Tuesday, May 30, 2017

La Piloto #60 5.29.17: In Which Yolanda is Forced to Make a Decision

• Monica is processed and taken to a Mexican prison while she awaits her trial. She finds new and old enemies in fiery redhead, Joanna, and all her cohorts, who tease her for being another prisoner like the rest of them despite having been an “upstanding” police officer.
• The Senator kicks Oscar and his men out of Lucio headquarters because he’s tired of his shenanigans. Oscar obliges but, secretly, vows revenge.
• Dave goes to see Yolanda and gives her sloppy kiss but is less than happy to see Yolanda indeed kidnap Amanda’s baby from the hospital.
• Zulima finds the Senator and gives him all he’s been waiting for. After a roll in the sack, he asks her to help them get in contact with Yolanda.
• Later, Dave tells Yolanda that the best thing would be to turn herself in, as a show of good faith, because Benavides is looking to capture and extradite her as well.
• Vergara calls Yolanda, as Zulima gave them Yolanda’s number, as the spokesperson of El Cartel de las Sombras and offers her a deal: to handle the Lucio’s part of their business. Yolanda isn’t interested and hangs up.

• Dave and Raul go to try and vouch for Yolanda. They want Yolanda to avoid prison all together but Benavides reminds them that she was a drug trafficker and is wanted for the murder of her uncle; the most he can do is reduce her sentence to 10 years.
• Zulima gives Vergara Rosalba’s address and armed men storm the house and kidnap everyone: Lizbeth, Olivia, Wilmer, Rosalba, Estela, Yolanda and the baby. They take them to the Sombras headquarters, formerly Lucio headquarters with bags over their heads.
• In her cell, Joanna and her cohorts beat up Monica as part of her complimentary welcome.
• Arley finds John in jail and the two get into a fight in the cafeteria. They are eventually separated but Arley vows revenge. Either way, John’s world is falling apart as Benavides’ daughter was saved, his extradition is still underway and he is making more enemies than friends in jail.
• Dave goes to Rosalba’s apartment and finds everyone, including baby, gone.
• Vergara pleads with Yolanda to please accept his offer as he wouldn’t to hurt anyone, especially women or children, and be forced to turn her into the police for extradition.
• Yolanda begs to talk to Zulima, when she finds out she’s at Sombra headquarters. Vergara obliges and Zulima spins her web and begs Yolanda to accept. She explains that John had her kidnapped and then Oscar got into a fight with the Cartel when John got arrested so then she was kidnapped by Las Sombras.
• Yolanda accepts Vergara’s deal. He’s happy to hear and asks who she would prefer to take care of the baby: her mother or aunt. Yolanda chooses Rosalba, who is then driven away from Sombras headquarters with the baby in her arms.
• Dave calls Oscar, whose cell he obtained from Benavides’ phone, and asks if he knows where Yolanda and everyone is. Oscar, now settled in his new headquarters in an abandoned warehouse, tells him that he doesn’t know where they are but he would’ve killed them if he did. Either way, he tells Dave to take care because they will see each other soon…


Thanks Bud. So who thinks Yoli is smart enough to pretend and then turn them in in exchange for a reduced or no prison time sentence?

Me too. I want some frigging suffering and screams of pain. A nice antiseptic death doesn't do it for me. Like Rubio. Click. Done. Nice speech though way too late.

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