Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Yago #54: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Hola Yago Patio! This episode made me burn with rage at Lucio. I didn’t know I could hate him more than I did after he aided Ambar’s murder, but that was just a preview to the hate I feel for him now. -Vivi  

Flashback: Katia flashes back to a time many years ago when she was in search of a new, intense high. She had been sent by her usual dealer to a flop house, where dozens of addled-brained drug addicts roamed the halls and filthy rooms. The proprietress of this fine establishment is happy to get a new victim, and instead of giving Katia the cocaine she requests and pays for, she injects a very nervous Katia with her first ever hit of heroine. A new addiction is born. Katia’s voiceover tells us that what drove her to addiction was her compelling need to turn over the reins of her life to someone or something else. “The most dangerous thing about Hell, is that it’s a thousand times more tempting than Heaven.”

Present Day: Katia is abducted by Hernan as she is entering Bar Ambar, and injected with drugs that make her pass out. When she wakes up, she’s sprawled out on a filthy couch in a flop house, being stared at by Hernan and slobbered over by disgusting Lucio. Over a series of many scenes I don’t care to review or detail, she is shot up with multiple hits of heroine, forced to call Teo to tell him she had to leave on a family emergency and is with her mother, manhandled by Hernan and Lucio who want her to give up the name of the double-agent, gets the shakes and dry heaves, and generally looks on the brink of death. Despite all this, she hangs tough and refuses to give up any info. (I try to remember the beatdowns Fidel and Sara arranged for Lucio when he was in jail, to soothe the intense hatred that rises in me with each of these scenes. It’s not enough.)

Julia and Abel seem to be trying to make their odd relationship work. She uses a sonogram app on her phone and they listen to the baby’s heartbeat together. Meanwhile, Selma and Fidel discuss the potentially happy future as they ponder a globe. Fidel doesn’t see a happy ending for himself, but believes that the best chance for Julia is if she and their grandchild move far away and make a fresh start.

Lucio is a busy guy this episode, and splits his time between snorting cocaine, torturing Katia, having a happy visit with Matias, provoking Sara, and lying to Camilo. In a meeting with Camilo, he claims to not know where Hernan is. Camilo accuses Lucio of instigating Hernan’s distrust of Sara and trying to use Hernan as a tool to separate him (Camilo) from Sara. Lucio calmly denies this and says he would never risk the multi-million peso deal he has going with Camilo, for a relationship that was already broken long ago.

Meanwhile, Team Yago meets to try to come up with legal, non-blood-spilling, ways to bring down Camilo. One avenue is to try to link him to the bombing of the bar. They’ll track down everyone associated with the wine company and the delivery. Fidel is sure they will find someone connected to Camilo.

After the team meeting, Abel gets Yago to open up about Sara. Yomar admits he still loves Sara, despite not wanting to, and she swore that she loves him too. Abel, Sara’s biggest fan (NOT!), doesn’t believe that for a second. He urges Yomar to drive Sara out of his heart. And what better way to do that than with that pretty, tall artist, Ximena? “Un clavo saca otro clavo.” (One nail drives out the other.)

Sara picks up Matias from Casa Guerrero and takes him to Ambar’s grave. In front of Ambar’s grave she swears to Matias that Yago did not kill Ambar. The reason why Lucio insists this is true is because he’s mad at Yago. She admits to Matias that she had a relationship with Yago and this is why Lucio is angry. Matias believes her.

Yago takes Abel’s advice and goes to Ximena’s house. He defaces the “Man in the Mirror” painting while he waits for her, then proceeds to tell her the whole truth about his real identity. He says he wants to start a real relationship with her, and he can’t do that until he tells her the truth. He admits to her that she makes him feel nostalgic for the life he left behind. He gives her time to think about things, and asks her to meet him at the bar that evening if she wants to start a relationship with him.

Yomar brings Jonas the Matias DNA test results as a first step in the custody process for Jonas and Melina. He’ll do whatever else is needed to help. Jonas accepts this coldly, and finally Yomar snaps. He accepts that he took a wrong path, but points out that Jonas’ rejection of him when he went to prison left him feeling alone and like he had few other choices. “I’m not the only one who should ask forgiveness!” Yomar leaves him in his wood workshop, and goes to see Melina in the house. Jonas is crying when Bruno comes to speak with him. Jonas admits to Bruno that he screwed up back when Omar was sentenced, and he screwed up again and doesn’t know how to fix it. Bruno points out that unlike the first time, when they thought Omar was dead, Yomar is here right now and it’s not too late to make amends. They go into the house together, and Jonas extends his hand to Yomar as a peace offering. Yomar instead envelopes his father into a tight, tearful embrace.

During one of the Lucio-Katia torture sessions, she refuses to give up who the double-agent is, but in her drug-addled haze she asks Lucio if he’s going to do to her what he did to Tomas. Knowing that only Sara could have given her that info, Lucio now knows for certain Sara is the double-agent. While Matias is visiting with them in their house, Lucio taunts Sara with his certainty that she is betraying Camilo. He then tells her that he has Katia, and threatens to kill Katia if Sara doesn’t work for him. He wants Sara to use her influences on Camilo so that he’ll favor Lucio. Sara agrees to do this only if Lucio lets Katia go. Lucio doesn’t believe she agreed to be a double agent for Fidel simply because Camilo killed her sister and father. He thinks she’s doing it solely to be close to Yago.  

Abel invites Fidel and Selma to have dinner at his place with him and Julia. However, he doesn’t tell Julia until Fidel and Selma show up at the door. They end up with the women eating outside, and the men inside. After Selma prevents Julia from eating a dip with shellfish that Abel has served them (she remembered that Julia is allergic), Julia opens up and confides in Selma her apprehensions about being tied to a blundering dope (un torpe) the rest of her life. Selma agrees that Abel is torpe, but he would also do anything for Julia and to protect her.

Inside, Fidel gives Abel the tip about Julia being allergic to shellfish. Then he thanks Abel and admits he trusts Abel to protect Julia. So much so, that he thinks the two should get married. Cara impactada de Abel.

Yago is lost in deep thought, expecting to be stood up by Ximena, as he stands at the bar. Suddenly, he hears his name and turns to see a smiling Ximena, shining like a hot pink ray of light out of the dark gloom of the bar. She kisses him and tells him the past is the past. She accepts him as he is today, and she’s falling in love with him. Yago returns her kiss and her bright smile and takes her to dinner…at Casa Guerrero! The whole family greets her warmly and they sit down for a joyous meal.  

Back at the flop house, Lucio is once again pawing poor Katia, and giving Hernan the order that they are NOT going to kill her. He says she is of use to them. Hernan is not happy he doesn’t get to kill his new plaything.

A knock at the door interrupts the loud laughter coming from the dining table at Casa Guerrero. It’s Sara returning Matias. Sara enters and freezes when she sees the place she so desperately desires at Omar/Yago’s side, occupied by Ximena.  

End of episode.


Thank you Vivi.

#DIELUCIODIE! Torturing Katia like this was disgusting!

About 2 minutes in, I knew I couldn't watch this. I'm right there with you, Vivi...hating Lucio, hating Hernan, just flat out horrified.

In spite of your horror (and mine) you came up with some great lines. Like this one:

Suddenly, he hears his name and turns to see a smiling Ximena, shining like a hot pink ray of light out of the dark gloom of the bar.

That paints a lovely picture. But I'm not sure I can endure the rest of the episode in order to see that one shining moment.

So thanks for doing it for me and writing such a clear, informative recap. That I'm too much of a wimp to watch!!!!!

Judy- I don't blame you. I can't go back and watch it a 2nd time. This was the most painful episode yet for me, and no one died! I might just only watch the flashback Katia had of her first heroine hit, since I can't remember if there was a pithy line that would be good to include. I'm so mad at Teo for not picking up that something was very wrong when he spoke to her. There were quite a few happy scenes in this episode, but I couldn't fully enjoy everyone else being happy when Katia was being tortured the whole time.

Thanks, Vivi. I haven't seen this yet, and now I'm thinking maybe I'd better not see it just before I go to bed!

I'm glad Yomar finally called out his father on his dickish behavior. That's been bothering me for a while.

"Lucio doesn’t believe she agreed to be a double agent for Fidel simply because Camilo killed her sister and father." That's pretty funny, but then this is Lucio we're talking about, and we know what motivates him. Sweetened the deal with five pesos, especially five pesos that used to belong to Omar, and Lucio would be totally into it.

I can't believe Teo didn't realize something was wrong when Katia said she was with her family. That should have been a bright red flag.

Julie- NO! Don't watch it just before bed. Or fast forward over every Katia scene and just watch all the others.

Thanks, Vivi. Great title. Kudos on a fine job with this unnerving episode.

Lucio thinks Hernan is a sicko, but Lucio is the one who came up with torturing Katia and making her addicted again. You can just feel she wants to die. Horrible.

Ugh, ITA about Teo not realizing Katia is in danger.

Now is the time for Sara to show what she's made of, if she's changed for the better. Even though she is jealous of Ximena -- who I liked in this episode! -- will she still alert Yago about Katia?

Yep, Abel is torpe but he would defend Julia with his life. Something to be said for that.

Ah, Jonas and Yago/Omar hug. I got weepy.

Niecie- I am asking the same thing. Will Sara put her jealousy aside and tell Yomar that Lucio has kidnapped Katia? I really hope she does the right thing. She won a point with me by demanding that Lucio not kill her.

Flashback added. Not going to add anymore.

"Selma prevents Julia from eating a dip with shellfish " -- Is she really allergic or is the obeying kosher rules of diet -- can't eat shellfish; sea critters must have scales to eat 'em (no catfish either).

Enoch- I thought about a kosher diet too, but they specifically said she had an allergy, and Julia, who wasn't raised Jewish by Camilo, also said she has an allergy.

Vivi what a great recap you put together of what may turn out to be the most digusting episode to date.

I must say I prefer all the killing scenes instead of the disgusting Lucio with Katia scenes. Having to watch these scenes was almost more than I could take, let alone relive to write a recap as you did.

I didn't particularly like Lucio before ¡pero ahora me da muchísimo más asco!
I don't think I'll ever see him with the same eyes as before. He was just a badass then, now he is a disgusting badass.

How many more episodes?

Thank you vivi

I'm not feeling sympathetic towards any thugs including Katia. They signed up. I fear for Ximena but she knows Yago is a nasty operator and has a hellcat for an ex

Victoria- 11 more episodes to go after this one.

Wow Vivi!!
They will tie everything up in only 11 more episodes? I guess we are in for a lot more deaths.

Well, there really wasn't any other time to watch it except just before bed (and it was icky) - because I was planning to watch #55 this morning as I usually do. Except, I overslept today and didn't get to watch #55, which means that when I post the discussion header at around 5:00, there won't even be bullet points.

Except there will be bullet points. They just won't be real. They will be fake plot points that I will make up. I will write a real recap tonight when I actually see the episode.

So sorry that was your pre-bedtime viewing, Julie. Did you ffwd? Because all the rest of the episode was good.

Vivi: Something tells me Sara won't tell Yago about Katia bring tortured.

Teo will be devastated!

I didn't FF, Vivi. I watched the whole thing. I was still pretty wound up after a battle with some unexpected houseflies in my kitchen, so I was in the mood for horror.

I even kind of laughed when Lucio was gloating about how some people can't control their addictions. Does he think he's any better? He had a snootful of coke when he said that.

Oh, but yes, the rest of the episode was good. I really liked Jonas's realization about how harshly he had treated Omar, and I even liked Sara with Matias.

I also liked that Yago told Ximena the whole story. At this point, I believe that Mati and Lucio are the only people who don't know about Yomar. Mati need never know, but I can't wait till Lucio finds out.

I even didn't mind Ximena. She seems okay, and she has a good effect on Yago. However, isn't she Rebound Woman? So if she doesn't get whacked by Camilo & Co. first, won't she probably get dumped by Yago?

I suppose we will be guessing about Yago and Sara until the very last episode. And that's just the way it should be.

Julie- Yes, I laughed too when Lucio was putting down others for their addictions while snorting coke. Flavio Medina continues to show me why he's one of my favorites. And enjoyed all the other parts of the episode you mentioned. Really, aside from the Katia torture, it was a good episode. I was very happy for Yomar and Jonas, and to see the family reunited. I was afraid they would never have any happy moments together, because we know this all will end in some more tragedies.

Who's doing the recap from Wednesday night ?

Steve- Recaps don't go up until 4pm or later. Above, Julie mentioned that she didn't get a chance to watch the episode this morning but will post a discussion page, until she's able to watch and recap this evening after work.

The discussion page and fake recap for #55 are now available.

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