Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #121 (MEX #126). Tuesday September 6, 2016. El Perro De Las Dos Tontas

At a glance 

-- PatoLuca partay, Esperardo esnog and Cristina cries. 
-- Ricardolt is still confused. Poor Señorito Confundido! 

A closer look 

The millionaire construction heir and his bride arrive to their wedding reception. The setting and the buffet do not reflect the wealth of the De la Colina family but rather the stinginess of our beloved producer, Juan Osorio. He invited members of the public to attend the PatoLuca wedding and asked them to bring their own fancy clothes, thus saving himself a bundle on extras and wardrobe. It appears that the same penny-pinching attitude affected the PatoLuca wedding catering, which consisted of the following measly offerings: One minuscule plate of surimi vol-au-vents, four small plates of unidentifiable bites on sticks, half a cantaloupe with tiny cheese and crudités skewers sticking out of it, two puny platters of his and hers shortbread cookies, one styrofoam wedding cake, one single-tier medium-sized cake stand of styrofoam white cupcakes.

Pedro introduces the novios who proceed to say their vows (votos). Pato promises to offer Luca a smile in the morning, a hand during the day and a kiss at night. She offers him her encouraging words when he is concerned and her enthusiasm when he succeeds. She offers him her shoulder to cry on. She offers him her company to face challenges and her suggestions to be happier everyday. She offers to love him, body and soul. She offers him everything, absolutely everything, until they pass on to another dimension. What about the pouting, the nagging and the belittling any time things don’t go her way? I didn’t hear her offer Luca to dial those down, did you? Oh, well! Moving on. Luca says his vows. He offers Pato to be the best version of himself. She is his better half and he is very grateful that she loves him, that she has decided to put up with him forever, until they are converted into something else (something less annoying! Tee hee) and become one (slimy blob of schmaltz). They end the vows with I love you’s.

PatoLuca have their first dance as husband and wife, to their theme song, what else? Sweet fancy Virgencita de la Paz! That song hasn’t stopped playing for two episodes straight! Ernesto dances with his daughter while Viviana dances with her son. Then Esperanza dances with Luca, Pedro with his sister and Adrián with his mom. Pato personally goes to Ricardolt’s table to ask him to dance with her. They dance for exactly 10 seconds before she asks to switch partners. Pato goes back to her husband and Ricardolt is trapped! He has to dance with Esperanza! Truth be told, he never explicitly agrees to it. Esperanza asks him to grant her this dance, he hesitates and she grabs him before he could give an answer. “I’ll take this as a yes! It’s been a while since we danced like this!” He reminds her that the last time they did was when he gave her the love vault, in that non-proposal dinner they shared by that mysterious body of water. They reminisce about that date and about the story of their “love”. How La Sombra destiny reunited them in a traffic stop after a 20-year separation.

Cristina Vélez Valderrama (CVV) is at Casa Alegría, babysitting for free the kids of the man who is stringing her along. She follows the wedding reception, streaming live, on Rodrigo’s tablet. Actually, it’s not the reception itself that is being broadcast live on social media, it’s the Esperardo Show, in close-up and with crystal-clear audio. CVV can hear everything Esperanza and Ricardolt tell each other while they slow dance and discuss their history, the state of their relationship, who did what to whom, when and why, and how it was all just another selfless proof of undying love. That darn PatoLuca theme is still going on and so does the Esperardo dance. Esperanza asks: After all they’ve shared and all they’ve been through, what does Ricardolt need to make up his mind? “Time, Esperanza! I need time!” She says she’ll give him all the time he needs. However, before he could finish his lame sentence explaining how sorry he feels for putting her and CVV through this situation, she starts kissing him. It wasn’t precisely a stolen kiss because he kissed her back and kept it going. CVV cries pretty tears while Ernesto stares daggers at the smooching twosome. He looks like an ailing Mafia Don seated at the table, looking the worse for wear, with bodyguards aligned behind him. He gets up and walks towards the dance floor, with his hand reaching for what is surely a gun. Esperardo are still necking. Ernesto thought-bubbles: “I’ll ensure that you’ll never be happy, Ricardo Alegría!” He changes his mind and decides that he has a better idea to make Ricardo suffer.

Mario is at the hospital telling his spawn she has some serious explaining to do. He finds out about all her dug-fueled shenanigans. They hear Pamela wailing. Paulo has died. Screams and sobs and grief. Oh my!

When they are done making out, Esperanza says she is sorry but she couldn’t help it. Ricardolt acts all offended purity: “This does not help!” His cellphone rings. It’s Pamela. He learns what happened to Paulo and decides to rush to the hospital to be with his surrogate daughter.

Back at Casa Alegría, Selena and Rodrigo tell CVV they want her to be their new mommy. They like Esperanza but her kids are all grown. They prefer Abril. Well, at least, they are no longer confused like their daddy. CVV says they must respect their dad’s decision. However, she assures them that no matter what happens, the three of them will always be siblings. They all share a group hug.

Pamela’s parents are in Singapore. The governess is the one in charge. And guess what this professional and responsible woman does? She lets Ricardo take Pamela to his house to spend the night!

Back at the wedding reception, between bouts of fun and frantic dancing, Erasmo reminisces about the bumpy beginning of his relationship with Anastasia. He pulls her aside to tell her that he is proud of her and of all the positive changes she made in her life. He confesses that, not only does he admire her very much, he also loves her. He has fallen in love with her after seeing what an excellent mom she is, how much she cares about him, his siblings and others, how she struggled to save their relationship,... Erasmo is even open to the possibility of getting married to her.

Salma is back at home. She wishes she could turn back time. She cries and cries over Paulo.

Esperanza is about to leave the reception. She says goodbye to Pato who wants to get the low-down on that kiss. Her mother practically jumped on Ricardolt! Esperanza doesn’t think the kiss helped clear the confusion of Señorito Confundido. Pato thanks her mom for accepting to let her get married and for always supporting her.

At Casa Alegría, CVV and Ricardolt tuck Pamela in bed and try to console her. Pamela wonders why people have to die. Ricardo explains that this is the way life is, but one day, Pamela will be able to meet her brother again and give him a big hug. Ricardo tells her he loves her like a daughter and promises she will never be alone. She has him as a second father, CVV as a second mother and their children as her siblings. Pamela says she loves Ricado like a dad. She asks him to hug her until she falls asleep. CVV contemplates Ricardo amorously throughout this scene

Afterwards, CVV serves Ricardo a glass of wine. He tells her how sorry he feels for Pamela. The poor kid is always alone. She and her brother only needed love. Paulo tried to fill that void with drugs and ended up dead.

Time for the PatoLuca wedding night extravaganza. It was all so schmaltzy that I had to wipe my screen. I’ll spare you the details.

At Casa Gallo, the brothers praise Estrella for her supportive and responsible conduct with Paulo’s sister and with Salma. On a tangential note, Erasmo announces that the bank granted him a loan to buy a house. Atta boy, Erasmo! What an ascent! From not being able to afford milk and tomatoes to purchasing a house! A proper brick house that the wolf cannot blow away! Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Ernesto tells Regino that he has decided to postpone his kidney transplant because he has more urgent things to do. These include eliminating Kracy and destroying Ricardolt emotionally. Just as well. People this petty and stoopid don’t deserve brand new kidneys.

Back at Casa Alegría, Ricardolt confesses to CVV that Esperanza kissed him at the wedding reception. Little did he know that CVV witnessed the whole tonsil-tennis match and kept score. Ricardolt gives his usual speech: He is sorry about this situation. He asks CVV to sleep in the guest bedroom since it is already 3 am and it would be too dangerous for her to go home alone. She refuses but he insists. He wishes her goodnight. He adds that he is sorry about his confusion but there is one thing he is sure of: That CVV is a great woman with great principles! He retires to his chambers while CVV sits alone in the living room crying over a jerk who deserves nothing more than a kick in the boysenberries and a ¡Hasta nunca!/See you never!

At Casa Guerrero, Esperanza bakes cookies because she can’t sleep. Pedro playfully teases her over the kiss she and Ricardolt shared.

The next morning, Ernesto calls Viviana asking to meet up with her. They need to talk. Mario overhears her speaking with Ernesto and starts screeching like a banshee. Replay of an argument we heard over and over, about Ernesto, the kidney, the divorce, etc.

PatoLuca wake up in each other’s arms. Joy, ecstasy, angels sing, cherubs play the harp, fairies play the bongos, bla bla bla.

Viviana advises Salma to stop feeling sorry for herself and try to learn the lesson that life gave her. This is an opportunity for a new beginning, a second chance for Salma to value what she has in life, to love herself and her family, to heal her body and soul. “To suffer is part of life but suffering teaches and this is your moment to learn from it. Dedicate your change to Paulo. Forgive yourself for all your errors and be a new Salma.” Viviana hugs Salma, who seems touched by her stepmom’s words of wisdom. Salma thanks Viviana for never abandoning her and urges her to reconsider the decision to divorce her dad.

Regino shows Ernesto the suitcase of cash they’ll give Kracy. It contains a tracking device (localizador) that will help them get to her. According to Ernesto, Kracy has become so deranged (desquiciada), so disconnected from reality, that she will never suspect they’ve played this simple trick on her.

Kiko, the walking-dancing-singing miracle, visits Salma. He says he is there to support her, in spite of everything she did to him. They put their differences behind and decide to be friends. Just good friends, nothing more.

Kracy buries Ciro and relishes the thought of receiving her one million dollars very soon.

Viviana visits Ernesto. He notices she does not look happy. It’s Mario. Ernesto admits he has always believed that Mario was not good enough for Viviana. She is surprised by Ernesto’s statement but she changes the subject. She wants to know why Ernesto asked to see her. He informs her that he has decided to cancel the kidney transplant.

Esperanza rings the doorbell at Casa Alegría. CVV answers the door... In her pyjamas! Oh, dear!

A quote from the capítulo 

“Sufrir es parte de la vida pero el sufrimiento enseña y es tu momento de aprender de él.*

*Viviana advises Salma to move past the traumatic experience of Paulos fatal drug overdose: “To suffer is part of life but suffering teaches and this is your moment to learn from it.” 

Your viewing vocabulario       
(these definitions are context-specific, unless otherwise indicated)   

votos = vows.
localizador = more commonly called “rastreador”, i.e. a tracking device. 
desquiciado(a) = crazy, deranged. 

Thank you for the pleasure of your company. Please join us again for the next capítulo. We’ll be saving you a seat!


Hey, amigowz! Sorry about the delay. Please feel free to diss, I mean discuss the episode here while I work on the recap. Catch you later! :)

The recap is up! Please forgive the tardiness! :)

For those of you who know little Spanish, the title paraphrases a famous Mexican idiom:"Quedar como el perro de las dos tortas", to end up like the dog of the two sandwiches. The dog coveted both tortas but hesitated too long to make a final choice and ended up getting neither! Ricardolt is the proverbial dog de la dos tortas in this tale, except that he is hesitation to choose between two toNtas, two silly women.

There is another Spanish saying that I love, with the same meaning: "(Quedar) sin Beatriz y sin retrato" "Without Beatriz and without her portrait." I don't know why but the image always made me smile.

Back to the episode, two main thoughts went through my mind other than the commentary mentioned in the recap:
1) I wish they would stop making those kids so much! I know they're acting but they're crying for real and it breaks my heart, especially for a story so lame and motivated solely by a sensationalist race for ratings, a race to the bottom.
2) I loved the scene where Viviana urged Salma to move forward. I was genuinely touched.

Thanks for your patience. Please enjoy the show and the discussion! :)


Thanks Nandicta!

Is it wrong to hope that Ernesto kills Kracy and gets away with it? Does he know he deserves to die and is killing her as a sacrifice for his family and then dying to do the right thing?

I hate that the writers are turning two intelligent women, whom I happen to like, into two teenage mean girls. I'm starting to dislike both. I hope they come together and declare peace and leave Ric alone. I hope he does get neither.

Thanks, Nandicta, for a great recap with the perfect title. Now if Ricardo could just end up with neither of the " tortas" . My self correct put in "tontas" first . . . Not far from the truth, eh?

Call me "Scroogelita" but when did couples decide that traditional wedding vows were not "enough"? Not a fan in real life and even less here. It was "barfable" as Pato droned on and on.


Paulo died, Anastasia and Erasmo's romance is moving on, Kiko just wants to be friends with Salma and by the end of tomorrow Tracy should be dead by Ernesto's hand.

Boo! Hiss!

Mario returned to his bed-bound obnoxious self pitying self, Ernesto is going for broke now that his death without a transplant is assured, the wedding reception was on social media (why? who would care? Besides tortured Cristina), Pámela's dad is in Singapore, Esperanza just had to kiss Ricardo.

I sure hope that Cristina and Ricardo end up together especially for all the garbage he put his own kids through with introducing them so quickly to Cristina after the Esperanza fiasco and not making sure their mother was secure in a PRISON never free to terrorize then again. . Ricardo and Esperanza bring out the worst in each other: he could disappear for 20 years without a real excuse and she could lie about her serious illness. Maybe they will do better with otherr people.

Should have been "not far from the truth or your title, eh?"

Thank you, Nandicta! Your recap is an utter delight. So much of the funny: esnogging, the description of the skimpy wedding reception (apparently stocked with leftovers from the crew lunch table), becoming one (slimy ball of schmaltz), every put-down of Ricardolt and his inexplicably devoted half-dead ewes. (Ladies! There is other man-meat available on the market. You don't need to fight over this useless set of pecs like mangy alley cats!)

Anyhoodle. Live streaming the wedding reception? Oy, what narcissism. I mean, maybe if they had far-off family who couldn't make it...but pretty much everyone they know lives right in town, correct? Except Kristel in Barcebasco, but who cares about her? So what is the point? Hey, people, we don't want you to actually come to our wedding, but we're sure you'll be so enthralled that you'll be glued to your screens at home, a short walk away. Check out what we didn't invite you to share!

Of course the governess sent Pamela to Ric's house for the night. She's rid of Paulo! She needs the night off to celebrate! Comforting a grieving ward wasn't in the fine print of her contract.

Thanks Nandicta!

You surely topped my "Dos mujeres y un canijo" with "El perro de las dos tontas"

We also say "without Juan and without the hens" quedarse "sin Juan y sin las gallinas" and "whistling on the hill" Chiflando en la loma. Beatriz and her portrait is new to me and I like it. We sure learn something new every day watching Osorio's novelas, LOL!

The recap is worth the wait as always.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Nandicta, liked the funny recap. Tricky
Pato, askin ricky to dance so she can sneak
Moma into his dancin arms. That was very
Awkard too. I don't feel no chemistry at all between these two people. I never really have
Whatever osorio was tryin to achieve with
These two, it ain't happenin. All of the good chemistry is between ricardo and christyV.
Where it belongs. Well thats what I think anyways. What the heck is orsorio doing?

So glad a commercial came on when the two
Honeymooners started goin at it . I Just weren't feelin it wit dem two either.

Ricardo "but there is absolutely one thing I am sure about," that you are a great woman with great principles". And then she sits there
Cryin her eyes while he's admiring her great principles. she need to get that cookie sheet that espranza baked those crapy cookies on and knock him upside the head with it and tell him where to go with his principles.

Sad about paulo. Thats what happens when children raise themselves. Very sad. I hope
Selma takes stepmoms advice, cuz her mom
And dad are the "biggest losers".


Nandicta, excellent - simply excellent.

"The setting and the buffet do not reflect the wealth of the De la Colina family but rather the stinginess of our beloved producer, Juan Osorio" and "What about the pouting, the nagging, the belittling any time things don’t go her way? I didn’t hear her offer Luca to dial those down, did you?" were among my favorites.

"Cristina Vélez Valderrama (CVV) is at Casa Alegría, babysitting for free the kids of the man who is stringing her along". So true! Ric has it made in every sense, doesn't he?

"Erasmo is even open to the possibility of getting married to her". What a privilege! So, Erasmo might deign to marry Anastasia? He should get down on his knees in thanks she is even remotely interested in him. He is not worthy. But, I'm glad he has left stoopid behind...

"People this petty and stoopid don’t deserve brand new kidneys". OK, I hate the way this might be going. Ernesto offs Tracy and dies. Really??? So if Ric does choose Cris, Espe is going to be alone? That just seems so wrong.

"Mario returned to his bed-bound obnoxious self pitying self"> What a shame Jarifa!

Julia you've been missed - still laughing at "Comforting a grieving ward wasn't in the fine print of her contract".

Nice to see so many comments.

Nandicta, you had a busy day today. Thank you so much for the fun recap.


Diana, good to see you over on Tres veces Ana. The novela is a hoot! Beautiful people, great acting and an over the top plot. Very entertaining.

I'll be watching Jarifa! Now that Camino has ended and this is about to, I will have some time to watch. And yes, the acting is wonderful and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it! Boyer is amazing.


Amigowz, thank you bunches! All I laughed and laughed reading your comments! :D

And welcome back, Julia! Good to have you back! The mental image of the governess having a party because she's rid of Paulo was too much! Laughed so much I cried!

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