Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tres Veces Ana # 48

Look out for Sneaky's recap later in the day and discuss until then!

Sneaky's recap posted below

BadAna interrupts tio and Sue having a moment, because he’s her personal property and nobody else can look let alone touch. She tells Sue about how he’s absolutely awash in golddiggers now that he’s single again and tries subtly to warn her off, Badana offers to be Sue’s person at the real estate place so she won’t have to talk to tio ever again.

Meanwhile the secretary is worried about TioM going off alone when he’s all sad and stuff, but he assures her a little alone time is what he needs. BadAna doesn’t know he’s going yet,  they’ll tell the girls at a special dinner tonight.

Which Abue and Leonore are preparing for, and have forgotten to tell Bad Ana about. Abue calls the office and  the secretary apparently has better things to do so she asks Inaki to answer. After finding out about the special family dinner and assuring Abue he’ll totes give BadAna the message, but declining to give his name. Inaki tells BadAna when she walks in (I can’t even chide her for showing midriff or the cut outs in the back, she looks so good and it’s the closest to office appropriate she’s gotten in a while) that the call was nothing important and to cancel her plans for tonight cause he’s taking her out. (oh Inaki what are you plotting now?)

Ramiro tells Santiago he’s wining and dining his wife tonight so could he scram please.

Abue’s getting tons of messages on her dating app from silver foxes (one assumes) but she’s going to delete them all because she prefers loneliness and misery (one assumes)

Ramiro and his boss try to talk boring business stuff but the older single ladies are blowing up his phone w/ scandalous propositions. He’s really only interested in Abue’s profile but she won’t respond.

Yelling time w/BadAna, Leonore and Abue – the trip, ya sabes.
BadAna goes to her room to sulk and remember how not interested in her TioM is. Inaki calls and when she refuses to go out w/him gets testy and blackmails her w/the date in her passport to meet him at the restaurant..

Santicelo muses for a while and then dresses as Marcelo and takes a taxi, leaving a note for Ramiro saying BadAna is not coming, he (Santiago) is going to talk w/her.

BadAna is putting her makeup on and remembering killing Jenny and Evaristo telling her only Marcelo knows, she’s getting pretty freaked.
TioM and Abue talk bout what a brat that BadAna is while she eavesdrops. She comes in to pretend she’s ok w/tio leaving her behind behind but she can’t stay for dinner and she heads out in a hookerific black lace number to bash some car w/a tire iron.  Back in her car and there’s Marcelo in the headlights! Accelerate!!
He dodges then tries to catch her, she escapes, he looks very confused.

At the restaurant Inaki is pissed BadAna is making him wait, and the waiter wants the table for somebody whose date isn’t going to stand him up. Inaki asks for 10 more min and some water.

Ramiro and Llora talk on the phone. He still thinks BadAna is coming.
Santiago gets home and tells Ramiro she tried to run him down. Ohh the car she smashed was TioM’s car. Ramiro figures she was pissed b/c tio didn’t do exactly what she wanted and the trying to run Santicelo down was just because of the shock of seeing her dead husband. They will both protect Analu and find out who BadAna’s lover is (go team!)

TioM and Abue talk bout the girls, whose the problem child, whose fault is that, and Llora is just fine, she’s the one they don’t have to worry about (this convo would be funny if they weren’t so irritating, ‘oh we created a monster, oh well’  ‘we’re  bad parents, but oh well I’m sure it’ll turn out ok’ ungh) Now that Llora has got over that horrible Ramiro who is totes guilty of all bad things, Valentin is the new hope. Tio doesn’t seem so sure but Abue only listens when she wants to. Oh! Abue just had a spiffy new idea, instead of going alone or taking BadAna w/him he should take Llora on the trip. (*face palm* I can’t even w/her anymore) She leaves Tio and Llora to talk about it and after a little chat bout BadAna that doesn’t include how crazy she is Tio invites Llora on the trip. (its like he doesn’t know what will happen. Neither do I for that matter, but I know it won’t be good)

Valentin reminisces bout that one time when he pointed a gun at Marcelo and blamed him for having Gina killed. Also TioM is responsible for his “accident” (the quotes are b/c he caused it himself on purpose to swindle TioM) and subsequently losing Gina, who so did love him and wasn’t a money hungry b@#ch at all. They fight over the gun and Marcelo wins leaving Valentin on the floor yelling about how Marcelo et al will pay. In the present he thoughtbubbles Evaristo said he killed him, he better not be lying.

BadAna and that outfit meet w/Ev to tell him she’s seen Marcelo and missed, Inaki knows she was there when Jenny died, and TioM don’t love her no mo. Ev is all respectful and polite in that sardonic way he has and says he’ll take care of it.

TioM sees his car as BadAna drives up – ‘oh dear, what could have happened, do you want me to call your insurance, gosh I hope this won’t mean you have to cancel your trip’ she gushes. Nope he’ll rent a car, nope he doesn’t want her to give him a ride home, he’ll drive, see ya  BadAna is foiled again.
She heads inside and just misses Llora fondling Analu’s bracelet. More bad news for our BadSeed though, Llora is packing to go on the trip w/tio. BadAna pretends he asked her first and she refused so Llora could have a chance to go. Oh btw does Valentin know? Bad Ana offers to tell him for her since she’ll be heading out early tomorrow, wishes her a goodnight and swipes her phone on the way out.
In her own room BadAna wishes Llora had died in the accident too, and swears she will pay for this in tears of blood as she examines the phone.


Well how about that little twist - turns out Marcelo's death was on more than one person's agenda back in the day and Evaristo was double charging for his death: Ana Le and Llora's vengeful suitor.

Ana Le was spectacularly crazy this whole episode, but especially so breaking windows on Tio's car and almost running Marcelo over. Applauding his instincts and glad he saw all of these crazy happenings. Let's hope he is not going to forget about them in the face of Ana Le's reality twisting. Gotta say, kind of disappointed that Santicelo's stunt caused us to miss continuation of Ana Le/Ramiro play for now.


Boy, Ana Le is getting worse and worse by the moment. Wow, she sure is dangerous when she is angry. She broke all the windows on her uncle's car as thought she were a jilted girlfriend coming back for revenge. Ana Le is a real psychopath.

Ana leticia is really out of her head now. This girl is completely insane. If she is like this now, I can't even start to imagine what she will become, when she finds out that not only is Ana Lucia alive, but she is also her husband's mistress. Her crazy was already at 100%, now its at 1000%

I have not watched this yet. You guys now have me very curious and excited to watch this this a.m. Yay! For crazy Ana Leticia antics! I think I will make a pot of coffee and get the show rolling. : )

I'm with all of you on this. This is only episode 43 out of a projected 130-140. I can only imagine what she will become before the end. If anyone saw Telemundo's El Phantasma de Elena back in 2010, I'm thinking she will become like that. The actress in that series was Ana Layevska and I think that was her first villain. She was brilliantly frightening.

This series is pushing a few envelopes already so I can easily envision a catfight between AnaMeMeMe and Ana Lucia when the former finds out that SantMarc loves the latter. It will probably lead to more than one murder attempt before the end. I'm hoping that SantMarc will not have to pull a trigger to save Ana Lucia because of the psyche fallout for everyone involved. Instead, AnaMeMeMe should end up in the manicomio.

It is good that he saw her smashing the car windows. However, it will likely be a while before anyone but Ramiro believes him.

Looking forward to your recap, Sneaky.

I was very glad that SantMarc got to witness the crazy part of herself that AnaLet hides from everyone. Now, if only he could remember that she wanted him killed and hired Ev to do it. Unfortunately, it seems SantMarc has decided he needs to go see Ev (of course without telling Ramiro exactly who he was talking about). I'm sure Ev will fill his head with more confusing lies, that will take him another month to sort out, just like it took the last many weeks for him to sort out Ev's last set of lies. I don't understand why he thinks he's going to get any truth or answers by going back to Ev!

Oh, I was rolling my eyes too at the mysterious person Santi was mentioning without naming, and of course utter lack of curiosity on Ramiro's part, who just nodded and asked nothing. I also fear Evaristo may not even bother with the lies this time and just reach for the gun given his little chat with Ana Le.

Ria- It's ridiculous and completely contrived that neither of them has mentioned Evaristo's name yet, when they have spoken about everything else. Ramiro even spoke about Gina! Every single time he has encountered Ev, he has lied to SatMarc. About his name, his supposed criminal past, about his wife, his life, and Ramiro. He never gets a straight answer or the truth from him, and by now should know it was Ev who sent those goons after him to kill him in Costa Paraiso. He's also now remembered that Ev worked for him, and should be wondering why Ev never brought that up.

I'm also worried that now that AnaLet had AnaLlora's cell phone, she'll be able to pretend to be Llora on the phone with Ramiro and learn about their plan to trap her. I really don't care about whatever she's planning for Valentin, but I want to see whatever it is. Two crazies coming together. Should be entertaining. I think she's underestimating Val.

Wow! What a fun episode! I loved the return of the now smirking gum chewing Evaristo.

Under the heading of All Things Considered, I'm going to bet that Ev will not try to off SantMarc because he enjoys manipulating people too much. He would also get a charge out of watching Ana Lucifer unravel.

Sure looked like that already with Evaristo's little smirk.

Oh dear, I'm sorry I missed this. Sounds like I missed some good stuff. I will wait for the recap.

It also sounds like Evaristo is back. I was enjoying his absence. He's an interesting character, and for a while (some weeks ago) he was the main entertainment of this story. But I enjoy the show more when the plot is advanced by characters actually interacting with one another, rather than getting manipulated by one seemingly omniscient puppeteer.

Julie- I also prefer Evaristo is small doses. He only showed up at the end of this episode, which was perfect. That's as much Ev as I think is needed in an episode. Enough to stir the pot, but not so much that it seems he's the head chef and sous chef, selecting, chopping, and adding all the ingredients to the pot.

Vivi, yes! I am wondering about Ana Le's plan with cell phone too and her promise that Llora will pay "with blood" for the tio preferring to go on vacay with Llora instead of our psychopath. Ditto on not caring about the Tin plot, but hopefully Ramiro is smarter than what he demonstrated so far.

Ria- I hope so. But I know if I got a call from a friend's cell phone, and the person speaking had the same voice, I would assume it was my friend. Heck, when I answer my parents' phone, people often think I'm my mom because our voices are similar, although she has a distinct Jamaican accent.

Wait that's weird, do you guys not get shown the Avances at the end of each epi? They showed 3 things that made me want to tune in last night (I even sped home earlier than usual!): 1st was Inaki (shirtless, woof!) telling Ana Letal that he saw her passport, the 2nd was of her smashing car windows, and then her running Santi over! It had MUST SEE TV written all over it!!! Last night was fantastic. I didn't even bother w/ the convention. But now I'm freaking out b/c she offered to tell Tin that Llora's gone on a trip, and we know she won't. But finally we'll get to see her plans w/ that wig. Although now that she has Llora's phone, I'm curious if Ramiro will recognize her voice or unknowingly out himself & Llora. This is gonna be a real nail-biter! CAN'T WAIT :)

I'm still interested in the Tin plot. We're still not even sure what Tin's plan is, are we? Does he just want to marry into the family and enjoy their money? Or does he have another idea?

Any chance that his agenda might overlap with AnaLet's? If they were to team up, they could really wreak havoc with that wig. They could drug Llora, stage a fake quickie private wedding, take lots of wedding pictures of themselves, put still-drugged Llora in Tin's bed, and let her think she had too much champagne and/or she's losing her marbles. (I don't know why they would do this, but I'm putting it out there as an example of what they could accomplish together.)

Anna, the reason I missed all of it was because I was working on a Yago recap. I did see that stuff in the avances, but Yago's my priority!

Anna- We have been remiss in expressing our appreciation for the gratuitous exploitation of the male form, that the director has so generously thrown our way. Thanks you for pointing that out. It was indeed a pleasure to watch shirtless and pantless Inaki prancing around as he spoke to AnaLet on the phone. :)

And just for you, here's a memorable scene from Una Familia con Suerte, where Pedro Moreno's (Inaki) character Enzo tries to spice things up for his fiance by surprising her with a private dance. Start at Minute 7:38:

Vivi, I fear you are right. All the cliches so far have taught us that it is unlikely Ramiro's plot will work out.

Anna, definitely a good episode, very interested to see what's coming tonight too.

And Julie, the seemingly crazy scenario you are hypothesizing might turn out to be not that far from what Ana Le and Tin end up doing. I wonder if Tin is going to turn out smarter than Ramiro and recognize Ana Le, which might lead to an alliance

Oh an yes, very unexpected on Inaki's great form!!

LOL @ Vivi and Ria, I know! They were totally teasing us. I'm like, Rulli who? I was surprised he was so buff!

Oh my godzilla, Julie you might be actually hitting the mark. If not, call the writers b/c that would be a cool plotline. And phew, I was beginning to wonder if I was watching a different channel maybe. I wish I had dvr recording, b/c that epi is deserving of a re-watch....and a pause on certain physiques--ahem, uh I mean, scenes.

I was only able to watch part of the episode last night and stopped somewhere right after ALet saw Marcelo. Looking forward to the recap.

Well, hello, INaki !!! Do ye own a kilt, laddie ? ^_^ AHhh, So nice to have a little female gaze represented in the show to balance Angie's contribution to the male viewers.

Regarding plans, I often think that even the writers do not really know what those plans are.

True confessions: I did see a little of the beginning of the episode (before the window-smashing, apparently) and I saw Inaki with his shirt off. Well, at least it was tasteful and integral to the plot, and not at all gratuitous, LOL.

I also saw AnaLet grilling Viridiana. When she got the car door for her, I thought she was going to slam it shut on V's leg.

I don't get avances when I watch, but I usually don't care. Once I'm in, I'm in.

Boy, what a week to be away on business and the hotel doesn't carry Uni. I am going to have to watch his over the weekend. Sounds like a hoot.

Thanks to everyone for the recaps and comments all week. I don't get back to the room until @11:00 each night and then it's to the office at 7:00 am. But I have been sneaking a look each day just to keep up. You all are the best!!


part 1

BadAna interrupts tio and Sue having a moment, because he’s her personal property and nobody else can look let alone touch. She tells Sue about how he’s absolutely awash in golddiggers now that he’s single again and tries subtly to warn her off, Badana offers to be Sue’s person at the real estate place so she won’t have to talk to tio ever again.

Meanwhile the secretary is worried about TioM going off alone when he’s all sad and stuff, but he assures her a little alone time is what he needs. BadAna doesn’t know he’s going yet, they’ll tell the girls at a special dinner tonight.

Which Abue and Leonore are preparing for, and have forgotten to tell Bad Ana about. Abue calls the office and the secretary apparently has better things to do so she asks Inaki to answer. After finding out about the special family dinner and assuring Abue he’ll totes give BadAna the message, but declining to give his name. Inaki tells BadAna when she walks in (I can’t even chide her for showing midriff or the cut outs in the back, she looks so good and it’s the closest to office appropriate she’s gotten in a while) that the call was nothing important and to cancel her plans for tonight cause he’s taking her out. (oh Inaki what are you plotting now?)

Ramiro tells Santiago he’s wining and dining his wife tonight so could he scram please.

Abue’s getting tons of messages on her dating app from silver foxes (one assumes) but she’s going to delete them all because she prefers loneliness and misery (one assumes)

Ramiro and his boss try to talk boring business stuff but the older single ladies are blowing up his phone w/ scandalous propositions. He’s really only interested in Abue’s profile but she won’t respond.

Yelling time w/BadAna, Leonore and Abue – the trip, ya sabes.
BadAna goes to her room to sulk and remember how not interested in her TioM is. Inaki calls and when she refuses to go out w/him gets testy and blackmails her w/the date in her passport to meet him at the restaurant..

Santicelo muses for a while and then dresses as Marcelo and takes a taxi, leaving a note for Ramiro saying BadAna is not coming, he (Santiago) is going to talk w/her.

BadAna is putting her makeup on and remembering killing Jenny and Evaristo telling her only Marcelo knows, she’s getting pretty freaked.


part 2
TioM and Abue talk bout what a brat that BadAna is while she eavesdrops. She comes in to pretend she’s ok w/tio leaving her behind behind but she can’t stay for dinner and she heads out in a hookerific black lace number to bash some car w/a tire iron. Back in her car and there’s Marcelo in the headlights! Accelerate!!
He dodges then tries to catch her, she escapes, he looks very confused.

At the restaurant Inaki is pissed BadAna is making him wait, and the waiter wants the table for somebody whose date isn’t going to stand him up. Inaki asks for 10 more min and some water.

Ramiro and Llora talk on the phone. He still thinks BadAna is coming.
Santiago gets home and tells Ramiro she tried to run him down. Ohh the car she smashed was TioM’s car. Ramiro figures she was pissed b/c tio didn’t do exactly what she wanted and the trying to run Santicelo down was just because of the shock of seeing her dead husband. They will both protect Analu and find out who BadAna’s lover is (go team!)

TioM and Abue talk bout the girls, whose the problem child, whose fault is that, and Llora is just fine, she’s the one they don’t have to worry about (this convo would be funny if they weren’t so irritating, ‘oh we created a monster, oh well’ ‘we’re bad parents, but oh well I’m sure it’ll turn out ok’ ungh) Now that Llora has got over that horrible Ramiro who is totes guilty of all bad things, Valentin is the new hope. Tio doesn’t seem so sure but Abue only listens when she wants to. Oh! Abue just had a spiffy new idea, instead of going alone or taking BadAna w/him he should take Llora on the trip. (*face palm* I can’t even w/her anymore) She leaves Tio and Llora to talk about it and after a little chat bout BadAna that doesn’t include how crazy she is Tio invites Llora on the trip. (its like he doesn’t know what will happen. Neither do I for that matter, but I know it won’t be good)

Valentin reminisces bout that one time when he pointed a gun at Marcelo and blamed him for having Gina killed. Also TioM is responsible for his “accident” (the quotes are b/c he caused it himself on purpose to swindle TioM) and subsequently losing Gina, who so did love him and wasn’t a money hungry b@#ch at all. They fight over the gun and Marcelo wins leaving Valentin on the floor yelling about how Marcelo et al will pay. In the present he thoughtbubbles Evaristo said he killed him, he better not be lying.

BadAna and that outfit meet w/Ev to tell him she’s seen Marcelo and missed, Inaki knows she was there when Jenny died, and TioM don’t love her no mo. Ev is all respectful and polite in that sardonic way he has and says he’ll take care of it.

TioM sees his car as BadAna drives up – ‘oh dear, what could have happened, do you want me to call your insurance, gosh I hope this won’t mean you have to cancel your trip’ she gushes. Nope he’ll rent a car, nope he doesn’t want her to give him a ride home, he’ll drive, see ya BadAna is foiled again.
She heads inside and just misses Llora fondling Analu’s bracelet. More bad news for our BadSeed though, Llora is packing to go on the trip w/tio. BadAna pretends he asked her first and she refused so Llora could have a chance to go. Oh btw does Valentin know? Bad Ana offers to tell him for her since she’ll be heading out early tomorrow, wishes her a goodnight and swipes her phone on the way out.
In her own room BadAna wishes Llora had died in the accident too, and swears she will pay for this in tears of blood as she examines the phone.

Whatever she’s planning will be bad but we’ll have to wait to see what it is cause that's all for this episode.


Thanks, Sneaky! "its like he doesn’t know what will happen. Neither do I for that matter, but I know it won’t be good." That's how I feel all the time when I watch this thing. I ask myself, what's the biggest mistake this character can make? But I'm not as creative as these people. They always surprise me.

Thanks all for the comments, I missed some of that stuff.
and yep Pedro Moreno is purty

Ok who else can't believe it didn't even occur to tioM that BadAnd trashed his car in revenge. Why are these people so clueless?

Julie your idea about Valentin and Badand together is chilling, but would be something to see.

Thank you, Sneaky! Bien hecho!

Like you, I also wondered how it was Mariano didn't even consider that it was AnaLet who trashed his car, after saying to Ernestina that he knew AnaLet acting like she was totally cool about not traveling with him was just a front. I was also annoyed by how dismissive Ernestina and Mariano were about the monster they've created by spoiling AnaLet and letting her have her way all the time. Ernestina was doubly annoying, claiming everything is hunky dory with Ana Llora, Valentina is a savior, Ramiro is Satan, and that's that! I don't get why Mariano doesn't just tell her the facts about Val's past.

Thanks Sneaky..."hookerific black lace number" was an excellent description of Ana Leticia's outfit. And oh my, can she rock a pair of sky-high heels. My feet hurt just looking at her.

Highlight of the show for me was, yes, Iñaki in his skivvies. When he's lumbering around in a suit, he looks overweight (to me) but wow, out of a suit he is incredibly fine. Muscle-tone out the wazoo. If Ana Leticia knew that...nah, she'd still be nuts over his tio. I see rough days ahead for tio, Vridiana and Ana Laura. Wish this weren't so long...I like to see carnage wrapped up swiftly.

Oh well...thanks again.

Sorry, meant HER tio

Gracias, Sneaky. Good work.

Vivi, Abuela and Tio don't have all the responsibility for BadSeed; she was already well on her way to being like this before the "accident." The girls' mother seemed wise to it, too.

I'm also wondering how Mariano didn't figure it out, but then BadSeed has been expertly presenting herself differently to him and to Ernestina all along. All she had to do was to turn on the sympathy and he was done for.

Seems to me that if she can fool him that easily he may not be able to spot other female psychos.

As to why he and Ernestina are so clueless, it's denial. Denial that they could have such a family member. I've seen it in the real world.

Rodrigo -- when he finally starts keeping company with Ernestina -- should be better at spotting this stuff. However, Ernestina will not buy it and this will create conflict between them. It will be a while before others really catch on to BadSeed.

Sneaky, thanks for the wonderful recap.

I loved watching Ana Leticia in a "pressure cooker" of sorts. Just a little steam came out when she took the bat to tío Mariano's car and almost ran Santiago/Marcelo over. Look like there is no where for the pressure to go but up up! LOL

Thanks, Sneaky. Fine job. Hookerific black lace number - lol. AnaLe looks smashing in these getups. It's so crazy that Abuela and Leonor never bat an eye when she's heading to work in lingerie.

Me too - so glad Santi spied AnaLe trashing Mariano's car. Loved Ramiro's shrug when Santi told him, "yep, she's bs crazy and that's how she acts when she doesn't get her way."

Vivi, thanks for the UFCS clip. I must've missed that episode. Pedro Moreno was smoking hot with that striptease.

Thanks Sneaky! AnaLet is on her broom and watch out all in her path! What a psycho.

With Llora going with Tio, Rams plan is either over or on hold since she won't be around to see it to fruition.

Thanks, Sneaky! So entertaining. Loved these parts:

Ramiro tells Santiago he’s wining and dining his wife tonight so could he scram please.

Abue’s getting tons of messages on her dating app from silver foxes (one assumes) but she’s going to delete them all because she prefers loneliness and misery (one assumes)

Especially laughed on the Abue comments.

Carvivlie, your Ana Le on a broom reference is genius - so fitting.

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