Thursday, January 19, 2017

Vino el Amor #56; Wednesday, January 18, 2017: The Vendimia Begins!

Repeated scene: David and Luciana talk and cry. David doesn’t want her to be angry with him. Luciana does not want to be just friends But David says she’s changed his life forever.

Next morning Marta, Luciana and León are talking at breakfast and they are grateful for good times around the breakfast table. Marta is sure that Luciana’s work visa will come in. Brian has been such a help and they are glad that Brian has helped with the visa situation. Marta is puzzled as her son seems to be on a food grab. León asks for more food so he can snack later. Of course we know it’s for Ingrid, but León makes it sound like he’s extra hungry.

In the big house around the breakfast table David talking to Bobby about the wine harvest. DisGracie explains to Bobby that a “vendimia” is a huge festival where they cut off grapes and extract the juice by stepping on the grapes. But David explains that it’s not quite that way. Other vineyards may do something like that but at their vineyard they give thanks for all they have and are thankful for the ground giving them a good harvest. However it’s a big event for everyone, including the workers.

Ferbrat walks in and Lilian makes awful remarks concerning Fer’s lipstick calling it vulgar and tells her to take it off. Aunt DisGracie thinks it’s just lovely, but Lilian keeps commenting on how horrible a color it is and is downright nasty. (How can she think that her grandchildren would feel any kind of warmth with that kind of nasty behavior?)

Sonia asks Lil if she is going to participate in the Vendimia festival. But Lil says “of course not, I only like the wine it has been bottled.” Sonia is asking if she can go out and participate if there is nothing else to do, but Lil is wanting to keep Sonia at her beck and call. Lil is condescending about asking why Sonia would want to be anywhere near “those people” meaning the vineyard workers. So Sonia pours Lil another cup of coffee.

David gives his speech to the staff that the Vendimia has begun and it is time to give thanks for having such a great harvest. They are thanking nature and the ground for all the benefits and blessings. Let the celebration begin and everyone applauds. (During David’s speech, DisGracie is holding his arm, so precious!)

At the Santa Barbara Vineyard (which is only the name of the vineyard, it is not located in Santa Barbara the city in California, it is still in Sonoma) Erica and her father Adolfo are talking. She says, “Today the Vendimia begins at the Bodega de Los Angeles.” Adolfo says, “I think that our wine is the best because YOU are here with me.” “Oh daddy”, says Erica with a smile. Adolfo says the ground has been very generous with us because of you came back here. Erica says, but I did come back for you too. They mention the young man who died on their grounds. Erica says that they need to really make sure that all their workers are legal and have their visas. Adolfo says that he will get around to it, but Erica feels sorry for their plight. Erica mentions also that she was talking with Miguel and he has plenty of ideas on how to help the workers. She chides her father for having any illegal workers. Adolfo thinks Miguel is fascinated with Erica, but she says, no because he has a girlfriend.

Adolfo goes on to advise Erica that if she does like this young man (Miguel), to not give up on the idea because things can change very quickly. Erica says that there is nothing she can do to change him from seeing her as just a friend. Adolfo says that things can change when she least expects them to.

Miguel stops over to speak with Luciana (as she works in the lab testing the wine) to take time to thank Luciana for all they have together. He is so grateful that they are together, they have their health and that God put her into his path so that she was able to return to him. He talks of the future when he can have his own vineyard one day. It’s a romantic gesture, but Luciana doesn’t seem entirely comfortable with Miguel being so “in to her” and it shows. She looks like she loves him, but it’s so obvious to us that he’s a lot more into her than she is into him. Miguel looks into her eyes and thanks Luciana for making him so happy.

Outside in the vineyard field, David and the kids are with the workers. He hugs the kids as the workers go forth with their wicker baskets. David and the kids start cutting grapes from the vines along with the rest of the workers. (I chuckle because everyone is so clean out there and they have these cute wicker baskets. As my son-in-law said one day when we were watching, “Those are cleanest vineyard workers I’ve ever seen in my life.”)
Tano comes by without a shirt and Fer enjoys the view. LOL!
Gutierrez is on the phone asking for his name to be removed from Marcos’ and Luciana’s deportation records. (Gosh, even if his name is removed, Luciana will still recognize him. She will never forget his face.) He doesn’t get too far and is frustrated. His assistant brings in the file on the dead vineyard worker from the Santa Barbara vineyard. They only found out that he came by himself and the vineyard is not connected to the illegal trafficking ring going on.

Ferbrat and Bobby come in the house to tell Grandma Lil how great the vendimia is. Obviously, Lil is not too interested, but Sonia takes interest in the event. Fer had no idea that it would be so enjoyable. Sonia tells them that she is sure their father is very proud of them. But, all Lil wants to know if they have washed their hands. Fer snaps back that “abuela” shouldn’t act that way just because she is tired or in a bad mood. Lil is not too thrilled with that remark, but later she finally cracks a smile.

Later, Luciana and David are walking through the front yard talking about how great the vineyard is and how it will be the best in the United States. David is very happy to hear her say this. She remarks too, that the grounds are very good and the team they have working there is the best. David wants to enter the new wine in a competition and believes they will win a medal. Then everything will change! He thanks Luciana and embraces her. DisGracie is in the background seeing all this. She is none too happy.
After David walks away, DisGracie catches up with Luciana and comes out of the shadows with claws extended, calling her “Lucianita”. DisGracie asks Lu if she enjoyed the Vendimia. Luciana tells her yes, it made her happy and tries to excuse herself, but DisGracie won’t let her go. DisGracie says, “But we have a lot to talk about.” Luciana says, “I really doubt it.” DisGracie goes on, “I just don’t understand why you really don’t like me, Luciana.” But Luciana says sarcastically, “You don’t say! Are you having memory problems?” DisGracie says, “No I don’t but the only thing I wanted to tell you was how pleased I was that you returned, but I sure don’t want you near David. I don’t know if you know about this, but when we were in Mexico together with the children on our trip, a lot of things happened.” Luciana says, “Well, I just don’t care about that!” But DisGracie responds, “I’m sure you do care because I know that Fernanda does not want you near to her father. David has gotten close to his children and is much closer than he’s ever been before.”

Luciana once again tried to excuse herself and politely leave. But DisGracie keeps on it by saying, “And with the children, it’s obvious that I’m the only one who can get close to David. And as for you, you have NOTHING left to do here.” Lu replies, “You are wrong, Señorita, I have plenty to do here. The difference is apparent, unlike you, I love this land and that’s what I have in common with David.” DisGracie laughs and says, “Yeah, you and the rest of the employees. They work to eat and live like kings and get their immigration paperwork. What more can they want?” Luciana then extends her claws and says, “Listen to me, Gracie and listen up good! No one is here for that! They are here for the love of the land and are loyal. You have no idea what this vineyard signifies to us all.” So DisGracie says, “Yeah, but you are NOT part of our family.” Lu counters, “Well you happen to be Lisa’s sister, but love and respect are earned. They do not come free with your blood ties. Are we clear?” DisGracie responds, “Yeah I guess so, sorry I bothered you. I have nothing else to discuss with you now.” DisGracie turns and walks away like she is the winner with her tail high in the air.

At an outdoor café, Juan and Mark are together and Juan is on the phone talking with “El Coyote”. Apparently he wants more money and says he isn’t going to play games. Mark is cocky and says “El Coyote” can go to hell. Juan says they have to find another smuggler but Mark says he can get rid of “El Coyote” himself. Mark doesn’t care if El Coyote becomes an enemy and tells Juan if he’s having second thoughts about this business, the door is open for him to leave. Juan says he’s in but knows El Coyote is dangerous. Juan then asks about Susan but Mark says they are slow and he will “make” her come around. (We all know what that means.)

León brings Ingrid some breakfast. She says that if it weren’t for him she would be dead. But she does want to bathe. León promises to take her to the house when everyone is gone working so she can bathe.

David is walking through the front yard with daughter Ferbrat. He is explaining how when they are grown, this vineyard will be theirs for their inheritance. Fer’s phone rings and it’s Peter. She shares that she doesn’t really like him and David says it’s best to be up front and honest with him as to not hurt him. She mentions being friends with Tano and David says not to make problems with Susan. She informs her dad that Susan and Tano have broken up as Tano told her one day when he was saddened.

Bobby comes running up along with DisGracie. They talk about all playing soccer together. So Bobby and Fer run off to play together. David just gazes up at DisGracie smiling. (cough, cough). He says thank you to DisGracie for all she is doing. She says “I know I can’t get close to you, no you don’t have to answer. I just want to be close to the children.” David says, yes that’s fine, the children need you. DisGracie responds back that loving the children is kind of like loving him.

At Gutierrez’s office, his assistant brings in the information about “El Coyote” heading up the illegal immigrant ring. But he wants to find out who is receiving the illegal immigrants on the U.S. side. Gutierrez wants the operation to remain secret. He wants to interrogate the immigrants to find out who brought them. He also wants to give them “amnesty”. (Comment: I don’t know how he can do that since only the Federal government or Presidential executive order can do that.)

Luciana presents Miguel with her gift, the scarf she bought in Mexico. He talks about all his hopes and dreams of having his own vineyard one day and how much Luciana makes him happy. (He so overdoes this.)

Later that day in the employees’ home, Marta is serving up cold water to Ramón and Tano. They were talking about what a wonderful grape harvest it was and how good the grapes looked. Marta’s phone rings and it’s Gutierrez. They talk a minute, but León wants to talk to him. They make plans to shoot some pool later on at the bar. Marta tells León to behave himself with Brian. León says not to worry, he will let Brian win. The camera focuses in on Ramón looking a little sad. Marta looks back at him and he puts on a fake smile.

Susan and Luciana are in her office going over some work. Susan asks if she wants to bring the reports back over to David. Lu answers no, she will stay behind in the office because she doesn’t want another run-in with DisGracie. She shared how DisGracie said she was the only woman who would be close to David and his kids. Lu goes on to whine about how David admitted he did kiss DisGracie and she is trying to make her relationship work with Miguel. But every time she gets into it with David, she feels more and more confused.

Bobby, Fer, David, and DisGracie begin a game of soccer. But before they begin, Bobby shows his balero from Luciana. He tells Gracie that Lucian is his best friend. Then they start to play soccer.

Marta and Ramón are discussing how great the wine harvest is, when Sonia drops by. She says she is there to find the schedule for tomorrow, but it’s just an excuse. Marta asks if everything is okay and she feigns a headache. Marta asks Ramón to leave them alone. But when alone, Sonia asks about León. Marta says he went with a friend. But Sonia says, “Oh Marta, you just don’t know how to lie.” Sonia then leaves.

We see León with Ingrid in the wine cellar bringing her food. He also lends her his book and says he is going to go into town to get her some things she may need. But her secret is safe with him he will take care of her. He also let her know that the cameras outside don’t work.

Susan walks up to the back patio with her reports for David. The kids and DisGracie are there. David thanks her for the reports, and DisGracie walks up and says the kids are waiting for him to play some more. Then FerBRAT comes up and tells her she has no business bringing work to her father. David tells FerBRAT that that Susan is only doing what he asked her to do. Finally, Gracie takes FerBRAT and Bobby and says they are going to make popcorn and watch a movie inside. (My comment: How can a parent just allow their teenaged daughter to interfere like that? David should have just taken her aside and in no uncertain words, told FerBrat that she is not allowed to interrupt him when he confers with his employees regarding the vineyard business. He coddles her too much. He need not explain himself to her.)

Perla is in Juan’s office and he grabs her saying that they have to talk privately. He doesn’t want anyone to hear. Tano is watching and wondering what is going on. He takes her over to the wine cellar. Ingrid is there, hears them come in so she makes sure she hides well. Juan says to Perla the police are closing in on them.

León and Brian go out to shoot pool. Brian explains why he was so ashamed of being a Mexican descendent, but Marta changed his mind. León shares how he never went out with his father like this, that is father was deported and never had him around. He always longed to have his father around to become a good man. Gutierrez assures him that he has a friend in him.

David, DisGracie, and the kids are watching a scary movie. It’s so scary that that they are all huddled together on the couch and DisGracie is cuddled in with David as the monster roars, David drops the popcorn, and suddenly Miguel and Luciana walk in…..


thank you, Cynthia.

Just some quick observations. I only spotted one vest..Sonia. However, I noticed that Dave was back in a vest in the previews.

Grape fondling.

MIguel seemed really excited about that bandana. no belt buckle for you buddy.

Leon is the best...Feeding the poor girl and reaching out to Gut who seems to regret his last actions. E

Thank you Cynthia. Perfect

"DisGracie turns and walks away like she is the winner with her tail high in the air"

Couldn't help but think as Leon tries to bond with Brian why Luciana never attempts to find any common ground with Fernanda. Yes, she tried a little before the errant earring but nothing since.

On the other hand Graciela is so awkward around Bobbie but keeps trying.

I thought David said he was having the security camera system updated after the wine was tampered with. Seems everybody knows you can slip into the cellar for a private whatever.

Oh boy, that Mark sure is a big talker.


So "that poor girl" is eating like a horse, and wants a shower. I haven't seen Lion Cub bringing her any Charmin 'enjoy the go', , wonder where she is doing that?

Cynthia, wonderful recap.

"Marta is serving up cold water to Ramón and Tano" was my favorite line.

"The camera focuses in on Ramón looking a little sad" made me frown as well. I wanted to yell to him to hang on, hope isn't lost. Marta's world will be crashing down soon enough and you need to be there for support.

"Adolfo says that things can change when she least expects them to". I'm a bit surprised (but pleased) Erica's father is not discouraging Erick's feelings for Miguel. Not one little bit. We (unlike she) knows her feelings will be reciprocated. Just give it time.

"Juan then asks about Susan but Mark says they are slow and he will “make” her come around. (We all know what that means)" was the low light of the night.

Graciela is certainly managing to give the illusion of one, big happy family. And tofie, you made some interesting points. it's obvious she cannot relate to young boys at all. Trying to keep her nasty temperament and true feelings for the children submerged and camouflaged in oohing and ahhhing must be exhausting work.

I suspect Luci might not be trying to ingratiate herself with Fer as she likely realizes it would be a hopeless cause. Luci's attempts would be futile and would only serve to leave Fer amused, knowing she has the upper hand. I agree Cynthia, Fer needs a very stern lecture that she will NOT tell her father what to do. And of course David must remind her of that every time she steps out of line.

I like Ingrid! At first I thought Leon had no romantic interests and now he not only has Sonia, but perhaps Ingrid too! For now, I don't count Carito...

Susanlynn, you are in fine form this morning. "Grape fondling" and "MIguel seemed really excited about that bandana. no belt buckle for you buddy" had me smiling away.

I'm glad the patio is not playing a drinking game, taking a sip every time the leads kissed. At this snail's pace, a glass of wine would last for a month. Minimum. Sigh.

This was great Cynthia - thank you.


Cynthia I loved the recap; thank you! I was so excited you got a screencap of Lilian's face when they were all yammering about cutting the grapes.

Best line: "Repeated scene: David and Luciana talk and cry." Heh, we could all start our recaps with this!

Although in this episode, for once they didn't cry. David actually was pretty perky and likable in this episode. Maybe he needs more outdoor exercise!

I laughed so hard at the Harvest Festival chalkboard announcement in employees quarters. Straight out of that Hallmark movie I mentioned yesterday! As was hunky shirtless Tano collecting the ladies' grapes.

It's interesting that Leon is actually emerging as the best guy on this show. Not a hunk, but he's nice, he's caring, he's sincere and he's a good friend and family member. Plus he's got 1-3 lady possibilities. Go Leon!

"Um, Graciela, you know, I was married to your sister, bless her soul, and she was a brunette and you are blonde.

I understand how interested you are in me, and I just don't think it is a good idea.
But I do wonder one thing.

Does the carpet match the drapes?"

"Huh, um Oh, tile you say?"


Gracias, Cynthia. Loved the grape fondling.

Mark is a total idiot. You don't mess with mean dudes like El Coyote. I'm starting to hope that El Coyote will be the instrument of Mark's Karmageddon. My concern with this situation is that if any of the illegals identify Juan, Perla, and Carito that David could get dragged into this. If Juan were more intelligent I would think that was part of his Plan B.

I doubt that Lillian showed much warmth to her own daughters when they were growing up, hence she has none to give to her grandchildren.

DisGracie is a bottle blonde. Her roots were showing. So was her obvious contempt for Luciana when she picked up Bobby's toy and tossed it aside. To an earlier remark, she has no experience with little boys, obviously because she had no little brothers and likely no little male cousins to have grown up with.

Sonia isn't going to like the idea of Leon sharing such books with other girls.

More later.


I noticed the way she cast Bobby's toy aside. Looked like she needed some Lysol after touching it.

Anybody notice that Bobby had already mastered it? You know, swung it up onto the stick.
Unless there was some camera trickery, he actually did it in that scene before he put it down.

Gotta give it to Kimy2Ramos, she is playing the part pretty well.

Tofie, DisGracie is amazingly patient about keeping her eye on the prize. She was blatant about desiring Dave even before she killed LIsa. She was rubbing up and pawing him in front of Lisa and LIlian all the time. evidently DisGracie believes that slow and steady wins the race! She must have read the tortoise and the hard cable as a wee girl! With a vitch for a sister and a mother, I wonder how Lisa avoided becoming one herself. I forget who was older DisGracie or LIsa.

Hard cable???..Hare....Thanks, autocorrect...I !ove you.

I think Lisa was older, but not by much.

Perhaps some of you remember a recapper (cannot remember who) who used to recap with "so and so's lines" Let's face it, these people keep saying the same things over and over.

Diana, so glad if I could provide a smile to start your day. It makes me think of a proverb my Haitian student shared with the class last semester..."The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it." I always enjoy the time spent at CAray reading the clever, witty recaps and comments.

Well, have to get ready to teach my speaking class.

it is ridiculous that LUci and Dave keep grabbing each other and hugging in between their tiffs.

The screen caps of TAno were nice. Those baskets of grapes must be pretty heavy because he looks as though he has been power lifting. Grapes are in...Sun's out...Guns out." #gracias

Crabby MCCrabberson is always looking for a parade to rain on. Talk about sour grapes. #Seewhatididthere

Thanks, Cynthia. It's increasingly annoying to see Miguel strive for Luciana's approval, when we know that however much Luci may love (or wuv) him, he's not really her #1.

And I agree, Ferbrat needs a good talking-to about the way she scolds the employees on behalf of her bemused father.

Look at whose behavior she's imitating: AbuelaVitch and TiaVitch. I don't want to think about will happen when Peter realizes she was only using him to make Tano jealous.

Attacking Susan for intruding on family time, while rude and uncalled for, is tactically brilliant. She isn't singling Luciana out in her attempt to isolate the "family" unit.

Tofie: I'm afraid that Ingrid will get caught & something bad will happen to her when Mark, Juan, Perla catch her.

UA: Peter will go psycho on FerBrat (rightfully so because the BRAT deserves it) when he finds out she was just using him.

Julie: FerBrat is taking a page out of the Lillian & Graciela playbook: scolding the employees in such derogatory terms.

Erika needs to hurry up & take Miguel AWAY.

Kirby: The Deborah Sanders Effect still in full force.


It's no more brilliant than any other thing she's done. I'm sure she's been snubbing the employees universally since DisGrace became the primary female influence in her life.

FerBRAT attacked Susan because she sees Susan as a threat coming between her and Tano. Susan was her competition and she used Peter to try to make Tano jealous. If it had been Miguel or Ramon who showed up with reports, FerBRAT would have said nothing. It's obvious she's been taking lessons from Lilian.

Fernanda at least has been consistent: if it's about David or Tano, far more so the latter, she goes into STOMP RANT STOMP mode when provoked. (Or perhaps STOMP WHINE STOMP if it's about her dad.) Just like Graciela, a little like Lilian (who's more just a general-vicinity grouch to everyone except David, and that's because it's his house), and definitely like Miss Thing.

Ironically, at this point in this fakakta show I feel sorriest for Ramon. He's a genuinely good guy who's been stuck in Marta's friend zone for over a decade; he has to deal with his occasionally volatile kid; and he possesses perhaps the most impressive whipped-puppy faces on the show (yes, even over Sonia and Carito).

And seriously: Ingrid was a brunette before last night's episode. Did she put on a really crappy wig, or did they change actresses for whatever reason?

Ramon "possesses perhaps the most impressive whipped-puppy faces on the show (yes, even over Sonia and Carito)" was great Bill!

I always feel for Sonia, Carito not so's pretty much a 3 way tie though :) IMHO.



Cynthia--Thanks for the recap and all the details. It was worth more than 1,000 pictures!!! (Well, maybe shirtless Tano was one picture worth a few words.)

What's with this bandana around the wrist bit? Is there some practical reason for wearing it there, like to wipe perspiration out of your eyes? If so, why does Luciana wear hers all the time now. I don't recall anyone wearing these in the first third of the show. Seems to me she and Miguel were wearing matching wrist bandanas until she brought him the red one. Yes, indeed, Miguel overdid it, as he overdoes everything.

I'm tired of commenting on the pace of this tn and the wash, rinse, repeat, circular motion of all the characters. Even Erika has slowed down. Maybe Ingrid will spark things, now that she's overheard Juan and Perla. She knows who they are--they're the ones that took her and the rest of the immigrants into the converted trailer (we've only seen the inside, so I'm just guessing).

Oy vey, we jump from El Coyote down Mexico Way to Sonoma in one fell swoop and the Sonoma police are just now learning about him? Really? All Gut and his men would have to do is follow the immigrants home in the evening and voila--Juan and Mark are exposed. If that happens, I bet Mark somehow isn't there.

Cynthia--I'm with you on the Sonoma police getting involved in what should be a federal matter. If Gut were doing his job properly, he should be calling ICE.

What a contrast to the Vendimia held at Cruz de Amor and La Bonita (CME). Now THAT was a fiesta the whole pueblo participated in. Didn't quite understand why David's vineyard was having a vendimia and Alfonso's wasn't. I would have thought most of the grapes in the region would have matured at the same time.

The harvest itself, IIRC is called la pisca, not a vendimia, so I don't know why Fer and Bobby enjoyed themselves so much during the vendimia. Ah, well, accuracy is the least of our problems here. The tortoise pace is. (I can see Gracie as the tortoise for sure--slow but sure, whereas it's Miguel who is the hare!)

Cynthia, thanks for the recap. Haven't seen the episode and now I doubt have to, thanks to you. Hasta luego.

Right Anita. A city can declare itself a "sanctuary city" in which they declare that undocumented workers will not be arrested or turned over to ICE. But a city or county cannot declare amnesty for the undocumented. Amnesty is a Federal matter.

Make that "now I don't have to".

Cynthia, a hearty thanks to you for this recap today and to dy77 for yesterdays. I'm enjoying reading the recaps and y'all's comments. I am watching the show but agree with Anita. It's too tiring to comment, it would only be fussing. I like what y'all are saying better!

Cynthia: Don't be surprised if FerBrat rants to Juan about Susan in which Juan will call Mark, who in turn, will whack Susan.


Thanks, Cynthia. Enjoyed the recap.

Looks like Susan's Mark problem will get solved by El Coyote when stoopid Mark takes him on.

Cynthia the recap was enjoyable. I don't think disgracie is to bright. She thinks she outsnarked lucy. No!

Ferbrat is a snippy snob. There no way
I'd allow a kid of mine to speak to another adult like that. And certainly
Not in my presence. She's actin like her nasty granny.

The guT has a guilty look on his face every Time his past indiscretion is
Mentioned. Hes gonna have to own it to
Their faces when lucy finds out.

Ingrid heard everything. She better not whence or she's dead.

I don't believe that movie was that
Scary. Sounded like a zombie/slasher
Fest. Gracie should like that. She slashed her sister's head with that rock.

Ok thanks Cynthia.

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