Saturday, May 27, 2017

La Piloto #59, 5-26-17: Bad Boys Brawl But Bad Broads Rule

Monica sits in her jail cell thinking back to how the state prosecutor doesn’t understand her, I.e., how she could have let herself bow to the demands of a couple of (insidious and predatory) redneck narcos anymore than she could ever understand DEADave’s’s rejecting her sexual advances.  (You mean besides Yolanda’s being a beautiful, brave and alluring bad girl?)

Col. SantaMaria calls Lisbet on Carmen’s phone.  He asks for Yolanda.  Yolo signals it’s S&M and to say she’s not there.  He wants the combination for the safe.  They give him it thinking he plays fair and square.  (Yo! Yolanda, are you serious???  How soon you forget!!)   She and they naively think they’ve saved Carmen’s life, especially by ignoring Raul’s suggestion of sending in the Villa Antigua police with sirens blaring.  Once the money’s counted, ol’ S&M does in poor Carmen.  AND when Rubio declares they have enough money there to begin life over in some other country, S&M says Hell NO!  That money is solely for the pursuit of Yolanda Cadena.  Rubio has a minor temper tantrum and gets pistol whipped for his suggestion.  

Dave visits Moni and tells her not to give up.   He’s looking out for her.
Dave learns  from Fajardo Lucio’s extradition’s been postponed and he races to Benavidez’s office and barges in.  The Mouthpiece leaves (after threatening the guy’s kidnapped daughter’s death unless Big B cancels the whole extradition thing).  

John’s transfer is happening and Dave tells John don’t expect to be there long and he’s put into the Mexican prison population where Mena’s licking’ his chops to get at him for Amanda’s supposed death order.  

Dave rushes back into Big B’s office while he’s screaming to wifey that he’s got to obey their demands or else.  Dave’s certain the guy’s been threatened with his family’s murder if he doesn’t obey.  Benny admits his daughter’s been kidnapped.  Dave calls Yolo and mentions this.  She tells him it’s possible and very likely the warehouse her mom and Christian were kept is where they’ve got the girl sequestered.  

Dave and Fajardo get a rescue team of agents right over there.  Fajardo takes the kill shot while Dave is still trying and failing with the ol’ talk ‘em to death weenie pajama-boy method of victim rescue.  (Fajardo’s just jumped to #1 in Viewerville’s book.)  

Meanwhile, Arley goes crazy trying to find John in the prison population.  Mouthpiece informs John during search, that Montgomery’s dead and Dave’s back at the DEA due to this event.  

Arley finally sees him and confronts him in the cafeteria. “—You ordered my pregnant girlfriend’s murder!”  John doesn’t know what he’s talking about and says as much.  “—A million bucks to anybody who helps me fight the guy off!!” They start a knockdown drag out Battle of the (physical) Titans.  It’s a draw, though, and John gets thrown into crumbling prison hole of a cell.  He’s snuck a phone and calls Oscar.  Oscar says they’re working on his extradition problem.

Oscar gripes at the Senator for being useless.  A phone call is supposed to have done it but nothing, zip, zilch, zero, has happened, he sneers and walks off.  Vergara walks in and discusses Yoli’s background and her having 2 family members in the witness protection program.  The Senator tells him to find out where they are.  “It’s too difficult.”  The Senator tells the guy that’s the last thing he thought he’d be hearing from a guy like Vergara.  “Find them.”

Zulima, sleeping on the streets now, uses the last Ace up her sleeve and calls the Senator.  She tells him she’s been left alone now that John’s been taken.  Can she come see him.  Sure, he says.  Come by the club.  “—But Oscar?”  “—He’s no problem.  You’ll be fine.”  She is a believer and is totally up with that; she counts her last pesetas and takes the bus (we must assume—unless she knows a cabby who’ll take a Lewinsky instead).

End Parte 1~~
Part 2~~

Dave calls Moncado's phone and Oscar answers.  Oscar is impactado to learn that Dave's killed Moncado and has rescued their only chance at bending Benny to their devious desires.  Dave tells him to get ready cuz soon he and his associates are going to be joining John in the U.S. prison system.  

Needless to say, the Senator is furious.  He tells Oscar they're done.  Get his things and Get. Out.  Oscar knows he is outnumbered.  Vergara's ready to annihilate the whole lot of them if need be.  He has the possee pack up the SUV.  As he's overseeing things,  Vergara comes outside and warns him not to open his mouth or he and his minions will be there to shut it for him.  One falls, we all fall.  Oscar replies that he doesn't have to remind him.  However, Vergara and the gang should remember that in a long game, there is always a rematch, another period of play and this, my friend is a long game.  

Once in the car, Oscar is on the phone with John who wants an update on the extradition process.  Os tells John they've lost the hostage to Dave Mejia and the DEA.  Not just that, but he and Las Sombras nearly came to body blows a few minutes ago.  John is pissed and screams at his brother's fighting and skirmishing and plain old lack of cool.  Os says it's no time to be scolding him.  They've got bigger fish to fry trying to get him out of there and as for Las Sombras, it's just now back to the two of them.  Forget La Sombras, bro'.  John tells him to get on it cuz he can't deal with being sent up to prison in the U.S.  (I guess nobody's ever told him what country clubs U.S. prisons are compared to the Mad Max lifestyle of Latin American and Asian prisons.  He might find he really likes it.)  

Zuli shows up at the Senator's club.  She tells them she wants absolute discretion when it comes to Oscar Lucio learning she's there.  "--Not a problem.  He's not here."  Fine, then she's going to sit down and talk turkey (or at least Viewerville would think that's the next step for scheming Zulima).  She's movin' on up... to the big time......

As for Benny, he has his daughter back and is grateful to Dave.  He says the next step in the extradition process is getting a judge to agree and sign off on it.  Hmmm.  Who will that be?  Dunno.

Dave then sees Moni being taken off to prison.  She does not want him to help her.  She's going to do the time; she did the crime.  (And, besides, her life is a big zero, anyway.) 

Dave has to make a phone call with Fajardo to the big shots in the Agency up north.  Yoli is next on their list.  Fajardo realizes that Dave's got a thing and a possible relationship with her.  He advises him it's one thing to have a woman at his side, but just make sure of the woman he chooses.

That night, S&M is getting thing ready to go, but the Ambulance is broken down.  Rubio pulls a gun on him and tells S&M he's done.  He is done being his lap dog, his fetch and get it for everything.  He used to admire the guy, till he turned into a murdering lunatic--and all for that woman, Yolanda Cadena.  Rubio admits he had a chance to hand him over to her and the DEA guy she was with, but didn't when she had him in her gun sites.  Nope.  But now, he's done.  The colonel brings up his own gun out of nowhere and shoots Rubio dead square between the eyes......


    I cannot get over how these jealous women think there is only one man in the world for them. Well, I am getting the vibe that Monica is pushing for Yolanda to be extradited to the US so that she can get Dave. She had that tearful, crying episode with Dave. In her questioning she explained why she had allowed the Lucios to escape. She was asked about Dave but that part was not included. Later he asked her if he could help and she said not to worry she had dealt with it. I suspect she ratted out Yolanda. Maybe it won't be a happy ending but both Dave and Yolanda will go into hiding like the real Yolanda. We'll see.

    Thx for your comments Lynett. I was wondering why Yoli was back on the radar of the DEA. It makes sense iif Moni ratted her out. And the senator is on her trail as well.... not to mention mi Col.

    Doesn't the DEA know why Moni helped los Lucios. Seems to me that she would be given some consideration for her sisters kidnapping and death blackmail plot. Maybe I missed the dialogue concerning this.

    I don't see how Dave can help Yoli anymore. Yes she helped to wrangle John but the kidnapping of the baby is too much. What a dumb thing to do. Surely she knows there's no coming back from that. I don't think Dave knows about the baby yet but even he will have to ask WTF Yoli.


    Nett when they were initially questioning Moni after her arrest, she tearfully recounted every detail of her sister's kidnapping and murder as her reason for helping the Lucio's. They told her they were very sympathetic, and hoped the judge would see her predicament, but the law says she must be arrested and charged.

    We can't talk about this without talking about shooting, so here goes.
    A. Note to Rubio. If you pull your gun, use it. Do Not stand there pointing it and blubbering.
    B. For once the hostage taker got a cap popped in his ass. The first shooter wins, why do they not always do this? All Dave had to do is gradually squeeze off a round, which he did. There seems to be a popular misconception that AFTER I shoot your ass, you will be able to pull your trigger and kill the hostage. How'd that work out Monty?

    So the results of above is that S&M is on his own now, albeit with million$. And Oscar and friends have parted company with Vergara and Senator and friends. Divide and conquer. Things are looking pretty grim for John getting out, and he may not be so lucky next time with Mena. I was surprised he did as well against Mena, as Mena looks pretty big, and John (I looked it up) is barely 6 ft tall and a scrawny 165 pounds. Luisa on Double Life would mop the floor with him. :-)

    OK I have to ask, is the Senator actually INTERESTED in Zoo creature? I thought initially in the show he had ulterior motives, but now she does not have much to offer him, I would assume.

    Lynette: Are you telling me Monica is dirty ?

    WTH ?

    I'm guessing the senator is hoping Zuli's got some info he can use to dispatch those pests John and Oscar quickly. If she thinks he's just gotta have her, she's nuts. Steve, I don't remember the senator being mentioned by name.

    Poor Rubio. NOT. He went along with S&M killing innocent people when he knew from the start it was wrong. S&M killing a defenseless mother figure must've finally gotten to Rubio. But nope, he couldn't sneak out while S&M was asleep and call the police on him, instead he stands there blubbering.

    Yoli wouldn't take Dave's call, so maybe she realizes there no future for them. I certainly can't see one, but Raul and Lizbeth are the couple I'm rooting for anyway.


    Niecie Oscar called him Sinisterra or something like that ."Gerardo Murguía as Jorge Sinisterra"

    Steve, No, but she helped the Lucios escape when they had them surrounded because her sister was held for ransom.(their release)

    Steve, I don't know what Monica told the investigators. After she narrated her story, she was asked ... and David? Univision cut it off there and we did not hear the rest. Remember that Monica tried to have Yolanda captured and Dave helped her escape through the laundry shoot. We don't know what Monica told them about Dave and Yolanda. Monica tried several times to have Yolanda captured. She is correct in doing this as Yolanda is obviously guilty of carrying drugs but I suspect Monica's motivation is also jealousy. She is not willing to listen to Dave's statement that she is the only one who can bring down the Lucios. She provided the information as to where Dave could find Benevides' daughter.

    Kirby, I think that the Senator is interested in Zulima. If I recall correctly, she turned down his offer earlier as she said he would not divorce his wife for her. Zulima is as guilty as Yolanda as she was also a pilot. In addition she is guilty of the murder of Amanda. Lots of strands still to untie.

    Niecie: Looks to me that Dave will need "NCIS" to help him expose the corruption inside the DEA.

    "I think that the Senator is interested in Zulima."

    Lynette: I GUESS....but why would he be interested in a cockroach like Zoo? He is not a bad looking guy, and I'd think he could , (and would want to) do a LOT better. Yep, I remember back several episodes ago when he approached her. Was she wearing the same outfit? I certainly would not put it past this show, but have no clue where it would go, or why.

    With Monica Ortega, there is that catty jealousy thing going on, but in reality, Yolanda is hardly less guilty than Zoo Creature. In spite of a Dyn-O-Mite set of legs, I have not been a fan of hers, and am still not. Yes she does luuuurve aunt Rose, and she has not killed any of her close friends, all three or four of them, And yes, she was raped as a teenager or young woman. She can't be un-raped. It happened, get over it, or do as she did and allow it to ruin the rest of your life. I am not making light of her experiences, but bad things happen to good people, and you deal with it and live.

    So I don't see any way for Yoli and Dave to have a happily ever after short of escaping to a country without an extradition agreement or adjoining cells.

    The first part is up. Hope it can be read without funny letters.

    Jardinera Thanks a bunch. "Cabbie who will take a Lewinski instead' alone was well worth the wait. I am really pleased to see Zooli out on the streets, but hoping this new run at Senator Sinisterra does not work in her favor. Although she knows where all the bodies are buried, as she buried many of therm, I can't fathom how she could be useful to him now, Lewinskis aside. It appears Senator and company and the Lucios are on the outs now and Zooli does not have many friends left either.

    This is getting good.

    Thanks again six fifty four. Boy that sounds clandestine doesn't it?

    ITA, Kirby! She does know where all the body's are buried, and I bet she ends up at the end running things. Period- and that might just be where the storyline ends! Each night I get to the edge of my seat and think OMG! Now this or that's in jeopardy. The love story ain't doin' it for me in this one. Crazy S&M is wonderful to watch, though. He always does the unexpected expected. I bet he even finds Estella and Rosy before Vergara does!

    Lynette/Steve: I remember Moni running up to Dave after the first interview telling him she told them "you didn't know anything about it" but she didn't have time to elaborate and essentially he didn't at first, but he covered for her afterwards. Don't know if that will ever come up again in this storyline.

    Niecie: Yeah, I heard Sinisterra once myself.

    Nett: ITA. Kidnapping a baby is really stooopid. On the other hand, she's already got murder and drugs on her list of crimes, kidnapping is just one more down in Mexico. Nobody gets a death sentence there for anything like they might still up here in the States.

    Jardinera654: Rubio was a liability that eventually had to go.

    I noticed as Sinisterra and Verg were saying their tearful (Not) goodbye to Os he had the laptop with the incriminating video under his arm, and a smirk on his face. I hope this somehow is not lost and does come into play. BUT he will probably only use it to get John released rather than to bring down the Senator, Viagra and Zoo Creature. It appears the other major players on Team Sinisterra have already been killed.

    Honda takes 8 out of the top 10 at Indy 500 today. Go Honda.
    Chevy gets 2 and 10.

    Thanks, Jardinera. Great title and recap. Always amazed how you weave this high action tale so smoothly, like: Rubio has a minor temper tantrum and gets pistol whipped for his suggestion. So much said cover in that compact sentence.

    I can see Yoli and the girls getting away with the babynapping. Especially if they have the baby daddy's support, they could say the baby was in danger from the Lucios and they didn't trust to call the police because of Montgomery.

    The senator wanting to know everything about Yoli and the Gone Girls still trusting Zuli make a very bad combo.

    Fajardo takes the kill shot while Dave is still trying and failing with the ol’ talk ‘em to death weenie pajama-boy method of victim rescue. (Fajardo’s just jumped to #1 in Viewerville’s book.)

    Just love love love it. I'm quite fond of ol' Dave, but calling him a "talk 'em to death weenie pajama-boy" was hilarious. You are one tough-talkin' recapper, Jardinera

    Well, the carnage continues. Clearly I'm too much of a weenie pajama-gal myself to watch very many of these episodes, but sure do enjoy the recaps. Thanks a bunch.

    Ah the Indy 500, Kirby. Went to many a race there. Probably the reason my hearing is compromised now. (couldn't be old age, could it!!!?) And once met Mario Andretti when I was interviewing a friend of his for a local paper. That's about as close to stardom as I've ever been.Or racing.

    Oh an excellent title as well. I tend to skip those as I'm always in a hurry to get to the recap. But much fun and lots of Jardinera alliteration.

    Judy B: I seriously do NOT SEE a happy ending when this nightmare TN ends!

    Judy, that's closer than I've ever gotten. I'm envious. Indy is cool partly because it is sooo international. There are men and women from all over the world racing at Indy.

    The Andretti clan is still a force in Indy car racing.

    I stand corrected, as it must have been Fajardo who got the shot on the fellow holding the little girl.

    Yeah Dave is sometimes given too many lines to spit out. He could use some of S&M's techniques. Very effective, only S&M is one of the bad guys.

    I agree that I cannot see how this telenovela can end well for Yolanda. She simply has too many enemies. Even if the Lucios are gone, there will be other drug cartels that remember her betrayal. She also has too many problems with the government.

    I know that the novela can take many different turns to the real life of Yolanda Cadena that is featured on Univison. As far as I can determine (lousy Spanish), the real Yolanda is in hiding somewhere in Colombia.

    That's interesting Lynette. Hope the real Yolanda gets to live a long and healthy life, wherever she is....though that seems unlikely.

    Kirby, one of the most exciting things about the race is just the NOISE. When it starts, you really go into an altered state of consciousness. Nowadays, when my grandchildren go to stock car races, their parents carefully shield their ears with headphones, but we didn't know any better.

    OT: Judy, the first time at Daytona (NASCAR) I didn't realize how far away the parking is and almost missed the green flag. At Daytona as you run up the main entrance you run right into the wire/cable safety wall almost overlooking the track near the finish line. I came running up there just as they waved the green. Forty or so of those came by at 200 MPH and I spent the next 4 laps washing all that dirt and crap out of my contacts.


    Just caught up! Thank you, Jardinera! :)

    I am pleasantly surprised to see how quickly benavides' daughter's kidnapling was resolved thought now Im fearful the extradition judge may caise more problems.

    Also surprised Oscar left Lucio headquarters so easily but he has all the proof he needs I guess so just a matter of time. Though John was not happy to hear his plan fell apart...I wonder how long before Arley gets everyone there to help him kill John.

    Poor Rubio. What a fool. He shouldve run away with a suitxase fill of money, quietly, and left murderous Santamaria behind.

    I cant believe they killed Carmen too :/

    As I understood, the interrogators asked if Dave knew what she did but Monica knew the consequences of acvepting his help and chose to keep quiet. She does hate the fact that she continues to sacrifice herself for Dave and he is all about Yolanda.


    Alfredo: Carmen got whacked ?


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