Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Yago #46: The Perfect Weapon

Full recap is up now. Enjoy!

Flashback: Abel comes to Casa Guerrero in the middle of the night, beat up and bleeding after getting in yet another fight. Omar lets him in and takes him upstairs, trying not to wake the rest of the family, but Melina wakes anyway. She sends Omar for the medical kit to tend to Abel’s wounds, and gently warns Abel to stop getting into these fights. He’s going to get himself killed one day. He has to learn to control himself. She assures him she’s concerned about him and that he’s family. Abel is touched, and tells her what his grandmother told him—that he’s the family black sheep and a lost soul. Melina tells him, “Your grandmother doesn’t know what a big heart you have. And I don’t think you do either.”

Abel voiceover: “Omar’s family healed my old wounds. Ones I never thought were possible to heal. They believed in me, and made me believe that I wasn’t the monster that everyone else thought I was. But they were mistaken. The monster was only sleeping.”

Present day: Abel meets Hernan in an abandoned warehouse, prepared to follow Camilo’s orders and interrogate someone. Abel stops cold when he sees the someone is a terrified Melina. Abel tries to get out of it and asks Hernan to let her go. He points out to Hernan that he knows the lady. Hernan, the Killing Machine, doesn’t give a damn. Abel’s there to get info out of the old lady, by any means necessary. Abel is more than reluctant, remembering how kind Melina has always been to him.

Sara shows Camilo the cut on her neck and demands to know what Fidel meant by threatening to send her dead body back with the gold coin. Camilo explains they exchange the coin when one of them has made a fatal blow to the other’s team. The coin (moneda) signifies vengeance. Sara smartly asks why SHE would be the next body sent back with the coin when Fidel (supposedly) already struck with Ambar’s murder? Camilo dodges and weaves and says that Sara is super special, that’s why. He assures her that she’s very important to him and he’ll keep her safe.  

Selma talks to Fidel like the big baby he is, and warns him he’ll be left all alone if he doesn’t drop the attitude. Fidel doesn’t care. He prefers to be alone, than surrounded by traitors! (traidores) He doesn’t want to see Yago again. Selma puts him in time-out and leaves the bedroom.

Teo has inspected the area around the bar and assures Yago that Camilo’s men aren’t there, but neither are Fidel’s men. He can’t believe that Yago and Fidel chose now to have a spat. Katia and Teo impress upon Yago how important it is to be on Fidel’s good side. They need his protection.

Julia goes to see Selma and Fidel, and warns them about Abel, telling them Camilo hired him to gain her trust. Selma sits next to her, and tells Julia she knows it must be hard to know who to trust, and that it must have been difficult for her to come to them. Julia lets down her guard a bit with them.

Hernan taunts Melina and demands that she tell him what she and Yago are hiding. She refuses to tell him anything, even with the threat of torture and death hanging over her. Abel tries to gently coax her into spilling the truth. She reminds him how he was at her house just the other day admitting his guilt, and now he’s here with this evil man (maleante). Hernan wants to get right on with torturing her, and wants Pliers to do his finger-snipping thing. Hernan even brought his own knife for the job. Abel instead calls Yago and tells him they have Melina, and he better come tell them all he knows. 

Yago has left Teo and Katia to get rid of Tomas’ body and the giant blood stain on the floor. In the midst of the body move, they are interrupted by a bubbly artist named Ximena, who wants to speak to the owner about displaying her work in the club. Katia works hard to get rid of her, while Teo hides behind a partition with the body and the pool of blood. After the girl leaves, Teo and Katia wonder if she could have been sent by Camilo. They are sure he had Tomas’ body dumped there in order to frame them and sic the police on them. They decide to wait a bit more to transport the body until they are sure the coast is clear.

Yago goes to beg Fidel for help rescuing Melina. Fidel is still acting like a big baby, whining about Yago betraying him. “So, now you need my help? Sorry, you made your choice when you brought that woman here.” Yago leaves in frustration. Selma and Julia stare at Fidel in disbelief and ream him out for abandoning Yago. Julia eventually gets through to him by pointing out that him abandoning Yago, a man who sees Fidel as a father, shows her that he is no better than Camilo. “You want me to accept you as my father…but this is the side of you that you show me?...If you don’t help Yago, despite all he has done to help you and to help me, then you’ll confirm that you’re really the person I so feared that you are… If that’s who you are, a person who can’t forgive and support people who have always supported you, then you aren’t a better person than Camilo Michell.”

Hernan and his men tie Yago’s hands and sit him next to Melina. They both refuse to give them any info. Abel tries to convince Hernan to let Melina leave, since they now have Yago. Hernan says he has to consult with his boss, and leaves the room with his men. Abel then threatens to shoot Yago to get him to spill the beans. Melina yells out to Abel that Yago is Omar!

Lucio is having a tough time functioning after killing Tomas, and even snaps at one of the casino’s high rollers. Camilo, helpful as always, offers booze, sympathy, and a hit of cocaine to help Lucio take the edge off and get him out of this rough patch (bache). He tells him that it’s normal to feel this way after the first kill, and any father would have done the same to the man who kidnapped his kid.

Abel has a hard time believing Yago is Omar. Yago finally admits it. Abel calls him a liar, but when he looks into Yago’s eyes he knows in his heart it’s true.  Hernan is hiding around the corner and hears all.

Lucio goes home and finds Matias alone, playing a video game. Matias can see there is something wrong and asks his daddy if something bad happened at work.  Matias sweetly takes Lucio’s hands, tries to calm him, and tells him that Lucio always fixes everything. Lucio is deeply moved, and confesses to Matias that he is not the marvelous person Matias thinks. He asks Matias to leave him alone, and then takes the hit of drugs.

Hernan marches Yago out at gunpoint and prepares to shoot him. Abel finally notices his red sneakers and remembers Ambar’s killer wearing the same shoes. He tackles and struggles with Hernan and gets shot in the shoulder in the scuffle. With an assist from Yago, Abel manages to knock Hernan out, and he, Yago and Melina attempt to escape. They get into a shootout with Camilo’s men, and do well until Hernan pops up and points a gun at Yago and Melina, and Abel runs out of bullets and gets cornered by one of Camilo’s men. Things look grim, until Fidel’s men, Katia and Teo finally come and rescue them. However, Hernan escapes.

Lucio is hyped-up and high as a kite, and the sound of Matia’s video games are getting on his nerves. He starts to complain to Matias that all he does is play those damn games and begins to scream at the child as he snatches the tablet from his hands and flings it to the ground. Sara catches the tail end of this, sends Matias to his room, and cusses Lucio out for yelling at Matias. Lucio doesn’t back down, and instead turns his anger towards Sara, telling her he’s the best thing that ever happened to her, he’s the only man who would ever put up with her, and his love is the only real thing she has. Sara tells him to talk to the hand, and goes to speak with Matias. Then she then returns to Camilo’s lair. They both try to hoodwink the other. She plays the helpless and abused ex-wife, trying to do the best for her child. He plays the sympathetic “friend” willing to jump in and rescue the damsel in distress. “Sara, you are a marvelous woman. Never forget that.” She thanks him and gives him a lingering kiss on the cheek, that leaves him wanting more, as she departs.

Yago takes Abel to Fidel’s not-so-secret-anymore hideout, along with Melina. Fidel removes the bullet (bala) and Selma nurses Abel back to health. Yago thanks Fidel, but he is still being a grump with Yago. He does tell Yago that one never abandons a child, even when they make mistakes.

Melina is glad Abel will be ok, but she is sick and tired of this whole stupid game. She doesn’t want Jonas or Bruno to get killed. She demands to know when this will all be over, and won’t accept Yago’s answer of “soon” anymore. Fidel pledges the protection of his men, but Julia knows there is only one way Melina, Bruno and Jonas will be safe. She calls Camilo and orders him to leave Melina and her family alone, if the love he says he has for her is real. The call leaves them both shaken. Julia tells Yago that she didn’t realize speaking to him would affect her so much. Yago thanks her for interceding on Melina’s behalf. He puts a comforting arm around her.

Lucio pays Damian a visit in jail. Damian is still faking paralysis, and isn’t happy to see his traitorous son-in-law. Lucio assures him he’s regained his power, and can now get Damian out of jail. “In exchange for what?” Lucio tells him in exchange for helping him to get rid of some inconvenient people.

Hernan tells Camilo that Yago is Omar, and later confirms it when he finds out Omar and Fidel were in the same prison at the same time. Camilo realizes that Fidel used the perfect weapon to get revenge on him—a man full of rancor and the thirst for vengeance.

End of episode.


Holy crap Vivi what an episode and recap! Can't wait to go home and watch it tonight!!

Thank you Vivi. Now that was an explosive episode last night.

Carvivile: I'm guessing Yago is back on Team Avengers ??? Teo & Katia saved him, Melina & Abel from the gunfight.

Abel FINALLY realized that Yago/Omar was innocent after all when he realized Hernan was the one, who whacked Ambar after seeing those red shoes.

Melina blurting out Yago's true identity wasn't surprising after Abel threaten to put a bullet in her.

Carvivlie- It WAS quite an episode! So glad Melina was saved, and Abel was spared and now in the know about Yago/Omar.

Steve- You're welcome. It was actually Yago, not Melina, who Abel was threatening with the gun when Melina blurted out the truth. She did it to protect Yago/Omar from getting killed.

Thanks Vivi!! I am definitely going to watch this episode when I get home. The recaps are always so good that I don't feel I have to watch every one but this one sounds like the good guys inched forward a bit. The ones where only Camilo & Company get ahead are too painful to sit through.

I still can't believe they killed Ambar. I used to feel sorry for Lucio but now I can't wait to see his anvil..... Flavio Medina is incredible in this role!

Great and to the point recap Vivi, thanks.

ooooooh, I'm scared. Yago is really Omar a love struck dope. Why doesn't Camilo just kill him and get it over with?

LoriLoo: Knowing Daddy Michell, he's always multiple steps ahead of everyone!

I noticed that Lucio visited Daddy Dearest in prison last night. Getting a bad feeling he's going to get released & unleash havoc!


Would you guys mind if I don't do a detailed recap, but just went back and add a few scenes and a bit of key dialogue? I have to do laundry and get ready to head off to spend 4 days on a college campus with 100 17 year olds tomorrow morning. I need my energy!

Save your energy. Your recap is great the way it is.

Hasta Pronto

AuntyAnn: With the likelihood of Daddy Dearest being released from prison, I'm worried that the Guerrero's & the Avengers aren't out of the woods yet!


Thanks for this nifty recap which I think is fine just as it is with one exception. You didn't mention what was for me the bright spot of the episode. Ximena, that cute plastic artist, stinking of marijuana (and I'm guessing patchouli as well), who interrupted Katia and Teo as they were trying to clean up the Tomás mess. Let's hope we see more of her, she's as cute as a bug.

I think that Julia's new frightful hairdo would be aided by a nice tasteful headband. Did ya'll notice her cozying up to Yago?


The full recap is now up!

Thank you Vivi. I can't believe the red Converse didn't stick out like a sore thumb and take both Yago and Abel right to the scene in the hospital room where they both saw the shoes the first time.
Also, it irritated me that Yago stopped Abel from killing Hernan so that he didn't have the death on his head, but then both had no problem having a shootout with Camilo's men right after that, killing several.

Now, how long before Camilo tells Sara who Yago is?


"Selma puts him in time-out..."

Heh heh.


" irritated me that Yago stopped Abel from killing Hernan... but then both had no problem having a shootout with Camilo's men right after that..."

My sentiment exactly.

I thought that it was funny that Yago still insists on hiding his true identity from the rest of his family. To borrow a phrase, At this point, what difference does it make?


Cathyx- To be fair, the camera only showed twice that Hernan's footwear was noticed during that whole Ambar ordeal. First by Sara, when Hernan entered the operating room. The second time by Abel, when he came upon the ambulance right after the murder. When Abel and Yago were in the operating room confronting masked Hernan, they never looked down. It's only a matter of time before Sara crosses paths with Hernan in Camilo's house and spots those shoes.

Carlos- Since the actress who plays the artist Ximena has had big roles in other telenovelas (most recently Quiero Amarte), I'm guessing we'll likely see her again. Not to fear. ;-)


She certainly brightened and lightened up a rather dark and dismal episode. I cracked up that Katia determined that she wasn't one of Camilo's people because "She stinks of marijuana". I've never seen her before.


Carlos- You would have loved "Ximena" (Cassandra Sánchez Navarro) in Quiero Amarte. Her character, Flavia, was a fresa with a bad attitude, much like Niki Brizz, except more lovable, fierce, and loyal.

Vivi: I knew I remembered Cassandra Sánchez Navarro from "Quierto Amarte" on this show.


Cassandra Sanchez Navarro also played Chelito Duran in Corona DE lagrimas, she was a mechanic poor girl and I think that she played a semi villain in Una Familia con suerte in which her character was accomplice of Enrique Rochas character. She only appeared in some episodes in that novela.

Cassandra as Flavia was very adorable in her scenes with Lucio who was her traumatized brother in the novela. Their scenes were so sweet.

Gracias Vivi

I also loved the Omar reveal but I doubt Abel would be cooperative with Yago. Yago &Omar have a mile of difference. Without these flashbacks about Omar I wouldn't have thought that Omar and Yago were the same person.

"Ximena" is so cute. She seems quite hesitant in seeing the boss. She looked too annoying to be sent by Camilo.

I want to watch Quero Amarte but I can't find it anywhere.

Thanks Vivi!!

After watching the episode I was disappointed in Abel. I was hoping that when he saw Melina, with Hernan physically threatening her, that he would kill Hernan. The fact that he, somewhat unwillingly, played along made me angry. I too was disappointed when Yago convinced him not to kill Hernan. He deserved it and so much more.

So with Abel now knowing Yago's secret, how long before Sara and Lucio find out?

Julia seems to be trying to bring peace to a war that can only end with one dead. Though I think Fidel and Camillo will be dead by the end. Julia seems to be the only one that can bring out deeper feelings in Fidel and Camillo. It will be interesting to see if Camillo leaves Melina and the family alone, per Julia's request. I think not.

I also Lol'd when Yago asked Fidel surprisingly if he has the skills enough to take out the bullet. He said "A little". Then we see Fidel operating on Abel while Abel is screaming with his mouth tied LOL.

So Daddy Cockroach is coming back to the fray. What's even more hilarious was that Lucio was the one to free him.

Vivi, terrific recap. Amid all the anguish and gunplay, I enjoyed your choice wit, like "Selma puts him [Fidel] in time-out and leaves the bedroom" and "Yago takes Abel to Fidel’s not-so-secret-anymore hideout". One hundred 17-year-olds? -- yikes! Good luck with that.

Abel is no hero, but no way was he going to off Melina. But killing Yago, whom he thought had killed Ambar, is another story.

ITA, Yago telling Abel not to kill Hernán was foolish. This hitman won't be stopped till someone offs him. But, again, Yago showed his humanity by not wanting Abel to get in any deeper in hell. Totally unlike Lucio who demanded Abel kill the security guard.

Funny when Fidel removed the bullet and said something about Abel getting shot in the same soft spot in the shoulder again and again. Apparently this made Fidel's surgery easier.

Between Lucio and Abel, looks like Abel might fight redemption (in prison, hopefully). Camilo seems to be helping Lucio jump a cliff.

Got to hand it to Sara for keep her cool under tight circumstances, like daddy taught her. But surely she knows she's in danger too being close to Camilo. Feminine charms only go so far.

oops -- "Abel might find redemption"

Niecie: Abel will never find redemption because he's already a lost cause!

I'm also in agreement with Carvivile that both Fidel & Daddy Michell will likely both end up dead!

Just finding this Vivi, and like many of my buds, loved the "Selma puts him in timeout" quip and your adding of some vocabulary. You're a great recapper and fine teacher. One hundred 17-year-0lds! No problem. I have a feeling both your energy and strength of personality will prevail. Tough cookie with a tender center.

Have to admit, I chickened out of watching this after I saw Melina tied up. Now that I know things came out o.k., I'll probably go back and finish it. Yes, Wuss's R Us has me as a charter member!

Judy B: Sara & Lucio both likely finding out Yago's secret next.

I haven't been keepin up with yago because ever since they took it off to show the story about john sabastian, I think thats his name, they didn't put it back on. Its not on the nightly line up. Is it on another network? Telemundo? I did fine
It on onDemand. Where did they put it?

Nina - Unimas (Univision's sister station) airs it at midnight Mondays through Thursdays. Most of us don't get Unimas, so we watch it on Hulu the following day.

Hi pals, the discussion header and bullet points are up for the Wednesday episode. I'll post the full recap tonight, and catch up on this week's recaps and comments afterwards.

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