Monday, September 05, 2016

Tres Veces Ana, #89, Monday Sept 5, 2016: Tick, tick, tick

AnaLet comes home and is unhappy to hear that her husband's still out and Leonor doesn't know where he is.

Iñaki opens the door to go out, just as Santiago is showing up on his doorstep. Iñaki is surprised, expecting threats from Marcelo, but then realizes this is the other guy. Oh wait, there's someone else at Iñaki's door. How does such a jerk get to be so popular? Oh right, it's Ghoulieta. All he had to do to get popular with her was to kill his brother! Iñaki has the awkward experience of introducing SantiMarc to the mother of the man his wife cheated on him with. (Not in so many words, of course.) Even more awkwardly, Santi apologizes to her for what happened Daniel. Iñaki tries to explain it away as memory loss, but Santi insists on "confessing" that he put Daniel in the hospital. Iñaki tries to keep Ghoulieta from killing Santi, and tries to get Santi to leave, while Ghoulieta screams and threatens and Santi promises to pay for what he thinks he's done.

AnaLu tells Soledad to start talking, lady. Soledad is all like, "no no, not this way." She wants to know what Marcelo told her first. AnaLu is not going to play it that way. Soledad refuses to explain, so AnaLu tells her not to cross her path or speak to her again until she's ready to tell the truth. Despite the screaming, I think it hurts AnaLu more than it hurts Soledad.

Chana tries to cheer up Soledad and convince her that it might be a good idea to say something to AnaLu, who is suffering. Soledad, however, is still focused on exactly what Santiago might have told AnaLu. Chana reminds Soledad that AnaLu will find out the truth eventually, so Soledad ought to be the one to tell it before it's too late. But Soledad is paralyzed with fear that she'll lose "her" child. And all she seems to care about is damage control.

Santi has left Iñaki's apartment. Iñaki explains to Ghoulieta that Marcelo was upset because Daniel was AnaLet's lover. Ghoulieta doesn't believe it. In fact, she believes that AnaLet only made Daniel suffer. Iñaki tries to defend AnaLet, and Ghoulieta blames them for making Daniel and Marcelo enemies. Iñaki says neither Daniel nor Ghoulieta means anything to him.

Ramiro meets with his evil dad Ratmundo. Ratmundo thinks that Ramiro's investigation should point squarely to Valeria as the culprit who stole from the foundation, but Ramiro mentions that Ratmundo is also a viable suspect. Ratmundo denies, of course.

Iñaki accuses Ghoulieta of trying to replace Daniel with Iñaki. G insists that Daniel is irreplaceable, but Iñaki is her son, too. (Sure, now that the other one's dead.) She just wants to be closer to him. "Does your millionaire husband know about me? Does he know you have two other sons?" he asks. "Of course not!" she retorts, which is interesting because most women (that I know of) wouldn't say "of course" to a question like that... Iñaki speculates that he'd disown her if he knew that she'd abandoned her family. He asks, would she rather gain everything or lose everything? Although my captions are really screwed up, I think this is how he convinces her not to prosecute Santiago for harming Daniel.

Ratmundo asks Ramiro how things are going with AnaLaura. Ramiro mentions that he wanted to take a weekend away with her, but Ratmundo thinks Ernestina wouldn't approve because they all see Laura as a little girl. "Well, we're getting married in six months," Ramiro says. Ratmundo says "congratulations," but his tone says "loser."

At home, Santi flashes back to his conversation with AnaLu, when she said she could never hate him. Ana Laura is at the door, looking for AnaLet, but she'll chat with him instead - about Ana Lucia. Ramiro told her that AnaLu isn't really dead. Santi tries to explain to her that he's not Marcelo (so that he can play dumb). He doesn't tell her about the brain tumor.

AnaLet (followed by Oilando) tries to go to her uncle's house, but he says he's still at the office. AnaLet has a little hissy fit in her car, wondering whether he's with Claudia, or Viridiana, or who?

AnaLu cries in Santi's old room and remembers saying that she'd fight for Santi's love.

Oh, Santi's nose is bleeding again. He goes into the bathroom, leaving his phone behind, which begins to ring. Naturally (I am being sarcastic), AnaLaura picks it up. What the hell? Who does that?? She has a weird conversation with AnaLu, in which AnaLu thinks she's speaking to Mrs. Marcelo, and introduces herself as "your husband's lover." She wants a meet, but Laura says "I'm not who you think I am." (Of course she doesn't say her name. Nobody ever says their name.) AnaLu hangs up. Santi comes out of the bathroom, and Laura tells him about the call.

Ramiro wants his father with him when he formally asks Laura to marry him. Ratmundo agrees to be there, but says Ramiro's making a mistake. Ramiro thinks it's very odd that his father was so supportive when Ramiro was going to marry Gina, even though Ratmundo had never (as far as Ramiro knew) even met her before. (Ratmundo remembers discussing the nuptials with Gina beforehand, along with partner-in-crime-in-law Evaristo. It's really more of a blackmail/threat than a conversation, though.) Ratmundo says that was his mistake for trusting Ramiro's judgement.

Ramiro again insists that Gina didn't take her own life; she was murdered. The conversation devolves from there, and Ramiro leaves.

AnaLet is still sitting in her car outside her uncle's house. She's remembering that glorious day when she pushed her rival Jenny off the building. Ah, good times. And another time when she saw Gina dead in a bathtub. Then she snaps out of it just in time to see Viridiana drive up and be welcomed by Mariano. She calls Claudia and tells her to pay Mariano a surprise visit.

Valentin asks Claudia if she really thinks AnaLet will help her. Claud doesn't need AnaLet's help. She already knows AnaLet's weak spot. You mean her husband? Oh heck no, not her husband, but the impossible love of her life.

Remedios and Nerina get together to stir their coffee very loudly. I think there is some concern that if Nerina hangs out with Ernestina, Ana Laura will recognize her as the woman who chatted with her at the hospital (who said she lived in the same pension as SantiMarc). Anyway, the triplets thing isn't even Nerina's real motivation for spending time with Ernestina; she's trying to get closer to her own son. She explains the relationship between Ana Laura and Valentin.

Ana Laura is trying to wrap her brain around what Santiago has told her, but he's not comfortable discussing it with her. He also doesn't want her to mention it to AnaLet. Laura is concerned that the "other woman" wants to confront AnaLet. Santi tries to reassure her that she's a good person and would never hurt AnaLet. "I'm not worried about Ana Leticia," Ana Laura says, and she bids him goodnight, calling him "Santiago" by name.

Mariano and Viridiana charm one another over wine when suddenly V asks M, "what's the worst thing you've ever done?" Mariano flashes back to Marcelo and himself forcing Gina to write that suicide note at gunpoint. Then Mariano asks Marcelo to leave them alone together, and he points the gun at her face. Viridiana snaps him out of the flashback, asking why he needs so much time to think about all the bad things he's done. He claims he couldn't think of anything. She doesn't believe him.

Mariano's doorbell rings. V thinks it might be AnaLeticia and even bets on it. Is it AnaLet-by-proxy in the form of Claudia? No, it's AnaLet herself, pretending to be surprised that anyone is even home. She pretends that she was going to prepare him a big surprise breakfast for when he came home. She hugs her uncle and waggles her keys at Viridiana over his shoulder.

Tomorrow: No episode.


Sorry about the lame title, but I could feel myself growing old as I watched this one.

No te preocupes; great work.

Viridiana got quite an eyeful there. How could she not recognize Ana MeMeMe's perverse feelings from what happened in that last scene?

Edmundo is somehow up to his eyeballs in Gina's demise. He knows something even if he didn't do the deed himself. Mariano is at the top of my suspect list now.

So there was another close call. Puh-leez, writers!

Wow, Julie - you are lightning fast! Thanks for this awesome rescap.

"Naturally (I am being sarcastic), AnaLaura picks it up. What the hell? Who does that?? " - THIS!! Seriously, this was an interesting moment. How far do we suppose this compulsion spreads? I see a phone - must pick it up, I see a wallet....

Was disappointed we didn't get anywhere on Sole and Ana Lu, and it seems the mommy wanna-be is more determined than ever to keep her secret. Oh well. What's another 29 episodes. This one, though, was definitely a snooze - agreed. Of course, as usual, Ana Le and her tactics and pouting on seeing Viridiana was the one redeeming scene.

Thanks again!

Wow Julie super fast, thanks. This is especially a good recap because although it may not have been the super bowl of episodes, somebody scrambled Loonevision's already hard to read Closed Captions. I would be better with actual real CCs in Spanish, I think.

I was relieved to see Rambo is beginning to at least not discount Ratbo Ratmundo as a suspect.


Have there been any "ultimas semanas" announcements? We need to prep ourselves for the possibility that there will be 49 more episodes and the doubles are counted as singles.

The more I see of Gina the more I think everyone is better off with her dead.

Great Julie...this was far more interesting reading your recap than when I watched. You spin a wonderful tale.

Everyone just maneuvering and talking. Wow, fun night....NOT. But I did enjoy watching AnaLoon strutting into the house and Mariano's face realizing Viri totally has that girl's number....

But where does this leave Mariano. Honestly, we are purposefully having him be painted as a killer/womanizer, but then why pair him with Viri and make us feel bad for him with AnaLeech? I'm still going with the suicide letter was meant to be a ruse..make Gina sign in and then make her leave town (probably paying her off being she wanted money so bad). We keep getting a little more to that scene over time.

Good lord, why do we even have Ghoulietta in this story? If we are supposed to dislike Inaki, it's really hard when that witch comes trouncing into his story. There needs to be a bus barreling down the street as she steps out one of these episodes.


Great job, Julie! You did well, even with uninspiring material.

I've started to suspect Ramiro's father may be behind Gina's death. He's so insistent that she committed suicide, and it's all Ramiro's fault. Seeing that flashback of how Gina and Ev strongarmed Ed into accepting her engagement to Ramiro, or else his shady partnership with Ev would be revealed, makes me think he wanted to get rid of Gina as a loose end. Plus, he's the one who then immediately hustled Ramiro out of Mexico, so that he couldn't find out any more details about Gina's death.

Was glad to FINALLY see someone figure out that AnaLet's feelings for Mariano extend far beyond jealous, possessive, spoiled daughter/niece, and that she in fact lusts for him. Thank you, Claudia, because no one else has noticed. And now Valentin knows too.

Julie, it's been some time since I read one of your excellent recaps. Thank you!

"Iñaki is her son, too. (Sure, now that the other one's dead" and "Remedios and Nerina get together to stir their coffee very loudly" were among many favorites.

I have seen a few pivotal episodes but am very behind and as I have only read a few recaps (some time ago), need to try and catch up.

"He asks, would she rather gain everything or lose everything?" daisy, I gather we are expected to loathe Iñaki, but I can't get there. He has some humanity left, which I hope his mother doesn't try and eradicate all together. While he can't be forgiven for killing Daniel, his mother is a monster and must be held accountable for some of her unacknowledged son's behavior.

"Ramiro wants his father with him when he formally asks Laura to marry him". Ummm? And why on earth is that?? Another terrible parent.

While Viri has realized Ana Let is manipulative, selfish and self centered, she hasn't realized the entire truth. Something Claudia has. And as you pointed out Vivi, Valentin knows as well. I think Claudia will put that morsel of information to better use though. She best not reveal her hand and fly under Ana Let's radar.

This was wonderful. Thank you Julie!


I think Inaki is in this tale because....

SantMarc has boinked two sisters and his viper of a wife has boinked two brothers (Daniel and Inaki). When she meets Javier will she go for a trifecta?

Ghoulieta is yet another example of severely dysfunctional motherhood. We have Nerina, SoleBad, Ernestina, and to a lesser extent, Remedios. I can't decide if Ghoulieta or SoleBad is the worst of the lot.

Julie, thank you, for the wonderful recap. I missed the episode except for the last scene because Uni had been all Juan Gabriel's funeral all the time and earlier programming had been cancelled. The last scene was so creepy and priceless.

Ria: "I see a phone - must pick it up, I see a wallet...." Exactly. As much as I can't bear to let a phone ring, I even more can't bear to pick up something that isn't mine.

TOA, the Spanish CCs were screwed up too, so that wouldn't have helped you. I went back and forth between the English and Spanish captions, but both were a mess. (That's usually how it goes - either they're both good or they're both bad.)

I really don't think Mariano or Marcelo killed Gina. Whatever they were doing was about scaring her, not ending her life. And in AnaLet's flashback, we saw that guy in the bathroom with Gina again. Who was that? I didn't get a good look. I almost thought it was Isidro.

Speaking of whom, there was a scene between Isidro and Rodrigo that I didn't cover at all because a) I couldn't understand most of it and b) it sounded like rehash.

Diana, by all means read some recaps to catch up, but take heart that you're not as far behind as you think. The story has moved at a glacial pace, and we have been amusing ourselves with the sheer absurdity of these people and their near-misses and contrived motivations. This TN has been a true comedy but for the laugh track.

Urban: "When she meets Javier will she go for a trifecta?" Heh, I would. He's hot. But that reminds me, why is Maribel in the story? She's been pretty useless so far.

I would say that Ghoulieta is a worse mother than Solebad even though Sole's crimes are worse. If we're judging people strictly as mothers, then at least Solebad took responsibility for someone. Ghoulieta abandoned two boys and even now her overtures to Iñaki smack of cynicism because she's obviously just trying to fill a void.

Ahem, when I said I would go for the trifecta, that's actually not true. Iñaki maybe and Javier yes, but not Daniel. I couldn't stand that guy!

Julie- The guy in the bathroom was the same guy we saw Marcelo kill for killing Gina, in his flashbacks. We haven't gotten much info on him since then. In that flashback we saw that that guy also had Ev tied up in a bedroom, and Marcelo accused the guy of betraying him. So perhaps he worked for Marcelo's agency.

Julie, Very good recap-and up so quickly. I really appreciate that.

What is going to happen with Santi's tumor? I keep thinking of the movie "Kindergarten Cop" when Arnold Swartzenagger (spelling?) tells the kindergarten class, "I DON"T HAVE A HAVE A TUMA!"

Hoping Thursday's episode has a little more action...

Jimminy Cricket ! The only thing ole LetMe didn't do in her little bitty teensie skirt was wrap a leg around TioIncest's butt. I hope Viri understands now why we call her Letme.

I think her nickname LetMe is beginning to make more sense to me. Ha!

Some of you animal husbandry experts: Is it actually biologically / genetically risky with a niece and uncle, or is it just a social taboo?

Speaking of, did you get the whole Clawdia, VinTinTin conversation, your mention above makes me hope you did, you seem to miss nothing. I caught none of it.


TOA- Julie captured all these was to the Valentin-Claudia conversation. He wondering if Claw was sure that AnaLetMe would be her ally in getting her claws into Mariano. And she telling him she knows AnaLetMe's REAL weak spot (hint, hint, hint). They cut the scene off before we could see her explain LetMe's incestuous desires, but it was clear that's what she was going to do.

Although, given that she knows LetMe wants her uncle for herself, she's got to know that at some point, once Claw has scared Viri off, LetMe is going to do all she can to get rid of Claw. I'm guessing she doesn't realize just how dangerous LetMe is.

Of course, it is possible that Claw is even worse than AnaLet, though I doubt it.

thanks, Julie, for recapping that long zzzzzzzzz show.

As for ANaLetme's desire for her tio..very unsettling. I have had students whose cultures allow cousins to marry but not uncles and nieces or aunts and nephews. I think some cousins might have crushes on each me then? AnaLetme probably wants tio because she craves forbidden fruit....and she is mega warped. Bleecchhh. Finally, someone has noticed how inappropriately she slinks and smarmy around him. She has always been ANa LEtme to me because she seems to think the universe revolves around her and that she can do as she pleases.

hi, DIana. ..glad to see you here

Aside from Claw, Viridiana must be pretty close to figuring out AnaLet too. I mean, she's figured out that there's an unhealthy, possessive attachment there... she just hasn't figured out HOW unhealthy it is. Though, this latest incident might give her a clue.

On the uncle/niece thing, not sure. I've done some genealogical research on my own family and discovered an uncle married a niece and they had a child together. I don't know what happened to the child, though.

Hi Susanlynn.

It's so nice to "see" you too along with others as our TN watching paths have diverged of late.I have to say Inaki is bringing the hawt factor for me. Whew!


Thank you Julie for your fine recapping. Someone mentioned that the closed captions were really OFF last night and totally agree. They were not only behind, but lots of dialogue was missed.

Hmmm....seems to me that Ratmundo knows a lot more than he's letting on regarding Gina's death. I think he did it but maybe he hired someone to do it. I don't think Mariano actually did the deed, because I think he didn't want to personally do it.

Thanks, Julie. Great title. It sure didn’t seem like much new was happening till Claudia reveals she’s got AnaLe’s number and AnaLe shows up at Mariano’s taunting Viri. I too loved “stirs their coffee very loudly.”

Santi is a dolt. Why he thought Julieta would feel better with him announcing he’d given her son a beatdown is beyond me. If he keeps that up, he might as well confess to the police. Iñaki did good trying to cover for Santi and bad lying that he had no interest in AnaLe. Can’t help but like his sweet, sexy corrupted self.

I don’t think Mariano killed Gina. In an earlier flashback, he swore to Gina that he’d kill her if she told Jenny about them. So it’s too obvious that he did it. My money is on Ratmundo, who never misses a chance to try to make Ramiro feel bad about Gina’s death.

Seems like AnaLaura would've had a "call of the blood" with AnaLu on the phone since she's always having these feelings of connection with her missing sister. AnaLe has been on the phone with AnaLu too, but since she has a heart of stone I’m letting her off the hook.

Looking forward to Mariano’s next move. Will he put AnaLe in her place and kick her out, or will he let her crash his date?

Diana, great to see you. Glad you're watching Ana again.

We've had SO many flashbacks to different points in the (LONG) day of Gina's death, that it's hard to keep track and arrange the different flashbacks in order. Here's my attempt to arrange the flashbacks we've seen:

Mariano is at Gina’s place having a pre-wedding roll in the hay with her. She asks him to help her get dressed in her wedding gown. He’s not happy that she’s daring to marry Ramiro, but she figures if he can be serious with Jenny and have Gina on the side, then she can be serious with Ram and have Mariano on the side.

Marcelo, along with Evaristo, tell wedding tux-wearing Ramiro on his wedding day that Gina is a gold-digging criminal, who’s been lying to him. Marcelo gives him the investigative report (which is now in Edmundo’s possession). Ev claims that it hurts him to rat out his own granddaughter.

Ramiro, in his tux, goes to confront Gina, who is in her wedding dress, at her place. Mariano is hiding in the bedroom and hears the whole argument and revelation about her being a criminal. When Ramiro leaves, after dumping Gina, Mariano starts cussing at her for deceiving him too.

Ramiro hangs out, still in his tux, at what would have been his wedding reception, crying in the rain.

Gina (in her wedding dress) calls Ana Leticia over to her place. She cries about just being dumped by Ramiro. Says that even though she first went after him just because AnaLet was paying her, she now really loves Ram. AnaLet gives Gina a bottle of pills, and tells her to “fake” attempting suicide and that will get Ram back.

Gina (now out of her wedding dress) meets Mariano at a café. She tells him that if she can’t have Ramiro, then he can’t have Jenny. She threatens to tell Jenny about their affair. Mariano gets ticked off.

Mariano calls Marcelo and tells him something that convinces Marcelo to help him threaten Gina into leaving town. (In the present, Marcelo accuses Mariano of lying to him, but we don’t yet know what all Mariano told him.) They go over to Gina’s and Marcelo forces Gina to write Ramiro a goodbye letter at gunpoint, while Mariano watches. Mariano tells Marcelo to leave.

Later, Gina is alone in her apartment, frantically packing, when AnaLet arrives wanting to know why she hasn’t swallowed those pills yet. Gina admits she has been having a long-term affair with Mariano, who has threatened her and is the reason why she’s getting out of town quick. AnaLet is not happy to learn of this “betrayal”, slaps Gina around, and demands that Gina swallow the new bottle of pills she brought.

Sometime after that, AnaLet wakes up in Gina’s bedroom with a cut/bruise to her head, stumbles to the bathroom, sees Gina dead in the tub and pills spilled everywhere, looks in the bathroom mirror and sees mystery man hiding in the corner.

Across town, Ramiro, still in his tux in the pouring rain, heads over to see Ana Laura. He tells her he dumped Gina and that he’s always loved her (Ana Laura). Just as she’s about to accept him, Edmundo shows up and tells Ramiro that Gina committed suicide, and it’s all Ramiro’s fault. He demands that Ramiro come with him. The Ramiro-Ana Laura romance ends before it even gets to begin. Shortly after that, Edmundo browbeats Ramiro, who’s drowning in guilt, to go to England to get his Masters degree.


We keep calling the letter a suicide letter, but was it really? It seems like it was just a goodbye letter to Ramiro which, when later found after her body was was discovered, was assumed to be a suicide letter.

Wow - thank you for that, Vivi. I didn't realize we had so much of the story. It's very confusing to get it in so many tiny pieces.

The letter might not have been meant as a suicide letter, but it apparently fit that purpose perfectly after Gina was dead.

Julie- Not only have we been getting it in pieces, we've also been getting it in jumbled order and very spread out.

Wow! Thank you Vivi for putting that together! That was very helpful, I was starting to get lost with all the pieces that we've seen. I agree with you that it probably was not meant to be a suicide note.

Thank you Julie for the excellent recap. Hope to be back later!

Vivi, you must have a memory like a steel trap! Thanks for parsing that all out for us, I do very much appreciate it.

Ratmundo is shady because why would HE know that Gina committed suicide. How exactly would he know the details?

Like I said, ViVi misses N O T H I N G. She makes Homeland Security look like the Hardy Boys.

Thank You again ViVi.

"Looking forward to Mariano’s next move. Will he put AnaLe in her place and kick her out, or will he let her crash his date?" This show is so twisted anyway.

Maybe "Hey Vir, ever been with a man AND a woman?"


Anon207- I'm curious too how Edmundo was "informed" so quickly about Gina's "suicide" and knew where to find Ramiro to dump the news on him.

Vivi, honestly, what would we do without you!

Ok, so I go with either Ratmundo or Ev sending someone in to do it...or heck, the two of them working together. I'm shallow, I need to know our resident hunks come out of this relatively ok. No one seems to be perfect in this tale, so I'll go with being pushy and manipulative but seeing the errors of their ways.

I think Santi is so blasted clueless because all the scheming, detective-type attributes and common sense seem to have fallen to the Marcelo personality. Santi is all white clouds, crying tears and puppy dog tails. If he signed his name, there would be a heart over the 'i'. He wants to be "honest" to the point of being stupid about it--when he isn't even sure of the facts.

TOA-- so help me, if Tio doesn't tell AnaLeech to go away, Viri has every right to tell him to take a hike and never call her. I will be sorely disappointed in the writers if they don't get him to put that light bulb over his head to 150 watts at this point.
And then she can go outside ranting and raving, maybe do something nasty to Viri's car and Oily will witness the whole thing. A girl can dream.


"Santi is all white clouds, crying tears and puppy dog tails. If he signed his name, there would be a heart over the 'i'."

Daisynjay- LOL! :)

Yes, VIvi has a wonderful memory.

Santi always looks like he needs a cup of coffee, even when he's upset. He could either drink the coffee, or clang his spoon loudly around the cup until he wakes up.

Yup Daisy, Santi is one of those guys I used to beat up in high school.

Anon, OMG! You just perked up my aggravating last hour of work.


Vivi, that was great.

I am still wondering what would make Evaristo rat out Gina. Could he be so old-fashioned that he thinks that crime is only a man's game, or is it something else?

About the idea of DNA issues from an uncle/niece union: DNA manipulation these days probably could make that a moot point. Not that this still isn't a good idea. The emotional issues are far too complicated and the result of what is meant to be mutually exclusive. We've seen novelas where step-siblings have fallen in love, but that typically happened after a long separation that typically included the junior high and high school years, like one of them going away to boarding school (as in Primer Amor).

Urban- I don't know what would have possessed Evaristo to rat out Gina to Marcelo. He seemed totally on board with the marriage between Gina and Ramiro in the latest flashback we saw, soon after Ram had proposed. Ev and Gina were gleefully rubbing it in Edmundo's face. Something happened between then and the wedding day that we have yet to learn.

Urban Ant: Well, in the grand scheme of things, Novela Gods notwithstanding, a Tio Mariano / AnaLetMe (send you to hell) tryst does not necessarily have to yield offspring. Of course in TeleNovelaLand, if a man and a woman use the same bathroom, even at different times, and they like each other, she will be preggers.

The Other Anonymous

Yesterday was a series of catastrophes so didn't get to the recap until this morning, but thanks as always Julie. I loved your comment that you felt yourself getting older watching this, tick tick tick, because it was definitely slow and aggravating until the final moment.

Also loved this insight:
so AnaLu tells her not to cross her path or speak to her again until she's ready to tell the truth. Despite the screaming, I think it hurts AnaLu more than it hurts Soledad.

So true. Soledad is anxious about protecting herself. But Ana Lucia is heartbroken that the woman she has loved deeply and completely as her mother is continuing to lie to her. She is grieving the dual heartbreak of a lying, unavailable lover and a lying, unavailable mother. Total devastation.

Speaking of "total"...yes, if you've been on CarayCaray for a while, you know that Vivi has an incredible memory. I read a book once called The Woman Who Forgot Nothing. It could have been about our dear Vivi. My brain is teflon coated and very little sticks. Wish I had hers!

And like everyone else, so glad that Diana is back with us. She brings a kindness and generosity with her presence that is pure balm. Welcome back amiga mia!

And thanks as always Julie. You write so well and we get all the benefit of this talent for free. Such a deal.

Glad you liked it. Your enjoyment is my payment. :-)

I excitedly turned on the TV last night, having forgotten that this wouldn't be on. Argh! I want to see the aftermath of AnaLet's interruption. I'm also curious if Claw will show up as well (I didn't hear her say she wasn't going, but then I miss a lot when the captions are kablooey). That would be quite a party.

AnaLet is such a schemer, I'm surprised that she doesn't seem to have a real plan for getting into Tio's pants. Keeping other women away is only half the battle. I know she offered him a massage once, and he turned it down. Subtlety (if you can call that subtlety) is not going to be enough. At some point, if she wants this to progress beyond the status quo which is a sort of limbo for her, she is going to have to make a real move. Has she figured that out yet?

And do we really want to see that?

Or will she content herself with being in limbo forever? She's obviously not a one-man woman, and she's got Inaki to take care of her more immediate carnal needs. But the limbo ends when Mariano gets engaged again, and he seems eager to get something going with Viridiana.

Julie- I think AnaLet realizes that if she did make an obvious move, Tio Mariano would recoil with disgust. She knows he's her "impossible love", but that doesn't mean she wants to see him with other women either.

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