-on in this show. Remember when I said that Iván Sánchez lacked a certain je ne sais quoi to interpret Yago? I take it back! He has grown fully into his Yagoness the last 3 or 4 episodes!
I see where you're coming from about Abel, but I still adore him! I felt really mad at Yago yesterday for the stunt he pulled. He is trying to drive Abel to madness when he is the least guilty in what happened to Omar. Lucio gets jail and Sara gets a mild public humiliation but Abel deserves to lose his mind and possibly b driven to suicide? I don't know, I fail to see Yago's logic here.
"As much as I dislike Sara, I am impressed by how she picks herself up and keeps on moving, after things go horribly wrong." She is amazing isn't she? She is my favorite female character to watch though I can't stand her! My favorite female character to root for was Alejandra bu they went ahead and killed her off! Booo!
I personally was convinced that Camilo murdered poor Candy, so seeing Fidel grabs that pink collar and chuckle at his own evilness was a shock to me. I used to think Fidel had the high moral ground in this stupid and unnecessarily violent pissing contest because Camilo took way too far. Killing two little boys because of a disloyal friend and cheating no-good woman? That's off-the-charts insane!
JudyB, not that I'm equating killing children with killing a pet, as awful as the latter is, but after last night, I am done with Fidel! Shooting a defenseless animal is awful enough but doing it to manipulate the owner into falling in line with Fidel's plan was plain wicked! Between this and the torturing scene, Fidel has shown that he is just as bad as Camilo, though Camilo gets an unbeatable edge because shooting little boys is just... I still can't believe he did it over a woman leaving him at the altar! What did those kids have anything to do with anything? Oh well! Whatever happened to crazy, right?
Glad you enjoyed the vocabulary! I meant to add this for you: "supercheries" in French has the same meaning as "supercherías", which was also a new word for me.
Julie, Ambar and Mathias are lost lambs and bewildered pawns among these revenge-focused wolves." Beautifully worded!
I'm a hardcore Abel fan and the hallucination scene was greatly acted by all three actors with the one playing Abel doing the brunt of the hard word! Excellent and chilling!
Steve, I'm afraid you may be right, the body count is due to rise as plotting and counter-plotting occurs. As you pointed out, "Yago & the Avengers (Katia & Teo) better anticipate a major counter-attack from Daddy Michell & the conspirators (Lucio, Daddy Dearest, Sara, etc.,)!" This. Is. War.
Amig@s, the vocabulary has been compiled at the end of the recap. I can't stay and chat longer but thank you in advance for stopping by! Tonight's summary (and I'll endeavor to make it an actually summary this time... If I can!) will be up by 9pm EDT at the latest!
Good day to all! :)
¡Buen día!
Abel is nothing more but The Help: cleaning up Sara & Lucio's messes, etc.,
So Sara jus proved that Yago did the right thing and that she is bad to the core. All of her words about becoming a better person, a good person, didn't have to die because a man played her. If she was truly repentant for her misdeeds she would take Matias and try to build a life on decency, instead of going back for revenge. She deserves no sympathy.
I fear more for Julie now. Camilo in his craziness may lock he away.
Glad Ambar is having her operation,
Poor Abel but I actually think telling the truth will set him free. Agree Sara has gotten off too lightly and Damian needs a huge anvil. Abel is the only one with a truly remorseful conscience. But I hope that because he is truly repentant he will find forgiveness too, like he did from Jenny.
Happen to agree all Sara got so far is a slap on the wrist.
Admission, in front of the mirror and tried the sexy Sara smirk. FAIL
Antra, from Latvia
Good point Carvivlie about Sara going rogue again. She is constantly making choices on which road to take, and she continues to take the low one.
I'm afraid Bruno will be the first target in getting whacked.
I hope Abel finds redemption in doing the right thing. I worry how Sara and Lucio will react? Does Abel have the video of the robbery?
The murder of Candy bothers me, too. I also believe that animals like dogs and cats are innocent creatures. I am seeing Fidel differently now.
Predicting that Abel and Camilo will both lose it completely.
I really loved the opening scene. I've been on some job interviews where I wished I could afford to punch my interviewer. On behalf of all the world's frustrated job-hunters, I thank you, Abel.
I can't believe Lucio made a deal with the very same guy who kidnapped Mati. Does he really think this deal with Vargas will turn out any better than the previous one?
Countx: "Abel is the only one who feels and expresses his pain with sincerity and remorse." YES. Well said. I was exasperated with Yago for continuing to torment Abel even after all of Abel's regrets - after the trip to El Paso I sort of thought he was already getting close to confessing, and the fake nurse and the acid trip were overkill.
I am REALLY finished with Fidel. I suspected him right away when Valentin's dog died, but why did Fidel have to take a "trophy"? Killing the dog was wrong, but it served a purpose. Taking the collar was just sick. Poor Julia, I hope she isn't expecting much of her "real dad," morality-wise.
(I don't Selma knows about the dog. Actually, I think there's a lot that Fidel doesn't share with her. That could cause some serious friction between them.)
Points to Lucio for figuring out half the plot. He and Sara do make a good team, and Yago is going to need Fidel's ruthlessness to beat them.
Candy, QEPD.
By the way, I don't think Yago and Ambar are romantically involved anymore. Just living together to keep the charade going.
This story is so fascinating, it's just too bad that in the Univision world, these type complex stories don't seem to be worth sticking with. I'm sure the next round of shows we get after this latest round of musical chairs will be the more melodramatic fare. Too bad. This tale has been intriguing and ridiculously well-acted by every person involved.
Sara is so slick. She may not want to admit it, but she learned well from her father. For a sec there, you almost want to feel sorry for stupid Lucio because she's leading him down the proverbial pea path again, and he's just tripping right along.
I agree with everyone here that there are some key people in danger that mean the world to Yago. At what point does he pull the plug on this whole vengeance scheme is he sees those people, or his son, in danger?
Or she'll plan her own re-revenge from prison. Empathy and concern for others is too hard.
With Sara, it's likely both.
I don't think Sara had any compassion for Omar. The regret she displays over his imprisonment and death really seems to have more to do with the fact that she misses him. Her pain is not for what she did to him, his suffering and that of his family, but for how much of a bummer it is for her to be deprived of his company.
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