Wednesday, June 07, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #23 6.7.17: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Thing Or Loaded Guns

• Tomas shows Leticia around his house and shows her the room she would stay in. She thinks it’s pretty but she thinks it would be wrong of her to stay with him, since they barely know each other, but Tomas reminds her that they are friends and he will respect that. Leticia prefers to look a little more but thanks him for his help. Tomas nods but reminds her that she could find something cheaper but she needs to be careful as she doesn’t speak English and doesn’t know a lot of people. Leticia nods and Tomas offers to keep teaching her English and showing her around LA. Leticia smiles.
• Maria tells Tadeo that they must escape but Tadeo reminds her that the shack is full of teenagers like them so it’s unlikely they’ll escape. One of the teenagers thinks they will be sold, possibly to narcos, but Maria begs Tadeo to not let her be sold. Tadeo vows to die first before he lets anything happen to her. He continues to try and get himself loose from the restraints.
• Mercy to Ryan announces that her home is almost clean of filth, lest the viper upstairs. She wonders why Morgana is even there, is it because he wants to forget Laustela or is it because he can’t be alone. Ryan reiterates that there is nothing between him and Morgana and she will leave as soon as she’s found a place. Mercy doubts it but she hopes Morgana is not the first in a long list of women he hopes to forget Laustela with.

• Danilo introduces Laustela, Rosario and Paloma to the groundskeeper, Natividad, who shows them their room. Paloma doesn’t like the and Danilo suggests they go look at some butterflies in the garden and Paloma nods, placated for now. Rosario takes Paloma to get installed in her room as Laustela asks if he paid for the ranch’s renovations with his band’s “money.” Danilo is quiet as Calao comes and Danilo orders Calao to be Laustela’s bodyguard, much to Laustela’s discomfort. Calao tells her that she will be safe with him, especially since she now knows his voice, but Laustela walks away.
• Leticia continues to thank Tomas, over a fresh cup of coffee, and Tomas admits that she is very important to him because he never thought he’d meet a woman as sweet as she is. He goes to kiss her but Leticia pushes him away as her phone rings. It’s one of the coyotes, who tells her that her kids are kidnapped, and announces that they won’t cross the border if she doesn’t pay them before hanging up.
• Paloma tells Laustela that the ranch is nice but she misses the other house. Rosario offers to take her to the garden as Danilo walks in, kisses Paloma, and asks them to speak with Laustela alone. Once alone, Danilo tells Laustela that seeing her as Regia turned him on and goes to kiss her but Laustela pushes him away and reminds him that, in private, they are nothing. She tries to walk away but he grabs her, throws her on the bed, and begins to kiss her as Laustela tries to fight him off.
• Leticia continues to freak out and wonders how her children were kidnapped and why. Tomas suggests she call Mexico and confirm where her children are since it could be a trap. She nods and calls Dona Coquita in Mexico to ask about her children but Coquita confirms that they left with a coyote last night to cross the border. She hangs up, thinks about calling Erasmo, but Tomas forbids it and offers to pay the ransom instead.
• Laustela stops fighting but tells Danilo, by force, all he is going to get is her anger and disgust. Danilo asks if he’s ugly because he has a lot of tricks in bed. Laustela smiles and tells him that he has some of her own, ones he can’t imagine, but he needs to give her time so they can both enjoy it. Danilo gets off her and agrees before telling her that she will come to him, soon. Laustela nods and tells him to get smarter about seducing her and they will see before leaving.
• In her room, Mercy is looks at herself in the mirror and notices the genie lamp shaped perfume bottle. She then goes into Paloma’s old room, finds a stuffed animal, and hugs it fiercely.
• In the garden, Laustela tells Rosario that she knows how to manage guys like Danilo but Rosario is shocked that she is so calm. If it was her, she would’ve gotten a machete and killed him right now. Laustela reminds her that it’s better to handle the situation, with patience, but Rosario wants to also give Ryan a couple of slaps for breaking her heart. Laustela agrees and vows that all of them will pay for what they’ve done. Paloma then calls her over and Laustela gives her a big hug.
• Danilo calls Morgana and tells her to stop seducing Ryan but she reminds him that he is still trying to seduce Laustela. Danilo explains that he just needs to make sure she’s not going to get back with Ryan but Morgana thinks her time would be better spent at Casa Cabrera. She asks if he wants something else and he confesses that he wants her in his bed again. Morgana shakes her head and Danilo asks if Ryan is better than him. Morgana asks if he means as a man or in bed but Danilo warns her to not open her big mouth with Ryan because she will have to answer to El Dorado, that is, if he doesn’t cut her tongue off first. He hangs up and practices his gun draw.
• Ryan is in his room, thinking about all the mistakes he’s made recently, when Rita walks in. She is surprised to see him but Mercy asked her to clean the sheets. Ryan nods and Rita asks if he would like his things moved back to his room but Ryan doesn’t care. Rita nods, goes into the closet to get clean sheets, but pulls on the stack with Laustela left the bag with the gun. The bag falls to the floor and out comes the gun as Rita screams for Ryan. Ryan comes and picks up the gun as Rita chides him for having a gun, like her boyfriend, who says he needs it for work. Ryan warns Rita to be careful lest her boyfriend get her in trouble and packs up the gun in a different bag. Just then, Mercy comes and asks Ryan to tell Rita to give her back her pills but Ryan shakes his head. Mercy shows him how she is shaking uncountably but Ryan suggests she visit her doctor, as she already said the house was calmer now. He leaves as Mercy chides Ryan and Rita for driving her crazy.
• That night, the coyotes lock the shack from the inside and put the key on the front desk. Maria is shaking from the cold and one of the men place a blanket over her shoulders. Once alone, the teenager who talked earlier warns them that it would be dangerous to escape, as they could get caught and killed, but Tadeo thinks they complain too much without finding a solution to their problem. He thinks they will die either way but he must try and escape; he asks the teenagers to band together, as there are more of them than coyotes, so they can be saved.
• Ryan meets with Joe, who has resigned, much to Ryan’s annoyance. He thinks Joe should’ve told him first, so he could’ve talked to Danilo, especially since his family has known for so long but Joe asks him not to sweat. Ryan then tells him that he’s worried about Mercy, who has begun to for her pills again, and even started hallucinating about her “other” kids a couple of days go. Joe thinks she meant Walter’s kids but Ryan knows she wouldn’t care about them. Ryan then receives a call from Danny as Joe wonders about what Mercy said.
• Fausto sneaks into his study, at dawn, and looks around as Mr. Blake comes in and asks Luisa to fetch his green agenda on the desk. Luisa comes in, turns on the lights, but Fausto hides under the desk. She hands Mr. Blake the agenda and they go to the kitchen as Fausto comes out from the under the desk and looks around some more. He then notices a picture of Mr. Blake holding a newborn in his hands on the desk.
• At Furia, Leticia is cleaning when she receives a call from Chavalin and tells him what happened with Tadeo and Maria. Chavalin is shocked and laments the fact that he can’t help but wonders if she told Laustela so she could help. Leticia didn’t but she already has someone trustworthy that can help. She thanks Chavalin either way for offering to help, as a friend, and hangs up.
• In jail, Chavalin shakes his head at the thought of the word “friend.”
• Luisa tells Mr. Blake that Fausto left and she has ordered him to be followed, just in case he gets into contact with Tonia. Mr. Blake nods and asks that she get him in touch with the Senator when he comes back and see if they have managed to find Laura at the border. Luisa thinks the Senator would’ve told them already but Mr. Blake reiterates the Laura is alive. He then grabs Luisa by the neck before warning her to never question him again because he isn’t crazy or obsessed and Laura is alive.
• Ryan orders a meeting between Mercy and Danilo so they can discuss the recent changes. Danilo reiterates that Laustela needs to focus on singing, so she will no longer be Ryan’s assistant. Just then, Genesis walks in and announces that Horacio has arrived. Danilo welcomes him and then announces that he is Furia’s new lawyer but Mercy reminds him that he can’t make those decisions by himself. Ryan apologizes for making Horacio waste his time as Joe will continue to be Furia’s lawyer. In fact, Danilo can go say hi to him at his office. Danilo is pissed but vows that the 20% will be his one day and then they’ll see who can make the decisions at Furia. Ryan will be happy to wait for that day to come.
• At the front desk, Genesis wonders how Laustela will manage all the band’s commitment as well as her administrative work at Furia. Laustela prefers to stay up to date on everything but she wonders why Leticia looks so down. Genesis explains that she’s been like that since yesterday but it’s not regarding her work papers as Joe is still working on that. Laustela walks over to Leticia and asks her if there’s anything she can help her with. Leticia begins to cry, hugs Laustela and confesses that her children have been kidnapped.
• Ryan reminds Danilo that all administrative decisions will be made by the three of them, no matter what. Danilo wonders if Mercy just can’t be far from Joe but Ryan grabs his collar and forbids him from speaking ill of his mother. Horacio separates them and proposes a compromise: he and Joe work side by side at Furia so that they defend each brother’s interests in the company. Ryan must think about it but Mercy has already decided. She prefers to fight with Horacio before talking with Danilo ever again. She then asks Ryan to follow her as they need to talk. Once alone, Horacio advises Danilo to leave well enough alone as it’s best to keep their enemies close. Just then, Asdrubal calls Danilo and tells him that they must talk about Regia.
• Leticia has her hands tied; she must trust that the kidnappers will return her children once they get the money. Laustela offers to help but Leticia explains that a friend is already helping her out and Laustela needs the money for her daughter. Laustela offers again, as money is worthless if they can’t help those they love, and Leticia finally accepts. She then thanks her before giving her a hug and getting back to work.
• Seconds later, Mercy finds Laustela, throws various newspapers in front of her and declares that she finally got what she so desperately wanted. Laustela picks up the newspaper and sees that her debut as the new singer of Danilo’s band was a success. Mercy warns her that she won’t get far as a singer, despite the positive press, but Laustela knows she sings well and will succeed. Mercy tells her that it’s not enough, especially because most of the successful groups and soloists they represent are male while women are like a fresh piece of meat that goes bad quickly. Laustela laments the fact Mercy, a woman, has told her this, and chides her for not even knowing her audience as most people who listen to regional music are sensitive people who will appreciate a female singer. Mercy nods, but doesn’t care, though Laustela reminds her that regional music is based on loss, heartbreak and, ultimately, hope. Mercy doesn’t think she’ll even be the next Jenny Rivera but Laustela reminds her that she too has suffered and will give the audience all her essence on stage. Mercy is bored now though and walks away as Laustela tears up.
• The coyote brings the teenagers water and some food. He notices Tadeo is missing, but before he can search, Tadeo comes and knocks him down to the ground. The rest of the teenagers beat up the coyote as Tadeo grabs Maria and opens the front door with the keys on the table. He screams at the other teenagers that the door is open and they all run out.
• Danilo holds Laustela close as they walk out of Furia and warns her to not renege on their deal. Laustela confirms that she won’t but she needs to talk to his boss to ask him for a favor. Danilo thinks she’s becoming accustomed to asking him for favors but Laustela assumes that, since his bosses are likely to screw her over regardless, she should use his connections to help good people. Danilo smiles and then Laustela explains that she needs help rescuing some kidnapped teenagers in the border.
• At the shack, another coyote arrives and finds the beat-up coyote. HE chides him for letting a couple of teenagers beat him but grabs his gun so they can go hunting.
• Tadeo and Maria run through the fields as quick as they can but Tadeo must help Maria, who seems to be struggling to run.
• At his hotel, Fausto tells his lady friend that you can’t trust anyone, even if they look weak, but explains that he found his gold mine regardless and won’t let it go. He does remind her that they can’t sleep together for the time being and she agrees before leaving because she has a job to get to.
• Lucio Galvan sits in his chair by the pool deck and waits for Danilo and Laustela (dressed as Regia) with Asdrubal and Talisman. Asdrubal asks if he’s ready and Lucio nods so they lead Laustela to the deck, blindfolded. As soon as they take it off, Laustela Danilo who these people are, but Lucio Galvan asks for a turn so they can check out the whole package. Laustela reluctantly obliges but reminds them that she won’t sing anything right now. Asdrubal reminds her that Lucio is helping her achieve her dreams and she needs to help him by laundering money, which surely Pedro Carrillo showed her how to, and singing. Laustela tells Lucio that all she wants to do is give Paloma a calm live but Lucio reminds her that Pedro wanted the same thing for her and looked what happened. Laustela asks if he was Pedro’s enemy but Asdrubal asks her to be quiet and obey. Laustela explains that she is ashamed at being Pedro’s daughter and resents the fact that she must pay for Pedro’s sins. Danilo tells her to sing, just as she was ordered, but Laustela agrees to sing, only, not launder money. She storms out as Danilo follows, offering to fix things.
• Joe and Ryan discuss Horacio’s new position at Furia. Joe doesn’t know him well but he thinks it’s a bad idea to have two lawyers in Furia as it would only cause more problems. Ryan asks Joe to stay, as he only trusts him to defend his interests, and Joe agrees, if anything because of the love he has for his family. Ryan thanks him and they shake hands. Joe then tells Ryan that they have several matters to discuss. The first is Soto, the accountant.
• Danilo catches up to Laustela and chides her for not following orders. He warns her that El Dorado will call ICE if she doesn’t comply and what’s waiting in Mexico is possibly worse. Laustela reminds him that she knows his secrets too so Talisman comes and offers to tip the scale: she does what she’s told or he kills her. Laustela is quiet.
• Joe tells Ryan that Soto is quite sick and doesn’t want to see anyone though he is handling any pending work from home. Ryan thinks he’s not too sick then; Joe then mentions that, per Laustela’s suggestion, they hired a new cleaning woman but she has no papers. Joe knows it’s a delicate situation though Ryan knows they are not the first, nor the last, to hire undocumented workers. He asks Joe to not tell Mercy though and Joe agrees before showing him the contract for their new artists. He tells Ryan that they need Danilo’s signature and Ryan promises to get it by today.
• Tadeo runs through the field but Leticia can’t keep up and falls. Tadeo goes back to pick her up but she’s thirsty and reminds him that everything looks the same so they don’t know if they’re going in the right direction. He hugs her and prays they are before grabbing her hand and leading the way.
• Rosario leads Paloma to the kitchen but she goes to grab a hat for Ryan since she forgot. Rosario doesn’t know where she’ll get it from but promises to wait for her in the kitchen. Paloma nods and goes to Danilo’s room. She puts her teddy bear on bed, grabs a beige one from atop the chest of drawers and puts it on her teddy bear. The bear falls to the ground, because of the weight, and Paloma bends over to pick it up. She notices a black case under the bed and pulls it out, noticing that it’s exactly like the blue one Ryan had. She smiles and takes it, along with her teddy bear, but leaves the beige hat on the floor.
• Laustela sings her song by the pool as she looks around and sees the scantily clad women in the party as well as Danilo talking with Asdrubal. Just then, Calao brings some women, one of which is the same prostitute Fausto has been sleeping with, and he and Talisman have at it. Two other women sit by Lucio and Asdrubal tells him the party is for him before turning around and staring at Laustela, who continues to sing beautifully.
• Paloma sits down in the hallway with the teddy bear, who she calls “Kid Ryan” and the black bag. She tells Rosario that she is playing “teacher” and opens the bag. Out pops the gun and Paloma tells “Kid Ryan” that they should play “police officers” instead before grabbing the gun, pointing it at the wall and pretending to shoot.
• Outside, Natividad tells Ryan that only Rosario and Paloma are in the house but Ryan prefers to wait for Danilo either way. He thanks Natividad and goes inside where he finds Paloma, pointing the gun at him and demanding he put his hands up. Ryan asks her to put the gun down and be careful but Paloma warns him that she will shoot if he doesn’t obey…


"Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" - LOL! I've seen that movie a million times! Thanks, Alfredo!

Also, thanks for reminding me where I'd seen Tadeo before. I guess I didn't recognize him with his sight! (That joke was funnier when it was still inside my head)

OMG, Alfredo, you're getting faster and faster! Do you type while you watch? Great recap as always...thank you!

This episode was so much easier to watch. Paloma stole the show tonight...she is such a little sweetheart. I can't imagine she is just 4 years old and doing such a great job in her role. Where the heck is Rosario...again? Didn't she learn her lesson when Paloma ended up in the hospital? Geez, that gun seems to be everywhere and anywhere that child can get to it.

LetMe's kids seem to show some promise, but I'm still baffled as to how they are going to fit into this whirlwind.

LetMeHaveSomeMoney actually did something sensible in accepting Laustela's offer to give her the money instead of getting it from Tomas. I did not like the way he stopped her from calling Erasmutt--he is after all their father and he did not "abandon" them as Tomas stated.

Not much progress with anything else other than Ryan putting his foot down with Danilow regarding Joe. Oh, and I still think BBQBun is becoming more than interested in Laustela.

More tomorrow...thanks again Alfredo!



RVG Chick: Paloma stole the show tonight as well.




Alfredo, most excellent!

I only saw the last few minutes but you painted a perfect picture with your vivid descriptions, complete well written summary of all that occurred and wry commentary.

"Maria begs Tadeo to not let her be sold. Tadeo vows to die first before he lets anything happen to her". Those children must be running for their lives. I'm praying they get away unscathed. Well, at least physically as mentally, this trauma was likely devastating.

"She then goes into Paloma’s old room, finds a stuffed animal, and hugs it fiercely". Is Mercy's Grinch like heart actually growing??

I hope Laura is strong enough to put Danilo off. While initially rather cute and cocky, Danilo is now a far cry from the slightly amusing character he was initially. Brutish and loutish.

RgvChick, Paloma is a little sweetheart. I could not believe she was actually unzipping the case and handling the gun. I can't believe the writers (well at least these writers who seem to possess some intelligence)would actually have Paloma shoot Ryan so I'm not going to worry about him. Just yet.

Kirby, yes, don't any of these characters have a wall safe??

"Asdrubal tells him the party is for him before turning around and staring at Laustela, who continues to sing beautifully". I have to say that that piercing stare he gave Laustela (who seemed unaware) was one of the sexiest, intense stares I've ever seen. The man is beyond hawt. I would have melted on the spot. The cold water on this is of course the fact that he is a cold stone killer.

Fantastic title Alfredo. Thank you for all of your hard work and effort. This was fantastic. What would we do without you?


Good Morning, Everyone! Beautiful morning in the RGV today, but it's gonna get hot soon.

Alfredo, I completely understand, especially since there is so much going on and one little detail can change a whole storyline. You're still at the top of my "awesome" list :-)

Laustela continues her usual MO...speaks tough, but no follow through. Maybe all that anger and fear is building up, and like a volcano, will just erupt (probably till the finale :-/)--she'll turn into a female incredible hulk(ess) in a cowgirl getup.

That look BBQBun was giving her was disturbing. My first thought was that he was "admiring" her, but, on second thought, what if he met the real Estela once or twice or saw a pic of her, and is trying to figure out if this "Estela" is the one he remembers. Either way...not a good thing for Laustela.



Another Masterful work, RecapMaster.. Thank you for all this work you do for us.

I watched Palomita and was thinking she does not have the finger strength to cock the hammer, as semis are never stored ready to fire. You always see the user pull the upper part (slide) back and release it to chamber a round and cock the hammer, so Ryan was pretty safe. Right RGV?

I couldn't get a read on...BBQBun. I don't know if he is interested, or recognized her. It is interesting how the open circles are beginning to close. FauxPas' whore working at the shindig with Talisman pouring vodka on her, El D etc. knew Pedro Carrillo.

Give a big Gold Star to Tadeo for getting loose, planning an escape, organizing the other captives, and pulling off the capture and immobilization of their holder. Bright resourceful kid, as opposed to the other's plan of screaming and crying and peeing in their pants.

Alfredo I thought guns were stored within easy access, like in the drawer right by the bed, if they were for protection, or locked in a safe or drawer somewhere if just for storage. Under the bed might be a bit inconvenient if you woke up with glass breaking and an uninvited guest climbing in a window. I'd hate to come out from under the bed and in a panic point a flip flop at him.

Kirby, I thought the same thing. I have (what I was told) a light-weight 22 pistol and (IMO) it would take a small child to use both hands to lift it. Paloma was flinging that gun like a flyswatter. Cocking it would be difficult unless it is a semiautomatic and wasn't uncocked after being fired. The other thing that would keep it from firing is if the safety is on.
So, yeah, I'm sure Ryan is safe.

Kirby, I thought I recognized the girl with Talisman, but didn't figure out it was Fauxpas's hoochie...good eye!


Good morning, all.

Alfredo, thanks for yet another detailed, snappy recap.

I don't have much time , but I wantedvto stop by with a few quick comments .

I was shocked that the very young actress (3 maybe) was actually picking up that gun. Terrible and scary.

So. ..a photo of Blake holding a baby. Us he the grandpa, daddy? Is Laura the mother or one of the other girls?

Those icy blue eyes on BadBun is what gets woman in trouble.

OT..Julie...The look in Badbun's face when he looked at Lestela reminded of Highlander when Duncan killed the very bad immortal and became EvilDuncan for a couple episodes. When he was about to seduce a woman, he looked in the mirror and grinned and liked his lips. Yikes.

Later, gator.

I keep my pistol by my bed, especially since the coyotes have been quite active at night lately... but I have no kids...just dogs. If I had kids, I'd hide it in a much higher place where I could easily access it, but too high for kids to get.


Licked...not liked...hurrying .sorry. P.s. I kind of liked it..Freudian slip???

Julie and SusanLynn, those eyes...that's what I call "bedroom eyes" and they look really good on BBQBun :-)


SusanLynn, glad you brought up that picture of Blake and the baby, I was going to comment on that but forgot about it. I too think he might be the grandpa/daddy. I had been wondering why he wants Laura "alive." He had never really made reference to Paloma, but now with that pic, the reason he wants her alive is quite obvious.


Actually there is a good slo-mo of a semi firing in the montage credits while the show theme is playing of DaniLow firing a gun with the bullet coming out. And you can see the slide going back from the recoil of the shell firing..

For What It's Worth

Blake holding a baby, yep, I saw that. We now need John Walsh to do his "Age progression" on it to see who it actually is. What if LauStella turns out to have us all fooled and is a baby killer? Maybe she killed it's Mother.

Put your clothes back on girls, he only has eyes for LauStela. :-)


Another thing to ponder-will Ryan/Laustela figure out that the guns were switched. I suppose it's not that significant...just that maybe Laustela will figure out how Danilow found out who she really was.


Yeah, I thought a couple of weeks ago that Laura sucks at hiding guns. A gun can be hidden cleverly, OR positioned for convenience, but probably not both (at least not easily). Laura inexplicably failed at both.

I don't think Ryan will be shot, because there was nothing to indicate that in the avances (though there was also nothing to indicate he wouldn't). Based on my limited experience with firearms, Paloma probably couldn't fire it by mistake, and based on what Kirby and Rgv say, it would be unlikely to go off even if she dropped it.

HOWEVER, as RGV points out, this is a good chance for Ryan or Laura to recognize this gun as a switcheroo.

Kirby: "I'd hate to come out from under the bed and in a panic point a flip flop at him." Try one of my flip-flops. They're lethal.

I'm not impressed with Laustela's disguise. I've seen Groucho glasses that were better disguises. Laustela's disguise is like Superman wearing glasses. (I think everyone knows Clark Kent's secret, and they just play dumb so as not to hurt his feelings.)

Susanlynn - Asdrubal looking at Laustela - yeah, that looked like EvilDuncan. I stopped watching HL because EvilDuncan killed Richie. I liked Richie. I thought Amanda should kill him if anyone did. But anyway. Yeah, I think there is more to the way BunMan looks at her than lust. He looks like he's trying to figure something out and it's driving him crazy.

RioCheek remember that her name must have been on the first gun? And the orig had a medium brown grip and the replacement has dark brown grips or maybe black.

Another amazing pic, Kirby. Looks like one doesn't want the other to get it's claws into the nest. I don't think I've ever seen an eagle here, just chicken hawks and vultures...not as pretty...

Julie, I agree... " "not impressed with Laustela's disguise" They could have definitely done a better job...especially since they hired someone to "disguise" her.


RioCheek? LOL Kirby, Are my cheeks puffy, or too much rouge like La Regia's? Yes, the 2 guns were totally different and the first one did have Estela's name on it.


Look closely at Mom Eagle's mouth. The Mother Eagle is asking the returning Daddy Eagle 'Where in the Fork have you been?' :-)

Wait? The original gun was in that little blue overnight bag. This one was in the bag CalLow brought the replacement into the Mansion in when he fooled Rita. But wasn't the one Paloma found the dark grip one? It should have been in the blue bag. Huh?

Thanks, Alfredo. Terrific as always.

Don't want anyone pointing a loaded gun at me, not even a kid with a weak trigger finger. I’m just relieved Paloma is not pointing it at herself. Hate kid with gun scenes. I'm confused about the gun though. Isn't the replacement one at Ryan's where Rita found it in Laustela's closet? This is another gun, right?

So now Laustela knows that Calao was the one who phoned in the threat and ambushed the ICE van, right?

New theory on Tomas. He’s a control freak that wants a woman who doesn’t speak the local language, is very needy, and depends solely on him. Not calling Erasmutt about his own kids being ransomed is ridiculous. Erasmutt is not only the father that’s been sending them money, but his “wife” Blondie looks like she’s well-heeled and could help too.

most people who listen to regional music are sensitive people who will appreciate a female singer

After Laustela makes that heartfelt speech to Mercy, there she is performing for the mafia and their paid playmates. Looked like the only one watching her sing was Asdrubal.

Best line of the night: If it was her, she would’ve gotten a machete and killed him right now. You go, Rosario!

Thanks RioChik, Florida is second to Alaska in Eagle population. They are the Kings of the air and know it. I'm just goofy for Eagles.

Niecie I am CORN-Fuzed too with these guns, who has which, and which gun goes with which bag. In my comment a sec ago I forgot about Rita finding the second gun. So the one Paloma found in the brown bag must be Laustela's original light grip gun which CalLow stole and put in his brown bag. But I thought Pal was holding the wrong (plastic) gun. I think we caught them in a prop Faux Pas unless I saw wrong and she had LauStela's gun. I swore at the time I saw the dark grip gun. I was wrong once back in 2003 so it could maybe happen again. :-)


Kirby and Miecie, the gun Paloma found was in the dark bag but it was the "first" gun...the fancy one. The one Rita and Ryan found was in the blue bag but it was the dark one that Caloa put there.

Niecie, I liked that line from Rosario too..I would've just been a little more explicit about what organs I would cut off before killing him LOL


Writing too fast, Niecie (not Miecie)


OK then it all makes sense. right gun, right bag. Thanks again.

Niecie, your assessment of Tomas is the same as mine. Leticia's gonna need a lot of Hopeos.

Tomas also offered to give/lend? her the ransom money. And he seems to live in a pretty nice place so Waddup?

Lately he does not seem as 'sketchy' as before, but in my book he is suspiciously helpful

Yes, Tomas also looks a lot more put-together than he did when we first met him. There are plenty of ways that a person can support himself such that he has free time during the day without being a criminal, but the ability to pay for plane tickets or ransom for someone else's kids suggests something rather exotic, like a trust fund or a royalties from a best-selling book. Leticia should be curious about this. Most people in the US don't live that way.

I just remembered (thanks to the recap) about Danilo's lame "Taxi Driver" impression with the gun. "Are you talkin to me?" That was more like an impression of an impression of an impression. Watch the ACTUAL movie, kid!

Oooooooh... so the gun that Paloma has isn't Estella's. Well, it is, but it is not the one that was in Laura's custody because Calao switched it. So I will give Laura a break this time, but "on a high closet shelf" is one of the top three places I'd look for a gun.

Where are they going with Mercy's alleged need for pills? Those things are intended for anxiety that is much more acute than what we've seen from her.

Laura, on the other hand, should probably be taking anti-calmness pills, because seriously, how can she tolerate the situation she's in without totally losing it?? She SHOULD be more anxious!

Rita said her boyfriend needs a gun for work. I wonder if he's anyone we know, or someone we'll meet later on. (For all we know, he could be Realstela's pool boy.)

Joe should just tell Ryan the truth and give Ryan a chance to show off his galan chops, if any. Joe is worried that Ryan will disown Mercy if he finds out about Mercy and Joe's affair (because Danilo threatened to reveal it if he's accused of money laundering), and then Mercy will be mad at Joe; but I don't know if Joe's fear is realistic. Ryan might be mad at Mercy and Joe at first, but he'll probably get over it. Right? Even if not, if I were him I would find this situation intolerable, and I would have to blab. Or take some of Mercy's pills.

Poor Chavalin. He's been friend-zoned!

I'm glad that the kids got away. I wasn't expecting them to be the ones with the superpowers, but there you go. It's nice to know that some of these people know when to run away!

No Julie, I got it all mucked up.
Paloma DOES have the original Estela gun which LaurStela and Ryan found in the Condo. It was stolen by CalLow and put in the small brown laptop bag which CalLow returned to DaniLow and he apparently moved with him out to the 'Ranch'. Rita found the replacement gun in the blue overnight luggage and freaked out.

Oops, when I said "'on a high closet shelf' is one of the top three places I'd look for a gun," I meant "in addition to 'under the bed'" being one of the top three. ("Nightstand drawer" would also be in the top three. All bedroom locations, because that's where people sleep and feel most vulnerable.)

I believe Rita's boyfriend is the fellow on the motorcycle who robbed LauStela (on orders from MercyMe) early on.

LetMe had better friend-zone everybody until she has enough fires put out to entertain a romance.

No Kirby, you didn't get it mucked up. I said (and meant) what you said (and meant), but it's very difficult to say it properly.

Paloma's toy is the real Estela gun, and it is not the gun I originally thought it was (the fake). I didn't notice that it was in Calao's bag. I was watching on a smallish screen and couldn't see that it wasn't the blue bag.

The fact that Rita found the blue bag in the closet earlier should have been my big clue that this was the other gun, but frankly I'm not too swift after 8 pm.

D'oh! I remember Rita's bf now. Thanks Kirb.

At your service, Jewels.

Just caught up on the comments while I was out.

I agree that the guy did not give Estela much of a disguise..heavy makeup, curly hair, and a cowboy hat. How about a blonde wig ?

I am still confused about Tomas. I had not thought that he might be a lonely, rich guy who roams the park in search of companionship.

OT..Julie ..I read some interesting facts about William Moulton Marston , the creator of Wonder Woman. He was a psychiatrist and inventor of the lie detector. He also had a wife and a mistress. The mistress wrote an advice column for housewives in Family Circle ! So, I Wonder who he fashioned Wonder Woman after..the wife or the mistress...or maybe both.
As for Highlander, I forgot that Duncan killed Richie when he was EvilDuncan. How could I forget that?

OT..Kirby..I ran across a quote by one of my favorite photographers Ansel Adams that made me think of your photography. "You bring to the art of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard , the people you have loved." I think that you could apply this quite to all creative and artistic endeavors, including living your life.


The thing about that "disguise" is that most women would merely call it an "outfit." It barely qualifies as a makeover, much less a disguise. Peter Brady's fake mustache was a better disguise. A short blonde bob would have been more effective, at a minimum. And something to more significantly alter the appearance of her face.

OT Susanlynn - WW was apparently modeled after both the wife and mistress. An unusual setup, but apparently it worked for them.

Thanks Sue, I had not ever read that but it is verr verr true. And very astute, as for me.

You know, I understood him to be simply giving her a 'Stage Doll-up' rather than a disquise, but I may have missed something. He was talking about how hot she would look, but never mentioned anything about like 'no one will be the wiser' or 'they won't recognize you'.

OK, perhaps I misunderstood. Laura was very concerned about being recognized, so I thought this makeover thing was supposed to actually make her look like a different woman.

I suppose once they decided the cat was already out of the bag, there was no need to take it that far. Especially since Fausto was really supposed to be eliminated.

Next time I hope Calao has a bigger knife.

There are plenty of candidates, but the one who pegs my Hate-O-Meter is Danilo. More so than Fausto or Calao or ShitBun or any of them. You want to tie him down and turn loose a few pissed off tarantulas on him.

Hmmm maybe some eye-gouging too.

Oooo no wait ! What about that Medieval stretching machine?

Years ago in Duelo de Passiones, the galan did not recognize the leading lady because she was in a different location wearing different clothes . Que?'s that smug grin. You just want to do something to wipe it off his face. I have seen it on the faces of many teenage boys. However,I hate Fausto even more than Dan. Same arrogant smirk but he lured a young girl..probably more..into a brothel. Slimy. I really was disappointed that Killer Cal did not check to make sure he got the job done.

The guy playing El D sure does not look like a mafia leader. Then again, I do not not know any of those. Bad Bun seems to be running the show . Bunny seems very interested in Lestela. Does he recognize her from the brothel?

" Bunny seems very interested in Lestela".......... Jealous?


Then in TVA she put on a cheap wig, some 'Nun on vacation' clothes and even fooled her sister's boyfriend. I mean a missing leg is a bit more obvious than maybe a little mole on her cheek.

Susanlynn, that sounds like a pretty serious galanfail (in Duelo). Wasn't the leading lady his onetruelove? One should be able to recognize one's own onetruelove even if she is disguised as a tree.

Looking at El Dorado last night, I was more convinced than ever that he's nothing more than a frontman. He might be a full partner in the organization, or just some idiot who looks the part, but no way is he the boss of the whole deal.

SusanLynn, I agree, El D does not look like a mafia leader. I'm not sure if anyone took note of the fact that BadBun asked El D if he was "ready." Ready for what--to put on a show and pretend he was El D? It wasn't only the question, it was also the fact that he asked it in such an informal way. During the telephone conversations Badbun has had with "El D", he sounds a lot more respectful and formal.


Julie..I think that he is the soup guy from that restaurant. He is big , so someone decided that he should play the decoy while the real El D is hidden ..for whatever reason. Maybe it's Rosario. She told Morg that she was a badass when she was defending Lestela. But..remember I was the one who put forth that theory that Bun was an undercover cop.#wildguesses

OT Julie...another wild guess. Were you a Buffy fan?

Alfredo.. I have not seen that actor in a long time. Remember Ana Martin and the glowing green cofre and Erica B. Imprisoned in her room by her creepy hubby?

Kirby.."nun on vacation,," gave me a giggle o. When my daughters were little, we used to stay at my college roommate's place at the shore. She taught in a Catholic girls' school and some nuns came for the day .My girls were shocked to see them in bathing suits.

Alfredo..You have a great memory. He was pretty good in Fuego as one of the baking brothers.

Was Emilio Pablo Montero? Then I see where you're coming from. Pablo was great in FELS during the part when his character was in a coma. Very convincing. Otherwise... I guess it wasn't feasible for the director to poke him every time they needed him to emote.

FELS would have made a lot more sense if it had been set in the 1700s. Ninel would have had to wear more clothes, and Sherlyn would have had to kill a rabbit instead of using a modern home pregnancy test, but the rest of it would have been fine.

Which side of the border are Maria and Tadeo on right now? Are they still in Mexico? I'm not sure if they're better off staying there or with their mother.

OT Susanlynn, I should have been a Buffy fan. Most of my friends loved it, but I had a scheduling conflict (I don't remember what it was). I know I missed out.

Julie..yes, I could not remember his name, but the actor was Pablo. I did not even remember the character's name in Duelo or Fuego. In Fuego, I mostly remember the beautiful, black Friesian horse that Big Ed Yanez ride and use to get on Adela's balcony, the brothers skinny dipping and showering, Adela Noriega crying a lot, a shop the sisters opened that someone at caray named ",Crap from Afar.," and a little baby with pierced ears. You must watched ",Buffy" reruns from the first season on good.

Julie, I'm pretty sure Maria and Tadeo are already in the states.


Alfredo... One more reason to like you, amigo !!! Buffy rocks.

Were you a Highlander the TV series fan by any chance? Did you watch Outlander on Starz? must watch Outlander immediately if you want a story about one true loves, a true hero, and a very strong woman.It is kind of a Scottish historical telenovela. Season three starts in September. It is my favorite show. Even better than Buffy and Highlander which I loved. Check out trailers for all three seasons and clips on YouTube.

Alfredo good recap. We heard a gunshot
After the screen went to black.We know
What's next. In 44 minutes. Or more. I
Can't figure out where the heck this
Is going. It is so messed up. All the
Misunderstandings, accidental and on
Who the hell is tomas? Im trying to like him,but I don't want to be so so disappointed.Where are they going with
This story line. Where'd he get money from?That he'd use to help letty with.

If something doesn't brake with this,
It'll become one of those long drown out Dramas that become boring because they're dragging out all the stuff with the bad guys always having the upper hand.They did that with"the color of passion and by the end of that show most of the good guys were dead and even the bad guys got to walk around the house after they were dead but noo we didn't see any good guys at all after they were dead. Ok I'm done
They're on.

Thanks Alfredo

Don't Tom's house look a lot like the
House where Laura and chayo & paloma
Lived?That's the first thing I thought about when I saw it. And he didn't bother to clean it up.

I like Highlander I can only watch it when you have stars on as a promotional thing, you know, free for a week or something like that. That's probably how I'm going to have to watch season 3.

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