Thursday, June 08, 2017

La Piloto #67 6.7.17: In Which Yolanda Flies Again

• Vaquero wonders if the Lucios have set up a trap for him but Yolanda reveals that she no longer works for them and neither does he. Zulima suggests they both lower their guns, as both of them are independent contractors, and they oblige. Vaquero explains that he went solo during the raid in Villa Antigua as he didn’t trust anyone around him to not turn him over to the DEA. Yolanda wants to know how he got John’s plane and Vaquero explains that a friend of him told him that the DEA wanted to take her apart and he didn’t think it right. He stole it while it was moved and the rest is history. Yolanda smiles and asks him to show them the plane. He does as Zulima chides Vaquero for scaring her.
• Santamaria arrives at Lucio headquarters demanding to see John. Pirana reminds him that John is in Tres Fuegos. Santamaria nods and asks to see the gun and money inventory but Pirana tells him that is confidential and just because he is John’s partner doesn’t mean he will reveal said information. Santamaria demands to know where the inventory is but Pirana repeats that he is not getting him where they are. Santamaria tells him that they will see and walks off.
• Vaquero takes Yolanda to La Consentida and Yolanda smiles because it the very same one John had. Vaquero asks if she’s interested because he has another client coming at noon. Yolanda asks Gonzalez to give him the money right then and there and eh obliges. Vaquero smiles and goes to calls the other client to tell him he already sold the plane as Yolanda remembers when she flew La Consentida and smiles.

• Outside the hanger, John and hi men arrive and find the warehouse closed though he wonders if it’s a trap.
• Yolanda thinks it would be best to travel by road, until they can check the plane, lest Vaquero has removed important parts and to avoid the radars. Vaquero chides her for thinking that he did and reminds them that he is an honest man of business. Yolanda laughs and agrees.
• Outside, John fires a riffle into the air and screams at them to come out as everyone inside the hanger goes down and wonders what is going on.
• Santamaria goes to the makeshift office in the warehouse as Pirana points his gun at him and warns him to leave. Santamaria grabs the gun but it falls and both men start to fight. Santamaria gains the upper hand and demands to know where his money is but two other men come and get him off Pirana. They punch Santamaria as Pirana demands that they take him away and lock him up.
• John continues to shoot as Yolanda orders Zulima inside the plane so they can take off. Before they can, Yolanda looks outside and sees that it’s John, who has come for La Consentida. A gun fight ensues but Yolanda manages to get on the plane with Zulima, Vaquero and Gonzalez. John gets in front of the plane and demands they get off but Yolanda continues down the runway and takes off.
• On the ground, John vows to find whoever stole La Consentida and orders his men to look around the hanger and see what they can find.
• Yolanda manages to stabilize the plane as Zulima admits that she thought she’d thought. Yolanda thought they might, in any other plane but this one. She then asks about Chestoque, the third of her men but Gonzalez reveals that he stayed behind and was low on ammunition.
• John finds Chestoque behind one of the trucks and demands to know who stole his plane. Chestoque reveals that it was Yolanda and John demands to know where she took the plane under the promise of medical attention. Chestoque only laughs and John shoots him in the chest and curses his luck.
• Yolanda hands Zulima her phone and asks that she call Chestoque, if they have signal. She obliges as Yolanda tells Gonzalez that they are no visible to the radar so he shouldn’t worry.
• John answers Chestoque’s phone and Zulima puts the call on mute to tell Yolanda it was someone else who answered. Yolanda asks that she put the call on speaker and she obliges. John chides her poor choice in chief of security and demands to know where she is but Yolanda chides him for his constant lies and threats. John warns her that he only wanted her now, now he will destroy her whole family but leave her alive for Santamaria. Yolanda tells him that he won’t see his plane again and hangs up. John wishes her luck and then grabs the money Yolanda gave for the plane and leaves.
• Lizbeth arrives at the hospital and inquires about Raul at the front desk. She sees him being wheeled out of the room and hides as he goes to the front desk and asks for his release papers. She then receives a call from Olivia, worried that Lizbeth has left, but Lizbeth tells her that she went to see Raul but hasn’t been able to. Olivia asks her to come back, ASAP, before Vergara finds out, especially since Raul can’t follow her to their headquarters. Lizbeth agrees but is happy to have seen him from far. Raul turns the corner and sees her and Lizbeth hangs up, surprised. Lizbeth leaves and Raul chases her down the corridors of the hospital.
• Olivia looks at her phone, exasperated.
• John travels to the cemetery and remembers his and Yolanda’s sordid love story. He wonders how everything was so perfect and how bad things are now. He then receives a call from Pirana, who explains that he had a fight with Santamaria, who was looking for the guns and money they stole, but they managed to placate him and they have him tied up in a room. John orders him to keep Santamaria locked and tied up until he can go back. Pirana obliges and hangs up as John remembers his first meeting with Santamaria.
• In Miami, Wilmer meets Moreno in jail. Moreno demands to know why he’s there, especially because he’s not a narco, but Wilmer explains that he’s not a reporter. In fact, he’s there on behalf of Yolanda. Moreno remembers when he met Yolanda and when he tried to kill her but tells Wilmer that he doesn’t know her. Wilmer tells him that Yolanda needs his help as she’s back in the game and needs his supplies. Moreno reminds him that he’s in jail but Wilmer argues that someone else has to be taking care of the business. Moreno nods, asks if they have money to cover the shipments and Wilmer nods. He explains that the pay will be very good, especially because Yolanda is working solo now, and the business deal will close regardless. Moreno mulls this over.
• Olivia calls Zulima, who tells her that they are on their way back and asks that she wait for them in the airstrip. Olivia agrees and hangs up.
• Zulima looks at Vaquero, who is looking worse by the minute, and asks if he’s okay. He nods and Yolanda tells them that they will be on the ground soon.
• As Olivia gets ready, she tells Estela that Yolanda got the plane but she needs her to stay at the compound so Vergara doesn’t notice that Lizbeth is missing. Estela obliges and Olivia leaves.
• John calls the funeral director at the cemetery and confirms that everything is ready for the Oscar’s funeral before hanging up. At the cemetery, the Lucio men double security and wait for John’s arrival.
• Dave shows his men a map of the cemetery and ask them to stand at specific strategic points without drawing attention to themselves. His men nod and they get into their cars to leave.
• Moreno tells Wilmer that he’s in and Wilmer asks him how he wants to operate. Moreno asks Wilmer to memorize a number, until they can refine some details, and explains that he needs to call that number and talk to the acting leader of his cartel, who is making all the runs for him until he is out of jail. He then gives Wilmer a phrase that he should tell his man when he calls and hopes that he isn’t making the run. Wilmer shakes his head and then thanks him for his help before leaving. Moreno remembers when he told Dave that he tried to kill Yolanda.
• As mariachi’s play, John arrives at the funeral and walks to the casket. He apologizes for being late and then asks the priest to start. The priest obliges and John remembers the last time they were there. He continues to cry and remembers when Oscar comforted him after Yolanda’s “betrayal.” He shakes his head and cries.
• Yolanda has landed the plane and Vaquero gets out immediately and throws up. Zulima confesses that she thought they were goners but Yolanda reminds her that they lost Chestoque and all for a tin can. Zulima reminds her that hurt John real good though and Yolanda agrees.
• John asks the mariachis to play Oscar’s favorite song, “Mi Toro Viejo” and sings along before breaking down.
• Dave and his men travel to the cemetery and he radios them to be calm and act like they are visiting someone. His men agree.
• They place Oscar’s casket in the ground and John buries him with his two guns as John cries and curses the fact that Oscar left him so early. He place a flower on the casket and says goodbye to his “old bull” and realizes that the song may be the password to the computer. He smiles and vows to avenge Oscar.
• Later, John gets in his car and grabs the computer from the backseat. He opens it, types in “Mi Toro Viejo” and smiles as it is the correct password.
• Olivia arrives at the airstrip, happy to see them but Olivia explains that they almost didn’t make it because John showed up and shot at them. Yolanda reveals that they lost Chestoque though as Vaquero comes, feeling better. Yolanda introduces him to Olivia, who vaguely remembers him from a shootout at Cielito Lindo with Eladio where her father died. Vaquero hoped to sell the plane to live but Yolanda offers him a job instead, if he will give her all the Lucio’s previous contacts. Vaquero obliges and goes for a walk as Yolanda asks about Lizbeth. Olivia explains that she went to see Raul and they all pile up in a car to come bring her back, immediately.
• Vergara watches the news that the polls have closed as Estela comes and pours herself a drink. She tells Vergara that, if she could vote, she would've voted for the opposition as there is something about the Senator that rubs her the wrong way. Vergara turns off the TV and asks her to get out of his sight, ASAP. She tells him that she knows nothing of politics either way and leaves, quickly.
• John plays the incriminating video against Sinistierra and Vergara and smiles. They finally have something that will bring down the Senator.
• Dave and his men arrive at the cemetery and get out of their cars. Dave sees the funeral director talking to the priest and remembers that it was the same one Monica arrested during Omar Nieves’ funeral. He walks toward the director and tells him that he is arrested, much to the director’s shock and surprise.
• John continues to watch the video as his men radio him and tell him that the DEA and Federal police have found them. He orders his men to immediately evacuate and exit through the Southern gate.
• Dave asks his men to be vigilant but doesn’t notice that John and his men are already on the way out of the cemetery…


Alfredo: Estela voted for the Senator ?

Hey Steve. No she said that she would've voted for the opposition because the Senator rubs her the wrong way. Vergara proceeded to tell her to go take a hike.

Thanks again Mr. Alfredo. I have to say DEADave and the other popo remind me of an old Southern fun tradition at county fairs, the greased pig contest, with John, (Hell, ANY bad guy) being the lard smeared piggy.

In this episode it really was touching how John couldn't shoot his airplane. I totally understand that. It is a fabulous machine, it is a shame it has been forced to earn it's keep working in the Narco brothel. I have spent many happy days in it's predecesor the 172 and big brother the 310 twin.

S&M is pretty dam presumptious isn't he? "Needs to take inventory" my ass. Good to see the tables turned on him. I hope he has pulled his last trigger. I hope they are smart enough to double handcuff him to a jeep axle or something. They could even ask Yoli what some of his favorite things are, we remember he Luuuuurves spiders. Me, I'd start cutting off parts, this little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little....Oh NO, not that little piggy! Ha Ha S&M you are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

So what exactly does Estela (Yoli's Mom) do all day? As there is booze everywhere does she just wander around and get plowed under every day? Hopeofully yes, and she will drink herself to death soon, guzzling straight liquor on the rocks

Watching two back to back shows with Estelas in each would have PriceWaterhouse doing a lot of erasing and head scratching.

Booooozeeee it up for sure, Kirby!

Thanks, Alfredo.

As kidnappers go, Vergara and his crew aren't so bad. The bar is always open, and a hostage is free to go visit a sick boyfriend in the hospital.

Niecie you are right up to a point. But the 'Transgression/Punishment' curve has a very sharp knee in it, in that things are not bad until you pass that knee in the graph then they kill you.

But on the left side of the knee, things look pretty good. Especially for Zooli and Ma Cadena who appear to be pretty much useless.

Thanks Alfredo for today and yesterday's recaps!!!!

I'm confused a bit. One minute John is telling Yoli he is going after her and her family and the next minute he is reliving their history and pondering how it all went wrong. Reliving Oscar's betrayal of him in regards to Yoli... Do you really want to kill her John or would you rather have her back?!

You're welcome Niecie and Carvivlie!

JOhn is an enigma. He misses his brother but can't forget his betrayal. He loves Yolanda, wonders how he messed it up but can't forgive her betrayal. It's hard to forgive and forget even if the other person is dead and the one you love steals your plane.

Niecie, Vergara doesn't know Lizbeth left the compound. Yolanda asked Olivia, who then asked Estela, to cover for her because they'd be in trouble if Vergara knew she went left and to see her ex-Federal Police boyfriend no less. The bar is always open though or Estela has the will and a way.

Thanks Alfredo. As I did not follow all of the episodes, it is difficult to put all of the characters together. What a dumb think of Lizbeth to do to leave the compound. One understands her motivation but she is putting everyone at risk. Estela is a pain but she has her moments such as when she annoys Vergara about the elections. Is Zuli secretly reporting back to Vergara about what is happening. I know she is a pilot but probably not as accomplished as Yoli. I'm pleased that John has figured out the password to Oscar's computer and even though we don't know who will use it, it is hard evidence.

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