Monday, October 17, 2016

Tres Veces Ana, #117, Monday Oct 17, 2016: Three's a Crowd

Ramiro wakes up and is surprised to see Valentin and Facundo. He's even more surprised to realize that he can't feel his legs. Valentin laughs and says bwahahaha, before you marry Ana Laura you ought to see for yourself what it is to be "differently-abled."

AnaLu and Ana Laura are chatting intensely when AnaLet barges in, strikes a pose, and demands, "why are you suddenly all quiet? Am I interrupting something?" Ana Laura solemnly lets Leticia know that yes, she is interrupting. AnaLet asks what they were talking about. AnaLu smiles and says, "about you." Leticia continues to stand there like a department store mannequin.

Mariano asks Marcelo to leave, but Marcelo doesn't want to leave without AnaLu. He warns that AnaLet could have an attack of hysteria at any moment, and since he's signed the divorce papers, she's no longer Marcelo's problem. AnaLu's love is all he wants in the world, and he won't give her up.

Valentin gloats some more about Ramiro's paralysis, "your legs have become a burden," and says he and Ramiro will now be on equal footing (no he didn't say it that way) in their fight for Ana Laura's affection, though I don't think it's really a fair competition unless Ramiro drinks a fifth of tequila too.

Ana Leticia tells her sisters that she's used to people talking about her, either in front of her or behind her back. In fact, she likes it and even gives them reason to talk, because the one thing she can't stand is not to be noticed.

Ana Laura lets Leticia know that her little stunt, posing as AnaLu, has in fact been noticed. AnaLet says it's Laura's own fault, for being so stupid. AnaLu protests at AnaLet's rudeness. AnaLet replies, "quiet, kitty! Animals don't speak." Ana Laura agrees that she was stupid not to suspect, since she knows that posing as Ana Laura is AnaLet's favorite hobby. AnaLet claims that she first met with Valentin as Ana Laura to find out what he was up to, and with Marcelo to find out what kind of zorra had stolen him from her.

"I won't let you talk to me that way," AnaLu objects, but AnaLet dares her to deny that she didn't care that Marcelo was a married man. Ana Laura defends AnaLu. AnaLet accuses them of ganging up on her and says that Ana Laura always did like AnaLu more, even now when she's a total stranger.

"You know why?" Ana Laura asks rhetorically. "Because in five minutes AnaLu gave me more understanding and affection than you have in your entire life." AnaLet makes as if to attack Ana Laura; AnaLu holds her off.

Now Valentin is asking Ramiro, if Gina were still alive, would she dump Ramiro as fast under these circumstances as she dumped Valentin? Ramiro reminds Tin that Gina cheated on both of them, but Tin is sure that Gina loved Ramiro much more.

Tin shows Ram the dossier on Gina that they found at Ratmundo's house. He says it doesn't tell the whole story. Ramiro can only say that he wasn't the reason Gina took her own life. Tin says Evaristo thought otherwise. He proudly shows off Evaristo's little notebook. No, it's not the one Ev tore up after he killed his grandthug. It's a new notebook - on which every page he wrote "Don't forget, Ramiro Fuentes must pay, must die."

Marcelo tells Mariano all about how he and Ana Lucia are totally in love. Mariano is skeptical. He thinks AnaLu is in love with a mirage. Marcelo says that's not true, because Santiago is part of himself, and with Santi he's discovered true love. He denies that he was ever really the love of AnaLet's life, because he never could make her happy. There was someone else in her heart: Mariano. She never did admit that it was Mariano, but Marcelo is convinced of it.

AnaLet hurls some trash talk and AnaLu, who responds by calling her a killer. AnaLet tries to hit her, but AnaLu blocks the slap. Ana Laura asks if it's true that AnaLet hired someone to cause Marcelo's accident and death. AnaLet accuses Ana Laura of making that up and scolds AnaLu for believing it (or possibly the other way around), but AnaLu says she heard it from Marcelo. "I don't know who you are, Ana Leticia," Ana Laura says sadly.

Mariano can't believe that AnaLet sees him that way, but Marcelo says she's sick. Mariano thinks Marcelo is the sick one, and he doesn't approve of his relationship with AnaLu. "I'm not asking for your approval, much less your permission," Marcelo replies.

At the same time, Ana Laura is reminding AnaLet that she's asked her many times to go to a psychiatrist because she needs help. This doesn't really improve AnaLet's mood. (AnaLu looks back and forth between them, bemused by their odd dynamic.) Ana Laura wants them to calm down and have a nice talk, but AnaLet says she can do just fine without either of them and flounces out of the room. Laura and Lucia comfort one another.

AnaLet makes a big point of letting Marcelo and Mariano know that she's generously allowing her sisters some time to get acquainted, and she's giving up the fight for Marcelo even though it pains her very much to do so.

This convinces Mariano that Marcelo was all wrong about AnaLet. Marcelo angrily follows her down a long hallway and calls her a hypocrite. Since when does she step aside so graciously? AnaLet is angry with him for telling AnaLu that AnaLet tried to have him whacked. She says she'd rather see him dead than in AnaLu's arms. He calls her a snake and asks why she didn't say that in front of Tio Mariano. AnaLet promises that she'll destroy AnaLu's love for him, break it into pieces and be a queen in front of her family.

Javier is packing some things in his room when Inaki shows up for a visit. (He says his "business trip" was called off again.) Inaki tries to make small talk, but Javier is very abrupt with him. Finally, Inaki says he needed to talk to his brother. Javi mentions their mother's married name. Inaki plays dumb, but Javier knows who she is. He's crying over her now, and Inaki keeps telling his brother that she doesn't deserve his tears.

At a nice restaurant, Ghoulieta is telling Viridiana all about the two boys she left behind. Supposedly, she used to look at their drawings and imagine what her boys would look like now, etc. and telling herself they were better off without her. Viri calls her out on this: Ghoulieta was telling herself that she was better off without them. Ghoul says no, she was the worst mother in the world. She didn't know how to raise Daniel, and he turned out to be a spoiled brat. If she'd abandoned him too, he might still be alive today!

Viri isn't impressed with Ghoulieta's self-flagellation and tells her not to make a victim of herself. She should face the truth. Ghoul is like, why bother, she's already lost everything. Viri says they might not welcome you with open arms right away, but you can work hard to earn their forgiveness. No promises; it might not work out. But if she doesn't try, she'll never find peace.

Javier shows Inaki their mother's diary, in which she wrote something for each of them every day. (Every day? Those daily statements must have been very brief to fit 20 years' worth in such a slim volume.) Inaki doesn't believe it. Javi says her nickname for him was "little big boy." Inaki doesn't want to hear any of this. She ABANDONED them because they were the sons of a CLOWN and she loved Daniel because he wasn't. But guess what? It says in the diary that Daniel was Tadeo's son too!

Inaki snatches the diary from Javi and tries to tear it up. They scuffle briefly, both crying, and Inaki falls to the floor, landing on his injured shoulder. Javi wants to see their mother, but Inaki doesn't know where she is and doesn't want to know. He staggers out of there, and Javi doesn't notice his brother's physical pain.

Rodrigo considers texting his mystery woman, but now that he knows she's Ernestina, he doesn't think it's worth it. Meanwhile, Ernestina is trying to reach Ratmundo, who is now in a place where the only allowed phone is a Samsung Galaxy 7. She wants to change her will, but she can't do it without him. And she can't reach Ramiro, either. Leonor suggests calling Rodrigo instead, but Ern doesn't want to give him the wrong idea.

Flashback: Young Ernestina meets with young Rodrigo on the sly. "We can't keep meeting this way," he says, but she's afraid of her father's disapproval. He asks her to run away with him. "I can't keep this immense love to myself," he says.''

In the present, Ernestina gets a text: "I can't keep this immense love to myself." But she doesn't get to do more than sniffle sentimentally, because Valeria has come for a visit.

It turns out that the anesthetic they gave Ramiro is only good for three hours, and the feeling is beginning to return to his feet. No problem! Valentin is ready with a booster shot. (Amusingly, Ram says, "No, it's not necessary." LOL, Ram, none of this nonsense is necessary!) "I swear you'll be sorry," Ram vows. But Tin hints that if he gives Ram enough of the anesthetic, Ram could be in a wheelchair forever.

Upon seeing Valeria, Ernestina begins reading her the riot act for stealing from the foundation. Finally Valeria gets a chance to say that she's been proven innocent; haven't they spoken to Ramiro yet? So it ends up being Valeria who tells them about Ratmundo stealing the funds and shooting himself.

Now Ernestina is feeling pretty badly for poor Ramiro, who's been mourning his father all alone. She apologizes to Valeria for all that's happened to her and wants to make it up to her. All Valeria wants is to be reinstated at the foundation.

No one has asked Valeria the reason for her visit. She's actually here to talk about Soledad.

Mariano wants AnaLu to stay at his house, but she says she won't unless Soledad is let out of jail. Mariano says he wasn't able to agree with her. So, AnaLu's going back to the rooming house. "And I'm going with Ana Lucia," Ana Laura announces. They'll never be separated again.

Tin gloats to Ramiro that although Ana Laura has moved in with her uncle, she'll soon be moving out now that she knows what a rotten guy he is, and because everybody lies to her, including Ramiro. And she still doesn't know yet about the time Marcelo and Mariano pointed a gun at Gina and made her write a suicide note to Ramiro. Tin was in Gina's apartment and saw the whole thing. After Ramiro canceled their wedding, Gina came back to Valentin and said she was sorry for everything. Everything was perfect. Tin takes credit for forcing this situation on her, with no one to turn to except Valentin.

After she finished writing the letter that M&M had dictated to her, Mariano asked Marcelo for a moment alone with Gina. Mariano introduced Mr. Martinez and had him get the suitcase of money from under the bed.

Flashback: When it was finally just Gina and Ramirez, she asked Ramirez to wait outside her bedroom until it was time to go to the airport. She let Tin out of the closet, and he grabbed her by the neck and confronted her about her affair with Mariano. She claimed that she was just trying to get him a raise at work! Supposedly all she had to do was spend one night with Mariano, and he'd give Tin a raise. "You sold yourself for me?" Tin asks, and that's the story she tries to stick to, but Tin knows that it was more than a night - they'd already been together for years. Mariano threatened her, Gina says. And then she says he threatened Tin too. In fact, he caused Tin's accident, and threatened that if she told Tin, he'd kill her too. Gina starts kissing Tin and suggests that they take the money and run away together.

In the present, Tin admits that Gina fooled him again, but then along came Ana Let and opened his eyes.

Flashback: We've seen this before - AnaLet screaming at Gina, throwing Gina's clothes and jewelry around, and calling her a prostitute. And then the business with the pills.

In the present, Tin says no, Ana Leticia didn't kill Gina. Tin didn't let her.

Flashback: As AnaLet tries to shove the pills into Gina's piehole, Valentin stands up and bonks AnaLet on the head!

He stands up in the present too, and walks over to the bed to sit next to Ramiro. Tin nonchalantly crosses his legs.


T think they said the final will be next Monday.
Assuming that we're being pre-empted only on Wednesday (for the debate), that brings our grand total to 121.

Thanks, Julie, for posting the recap so quickly. I missed the part where AnaLaura said she will move to the pension with AnaLu. I would like to see that. I was hoping for a bigger confrontation between AnaLu and AnaLet.

I'm sure AnaLet's little act of being the victim will cause a problem for Marcelo and AnaLu. She will most likely say she can't be with him because Analet still loves him. And, of course Mariano will believe her. Once again, Maiano will not believe AnaLet is in love with him.

When are Mariano and Marcelo going to realize Ramiro is missing? And do we know yet why he is being held captive-other than Val wants to see him suffer?

Good job, Julie . Thanks again!

Thank You Julie, you R O C K !

Dead Turd Walking......


Julie: Ratmundo and his Samsung Galaxy Note 7 ? Hilarious. Only place they are not banned...Clever Girl


Julie, thank you so much. I'll have to say you got this recap up with lightening speed.

Oh how I HATE Tin-Tin. I knew it, I KNEW it that he was faking his paralysis. And since he was the only person there after last week's flash backs, I was pretty sure he was the one who murdered Gina. And he's blaming everyone else for Gina's demise when it was all his doing!

As for Ana Lu, loved seeing her stand up to Ana MeMe and also watching Ana Llora tag team with her. I think that's so cool, they are going to stay at the Pension together.

I just want to know when anyone is going to realize that Ramiro is missing? Maybe Marcelo will have a 6th sense about it?

Gata in this context can't be translated as 'kitten'.
She was trying to humulliate her. Gata is more like a stray cat, a peasant, a nobody, a servant, white trash, redneck, all in one.

>>She will most likely say she can't be with him because Analet still loves him.

I think it's safe to say that, after tonight's display, AnaLu is NOT a fan of AnaLet, and will no longer sacrifice her own happiness for her murderess of a (long-lost) sister.

Thank you Julie, awesome and wonderful recap!!
Cant believe the time has come for the finale.

Tin boasted that he was very very patient during his scheming with psycho Analet. When I heard him say that, I started believing he was faking it. When he was sitting on floor I wondered if he pulled himself up with the strength of his arms, but apparently not.

Weird guy he acted and really blamed everyone else for Gina's death.

Miguel when I hear "gata" I have a visual of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." Yes, it certainly is a derogatory term that would describe a feline in heat or loose woman without morals. Every tn has one or more, but in this case it is NOT Ana Lu. Hmmm, I guess some of us ladies would definitely feel frisky being near Marcello.

I sure hope AnaLaura remembers and figures out that Valetin was AnaLet's partner in crime when AnaLet pretended to be AnaLucia. I can see him act shocked and incredulous if ALaura confronts him. He is master class liar, evil manipulator. I hate the character, but I can't picture another actor playing the role so convincingly. Those evil eyes and obnoxious sarcasam are played to the hilt.

This was good episode, but please someone, Leonar, you know the hideaway, please tell someone, when finally someone becomes seriously worried about missing Ramiro. Pobrecito!


WOW! Great recap Julie.

Add me to the bunch saying enough is enough and someone realize Ram is missing. And congrats to those who predicted our resident nutjob was faking his injuries. And that it was he who killed GIna. All those flashbacks through this left us with that one hanging issue and it was pretty obvious that the killer was never in those scenes. Now we know why.

But it did get to the point last night where the maniacal kidnapper and his prey was wearing thin considering all the other plot points I would like to see. Wrap this up.

The scene with Inaki and Javier was heartbreaking, and very well done by the actors. I can see the revelation on Daniel and his brother's anger, the one person he adores, will make Inaki move to the light and maybe move to hero status? Of course, that means his demise I'm sure at this point, but I prefer a good deed from him at the end than pulled into one more AnaLet ruse.

Voice of Reason Viri and Ghoul scenes were nothing more than a set up to have Mumsy and Javier make up at the end. Sorry, this retcon of Ghoul still grates with me.

WHY oh WHY do people NOT tell Mariano the venom and antics of AnaLet? Llora should have marched in that room and told Mariano exactly what she did with the fake out of AnaLu and what happened in that room. ( I would hold out hope for it tomorrow, but I know better).


Thank you Julie.


So it bothers Inaki to have murdered his brother but not half brother.

As a bad guy Valentin is the best. Bravo

Julie, amazing...

“Ernestina is trying to reach Ratmundo, who is now in a place where the only allowed phone is a Samsung Galaxy 7”. Inspired Julie.

I also enjoyed "she doesn't get to do more than sniffle sentimentally" and your many well stated observations including "AnaLu looks back and forth between them, bemused by their odd dynamic".

"They scuffle briefly, both crying, and Inaki falls to the floo"r. This was very hard to watch. Inaki’s tears showed me he does have a soul and that his heart is breaking. He is reeling from the pain and from the realization Daniel was Tadeo’s child as well. tofie, I do think Daniel's killing weighed heavily on Inaki's mind. I think revelation pushed him over the top. Never could Julieta imagine the angst and utter destruction her abandonment brought to her family. I have sat down at Inaki’s table again and will be there til the end.

“There was someone else in her heart: Mariano. She never did admit that it was Mariano, but Marcelo is convinced of it”. Repugnant though utterly true. While it seems absurd Mariano has never noticed Ana Let’s mauling, obsessive behavior, I am hoping Marcelo’s words (combined with Viri’s astute musings) might sink in.

“Viri isn't impressed with Ghoulieta's self-flagellation and tells her not to make a victim of herself”. Well, I am impressed with Viri. I initially discounted her as having little warmth. However, while her exterior may be cool to the touch, her heart is fiery with kindness. Her honesty is wrapped in caring and concern.

Congratulations to everyone who noted they thought Valentin could walk. I, once again, was wrong...

I had to leave the room when Val injected Ramiro. Again. His end cannot come fast enough for me.

Come on Marcelo. Use that beautiful brain of yours and search for your friend. Of course Mariano is stewing about his problems and he doesn't seem to be concerned Ramiro never showed. I'm surprised Rodrigo hasn't gone looking for him. May be this might bring he and Ernie together.

I hope Ana Laura feels deep regret for turning her back on Ramiro. He is clearly too good for her.

Julie, just wonderful. Thank you.


In Mexico NOBODY would describe a loose woman as a gata, but as a zorra, golfa, perdida, ramera.
AnaLet didn't call her gata in relation to Marcelo (she addressed that later), but in reference to AnaLu's modest upbringing.

To finish my Mexican slang lesson if the day, gata is ALWAYS used in reference to someone's (real or perceived) lower socioeconomic status. NEVER meant as loose, slut or similar misogynistic words.

Thank youuuuu Julie lightning Girl.

So does vA N Y B O D Y get Vin Tin Tin's blind rage and bloodthirst for revenge and "Oh poor Me" about being in his wheel chair when it was all fake? Supposedly the driving force for him was his self pity about being crippled. "Ramiro, welcome to my world." makes no sense when he is WALKING across the room. AAAarrrrgggh. His only complaint is his whore dumped him. It happens when the money is gone.

And one more paradox: Why oh why does nobody ever walk in on AnaLetMe the way she walks in on everybody else? And where is the guest room in relation to where Mariano and Marky Mark were chatting? What? Is it a quarter mile away? No TV or music on to mask her tirade. Nobody heard anything? I know it must be a big place, to have a front door the size of a garage door, but AnaLet is pretty loud when she gets on a roll.

Gotta love Viridiana. Girl is no stranger to the truth.



Daisy: Exactly. Any normal girl who is as close to a father/uncle as these supposwedly have been would have hopped over to Uncle Mariano and laid it all out. The average girl could not wait to run her pie hole to Tio and get him on her side and tell him sis had crossed the line this time. AnaLu has to be sitting there trying to remember the airfares to London, New York, LA and Madrid about now.


Miguel: Thanks a bunch. These will surely add some spice to my conversations.

No, on a serious note, thanks, it went right over my head when AnaLet was spewing her venom.

Yep, you people who guessed that Tin can walk - you called it. I couldn't see any reason for it, but I thought he was the only person who could have knocked AnaLet out if Martinez didn't do it. I just figured he managed to do it from his wheelchair somehow.

Someone told me, years ago, or maybe I read it, that it's not nearly as easy to knock people out as they make it look on TV. In telenovelas especially, any blow to the head will do it. If that were true, I'd be knocking myself out all the time on open cabinet doors and stuff.

We still don't know that Tin killed Gina, but it's looking pretty certain now. (If any one else comes into that apartment at this point, it will qualify as a wild party.) He killed her because she cheated on him - and he blames others for screwing up his "relationship" with her. He HAD to kill her because of THEM!

I'll add my praise of Carlos de la Mota for his portrayal of Tin. I never would have guessed that actor could play a bad guy so convincingly.

I didn't enjoy the triplets scene at all. I thought it was predictable, and I wasn't expecting it to be predictable. I thought AnaLet would try more manipulation, try to be sweet. (Which I suppose would also be predictable, but more interesting and we'd see the strain in her face as she proposed that they do each other's hair or go shopping together.) I also thought it was very awkward. I realize that when you're trying to show not just two, but three of the same person it gets complicated, but having them stand so far apart looked really unnatural. Ana Laura and Ana Lu should have been standing side-by-side through that confrontation.

Awesome recap, Julie! Congrats to those who guessed Tin was faking. Urban, I think you might have been the first to float the idea. Nicely done!

Of course, this makes Tin's vengeance make even less sense, especially as it now seems that he's also the killer. It especially makes no sense that it's Ram, and not Mariano, that he has tied to that bed when he knows Ram was duped by Gina and Mariano just like he was. Juaever!

Yeah, not sure why Laura and Lucia didn't tell Mariano at least about Leticia impersonating Lucia, if not about the attempted murder accusation.

Best scene of the night was the one between Inaki and Javier. Learning that Daniel was his full brother really shattered the narrative Inaki had made up in his head to justify his murder.

Ramiro and Maribel, Viri and Lawyer Sam, AnaLu and SantiMarc go on a cruise together. Then a giant meteor hits D.F. FIN


Thank you, Julie. So fast, so thorough, so great!

Some important revelations -- Valentin walks, Daniel was Tadeo's son and it looks like Valentin killed Gina. Viridiana now knows about Julieta's other sons. Then there is the revelation (for the second time!) to Mariano that AnaLeticia's affection for him is not normal! He needs to listen.

Kudos to all who predicted that Valentin was faking his disability. His walk across the room to Ramiro made for a great last-week development. I agree that Carlos de la Mota has been very good in this novela.

I sure appreciated the scene between Inaki and Javier. (Julie - LOL The diary was pretty thin for daily reports over 20 years!)

I am surprised at how the reunion between the triplets and romance between Marcelo and AnaLu are being played. I, too, figured that there would be a "reconciliation" among the triplets with Marcelo working behind the scenes to protect AnaLu. I thought that once AnaLeticia was out of the way through her own evil deeds, our happy couple would reunite. This approach allows AnaLu to show some moxie and AnaLu and AnaLaura to rebound as Marcelo (as opposed to MarcSant) and AnaLu fight to be together.

" that it's not nearly as easy to knock people out as they make it look on TV. In telenovelas especially" And the first play from scrimmage, both teams would be knocked out.

Thanks for the recap!

I always had the hunch that Valentin could walk and that eventually he'd pull a Graciela on us, but at the same time my theory was not based on any obvious clues from Valentin himself. He played the part of a paralyzed man very well. I'm wondering that means that he duped everyone including his sister. I'm wondering who will rescue Ramiro.

I still can't believe that Mariano can't see that AnaLet has inappropriate feelings for him. Or maybe he does see it but still refuses to believe it. Obviously he doesn't trust Marcelo even when Marcelo clearly knows AnaLet better than he does.

When Valeria went to see Ernestina and Ernie was blaming her for everything I just wanted to yell at my TV and tell Ernie to shut up. Edmundo is dead and that's that.

That scene with Iñaki and Javier was heartbreaking. It definitely showed the difference in their personalities. Javier is the forgiving one but at the same time maybe Iñaki is right that Julieta doesn't deserve their forgiveness. Given the hurt that she has caused them, it might never happen. She might just end up all alone when this is all over.

Gracias, Julie!

The best clue I had to Valentin's status was the scene where he was sitting on the floor drunk. I thought he was alone in his hovel and why in blazes would he get on the floor and get three sheets to the wind when he had zero chance of being able to get up. Clawdia was with him sometime that day, but clearly had left. So she may not know that he isn't paralyzed.

He faked being paralyzed to get money out of Mariano after having run through whatever he got out of the sale of his family home. He couldn't risk being outed as a fake until he and Gina would have left DF and didn't trust Gina to keep quiet about it. He may even have been planning to outgrift her down the road. He murdered her because he realized that she would ultimately have dumped him for the next guy with more money. He continued the wheelchair masquerade in order to not become a suspect in her death. Probably began stalking Ana Laura almost the next day.

Mariano is so dense. He has ignored all the obvious evidence of Ana Leticia's inappropriate feelings for him, has heard hints from Samuel, observations from Viridiana, and suspicions from SantMarc and he still won't see what is so obvious to them... and us. It would be great if he overheard her threat to SantMarc in the corridor but I doubt he did.

I was also right about Ramiro's condition. However, I wish Carlos were here to tell us whether repeated injections or overdoses of that stuff could permanently mess him up.

I agree that the scene with Inaki and Javier was fantastic. So Daniel was their full brother after all; both Ghoulieta and Tadeo will be devastated when the truth comes out. I almost wish it wouldn't because of what it will do to Tadeo and Javier; they don't deserve this. It will be a Greek tragedy for Ghoulieta, however.

More later.

The triplets scene told us right away that Ana Laura figured out that Ana Leticia had impersonated Ana Lucia. She won't be able to get away with that again. Once either of the others tells Marcelo or anyone else everyone will be on their guard.

The only place where Ana Leticia will be queen is in the Ninth Circle of Dante's Inferno.

It looks like SantMarc will have to rescue Ramiro, with a little help from Rodrigo and maybe Mariano. They should bring a SWAT team with them.

Wonderful recap Julie!

Valentin's vengeance makes absolutely no sense now. Kudos to those who called it that he was faking. Him faking makes for good tv but no sense. If he wanted vengeance against anyone it would be Mariano. Ram is just another victim of Gina's. One plot point I'm missing is how Ev came to be tied up in that apartment. Then, Marcelo murders the guy he thinks stole the money and murdered Gina. But why was Ev tied up? Oh well.

I liked AnaLucia's chutzpah with AnaLet in those scenes. She wasn't going to put up with any of it.

The Javi/Inaki scene was great. I don't like that they are setting up Ghoulieta's redemption. (Equally pissed that Val went to Ernie on Sole's behalf). It will be interesting to see where Inaki goes from here, to help AnaLet murder AnaLucia during her show?

Vin Tin Tin's anger makes less than NO sense.

A. He is not crippled
B. He is the one who killed his precious Ho. (We believe)
C. She took off on him. That's what they do
D. If his Ho didn't take off on him, send Ramiro and Mariano both invoices.

Quit drinking.

Ghoul, Tadeo, Inaki and Java are invisible to me. Just because the main bitch brings in some help with her undercover work, I do not want to know his Mom, Dad, backstory and to see his resume'. I don't care.

Happy Tuesday


Just an fyi, my dvr shows that the show is moving to 8pm on Wednesday because of the debate coverage. If you record the show make sure it is properly programmed.

I don't think Ghoulieta will be redeemed. She will have to live without her beloved luxuries and she has yet to learn that one of her sons killed another. Although she hasn't done anything to merit prison she will live in a personal hell for at least a while.

Carvivlie, thanks for that. I have to watch online but at least we have an episode tomorrow!

Julie What a quick & fun recap of an awesome epi! My faves:

Leticia continues to stand there like a department store mannequin

Will now be on equal footing (I love this pun!)

Ratmundo, who is now in a place where the only allowed phone is a Samsung Galaxy 7.

she finished writing the letter that M&M had dictated to her

I assume you mean Ramirez to be Martinez. It's ok, I feel you amiga, there's way too many "M" names in this TN as it is :P

I wasn't shocked by Tin's reveal, and it's kudos to many of you who discussed its possibility! Great foresight, you guys --although it completely confuses everything we know so far! Arggh, why you awful writers! lol. Before the show started, I even told my fam that I sensed a disappointing twist was coming, but I wasn't sure what. Then I suspected when he said the dossier was missing details. Still, something inside me prayed the writers wouldn't be this tacky. Sadly, they were. This makes the TN look very cartoonish. When he said that he planned to force Gina to run to him (which is why he told Tio about her past), I could see that he probably still loved her at that point. But then he said when she abandoned him at the hospital, he planned to kill her from that day, so I wondered: Did he actually hate her and feign his love to throw everyone (including us, viewers) off? And if so, why was he almost "conned" by her before AnaLet supposedly opened his eyes. It's too convoluted & forcefully pieced together, all for the purpose of creating a sensational twist at the end. I'm really let down. Part of me wanted it b/c then Ana Laura would see him for the con he is, but the other part of me wished he was paralyzed, b/c that was his karma for mistreating his mother. The other thing bugging me is that in the avances, we see Marcelo in a suit with his firearm aimed at Tin. I was hoping Tin would kidnap Ana Laura so she could see for herself what a psycho she'd trusted all along. We'll see tonight, I guess.

That's so funny, me & my mom were discussing "gata" the other day. Depending on the context or country, it can be translated as sleaze or trash. However, in mexican slang, Gata is best translated as "low-life". Someone from a lower class (usually a maid or manual laborer) are often targeted with this derogatory term. It's meant to be used in the same way we use "bitch" aka female dog, here in the states. It attempts to reduce a person to animal status, especially those we often see on the streets. Which is why rata, gata, perro, burro, marrano, loba, cucaracha, zorra, etc. are typically used as derogatory slang.

Anon 8 38, what is D.F? ("Then a giant meteor hits D.F. FIN")

DF = Distrito Federal

Thank you, Julie, for that detailed recap of all those secrets being revealed.

so...Creepy Mccreeperson has been faking it all this time. I don't think this crazy guy is going to survive. Or ...Maybe he will somehow actually end up in a wheelchair for reals. That would be poetic justice.

I feel bad for Javier. poor guy deserves some happiness. I love INaki , but he seems to be doomed at this point...the whole CAin\Abel thing.

I was thinking about the fashion crimes discussion while looking at ERnie in that massive poncho with the huge necklace. Yikes.

When I hear the word gata , all I can think of is the telenovela of the same name and people living in the dump. Now, that was a depressing novela.

I don't remember seeing any avances for tonight's episode last night. I'm hoping Mariano's brain cells click in and he starts to wonder about Ramiro and why he hasn't arrived yet.

I hope Tadeo and Nerina get together. She is going to need someone once Val gets his anvil. And Tadeo is going to need all of the support he can get when it comes out that Inaki murdered two people, one of them being the son he never knew about. So Ghoulieta was cheating on Tadeo before she left him. Otherwise her last husband would never have believed the kid she was carrying was his. I mean it is not like she was in his social circle so she had to have sought him out, started a relationship, got pregnant, and left Tadeo. She used Daniel to ensnare him because it seems obvious he never loved her and only married her because of the kid.

The good people keep getting the anvils and the bad people (Ghoulieta and Sole) are being reprieved. Just not right.

Do these people not talk like ordinary people?
Mariano to Marc: "Yeah the girls are getting to know each other after all this time. BTW I wonder where your buddy Ramiro is, he was heading straight over here an hour ago. It's not like him to be late."


Thanks, Anonymous 8:38 for asking the meaning of D.F. I have been wondering that since LQLVMR. Alejandro had just inherited the Almonte fortune but didn't want it. His friend, (Alejandro Avilla) was sent to talk to him and told Alejandro he had lost his job in the D.F.
Julie said it means Distrito Federal. Being an uninformed Ohio farm girl, I still don't know what the Distrito Federal is. I could use some additional help.

Susanlynn, I like your idea that Tin Tin would end up in a wheelchair for real!

The maddening thing about Ghoulietta is that if Daniel were alive, she still would not give Inak or Java the sweat off her feet, if Daniel was still talking to her. It is like I&J are the kids of last resort.

I wonder how long this fast friendship with Viri is going to last. They are not exactly cut from the same cloth, and we are already seeing evidence of their vastly different views on life and kids and friends. I don't see where Ghoul has earned the friendship of a gal the calibre of Viri.


The Federal District is the official seat of government of Mexico. Analogous to our Washington DC.


Agree toa. I'll never forget the awful awful things she said to Inaki at the hospital. I also don't see how Sole won Viri over either. Or how Sole has won anyone over.

I used to think it was a subsection of Mexico City. Like the D.F. was in the center of the city or some place smaller than the whole of Mexico City. But in modern times as I understand it all of Ciudad de Mexico is actually D.F. This is quite large, as Mexico City is I believe, the second largest Metro area in the world.


Yup, Carvivlie Ghoul had a change of heart like the bad guys do when the good guy finally wrestles the gun away from them. "Oh, buddy...I would have never actually shot you when I had that gun which you NOW have pressed against your temple. Naw... I actually like you, I was just kidding around, now give it back, OK?"

Virginia- You will never hear anyone in a tn say there are in/going to Mexico City. They always refer to it simply as Mexico or D.F. Just as folks never hardly refer to Washington, D.C. by its full name, but either say Washington or D.C.

I've been thinking since I commented and I'm wondering how Tin got so much information on Mariano's family. But as I am typing this I just realized how at least Tin got close to ALau. Since he's masquerading as a handicapped person obviously somehow he knew that ALau was handicapped. I don't remember but I'm assuming he did not know (or pretended not to know) about Mariano's family before he formally met ALau. He knows he is just as dangerous if not more so than ALet but he also knows that just like ALet he can play the victim. I think Gina ultimately made the mistake of trying to get back with him. So then does that mean that he was the one that made that mysterious phone call that lead them all to that hotel where the murder scene was reenacted? Hopefully these last few episodes will shed more light on Tin's motives.

Thank you very much Julie! Yet another one of yours lighning fast detailed and entertaining recaps!

Oh man, wasn't that an interesting development that Tin can walk. Explains a lot, like him able to take care of himself. Suppose he didn't even need Clawdia that one time she had to assist with housekeeping. She may indeed not even know he is not paralyzed, though they are so close in their scheming.

I wonder how much longer until someone realizes Ramiro is missing and I am really looking forward to the look on petulant Llora's face when she realizes the novio she broke up with is kidnapped by her can't-do-anything-wrong Tin and had a personal tragedy happen while she refused to let him squeeze in a word edgewise.

Mariano will have to start putting two and two together now that Marcelo gave him the key. I am sure he will be disgusted, as we have been for over 100 episodes.

Getting so close to the end, events are really moving!!

tao and Vivi in DC Thank you so much for clarifying D.F. for me. I had no idea. It makes perfect sense now.

Valentin would fake being paralyzed because he's a con man. His wheelchair disarms any suspicion the innocent characters like Ana Laura of him ingratiating himself into their lives. The wheelchair makes the more streetwise characters like Marcelo & Evaristo not take him seriously as a physical threat.

The wheelchair also gets more sympathy. Nerina is more likely to open her heart to a disabled Valentin than if he were abled. Would Claudia have given him any money if she knew he was able bodied?

The only character that has seen through Valentin is Ramiro.

But all cons have a end in mind and the end game is to marry Ana Laura, kill Mariano, kill Ana Laura and walk away with Ana Laura's fortune. So Ramiro has to be taken out of the equation---Valentin doesn't hate Ramiro because of Gina, he hates Ramiro because he's in the way.

As to why Valentin (probably) killed Gina, it's because the conman (Valentin) discovered he had gotten conned (Gina). I think it's as simple as that.


Anon207, every line and thought you expressed is TOTALLY 100%! You explained and put into words the entire nutshell. Especially agree that Ramiro didn't know until now that Tin had murdered Gina, he knew he was a con and very sinister. Yes, he was mad as hell that Gina conned him. Excellent presentation of how it came down.


That's this whole TN in a nutshell...a long con by oh so many different people.

Gina's biggest issue was being greedy and flipping too soon among her targets. She didn't learn from gramps very well to play the cons and live long. Still think the writers missed a beat not keeping Ev around to the finale.

So AnaLu and Llora head to the rooming house. To be honest, Llora would be better off (she can pour her own juice at the table with everyone else), and AnaLu would never fit in that mansion lifestyle. Leave that mausoleum to Abue, her heau and her sister. I think Tin is counting on Llora at her uncles house, not in a home with a myriad of people. They could string him up by the ropes.

Thanks Julie for the quick recap.

While most of Viewerville has been rightly discussing Val's ability to walk (which for no reason I always thought he could), I am trying to wrap my head around only 4 episodes to go and no indication that Marcelo intends to get the tumor removed. His personality disconnect between Marcelo/Santiago seems to have almost resolved itself with Marcelo absorbing Santiago but falling in love with Ana Lucia (Santi's lover). So we cannot blame the tumor for the personality disorder because the tumor is presumably still there and the disconnect seems to have disappeared. In the next 4 episodes Marcelo is left with 3 possibilities:(a) the brain scan was wrong and there is no tumor, (b) a miracle has happened and the tumor has disappeared or is not life threatening, or (c) he has to have the surgery. I'm opting for (c) and near a deathbed scene where AnaLucia and Remedios suffer though the ordeal waiting for Marcelo to emerge as a new man.

So in Valentin's case it is just greed too? Huh..maybe. Makes as much sense as anything else. His other reasons have fallen through. Greed running rampant in this TN.

All this money hunger almost makes AnaLet's carnal cravings for Tio sweet.

AnaLetMeGetaSmokeandCatchMyBreath: "Oh Tiiiooo, I luuuurve you more now than I ever thought I could."

"Sobrina...where'd ya put the Lysol spray?"


Thanks, Julie, for the great recap. Just saw the episode. Not surprising what Valentín has been hiding. Loved Ana Laura standing up to Ana Leticia. Not much time for the anvils to come crashing down. Can't wait!

Thanks, Julie. Terrific job. Meanwhile, Ernestina is trying to reach Ratmundo, who is now in a place where the only allowed phone is a Samsung Galaxy 7. - ha!

Julieta certainly doesn’t deserve a third shot at motherhood, but Javier will need her after Iñaki leaves him to go wherever he’s going. I’d rather see Javier get a reformed mother than continue wasting his time crushing over phony Maribel. Julieta has one or two good qualities. She tried to warn Iñaki away from Ana Leticia. They haven’t shown us how Julieta became such a close friend to Viridiana, but I’m guessing they met when Julieta visited Viri’s shop and maybe sent over other women in her social circle to her grow her business.

So does this mean TinTin's been faking the alcoholism too? Has he not had sex since the accident just to fake out everyone? Somebody come rescue Ram because this guy is nuts and I don't think Facundo can control him.

Toa, I don't think it was just greed with Valentin. There was some serious spite. He regarded Gina as a possession and it was one thing knowing she was sleeping with Ramiro because there'd be money. (supposedly.) But when he found out she'd been sleeping with the detested Mariano behind his back too, that was the last straw. And I guess he also believed Gina when she said that Mariano tried to kill him? Regardless, he's been burning with spite all this time, too.

Now, I don't quite understand what he's trying to do with Ramiro. I know Ram is in his way if he wants to be with Ana Laura, but in that case, why not just kill him? What's the point of this temporary paralysis? Or is he one of those bad guys who likes to roll out some complicated torture and then gloat for a while before knocking his victim off?

I'm accustomed to having a really bad hateful villian, but here we have so many it is spreading my hate awfully thin, I just have a finite amount. :-)

It was uncomfortable, but that's not the right way to say it, when Ram and his captor ValMustDie when they were comparing notes, almost, last night.

I hope from now on Ram will be a tad more watchful.. He has had this happen twice now and he goes bopping along like he does not have an enemy in the world.


Great take on a crazy twist, Anon207! But a few things I'm still scratching my head about. His con makes sense for getting back at Gina by killing her. But after having his eyes opened & realizing that she's a good-for-nothing liar, why did he need to get revenge on Tio? He said himself that he was "almost" conned again by her but realized she lied. I mean, Gina was the one who cheated on him & he simply killed her. Why does he make this long drawn out con for someone who didnt con him. She got off pretty easy. Shouldnt he have let Gina live & con her instead? And saved the killing for Mariano once he offered him the check? He even had a gun to him, so it's clear he wasnt planning on a con for Tio. If Marcelo hadnt intervened, Mariano would be dead. So as soon as Marc "died", after Tin had paid Ev to do it, why didnt he finish where he left off with Mariano? Did Ev convince him to do the patient con? Did he start as a recruit into Ev's decades-old plot, then evolve into his own scheme? Seems too drawn out considering the one who actually conned him was killed off so willy-nilly. But I'm not one to try & make sense of a psychopath, although it is fun :P

Julie, thank you profoundly for your well written and very entertaining recap. I apologize, I just reread my comment to Anon207 and noticed I didnt give my thanks and appreciation to you.

Ok Anna, just when I thought I had everything all perfectly straight in my mind, now you got me scratching my head too. Lol! I also wonder if Tin
took suitcase of Ginas money, or if that man"Martinez???" really took it. You also mention Tin paid Ev to kill Marcello. So did Ev have a contract from both Tin AND AnaLet to kill Marc.
Almost time to watch tonights epi, maybe we have some more revelations. They should have 3 Veces Ana as a board game like monopoly.


Claudia es amante de Mariano y asi sabe tanto de la familia. Claudia es hermana de Valentin.

So true about Ram, just beebopping along and this is second time already. Unless TinMustDie is going to definitely kill Ram, why would he confess his deeds to Ram???

Or Claudia does not know about the paralysis or Claudia didnt clean the house. Remmber that at the flashback Claudia only holds a photo. She not appears cleaning. And last weak they threaten each other if any of the two betray first the other will speak

Valentin killed Gina. Remember, he told Ramiro he didnt let Ana Leticia kill Gina because that was the pleasure that he was waiting all this time patiently.

Leticia I think Vin Tin Tin has obsessed over Ramiro for so long he wants to savor it for a while rather than just Whack him and dump the body. VinDoneForkedUuup is so crazy with jealousy and bottled up rage that he may be his own undoing. He has told Ramiro so much already that he must kill him now, and he hasn't. He is going to hang with his Mom down at the Cukoo's Nest. (hostel as they call it)


The Ramiro obsession only makes sense if he believed Gina cheated on him with Ram. But if he overheard that it was Mariano, then there shouldn't be any jealousy. She chose to be with Ramiro long after they broke up. The envy angle works if we're talking about Mariano. Tbh, part of me has given up wanting to understand, bc I truly believe the writers dropped the ball on this twist. If you need multiple flashbacks to explain something, you're going to lose your audience. They needed to tie so many people to one villain that they created a plotline too convoluted & unrealistic for us to buy outright.

And yes, Ev got paid twice for a botched murder. That's why Ana Let & Tin each chastised Ev when it was discovered that Marc was very much alive. Alright, gonna post a discussion page & get some shut eye for tomorrow's recap. Night guys :)

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