Friday, March 10, 2017

Vino el Amor, #91, Friday Mar 10, 2017: Love Hurts

Paco tells Miguel and Susan that he doesn't want to talk to Gutierrez. Susan and Mig thank him for his help and decide to wait for the truck to arrive.

Luci thinks she and Dave will talk to Fernanda when she gets better and everything will be fine, but Marta makes it clear that she thinks Fernanda is in the hospital because of Luci.

People give Susan and Mig funny looks as they pass them on the street. Susan is getting nervous. Mig lets Susan bail and decides to give Carito another chance.

Luci tells Marta that leaving David is no way to solve their problems. That will just cause more pain. "It seems that I don't matter to you," Luci says. "This is all about Fernanda. I need you to be more understanding with me. All I want of you as my mother is to hug me and console me instead of losing the love of my life."

Mark complains to Juan: "You're not my dad, I don't have to come when you call." He says that Carito deserves to die. Juan urges him not to do anything stupid. Mark replies, "If you're doing this because of Perla, just give me my money and then we can end this."

At home, Luci tells Dave she's with him, even though she wasn't at the hospital. Dave says Fer is better; it was only a scare. All will be fine. Bobby comes in with a big yellow tote bag; he wants to bring Fernanda magazines and sweets so she's not bored.

Mark continues: Carito is a loose end, a threat. Juan: if you kill her it will screw up our plan and all our work with Gutierrez. It's bad enough they're investigating the Coyote's death. Mark: They don't have a clue. Juan: then let's keep it that way! Mark: OK I won't touch Carito. This had better work. Juan: I (we) don't need permission to excavate on my (our) land. Mark: If this doesn't work I'll do things my way and everyone will pay, including you.

Tano has written a letter. He goes off to find an envelope. Luci tells Leon about her argument with Marta. Leon is shocked that their mother has been encouraging her to break up with David. Leon offers his support. Luci is disappointed that her mother clearly prefers Fer. The least she should expect of her mother is her support. Leon gives her a hug.

Dave asks Cesar for an update. Cesar says Fer is stable, and the prescription is in the name of Sharon Perry. David knows that's the mother of one of Fer's friends. Cesar recommends that she be evaluated by a psychiatrist. Dave can't believe this is happening. (Believe it, Dave. You might only get one chance.) Cesar says they need to find out if it was an accident, or if she meant to do it. He wants to find Fer an adolescent specialist because some of his colleagues overprescribe antidepressants at the drop of a hat. He thinks Fer will eventually accept David's relationship with Fernanda after some therapy sessions.

Disgrace is visiting Fernanda. Fer is sorry she was so mad at her aunt for not taking her with out of the house. Disgrace says gee, she should have said yes and we could have avoided all this. Fer says she was upset about her father, Disgrace, and Tano. Disgrace tries to bad-mouth Luciana, but Fernanda cuts her off.

Fernanda explains that she didn't mean to OD. Graciela disagrees: "Deep down, you wanted to commit suicide." Fer strenuously objects. Grace insists that this was about Luciana. Fer weakens. Grace says she's sure of it. With a sob in her voice but a perfectly dry and smirking face, she pulls her gullible niece to her bosom.

David runs into Fer's dippy friends at the hospital. The pill-pusher denies that she gave Fer the pills, and says Fer must have taken them from the bathroom. He scolds them for drinking at their age and says he will speak to their mothers. They are horrified and agree to leave the hospital, asking David to tell Fer they were there.

Fernanda admits to her aunt that she is confused. Disgrace says they'll work together to do everything they can to get rid of Luciana. Fer feels foolish about ignoring Grace's advice, and thinking Luciana was okay. Grace tells her to mind her therapist so she can get well soon. She smirks some more as she hugs Fer again.

Mig meets with Carito. She doesn't want to talk. She swears she has nothing to do with the immigrants. He tells her they're very close to catching the people who are behind this.

Cesar and Susan talk about the immigrants. He doesn't want her to put herself at risk. He asks her to think about the kind of people who might be involved in this. (This is called "dramatic irony.") She promises to be careful. They kiss.

At the hospital, David scolds Grace for kicking Luciana out. He reminds her that her and Lilian's interference is why he kicked them out of the house (which doesn't seem to have taken). She accuses him of putting Luciana before Fernanda, and lets him know that Fernanda did this because of Luciana.

David says he knows this, and that's why both he and Fernanda will be going to therapy. Grace tries to get in another dig at the destructive influence of Luciana, but David says he won't argue with her about this. He won't leave Luciana, and Grace and Fernanda will just have to understand.

Miguel tells Erika that Paco won't talk to the police and Carito won't admit anything, though Miguel has a feeling she's not telling the truth. He promises Erika that he's almost done with this and he'll let the police do their job.

Grace and David go back and forth a while longer, and finally Grace says that what Dave has with Luci isn't love, because love never hurts. (Wait, what? Does she not know the song?) She says now she knows why she can't be his woman, because SHE would never let him do this to his faaaaamily.

Carito calls Perla and warns her not to bring food and drink to the workers because Miguel knows where they're staying and there will be a raid soon.

Grace tries to conspire with her mother to provide Fernanda with a psychiatrist who will cooperate with them. Lilian objects to doing this to her granddaughter; I almost fall off my chair. She says if anyone's emotionally unstable, it's Grace. Lil wants to recommend this guy Anderson so that he can support them - not so he can ruin Fernanda's life. Well, all Grace wants is for Fernanda to pressure David into breaking up with Luciana. Lilian agrees to this. Grace wants Anderson's number quick so that Cesar doesn't come up with someone else first.

David is still holding Bobby's bag of goodies for Fernanda. He calls Luci and says Fernanda is taking some tests (or something) and Cesar hasn't found the right psychiatrist yet because they're all at a conference. Luci hands the phone to Bobby to say hi. David thanks Luci for her support and says he loves her. Then Sonia shows up to give David some more treats. She apologizes for not keeping better track of Fernanda. Then Lil shows up...

Juan gets home. Perla, the blabbermouth, warns Juan about the raid that will happen soon thanks to intel from Miguel. He tells her not to go back there. She's worried, who will bring water to the immigrants? Juan is dismissive, says one of Mark's people will do it. (Mark has people?) She wants to make sure Mark won't harm Carito, but Juan says Mark will be madder than ever. (So Carito gets no credit for letting them know about the raid??)

Lil begs Dave to let her see Fernanda. Dave says Fer doesn't really want to see anyone except Marta and now Grace. Lil is insistent. She wants to show Fernanda her love. (Can it be seen in a mirror? Can it be captured one film? Should we be afraid?) Dave agrees, but says that if Fer doesn't want to see her, not to take it personally.

Dave mentions that they haven't found a psychiatrist yet, and Lil is ready with her recommendation. This guy can maybe even see Fernanda today.

Miguel talks to Gutierrez on the phone. They're going to do the raid tomorrow and apparently Miguel will be there because this is the weirdest, most irresponsible police organization in the world.

Lil goes into Fernanda's room, followed by Sonia who is holding Bobby's bag of goodies as well as the two she brought from the house. Fernanda doesn't want to see Lil. Lil is hurt, but agrees to leave, sprinkling just a dash of guilt behind her on her way out. Sonia presents Fernanda with the contents of the three bags, including a drawing from Bobby and a letter from Tano.

Erika tells Miguel she is very, very worried about the bad guys. Who knows what they might do. He tries to reassure her that nothing will happen. He promises.

Tano's letter to Fer offers support and kisses. Sonia is charmed. Fernanda is grateful. She is even more grateful when Sonia gives her back her cell phone. Sonia leaves, and Fer calls Tano. They exchange "te quiero"s.

Grace meets Dr. Anderson for a drink. Apparently he knew Lilian when they were young. He flirts with Grace, saying she's even more beautiful than her mother. He's worried that he wants her to write some naughty prescriptions; he doesn't want the hassle. But instead, what she wants is for him to diagnose Fernanda as suicidal and at imminent risk of becoming permanently unhinged.

Dave finds Fernanda sleeping in her room. She rolls over, revealing Tano's letter and her phone. David reads the letter, which tells him that Tano is willing to carry on their secret relationship. David doesn't like this.

Dr. Anderson doesn't like Grace's idea. She tries to convince him that it's for the good of the family. She pours on the pathos. She also wants the doctor to persuade David to dump his "muchachita" who is destroying the family. AND she asks him not to tell Lil what they're up to. He warns that it won't be cheap. She says money is no object.

Leon and Tano talk about Fernanda. Leon reminds Tano not to let the patrón find out about the relationship. Sonia shows up, and Tano gives her a hug of thanks. Leon pretends to be jealous.

At the hospital, Lil calls Adolfo to tell her how difficult and depressing her life is. Grace arrives with Dr. Anderson. Lil tells him to take care of her granddaughter, and leaves.

Grace introduces Dr. Evil to David. Dr. Evil says he'll talk to Fernanda's doctor tomorrow and come up with a therapy for her and David. David is grateful and leaves. Grace tells the doctor that David is totally blind and if he doesn't wake up in time, it will turn out badly.

Erika brings Miguel some supper on a tray. She tells him that with everything that's going on, she realizes how important he is in her life. He says she's important in his life, too. She couldn't bear it if anything happened to him. She loves him. He is the love of her life, she says.

Miguel's eyelids flutter a bit. He says, "Erika-" but she cuts him off with a kiss. Then that singer starts singing. Woe, make it stop.

Erika is taking Miguel's shirt off! And then they start making out on the sofa in the only room at Viñedo Santa Barbara that we've ever seen.

Tano, Sonia, and Leon are still talking about the forbidden relationship when David walks in and kicks out Sonia and Leon. And he wants to talk to Sonia later.

Tano tries to explain about the letter. He knew David didn't want Fernanda wasting her time with Tano, plus she was studying a lot... David interrupts, aren't you the one who made her so miserable? "I didn't do anything, sir," Tano replies. "This cell phone says otherwise, and then I find this letter that says you love her. You wanna explain what the hell is going on?"


Well, so much for brilliant earworms. I don't especially love the song, but Disgrace pretty much told me to use it!

Gracias, Julie. Good stuff and you didn't miss a thing.

Leave it to DisGrace to gaslight her own niece. She clearly doesn't give a flying damn about her. She is so unhinged I am starting to question whether Lillian showed favoritism at all when her daughters were young. I'm beginning to think that as bad a parent as Lillian is now that neither she nor her husband played favorites when Lisa and DisGrace were children and young teens.

So now we have another shrink whose license should be revoked. Fine lesson to be teaching here, writers.

More tomorrow. Welcome to the team!

Thank you Julie, you did a marvelous job! You didn't miss a thing. :)

So DisGrace and her mother had to dig up this quack from the past? I think he does have his license revoked because I noticed he said he can't write prescriptions anymore. They have a lot of nerve trying to interfere with her psychiatric care. There is a website on the California government's site where you can look up doctors and find out if they have had complaints filed against them and if they have lost their license to practice. That's what David should do. He needs to do his research about any medical professional that he allows to treat his daughter. The best thing he can do is take is friend Cesar's advice on his recommendation. After all the crap Lil and DisGrace are giving David, they are the LAST people he should listen to.

When I saw DisGrace with Fer in her room doing this mind control on her, I was appalled. She is in such a vulnerable state that she is very subject to manipulation. Since Grace is a psychopath, she's very adept at doing that kind of thing.

Ah Julie, your return is welcome. You gave me a flashback to high school with Nazareth. Not my favorite but appropriate ballad and since I'm in the 70's searching for my Todd Rundgren for a good cry.

Well the name was on the bottle but David does nothing but scare the kids. What a waste of a good clue. Instead what do we get? For money a false diagnosis hired by the nut. Have the writers no imagination? Hope Cesar can see this sham I am.

Don't want to see it but I hope Miguel finally arrives in San Francisco on the Erika bus.

Please David hear Tano out. He is your only hope, the only person Fernanda will listen to that actually tells her the real truth and its for her own good.


Julie: Good recap!

Tofie: David is still STUPID & INCOMPETENT! No backbone at all!

Kirby: Once again, Graciela exerting her Eleanor Shaw Mind Control of FerBrat!


I also thought of Cesar. He's fairly conscientious so I can see him looking this guy up (which -- for the writers to worsen this -- may not happen for another 10 episodes). The issue now is that David is desperate and things are going from bad to worse:

1. FerBrat's grades are not up to par
2. FerBrat became Ferzilla on him over him being involved with Luciana
3. He's found out that she is "dating" Tano behind his back and against his wishes
4. He's about to be told that his precious brat is suicidal

I don't blame him for scaring the crap out of her friends. California has had a legal drinking age of 21 for over 30 years. There is no way they wouldn't know this.

All this is coming on the heels of David's discovery that Lillian and DisGrace have been brainwashing his kids. He is also about to hear different things from different people and DisGrace will make that worse all over again.

Thanks Julie. A nice tale.
DisGrace's smug little 'Hrmmph" half smile while she was resting her chin on her surrogate's head was DisGusting.

Poor David has to be thinking "Why me Lord, Can You just tell me exactly what I did?"

He needs to take the battery out of his phone, go out in the vineyard to some secluded grapevine and sit down and think for a while without any 'help'. You look at those anguished bright intelligent eyes and you just know there is a brain back in there some where. There is just so much Bullshit being thrown onto it, it just cant quite surface.

I have to begrudgingly admit that DisGrace is not stupid. The girl has more angles than a protractor. She can turn a pile of doggy poopie into a slice of cheesecake if it furthers her scheme. She sure knows how to use what God (and the surgeons and Maybelline) gave her. When she was working the shrink she was just dripping with sex appeal. I'd love to see her try her act on a catty gay guy !

Good one there Einstein/Columbo/Miggy don't quit your day job. In that line of work the information arrow points TOWARD you ! Now Carito has moved solidly onto the dark side, so her demise will not bother me now. So thanks, Dorita, I was actually beginning to feel sorry for you, you imbecile. Another one too nice to survive.

In the animal world what do cows do when one of the herd decides to walk off a cliff? They just look on and think "Hmmm more grass for me."

Happy Saturday, and thanks again Julie for a great read.

Totally agree Gracelia is the eternal optimist and worthy opponent on the attack and defense. I'm confident should she be confronted by a gay guy she could get him to switch teams.

I would like to see a proactive Luciana if she really wants to help David. You know, kinda like she helps Miguel without the barking. She's totally reactive, no inert, offering nothing more than a stare of wonder, how could that have happened. If she knows Graciela won't quit then do something more than tattling.

Tofie this show leaves so many things hanging, Like being on a ferris wheel when there is a malfunction.

I can't figure out if Luci is just not up to the part in conjunction with writers asleep most of their shift or WHAT.

Being the dog that I am, and maybe a part time pretend Male C Pig, Luci is much better with less clothing. For me.
In this one she is uninspiring and boring and unbelievable. I hope when this is over the critics do not crucify her if in fact it was Castro and his writers faults. I wonder how she feels playing against the Presidente's step daughter and the Director's spawn.
Were it not for the truly cool people commenting and some inspired writing from the recappers I don't believe I would have been able to make it this far. But things are picking up now. Note to self: Be careful what you wish for KJ

Thanks y'all.

I was surprised to see that Lilian really does care about Fernanda. Although, not to the point where she isn't willing to let the doctor manipulate her just a little bit. I thought it was funny when she said that Grace was the one with the emotional problems. But, at the same time, not funny at all. She's letting a psychopath roam free.

I'll take everybody's word for it that Irina is a good actress. This wouldn't be the first time that a female character was poorly written. We got mixed messages from Isabel in Hotel, too. There didn't seem to be a strong direction for her. She just sort of wandered through the story, confusing us as to her intentions.

Julie: Another (male) point of view. I wonder if your Motherly instincts helped you see that tiny sliver of goodness in Lil toward Fernanda. I am far from an expert, but I wondered if it was more about tarnishing Lillians enormous (in her mind) reputation having a suicidal grandaughter. I could not help but notice she went on and on with "My Grandaughter" when arguing with DisGrace about an unethical shrink. Everyone else calls her Fernanda or FerBrat, and Lillian usually does too if my memory is correct. I am just hesitant to believe she could show a glimmer of humanity now when I have seen nothing but disdain for her grandkids who are in her way.

As a former theatre major, I'll say it again: Playing evil is much more fun. I'm sure it's also more fun to write for those characters. Irina needs better material.

Lillian surprised me, too. I suspect she has her limits. She probably knows that these are the only grandchildren she will ever have. She didn't have to take much responsibility for them when they were small. She may be realizing that DisGrace has more than a few cards missing from the deck. However, like most parents, she is somehow blind to the total picture.

You may be right, Kirby. I'm not sure if I have motherly instincts, but I thought Lil seemed genuinely concerned. Of course it's possible that her concern was genuine, but only for her own reputation. She certainly didn't hesitate to lay on the guilt trip when Fernanda kicked her out of her room!

Cynthia, thanks for mentioning the doctor had lost his license. I didn't hear him say that. I knew he had been in trouble for prescribing inappropriate drugs but didn't realize it cost him his license to practice medicine. In that case, you'd think the other doctors would be aware of his reputation.

I would like for David or (more likely) Cesar to look up this doctor. Not just because I dread seeing this story unfold, but because my chief complaint with telenovelas is that our "heroes" too often fail to do the smart thing. My teeth are worn down to tiny nubs from grinding them in frustration over David's cluelessness. If he can't figure out what to do, I'm happy to see Cesar or, YES, how about Luciana google this guy's name.

By the way, I wasn't having such a great day yesterday, and it was really nice to have everybody's comments yesterday to distract me. Thank you.

Hey, Julie! This was marvelous! Welcome and what a treat for us!

Anybody else feel slightly nauseous after that look David gave Gracie when she said that SHE wouldn't let the FAMILY be destroyed and THIS is love! I don't know if he was thinking, "Damn, this bitch don't stop" or "Damn, she might have a point!" I took it as the latter which is why I feel sick. Also, when he called Luci right after that, there didn't seem to be as much enthusiasm and intensity in his voice. I thought he was going to tell her they had to talk. . .

Man, I hate Gracie. Can't they see the wild look in her eyes? I'm also sickened that David, AGAIN, is being snookered by Bitch1 and Bitch2! No puede ser! He saw reason enough to put the hoes out and now he's going to take their recommendation for a shrink? What the hell is WRONG with this guy!

I would say I want him to talk to Marta who Fer told she DID NOT intend to committ suicide, but that stupid wench is going to tell him that he needs to break up with Luciana because it's HER fault. . .

I would tell him to look at Fer's cell phone. . .does he have Fer's phone? Because then he could see that Fer did talk to Gracie and Gracie told a bald-faced lie when he was going crazy to know where Fer was!

I thought we were safe but at this rate, David is still vulnerable to being drugged, raped and wed by Grace.

If that happens, I'm outta here!

On another note, I've lost sympathy for Carito, too. And Perla did make a point to tell Juan that Mark should leave Carito alone because the heads up came from her.

Thanks again, Julie!

Thanks, Julie!

Yes, Lila, Dave has Fer's phone. He was waving it in Tano's face at the end of the episode. Alas he is so upset about Tano, I don't know if he's even noticed the calls that should incriminate Grace.

My college buddy's oldest son was prescribed anti-depressants when he was about 14 and it was a disaster. Most of that stuff works the opposite way on teens. Fernanda is on the borderline and should not be given anything like this.

My prediction: This quack will do some damage before Cesar's colleagues return from the conference and unmask him.

Getting back to Luciana: Marta might have a lot of sour grapes about whatever didn't work out for her. There could be a hint of envy about this but it could also be about the ramping up of grief from the succubi. Nobody needs that. David needs a spare pair of cojones.

Thank goodness of Cesar and Bobby. Yes, let Cesar unmask the crooked shrink! I hope the the angry dad chewing out Tano vibe slackens and Dave listens to Tano -- I'm sorry for not remembering, one of my friends just said this in an earlier comment. David needs any allies he can get and Tano could be one of them.

I don't care what Gracie does or even if Dave and Luci take a break. I just will NOT be able to stand her actually worming her way into an amorous relationship with David, even if it's temporary. I want David and Luci to stay steadfast, let Grace bring on the crazy, and Juan bring on the EEvil and I can stand the next 50 plus episodes!

Julie, sensational.

I'm very happy to be reading one of your great recaps again." She wants to show Fernanda her love. (Can it be seen in a mirror? Can it be captured one film? Should we be afraid?)" was wonderful and my favorite line of many.

Your dialog translations were so helpful especially your noting this important statement by Luci "This is all about Fernanda. I need you to be more understanding with me. All I want of you as my mother is to hug me and console me instead of losing the love of my life." How sad.

"Luci is disappointed that her mother clearly prefers Fer". As was pointed out, Fer was really raised by her father. Marta was a distant figure with no hands on rearing, so to speak. It was Fernanda she saw grow up, whom she saw and embraced daily. Still, in my mind, that does not excuse Marta. She is her child and you should at least love your flesh and blood equally.

"Dave says Fer is better; it was only a scare". Clueless.

Graciela continues to impress me with her lightening quick inspiration of how to handle any issue that arises. "DisGrace is not stupid. The girl has more angles than a protractor". Nailed it Kirby.

I agree with UA, the no cred Quack is going to do much damage.

Julie, thank you! I sincerely hope you are having a better day today. I know I am after reading this top-notch recap and the great comments.


Wow, today is my sleep late day after five days of getting up at 545, so I had to get some stuff done before allowing myself on the patio. I was rewarded with a great recap and wonderful comments from those patio peeps already up and at it .

She's baccckkk ! Thanks , Julie for that great Jukiecap. I have always loved your writing. I like the title earworm. I loved Nazareth's version and also the more gently haunting one by the Every Brothers. May I also suggest Def Leppard's "Love Bites." #badboyswithlonghair

Now, where to start. I have so many thoughts fluttering through my sleeprefreshed mind .

Julie..I do think that you had a motherly instinct in your take on Lilian. Even though I do not understand much of the Spanish , watching that scene between Lilian and Disgraceful , I felt that the expression on Lilian's face showed that she was seeing her daughter clearly for the first time and drawing a line in the sand . Lilian is self-centered and arrogant, but she must have a limit as to how far she will go if it means really hurting her granddaughter. Disgrace, your crazy is starting to show.

Julie..Not only can't you see love in a mirror, I am pretty show you can't see Disgrace in a mirror. #buffythevampireslayerwhereareyou p.s We all have not so great days, and the patio is a good place for a little escape. #beentheredonethat A family member suggested that I give up my IPad for Lent !

The strong woman theme and the female gaze has become very popular recently, but I don't see much of that here. Kirby,you may have been a MCP at one time , but I have sensed that you are becoming remarkably transformed as you interact with so many women here on the patio. Perhaps, it was all those time outs outside the principal's office. I have noticed a progression in your comments that shows a slight change in your attitude toward the ladies . #agoodthing

It is interesting that Disgracie and Luci have something in common. They both think that their mothers loved their sisters best. Susanlynn, not doing stuff she should be doing


I am having a better day, thanks. It's my mother's birthday, and there will be cake. Cake makes everything better.

Okay, well, whether Lil cares about Fer or not, she does seem to regard Fer as a human being and not an object to be used up and destroyed. (And embarrass the family, yes.) I don't know if she's capable of any deep affection, but she was trying to set some limits with Grace.

As to UA's question about whether Lisa was really the favorite, I thought Lilian as much as said so on more than one occasion. Or maybe she was just saying that in the heat of an argument. All I know is that I would expect most people to favor Lisa over Grace, because Lisa was nice, and Grace is high-maintenance.

Wait a sec. I take it back... I DO think Lil was concerned for Fernanda, period. I do not think it was just self-interest. Why? Because I don't think she's worried about being embarrassed by a suicide in the family. You heard how she was on the phone with Adolfo - she revels in her sob story. If Fernanda had died, she'd be telling everyone the next day, "oh, we're all heartbroken, of course we tried everything, but David was too distracted by his employee..." She'd find a way to use it to her advantage.

So I don't think that's why she objected to having Fernanda professionally brainwashed. I think she objected because she knows it's the wrong way to treat a blood relative. (I know it's the wrong way to treat anyone, but Lil's care seems to be limited by DNA.)

Julie.. Glad to hear that it is a brighter day. It is literally a very bright day here..sunny and clear but cold with a little of yesterday's snow on the ground.

Happy birthday to your mother. Now, I want cake and have a new earworm ,"Cake by the Ocean" by DNCE. Does your mother live by the ocean?

Julie, I don't know that this quack psychiatrist said he lost his license, I didn't actually hear that. He just said he got in a lot of trouble for inappropriately prescribing controlled substances. That usually results in a malpractice suit or some kind of state disciplinary measures, many times they lose their license to practice. The state of California has a website where you can look up any doctor or any business. Here is a sample of a fictitious doctor:

You can see that if there has been any discipline, it is reported here.

I felt that Lilian was genuine in her objecting to Grace's plan and I think she really did come to a realization that maybe has been building with all the melt-downs and freak outs the normally chill Grace has been having over the past few months. Lilian sees the crazy shining eyes and with this suggestion that Fer's ego be deconstructed for the purpose of getting rid of Luciana, she saw that Grace really IS the emotionally unstable one. Now. Lilian didn't go far enough and should have not gone along with the quack shrink at all but I think her concern is genuine and she is waking up to how disturbed Grace is. Remember, she has NO idea Grace killed her sister and she is going to be shocked/livid/enraged when she finds out. AND immensely personally hurt. No, nobody knows the monster Grace is and every show she is telling someone she is capable of ANYTHING to get what she wants. Graces persona, constant whining about family so obviously has a self-serving and psychotic edge to it because we know who she is. Despite David's recently getting angry at her, she still is able to hypnotize him. Deep down somewhere David may not be attracted to her but may have a subconscious feeling that she's "too pretty" to be as devious as she is. Kinda reminds me of the chick that was deemed "too pretty for prison."

I thought Dr Evil told DisDrace at the very beginning that he just could not write prescriptions anymore because of an unfortunate 'misunderstanding[' or some such. I don't take notes, but I remember right off the bat she said she needed something special and he immediately told her he would not be able to help that way anymore. I didn't hear anything about a license. or licencia or permiso.

LaFave was right around the corner from us. She really was hot. She was a young, pretty teacher San Franning a very mature teenager in her class. Every man within a hundred miles of here wondered why it had to be that lucky kid and not him when he was that age. If there is a common teenage boy's dream, she was it.

That was a wild story, Kirby, and I just remembered it today when Dave had that look on his face after the confrontation with Grace in the hospital: it's like Grace has some mojo working it's way up (or down) his spine.

"Lilian sees the crazy shining eyes and with this suggestion that Fer's ego be deconstructed for the purpose of getting rid of Luciana, she saw that Grace really IS the emotionally unstable one'.

Very well phrased Lila. And while I agree with you that she did pick up on Gracie being over the top and over the edge, she is still Lili's daughter after all. I don't even think Lili realizes (at least yet) what a monster her daughter is. I think the only one who realizes how depraved she is might be Juan...

Lili's punishment will be the discovery Graciela killed Lisa. And I am a bit relieved that she does seem to care about Fernanda but how far she will go to protect her remains to be seen.

Happy birthday to your mother Julie. And yes, cake does make things better. I often wish lettuce would have the same effect on me. Sadly, it does not.


Thanks, Diana! Yah, Lilian surprised us all. Nope. Nobody knows what a monster Grace is and apparently David has to learn that she killed Lisa to be finally done with her!

( I share your sentiment about lettuce! ;D )

Diana..ha...yeah .

We learn all kinds of interesting things here. We hear more and more about teachers getting involved with students. Sometimes it is the students hitting on the teachers. If you graduate and start teaching in a senior high school , you are only four years older than the seniors. Boys often make creepy, inappropriate comments to female teachers. I knew young male teachers who got involved with students and heard a lot of inappropriate comments about female students from male teachers who were also making inappropriate comments to female teachers. I wonder if that has toned down a bit with all the sexual harassment training now. I had a friend who married a student after she graduated. He was not a creepy guy.

The other day I did a unit on questions asked during a job interview. One question was : What five adjectives would you use to describe yourself? Remember that these should be qualities that would make you look like a good candidate for the job. I was thinking about these characters. I think we could accurately ascribe these characteristics to our Disgracie : persistent, confident, consistent, clever, and well groomed.

Favorite line in this episode..Mark to Juan: "You're not my dad!"

Three or four of those would apply to a hemorrhoid too, yes?

You know we are all gnashing our teeth about what Dr Evil is about to do to little Ferby. But remember back to when she went toe to toe with Dave over something which is really none of her beeswax. After a couple more Te Amos from Tano and after she has her wits back about her, she is a pretty strong willed little gal, she might look old Dr Doofus right in the eye and tell him he is the crazy one she's going home to Tan-o-mano.

Lilian worries about Fernanda because she's Lisa's child and if something happened to her there would be one less reason for David to give her room and board. Lilian is out for Lilian and she's warned Graciela many times not to poop in her easy street.

I hope so. She was sill vulnerable and maybe not totally olut from under the influence of booze and pills when Grace whipped that psycho-screw on her. I liked your suggestion about "Cheater cameras". Somebody has got to record this demon in action!

In case anyone is interested, I translated the conversation between "Dr. Anderson" and DisGrace: (He seems to have reservations about doing this, but for the right price, he will.)

Graciela: So you met my mom when you were young.

Anderson: Yes. By the way, I see you inherited her beauty, huh?

Graciela: Oh, do you think?

Anderson: Yes, you did. I sincerely think that. You're prettier, huh?

Graciela: Oh, thank you. My mom told me you are great and I already noticed
That you are absolutely right. That's why I dared to ask for help.

Anderson: Tell me how can serve you.

Graciela: Well, the truth is that this would be a special service.

Anderson: I can imagine. And you do not know how many people ask me,
for prescriptions for controlled substances. But I'm sorry, I cannot do that anymore.
The last time I got in a lot of trouble.

Graciela: No, no, no, doctor,
I do not want medication. I really need you to make a diagnosis for my niece.

Anderson: What kind of diagnosis?

Graciela: Well, she took it some pills thinking that would make her feel good.
Doctor, but I need you make her think that she had some kind of suicidal impulse
And that, well, anytime that can be triggered, and even become permanent.

Anderson: The truth is, to disorient a young girl like this. I'm not sure.

Graciela: No, But I would not ask but it is for the greater good. Believe me this is for my whole family. We really need this.

Anderson: Well, what happened?

Graciela: It was a disgrace, but I think this is a perfect opportunity for us all to be united as a family.

Anderson: I do not know.

Graciela: Believe me, If anyone knows my niece, Fernanda, I do.

Anderson: But from what you say, Your niece believes that she did not want to kill himself.

Graciela: Well, obviously because she already wants to go see her boyfriend.
You know how they are, but the problem is not that. What is so bad is that her dad is having
an affair with a young girl who works in the vineyard. And poor Fernanda is practically alone. Just trust me because her dad is a widower.

Anderson: Already, poor girl.

Graciela: My niece, unfortunately has been a victim of circumstances.
That's why i'm asking for you to help me. I'm already desperate. I do not know who else to turn to.

Anderson: I'll see what it is I can do.

Graciela: Yes, please, and I also need you to convince David that if he clings to that girl,
this will destroy his family. I do not know, let him know that this is an illusion which has no future.

Anderson: Well, if the situation is so serious, you can count on me.

Graciela: Well, one more thing, please. Do not mention this to my mom because she will not agree with these radical measures. You know how she is, But I really do not see another way out.

Anderson: It's okay, the answer is yes, however, it's not going to be cheap, huh?

Graciela: Of course, no, money is no problem because my family is the most valuable thing I have and for them, I will do anything.


Oh Cynthia great. Now we know. Thanks, so it was that he got in a lot of trouble, but he is still practicing

Wonder if he likes Doritos?

I would love for Lillian to find out first that DisGrace murdered Lisa, go into meltdown mode , and then tell David herself.

Dam that is a tall order Ms GracielaBloodLips, Convince my pretty much sane niece that she is actually nuttier than a fruitcake and suicidal, convince my Brother-in-law to jettison his new girlfriend or his daughter will be successful next time, and don't mention anything to my MOTHER who you have known since I was in diapers.

Cynthia, yes, I'm sure most of us are very interested in your conversation translation. Appreciate your giving us every word and nuance in that cringe worthy discussion.

Doctors without ethics. And a conscience, apparently. Sickening...

I do believe there is a heart beating somewhere in Lilian. It is arrhythmic, but it is there. Graciela does not. She is restless and relentless. Had she ensnared David, she would have spent every day trying to stay one step ahead, trying to ensure her prize doesn't slip away from her.

Susanlynn, I grimaced when I read your list about Graciela. It was a good list but I cringed. Why? When our new division director was hired several years ago, we were in a group exercise (or exorcism) and she had to give her assessment of each of us. Honest to heavens, she said I was "consistent" and "persistent". Not high praise. But perfect for Graciela.

"Tan-o-mano". Hee hee...:)


Graciela: Yes, please, and I also need you to convince David that if he clings to that girl,
this will destroy his family. I do not know, let him know that this is an illusion which has no future.

If David falls for this, Gracie, stick your hand up his butt and operate him like the puppet he is! You can have him!

Men who continue to see beauty in such women are ignoring the core for the facade. And that story about Debra Lafave made me sick. "To beautiful for prison" my Aunt Fanny.

DisGrace does not care if she permanently destroys Fernanda's mental health over this. If she succeeds she will be like Rebeca of ECDLP, but I won't go farther than this since we still have a long way to go to the Karmageddon discussion.

Diana , I hope that your division director also included the adjectives kind, responsible, and considerate in her assessment of you. I get observed every semester , and it is unnerving trying to teach while someone is sitting in the back of the room assessing your performance.

Lila..let's hope that Dave does not stumble into Disgraceful's web. It is always frustrating when the galan falls for whatever the bad girl is spinning.

Urban...I started watching Color when it began, but I had to stop because of the late hour. It seems like it was a pretty good story .

Cynthia..thank you for that conversation.

Kirby...I do not want that doctor sitting next to me in detention.

Speaking of doctors, a local woman just had a 140 pound cancerous tumor from a woman. As she gained weight, her family doctor just teased her about eating too much candy at the department store candy counter where she worked.I am wondering if she will sue

OT WARNING: : : Re Lafave if you have not lived in Florida for a while you can not understand that outside the Disney Ward and June Cleaver facade Florida is Bizzarro World. Deb Lafave, Casey Anthony, the list just goes on and on. One of my local stations even has a little segment of the news they call "Only in Florida" for the bizzare / idiotic / insane / illegal things we see on a daily basis. California used to have a pretty bad reputation, but here the craziness is by hillbillies who can dream up shit that would make farmyard animals blush. I remember when I moved her 25 years ago I was astounded to discover that people routinely ignored stop signs and traffic signals.

And I know it is wrong any way you cut it, but to a man, seeing an attractive young teacher with a football player just does not have the Eewww factor of some old dirty history teacher seducing a teenage girl.

Let's try that again, ...doctors just removed a 140 pound cancerous tumor from a woman. I should not try to comment here while talking to hubba.

her = here

OT Kirby..As a teacher, I can say that teachers should absolutely never ever date students. Never ever. Dies attraction sometime occur? Of course. Should you SCT on it? Never ever. Nunca jamais.

OT..I have relatives and friends who moved to Florida...Port Orange, Naples, Tamps, Lakeland. This probably accounts for some of the crazy you mentioned.

Saw the lady on TV wearing a bright red sweater.150 pounds lighter. Worked at the fudge counter in a dept store.


Yikes..more typos..hubba is still talking to me. Sorry.

OT..Kirby..that's her. She worked at the department store that I frequent. Cannot believe that was left undiagnosed for so long. That tumor was the size of a whole person. She seemed like such a sweet lady.

Question.. So Dave said that both he and Fern were going to see a therapist. Does that mean that he is also going to be seeing Dr. Quack?

Susanlynn, yes, my parents live on Cape Cod - near the canal. So they are near the ocean. And YES, Dave will also be seeing Dr. Quack. Supposedly the doctor's specialty is adolescent psychiatry, so David's psyche should be right up his alley.

Diana, I feel the same way about lettuce. In fact, my favorite "salad" is all the usual salad stuff, minus the lettuce. Lettuce is just a waste of chewing.

Kirby, I hope you're right about Fer regaining her senses. I'm just skeptical about that because of how quickly Disgrace was able to turn her around.

Cynthia, THANK YOU for repeating the whole Dr Evil conversation. It went by way too fast for me to get all of it. So maybe he didn't lose his license, but perhaps he's being audited by the DEA or something. So he could still prescribe medication, as long as it's not the Schedule II stuff like they Rx for ADHD.

OT Regarding the craziness of FL, when I moved there in 1989 the top stories were the Bakkers (televangelists) and Aileen Wuornos (serial killer). I also remember that when Burt Reynolds and Lonnie Anderson split up, it was the top story on the news. Seriously. But then I also remember a pretty teacher named Pamela Smart in NH who seduced a student and got him to kill her husband. What is my point, I'm not sure, except that: 1) Florida is full of crazy people, and 2) so is everywhere else.

And the cake was good, but I'm glad to be home now where it's quiet.

Julie...So, you actually did have cake by the ocean. Cool.

I know three psychologists , and they are all busy. They tell me that there is a shortage around here of child psychologists which points out the sad fact that so many kids need a psychologist.

It looks as though Erika has waited long enough. Full speed ahead. Did they close the door to the office? I think that was a poor choice for their first love connection. Adolfo is in and out of that office all the time.

"Adolfo is in and out of that office all the time."

Miggs TOLD him he likes his daughter but Actions speak louder than words. "Can you hear me Now?"

Ja Ja Ja Ja

I have a home on a beach in a Florida bubble and I'm crazy but I take it with me when I shuttle to and fro. The crazy that is.

Bobby already sees a child psychologist, speaks with David too, why not them or get a referral for Fernanda?

Tofie that makes perfect sense. The plot liberties in this show are cartoonish or like The Three Stooges.

Because of just these sort of things around every corner you get distracted while struggling to convince yourself to just go with it, it is just a show.

It is equivalent to a cheap western where he shoots 20 people with a revolver.

Tofie! I forgot Bobby is seeing a therapist. Sigh. Ironic, too - that boy should be giving therapy to everyone around him.

Here's another thought about Lil. Fernanda and Bobby are the children of Lisa, her favorite and normal daughter. She's frustrated that she has no rapport with them. I know that's mostly because she needs their support in order to strengthen her position in the household. But she also seems truly hurt when they don't want to spend time with her. Some of that is surely ego, because most people would rather be liked than not. However, her relationship with Lisa was probably her only normal family experience. Perhaps she is disappointed that she can't have that with the kids too. There is never any warmth between her and Graciela, and it's natural that she'd hope to feel something more with Lisa's children.

Bottom line is that as unpleasant and toxic as Lilian is, I can still see her as a human being. Kudos to Azela Robinson for that. There is no glimmer of humanity in Disgrace. Kudos to Kimberly Dos Ramos for that.

Good point, Julie. However, she could not have been much of a mother to either of her girls and she took no responsibility for Fernanda and Bobby from the beginning.

Granted, she didn't really need to take much, as Marta was there for the drudgery that goes with motherhood, but she did say once or twice that she has no patience for children. She is certainly not the traditional abuela who bakes cookies and reads bedtime stories, not that she would have needed to subvert her whole self to that. The consequence of this is that she developed no emotional connexion with the two kids. This is more obvious with Bobby and his being a boy is likely to make that even more intense as she had no sons of her own. Makes me wonder when she began noticing Fernanda at all.

While I'm not inclined to assign much credence to anything DisGrace says there is probably a glimmer of truth in what she implied about her father's motive in putting the San Diego apartment in her name. We don't know when Fernando died other than he was around long enough for the sisters to grow up (and we still don't know how he died). This opens up another series of questions about Lillian:

Was she disappointed when DisGrace was born because she wanted a son? Was her husband initially disappointed? Based on this last mention of him it sounds like if that was the case, he got over it. Was Lillian unable to have another child or did she decide that motherhood wasn't her thing and thus prevented future pregnancies?

As I typed the above I had another lightbulb go on. We still don't have good information about when the alleged affair of Fernando and Marta occurred. I have said several times that Leon doesn't look like he could be the son of Marcos and Marta. Could he be Fernando's child? If so, Lillian doesn't seem to know that or she would fly into bigger rages.

Leon, Fernando's child? Hmm. When I look at Leon, all I see is Eugenio Derbez. But that would be an interesting twist. You'd think Lilian would have suspected that, though, right?

I've also wondered if perhaps it was Disgrace who killed Fernando. I don't think we know how he died, but it sounded as though he was sick. She could have poisoned him.

If Azela Robinson or anyone who knows her reads this blog, I hope she takes this analysis as a compliment to her performance. She's a major player on the list of Toxic Mother roles but this one is way different from Josefa in YNCELH.

BTW, I googled for photos of Kimberly dos Ramos because her eye color bothered me. I wondered whether it was natural or lenses. This photo is either from Tierra de Reyes or just a general one, but it looks like her eye color is real. The lighting on her is probably what bleaches it out a bit as well as making her look even paler. She is a bottle blonde.

I never got past the first two episodes of TdR because I thought Sonya Smith's portrayal of the Gabriela character was over the top. Like Nina in PyP she had lots of 1950s notions about women's capabilities and ambitions. It looks like both networks' writers need to get updates about the real world.

I bet when Lisa lived Lilian never got in the same room as the grandkids. Primarily they are her ticket, the hurt she shows occasionally is usually related to the relationship the kids have with her nemesis Marta.

Lilian liked Lisa more because she married well. If Graciela had she'd be favorite. Lisa and Graciela were Fernando's children, one of the things Lilian believes she had over Marta.

Urban, thanks for that photo of Kim. She looks completely different from her look in this show with lots of peroxide used to achieve that platinum blonde bombshell look. The actress is killing this role with the crazy squared. I am anxious to seethe anvil that ends her .

About that apartment that Lilian considers hers but Disgraceful claims daddy put in her name. Was that daddy's love nest ? Fernando's Hideaway as it were ?

OT Someone here mentioned a Hallmark movie about a story set in a vineyard. I just saw that "Autumn in the Vineyard" is on at 1.00 today.

I just text'd Marta to see if she knows where it is. If she does the answer is yes, and then she has been there. I hope she doesn't see through me.

And if you believe that, you will have no trouble with a Father and Son in therapy frantically looking for a therapist.!

One more thing: I have the red necklace in the photo. It was a Claire's Accessories item a few years ago with an original price between $15-20.

Urban, I just did the same thing, found pictures of "DisGrace" AKA Kimberly dos Ramos and found that in most photos, she looks like she could be the nice girl who lives next door. Without that bright red lipstick, the heavy makeup, and clothes, she looks so normal. Her eyes are kind of a light green. But I wonder if she is wearing a type of contact lens to make her eyes look so very "cold". I mean, she could be the ice princess with her face made up the way it is in Vino. Here is the picture I found which makes her looks like someone who might be a friend or neighbor. She is very pretty.

Cynthia...Yes, the hair and makeup and wardrobe departments have done a great job of turning the actress into the cold, calculating ice princess with a heart of stone. I am just surprised that she has not been more aggressive using her femme fatale skilz to rope and tie Dave . This is not Disgraceful's first rodeo. Do you think that she will dial up her campaign now that she has become more desperate since Dave has declared his love for Luci . I heard a good theme song for her this morning....George Harrison's " I've Got My Mind Set on You."


I was thinking "The Roof's on Fire" by the Bloodhound Gang. Great with Doritos

Ouch !

KDR is only 24? Holy Mother of Jesus they have her looking ten years older on the show. IE: she is hardly older than Ferrby?

Her pictures are all over the place looks wise, some more glamorous than others. Most of them show a flirty-looking friendly smiling girl next door. Woof.

Wow, born on income tax day. She is also playing older than she really is.

Makeup is everything; a good makeup artist sees actresses as blank canvasses on which to paint the image the character needs. Lighting takes care of the rest.

Eye color can be changed with contacts very easily these days. When the very Scandanavian-looking Karita Mattilla did Tosca for the world broadcast she wore dark contacts in addition to the black wig because the character is supposed to be Mediterranean-looking. Now whenever I see interesting eyes on an actor or actress I'm always asking myself if that's the real color. If I weren't so paranoid about using them I'd get colored contacts myself.

Urban, I don't know about you but I would have much rather Mattila gone with her regular blonde (or hell... red, brown, bald, or WHATEVER) if it enabled her to hit that b-flat at the end of 'Vissi d'arte' better than she did. It sounded like someone just goosed a schnauzer!!

Wonderful character analyses by you all as to the characters of Lil and DisGracie. Fascinating, really...

Isn't it funny how 'gaslight' has become- partially, I think, because of the most recent ongoing discussions about the media, as well as the current U.S. administration in general- more and more a part of our general vocabulary? I think that, now, everyone pretty much knows what it means, but I'd be willing to bet that 95 percent of those people have never even seen the film! Nor, (trivia question here), which living legend actor/actress made their acting debut in the film at the tender age of 17..... ;-)

*looks down in shame* I can count the Hitchcock films I've seen on two fingers. I really do need to fix that...

Reading that recap, thank you Julie, reassured me that--as low-key as it mostly was--this really was a fairly good episode, if perhaps most important for Marta unconsciously revealing that Luciana is her second favorite daughter and Graciela leveling up massively in villana via her plan to gaslight Fernanda. Let alone going behind her mother's back and snowing a psychiatrist to do it. While she's never been above manipulating Fer in small ways, this is likely the proverbial big one that can't be walked back and leads to Fer's realization that Tia Graciela cares about her about as much as she does about staple removers. It's all about her ultimate objective of getting David to San Francisco and beyond with Carly Simon's You Belong To Me as their Our Song (come on, people, it's right there!).

As for Lilian...while 80% or so of the time she can't be bothered with anybody, particularly her grandkids, this definitely fell into the 20% where she appears at least somewhat vulnerable and shows she has feelings underneath that Hyacinth Bucket exterior. It was probably just as deliberate as Graciela snowing Dr. Evil, since it goes back to Lilian not really grasping how messed up her daughter is...until it's too late. (Your orchestral music sting here.) Especially since she's mentioned that Graciela's been a little unstable in the past, too...I utterly agree with the sentiment that her Karmageddon, more or less, will be in finding out her daughter is a monster or at least a nuclear hot mess.

Flip side, and I'm blaming the editors we love to hate for this: Miguel finally gives in to his growing feelings for Erika, decides to take her to San Francisco, off goes the shirt and END OF EPISODE. It's not quite Rebeca and Plot Gun in ECDLP, but that was an impressively stupid almost-cliffhanger.

Carito blabbing about the police getting closer to Mark and Juan to Perla to protect her, and Perla in turn blabbing to Juan about that, probably was just another nail in Carito's coffin. Unless Perla somehow sacrifices herself to save her bestie, which could be a major karma recycling moment for her...assuming she doesn't revert to type.

UA: Leon's indeed the one who doesn't look like his mother or sister, but I'm still expecting a Paternity Rug Pull to affect Luciana. Maybe more so after this episode, since Luciana's kind of on the outs with Marta for the first time thanks to Marta's loyalty to Fernanda over her. And since this fakakta show apparently is backloading everything truly significant, we're probably coming up fast on the point where any sort of reveal would happen to begin with...

Stevey..I'll play. My guess is Angela Lansbury.

BILL C. YES, I agree that Carla Simon's"You Belong to Me" is an excellent theme song for Disgraceful. That is my favorite Simon song.

Re Erika inviting Miguel to go to San Francisco. Did anyone else think that Miguel looked a little surprised and hesitant. It looked like he was doing a little very awkward planking as she pulled him down to her. My guess is that Erica's next line is "Does it bother you that I am not a virgin?" And Miguel answers , "No, as long as it doesn't bother you that I am !"

Carly..not Carla. Ehhhh

Y'all are right about "You belong to me." Gracie just puts a vicious edge to it!

Yes, Bill, you really do need to fix that. Psycho, The Birds, Rope, North by Northwest, Vertigo, and most of all Rear Window at a minimum.

Gaslight, however, was not a Hitchcock film.

I am a little bugged that we didn't see a little more of Miguel with Erika and their San Francisco Treat, but I guess this isn't technically their story.

Susanlynn, LOL on the Mig/Erika conversation. He did look surprised, but when he realized it was the trolley to San Francisco he was happy to hop on board.

("You're So Vain" is my favorite Carly Simon song. I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee...)

BTW, what is the deal with Gutierrez apparently inviting Miguel along for the raid? What's he gonna do, sit on the sidewalk and wait? It's crazy. Erika was worried that he'd be hurt. Do we want to start placing bets on how this will turn out?


Lila...more like "You belong to Me, Damn it !" The Dupree's have a different song but one of my all time favorite ballads by the sane title.

Diana...I just found judyb over at LA Pilota.

Julie..don't forget my favorite Hitchcock thriller Marnie starring the virile Sean Connery.

Say... I've never seen Marnie. I'll put it on my list.

Julie..yeah, I don't think it is legal to have civilians go along on a raid. However, I think that this may have happened before in telenovelas . I hope nothing happens to Miguel.Juan and Marked, however, are on their own. I think that it us too early for their anvils.

I like that line of Carly's, too. There was always a big debate concerning the guy that song was about. I heard Warren Beatty and Marvin Hamish mentionned.. I always thought it was about my conceited, egotistical, philandering boyfriend, but I don't think that Carly was acquainted with him...just the type of guy he was.

I also heard it might be Mick Jagger, who sings accompaniment in the song. I bet he'd watch himself gavotte.

I heard it was Warren Beatty as well.

Julie..ha. Yes, we all like to watch Jagger gavote. Did you ever see Jimmy Fallon imitate him on SNL. So funny and so right on.

I Gawd girls, now you have me hearing Linda Ronstadt "You're No Good"

Jimmy Fallon as Jagger was funny. Al Franken as Jagger was uncanny.

Kirby, that song is stuck in my head now.

Yeah Jewels welcome to my world thanks to our own personal internet DJ Sooo.

:-) Great song. I'm not going to fight it and just dig it out and listen.

Julie..I somehow missed AL Franken as Jagger. Did he move like Jagger? (Shout out to Maroon Five. ) I guess that AL is a little too busy now to do that imitation. We have a prediction of 6 to 10 inches of snow Monday night into Sunday. I think that the storm is heading your way. Bah ..winter when it should be spring.


Did he move like Jagger? You be the judge: It's eerie.

Yeah, we're expecting a blizzard or a noreaster or somesuch. Getting to watch sunshine on TV is one of Vino's big attractions.

I started on a vat of split pea soup but it got too late so I put the chopped veg in the fridge until tomorrow. I have no plans to go anywhere in this cold and with the possibility of a blizzard.

We're not getting it till Tuesday, but they're saying 12" for here and 18" where I work. So I'll prolly be doing beans in the oven on Tuesday.

I LOVE pea soup, though. It's my favorite.

Julie..Thanks !! Quite wonderful !!

Urban, I love soup ! Hubba and I beat the crowds and got our groceries on Saturday in case we are showed in. They say it is starting here sometime after midnight ... very early hours of Tuesday. We shall see if the prediction is right..10 to 16 inches. Boo.

Julie I would venture that 94 comments is a BIG welcome to you from the Vino-Loco patio.

Anything in the vicinity of a hundred doesn't exactly show disinterest you know.

And Thanks again


Although a few lately look to be Dredging for Doritos. :-) :-)

Thanks, Julie. Terrific recap. Appreciate the dialogue, especially between Juan and skidmark. And then they start making out on the sofa in the only room at Viñedo Santa Barbara that we've ever seen. - ha!

So Erica and Miguel are going to San Franciso on the sofa in the office? Where papa Alfredo could drop in for a meeting any time? Maybe the show is on a budget and there's no money for another room.

David's seen DisGrace expose her fangs several times now, but he's gonna accept some shoddy psychiatrist she brings him? Fer doesn't need an older man as her psychiatrist any way. She needs a woman who won't take crap from her or her family.


Julie - Happy Birthday to your mother!

Urban and those of you on the East coast, please stay warm and don't hate me because it was 85 degrees where I live. ;)

Sending out another song suggestion for this show.. " LOve is a Battlefield" Pat Benetar.


No te preocuprs, Cynthia. I will be making that vat of split pea soup after breakfast so it will be ready at lunchtime. Not likely to go anywhere today.

The forecast for our area has been updated this morning to 18 to 24 inches.

It was on the national news, that house on the shore of Ontaria they are calling the "Ice House", covered in about a foot of ice. No thank you I will stay here and deal with all these polyester-clad tourists.

Good Luck Non Southerners. The TV people always exaggerate for dramatic effect, but if it is half as bad as they are hoping, it will be up there with a root canal fun-wise.

Urban, well enjoy your split pea soup today. It sounds yummy. I'm looking at the weather channel right now and they are talking a foot or more of snow for tonight with 60 mph winds for you all up there. As long as you don't lose power, that's the most important thing.

...and I'm belatedly reminded that we never actually saw Cesar and Susan get to the te quiero stage of their relationship, which is apparently just one more thing this fakakta show or the editors from hell skipped over.

That aside: stay warm, East Coast peeps. This is obviously Winter's novela-style one last thing on its way out...

Bill C...I noticed the same thing about Cesar and SUsan (CEsan? Susar?) I thought that he kissed her a few episodes ago, and she looked not so into it and said she was not interested. Then, in the last episode , they were kissing like they had a thing . Was something cut ? Que?

Oh Sieze her and Soozer told each other the Te Amo in the last episode because I remember thinking "HUH?".

But it wasn't an all encompassing 'Love you with all my heart forever then after that too" Romeo and Juliette thing like we see with Luc and Dav. not.

Last we saw beforehand, Susan, Show Susan was talking about bailing for frickin' Canada after Cesar kissed her because she was still out of shape over Pigpen (two episodes before this one, IIRC). The show/editors skipped over that like crazy.

Susan might want to rethink Canada. Some parts got a lot of snow dumped on them a few weeks ago.

109 comments is indeed a warm welcome... though I have to admit that a lot of them are mine.

Niecie, Regarding the worry of Adolfo coming into the office where Erika and Miguel were doing their thing, I don't think that's a problem - it was supposed to be night time.

Bill, yeah, I feel like we missed a couple of pages with Susan and Cesar.

I think Susan's interest in Canada was that her parents live there. But personally I would rather not visit my parents in an igloo.

Julie..Toronto does not have bad weather. Unlike,the other side of Lake Ontario ..Rochester and Buffalo. ,However, New Brunswick had a couple very big snowfalls this winter.

Julie - Thanks for assurance that it's nighttime and Adolfo is safely at home.

But where are the rose petals, candles, great view of the moon, etc. I used to think TNs were hyper-romantic. But the Vino folks(except for maybe Sonia and Leon) might as well hop in the backseat of a car.

I don't think Erika could have waited for the rose petals and candles. It's lucky they even had a couch. I think she would have gone for the floor if necessary. She seems to think Mig will die tomorrow.

That's an interesting catch, Niecie. In terms of actual romantic moments, across 91 episodes, we've had

- Miguel's aborted (but it still turned out kinda okay in the end) picnic with Luciana in the cava
- Miguel and Luciana's aborted trip to San Francisco
- I want to say David and Luciana had a picnic/lunch of their own once, waaay back?
- Leon's secret wine-tasting date with Sonia (out of their various dates, this has to be the one thing that qualifies as undeniably romantic)
- Gutierrez's courting of Marta (taking it all as one big and minor blanket moment, because the smaller moments weren't really that romantic until the night he banged her)
- and, reluctantly, David and Luciana finally getting it on.

And none of those, save maybe the picnic and wine-tasting, were anywhere close to the novela archetypes of romance. The times, they are a-changin'...

Maybe they are saving the romantic trappings for the wedding night.

I don't rremember Dave and Luci having a picnic exactly, but on the day she convinced him not to sell the vineyard, they had wine and maybe snacks on the veranda. (Terrace? Balcony?) That's when they kissed the first time and then she ran away.

But in that one scene three episodes ago out in the vineyard, waaay in the background, didn't you see those two little dogs?
They made Luci and Dave look like amateurs.!

Did the dogs have candles and rose petals?

Niecie..Probably the most romantic moments in this novela are those love cave dates that Miguel set up for Luci even though they did not end with any actual San Franning . To me, Miguel seems like a romantic guy who has carried a torch for his first crush for a long time! I know that others do not care for Miguel's total devotion.As always, Milages may vary.

Hey, Bill, I think that you left all the Gut\Lilian trysts off that list.Are you blocking those intentionally or did your mind just do that unintentionally ?

Julie..remember that afternoon when Dave finally divested himself of his perpetual vest and the San franning was actually going to happen, there was a narrow window of time when everyone was out of the house. Ticktock. No time for rose petals or candles.

Should we assume Miguel makes San Francisco? He shed his shirt several times with Luciana and never got over the bay. While Luciana pulled a few NOPES on him, Miguel may have a few in his back pocket.

Poor Miguel has been ignored for only two weeks and already lost his galan status? It's still fresh in my mind the Luciana and Miguel show and David's roll was a paycheck, room and board for the lovers. Miguel can still score just catch Luciana on the rebound.

Julie, nice to meet cha. Enjoyed your
Recap. Good snark. Now I have one ?.
What the hell is wrong Marta? I know
She's concerned about the brat, but lucy is in pain of the heart too. Now she can't muster up some support for Lucy? Her daughter?
Just a little concern would help. And
Even if it appears to look like its Lucy's fault, it isn't.It's what fer's
Nasty, lying manipulating murderous Tia is doing. And folks(david) seem to be blind to it. How long is that gonna last?
Mark is a bomb waiting to blow. He's gonna kill somebody or somebody will off him. Hes crazy. And crazy will kill,either him or somebody else.
I just want him gone,he's creepy. Poor
Tano, I hope David gives him a chance to explain.When dav gets pist he don't Let nobody talk. Now I can understand him cuttin off lil and disgrace cuz they full of crap, but this poor boy, he should be happy somebody putting up with his little spoiledbrat, he should let him explain. And Not that it will matter. Ok thank julie :)

Susan: I'm debating whether Magic Brian's various trysts with Lil actually count as "romantic"...though they're certainly closer than Perla and Juan's booty calls were.

I think we should assume Miguel makes Frisco unless Adolfo walks in on them tonight.

I still think of Miguel as honorary/backup galan. If he gets hurt in the raid and Luci hears about it, you know she'll make a beeline for the hospital.

Nina..I agree with you completely about Tano. He has become my favorite character in the show, and he is a good influence on spoiled Miss Fern.

Bill..Watching those scenes between Lilian and Gut, I always feel as though I am about to see money changing hands.

I had another question, is fernandna that dumb? Is she really gonna let her aunt mess with her mind?"Think girl U
Are not so destitute to take your life cause your daddy is in love with somebody Your skanky Tia told you not to like". Get a grip girl. Being a teenager is no excuse for being blind
Of brain fuction.

Julie..I actually think that this is the closest Miguel has ever been to San Francisco. Erica looked...intent. Do you think that the writers are done teasing us..and poor Miguel ?

Nina..well, we have a of of episodes left, so I think that it will take a while for Miss Fern to wake up , grow up, and see her auntie for who she really is.

Yeah, Susanlynn, it looked likek Miguel was going for it.

whether Magic Brian's various trysts with Lil actually count as "romantic".

See 'dogs' above


The last glimpse I had of Ms Erotika, I wondered about that unlocked door and Adolfo too.

"ERIKA ! "
"DAD !"

"Mr.Adolfo ?"
"Friguel !"

".I actually think that this is the closest Miguel has ever been to San Francisco"

Hitchhiking does not count.

HOLEY MOLEY! Didn't have a chance to comment this weekend, but this is astonishing...132 and counting and we all know how ridiculous this tn has gotten. Nobody is listening to us. We could have made it so much better.

Julie--Welcome back. Thank you for your re-debut as a recapper. It was a terrific read. Hope this doesn't diminish your contributions to the comments.

Kirby--Lila--Susanlynn--Tofie: The four of you are a tag-team of downright funniness. I'm not taking anything away from anyone else. Every one of you certainly kept me laughing all the way through.

How can anyone top this for a unfiltered comic relief. Kudos to all the participants.

Anita. I just reread some of the comments and had to mention "Love you with all my heart forever and after that too" by Kirby . I think he should consider writing romance novels. We should think of a good pen name for him.

Susanlynn--Oooh, yes, let's put on our thinking caps (or beanies) and put some out there after tonight's episode.

Susanlynn--Ok, sneaky way to get in some OT, but I gotcha--
My guess is that Erica's next line is "Does it bother you that I am not a virgin?" And Miguel answers , "No, as long as it doesn't bother you that I am !"

BTW, todos--Kimberly Dos Ramos played a grey-area gal in Quien es Quien and was terrific. If you haven't seen it, it's short and was on Telemundo. It's probably on some on-line site by now. Kat recapped it on her El Cohete blog. I really enjoyed it. And who can't enjoy Eugenio Siller--much different role from Reina de Corazones.

Julie and Bill C.--Don't forget The Trouble with Harry. Unfortunately, it's a bit dated now, but I remember laughing my head off as a teenager. This was Shirley MacLaine's breakout role.

OMG--Just watched the Mick Jagger aka Al Franken clip. Interchangeable. Oh, Al, dear, with that out there, you can't ever run for President (I wish, though.)

Julie-- "She seems to think Mig will die tomorrow." Are you sure? She might be thinking SHE might die tomorrow.

But before she does wakeup,and growup
Tia is gonna do some damage.Some lives are gonna be badly damaged almost to destruction. I wouldn't put it past discrazy to compel that girl to take some pills just so she can prove her Crooket point that its Lucys Fault. Shes just that evil.

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