Saturday, September 03, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #88/89: Divine Justice Shows Its Hand OR All In The Family Gets A New Twist

Parte 1~~

In Midtown, at Remedios’s Rooming-house, Santiago is inside confounding Ana Lucia even more by telling her that once she learns what he’s had to hide from her all this time she’ll come to hate him.  Yes, and it has to do with his wife--but what, dios mio?  So, the best thing is to forget him and all they meant to each other and never seek him out again.  She’s determined to teach him, to show him that it just won’t be like that! “--¡Adiós, my love!”  Santi’s convinced otherwise.  He races off like the confused and cowardly lion he is—again.  Ana Lucha is as perplexed as ever.

Outside, Chana goads Ramiro about wanting to be The Great Avenger, and not caring whose hearts he breaks in the meantime, even though he feels a great injustice has been committed all these years.  It’s not that she disagrees with the intent, but caution is called for here.  The truth can be a double-edged sword [un arma de dos filos].  Santiago appears and is impactado to see the soothsayer.  She tells him his past has caught up with him and it’s only just begun to hit the fan.  Remedios races after him to beg him to come back inside and put the rest behind him, not to run away from poor Ana Lucha and her.  He’s sick at heart, he’s broken Ana Lucha’s heart-not Marcelo--, but that’s the way it’s got to be.  Ram and he head out and Chana warns Rem that the storm’s approaching.

Uptown at Miranda’s manse, dinner’s just about to be served and Ernestina finally gives Rodrigo a chance to explain after 40+ years, about his supposed betrayal with another woman—and how dare he leave without a single word of explication.  Rod says she closed herself to him.  He tried; when he came, her parents refused to let him near her—and she’d agreed to do as her parents wanted, to marry the man they felt best for her and her station in life.  He tried getting a message to her through Leonora, but she’d refused to have anything more to do with him.   Ernestina defends her husband as a good and decent man for whom she held great affection.  Rod points out that she never truly loved the guy and the difference between her and himself is that, in the past 4 decades, he’s never again loved another woman.  

Valentin and Ana Laura are having lunch at Valeria’s.  They give her the news that they’re doing a piano and oboe duet to raise funds to keep The Foundation afloat during the time that it takes to find the embezzler’s trail.  Ana Llora and TinTin give her their vote of confidence and assure her Ramiro’s on her side as well, looking into what might have happened.

Rod continues that he left the country for foreign lands a broken-hearted man.  Well, it was a good move [acierto], says Erni.  Look at all you amassed by it.  Sure, financially.  However, there’s more.  He went looking for the pregnant girl who claimed Rod had knocked her up; he challenged her and got her to admit that it was Erni’s papi that knocked her up, threatened her, and had her lie about it to Erni.  However, he cannot prove it because when he confronted Erni’s papa about it, the guy denied everything.  Erni has a mental flashback to Chana’s words that afternoon.  Rod only remembers the woman’s name, nothing more.  It was Margarita.  (Dun-dun-dunnnnnn!!!)   Miranda is now as much a broken heart mender as her hubby.  All four go in to dinner as friends and lovers, “just like old times.”

At the same time, Evaristo and Soledad are discussing how her mother, Margarita, was the love of his life.  When she died, he apparently took Soledad in as his own.  Sole had a miserable time of it.  Ev’s wife and kids despised her and treated her like dirt.  She was his lover’s daughter, after all, though not his blood.  He had taken her in.  They had hated him and her for it.  He hopes to make it up to Sole somehow.  Sole gets up and delivers an emotional blow to the old bastard when she tells him that once Ana Lucha and she are finally safe and sound and away from all of this, then she’ll consider possibly thanking him for it all and thinking of him as a stepfather, but not until.  All the bitterness of her childhood prevents that right now. 

Meanwhile, Mariano and Samuel discuss Ana Leticia’s tantrums and odd, unnatural jealousy where the other women in his life are concerned.  Marcelo’s return really hasn’t done much towards putting a halt to that kind of behavior either.  Sam chalks it up to Mo’s having been like a father to her and that daughters are always jealous of their daddies.  However, speaking of Marcelo, Sam’s not convinced that Marcelo had really lost his memory.  The last meeting they had he was sharp as a tack and as cunning as ever.  He knows all of Mo’s dark past and secrets and could really ruin him.  Mo could lose it all.  Mo agrees he has to find a way to control him.  Threats will do little where Marcelo is concerned. 

End parte 1~

Parte 2~

Evaristo has a sitdown with Orlando once Sole has left the coffee shop.  Now that Nieto Numero Uno is dead and mouldering in the ground, Orly’s being “promoted.”  He gets his own set of binoculars and a car to boot!  Wow! And, he gets an eyeful of Ana Lucia on Steroids—yep.  It’s her sister Ana Leticia and he’s not to let her out of his sight.  (Orly begins salivating as badly as any bully bulldog.  More, in fact, the slime!)  He’s to watch her every move and write it all down in his very own notepad.  

What he is watching, is Ana MiMi and Claudia declaring war.   Claudia has A MiMi all figured out and it won’t be so easy getting rid of her as A MiMi might think.  Claudia will go head to head with her and she’ll have Ana Leticia tied so tight she won’t be able to even twitch [parpardear = blink. twitch, ].  If she plays nice and helps Claudia to get close again to Mo and she will say only nice things about his adored niece.   So make a choice.  What’s it going to be.  

Evaristo warns Orly that while Ana Lucha is all sweetness and light with a heart of gold, her sister is exactly the opposite: “she has no soul, nor a conscience, either.”  Ev explains that A MiMi is bound and determined that her family never finds Ana Lucia and that Ana Lucia never has the opportunity to inherit any of the family fortune.  She’ll do absolutely anything to avoid that possibility.

Mo learns that Sam has the hots for Viridiana.

Valeria informs TinTin and Ana Llora that the only two people who had access to her computer is she and Edmundo Fuentes.  (Is that a hint of worry passing over TinTin’s face?  Could he and Eddie be partners in crime here?)  Ana Llora says there’s no reason to mistrust Eddie Boy since he’s been her granny’s CPA for decades and not a peso has ever gone missing.  (Yep, TinTin is definitely finding it hard to stop twitching while sipping that tea.)

Maribel confides in Ana Lucky that she has the hots for Ram (who has a real job and an actual savings account).  Nobody’s ever fought for her before and it was S.E.X.Y.  Compared to him, Javier is just a kid.

Santi, at the same time, tells Ramiro that he’s not sure he should continue living at the manse.  Ram says that Marcelo and his wife have managed to hide their distaste for each other well enough in front of the family.  Santi brings up Valentin’s name and was incredulous to learn the guy was in a wheelchair.  He doesn’t know why, but he wanted to kill him!

TinTin and Ana Llora are now having coffee and cake at a restaurant somewhere.  TinTin tells her he’s not certain that Ram has enough experience to really track down the embezzlement.  Ana Llora has total confidence in him.  Talk turns to Marcelo and that he’s living at the manse with the family again now.  TinTin tells her he’s glad to get the chance to know him better now that they’ll be rehearsing there all the time.

Ram and Santi discuss TinTin’s possibly being in that wheelchair do to Marcelo’s evil deeds, among them Gina’s death.  Ram explains how he was Gina’s ex and blamed Ram also for her death.   Santi is adamant that when Marcelo appears again, Ram will ask him whether he was the one that killed Gina or not.  Ram finds out that Santi and Ana Lucha have broken up for good.  Santi is tired of pretending…..

At Rem’s again, Chana has a chat with Ana Lucha.  She is in tears because Santi is also lying to her.  Everyone is lying to her.  Well, not everybody.  Chana hasn’t been.  (Ruh-roh!)

Santi admits to Ram that he chickened out when it came to giving Ana Lucha the truth about her past.  He could only drop the hint about Sofia Hernandez and then backed off.  

When Sole returns from work that evening, Rem is waiting for her.  She warns Sole that Santi was there earlier and spoke to Ana Lucha, but she doesn’t know what they discussed, only that she’s now in a bad way because of it.  Rem says she simply cannot put up with this anymore.  She’s going to tell Ana Lucia all of it!  Soledad screams she can’t!

Santi and Ram continue discussing the pro’s and con’s of Marcelo’s cruel behavior in dropping hints about Ana Lucia’s past and daring to kiss her in front of his wife.  Ram says he’s laid the cards out on the table for both Ana Leticia and Ana Lucia so she can get ready to accept the truth.  “—This is the only way the issue can begin to resolve itself.  We ought to learn from him.” 

Sole begins a chat with Ana Lucha who admits she’s been doing lots of working out because it’s either that or lying in bed all day and crying her eyes out.  She refuses to do that.  She won’t do it.  He came today, and they talked about all the lies Sole’s told her.  But that’s over.  She wants the truth.  It’s now or never.  Sole better fess up now or who knows what may happen between them afterward.  Ana Lucha wants the whole truth and she wants it now!!


Jardinera, I will look forward to your recap. You always do such a wonderful job. Enjoy the sunshine while you can! Your title is intriguing! Since I know very little Spanish, I don't quite understand what it means. Most of last night's episode was just looking at the expressions and body language. Anxious to read some comments.

On a sad note, my "little brother" passed away early this AM. (I say my little brother, but he was 70 years old.) A product of Vietnam and Agent Orange, he was in the nursing home for seven years struggling to breathe. He passed away quietly and is now with his oldest son who died of cystic fibrosis five years ago...

Now for a nap. I will check for comments and the recap later. Enjoy your day!

Virginia, please accept my condolences on the death of your brother. Take good care of yourself!

My condolences, Virginia. No matter the age, the loss is always terrible. My thoughts are with you.

We are never ready to lose our loved ones, but we are ready for their suffering to end. I know that there is an "empty chair" in your heart Virginia. And as the years go by, our hearts fill up with many empty chairs. But in that way, we do hold and cherish their memories within us. Peace and love....

I appreciate your condolences. Judy B, beautiful thoughts...Thank you.

All the best to you and your family, Virginia.

My condolences, Virginia. I know how difficult this is.

So sorry for your loss, VIrginia.

Virginia, I can relate. My condolences. Judy B said it very well. The older we get, the greater the number of empty seats there continue to be....


As for the crazy title, we now know that Solebad will be redeemed--the telenovela gods have ruled. Sole, we learned is Ernestina's half-sister. So therefore, Ana Lucha has been in the bosom of the family all along. She was right that Ana Lucia was put there in that river for a reason and that she was there at the river when she was. Of course, until we get a DNA test done, or the family learns she was Margarita's illegitimate daughter, I am sure there will be Hell to pay and then some.

Jardinera- I hope you enjoyed your day of sunshine out and about. Thank you for taking the time to whip up a delicious recap for us.

Everyone keeps harping on how Marcelo "broke AnaLu to pieces" when he last visited, told her it was over, and that everyone, especially her mother, has been lying to her. Exactly how is what Santi did any better? If anything it's worse, because he got her hopes up again about a relationship between them. Ramiro is right that they could learn a lesson from Marcelo.

I was very happy at the end that AnaLu wasn't going to give Sol any clues about what exactly she does or doesn't know, to keep Sol from coming up with a clever lie to cover things up. Let's see what she comes up with, and if it satisfies AnaLu.

After 40+ years, Erni finally listens long enough to learn that she was an idiot to believe some stranger that her boyfriend knocked her up, and also to learn that said baby was really her sibling. Perhaps now she'll learn to stop flapping her mouth long enough to hear people out.

Ev picked the perfect job for Oily. Now he can spend his days spying on and drooling over a sexy AnaLu lookalike, and keep her from killing AnaLu too. That job was tailor made for him. But perhaps he should improve and update his look first. It will be suspicious enough that this guy will be following AnaLet and parked looking through binoculars. But, he might not stand out so much if he didn't look like a slimy hoodlum who has stolen the car in his possession.

Thank you, Jardinera, for the excellent recap.

With slimy Orlando following Ana Leticia around, at least he will be far from Ana Lucía.

I so enjoyed Claudia standing up to Ana Leticia and not allowing herself to be bullied.

Scummy Valentín never misses a chance to try to undermine Ramiro in the eyes of Ana Laura.

Loved Evaristo using his grandson as his "gum caddy."

Gracias, Jardinera. I guess there will be redemption for SoleBad, although I don't agree with it. But by TN law, Ana Lucia's disappearance from her immediate family happened to get SoleBad back with her sisters. What bothers me is that she will not suffer for her crime unless Ana MeMeMe kills her.

I completely agree with Vivi; if Orlando wants to do this job successfully he needs to get a makeover. He also will need repeated reminders that Ana MeMeMe is a stone-cold killer and he should avoid any actual contact with her. However, I can see his hormones getting the better of him and him ending up a casualty in a future episode.

thanks, Jardinera.

There is nobody I would rather see wrangle with BSC AnaLetme than OrlandoIwantto. And I just shuddered at that mental image. Bleecchhh.

Val is a nasty little weasel of a guy. He needs to be AnaLetmeed , too.

Hope everyone is having a good Labor Day weekend and not laboring.

judyb...As always, I loved reading your wise words. There is a chaper in the reading textbook I teach from about siblings which suggests that we move through life in a convoy of people and gradually lose some of those in that convoy as our journey continues. And so it goes, n'est-ce pas? All the more reason to love and appreciate those convoy members that we still travel forward with.

Virginia, my sincerest condolences on your brother's loss. Bless him for the his service and what he was made to endure later in life. May he be at peace. Made me think of my a favorite quote (it's an Eskimo proverb) that I had someone frame and give me when my dad passed:

“ Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy. ”

As for the show, I wish someone would tell AnaLu something. She's old enough to make some decisions, and frankly, she's not Llora and could be pretty "in your face" to AnaLoon if pushed.

I do like the idea that Oily will be busy stalking AnaLoon. Maybe it will compel him to wash his hair and become passably presentable.


Once again, thank you to all for your condolences...

Susanlynn- Love the comparison to people in our life being a part of a convoy.

Daisynjay- The Eskimo proverb that tells us our loved ones are openings in the sky where our loved ones shine down upon comforting.

I see there is a two hour Monday evening, but no TVA on Tues. Is that correct? I am so involved in this tn that I have trouble making it through weekend evenings without it! I know, I need to get a life...I just love this couple so much (Angelique and Sebastian).

Let's think for a minute...just for starters: this was #88/89, and there are only 120 episodes in all, Santi/Marcelo has a brain tumor (that will have to be resolved with surgery or death), AnaLu KNOWS Sol has been lying to her about something. Some real breakthroughs in this story are due any minute!


Did they air 2 episodes on Friday? 88 & 89? Or just 89?

Thank You Jardinera. And Virginia, all your Caray friends are thinking of you.

Vici I loved the way Ms Ana Luc outmaneuvered SoeBad SoStupid. Oh here baby tell Mama what that mean old boy said and I will tell you how much of it is true.

Ha. Good try. Even AnaLuc didn't fall for that one.


Daisynjay..Thanks for sharing that proverb. i also like this Navajo saying :. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."

My best friend's husband died a few weeks ago, and those around us have very recently had some good luck. Their son-in-law had a winning lottery ticket. My other friend's lung tumor has just about disappeared. Our son-in-law got a new job. hmmm. Perhaps there is a new angel helping those he loved who are still here on earth.

Susanlynn- Beautiful Navajo saying! I love the thought that my brother may be a new angel helping those he loved here on earth...

That little AnaLu is a going to prove to be "a tough little cookie!" She's starting with Sol. I can't wait until she faces AnaLet! She can, and will, hold her own, I'm sure. And...if Marcelo and Santi have a "mind-meld" there may be a man in there worthy of her yet.

Just getting a chance now to read your recap Jardinera! Thanks for also adding some relevant vocabulary (love "dichos") and also loved this:

"(Orly begins salivating as badly as any bully bulldog. More, in fact, the slime!)"

Perfect description of our indeed slimy, over-oiled bottom feeder. Don't know who creeps me out more--Orlando or that lusty old dude who has the hots for Ana Lucia.

Glad Señora Ernestina finally got set straight on her interrupted romance, but did anyone else notice how overly-rouged she was? They really laid the blush on with a trowel. She's quite a handsome woman with that severe hair arrangement, and also looks perfectly fine when appearing less made up. But in this episode I just found the heavy cheek make-up distracting.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing labor day. I'm spending it working on new choreography and exercises for Fall classes. But giving myself a "holiday" from Monday bathroom cleaning chores. Whoopee!

I was going to go to the last opera HD screening tonight but I'm wiped. I was at a book signing yesterday followed by a party so I'm making an early lunch in a few minutes and might get some jewelry projects done this afternoon. Also need to catch up to Yago, as that ends this week.

Isidro creeps me out to no end. He's old enough to have fathered her twice over and that's about as wrong as it gets. She isn't Anna Nicole Smith, for Pete's sake!

Ms. Ant: Yeah, that may be so about Isido, but it happens..clears throat...we do not talk about actor/ess's personal lives, right? I would bet he would treat her better than her other two boyfriends are treating her. Maybe it is more acceptable in Spanish culture, is that why were the women so matter of fact about it? I more expected the women to be thinking of calling the cops.

I have forgotten the fine points of Vomitinawheelchair's chat with Rambo's Dad about the foundation funds. Does VinTin know that it was Deadmundo who stole the money, anyone? Eating with Valerie and AnaLor he sure looked like his Preparation H had stopped working.


Sorry, but I disagree.

Isidro is looking for someone that young not only for his fading hormones and to knock her up (Eeeeeeeeeeeeew!) but because he thinks he can dominate her. To her she would be little more than a blow-up doll by night and arm candy by day.

Ana MeMeMe would be cold-blooded enough to wear him out -- literally -- so she could claim his dinero at the end, as he seems to have no one else he wants to leave it to. She should consider this.

Thanks, Jardinera. He races off like the confused and cowardly lion he is—again. You painted a perfect picture of our troubled galan.

TOA - Soledad and others have been appalled Isidro is chasing a muchachita. But I don't think anybody's getting worked up about it because they don't think he has a ghost of a chance with AnaLu and they consider him a harmless old fool. Chana or Soledad have called him "rabo verde," dirty old man. I predict his money will come in handy for AnaLu though.

Ev must be nuts putting Oily in charge of tailing AnaLe. She will have him eating out of her hand in a heartbeat.

Virginia, my sympathy to you and your family. Your brother served his country at much personal hardship to himself and he has my deep gratitude.

TOA- Yes, both Valentin and Edmundo are in league with Evaristo. Valentin told Ev he needed a way to force Ana Laura to spend time with him, and the best way to do that was by making her work with him on this fundraiser for the foundation. Ev said he'd put one of his people on it. Next thing Valentin knew, Edmundo showed up telling Valeria the foundation has been robbed and she's the culprit. Even though Valentin didn't know it until that moment, he easily guessed that Edmundo was Evaristo's inside man and told Ed as much. Ed didn't like being called out like that, and definitely didn't like it when Valentin started hinting at threats to tell Ramiro what a rotten crook he has for a father.

But despite how nice Valeria has been to him, Valentin doesn't give a damn that she's lost her job and could be sent to jail for fraud/embezzlement. His goal was accomplished, and now he gets to spend ever day with Ana Laura, in her house, rehearsing with her.

Well, I am enjoying a beautiful, sunny, mild day my own patio on this Labor Day. I dropped by this patio and had to giggle at the new topic of conversation. I have added a new word to my Spanish vocabulary ..."rabo Verde." I guess all girls run into a couple of those at one time or another ....gross guys who leer and grin..ew. However, let's raise a glass to any nice lusty old guys. Slainte ! To ancient music and distant fires !!

Thank you, Jardinera, for your work over a holiday weekend! I actually thought this was only #88. Either I tuned in too late or tuned out too early, because I only saw an hour!

I'm sorry about your brother, Virginia, and I'm grateful for his service to our country.

hello! just dropping by to say thank you to all you recappers. Great job and all patio people. you all express what i myself think about the characters of this tn. My favorite tns so far is EHDLS,PyP, AB, and Yago. I have to sleep late to catch this brilliant but very violent show. I love these tns because its very different from the common run of the mill tns . Writers, keep giving us quality novelas. BTW, I saw the Light between Oceans at the movie theater here in Los Angeles. The plot is baby stealing. Soledad, please watch this one. Heart breaking.

Vivi Thanks. I think I was making a sandwich while VinTin and Ed were winking.
It makes perfect sense now thanks again


Vida...I saw that movie, too...pretty depressing.

I'm working on the recap now, and I just gotta say... DAMN these people talk SO MUCH. Yap yap yap yap yap.

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