Wednesday, June 07, 2017

La Piloto #66 6.6.17: In Which Yolanda Barely Appears

• As John continues his goodbye tour to “Oscar: The Best Buddy Brother” one of his men inform him that a truck has arrived to take Oscar’s body. Another man comes and informs John that those who are selling La Consentida have set up a meet tomorrow in Tres Fuegos. John agrees and then asks him men to load up the body in the car. He vows to avenge Oscar’s death, and remembers when they promised to be there for each other on the plane, as they take the body away.
• Vergara discusses the John situation with the Senator, who is currently in Villa Antigua but leaving to Mexico City tomorrow to vote (as he hopes Vergara does too), and informs him that he has men looking John but haven’t found him yet. He then puts the phone on speaker and the Senator reminds him that he wants John found and dead so that he does not disrupt his presidential election. Vergara wishes him luck and they hang up.
• Pirana calls John and informs him that he found the mechanic shop Santamaria is stay at but there seems to be no one there. John asks him to go inside and look for any guns, money, etc. he can find and bring it back as Dave though him that Santamaria stole it all from them. Pirana hangs up and goes to look for a way inside.
• Santamaria watches the police take Raul inside the apartment but decides to wait as there is a cop standing outside the building and another has gone up with Raul.

• Inside the apartment, Raul tells the cop that he is going to get a few things and go as his phone rings. It’s Ruiz, who tells him that he is on his way. Raul nods and hangs up. He then sends both of the cops accompanying him home as Dave is not going to stay at the apartment and Ruiz is on his way. He then remembers Lizbeth’s promise to be with him, no matter what.
• Santamaria sees both cops close the building’s front door and get in the car to leave. Santamaria looks away from the windshield to make sure he’s not recognized as the cops drive by.
• Arley tells Dave that he has to find his son, ASAP, but he will him if he needs his help. Dave agrees and then Arley asks Dave to investigate Amanda’s deal. Dave reminds him that Amanda died of natural causes but Arley explains that he spoke to John in jail and believed him when he said that he didn’t order her execution. Arley then remembers when John told him that he would admit to killing Amanda, if he did, as he has nothing to lose; when Copete told him that the video cameras recorded Amanda talking to someone in a truck outside the prison before running her over; when he heard the security guards at the hospital found the abandoned truck at the hospital. Arley begs Dave to find out all he can and Dave agrees. Arley then offers Dave a gift: the Lucio’s mother is buried in a cemetery in Tres Fuegos and the Lucios promised each other that whoever died first would bury the other in the same mausoleum. Dave realizes that John will bury Oscar there and Arley nods before leaving.
• Santamaria and his partner exit the car and go to the front of the building. They find a key to the building under the rug and go inside to the apartment. Raul hears someone coming up the stairs and sees that it’s Santamaria, gun cocked and loaded. He closes the doors to the living room and wheels himself around the apartment looking for a gun. Santamaria continues to make his way through the apartment, kick opening doors as he goes. Raul finds a gun in one of the drawers of the dining room, turns off the lights, and aims the gun through a decretive hole that looks out into the living room. He waits, silently, for Santamaria to be in his sights.
• John continues to try passwords for Oscar’s computer to no avail. He shakes his head, frustrated, as his cell phone rings. It’s Pirana, who informs him that he found nothing but cars in the shop. John suggests he look inside the car before hanging up. He tries another password but it is also incorrect.
• Santamaria kicks open the dining room door and Raul shoots but misses him, hitting the wall in front instead. Raul then wheels himself away as Santamaria chases him and continues to shoot and laugh. Raul goes to the kitchen but finds no escape. He throws himself on the ground and proceeds to climb a ladder to the attic as Ruiz comes and screams Raul’s name. Upstairs, Santamaria catches up to Raul, who slides down the stairs, and shoots, hitting Raul in the leg. As Raul goes down, Santamaria’s partner finds Ruiz and tells Santamaria. Santamaria immediately goes to the foyer and orders his man to take Ruiz with them. They load him into their car as Raul watches helpless from the second floor, scared but okay.
• Pirana looks inside the cars in the shop to no avail. He looks down in the sewer grate and finds the contraband but gets mildly electrocuted when he tries to open as Santamaria had already laid a trap.
• In Miami, Fajardo gets ready to leave the office but gets a call from Dave, who informs him that he meet with Arley but let him go, for now, as they can use him to get more info. Fajardo agrees and Dave asks him to get him a list of all of Salvador Moreno’s visitors. Fajardo nods but it will have to be tomorrow. Dave thanks him and reminds him that the visitor’s list is important. He then receives a call from Raul, who tells him that Santamaria attacked him and he may be wounded. Dave promises to be there ASAP and hangs up.
• Yolanda and Zulima leave the Sombras headquarters, with armed men, to the meeting to buy La Consentida. Lizbeth wishes them luck and they go.
• Two EMTs load Raul into an ambulance as Dave comes and asks him if he’s okay. Raul is happy to be alive, though Santamaria shot him in the leg and left him for dead. Raul then asks about Ruiz, who has disappeared despite his police car parked outside the building , as Dave calls him but gets only voicemail.
• Santamaria asks Ruiz, who is driving, to stop the car so they can exchange seats. As Santamaria gets into the driver’s side, Ruiz’s phone rings and he goes to answer. Santamaria takes out his gun, and tries to stop him, but a shot rings out as both men look at each other.
• Later, Santamaria arrives at the new Lucio headquarters, sans Dave, much to John’s chagrin. Santamaria did bring Ruiz’s dead boy in the backseat, much to John’s annoyance though Santamaria explains that it was unavoidable as Dave didn’t show his face and he couldn’t capture Raul. John asks about Velazco, the gunman he sent Santamaria with, but Santamaria killed him too because he was useless. He does order John to tell his men to clean up Ruiz’s body and John obliges as Santamaria goes to clean up.
• Sometime later, John chides Santamaria for failing at every objection but Santamaria argues that he is surrounded by incompetence. John chides him for being so demanding though Santamaria has a plan so Dave shows himself: pretend Ruiz is alive and goad Dave into a hostage exchange. John hopes it works but he is unsure.
• The doctor gives Raul with Dave, who explains that the doctor is going to go over X-Ray and get back to him in the morning. He asks Raul to be patient and Raul nods before asking about Ruiz. Dave explains that hasn’t heard anything as he receives a call from Ruiz’s cell. It’s Santamaria, who proposes an exchange, Dave for Ruiz. Dave knew he would do that but reminds Santamaria that he will never have Yolanda because she won’t turn herself in for anyone, even him. He then asks to speak to Ruiz but Santamaria tells him that that won’t be possible. Dave demands to know what he did but Santamaria only reminds Dave that luck is on his side, for now, before hanging up. Raul asks Dave if Ruiz is dead and Dave nods, dejected.
• John chides Santamaria for failing to capture Dave and only bringing him another corpse, a cop no less, to bury. Santamaria reiterates that they need to bury the body, ASAP as John tells him that he needs to go to Tres Fuegos for now. Santamaria asks if he’s going there to bury Oscar and John nods. Santamaria wishes him luck and leaves as John calls Pirana.
• Pirana, who is starting to wake up, answers John’s call, and John chiding him for not answering his phone sooner. Pirana explains that he got electrocuted and John asks him if it was a trap. Pirana assumes it was and tells John that he sees a cable with 220 volts tied to the sewer grate. He then sees that the cable is tied to a fuse box and John instructs him to disconnect the cable but to hurry as Santamaria is on his way. Pirana obliges and then opens the grate and takes out the cash. He tells John that he won the lottery and confirms that the whole stash from Cielito Lindo is there. John tells Pirana that he already has his orders and hangs up. Pirana grabs all the suitcases of cash and leaves.
• Raul confesses that he feels even more useless but Raul asks about the cemetery Arley told him about. Dave thinks it’s a possibility and remembers when he promised to help Yolanda as well as when he asked Santamaria why he was obsessed with Yolanda.
• Santamaria arrives at the shop, finds the front door open and goes inside, gun cocked and ready. He finds that someone has opened the sewer grate and curses his luck.
• The next day, the Senator rallies the public to vote for his as president. From Sombras headquarters, Vergara watches the news and smiles at the fact that the Senator is currently a strong contender for the presidency.
• Lizbeth asks her guard to leave her alone for a moment and remembers when she last spoke to Raul and confessed that she was back to working with narcos. She then remembers that Raul didn’t take it too well and they broke. She wonders if she should call him.
• Raul watches the news about the Senator as well as his promises to fight the narcos through rain or shine. He then receives a call from Lizbeth, who asks him how he is doing. Raul asks the same and then confesses that he is in the hospital because Santamaria shot him last night. Lizbeth is shocked and Raul explains that they could be in danger as Santamaria won’t stop and asks her where she is. Lizbeth can’t tell him, especially because Rosalba’s and the baby’s lives are at stake but Raul asks her to tell him as they can face the consequences together. Lizbeth is silent.
• In Miami, Wilmer gets a rental car, drives to the prison and calls Olivia to tell her that everyone went smoothly, including immigration. Olivia is surprised at the far reaches of the cartel and Wilmer agrees before asking about Yolanda and La Consentida. Olivia tells him that they are close to arriving at their destination.
• Lizbeth knows that Raul and Dave want to help but she can’t betray Yolanda. She then suggests that they don’t talk again but reiterates that she misses him. Raul is quiet before hanging up. Lizbeth remembers when she told the girls that everything between her and Raul was over. She continues to cry as she thinks about it.
• John drives to Tres Fuegos and calls his contact to asks about the arrangements. The contact tells him that everything is running smoothly before John explains that he will be there soon as he has a meeting regarding La Cosentida first. He hangs up and then radios his men and asks that they be vigilant as he doesn’t needs anymore surprises. He also reminds his men that he is not going to pay one red cent for his own plane and they should go ahead and set up. He then asks the driver to step on it.
• Yolanda arrives at the warehouse housing La Consentida. She announces to the guards that they are there to look at the plane and the guards go tell the owner, who is none other than Vaquero, a former Lucio guard, who did a couple of jobs for her 2 years ago. They both pull out their guns and aim it at the other’s head…


Thank You MR. Aparicio AKA Recaps at the speed of light.

Maybe we have two Ruiz popo, but I thought SM had already killed him and dumped him in a field when he copnapped him on his way to Mexico. Anyway...

I was also surprised Raul missed when he had a clear shot on SM. Call old one eye Mr Teflon. The honeymoon is over between SM and John Boy, especially after it was proven that SM had ripped off John's IRA retirement savings. If SM is suddenly 'broke' that could put a new wrinkle in his game plan.

Vergara and company seem to have the Captive Crew on a pretty short leash, so how does Liz call Raul and get away with it?

Even with these small discrepancies, this show has Double WTF? beaten by a mile, for me.

And thanks again Alfredo, nice job of a show that is sometimes hard to follow 'Buddy'.

The ownership transfer of the airplane looks to hit a little turbulence.

Rats, forgot to change the squirrel. :-(

Thanks Alfredo. As always, you present the chaotic, violent events of this telenovela in a very precise, easily understandable way. And also appreciated your deciphering of the Mexican political system on la Candidata. Bien hecho, amigo.

Judy B: The Senator is unstoppable as he's on track of likely being Mexico's President.

Thanks Alfredo as always for the great recap. My Spanish isn't good enough to understand without CC. In any event its difficult to figure out who is killing whom and why? Did John try "Buddy" as a password? He should have someone such as Wilmer crack the code. I suppose that all of the incriminating evidence against the senator is on the computer. Once he is president. the senator can likely stop all investigations against him? John and SantaMaria don't trust one another with good reason. I wonder who kills whom first? When is Arley going to find out about Zuli?
And ... how many more capitulos?

Thanks, Alfredo. Super job. I didn't even notice the lack of much Yolanda because there wasn't any filler last night. Raul is one of my favorites, so I was riveted watching him try to escape S&M. I don't have the skills for Spanish recapping, but maybe we could do discussion pages while you're away (to a well-deserved vacation, I hope!). I can contribute bullet points in my comments.

S&M is the most loathsome of all the villains, so I'm rooting for John to teach him a lesson. Dave is too principled to do it if he gets a chance. I don't like torture, but for S&M I'll make an exception.

Niecie, "John teach him a lesson", well, it may have started, because for all practical purposes S&M is now broke. With no money for rent, gas, cars and ammunition, he will be back to being a common street thug. This will substantially increase his chances of being caught.

Lynette: Once Arley finds out that Zuli was the one, who whacked Amanda, we all know he's going to go nuclear on her expletive.

Kirby: The Senator is likely going to be Mexico's next President (unless Dave & the DEA find evidence to stop him), it looks like he'll be moving to Los Pinos.

Niecie: Ruiz got whacked like that ? WOW.

Alfredo we left with Yoli and Cowboy in a Mexican standoff. I did not remember him being on bad terms with Yoli, butit seems she has found herself in yet another pickle. (Maybe she should have just stayed in the trailer this whole episode.)

I suspect everyone saw the previews, and are looking forward to tonight.

I am big time on Team Mena, not that I really like him, but he will exterminate the RAT ZOOLI.

Alfredo: The Senator reminds me of Juan Jose Benavides from "Infames", who was corrupt to the core while campaigning for the Presidency.

does anyone know what telenovela is going to replace La Pilota which is now in its Last Weeks!!!?????

Thanks. I didn't know for sure if that was a telenovela or just one of those programs they have been showing in recent months. This Rosario
One looks fairly violent but it seems that is the NEWNORMAL for Univision UGH


Of course there is always some violence but lately ( other than VINO) they have all been packed continual violence. Tired of these mafia and narco characters. Enough already!!! Interestingly though, I am now enjoying La Pilota much more despite its violence. I don't know--- maybe I am just becoming totally immune to it!! However I just wish we didn't have to listen to these horrible accents --- like Danilo's. I sooo hate that. Makes it hard to follow even with captions!

Jose de egypto is a telenovela?

Too bad!! Talk about violence. Jose will take the prize in that, surely. What a disappointment. I pray that Rosario is good. This has been a bad 6 months for telenovelas and the future looks worse. VINO was quite good till the last week or so. CAn anyone recommend a really good telenovela starting soon on telemumdo?

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