Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Yago #38. Tuesday July 19, 2016. Life Can Turn On A Dime And Lady Luck Is A Fickle Mistress

You like plants? I like plants! You like stealing? I like stealing! You like snatching other people's kids? I like snatching other people's kids! We should totally hang!

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.   

Flashback. Abel thinks back to Omar’s funeral. “Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault... It’s my fault that Omar is six feet under, that Melina and Jonás lost their son and that Bruno lost his brother”. Abel is visibly twitchy. Lucio leans in and whispers a warning in his ear: “I know what’s going through your head. Don’t you dare!”

Present time. Abel tells the Guerrero family that Omar is innocent and confesses the whole truth. He does, however, point out that he didn’t know Omar was to become the scapegoat, otherwise, he would've never participated in the robbery. He also admits that he administered the coup de grâce that killed the casino's security guard. Sara had it all planned out: She recruited Lucio and she framed Omar. Jonás and Bruno rain blows on Abel, who tells them they can do with him whatever they want. Matías interrupts the brouhaha: What’s going on? Nothing to see here! Problems between adults. Bruno accompanies the kid upstairs. Matías overheard something about justice and wonders if this has to do with his dad. Is Abel the reason his dad is in jail? Bruno says no and not to worry about it. 

At Mexico’s Sing Sing, Damián is ecstatic at the prospect of leaving jail: “Hooray! (¡Albricias!) We’re out of this pigsty!” Lucio says he doesn’t trust Tomás and his mysterious boss: Those rats don’t give anything for free. Besides, he can’t forgive what they did to Matías. As Lucio shaves his prison stubble, he vows to take revenge on the person who put him here, then on that swine called Tomás Vargas and his jefe

Back at Casa Guerrero, Abel says he is going to ask that Omar’s case be reopened. “I just wanted to look you straight in the eyes and confess the truth. I wanted to tell you that I’m very sorry.” Jonás and Melina say they will never forgive him, especially given that they considered him a member of their family. Jonás throws him out of the house and asks him to never come back again. 

As per Fidel’s instructions, Yago organizes a press conference to announce that he bought Bar Candy. This is meant to draw Camilo out in the open. 

Unbeknownst to Damián, Lucio made a deal with Tomás to keep his father-in-law in jail lest he becomes a nuisance for their new partnership. Lucio relishes seeing Damián’s rage when he finds out that Lucio sold him out. Buh-bye, suegrito

Lucio gets a luxury mansion with more rooms than the old Casa Sarquis. He also receives designer suits, a smartphone as well as two high-class hookers, Yasmín and Jazmín, as a bonus. Lucio declines the last gift but Tomás doesn’t want it to go to waste. He opts to have the prime cuts of meat for himself, even though it might raise his uric acid levels. All of this for info on Yago? Lucio is skeptical. Later, he calls Sara to show off his new crib. Sara is prepared to do anything in order to destroy Yago. They drink to their new partnership. Lucio gets stopped short before he even gets a chance to properly move in for a kiss. He understands that timing is everything but vows he’ll win Sara back. 

In his orchid greenhouse, the mysterious garden where Julia was never allowed, Camilo tries a new maneuver. He tells Julia her mom is indeed Selma. She left Camilo at the altar on their wedding day and Fidel killed his brother Julio. The mere thought of that day makes Camilo feel a physical pain akin to a heart attack. He claims Selma abandoned Julia all these years. She knew where her daughter was the whole time but never sought her out. Selma left Julia with Camilo because she didn’t want her to be raised by Fidel, the vile monster who murdered his own children. How could Camilo possibly reveal such an awful truth to Julia when she was just a little girl? Camilo maintains that Selma came back to tell lies and to slander his good name. The crooked head-shrinker, that Camilo strangled into cooperating with him just a few scenes back, is in Casa Michell too. She shows Julia a video of a gun-wielding Selma in her office. Selma threatened to shoot the psychologist if she didn’t agree to send Julia videos that had nothing to do with her. The little girl in those videos is not Julia. The story of her brothers, the erased memories, etc. are all Selma’s fabrications. The psychologist was contracted by Camilo to help little Julia with her phobias and nightmares. That's all. Crooked Head-Shrinker scurries out now that her cameo is over. Camilo tells Julia he may not be her biological father but he is her father nonetheless. He has been there for her her whole life. He raised her, loved her and supported her, always. “Why would I want to erase your story if your story is wonderful?” he adds. Julia doesn’t know what to believe anymore. “Your mind is confused right now, so ask you heart!” suggests Camilo. “Your heart knows. Your heart knows me. It knows who I am!” Julia asks her dad to forgive her. He hugs her and tells her to cry all she wants to unload her pain. Tomás interrupts with the news about Yago and Bar Candy. Camilo feels Yago is provoking him. 

Abel cooks Teo lunch to say goodbye and to thank him for his help and support. Is Abel going to the other side? asks Teo. No, he’s turning himself in. He’ll confess everything. He owes it to Omar. “I’m going to miss you!” says Teo. “I know you will!” replies Abel. They bump fists and go back to chowing down on their quesadillas. 

Camilo confronts Yago about Bar Candy. Yago says he did Camilo a favor because Valentín would’ve never agreed to sell it to Camilo. Yago bought Bar Candy 3 times cheaper than market value. He is prepared to sell it but he already has a buyer: Fidel Yampolski. Before Camilo starts flying off the handle, Yago explains that he is a businessman first and foremost. He doesn’t take sides. The only side he will always pick, no matter what, is the side where he gets the most money. Yago wants to sell the bar to the highest bidder by organizing an impromptu auction (subasta). He has an appointment today at Bar Candy with Fidel to sign the sale contract of the property. Why don’t Camilo show up at the appointment, supposedly uninvited and unannounced, to make his winning bid? Camilo agrees. 

At Casa Guerrero, the family lights a candle for Omar. Jonás asks his eldest son for forgiveness. 

Sara and Lucio go to Casa Guerrero to pick up Mati. When the kid goes inside to pack his things, Bruno confronts Sara and Lucio. They deny everything without flinching. They accuse Abel of telling lies and trying to manipulate the Guerrero family. Bruno says he’ll see to it that the two of them get their just deserts. For starters, he won’t let them take away his nephew. And yes, he knows that Mati is Omar's son because Sara spilled the beans! Lucio calls the police to report a kidnapping. 

Abel receives Ámbar to bid her fare-thee-well but he doesn’t tell her he is going to jail. He pretends he is traveling to the United States. It’s a shame because Ámbar wanted him to accompany her to her operation, scheduled tomorrow. Can’t he postpone his trip? He would've loved to but he can't. He postponed it many times before but he can’t do it again. Ámbar says she will miss him.

Matías leaves Casa Guerrero in the presence of a police escort, to ensure that things are clear for all the parties involved, according to Lucio. He insinuates that the Guerrero couple's affection for their surrogate grandson is somewhat excessive. Matías says he enjoyed staying at Casa Guerrero where he received love, care and support. However, he is now eager to return with his mom and dad. “Don’t you want me to go home with my parents?” he asks Jonás. “We want whatever makes you happy” replies Jonás, chocking back tears. Melina is inconsolable.

Sara and Lucio take Matías to their new house and find Tomás waiting for them. He says to Lucio their mutual friend wants to see him. When mother and son are alone, Matías says he is excited that his parents are getting back together and that his mom won’t go back to living at Yago’s house. They’re going to be a family again! Yay! 

Yago instructs Ámbar to deliver something to Julia without being seen and leave Casa Michell immediately after her mission is accomplished. Can’t he let her be on the eve of her operation? 

In the orchid greenhouse at Casa Michell, Lucio tells his host it’s a pleasure to do business with him. He also notes their joint passion for plants. “We have already done business together before. Remember (the robbery of) Casino Paraíso?” says Camilo. He offers Lucio the position of Managing Director at his most important VIP casino, with the astronomical salary and miscellaneous luxuries that such a hotshot job entails. The only condition is to help Camilo get rid of Yago Vila and Fidel Yampolski. Cool beans! They shake on it. They also agree to be friends and to start addressing each other with the familiar “Tú” form. Lucio explains to Camilo that Sara is his wife and right-hand woman. Camilo asks about Abel: Can they count him in as a collaborator? Nope, Abel is no good to them. Camilo hands Lucio an envelope with either photos or documents inside. Lucio is mega-impactado when he sees them. 

Abel sends Bruno a message to inform him that he’s turning himself in at the Ministerio Público/Public Prosecutor’s Office and he wants the Guerrero family to be present. They go there but Abel is a no-show. 

Camilo and his goons invade Bar Candy, as agreed with Yago. Fidel and Selma pretend to be surprised and accuse Yago of betraying them. “What are you doing here, Camilo?” asks Fidel. “I came here to take what’s mine” retorts Camilo. “No, you came to snatch what isn’t yours! As usual!” Fidel accuses Camilo of murdering his young boys and of kidnapping his youngest daughter. Selma wonders when Camilo will stop his evil ways. When will he receive his just deserts for all the atrocities he committed? Camilo brags that Julia didn’t believe the Yampolskis’ stories. She will stay with Camilo forever! He points a gun at Yago's face and orders him to hand him the deeds to Bar Candy or he’s a dead man. Camilo says he killed Fidel's two small children so he really won’t hesitate a second to off Yago! Julia comes out of hiding. She saw and heard it all. The player got played. 

A quote from the capítulo   

“Este infierno de vida que me tocó vivir no es nada comparado con el infierno que me espera.”*  

* Abel at Omar's funeral: “This hellish life that I happen to be living is nothing compared to the hell that awaits me.”
Your viewing vocabulario
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)    

¡Albricias! = Horray! Congratulations! 
una subasta = an auction. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hey Patio Pals! Another exciting episode and I'm afraid this show is very hard to summarize! Still, I'm making progress. Today's post is half the wordcount of last night. Hopefully, I can over under the 1,000 words bar next week! As Daisynjay said yesterday: "This tale has been intriguing and ridiculously well-acted by every person involved." Yago is so good, it's ridiculous! It helps revive some of the brain cells that melt upon watching other TN drivel. I won't name any names but I'm looking at you Sueño de Horror!

Thank you for all the kind and supportive comments and all the insightful observations that make me go: "Hold on a minute!" The discussion from Monday's episode was brimming with them! You enrich this already moreish piece of intense drama with all of your contributions. Mil gracias to all!

A very warm welcome to Antra who joined the Yago Patio and the Caray Caray family earlier today. Please don't be a stranger!

Welcome back, Kelly! It's good to hear from you again!

Good night, amig@s! Catch you mañana!

Thanks Nandicta for another stellar recap!

I fear Abel is dead. I think Camillo killed him to send a message to Lucio. And of course it is on the verge of him spilling the beans. I knew don't want to watch tonight because I don't want to be right.

How awful were Lucio and Sara to Bruno, Jonas and Melina? Yago is oblivious to the torture his family is still living. Both need huge, huge anvils!!!!

Nandicta thank you! The evil conspiracy against Yago & the Avengers have begun!

Carvivile: Sara & Lucio trashing the Guerrero's PISSED ME OFF. Plus, brainwashing Matias didn't help matters.

Bruno better watch his back because I'm afraid he's likely to get whacked.

Daddy Michell & the B613 Conspiracy wreaking havoc!

Nandicta: I loved the "You like plants ? I like plants! You like stealing ? I like stealing! You like snatching other people's kids ? I like snatching other people's kids! We should totally hang!"

Loved it!

Thanks so much, Nandicta. Another gem. I giggled when Lucio and Camilo discussed their mutual love of plants, remembering your comparison. That screencap and caption was perfect.

I really want to know what happened to Abel and what Camilo showed Lucio in the envelope!

Very glad that Camilo was outed to Juli/Fabi. I was worried their when his threats to the psychiatrist worked.

Lucio and Sara finally revealed a bit of their true selves to the Guerreros when they called the cops on them. I am so glad they know the truth now.

Loved Lucio betraying Damian. Flavio Medina at his finest when Lucio gave Dam that look through the bars. Ha!

Vivi: I've said it before & will again. There's NOT going to be any happy ending when all is said & done!

Gracias Nandicta!

I also loved when Damian got stabbed in the back at jail, it suits him! I hope that Damian will sing like a parrot now!

I hated the scene at the end because it was very painful for Julia but it was all necessary evil I suppose. I loathed when Camilo tried to manipulate the poor creature.

Lucio resembles me of Darth Vader while Camilo of Palpantine. These snakes fit eachother too well and will prove to be a deadly theme.

Who is the actress that potrays Camilo's shrink? She looks kind of familiar but I don't know where I have seen her somewhere.


Countx- We last saw her as the mostly awful, but sometimes awesome, Tia Susy of Ivana in Yo No Creo...

Ah yes Vivi , Tia Susy.. Thank God for your amazing memory otherwise I would have been scouting Imdb all day!

I also liked the funny garden picture. Lucio and Camilo belong together. Speaking of which the first thing I thought when Lucio entered the house was that it was taped and equiped with secret surveilance cameras. I'm not sure Camilo /Tomas are that dumb that they wouldn't take precautions.


Thank you Nandicta, you are a recapping fiend, I see your name under every recap for every TN going on right now. How on earth do you do it?
I can take over the Tuesday night's recap, but i can only do it during the summer. When school is back in session, I will no longer be free to do it on Tuesdays.

I'm certain that Abel is no longer with us either, he had a big ole anvil hanging over his head when he decided to confess.

Yes, Camilo was perfectly played in that last scene outing himself. I was worried also when the shrink recanted her story and Julia believed it.

Many thanks Nandicta. MANY

I have to give Lucio credit for not even giving Yasmin and Jasmin a second glance. If only he had been half as loyal to his "brother" Omar as he is to his (ex) wife Sara.


Thanks for these two most recent fantastic recaps. Wow, you continue to awe and amaze me. You must have unlimited talent and energy.

Well, each episode has something new and surprising to amuse and entertain us, but really, did the lovely Candy need to be sacrificed? Fidel is such a treacherous snake and moment by moment my disgust for Yago continues to grow. Perhaps he has convinced himself that he is being fair in his treatment of Ámbar, but there is no no doubt in my mind that he is taking advantage of Ámbar's vulnerability and her feelings and aspirations for him.

Speaking of Ámbar, she's beginning to look more and more superfluous and expendable. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Meanwhile, it's looking like Abel is making himself even more fascinating and less disposable than he initially appeared. And will he ever get that cigarette lit?


Thanks, Nandicta. Your picture captions are so funny. I love them. (I am terrible at captions.) I haven't been taking word counts of my recaps, but I have been doing page counts. Sad to say, the more I try to be brief, the more I fail. My recaps are getting closer and closer to filling a fourth page (in whatever font size and margins I use; I don't remember offhand). We can't help it. There's just too much stuff to cover, and it's all so awesome that it's painful to skimp!

I really like Julia. She's become one of my favorite characters in this story for being level-headed and fair. I'm glad that she wasn't fooled by Camilo for long.

Carlos, I'm beginning to think that Abel doesn't smoke at all. As for Candy's death, I am wondering if that happened for a reason - that is, if he kept the collar for some reason other than to let us know that he was responsible for the dog's death. Like, someone (maybe Yago or Selma) is supposed to find it later and be furious with him for going too far, or being a real sickie for taking a trophy from a dog.

I hope Valentin gets his bar back someday. He was so cute, showing Yago all the things that were wrong with his stuff, the electrical cord that had been chewed on by the dog, the cooler that needed a Fonzie smack to bring it online, etc.

I hope Valentin got enough money from Yago that he is able to go open up an even better bar on the beach somewhere, where he spends most of his days out in the sun and sea. Let's face it-- he was living in a prison, being the only holdout in a neighborhood a mafioso wanted to tear down in order to build a casino/hotel. He couldn't open his bar for business and he couldn't go out. It was a horrible situation. Now he has his freedom. I only wish it had come about without Candy's death.


"I hope Valentin got enough money from Yago that he is able to go open up an even better bar..."

You have more faith in Yago's benevolence and goodwill than I do. I wouldn't be surprised if he is responsible for Candy's murder.


Carlos- Nope. I don't think Yago has anything to do with Candy's murder or even knows about it. He's crossed many lines, but I don't think he's anywhere near as cold-blooded as Fidel.

Hello beautiful peeps! I'm loving all these discussions and I can't resist jumping in! I need a wee coffee break and I'll be right with you! Your character analysis from the last episode and this episode gave me food for thought.

Reminder: Please kindly refrain from mentioning current political affairs and from posting spoilers from the next episode (or the original Turkish series). Any political posts or spoilers will be systematically deleted. This is to ensure everyone's enjoyment of the Yago Patio and of the Caray Caray community as a whole.

Let me a grab a snack and a cup of joe and I'll be ready for our chinwag! See you in a wee bit! :)

Since Fidel has the collar, I assume it's Fidel who was responsible for the murder. He may even have done it himself - I've noticed that he doesn't keep a lot of henchmen around, and he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.

To be clear - I was referring to the murder of the dog.

Fidel obviously killed the dog!

I hope Yago & Fidel got a counter plan to prepare for Camilo & Co's most violent revenge plot against them.

Camilo seems like he may not be long for this earth through entirely natural causes. Losing Julia may tip him over the edge into a heart attack/stroke. If that happens Fidel and Selma have nothing to fight against, unless Tomas takes up the fight, with Lucio. Would Camilo go after Fidel and Selma if Julia is with them? He is crazy....

Hello again! Thank you for all your kind comments. The show is amazing to watch and this wonderful patio is the cherry on top. I'm going on leave on the first 3 weeks of August and Vivi and Julie kindly agreed to cover for me and CountxAlacran is going to be al pie del cañón every Thursday night, as usual. The least I could do is provide a couple more recaps while I'm still a home to lighten the load on my fellow recappers when I'm away.

Carvivlie: I'm really intrigued by the contents of that envelope. When I watched the episode I thought there could be anything in there and the first that jumped to mind was incriminating photos. Camilo strikes me as the kind of guy who would always offer an incentive alongside a threat. In Lucio's case, amazing salary and luxuries on the one hand, a threat to keep him in line on the other. This is pure speculation of course. Come to think of it, the sequence of scenes suggests that the contents of the envelope are Abel-related.

Steve, that scene at the Guerrero house with the police was overkill. There was other ways to get Mati out of there without resorting to that. It was a difficult scene to watch, especially Melina sobbing and holding on to Mati. She must've felt that her Tarot cards were right as she had predicted.


Vivi, many cards revealed last night and more players know each other's games. I'm glad the Guerreros know the truth and that they know that Sara and Lucio know that they know! :D Same goes for Julia. As heartwrenching and difficult these truths were to hear, they were necessary and liberating.

As for Flavio Medina, well what can I say, the guy is solid gold. I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm prepared to watch this actor in anything! He never disappoints and he commands a great scene presence always! During the scene when he was shaving and vowing revenge, different emotions were reflected in his expression disgust, hope, rage, hatred, determination and when Dam was denied release pure demonic glee! Lucio is Psychotic Babyface by excellence! How can a face that adorable (those baby cheeks, those big baby blues) manage to look so menacing and scary? :)

CountxAlacran, that scene where Dam discovers he's staying in jail after all was hilarious! He was literally composing poetry, saying goodbye to the cement bed to the bad sheet to the execrable food etc. etc. He even teased the guards that he at least won't have to come back to jail everyday to work like them! The guard comes in to announce what Dam thought was to be "their" release, his and Lucio's. He tells the guard: "No offense muchacho, I wasn't talking about you!" or something to this effect. And the guard was like: "Yeah, yeah, none taken. You're staying here btw!" I can't remember the dialogue word for word, I just remember laughing my head off! Not to worry though, Grandpa Cockroach will survive this, like he seems to survive everything!

Cathyx, ever since they killed off Alejandra, I knew that these writers will not stop at anything. I love it because I'm getting surprised at every turn but I need them to spare Abel for now. They can kill him off in the finale when I have my box of tissues ready! I can't believe how attached I have gotten to the character of Abel and how endearing I find him when I know he drags foot shackles and a ball and chain of crimes and bad karma. I'm just setting myself for heartbreak! :(

Many thanks for volunteering to help us out. Let me check the schedules on UniMás over the next couple of weeks (rumor has it we'll upgrade to 5 episodes per week) and I'll send you an email to talk this over and coordinate with the team. Cheers, amiga!


Tofie, I enjoyed your comments over the past couple of episodes and concur with you on Sara. I need to see more remorse from her. Unfortunately, the only time she expresses something akin to empathy, she makes it all about her. She feels sorry for Omar only in terms of how it relates to her, how it makes her feel and how afraid she is her karma will b brutal. Her visit to Omar's grave on the day of her "wedding" to Yago, when she said she is happy he is letting her go and letting her be happy was more like wishful thinking. It was kind of like telling the dead guy: "It's been over 12 years since I framed for a crime you never committed, sent you to jail to a certain death. Let it go, already!"

P.S. I too tried to emulate Sara's sexy half-smirk. Mirror says to cut it out!

Carlos, I'm so glad you are able to follow the show and comment more often. This patio needs you!

I too hated the way Yago gave Ámbar whatever it is she needed to deliver to Julia. Here, hand it over and get out! Get flying, little pigeon! However, I hated it more when Ámbar tells him: "I love how you take care of me!" when he gave her the token line: "You must rest before your operation". This girl is not playing smart! She is putting her safety and her health in line for a man who isn't even worth the trouble! (I know, he's hot, but still! Not worth it!)

I really really like Abel, cigarette behind ear, rat-tail and all. I find him very sweet and endearing. I could stand looking at him at the beginning of the show. The character and the way the actor played him annoyed me. Now I can't get enough of Abel!

Julie: "We can't help it. There's just too much stuff to cover, and it's all so awesome that it's painful to skimp!" Too much goodness!

Thank you for mentioning that scene between Valentín and Yago. When he mentioned how Candy used to nibble on that cable, I got chocked up. Every pet owner remembers the endearing mischief of their beloved pets long after they pass away. They are gone but never forgotten. It must be particularly traumatizing to lose a pet in the brutal way that Candy died. Yago told Valentín that he empathized with him because he too lost many things near and dear to his heart. That scene made me think that he wasn't privvy to Fidel little pooch-killing stunt. However, the way things played out so fast in Fidel's favor should've made him doubt. I've seen sides to Yago that I dislike immensely and I don't know what to think anymore. I loved Vivi's prediction and I'd like to think that Valentín is redoing his life somewhere nice, where he is not kept a virtual prisoner in his own home and where he doesn't have to fear for his safety or that of his loved ones.

Carvivlie, "Losing Julia may tip him over the edge into a heart attack/stroke." If only! I don't think he was in pain when he clutched his chest while explaining his "truth" to Julia in the orchid garden. It was just a stunt, me thinks.

Julie, I forgot to mention, I love your tocaya! La Yuli is a sweet, loving but also confident woman. Too bad she is related to so many psychos! She needs to escape the toxic trio Camilo/Selma/Fidel pronto. It won't happen though. Where's the fun in that? Th writers need all the volatile explosive matter in the same place to keep us biting our fingernails!

Sorry for highjacking the thread! Back to you, Patio Pals! :)

I agree with Nandicta about Camilo's "chest pains." I immediately thought of Fred Sanford clutching his chest and crying out to his dead wife that he was coming to join her.

Yeah, Camilo was for sure faking it. I did LOL at his face when Tomas interrupted his tender moment with Julia.

Wow. Another fabulous recsp. New word for me.."albricias"..and the funniest photo caption ever. I like Vivi's idea of Candy's sad owner having enough cash now to open a seaside bar (and rescuing a needy, faithful dog). I need to imagine someone having a reasonably happy end. Things look pretty dark for everyone else.

Nandicta, you are spoiling us. But we surely do appreciate you.

Forgot to add, I loved this:

"He opts to have the prime cuts of meat for himself, even though it might raise his uric acid levels."

Love medical metaphors!

Julie, LOL at the Fred Sanders analogy!

Vivi, I chuckled as well when I saw Camilo's expression, wordlessly cussing Tomás out for his interruption.

JudyB, Ay, thank you, dear! You spoil me!

I'm afraid I can't take credit for that medical metaphor, I just rephrased what Tomás himself said. The title was also inspired by what Jonás told Lucio when he showed up at Casa Guerrero: "I see you got your good luck back but don't be overconfident because life has many ups and downs!" or something along these lines.

There was also another funny line that Sara said when she entered the new mansion: "Well, yes, this is indeed bigger than your previous mansion. How many cells did that one have?" hehehehe

This show has some excellent writers. I know it is inspired by the Turkish writers of Ezel who did the brunt of the work but the Mexican writers are adding their final flavor-enhancing touch. Kind of like that last drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil before serving! Exquisite! :)


Perhaps Yago didn't actually murder Candy with his own hands (but for that matter neither did Fidel) but he certainly played a major part in setting her up with his reconnaissance visit to Bar Candy. I doubt that Fidel even knew that Valentín had a dog. Yago's misguided quest for vengeance has played a part in many of the bad things that have happened in this TN.


CountxAlacran I think that the actress that plays the psychiatrist is who played Ivanas awful aunt in Yo no creo en Los hombres.

The dog was there when Fidel visited Valentin the first time. Fidel certainly know about her.

There's a discussion header for #39 now. (I remembered before the street lights came on!)

I want to thank all recappers. It is the only way I can keep up, since I am a news junkie, & into conventions for 2 wks.

A very,very, big gracias.

I have been taking an hour off for Silvana


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