Monday, August 21, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #10, Aug. 21, 2017: The Breathless and the Beaten

Here is the recap, courtesy of RGVChick :)

[Previously: After Ramón arrives, he listens as Fabiola tells Juana that she is going to prove to everyone how responsible she can be. Fit to be tied, Ramón calls her on it and asks for how long…just long enough for his mother to turn over the million pesos? When Fabiola questions what’s wrong with him, Ramón reveals that he overheard her little plan to work just until she can convince Juana that she is worthy of handling the money.] Francisco chimes in and asks Ramón, “Who do you think you are?” to which Ramón replies, “Juana’s son! The one they want to fool so they can get the money!” Juana asks Fabiola to confirm what Ramón stated; and when Fabiola doesn’t respond, she looks questioningly at Andrea, then Fabiola. Juana takes Fabiola into the kitchen so they can talk privately. While they’re in the kitchen, Ramón and Francisco get into it. Francisco doesn’t want Ramón to defy his girlfriend, but Ramón refuses to allow anyone to mess with his mother…or Francisco will truly know who Ramón is. When Ramón sees Andrea hold back Francisco and motion him to stop, he backs off and apologizes to Andrea saying that he has no reason to be arguing with the Francisco in her house. Andrea nods.

In the kitchen, Juana is disappointed in Fabiola…she thought Fabiola was a responsible person. She assumes Fabiola is trying to pull the wool over her eyes just because of the money…even though she has assured them that the money will be for them. When Fabiola brings up that Juana is going to give the money to someone else, Juana retorts that now she’s trying to pull a fast one on her so she has more reason not to give her the money, especially now that she knows about her little scheme. Juana accuses Fabiola of being worse than before.

Back in the living room, Francisco sits with Andrea and tells her he doesn’t know who “the guy” thinks he is. Ramón reminds him of his name and says they are honorable people. Ramón describes his mother as impeccable…her bosses trusted her with the money. When Francisco chides him that his mother is still just a servant, Ramón tells Andrea to not worry, he won’t fight in her home. Francisco scowls that he isn’t going to stop until Ramón learns to respect, but Ramón retorts that the one that needs to learn how to respect others is Francisco.

In the kitchen, Fabiola shares that when she sat at her father’s desk, she felt she belonged there. Juana reminds her that, with the way things are now, she just can’t believe Fabiola. When Fabiola assures Juana that she will show her that she can be responsible, Juana hopes she does, but they will not be discussing the money.

Fabiola walks back into the living room and admits that she messed up. Francisco suggests she not go back to the shop, but Fabiola thinks she now has more reason to do whatever it takes to earn everyone’s respect. She then turns to look at Ramón.

Osvaldo and Susana are making out on her couch when Jorge calls to inform Osvaldo that their mom is very ill with an asthma attack. Osvaldo thinks it’s not that serious so he tells Jorge he won’t be home until later because he is helping Andrés. When Susana asks him about the call, Osvaldo tells her his mom is ill, but it’s nothing important….his mother over dramatizes everything. He wishes his mom were more like her mom, but Susana doesn’t like the fact that Osvaldo idolizes her mom and shares that her mom has her own defects. Osvaldo wants to continue sucking face…which they do.
When Ramón and Fabiola start bickering, Juana reminds them that they need to respect each other if they are going to work together. They are interrupted by the Dahlia who has come to tell them that Virginia has had a severe asthma attack and the meds aren’t working. Francisco volunteers to go see her and everyone runs after him except for Ramón and Juana. Once alone Ramón asks Juana how she is feeling. She tells him she is hurt by what Fabiola did and thanks him for defending her. When he asks her if she wants to go see Virginia, she tells him she has to stay, but is sorry she couldn’t go have supper with him. He responds that food would probably not sit well with him right now so he’s going to go get a ride with Dalia. Ramón leaves after Juana warns him to be careful.
Francisco, followed by the troop, rushes into Virginia’s bedroom where she lays gasping for air. As he’s checking her and asking about her meds, her condition worsens; so Francisco determines that she has to go to the hospital ASAP.
Ramón is outside telling Dalia what just transpired in the Medina home. Dahlia warns him that he has just made an enemy of Fabiola (I thought they were already enemies!) and she is going to make his life miserable, but Ramón doesn’t care…he just doesn’t want anyone disrespecting his mother. When Ramón sees the troop come rushing out with Virginia in tow, he goes to help and carries Virginia as Jorge goes to get the car. When Jorge drives up, Ramón places Virginia in the car, but Francisco goes in to sit beside her. Ramón then goes to Jorge and tells him he will drive since Jorge is too nervous.

Meanwhile, Julio is enjoying his roulette game with Emilia who is not having the best of nights. She dismisses herself by giving Julio a kiss on the cheek and telling him she will let him know when she confirms with [Greg?].

(Virginia has been at the hospital where the doctor has already treated her.) The doctor tells Jorge and Francisco that Virginia’s respiration has stabilized with the meds he gave her, but she will have to remain in the hospital for further exams because the severity of her condition suggests it has not been under control for a while. After Jorge thanks the doctor, he asks Francisco to take the car back and drop off Ramón. After Francisco leaves, Jorge tries calling his dad, but gets the “off or out of service area” message; he then texts Andrea with an update on his mom and tells Andrea he will be spending the night at the hospital.
Outside, Ramón asks Francisco about Virginia and is glad to hear that she is better. When he asks about Jorge, Francisco tells him Jorge will stay and he will return the car (and he doesn’t flinch about not offering Ramón a ride). Francisco thanks Ramón for helping out, but reminds Ramón that they still have a pending issue. Ramón assures Francisco that he is available whenever (bring it on, buddy!).

Antonio is at his home setting up a romantic dinner. Roxana is overjoyed and considers the gesture sooo romantic. She didn’t remember that quality about Antonio since they had separated, but Antonio wants to forget about that right now. Roxana thinks it will be quite easy to forget if he keeps treating her like this (but she won’t forget her other victim or that she wants “excitement”). They kiss passionately.

Andrea comes in from the kitchen and shows Fabiola the text from Jorge. As Juana asks if Francisco has returned, the doorbell rings. It’s only Francisco who gives them more details about Virginia’s health…the medication she took wasn’t sufficient, so she had complications. When Juana asks about Ramón, Francisco tells her he thinks he went home… Ramón wanted to leave on his own (liar!). Juana accepts the explanation and decides to go give Luisa the update on Virginia. When Fabiola thanks Francisco for being there and helping, he dismisses it saying he was just doing his duty. Soon after, Andrea receives a text and, taking a deep breath, gets all smiles. As she leaves, Francisco assumes it must be from a boyfriend, but Fabiola thinks it’s probably just Sara. After Francisco insists that it smells more like a romance, Fabiola wonders when he got so intuitive. Francisco brags it’s just one of his qualities. They kiss.

Ramón gets off the bus and looks around not knowing which way to go. He sees a couple of young men and asks if San Fernando is far from there. After they give him some quite lengthy directions, he hopes he can remember them, but the men tell him there a police around that will help him. Ramón looks around again trying to remember what the man said and starts walking.
Dalia is complaining about how Francisco let Ramón go home by himself. Juana tells her not to worry her more than she already is since things got heated between Francisco and Ramón. Luisa tells Dalia to go home because Ramón doesn’t have keys to the house. They then worry about Virginia and how they didn’t take any insurance information that Jorge asked for. Luisa thinks Julio should be the one to take the papers, but Juana tells her they need to call him and let him know. Luisa insists that it should be his other son (who is too busy with his little girlfriend to care about his mother) to tell Julio. Luisa then wants Juana to give her the spiel on what happened with Francisco and Ramón, but Juana just says, “So many problems.”

As Ramón walks down the sidewalk, there are two men…one on each side of the sidewalk. He looks suspiciously at one through the corner of his eye while the other comes behind him and grabs him putting a knife to his throat. They gang up on him, but Ramón gets his Power Ranger strength and fights them off successfully. When they are both down, Ramón runs off (woohoo, Ramón!).
Andrea is in her room texting with Jorge who is spending the night at the hospital because he can’t find his (scumbag of a) dad and his (slime ball of a) brother who threw him to the dogs. Sweet and considerate Andrea wants to go accompany him, but Jorge tells her it’s very late. When she insists that she can take a taxi, Jorge tells her not to worry…he is content just knowing she’s there. Andrea hugs her phone (ahhh, young love!).

Benito goes to see Luisa at Virginia’s home and asks her what time she will be leaving, but Luisa doesn’t think there should be a reason to continue waiting for her…they are finished. Benito assures Luisa that he will talk to his mother the first chance he gets, but Luisa hopes it won’t be too late. She closes the door sighing and tells herself it’s all over.
Dalia is on the phone with Juana and tells Juana that Ramón hasn’t arrived yet. Juana is worried that he may have gotten lost, so Dalia assures her Ramón is astute and will ask for help. Dalia will tell Ramón to call her as soon as he gets there. As she hangs up, there’s a banging on the door. As she opens the door, she sees Ramón all disheveled with bruises and some blood on his face. She quickly lets him in as he tells her he was assaulted near there by two men. She leaves him sitting at the table while she goes to get what she needs to clean him up.

Antonio and Roxana are cuddling and kissing in bed. Antonio tells her he just luuurves her skin and her smell (could it be Agustín’s scent…yikes!) He wishes the world could stop so they could be there together always.

Dalia is upset because it wouldn’t have cost Francisco much to give Ramón a ride home. She tells Ramón that Francisco told them he had refused to let him drop him off, but Ramón clarifies that Francisco didn’t even bother to offer…which he thinks is good so he won’t have to see his face. Dalia feels bad about what happened and assures Ramón that she will take care of him (uh-huh, I’m sure she’d love to!). She puts her hand on his chest, but he casually removes it. Dalia thinks everything is Fabiola’s fault and she will tell Fabiola what she thinks as soon as she sees her, but Ramón asks Dalia to leave Fabiola out of it and not to mention anything to her. Dalia isn’t too keen on the idea, but accepts. Ramón says he needs to call Juana, but Dalia suggests he not tell his mother about the mugging. Ramón agrees and says he will come up with something later to explain the bruises and cuts.

Next Morning…

Julio arrives home to find Luisa asleep on the couch. When he wonders why she is there so early, Luisa tells him his wife got sick and is in the hospital’ and his son, Jorge, is with her.

Fabiola arrives at her office and sits at the desk when Dalia comes storming in and chides her for what happened to Ramón (so much for Ramón’s request) because of her boyfriend. Dalia criticizes that Francisco didn’t even bother to offer Ramón a ride. Ramón was assaulted and could have gotten killed…but Fabiola doesn’t let her finish and runs out to find Ramón (because she doesn’t care…right?). Dalia goes after her, but keeps her distance as she wishes she had kept her mouth shut. Fabiola sees Ramón’s bruised face and asks him if it hurts. As she strokes his chin, they have a brief tender moment. Ramón tells her it hurts just a little…Dahlia took care of him. Fabiola apologizes and thinks that Francisco shouldn’t have left him at the hospital, but Ramón doesn’t want her to worry. He doesn’t want any more arguments. He then excuses himself because he has to get back to work. Fabiola watches him as he walks away.

Jorge is still at the hospital with his mom when Julio glides in with a bunch of flowers (like that’s supposed to make up for being such a scumbag). When Jorge tells him he tried to call him several times to tell him about his mother, Julio lies through his teeth (as usual) and tells Jorge he worked all night and turned off his phone so as not to be disturbed, but Jorge points out that no one would be disturbing him unless it was an emergency. When Julio asks about Osvaldo, Jorge tells him Osvaldo didn’t care to come. Just then, Virginia wakes up and is happy that Julio is there. Julio apologizes and reiterates his pitiful excuse…and gives her the flowers.

Antonio and Roxana are walking out with Diego when Margarita comes walking behind them and greets them. Margarita comments that they look well…like a postcard of a happy family. Antonio responds that that’s the way it’ll be from now on (what a rude awakening he’s in for!). As they walk away, Margarita stands back dejectedly looking at them and saying, “Oh, (my) Antonio, if you only knew she’s pulling the wool over your eyes.”

Sara meets up with Andrea at the university and asks for Jorge. When Andrea writes that his mother is ill, Sara gets all in a tizzy and doesn’t think Jorge should be by himself. Andrea reminds her about classes, but Sara doesn’t think classes matter…Jorge is more important…he needs them; so they go off to the hospital.

After they drop Diego off at school, Antonio tells Roxana that he will drop her off at her house so he can go take care of business in Toluca, but Roxana is more interested in what’s up with Margarita…it seemed like Margarita was jealous. When Antonio assures her they are just friends, Roxana thinks Margarita wants more than friendship (so she’s jealous of Margarita who keeps her distance, but it’s okay for her to be doing the horizontal mambo with Agustín?). Antonio dismisses her comments and thinks he can call his client in Toluca and tell him he will be late…so she can invite him over to her house. They kiss…

Dalia sits with Fabiola in her office and (coldly) explains about placing orders. Fabiola notices her demeanor and tells her that if she is angry with her because of what happened to Ramón, it wasn’t her fault. She admits that what Francisco did was wrong, but it was not her doing. Dalia thinks if Francisco wants to push for fight with Ramón, Ramón is up for it…if Ramón can handle two men, he can surely take Francisco. The phone rings and Dalia answers it to hear Antonio say that he will not be going in because he’s going to Toluca (actually meaning “to luck out”). He asks her to tell Lucho to get someone to go pick up Mr. Guajardo’s car for servicing. Antonio asks about Fabiola and Dalia tells him that she is there already.

Julio and Jorge are sitting in the cafeteria. While they talk about Jorge’s progress in school, Sara and Andrea enter. Sara immediately asks about Jorge’s mom and tells him that as soon as she found out about his mother, she rushed over. Jorge looks at Andrea questioningly and Andrea gives him a “sorry, I couldn’t stop her” look. When Jorge introduces Sara to Julio, Sara is elated to meet him and tells him she is a VERY close friend of Jorge’s.

Ramón is in the garage telling the other mechanics about his mugging experience and how he fought them off…he jabs here and jabs there showing exactly how he hit the men. Lucho comments that he was really lucky because the men in that area fight dirty. As Dalia walks over and gives Lucho Antonio’s message about going to pick up a car for servicing, Rulo arrives. Lucho sniffs around and wonders what smells. Dalia looks at Rulo and scolds him for being late…he should be glad Antonio is not there. Rulo takes a look at Ramón and laughs asking him who beat him up, but Ramón doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. As Lucho passes by Rulo he tells him he will to go pick up the car, because Rulo’s odor will probably stink up the car. Rulo is disappointed that the only one who hasn’t noticed his “scent” is Dalia, but hopes it will take effect soon.

Julio is still at the cafeteria having breakfast with Jorge, Sara, and Andrea. Sara tells Julio that although she and Andrea are studying architecture, she really hasn’t decided what she wants to study. Julio tries to give her some advice about how time flies and making a career choice. Sara then tries to make points with Jorge’s father by complimenting him and asking Jorge why he hadn’t told her he had such a kind and handsome father. Jorge doesn’t really care to answer so he tells Julio he is going to go home to rest. Sara offers to go with him, but Jorge prefers to go alone. Julio urges Jorge to give the girls a ride home (gee thanks, Dad!), so Sara thanks Julio for the breakfast and wraps her arm around Julio’s arm as they leave.

Juana is outside when she meets up with Hortensia. Juana greets her with a “Good Morning,” but Hortensia starts ragging on Juana as usual. When she asks Juana If she knows that the attorney has filed the papers with the signature she forged, Juana comments that yes, she has been told. When Hortensia chides Juana for being so calm, Juana tells her she has nothing to worry about. Hortensia warns that Juana should collect her belongings because it won’t be long till she’s sleeping in jail, Juana responds with, “Sure, whatever you say.” As Hortensia continues to rant, Cool-Hand Juana just looks at her, smiles and says, “Have a good day!”

Jorge and Andrea arrive from dropping off Sara and sit on the couch in the Medina home. Jorge complains that he doesn’t know how to get Sara off his back…it’s fine that she likes him, but he doesn’t like her. When Andrea wonders if he likes her just a little, Jorge assures her he doesn’t…she’s just not his type. When Andrea asks Jorge what his type is, Jorge gets thoughtful and says, “She has to think before she talks…unlike Sara who talks and talks without thinking.” He adds that he wants someone who is intelligent, independent, nice, fun, but mostly very sweet and tender. Andrea smiles and thinks to herself that Jorge could be describing her!

Susana is at the university talking to two girls who are having trouble with some classes. Susana tells them she knows someone who can get the tests. When the girls are very interested and ask if they have to pay, Susana says, of course, there is a price. After Susana warns them that they can’t say anything to anyone about it and that the cost is 3000 pesos, the girls are still very interested.

Dalia is in her office as Rulo comes in to talk to her. Dalia looks up and, making a sour face, asks what Rulo has on…it smells horrible! She tells him to leave because he‘s going to stink up the office.

Fabiola is in the hospital cafeteria as Francisco walks in and thinks she is there to have lunch with him, but Fabiola is upset and tells him otherwise. She is only there to ask why he left Ramón at the hospital. Francisco assumes that Ramón went crying to her, but Fabiola tells him she saw the cuts and bruises. Fabiola informs him that Ramón was assaulted and could have gotten killed, but Francisco takes it in stride and tells her to calm down. Fabiola emphasizes that it wasn’t cool and it’s his fault Ramón got had trouble. She thinks it’s one thing to not like Ramón, but it’s another to do him wrong. She warns him that if something bad happens to Ramón, she won’t forgive him. When Francisco wonders why Fabiola would care for Ramón, she claims it’s Juana she worries about. Francisco doesn’t understand Fabiola since she has been accusing and tricking Juana all this time and now she’s pretending to be so righteous and defends her son. After they both calm down Fabiola asks Francisco to leave Ramón alone, but Francisco sarcastically asks if he has a choice. They kiss and Fabiola leaves because she has to go to the bank to cash a check.

Juana comes in to the living room to find Jorge and Andrea sitting slumped and asleep on the couch. When Juana wakes them and wonders what they are doing there instead of being in school, Jorge explains that he spent the night with his mom. After Juana asks about Virginia, she tells Jorge he won’t get any rest all bent on the couch, so he should go home and rest. Jorge gets up to leave and thanks Andrea for accompanying him. After Jorge leaves, Juana heckles Andrea about needing to sleep and tells her to go help in the kitchen.

Rulo goes to Fredesvina, his aunt, and demands she give her “his friend’s cousin’s” money back because the lotion didn’t work, but Fredesvinda tells him there are no returns. When Rulo tells her that the lotion made things worse because it smells bad, Fredesvinda insists it needs to be used for 15 days. When Rulo persists and tells her “his friend” is going to make him pay back the money he gave her, she offers to give him some special cookies that are just as effective as the lotion. It was a special order she just made for another customer. She also advises him that “his friend’s cousin” and the girl he wants to conquer must bite into the cookie at the same time.

Juana and Andrea are finishing up cooking some lentil soup when Fabiola comes in all smiles. When Juana asks her what she is doing there, Fabiola tells her she came to give her some money. Fabiola explains how she deposited the check they got from the airline and took part of it for Juana’s monthly salary and for household costs. Juana knows Fabiola is serious now; and Fabiola reminds her she told them she would prove she could be responsible…and she did it.

Julio is in Virginia’s hospital room with the doctor who tells them Virginia will have to remain in the hospital for further tests. If Virginia has another crisis, she may not make it. After the doctor leaves, Virginia is very grateful that Julio is there with her, but Julio doesn’t think she should be grateful since he is her husband. When she wishes he was there because he loves her, he admits that sometimes she makes him crazy (not in a nice way), but he still cares about her…since they’ve been together for so many years.

Benito knocks at the Julio/Virginia apartment door. When Luisa opens the door, she sees Benito with a bouquet of flowers and thinks they are for her, but Benito kids that they are for Virginia since she is ill. When Luisa slams the door on him, Benito fesses up and tells her the flowers are for her, but Luisa does not want them. Benito begs forgiveness and reminds Luisa who it is that loves her and loses sleep over her. When Luisa doesn’t respond, Benito assures her that he will always carry her memory in his heart and soul (awww, what a sweet talker). He then over-dramatizes and tells her, “Good-bye…forever…good-bye.” Luisa finally opens the door and accepts the flowers, but only on one condition—he must talk to his mother and he has one month to do it...if not, they are finished…forever! Benito looks at her sheepishly and asks if he can have two months. Luisa frowns, grabs the flowers and slams the door shut.

Osvaldo comes up to Luisa. After he asks Luisa about the flowers, Luisa explains that the security officers sent them for his mother. Osvaldo is apathetic and tells Luisa to serve him his dinner.

Fabiola goes back to the shop and approaches Ramón who is under a car working. When she calls out his name, he sees her legs and softly says, “Ay, mamá!” When he comes out from under the car, Fabiola tells him that even though he didn’t want her talking to Francisco, she already did and it won’t happen again. As Ramón stands, she assures him that any future arguments will be just between them. Ramón wonders it that means they will continue arguing. Fabiola concedes that, at work, they should be at peace. As Fabiola walks away, she looks back. Ramón, who is all smiles, looks at her as she walks away and mutters, “That’s the way I remember her.”

Rulo goes back into Dalia’s office and she comments that it is good he went to take a bath. They laugh about it and Rulo offers her a cookie, but Dalia refuses as Fabiola walks in. When Fabiola sees the cookies, she comments on how good they look and takes one. Rulo is stupefied that she took a cookie, but when she starts to bite into it, he thinks to himself, “Well, if this one falls, she’ll be much better than Dalia” and bites into his own cookie.

As Ramón invites Dalia to go get tacos, Francisco approaches. Dalia scolds him for having the nerve to show his face after what he did. Francisco explains that he is there to apologize. Ramón thinks he is sincere and tells him not to make anything of it, but Francisco turns it around quickly and chides Ramón for not knowing the city well enough and being such a hick. Fabiola, who has come up behind Ramón, listens and gasps as she hears the insult. Francisco continues his little tirade and accuses Ramón of running to Fabiola and hiding behind a woman’s skirt…even Dalia reproached him. As Ramón is getting visibly upset, Francisco continues to verbally jab that he hopes Ramón accepts his apology…because he always gets along with everyone—from his colleagues to the servant’s son. Ramón loses his patience and returns with a strong, right jab (yay, Ramón!).


Rgv chick, what a clever title! Perfection.

Fantastic recap! You obviously took much time and gave great attention to all of last night's events.

"Jorge who is spending the night at the hospital because he can’t find his (scumbag of a) dad and his (slime ball of a) brother who threw him to the dogs" and "Antonio tells her he just luuurves her skin and her smell (could it be Agustín’s scent…yikes!)" were among many favorites.

Uh, oh...Rulo and Fab have consumed the cookie concurrently. Is anything going to happen? Yikes, I hope not. It would be far too dark.

“…(Ramon) he backs off and apologizes to Andrea saying that he has no reason to be arguing with the Francisco in her house. Andrea nod”s. I also nod – in disagreement. “When Francisco chides him that his mother is still just a servant”…I cringed.Ramon has every right to stand up to the smug, supercilious Francisco. And Fran deserved every bit of the punch Ramon landed on his handsome face.

"She puts her hand on his chest, but he casually removes it". Give Ramon credit for nipping any inappropriate touching from Dalia in the bud.

On the other hand, there are times a good offense is a good defense "Roxana thinks Margarita wants more than friendship". She looked like a petulant child, SO unattractive. It appears Antonio is going to have to catch Roxana with Augustin, which is bound to happen sooner or later as "(... she won’t forget her other victim or that she wants “excitement”)". Sigh.

Poor Virginia. A worthless husband and vile son...Virginia really isn't guilty of much except being nasty and bitter, but who can blame her? I disliked the fact she lied about Juana and Julio. But, perhaps she's seen an advance script and has an idea where this may be going?? :)

I still don't think Benito gets it. He keeps asking for more time but the truth is he is simply not prepared to tell his mother. I wonder what it is going to take?

Sara is getting on my nerves, likely as much as she has gotten on Jorge's. :)

Rgv Chick, thank you for the superb recap. What a great way to start the day!


Your welcome, Diana.

I cheered when Ramon punched well deserved. But it does seem that Fabs is coming around...which I had been waiting for.

Those looks that Jorge and Andrea give each other are priceless...they can have complete conversations without saying (or writing) a word.

I dread the day Antonio catches Roxana with Agustin; he is going to be devastated. But you are right Diana, I think it's going to have to take that to open his enamored eyes.

Juana impressed me....what a better way to get back at someone than to ignore their snide remarks and pretend they don't phase you #herestoyou

Yes, Jorge and Andrea communicate beautifully primarily using their body language, expressive eyes and smiles (or non smiles in the case of Sara) :)

I would like to see Juana having a bit more to do (and say) than constantly having to defend herself. And Ramon. I think she and Julio will ignite fireworks if they do connect. He seems so, well, disattached and disassociated. Does he care about anyone - even his sons? I daresay he will need to get in touch with his human side. Juana will need to lose those pigtails. :)


Thank you, Rgv Chick, for a great recap. A agree with all the side-notes.

Some of the scenes that made me smile. When Juana took Fabiola for a talk, and keeping in mind that this is the conversation between an employee - Juana - and employer - Fabiola. And here she sits like a scolded child that she is. Another one was when Ramon and Fabiola started bickering and Juana told them to stop it and both of them said "He/she started it" like two five-year-olds. I think they do remember some bits of previous relationship they had in the childhood, confirmed by what Ramon said - that is how I remember her.

Fabiola has been a good girl this episode. Now is the test, who she sides with - Ramon or Francisco.

I can't even about Osvaldo. Jorge tells him his mother is very sick, but he has better things to do.

I think the most loving and caring relationship so far has been between Andrea and Jorge. Andrea adores Jorge and Jorge is not far behind. I don't know what they are going to do about being cousins.

Diana, it seems Julio doesn't care about anyone except himself and his gambling...he may be developing an interest in Emiiia, his gambling buddy. I wonder what he willd when he finds out Osvaldo is seeing Emilia's daughter...all in the family??

Lucio, those scenes that made you smile were some of my favorites. Juana seems to be more of a maternal substitute right now. I wonder if Fabs was as outspoken and obstinate with her mother...if she was, then Juana is definitely taking that role for the girls. I also, agree about Jorge and Andrea...I'm really hoping Jorge is adopted...that would clear the path for them.

If Julio and Emilia do get together and there is a face to face confrontation with Osvaldo, I'm afraid the writing is already on the wall.

Osvaldo, like his father, seems to have a "caring" chip missing. His failure to have any reaction to his mother's illness was disturbing(as you pointed out Lucio). Couple that with the fact he has a hideous crush on Emilia, nothing would surprise (or sicken me). Would he give dad an "attaboy" or stew in jealousy? Perhaps both?

Julio might be embarrassed but I sense it would only be a moment. He will talk his way out of it.

Yes Rgv Chick, I agree Jorge is likely adopted (he and Andreas are clearly kissing in the credits)...That would certainly explain why he is so "different" from his family.


Hi Guys and Girls

Sorry for my OFF Topic

Is nobody interested in Mi marido tiene familia recaps? Really?

I expected at least a "semanal" topic, where can write and read comments weekly happenings similar to the Quiero Amarte highlights and discussions.


Alfredo: Your recap never surprised me with the latest who's scheming to busting up the LoveTeam.

Thank you, Chickie, for that detailed recap. I am finally doing better at figuring out who the characters are.

The opening is full of kissing couples..clues as to who will end up together??? Or are they tricking us.

Is Roxy really interested in getting Antonio back , or does she just not like seeing someone else taking an interest in him?

Jorge is a sweetie. ..the good son.

Thanks for the stellar recap!!!

I missed this episode so hopefully I can watch it tonight before the new one. Totally want to see Ramon socking Fran!

I wish Andrea would get her voice back.

I feel bad for Dalia. She is very pretty and likable. Too bad Ramon seems to have a thing for girls with issues...runaway mafia bride Sofia and now petulant, lost her parents, fights with him Fab.

Your welcome, Susy and Carvivlie.

Susy, I think Roxana really does love least more than she does Agustin. Her face always lights up and she seems happier when she is with Antonio; however she dreads the humdrum life of marriage and that is what attracts her to Agustin.

Carvivlie, I agree about Dalia, but I'm a little confused about the relationship between her and Ramon. Ramon referred to her as his cousin, but he refers to Luisa as his madrina ( godmother) not as his aunt. Nevertheless, I do hope Fabiola keeps changing for the better so she can be worthy of Ramon.

AlejoP, wish I could help somehow, Hopefully your plea won't go unnoticed...good luck.


Alfredo!! You're an angel... thanks for helping the "Marido" fans.

"Too bad Ramon seems to have a thing for girls with issues...runaway mafia bride Sofia and now petulant, lost her parents, fights with him Fab".

Very funny Carvivlie and on target. I'd be shocked if Sofia doesn't reappear at some point. I hope it's sooner rather than later so that story can be resolved. I felt badly for Sofia, I liked her too. More's the pity :)


Thank you RGV chick for your well written recap, plus your title was perfect! Don't have a lot of time for other comments, but I'll be back. Just wanted to say thank you.

You're welcome, Cynthia. Looking forward to your comments.

Here's NiNa's comment:

Alfredo I really enjoyed the recap. Thank you. Now, I really can't stand that Francisco guy,isn't he the same guy that played Joe on DV playing him too? He's doing a really good job of being annoying. I would love for Ramon to walk into the hospital one day and find him in one of the emergency room cubicles dirtying up the gurney with that slutty nurse. And take a picture of it and don't show it to anybody just hold on to it. What would be even better if he would walk in there with Fabiola and they both catch them there dirtying up the gurney in the emergency cubicle.

And why doesn't jorge tell that Sara girl that he is not interested in her as a girlfriend? that he's interested in somebody else (I think his name is jorge) anyway she has a motor mouth and she's kind of annoying maybe when he gets sick of it enough he will tell her.
Ok the end. For now

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