Saturday, May 20, 2017

La Piloto #54, 5-19-17: Catch But No Release

Part 1~~
Zuli eavesdrops as Lisbet and Raul get whatever information they can on Amanda’s condition by Raul pulling rank with his badge.   They learn that she was hit by a car and is now being prepped for the baby’s delivery, 2 months prematurely.  Zuli decides to disguise herself as a janitor (we assume to finish the job on Mandy).  Olivia calls Bette just then and gets the word. She and Wilmer drive up to the hospital.

DEADave and Yolanda drop Moni off at the police station—where both of them are now personas non gratas—for the latest.  Dave gives Yoli more bullets and tells her naively that everything will be just fine now that John’s behind bars.  Yoli, wise to that says nope, not till he’s behind bars in the States will it be over.

Inside the police stations Chief of Police’s office, Moni warns COP about Montgomery.  Sure enough the dude calls up snooping around for information.  “--It’s rumored you’ve got John Lucio there.”  “--Can’t comment.  --Where’d you hear this rumor anyway?”  “--Oh, here and there.  Don’t forget there’s an agreement between the DEA and the police to exchange information.  Don’t get yourself in any type of political hot water by not doing so.”   The Chief says he’ll call if and when.  Click!  As for Oscar, he’s certain his brother’s in jail in V.A. and plans to do something to break him out if he can get something more definite to go on.

Raul calls Dave to confirm that John Lucio’s been taken in.  Dave asks how he found out.  His BFF—the COP, Raul says, called him.  Raul lets Dave know that somebody ran Mandy over.
The hospital clerk tells Raul that mother and child survived all.  Zuli hears this as well and heads off.

Moni calls Dave outside and gives him the lo-down on Monty’s call.  They both know they’ve got to transfer Lucio to the US ASAP.  Dave says he’ll call his supervisor in the Miami office and give him the heads up.  He can be trusted.

Dave makes the call to his supervisor and tells him that Montgomery is in cahoots with the Lucio gang and works for them.  He has the guy’s cell phone which will no doubt contain all they proof they’ll need to convict him.   Dave’s boss then asks him about Reyes.  Nobody’s heard from him since yesterday.  Dave tells him to send the vehicle description and the plate information and he’ll search for him from down there.

Meanwhile, Col. SantaMaria and Rubio have made it to Mexico.  They’re only a few miles from Villa Antigua.

Dave tells Yoli about Reyes and that he was hot on S&M’s trail and now has left fallen off the radar screen.  She offers to take the helicopter at Aero Tours since they’re in Villa Antigua anyway, and they can fly up and down the highways and byways looking for his truck if that would help.  They head for AeroTours.

Moni tells the COP that despite the illegality of it without John being represented by his attorney, she’s just got to speak to Lucio to pry information from him.  John, meanwhile, keeps trying to bribe the guards outside his cell.   They’re always willing to listen.  John offers first 2 million American greenbacks to each of them to help him out.  He doubles that and they sneak him in a phone.   Monica comes down to harass John  He gives her nothing.  He screams for his lawyer and she leaves.  (What an irritating waste of time, this character has been.)
In V.A., Yoli and Dave head off into the wild blue yonder.
Part 2~~

At the prison, Mena learns the details about Mandy’s accident and that he has a baby boy.
Lis is going through Mandy’s personal things and finds the map Mena gave her for the stash of cash at Cielito Lindo Bar.  She divulges this as another secret.  She thinks they should look for it and use it for the cash needed to get Raul’s special treatment.  He scolds her for not thinking right.  “--It is dirty narco money!  It needs to be impounded by the police!  What’s the matter with you?  You just got out of jail on conditional parole and you’re already getting yourself into trouble again!!”  She only wanted to help.  “--Well, thanks but no thanks!”  Zuli has overheard this from the maid’s closet as well.

Dave is amazed by Yoli’s skills at piloting.  (FF>>)

Back at the station, the COP is upset they haven’t heard back from Washington yet.  Lucio’s a time bomb waiting to go off every minute he remains there.  He’s giving “los gringos” an hour, no more and then….

S&M pulls up to a gas station in V.A. just as the helicopter is flying over.  Dave notes the plates. They land.  S&M doesn’t worry about the copter since it isn’t an official one.

Across town, Oscar’s got three cars of men and he’s waiting with Verdura outside the police station getting in position to carry out the rescue.

Dave and Yoli check out the SUV from the wrong side of a chain link fence.  She identifies S&M and Rubio for Dave.  She has a mental flashback to the humiliation and torture she was subjected to.  “--We’ve got to catch them!! We’ve got to!!”  Dave says he’s going to get closer. Keep calm.

At the hospital, Zuli listens in as Bette and Raul get the latest on the baby and Mandy.

At the gas station, S&M is looking at the map when Dave grabs him.  A guard at the station looks over and pulls his gun since S&M yells he’s being robbed or something.  As Rubio walks out of the store with goodies, Yo! Yells at him not to make a move.  Hands up in the air.   The Colonel makes his move and Rubio makes his.  S&M jumps into the SUV; Rubio races after him and jumps in also.  They drive away as the security guard puts his gun on both Dave and Yoli.  Too late, Dave jumps up and puts his gun on the guard an gets back in control of the situation there.

Mena learns from his prison guard that he’s got access to the video’s that were taken by the 3 cameras in the parking lot of the hospital.  She was/had been speaking to the doctor when somebody unable to be identified backed up and ran her over.  It was no accident.

At the hospital, Raul tells Lis something about that hit and run doesn’t jive.  He’s hoping they have a tape from one of the cameras to look at.

Behind the gas station (Viewerville has no idea how Dave got Yoli and himself out of this jam) Yoli informs Dave they’ve got no more or very little gas left in the copter.  Dave will call the Fed’s and let them handle it (I think).

A few miles down the road. S&M has Rubio play hurt in the middle of the highway and have called an ambulance.   The Colonel shoots the driver and the two men take it over and away they go.

At the police station, one of the guards secretly hands John a cell phone.

Outside Monty explains that John’s more than likely getting transferred to the States and they won’t let him go ever.  Just then Oscar gets  phone call from his brother that he’s there at the V.A. jail in one of the cells.  Oscar tells his big bro not to worry.  “--I’m just outside the building.  Our men have it under control.  We’re going to get you out of there.”


Looking forward to it.

Steve will Oscar and company be able to bust John out of jail? Will Montgomery finally get busted by his own people? Will Wilbur hack open his phone?

That Montgomery I want to get his as badly as I want Oscar and Zoobeyotch to get theirs.

Kirby: That's the $6.6 million question!

Great title Jardinera!

Hi all! It's up now. Enjoy. The story moves a bit closer to the conclusion. it's been a great week for excitement, I must say. I am definitely looking forward to the break-out that we know has to happen and to S&M's final takedown. I hope Yolanda has a hand in that one. I would love to have her be the one to take down Oscar and Zulima, but that may be just too much to hope for.

Jardinera: We'll soon find out!

Thanks Jadinera. I hope, hope that Yolanda does not get into SantaMaria's claws again. I had enough of him torturing her previously.

Tried to watch this but it is not up yet on On Demand. However you have kept me up to date and entertained me besides. Thanks Jardinera.

Lynette, yeah me too.

To me, the S&M and Zooli plots are far more riveting than John Lucio. It is almost a given that he will get back out amid much loss of blood on both sides. But he is just a dirty Narco willing to ruin thousands of kids lives forever to make millions of dollars without working. You Know, Yoli's ex-coworker. She was not flying First Aid supplies to Syria in those little Cessna singles.

But Zooli and S&M are, to me, on a whole higher level of cruelty and evil, thus a clean comfortable quick death is far too generous.

I don't know if it was mentioned earlier but apparently this is based on a real-life person. My Spanish isn't all that good but from what I can make out the real Yolanda Cadena worked for a Colombian paramilitary group. She was approached by another group who offered her a lot of money. Initially she did not know she would have to transport drugs. They trained her as a pilot but she had an accident. Now she is in hiding from the drug cartel, paramilitary group as well as the Colombian authorities - or something like that :). I got this from the Univision website. Of course the telenovela writers added the other drama!

Lynette I remembered seeing somewhere about this being based or 'partially based' on true events or something like that and was looking for it reading the Wiki for this show and found this little blurb:

Under 'Related Media' it said:
“This series features a crossover in an episode of the series La doble vida de Estela Carrillo.”

I am not familiar with the crossover term as applied to TNs, but I'd assume it means we see characters from one show in the other. Does anybody know? Since many of us are watching both shows this could be pretty interesting.

And thanks for the reminder.

I found that article you spoke of, with Valentina and the paramilitary group etc. WOW

A friend of mine is from Columbia and I mentioned that the Columbia on TV looks very affluent and modern, different than I would have thought. He claims Columbia has plenty of money, much of it from the drug trade some way or another, in that it trickles down and helps build the modern infrastructure we see in La Piloto

I believe that is part of what makes this show so fascinating.

Kirby, I will try to watch La Doble Vida as well but I'm more interested in non-fiction such as History. I find these telenovelas a little tiresome as the characters are always getting themselves into trouble until the very end :). I guess its a good way to learn Spanish. I travel a lot and have been to Mexico several times as some of South America. It is my understanding that Colombia has been quite successful recently in combating the drug trade. Unfortunately Mexico has now taken its place as the major center of the drug trade. In the past very few tour operators from the US would go to Colombia. This has changed and very few will go to Mexico because of potential liability issues. Of course, I think this fear factor is overblown as an US tourist likely has more chance of being run over by a car in the US than facing death as a result of a drug cartel in either Colombia or Mexico. Unfortunately the demand for drugs from the US is insatiable.

If anyone is interested, this article from Wikipedia gives the background and history of FARC in Colombia:

If appears as if the civil war is finally over. To some extent it might be argued that the paramilitary groups were using drugs as a means to fund their cause.

Thanks Jardinera!!! And Alfredo for Thursday night!!!

I don't understand why Zuli is at the hospital? Wasn't she going to go after the money at Cielito Linda? The same money that Arley told Amanda about and now Raul and Lizbeth know of? I think it is pretty poor of Lizbeth not to realize that Amanda was going to use the money for her and the baby. I so hope Zuli doesn't murder Amanda. But I can't see any other reason for why she would be there. It also makes no sense because if Zuli had just gone to get the money straight away she could be on a flight to another country and starting a new life--like John told her to do.

I guess John gets broken out tonight. He now knows that Yoli set him up and worked with Dave. He has to know she wouldn't have done it if he hadn't tried to murder her first. Crazy love! ha ha

So watching S&M and Rubio makes me think they are idiots. So he kills Yoli but what's next? Where do these two go then? They have absolutely no plan. All they have is passion filled revenge on their mind...well S&M's mind. I still don't know why Rubio is with him.

This has 80 episodes right so we have 28 to go.

Carvivlie I wonder also what Zooli is doing. We saw what appeared to be an Oh Shit epiphany when she realized she (thought) she had killed Amanda. But she does not know about the C Lindo money does she? So she must just be there to finish off Amanda.

Thanks, Jardinera. Fab job.

I'm thinking the stash of money Arley was telling Amanda about is different from the stash Roberto led Zuli to, but I could be wrong. I sure don't blame the Lucio employees for skimming and stashing cash every which way they could cause the Lucios show no loyalty to them.

Seems Zuli's No. 1 passion, is not money or John, but eavesdropping. She just has to know what everybody else is saying.

Lizbeth was wrong, but I get why she'd be willing to risk herself to get that cash for Raul's operation.Will she listen to him, or will she go behind his back?

I wasn't sure about the money. I just remember that she was sitting, feeling sorry for herself, and she remembered someone telling her about hidden money. And then Arley mentioned to Amanda that Zuli least I think he did. So I thought the money she remembered was the same that Arley mentioned. hmmmm.... Zuli always seems to come out on top in these things but I really hope that we are just at the beginning of her downward spiral.

Ya the Roberto money was a completely different stash. Zoo and Rob had already retrieved it and I thought Lucio's got it when they killed Rob as that left Zoo begging on the street.

She just needs to die. I'm thinking maybe one of our Floriduh Alligators. Anybody see that news clip of a black stallion taking on a Gator?

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