Friday, July 29, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 23 (July 25, 2016) 2nd Half

Ultimas semanas means we are approaching the end of the road toward El Destino.
##We must help the writers stay on track. We must help them free Lucero, expose Diego, arrest him and get a truly deserving guy off the streets. Olivia must get into treatment. La Malquerida needs to don a see-through apron, grab the duster and a tequila and welcome Javier home au naturelle.


##Rosaura must get help for her aching knees. Can anything be done to help Maribel rid her of her kleptomania and find happiness not with Javier?

##Pedro should get a new stove and some unbanged pots and pans, maybe a new house—or at least a bedroom to share with Amelia in the Altamirano mansion. If he’s uncomfortable with that, there is a nice little shed on the premises he can use (where Amelia hid out for awhile). Amelia must convince us she’s changed permanently, and not just her hair (she seems to be wearing it on one side, again).

##Leo needs to recover and be exonerated. Marissa needs to find some peace, maybe with Ordonez. Camila can’t be dead—again. It would kill Hernan and that wouldn’t be fair. Mariana’s redemption is a little late in coming. She gets what her dad left her, but everyone else leaves her—remember, she tried to kill Amelia and Fernanda, back in the day.

##For the boasting, gloat-festing bad guys, let them give us a few more laughs, but make sure they get their just desserts—and that doesn’t mean Malibu rum over pistachio ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry on top; it means jail time, serious jail time. Isy needs public exposure, then cut her hair and go back to work.

##Carlos needs to get a couple of self-help books, quickly, dealing with anger management; Fer needs to see the world, through pink-colored glasses, not the rose-colored ones she’s wearing right now. We certainly don’t want her to see it in blue, except when it comes to Luis.

Sorry for the awkward page break. Blogger wouldn't show me the symbol on this computer. I had to improvise. I didn't want to take up the whole front page with my ramblings.

Friday 7/29/16 Part I

We pick up with the two juveniles Amelia and Pedro who play coy with one another. So you’re in love huh? Amelia asks looking around at the land that the lucky gal will enjoy with Pedro. Yeah. Pedro answers. So who is the lucky person? (well that’s a matter of opinion Amelia) She asks. Do I know her? Yeah, you do…your whole life actually. Pedro answers. Amelia bats her eyelashes, suddenly dawning on her that she might actually get the final rose. Pedro reminds her that there has been only one woman for him. Her. He then proceeds to ask her if she will be his girlfriend. Wowie wow wow….how lucky am I? The final rose. Does this mean you’ve forgiven me? Pedro says yes, because he also forgave himself for being part of the problem in the failed marriage. He was a whiny vaginy….acting the victim and he should have been trying to win her. Color me shocked…Pedro actually admitted he wasn’t Mr Perfect. Amelia beams. Oh Pedro Perez…you are the most romantic gardener ever! Golly gee! How did I not see it before? Pedro goes in for his first kiss with the love of his lousy life. Amelia is amused that after being married, with a kid and now divorced he wants to date. Well that’s precisely why. We never had a calm life to properly court. Now I want to shout it to the world Pedro says. Cue the music and another kiss. I feel bile in my throat.

Over at Alta Manor, Meanie sits on the couch reading a magazine and sipping tea, when Blanca announces she has to leave for an engagement. What? You have an engagement? Well it’s a family hoe down…one you weren’t invited to. It’s with the remaining family over at Pedro’s. Oh boo hoo hoo…Meanie says indicating faux tears streaming down. I’m so hurt to be excluded from that nosy soiree. What will they serve mud cakes? Blanca plays along… Maybe!

Said hoe down is already underway with the friends and family gathered at Pedro’s,all seated along a long picnic table. Jose and Malquerida are ready to chow down and all they need is Pedro to announce why he’s gathered everyone for this festive meal. He gave Amelia the final rose and she accepted to be his boo! He’s not going to be a bachelor gardener anymore. Marissa says it’s wonderful and extends her happiness to the couple. Fer jokingly chastises them for not seeking her permission first before dating and they better not even think about living together in sin. Carlos who is preoccupied or just wondering like me, how Amelia chose Pedro over swagalicious Ordonez, reluctantly joins in when Fer says she and Carlos are both happy for them both. Ordonez who realizes he was never THE bachelor graciously rises to congratulate Pedro and Amelia. Oh Ordonez boo..I’m here for you. Lupe and her wig come over to give a paper cup toast. Long life to the couple! Laughter and cheers!


Friday 7/29/16 Part II

Blanca running late now for sure, is still at Alta Manor and she describes the scene perfectly to Meanie. We’re going to gather at a long table, with lots of talking and laughing and with much love. So I’ll leave you all alone Meanie…with your dining room, your garden and your hall. All of it, alone, which is what you’ve reaped. Meanwhile we’ll be off celebrating. Blanca strides out with Meanie calling after her to no avail. Blanca simply keeps going out the door with a final reminder “Alone!” The door shuts and Meanie realizes through a mist of tears that Blanca was right as usual. Meanie is more alone each day and it’s hard.

Back at the Bachelor reunion, Jose wonders what would have happened with all the food and folks if Amelia had rejected the rose. Pedro thinks it would have been a consoling party instead. Blanca arrives and Jose seems a bit too cheerful to see her, he's ready to get her a drink. She refuses. Amelia wonders why she was late and Blanca brushes it off…just some setbacks but nothing important.

Malquerida gets the plate of Nopalitos she is carrying swiped by Kleptobella who heads straight to Javier. She just knew he was looking for them. I roll my eyes and ffwd through it. Poor Javier. Klepto is cringe inducing.

Fer who comes in to the house to fetch a new attitude for Carlos. Suddenly her cell phone rings. Oh Luisa dear it’s me dear old Dad! How many times do I have to tell you to stop harassing me? How did you get these digits dude? Luis quite proud of his white pages directory research replies there’s nothing a father wouldn’t do for his daughter. Oh right…you certainly will do anything for me, why you even sent me to jail! Remember that? Ouch! Luis insists she come to his new office, but before Fer can refuse, Sister Sonrisa comes in blathering about her song. She’s gonna sing to the new couple and she needs backup singers. Luis hears and wants to know what couple? Fer who doesn’t owe the jack ass anything other than a hang up, goes on to tell him her father and mother are back together and dating. Life goes on. So stop calling. Luis laments for about two seconds that he lost Amelia, oh well he really liked her better with those bangs. Now he only wants Fer and his grand kid and the Benjamins that Don Fernandough left them.

Carlos decides it’s time to head to the Bank. Fer isn’t happy, this is the time for her parents. Carlos isn’t feeling it he just has too much work. Fer knows it’s about Luis and she tells Carlos to back burner it for now. She’ll help him get the address. Nope, no way I’m not putting you in danger. Ordonez wanders by and Carlos tells him it’s time to go. "Now? But we’re…" (gonna have some cake. Gonna finally get me a date. Gonna find out what is under Lupe’s wigs} Whatever it was Ordonez was about to say, Carlos cuts him off. We’re leaving now. Poor Ordonez, he never gets to just chill out. Blanca who can smell trouble a mile away shows up to ask what’s wrong. Fer tells her that Carlos has the Luis Montero bug, first it was her mother who had it and now it’s Carlos, only she worries it’s for good.


Friday 7/29/16 Part III

Ordonez seemingly sad he's missing the party, tells Carlos he’s already gone through the docs numerous times, they won’t find anything. Carlos says that’s exactly why they have to go through them, because Ordonez looked too much. Carlos has fresh eyes. Ordonez says two heads are better than one. Carlos thinks Lousey free is a danger to his family. Ordonez wonders if maybe Luis will be smarter now that he was to jail and behave long enough for them to get some dirt. Carlos says they can’t let up or let Luis have the upper hand.

Fer moans to Felipe that Carlos is too obsessed with getting Luis. They can’t let him take more of their time and happiness. Felipe reminds her of all that Luis has done to people. He put her in jail for two years, killed Carlos NaNa and attempted to kill his mother. She needs to see it from Carlos perspective. Fer understands but she just wants peace and to focus on her family the kids and Carlos. Her parents are just now happy. She fears Carlos will do something stupid and end up hurting himself in the long run.

Ordonez reminds Carlos that it can’t be all about Luis, there’s still the matter of bailing the bank out of trouble and Carlos should also focus on his sons and Fer. Carlos can’t rest until he’s sure Luis is handled.

Hernan who is over his weak heart gives a slight jump when he encounters Meanie lurking in his office. He wants to know what she’s doing there. She didn’t think he’d be giddy to see her but she wasn’t expecting his reaction. He’s not in the mood for it. So what does she need? You think I only come by because I need something? Hernan laughs, nope…you never come by period. You wait until I come home then ask me for what you want. Well I came to invite you to eat. Hernan really chuckles now. An invite to eat... with me? Meanie doesn’t get the big deal. Hernan reminds her they aren’t that type of couple. Well she doesn’t want to eat alone. Hernan tells her he’s not in the mood to eat, he’s got a meeting with the new detective regarding Cami. Meanie thinks they eat then swing by the Detectives. Hernan says he’s got no appetite but if did he’d be eating with Fer, because she invited him to the family gathering. He leaves her there alone in the office as he heads to his meeting. Meanie is struck with the second rejection of the day and more tears.

Cami Deville with torn leather and no makeup but still no root grow out, wanders into a torteria. She asks for a job and gets denied and told to scram. She pleads for the job..she’s hungry! Too bad this is no charity house. She eyes a torta and snatches it running out the door impressing me with her agility in those heels. The shop owner runs after her screaming that she’s a thief as Cami runs smack dab into an officer who takes pity on her. As she gobbles down the food barely chewing it in the process, the shop owner complains to the officer who in turn gives him the money for the torta and shoos him off. The shop owner shamed by his lack of compassion takes the money and leaves.


Friday 7/29/16 Part IV

Pedro and Amelia wander the grounds talking of their plans for their new life. It will be with their daughter and grandkids. Yes that’s how it will be sweetheart. Pedro can’t believe his ears, what did she say? “Mi Amor” So get used to it, because that’s what she will call him from now on as well as pampering him. He tells her how beautiful she is and how much he loves her. They discuss the future home they’ll build together. Pedro already expecting things his way...isn’t too keen on Amelia pitching in financially but she reminds him they’re a team and the money will not come from the Fernan-dough. That is for Fer. She will use the money from her job. What’s hers is his and what’s his is hers. Okie dokie Amelia Altamirano, ex Perez, but soon to be Perez again. A: I love you. P: I adore you . It’s so much fake sugary sweet ..that my teeth start to hurt.

Marissa brings tea and cookies in for Carlos but he’s not in the mood. He’s so focused he can barely give his mother attention. Like Fer she worries he is too obsessed but as with Fer and Ordonez, Carlos insists to his mother that Luis will not hurt anyone in his family again.

Lucero lays in the shed lamenting over her past and how foolish she was to give it all up for Diego. It was so easy to lose. She had her friends and her school and yes even the mean girls would be a welcome right now. They really were just naïve girls playing at being grown women. How did she lose it all to be with Demonego?

Meanwhile creepy prof watches a deeply sleeping Holivia. He thinks how all the women will pay for the pain and insults the first one in his life put on him. Just like this stupid irresponsible one laying next to him who thinks she’s so grown up because she rebelled against the rules and got involved with her teacher. She's like all beautiful girls who think they have the world at their feet. She's just a deluded creature. Creepy prof lays a few slimy kisses on her while contemplating choking her all the while thinking that she has no idea what it is to be mocked, insulted or rejected. He sneers at her as he continues placing his hands lightly to her throat. He’ll teach her that it’s not a dream or a game. Life has a beginning and end. He’ll decide when it ends because her life is in his hands and he’ll be the judge whether she lives or dies. Is it mean that I hope he votes death? She bugged me from the first scene.

Carlos confides to his mother that he was with Ignacio earlier and they found nothing to incriminate him. Marissa wants to speak about the bank though. She has an idea but she wants Carlos input. Tell me? What about putting our personal money to saving the bank that your father worked so hard to build? Carlos isn’t sure, it’s not about the money because he’s never cared about it. He’s a doctor but if we don’t make it we’ll be totally ruined. Yes, Marissa replies that’s why she wanted to consult him. What does he think? Let’s do it!

Stupid HoLivia wakes up to find that her Professor has left. She wanders around her new artsy fartsy cage, basking in her new love; while out in the middle of nowhere Lucero who is having an adrenaline rush from lack of sleep suddenly notices the window with light streaming in. She thinks about her survival skills and how they have been on alert. Huh? Who wrote this scene? She was locked up for three years. Those survival skills were on snooze. Anyway she hops up and with Amazonian strength yanks a single board that blocked her from the outside world. No kidding… a single rickety board. Me thinks it was a tiny house Pedro flipped years back. But again I digress. She begs God not to abandon her as she jumps like a flying squirrel to freedom, landing with a splat. Her ankle is hurt. Dumb and clumsy. Diego can pick ‘em alright! No wonder he hates himself.


Friday 7/29/16 Part V

Javier drops by Fer’s house. They have coffee as he tells her how happy he is for her. She found requited love. Fer begins to feel guilty for hurting Javier. He tells her he got caught up in the idea of them, but she was always very clear with him,still it hurts. Fer tells him he’s a wonderful, handsome and smart man that any woman would be lucky to fall in love with. Javier knows it just won’t be her.

Kleptobelle who is at a plant stand sells a bouquet to a young man. He gives her too much and as he walks away she calls him back to give him his change. She realizes in that moment that she has had a positive breakthrough in her therapy. Little by little…just like you and me Javier. Oh please…writers. Don’t push it and expect me to believe that Kleptobelle can turn rico suave Javier’s head.

Fer says If there had never been a Carlos, possibly it could have been him. Javier tells her no matter he will always be grateful for their times, for his dreams of the two of them and for getting lost in her eyes. He will always love her, and even if this heart is broken it will repair and he’ll hopefully find someone and make them happy. He’ll always be her friend, whatever she needs he’ll be there. Fer apologizes because whether she meant to or not, it feels awful having broken the heart of someone so wonderful. Awww…Fer is too sweet.

Loosero <--(see what I did there?) hobbles around the woods now falling down on her injured ankle, but she’s determined to get to where people are. She hopes Diego won’t find her. Meanwhile stupid HoLivia puts away the hide-a-bed still wearing her virginal nighty as she wonders where Diego is. This is already too weird? What if he abandoned me? *face palm* She is just now getting a weird vibe? Ay ay ay. Lucero is a brain surgeon next to this idiot. Demonego finally comes in with bags of food and she practically tackles him to the ground. Where were you? Why did you take so long? I thought you had abandoned me? Is it any wonder he switches wives every three years? Maybe he wants one that won't cling and nag five minutes after the wedding. Anyway he tells her he just went for breakfast but it was a bit far. It’s gonna be so good she’ll lick her fingers. But all she can do is complain how scared she was he’d leave her. Demonego assures #2 boo, that when a man and woman get married it has to be for good. Any bets on what type of lock is outside of this apartment?

Javier finally stops his whining and bids goodbye to Fer. Once out on the porch he braces himself against a tree as the pain of losing Fer washes over him. He sheds a few tears.


Friday 7/29/16 Part VI

Loosero is walking again. She knows her ankle is going to swell and she won’t be able to walk soon, but by golly she’ll keep going. She hunkers down and driving through her gut, rears up with a good Tarzan yell. Help me! Help me! Where was all this in that apartment folks? SMDH.

At Alta manor, Blanca serves breakfast to Amelia and Hernan who are enjoying easy convo. Blanca thinks it a pity that Hernan missed the party. Hernan offers his congratulations and is happy she accepted Pedro again. Meanie comes to the table to snark and tease. Amelia says she is so happy not even Meanie can ruin it. Meanie says she’s really happy because that means Amelia will leave to be with the gardener and take Blanca with her. She’ll even throw in free sheets and towels since Blanca will be sleeping in the garden. No one is amused. Amelia and Blanca leave and Hernan disgusted by his wife sits stoney, arms folded. He isn’t in the mood for her behavior. She reminds him how much fun they use to have creating mischief. Well he isn’t in a laughing mood. Suddenly you’re having an attack of goodness? No, it’s not...don't you get it? Oh I get's all about Cami since she left. Hernan tells her she wouldn’t get the importance of having a child since she’s barren. M: “I’m not barren!” H: “What?” M: “I’m not” H: “All you’re life you’ve said….” M: “I made it up because I never wanted to have a child of yours, but I’m not barren” Hernan bolts up from the table knocking the chair over in the process. “You have no idea how much I hate you....I hate you!” He heads toward his room with Meanie hot on his heels.

Demonego in tight pants and shirt, with his smart specs heads to tiny house with a bag of food for Loosero and he sees the one board off the window! Ruh roh! No puede ser…no puede ser! Oh yes.. si puede Demonego!. I’m an idiot. How did she flee?’s a hint a 2x4 from home depot. He vows he won’t lose-ero Lucero! He’ll kill her first. He takes off running to find her, as Loosero hopefully far enough ahead by now, limps along on a dirt road past abandoned tires. She begs God to help her as she prays this route takes her to freedom.


Delilah, if I could pick all of my favorite parts of your recap (copy all then paste). You got it all with snark too boot!

Pedro - the whiny vagina lol...I feel bile in my throat. So did I.

Loosero, HoLivia, Demonego, and What's under Lupe's wig had me in stitches.

Amelia may not want you Ordenez but you'll always be my Super Oh!

Lucero taking a board from that window and jumping out like a fool...pls just die already! Olivia being a posessive obsessive Isa in the making - good luck with that Diego...I just wonder if she'll be his match. He wants to possess and she may want to also.

Pedro, your girlfriend is the President of a construction company - so umm she has workers who know how to not build tree houses with stumps as chairs and rooms the size of closets, etc. Let that chick do got the land so your work here is done. We'll let you hold a hammer.

Poor Cami. She made that scene yesterday.

Ok, Im going to say something that I dont want to say...(disclaimer Luis is a vile evil criminal who needs to be put away) I kind of hope Fer forgives him and accepts him as her sperm donor.

My reason...she has forgiven every damn body. The people who actually knew she existed (he was given false info by Mariana so many times - he thought she was aborted before the sold baby story) that she loved betrayed her in horrible ways and she forgave them. Her mom abused her verbally and physically. Cami, Pedro, Carlos...Luis didnt know she was his daughter so I want her to eventually give him a chance. She just found out so not now the wounds are too fresh. Although I know he's just greedy and wants her money I believe he wants her as his daughter too...even in his warped Luis way. He has cried at every rejection not just "Damn I gotta get her to for the fortune" but since knowing she existed he has weeped and I have softened to that side of Luis.

(if you watched PyP) It's like Eladio ended up being - who was ruthless to everyone but a puppy for Julia.

Ok, yell at me now LOL!

Delilah, such a great recap! I enjoyed it! Thank you.

"He vows he won’t lose-ero Lucero!" Ha ha I'm laughed, but I'm glad the snooze alarm went off on her dormant and clearly very rusty survival skills. I hope she can elude him but she's not the sharpest tool.

I thought Javier was kind of pathetic last night. Like ok, Javier, you may need closure, but Fer has long moved on. She was kind to him but he was really imposing on her with that long speech. Maribel is not right for him either. Really rooting for Malq here.

I did not care for Mariana being all weepy. I like her being a cardboard cutout mean and stank-faced villain. Old Mariana would've just lit the new house on fire and cut their brake lines. This one is just whiny. I get it though, she's off kilter due to Hernan's rejection. Before he was just her lap dog.

I kind of like Carlos more when he's in bad ass mode to be honest. It beats when he's whining. I actually thought Fer was being melodramatic about it and I agreed with Felipe. That said, Kendra, I think you're right, Fer is going to end up forgiving Louse because this whole tn is about forgiveness.


Hi, Delilah. Gee, what a complete rundown of last night's goings on, and with just the right amount of snark to boot! Thank you so much!

Boy, Diego has turned out to be one dark, sick individual. I wonder if we will get his background to understand what drove him to his current state?

"Loosero <--see what I did there?" Very well done.

Your thoughts that Olivia the Red may be Diego's match was interesting.

Kendra, interesting that you hope for a Eladio-like redemption is interesting. Who knows? Personally, I hope he accidentally knocks over a fan and falls on it and castrates himself. Then he can be redeemed.

Thanks again, Delilah.


David: Now we're in the home stretch of Ultimos Capitulos & we know Luis & Co., will pull out all of the stops to destroying the good guys!

David, I think if Luis dies then she'll not necessarily weep for him but something will happen to make her sad about it. Maybe flashbacks of all the times that he tried to get her to forgive him...but someting because she is Fer and she eventually finds some good in everybody. He can die - I'm ok with that, but if he doesn't then I want her to give him a chance to ask for forgiveness. He didn't know and when he found out he has been trying to reach out to her even if part of it is self serving. He does look distressed at her rejection and his part in it.

I still don't like Amelia. LOL!

Steve, I agree it will be mayhem for the next little bit.

Kendra, I once asked the question during another tn where the ladies seemed willing to forgive the males, but unwilling to forgive the females, whether there may be some sexual bias working here. I am willing to accept Amelia's turn around, but not so much Luis. Also, to extend forgiveness does not mean that the guilty party doesn't still owe a debt to society, so although Luis may receive forgiveness from Fer, he still should do some jail time for all the shenanigans he has pulled. Whadya think?


Delilah, this was sensational. Pure and simple.

"Amelia bats her eyelashes, suddenly dawning on her that she might actually get the final rose", "swagalicious Ordonez", "Lupe and her wig come over to give a paper cup toast" and "Dumb and clumsy. Diego can pick ‘em alright! No wonder he hates himself" were excellent.

I was delighted by Amelia and Pedro. Is anyone sitting at their table with me?? I believe this love story has come full circle. Two broken and scarred people who have tried to mend their wounds, make amends toward those they have hurt and move forward. I can understand that many might not have forgiven or like Amelia but I think that in their universe, they are meant for each other.

"Poor Javier. Klepto is cringe inducing". I liked Maribel but her obsession with Jav is making me uneasy. I'm with you dy and rooting for Malquerida. I loved here just standing there enjoying her food as Maribel kept trying to make an unsuccessful play for Jav.

I think knowing Luis was responsible for the death of his beloved nana was just too much for Carlos. I don't feel he was even close to crossing the line. The rage he felt at this cruel act simply propelled him forward.

I have to say my heart was in my throat watching Lucero hobble down the endless path. I hope she is able to get away - I don't want that madman to unleash his considerable muscle and hurt her physically. He has already devastated her emotionally.

And yes, the actress playing Camila was outstanding last night. You could almost feel her hunger - she devoured that food as though she were truly starving.

Kendra, you made an interesting point about Fernanda/Luis. You are right in that all seem to be forgiven in the end. Perhaps Fer will forgive him. I think she will do whatever she feels is right in her heart.

I have no pity for Luis and none for Mariana. I would not be surprised if their endings are tragic and lonely.

Thank you again Delilah.


What a tasty treat Delilah

Don't ruin Mariana with sugar tears give me pissed and vinegar.

I won't forgive Amenia or Luis for what they have done to Fernanda. Have we forgotten Luis killed her scholarship.

I still hate Pedro too.

Any Carlos is better than weepy Carlos.

Javier, grow a pair.


David, Luis should certainly go to jail or fall off of a cliff...either one is good with me. My disdain for Amelia is that she inflicted pain on Fer for no reason other than the fact that she was born. Luis was pissed that this so-called nobody got over on him and he wanted to teach her unnecessary lessons and Mariana fueled the fire.

Mariana gets no sympathy from me she can cry a river.

I'm in no way even a smidgen of attracted to Luis ewww...I just give him the benefit of the doubt because (to him) he was hurting a stranger not his daughter. Amelia WAS hurting hers and the fact that she was bubbly made it worse.

Amelia even told Fernanda the problem she had with Carlos was he made Fernanda happy and Amelia was jealous of her happiness. I know she was being honest but damn.

I don't like Luis because he is an arrogant scoundrel, that will never change.

I have loved this telenovela from Day 1 and I still love it. I don't know how Luis or Mariana, or even Diego will end up but hopefully Diego will be eaten by the lions. Luis deserves to go to jail for everything he did. I don't dislike Pedro or Amelia anymore. As for Mariana, she should be chopped to a million f****ng pieces for all I care. Hopefully, Lucero will have her happy ending and find a man whos better for her than stupid sick Diego. I can only imagine the shock she'll be in when she finds out her husband married another woman. Diego's a bigamist and a sick f***er. I also hope Camila will have her ending too, probably end up in a psychiatric clinic or something like that. Glad to see Hernan is turning good and sees his wife for the bitch she is. That was quite a plot twist where we discovered Mariana wasn't barren (sterile) after all. Anyway, this telenovela has been a great ride and I will miss it after it ends.

Dy very good recap. Now I know you don't like Pedro and Amelia, I'm glad they're back together. They've been
Through hell ( of their own making) but they came through it. And they'll be stronger for it. Becides baby girl is going to need them and their happy strength.

The momemt lucero got up on that window cill, I thought jump don't hurt
Yourself, and doggonnit that's what she did. "Hop along Lucy". Now if she can stay out of sight and see him before he sees her this could be a great Escape.

O Javier, dry your tears, mal is waiting for you back at your place in
Her ooolala French maid unform and it's see through.

Mariana is a sad woman. And she gotta pay for killing that chauffeur while trying to off her sister and neice.
A mean woman she is. Now she's worthy of not liking.

OK that's all I got for now. Y'all enjoy your weekend. Thanks Dylilah.


"Delilah" sorry I misspelled your name

Thanks gang, I'm glad you enjoyed the recap ;-).

Hey Nina, you have a quite the memory..I forgot about that poor chauffeur who died as a result of that car accident. You're right, Mariana is a cold blooded killer and in many ways she contributed to the early demise of Don Fernandough. I love the actress and I get a kick out of Meanie, but she's gotta pay for her crimes. Then there's Fer being locked up for 2 years in prison. That's not a light thing to just brush under the rug. Hernan really deserves better too.

I can't get on board with Amelia or Pedro. The writers dropped it with this couple. I don't find either of them especially endearing. Bitchy was too cruel to Fer and honestly Pedro was no better. He kept the truth about Luis from Fer regarding Luis and did a lot of damage to Carlos and Fer's relationship. If Pedro had gotten over his possessiveness and ego, I think Fer could have avoided prison.

Kendra I'm no Luis fan, but he really was interested in finding Fer and we saw that early on when he first encountered Amelia years later. He asked Amelia to introduce him to his daughter, but it never happened. Then Amelia and Pedro both played fast and loose with the knowledge doing all they could to keep Fer from Luis. That's on them. A kid doesn't have to like their bio parent, but they have the right to know the truth of their paternity early on, then THEY can decide if they want to pursue a relationship. Fer was never given that chance. Luis could have been a decent Dad, who knows? Or maybe not but he would have earned her love or disdain on HIS own.

I think if Fer can forgive Pedro's lies, her mother's abuse, Cami's betrayal, then a bit of forgiveness to Luis could be extended. She doesn't have to have him in her life, but at least hear the man out.

I hate that we've watched Ordonez help everyone out, but he's not had any chance at romance. I want him to be appreciated by someone, in my opinion he is a way better catch then that whiny over dramatic manipulating Pedro.

What if Loosero seeks therapy after her ordeal with Demonego and it's with Javier? They would be cute together!

Will we ever see Adelina again?


"Loosero", hahaha, you're great with these names, Delilah, I thought the same as she limped along. Javier

No one even mentions Adelina. You would think, like us, one of the girls or boys would wonder, hey, what ever happened to that skinny redhead girl, what's her name?

I remember adeline, she was that sweet girl who was starvin herself to death because she was tryin to please her overbearing jerky parents. But I think her mom came to her sences after javier ripped her a new one. She came into the hospital room cryin and blowin snot declarin her love and apologizin beggin her not to die. I hope she didn't.

Its good mariana didn't have any children. No child should be subjected to that kind of torture, their cousin fer already went through that, and it was painful just watching it. Hernin when you get your daughter back, take her and run, as fast and as far away from that cold blooded sack of hateful vindictiveness in heels as you can get. Cami will have a better chance at surviving, him too.

Your right delilah, fer should have had the right to decide to love or hate luis, they took it away from her. Out of love and fear, but still as it is, some parents over protect and cause more trouble than there already is. What are ya gonna do? but Love em anyway.

Delilah, That was so funny. I loved the way you wrote "Don Fernandough."

It was horrible to hear the thoughts of Diego. Apparently this is his way of dealing with unrequited love, finding a series of unsuspecting young girls to take his anger out on. I expected that the last scene would end with him appearing in the distance behind Lucero. I was glad it didn't; I didn't want to have that image in my mind until Monday.

As for Luis, maybe Fernanda can forgive him, but I can't. After all, he tried to kill Marissa by taking her to the resort (the travel and heat were bad for her condition), and then when she fell into the pool, he decided to let her drown. (Luckily, the spa attendant was there.)

As for Amelia, I still can't like her. The only thing that had an effect on her personality was the change in her circumstances. Her attitude improved the minute she was back in the big house (although she was in the little house next to the big house at first) and had servants and nice clothes again. I wonder if she would have changed if she were still living in Pedro's casita and flipping tacos for a living.

The person I no longer dislike is Lucero's mother. She's been trying really hard to find her. And of course, the same goes for Hernan.

Thanks again, Delilah!

Aleta, that is such a good point about Amelia. She didn't really change until she was back in the mansion. I guess we are supposed to think it is gratitude for surviving her accident/actual murder attempt by Mariana.

Mariana Karr, a favorite actress of many here, especially for her roles in Alborada and Pasion, has passed away. QEPD, Mariana!

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