Saturday, November 19, 2016

Vino el Amor 11/18/16 Chapter 16: They kissed and then it was Gone With the Wind

(Some scenes have been combined.)
David and Luciana have begun their mating dance. They have been talking about their shared love of the land and their mutual admiration for Marcos. He always talked about David and that made Luci really want to see him again. In fact, she kept the receipt for the gift they gave him on his birthday, the day they were deported, but obviously it didn’t mean much to him. She saw him put aside inside a box. David replies that the gesture did not mean it didn’t mean anything to him.
He places his hands on her arms and gets close saying that she changed him, changed his whole way of being, of thinking, of feeling. Being so young, Luci says, is he serious, all while keeping her eyes on him. He replies that he doesn’t understand what exactly is happening, but yes, it’s true. She asks for two hours of his time, so she can show him something. They plan to meet by the pergola later on.

But first, David says, there’s something he has to do. He starts throwing open the drapes on the window behind him. Laughing, they go around to all the windows downstairs while she watches him opening one after another. [Ay, dios mío, what a view, and I’m not talking about the view outside the window. I think Luci was also appreciating the silhouette of the mighty fine man going for the drapes.]  Someone else is watching. It's Sonia on the veranda above the living room. She probably thinks he’s lost his marbles. David turns to Luci and tells her this is what she’s done to him.
Susan is busy taking inventory in the lab and accepts Tano’s assistance with a flirty, shy smile. [He seems to be acting more mature these days—it was probably because he had a chance to hold her yesterday.] He wonders out loud to her whether they’ll be able to continue seeing each other if the vineyard is sold. For her part, she says yes, that is if he wants to. Tano does.
Luci tells David it’s a shame he’s come to this new realization just as he is going to have to sell the vineyard. David wants to know what she will do. He wants her to come with him—she and her family, of course—to help him start over. Sonia watches and hears their conversation, not liking the direction it is going. Luci will talk to her family. She’s grinning from pretty ear to pretty ear. David asks her to do it soon as he will have to speak to all the workers very soon, too. He looks after her longingly as she leaves. Immediately David goes to a box on the coffee table and pulls out the 12-year-old gift and immediately swaps her belt buckle for the one he had on. Sonia is still watching, puzzled by his actions.
Phone rings in the kitchen—it’s Marta’s cell phone. Gutierrez is on the line asking her out on Sunday. Sonia seems to be everywhere she isn’t needed. Now she’s in the kitchen overhearing Marta’s acceptance speech in English. Sonia's excuse for being there is she’s looking for Miss Lilian. Marta lets her know she doesn’t like how Carito and Perla are verbally abusing her daughter. As the supervisor over all the employees, Sonia hasn’t done enough to put a stop to it. She also takes the time to mention that she has David’s permission to go out with Gu-Friend on Sunday. [Ah, Marta, your preference is showing. Didn’t you earlier agree to go out with Ramón on Sunday?] Sonia tries to put 2 and 2 together, but she only gets 3 ½.
Kewpie Boy León comes running up to Luciana, who is right then out in those windy vineyards. He wants to explain about asking Carito out and her accepting right away. He knows Luci and Carito have problems between them, so he won’t if it will bother Luci. Luci hits him with a ton of grapes telling him that Carito is just playing with him. She really is more interested in Miguel, and this comes right after she and Miguel kissed. Leo doesn’t believe it until Luci says it was Miguel himself that told her about the incident.
Sonia is in the kitchen practicing how best to dramatize the information she has to share with Lilian about Marta when Lil walks in on her. First Sonia tells her about David throwing open all the drapes with Luci there with him and then that Marta was going out with Gutierrez. [Ah, she did put it all together; and which piece of news do you think Lil would be more interested in?]
Juan walks in the living room and sees the sunlight shining in. David tells him he’s ready to sell (and also pretty sure Luci will be staying with him) and asks Juan to call the buyer. Juan tells him he’s doing the right thing. David says he has no other options. Cesar walks in (without knocking, mind you) and notices the sunshine and the open drapes. Wow! What happened? David will explain later. Cesar declares that David can’t sell the vineyard. Juan answers for David and tells Cesar not to meddle in what he knows nothing about. They begin to raise their voices. David sends Juan off to make the call.
Yep, Lil is more bothered by the news that the “slut” is going to go out with Officer Gutierrez. She’s going to make sure Marta can't get away with this. Marta returns to the kitchen in time to hear Lil call her a “slut” and how she can’t know which one of the two is worse—Marta or her daughter. [I guess the news about Luci did bother her, too.]
Cesar tells David he doesn’t think Juan can be trusted. He has no concrete reason, just that Juan is too eager to sell. David responds that Juan has been with him for many years and is a good worker and has kept things together for him. David goes on that it hurts to have to sell now that he’s….  Cesar looks at him, “Now that you’ve…what?”
Lilian spits venom at Marta while Sonia looks on treating the matter with all the seriousness that it isn’t. It irks Lil that Marta is going out with Gutierrez. Lil told her she doesn’t know who it is she’s going out with. Marta retorts that yes, she’s going to go out with him. Maybe she likes him or maybe because she knows Lil likes him. [You go, Girl—keep that starch in your spine.] Lil storms out, with Sonia padding behind like the devoted dog she is, just as Fernanda enters the kitchen. She realizes her grandmother has been directing some heated remarks at Marta and wants Marta to tell her why Lil hates her so much. Marta says she doesn’t know. Caso Cerrado.
David admits to Cesar this change in him is all due to Luciana. There’s no denying it. She’s motivated him. He’s sad, though, because having to sell the vineyard means he won’t see her anymore. Cesar is happy for David; that he’s opened up his heart to love. David says, whoa, that’s going too fast. They are just getting to know each other. He hasn’t spoken to Luci about his feelings yet. He needs more time, to see how things go, how things will go for his children.
Kewpie Boy catches up with Miguel out in the vineyard to ask about Carito and their supposed kiss. He doesn’t think it happened because he was there. Miguel admits to the facts, but he was drunk and really doesn’t remember much. He apologized to her afterwards. It shouldn’t have happened. There’s nothing between them. He tells León to go for it, but be careful. León then asks about him and Luci. Miguel is confused. On the one hand she says she cares for him and they enjoyed each other’s company (and they kissed, too) but she doesn’t seem inclined to take the next step.
Luci finds Miguel and Leo. Leo leaves so the two can talk. Luci lets Miguel down as easily as she can. It isn’t exactly the “it isn’t you, it’s me” speech, but the kernel of truth is there. She tells him she thought about his proposition all night, but she’d rather not risk the solid friendship they have for something that might not work out. Then she would lose a friend. Of course, Miguel has no doubt it would work out. He reminds her of that kiss and that she felt something. Luci says she cares for him a lot, but is confused about her feelings for him. Well, he’s not going to put his heart at risk for someone who doesn’t know what she feels. With that, the lean, tall, stalwart, under-shirted, muscle-bound, Miguel turns on his heels and walks away from Luciana. (Luci knows now that what she feels for David, even never having kissed him, is very different from what she feels for Miguel.)
Ramón runs into Marta on the porch and reminds her of their date on Sunday. Caught short in her own boo-boo, she quickly tells him she has to go to town with the children on Sunday, but promises him all the following Sunday. [Poor Ramón, left high and dry again. He’s a saint to have waited patiently all those years to declare himself to her, only to have Marta put him off.]
Juan has made the call to the Evil Oily Olive Oil Guy about accepting his offer to buy the vineyard. Lilian is in his office listening. Yes, the papers will all be ready. He hangs up and turns to Lil and tells her everything is on GO for tomorrow. He plans to tell David the meeting is for the day after—when David won’t be able to do anything about it and they will be long gone. They begin to celebrate. They are going to be rich. Lil is still worried that Graciela will show up to ruin things and worried about this new David.
Susan and Tano are up on the catwalk near the vats. Susan sees Juan and Lilian and wonders what they are up to. Tano says probably up to no good, but forget about them and come with him to the Latin Quarter for some fun. She says yes.
The new David is rushing to meet Luciana by the pergola. She wants him to join her on a nostalgic trip around the windy vineyard so he can remember what he loved about these lands. He follows her and wherever they stop along the way, they spend as much time looking at each other as they do the vistas of the lands. They end up on a deck, high above the vineyards, where Luci has spread a table with wine, grapes and other edibles. She pours the wine. She thought this would be a good way to say goodbye to his vineyard. [The loud solo accompanying this tryst is annoying me, regardless of the meaningful words.] They taste the wine. David changes his mind. He’s not going to sell. This place is too much a part of him. He’ll get a loan, mortgage the place, whatever it takes and it was Luci that convinced him he cannot sell it. Luci is glowing. Is he sure? His look says he is.
David and Luciana are leaning on the railing side by side looking at the lands stretched out below them. He says thank you to Luci for opening his eyes. He turns toward her and says thank you for opening his heart. Luci says she only wanted to show him that his real love are these lands. He says it’s clear to him now. Luci nervously changes the subject and mentions that she noticed he was wearing the belt buckle. She’s has a broad smile on her face. She guesses it brought him good luck. “No,” says David, “it’s because you are important to me,” and he leans closer to her. Luci knows a kiss is coming from the way he is looking at her. She looks up at him slightly. Their foreheads almost touch and then their lips do. He lingers there, gently, tasting her, continuing their kiss, his hands at her waist. Luci doesn’t swoon, but she’s certainly feeling something she didn’t feel with Miguel’s kiss. A bit weak in the knees, though, she pulls away and looks at him, not knowing what to do or say next. Tongue-tied, standing in front of him, she smiles, but runs away saying she forgot she has something to do. His gaze follows her as she retreats.
Luci stops at the bottom of the flight of garden steps and realizes what just happened. She’s emotionally charged and needs to be by herself to think about how she feels. A little later, she’s brought out of her reverie by Bobby, who notices a change in her, but really just wants to play.
Fernanda comes down from her room to see the sunlight shining through the open drapes. Sonia tells her, her dad did it. Lilian appears from behind Sonia to sour the story by telling Fer she won’t like the reason why he did it, why he’s changed. He did it all for Luciana. Fer reacts angrily. Lil enjoys robbing the joy from her, since she’s been priming Fernanda to hate Luci. Yes, they have been trying for two years to bring him out of his depression and get him to change and he wouldn’t. Then, this muchachita arrives and in no time he changes.
Fer storms off to find Luciana who is still outside by the fountain, talking to Bobby. Fer is furious that Luci has stuck her nose in where it doesn’t belong. Luci tries to tell her she just wants their dad not to be sad anymore. Bobby is ok with that. Fer points out he didn’t change for them, he did it for HER, for Luciana. Fer wants to know what Luci gets out of this. She cuts Luci off before she can say anything. [Sorry, but bitchy-bratty Fernanda is back. Maybe she feels the threat of being displaced in the affections of her father, who knows.] She tells Luci she doesn’t want her near her father or her brother. He protests feebly. She cuts him off and yanks him away and into the house.
David is in his office. He’s reading an e-mail from someone named Gonzalez who has heard of his Reserva wine—a specially aged wine. Gonzalez is willing to pay $30,000 for it and pay him in advance. David can’t believe his eyes. He checks the guy out on the internet and finds he’s legit and has an excellent reputation. David calls the bank to make an adjustment to the loan he had arranged for.
Lilian finds Marta outside and calls her over. She’s gloating that once the vineyard is sold, she’ll make sure Marta is kicked to the curb. Marta doesn’t think David would permit it. Whatever, Lil knows Marta wanted everything that belonged to her—Fernando, her family, Gutierrez. She didn’t get Fernando, she won’t let her have her family and she’s going to regret getting involved with Gutierrez.
David calls a meeting of the vineyard workers inside the winery. He tells them he’s not going to sell the vineyard. Everyone is overjoyed except Perla and Juan. He tells the assembly how the financial arrangements are going to work out for them. David wants Miguel to keep on top of the investigation into the spoiled wine and thanks him for his work. In the fraction of a second that David and Luci have alone, he asks Luci to start using the familiar “tu” with him. While there, David keeps looking at Luci and Luci keeps looking at him and Miguel takes note. Perla is a Debbie Downer as she flounces out. Miguel asks Luci what she did to change his mind. She merely reminded David that everything he loves is right here. That statement is ambiguous enough for Miguel to take it either way—lands or Luci.
Fer asks Marta what Luciana has to do with her father. Marta blows her off. Nothing at all. She’s a bit bold and brash in her manner, but that’s all. [Marta, I don’t blame you for not having a clue, but I can just imagine what you will tell Luci when you do find out there is something and not nothing.] Fer says that’s not what Abuela says. Indignantly, Marta says not to believe her grandmother.
Fer confesses to Marta about the kiss on the cheek she gave Tano the other day. She really likes him. Marta is horrified for all the reasons according to her upbringing. Tano is not at the same social level that all her little friends at school are and wouldn’t be able to provide her with the style and comforts to which she is accustomed. [Marta, Marta, she’s 16 (or so), first love, she’s not going to marry the guy tomorrow. Let her have her crush. Tano can take care of himself—we think.] Her family won’t ever accept him. Her father might send her away and Tano might lose his job over her capriciousness.
David follows Juan into his office after his speech to the workers. Juan is apoplectic because David is reneging on the sale. David doesn’t understand why he isn’t on board with the financial arrangements he’s made to save the vineyard and put it back on its feet. Juan thinks David is an idiot and doesn’t think he wants to stay around. Juan is desperate now. What should he tell the buyer? Simple, says David, there was no contract, nothing was signed. Just tell him there’s no sale. While he rants, David watches Luci through the office glass window. He reassures Juan that everything will be ok. After he leaves, Perla comes in to rant at him, but he forcibly throws her out, just before he throws things off the credenza, the desk and the bookcase.
Inside the employee housing, Luci tells her mother ecstatically how it all went down at the meeting and David wasn’t selling the vineyard. Marta is pleased, but displeased that she’s getting so close to the patrón. Luci doesn’t tell her mother just how close she and the patrón are getting.
The next day, David calls EOOOG and gets an earful. When he hangs up, Luciana barges in. She claims the door was open. She came to see if David needed anything she could help him with. He says they don’t have to start until tomorrow—and he reminds her to tutear him. Bobby comes in and announces he’s ready to go on their trip to town. He asks if Luci can come with them. David asks her and she says yes. She leaves to get her bag and will meet them at the car.
Lilian comes to Juan’s office to take his head off. It’s his fault. He has to do something to make the sale go through. Juan comes right back at her. It is all because of Luciana that David decided not to sell and getting her off the property was Lilian’s job. They both have a lot to lose.
Ramón is sitting at the dining table on Sunday watching Marta come down the stairs. He compliments her on how nice she looks. Then he reminds her of what he said yesterday. She enigmatically says something like we don’t always do what we want to do, sometimes we do what we have to do.
When Fernanda makes it to the car, she finds out Luciana is going with them. She refuses to go if Luci goes. She makes David choose. David looks back at Luci with a, “You know I would choose you, but I just can’t since it’s my bitch-in-training daughter” look on his face.


Thanks, Anita. Such a delight to start Saturday with your recap. Some of my faves:

Sonia seems to be everywhere she isn’t needed.

Luci hits him with a ton of grapes telling him that Carito is just playing with him.

Lil storms out, with Sonia padding behind like the devoted dog she is

The kiss. Glad it finally happened, so Luciana can be certain. For me, he's too old for her, but I know el corazón manda and she is an old soul -- not to mention the smartest person in this TN.

Lillian's got some nerve being upset about Gutierrez. She's been blowing him off for the last 20 years cause he wasn't in her class. Lil probably blew her husband off too for something just as stupid.

Loved Luciana giving it straight to León about Carito using him.

David has ignored Fernanda for the last two years -- prime years in a teenage girl's life. Now that he's finally trying to reconnect with his kids, he's bringing along his almost girlfriend who's close to her age. I get her anger.


Anita, I already read The Kiss half a dozen times and going back for more. Thank You

"Ay, dios mío"

Sonia tries to put 2 and 2 together, but she only gets 3 ½

Perfect, no swoon but plenty of time for that later.

Marta throwing Ramon sometimes you have to do things you don't want has confused me. Is she really clever enough to be playing Gutierrez and Lilian? Her googly-eyes and coquettishness say otherwise.

Juan throws a fit and no one notices?

Hope Luciana is the one that withdraws though Fernanda's bad behavior shouldn't be rewarded. David needs to reengage with his daughter but talk it out another day.


Last night made me extremely happy that I am watching this.

This morning made me extremely happy to be graced with your extraordinary recap Anita.

"She’s grinning from pretty ear to pretty ear", "Ah, Marta, your preference is showing.... Sonia tries to put 2 and 2 together, but she only gets 3 ½" were wonderful.

"[Ay, dios mío, what a view, and I’m not talking about the view outside the window. I think Luci was also appreciating the silhouette of the mighty fine man going for the drapes.]". Yes, Gabe was gorgeous. Huge, appreciative sigh.

"he’s not going to put his heart at risk for someone who doesn’t know what she feels. With that, the lean, tall, stalwart, under-shirted, muscle-bound, Miguel turns on his heels and walks away from Luciana." While saddened that (yet another) good man is coming in second in his beloved's affections, Luci was honest and hopefully, Miguel will take the words to (broken) heart.

The kiss was perfectly enacted as was the description "He lingers there, gently, tasting her, continuing their kiss, his hands at her waist". She clearly demonstrated her inexperience while he (oh so sexily) demonstrated his experience. I am enthused about this couple. Niecie, your "she is an old soul -- not to mention the smartest person in this TN" was astute and spot on.

"She enigmatically says something like we don’t always do what we want to do, sometimes we do what we have to do". tofie, I absolutely took that to mean her date may signify she is definitely doing it to irk Lili. Of course the fact that he is good looking may make her revenge ploy a bit more palatable. I'm sorry though that this is occurring (for whatever reason) at the expense of Ramon's heart.

I'm not a fan of bratty children but I can't be too upset with Fernanda right now. No need to try and capture why, Niecie, you did it flawlessly for me "David has ignored Fernanda for the last two years...Now that he's finally trying to reconnect with his kids, he's bringing along his almost girlfriend who's close to her age. I get her anger".

Anita, beautifully written. Thank you.


"Juan throws a fit and no one notices?"

tofie, I'm so glad you mentioned that.

David's demonstrated a great deal of loyalty to his staff thus far. He and Juan have worked together for years. I was trying to put myself in his place and decide if he thinks perpetually pouty lipped Juan is voicing what he feels is best or if he is just indulging his unprofessional and inappropriate outbursts.

Juan gives great Snidely Whiplash looks. Bright eyed and perceptive, it's too bad he chose to use his gifts for evil.


Great work, Anita. And great zingers!

I dearly hope that Marta finds out about Gutierrez from someone other than Lillian. She needs time to marshall her forces against that vitch. Gutierrez may look hot but his heart is cold.

Luciana will certainly recognize him when the time comes and that needs to be soon.

I'd love to know more about Lillian's parents that she thinks she is so much better than everyone else.

Thanks Anita. I like it.

I had been waiting and waiting and waiting for Davidufus to discover a miraculous way to save the vineyard when a kiss ago it was hopeless, beyond salvation. Puleeeeze.

I was NOT waiting for Mr. 'Just rediscovered my nuts' to spill all the beans to (bad)One concerning how he might save the farm. How much more ammunition could Mr. Mouth give his secret worst enemy? One = Spanglish Juan

OK a man drives what he can afford, even if it came off the assembly line the same day as his daughter. Have fun Aerosol shirt.


Thanks, Anita. So great to see you are recapping. I always love your wit and wisdom.

I was so tired last night after a particularly busy week of verra early mornings and late nights that I went to bed at nine. I am also still trying to recover from a week with the whole family in Disney World! Fun but so much walking and so crowded....and so hot. Today was my sleep late morning. I asked Hubba to record this show, so I will try to find the time to watch it later after getting some chores done and compositions corrected.

Another MayDecember romance. Well.....

Anita- What a surprise and a treat to read one of your wonderful recaps after so long! And you got the first kiss too! I will have to watch this episode now, just to see this hot kiss you so vividly described.

I did see the ending minutes, and Juan's tantrum. I agree, his attitude should be raising all kinds of red flags with David by this point.

Thank you Anita for your detailed recap and the humor you put behind it all. I just love reading the humor or putting humor into some of the drama. Just loved this: "Sonia is in the kitchen practicing how best to dramatize the information she has to share with Lilian about Marta when Lil walks in on her."

I think too as Vivi says, that Juan's behavior should be raising all sorts of red flags. But in telenovelaland, no one ever notices things like that.

Just spent the last few minutes watching Dave throw open ALL the curtains ..#symbolism. The hour before that was spent frantically searching for HUbba's money clip filled with his credit cards, drivers license , and other important stuff. Luckily, I finally found it. What a relief.

Still watching the recording of this episode. LUCI is groping grapes in a mighty wind while Dave looks at her adoringly. Picnic on the patio, peeps. THE KISS ...I am hearing... Hall and Oates ..your kiss, your kiss is on my list...

Now, Dave is in front of his computer...problemo solved with a few clicks...yay technology. Dave LOVES the technology. Technology rocks !

Big announcement to the worker bees...Uhoh...JUan of the pouty lips. Boo and hoo, Juan.

Good one Susan:
And when I see One(Juan) and Lil together I hear Huey Lewis "Stuck With You".

Susanlynn--There's nothing worse than losing something inside your house. It drives me crazy. It's a telenovela rule that you should have found it on top of a desk in plain sight, first bureau drawer you look in or NEVER find it at all. Glad the latter was not the case.

Thank you for all the nice comments and that you enjoyed reading my style of writing.

Vivi--it's been awhile since you read something of mine....but I kept Un Camino going for a few months this year until some very nice people (dy and Delilah included)came through for me.

I'm sure we will get frustrated with the writers and the story lines as we go along, but they speak pretty clearly, less slang and colloquialisms than some other tns. For that I am grateful and am glad to be part of UA's recapping team (as an alternate Friday recapper).

Sorry I didn't have the time or the energy to put in a vocabulary list, but it almost doesn't need it. There's enough English sprinkled in there not to need it, haha.

Cynthia--You are so right about tn people ignoring the obvious. Anyone looking at Juan or Perla during David's employee gathering would have known something was amiss. Whey would they not be expressing their relief and joy that the vineyard was saved.

Speaking of vineyards, I wish some of our old friends from the wine-growing regions of California were with us on this trip. Mainly so they could point out inconsistencies or tell us what the directors and location & prop staff got right. I'd like to know if it's really that windy all the time or were they doing most of their outdoor scenes on a short time frame. Everyone seems to get blown away, especially Luciana's hair, which she constantly has to keep brushing out of her face.

Does anyone know how old Raul Coronado (Miguel) is? When I saw him standing next to David in a close up, those two didn't look like there was a 20-year+ difference between them, nor even 10, judging by the wrinkle lines in their foreheads. I'm certainly not complaining. We ladies have at least 4 individuals to provide eye-candy.

Dear Anita! Thank you SO much! I've been watching this one, lovin' it and lurkin' but had to come out of the shadows to thank you for that hot, lyrical, description of THE KISS! Ah, yes! I really like this show, haven't been able to read every recap but have enjoyed some and they are all spectacular!

My faves? Just go back up and read Diana's comments! :) I knew I liked it before the kiss but I'm really in now and hope to hang out with y'all on this patio.

Raul Coronado is 44, Anita. Thank you for this delicious read and thanks to Urban and dy77! I'll be back for more

Lila..Hi there, amiga !!! I have missed you, and I am happy that we will be watching a telenovela together again. How have you been ?

Anonymous...I saw Huey and The News in concert a few years ago.

Huey's AARP tour in Florida?

I always liked Huey because among other things, he looked like a baseball player rather than some Mutant Ninja Rock Star. :-)

No, a disappointing concert here in the north. I like HUey , but I was a bit let down by his lack of enthusiasm. I have seen so many old rockers who were much better...Fleetwood MAc, JAy and the Americans, LIttle ANthony, BOz SCaggs, The DRifters, THe DUprees, Dion, Three DOg NIght, The THymes, Gary PUckett, Lou CHristy, Al Green, KC, etc.

Raul Coronado is 44? I wouldn't have thought so. I was thinking he was about 30 and his character is meant to be about 27 or 28. What's in the food and water there that makes this possible?

Hey, Susanlynn! So good to "see" you and so many other friends from novelas past! This should be a good one to keep warm with over the winter. Got our first visible snow yesterday. Friday we hit a high of about 72 and Saturday windy and snow-squally with a high around 42! I've been good, life rolling along with some triumphs and tragedies like everybody else!

Ooooh, those concerts you've been to! The sountrack of my youth (and ipod Touch! :) ) I think listening to the songs of one's youth keeps one young in spirit which does a lot for the flesh!

Speaking of young flesh, somehow I don't even think of any age gap when David and Luci are together. I love how he looks at her: there's a passion and hunger but more wonder; wonder at her beauty and that any woman other than Lisa could reawaken in him what he thought was dead and buried with his beloved wife. That mirada is so intense, Luci must have felt it in the kiss so no wonder she had to run away, catch her breath and go WOW!

Agree with y'all about understanding Fernanda. At least David sees now he's got some Daddy duty with Fernanda before he brings Luci more closely into their lives. Can't wait to see how he handles it.

Lila, amiga--so nice to "see" you again, too. I've missed your insightful commentaries for too long.

Not having had a bratty-spoiled daughter problem, I just imagined that was Fernanda's problem. I didn't look for underlying causalities. I stand corrected and won't call her a brat or spoiled again.

However, I based some of my broad-brush strokes of her on her pushy behavior with Tano, earlier and how she spoke to Luciana, without really knowing her, when she first arrived. She seemed to espouse the, "I say what I want and get what I want, others be damned." (And--if you reject me I'll pout and make life difficult for you.) She seems also not to have any relationship (or should she?) with Perla and Carito, who are near her age and work in the house. (Looking at them now, thank goodness.) She's been wholly influenced by Graciela, Lilian and Marta--not a very good balance. Of course, we are not privy to what any of her school friends or teachers are like. They help form your outlook and opinions as much as anyone in the family.

UA--As to something being in the food and water....I attribute it more to: we see what we want to see AND a good make-up department.

One more thing--about the May-December pairing. I agree with Lila and I tried to figure out why I like their relationship and not Juan and Perla--a "couple" with approximately the same age differential.

For one, of course, Juan is a "Don" Juan. He's playing with her, stringing Perla along for his own pleasure, but what makes me feel icky about this is that he watched Perla grow up at the vineyard, go from a small child (we saw her first about 9 or 10) to a young woman. He has a whole frame of reference for her.

As for David (and I love Lila's description of his looking at Luci with such intensity), losing Lisa aside, he remembers Luciana as a small child he hardly noticed around the vineyard. Who comes back into his life? A beautiful young woman who grew up somewhere else out of sight. The fact that she made her presence felt--sometimes annoyingly, then not--opened his eyes. He does not associate her with the little girl who was so suddenly deported. This was someone new.

True--he had some news of her from time to time, but it wasn't quite the same as seeing her in the flesh.

Lila..You could be a romance novelist !!!All you left out was the heaving bosom!

I think Juan is verra handsome despite his sullen poutiness, but I have been Imagineering him clean-shaven and smiling with shoulderlength hair and a sense of humor wearing leather and riding a motorcycle. It must those REnegade reruns that I have been watching. He could be the LAtin REno Raines.

Hey, Anita! Fernanda IS a brat but even a broken clock is wrong twice a day! Don't stop calling her out! :)

Susanlynn! Ooooh, thanks for that hot image of Juan. I think I'd like him better the way you describe! You know what? For some reason, Juan reminds me of Bluto/Brutus (arch villain of the Popeye cartoons) like before he gained weight.

Okay. That's silly, but then, so am I! ;o)

Lila - SO happy you are watching!

Your comments are already adding to the flavor and fun. "Speaking of young flesh, somehow I don't even think of any age gap when David and Luci are together". Nopis, I don't either.

And still smiling at Juan/Bluto. Fantastic!! :)


Lila--you rock! "..even a broken clock is wrong twice a day." You've given us a new way of thinking about our brat.

'I think Juan is verra handsome despite his sullen poutiness, but I have been Imagineering him clean-shaven and smiling with shoulderlength hair and a sense of humor wearing leather and riding a motorcycle.' I agree with the verra handsome part. Clean shaven or bearded, don't need the shoulderlength hair or leather though. LOL

I can not believe Raul Coronado is 44.......and I mean I literally don't believe it but if it is true, life has treated that man VERY well! :)

Anita, I agree with your comparison of those two relationships. It's weird enough with two of the same age growing up together but this is just..... perverse.

Raul Coronado, our "Vino" actor could not be 44. I looked up the name and found another Raul Coronado who is a Professor of Latino studies at UC Berkley and he is 44 years old; he was born in Dallas, TX. I cannot find our Raul Coronado's age at all online. His birthday is May 26, but never give the year. I did find an article in Spanish that does say he is 32 years old.

That makes a lot more sense!

Thank you, Anita! So glad you are recapping this. You really did justice to that kiss!

"The loud solo accompanying this tryst is annoying me, regardless of the meaningful words." Yes, yes, yes. I don't like the singer's voice at all. I wish they'd either skip the singing or get a new singer.

Tofie: "Is she really clever enough to be playing Gutierrez and Lilian? Her googly-eyes and coquettishness say otherwise." Well, I'm hoping that her googly-eyes and coquettishness are part of the cleverness. Otherwise, this is very strange behavior on her part, considering that her husband's ashes are still blowing around the vineyard.

Hi, Cynthia! Thanks for the correction. That's what I get for doing a quickie on Google! I see "Miguel's" brooding mug and just figured it was him.

And, to correct myself on the Brat/Fernanda analogy, I meant to say a broken clock is RIGHT two times a day! Sheesh!


Anita, great recap. Like your snark girl. The "Evil Oily Olive Oil" guy. That's a tongue twistin good time right there. I thought he was a good guy, but how good can he be doin Business under the table with evil juan & nasty nana lil? Her british accent comes in when she speaks english. I hope they are about let us in on the deal behind lil's hubby
And marta, if there is one.

I don't think sue is ready for a grown up real relationship yet. She wants to play, go out clubing, & Thats ok. She better not wait to long, cesar is a good catch. And she might miss it, when shes ready he'll be gone.

There Is two people that may not miss their chance, It'll just be interfeared with. But seriously D Should consentrate on his wine business, he Is getting ripped off by his so-called friend & The loveless granny of his bwitchy daughter And his lovable son. But hey if he can handle Both, more power to him, which he will need. Cause more hell is coming.

Thank you Anita : )
O marta, what are we gonna do with you? I'm
Sure the writers will think of something.Soon

Tofie-"considering his ashes are still blowing around the vineyard", Lol girl thats funny. I do
Not think she felt all that close to him. They
Hadn't even touched each other in over 10+
Years. She has no problems movin on, plus she maybe thinkin hes doin what he loves, huggin the grapes. And she'll be huggin the Gutte-nader. Or killin him when lil lets it slip
accidentally-on purpoes that hes the one who deported him and lucy. How is lil gonna
Manage to keep hetself out of it? We shall C.

Is anybody missing the gorilla in the room with Guiterras and Marta? I didn't pay a lot of attention but I thought he was a fairly nice looking guy, and about 20 years her junior and Marta is a butter face. She is a nice lady 'but her' face would make that clock right twice a day.

Oh, Fernanda. I can cut her some slack for brattiness because her father hasn't been around for her, and she's under the influence of some nasty women. But this thing of "if she's coming with us, then I'm staying home," I think David should refuse to play her game and make it clear that if Fernanda doesn't come with, that is her choice and not his. That is the only way to cure people of issuing ultimatums.

Anon @ 1:07 - Marta's not a traditional beauty, but I think she's cute. Different strokes for different folks. She reminds me of Hayley Mills. Gutierrez seems to like the older ladies, as I believe he's younger than Lillian too.


Julie: Fernanda is just like Aranza (SPOILED BRAT)!


Niecie: Leon deserves to be with someone, who is good-hearted.

Carito is downright EVIL & deserves major anvils!


Yes Niecie, she is probably beautiful on the inside, it just hasn't worked it's way to the surface yet. AND I'm a man, so my perspective is a little different. :-)

Anon: Carito is downright EVIL & I don't see her changing anytime soon.

Leon will be better off with someone else, who cares about him!


Anita! Oh my that was a lovely recap, and how could we expect anything else from you? It's so wonderful to see you back recapping.

Wow that kiss was sublime and you captured it beautifully in all of it's romance. I stated in another recap that I thought Lucia was naive and inexperienced with men. She wasn't sure what she felt but was certain there was supposed to be something that would confirm it. She hadn't felt anything incredible in her kiss with Miguel. Her kiss with David was what she needed to confirm that this is what the first awakenings of love and passion are supposed to feel like. I don't mind the age difference either, because to me Luci is wise beyond her years and an old soul. GS and IB are beautiful together and I love, love, love this TN.

Anita, how good it is to read one of your masterful recaps again. You have a way with words that gives the reader a lot to think about and enjoy. Thanks for the treat.

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