Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #93. Tuesday July 26, 2016. How Dare You Get Cancer And Ruin My Burgeoning Romance?
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Cancer or no cancer, I will straight up punch you in your stomach-less gut if you get near my man! |
At a glance
-- Ricardo is the most odious, pathetic and self-absorbed galán in the history of odious, pathetic and self-absorbed galanes.
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Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Much appreciated, indeed!
Must skidaddle. Yago peeps await their recap. Enjoy the discussion! :)
I enjoyed the scene with the live Chinese weevils that were supposed to boost Esperanza's immune system. Along with La Virgen de la Paz, she may have a fighting chance since this is "Sueñolandia."
So true and so sad about Selena and Rodrigo getting a new mommy every 2 to 4 months especially after having that horrendous experience with their own mother. Will they ever trust a mother figure if dad's girlfriend of the month professes love for them but then ups and leaves sooner rather than late? Let Dr. Mireya bring that up with Ricardo. If she is good she will.
The "boings" appear at some of the strangest times that should be serious. Just stupid.
At least Pablo didn't spill the beans on Pato.
I was off yesterday and managed to watch this...
Favorite line was "The ambient music suggests that the Death Star is about to attack the Alliance Fleet".
Sil is just an annoying presence to me now but I loved "What is actually shameful and demeaning about Silvana’s new job at Instituto Palacios is the fact that she does her job very poorly, she bullies others and she spends the whole day spewing her venom on anyone who has the misfortune of crossing her path". Most excellent.
I am completely dismayed at Ricardo. I didn't like him before this, but now loathe him. He seems to revel in the fact Esperanza broke up with him due to the illness not his (many) shortcomings. How sad.
I am perturbed with Ernesto lying to Ricardo but heck, he deserves it.
Appreciate your translating CV's dialog. So selfish, yes, she and Ricardo truly deserve each other. Imagine the gaul of Espe actually showing up at school with her telltale turban. Simply to make CV and Ricardo feel guilty!
Jarifa, you mentioned yesterday that there might be something wrong with Salma. I don't know but the most distressing moment to me was the clear discomfort of Adrian and Salma as the new adoptive parents were introduced. I thought it was too soon and too public. Adrian's battered face seemed to take on a deeper purple hue and Salma looked miserable. Ricardo, I really loathe you. Truly.
Kiko seemed to regard Anastasia with interest and curiosity. Truth be told, she is a liar, master manipulator and many other things but strangely, I find her far less annoying than Pato or Kristel.
And. the RV??? I can't even.
Nandicta, thank you, thank you.
What will these writers come up with next? :)
It was me who missed half the episode, but truth be said, I don't care as long as I have the recap, I get more fun this way.
I started laughing with Abril's wig and I didn't stop, thank you!!
Looks like I didn't make any notes (or I can't find them), but I am also getting really tired of all this cowmanure.
This is why Esperanza should be left alone by everyone who loves her. She is toxic.
I am sure the cancer is affecting her brain (and her lungs because she is always panting and coughing). OK. As soon as she saw that Ricardo was actually doing what she wanted she decided to tell him the truth. I don't see the point, but I understand why Ricardo is so angry. He shouldn't give her the pleasure of seeing him like this and he should get away from her asap. If she she lied, if she didn't, all is not relevant now. The thing is that she is no longer a person you want to be around. She is dead to me and for all I care she can die tomorrow so everybody can get some peace.
I have heard that people who are sick want to be treated like they are not, but it is all a lie. They actually want to be pampered and want everybody to revolve around them.
Ricardo used to love her, but lying to him and stealing from him the chance to prove how much he loved her is beyond me. She doesn't deserve nothing anymore. I wish Kracy gets revenge and kill everybody with a molotov bomb.
I don't know if I am excusing Ricardo for not caring about Esperanza because she doesn't want him to, but if he is going to make another woman unhappy, well, it is CVV's turn.
Sorry, Jarifa, but I was so happy I didn't get to recap the RV romp, I actually cheered when the end credits of this episode rolled! Thanks ever so much for taking another one for the team! :D
Diana, thank you for this: "I am completely dismayed at Ricardo. I didn't like him before this, but now loathe him. He seems to revel in the fact Esperanza broke up with him due to the illness not his (many) shortcomings. How sad." This is one of the two main reasons that make me dislike Ricardo immensely. He's more concerned with proving a point about who dumped whom and why ("it wasn't me, it was her") and with scoring a point against Ernesto ("she's with you because she can't be with me"). There is a second reason why I'm really ticked off at Ricardo's apathetic reaction to the news that the woman he claims to have loved deeply for over 20 years has stage 4 cancer and might die in a couple of months. I'll elaborate this in a separate post, in response to some of the points Pablo raised here and in the previous 2 episodes.
I agree with you about Anastasia. Despite the fact that her personality transplant is sudden, unexplicable and unrealistic, I like her better than Pato and definitely much better than Kristel (I'm so glad she's gone!). I also think the softer makeup look brings out her beauty much better than the heavy eyeliner and dark lips look she used to sport.
(To be continued)
Ric's reaction means that he never loved Esperanza. He didn't when he disappeared 20 years ago without a word and he doesn't now. Chances are he doesn't even like her or consider her a friend because he doesn't seem to care about helping her get through her ordeal. This should set off huuuuge alarm bells in CVV's head but it doesn't. I'm not a betting person but I'll bet you anything that Ric will blow CVV's heart to smithereens. As you rightly said, it's CVV's turn to get hurt. Unfortunately for her. Ric loves Ric. Ric is committed to Ric. Ric looks for Ric's happiness... And a hot-looking mommy for his kids.
PS: Do I think Esperanza is a fool for hiding her illness from Ricardo? Sure! However, now that I had a chance to think about it, if God forbid I learn that I have cancer tomorrow, I will not tell my parents. I love them more than anything in the world and I could stand to face any hardships life throws my way, except to see my parents suffer for me. Some would say that your loved ones will suffer eventually when they find out but I must admit that I'm too much of a coward to witness that suffering. I would be too ashamed of my parents' tears. Everyone is different but that's just my honest personal opinion.
PPS: Sorry about the verbose reply but your comments gave me much food for thought. I especially enjoyed that metaphor about messing up the board when one only has one last piece to play. That is indeed infuriating! Hahahaha!
Steve: Glad you like the Cristina-Ricardo coupling but I fear that Tricky Ricky will bring her nothing but heartache. She should've concentrated on reconnecting with her daughter and then, a few months down the line, she could've gotten to know Baxter better. Friendly, helpful, competent and not-bad-to-look-at Baxter! :)
Ricardo has been probably just infatuated with Esperanza, he left, he didn't see her for 20 years and now that he is back and almost marrying her, she dumps him. For juaréver reason.
He runs to the arms of another woman because he feels hurt and this woman makes him feel better. Besides to agreeing to anything he says, she is pretty and healthy. What else can he want, right?
My problem with Esperanza is that she is not suffering her cancer alone, and she is dragging everyone around her to it.
I dont know what would I do in her shoes, but if her mother died of cancer, she should know better and that lie she made up "for love" is becoming a real nightmare on everybody.
your actions shouldn't affect third parties. If you want to lie, ok, lie, but then keep that lie until you die and people get surprised when they know the reason. Don't lie and then expose the truth, messing everything.
There's some things you can not hide. When Esperenza needed Ricardo the most, she decided to get rid of him, she is also a bad person, or a good person making bad choices. The damage is done and now theres not enough talking in the world to fix anything!
I don't know. Ricardo has never been "santo de mi devoción", but Esperanza is becoming a person that I don't like. Ernesto, as I said before, could be sincere, but he is also carrying water to his mill, y "a río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores". He is taking this chance to infiltrate into Esperanza dumb mentality to make her believe he is the real thing. No.
If I were Kracy, I would use a knife, because nobody is worth a shot.
We don't even need to talk about the non-virgin, what's done is done she's still a little girl just not a virgin little girl anymore. And teenagers that are about to have sex with grownups don't tell their parents. And grown-ups don't tell their parents they're going to have sex with their teenage sister. half but still.ok its getting weird, subject change.
crazy kracy is either going to put Ricky in that cage or she's going to kidnap her babies or ladynap cristy V. she's a nutjob to the 10th power.
OK done. Thanks Nandicta.
"If I were Kracy, I would use a knife, because nobody is worth a shot." To be honest, when Kracy showed up on screen with her clown outfit after about half an hour of watching these hopeless cases run amok, I really hoped she would just make them all "disappear" but I didn't dare to say it in the recap.
Nina, "move on man give the patio a break be happy with Christina and espy be happy with Erny. Not." This one was a hoot! Then I got to this and I totally lost it: "teenagers that are about to have sex with grownups don't tell their parents. And grown-ups don't tell their parents they're going to have sex with their teenage sister." I can't!
You guys are killing me with laughter! Thank you! :)
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