Tuesday, August 15, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #69 8.15.17: Couch Diving For Murder Weapons

Or Another Bun Bites the Dust

Even though Luisa is there to protect her, Asdrubal manages to get close enough to Laura to hand her a note and run away, though Luisa doesn’t even try to catch him. Instead, she tells Laura that she has someone waiting for her in the dressing room and leaves her alone (!!!). Laura opens the note and reads.

Later, Ryan welcomes Laura to her dressing room with a bouquet of roses (which are part of his long road to forgiveness) as Paloma and Rosario come in and congratulate Laura. As Ryan congratulates her too, Genesis comes and tells them that the Producer Award Show will be cancelled because they don’t have a venue. She suggests they try to host it in Los Primos and Ryan promises to make it happen (maybe he will finally uphold one of his promises).

Danilo worries about the DEA investigation (because they are very thorough in this universe) but El Sagrado thinks he shouldn’t, if he left no loose ends (half of the drug world). Danilo assures him he didn’t and he doesn’t care if Furia is destroyed as he is going to launch his own money laundering business, Golden (Skulls) Productions. With his contacts (and all the people who hate and distrust him), he is sure to mount a successful business. El Sagrado warns him that he better not get caught doing anything illegal or their deal is off.

The next day, Horacio sees Danilo in his office and tells him that he got rid off all the proof of the money laundering, including Ryan’ part so they are screwed. Even worse is all the accounts that hold the freshly laundered money (with a scent of Downy) are now frozen. Danilo curses his luck and tells Horacio that it’s probably Estela (who is now the smartest of the bunch), as Ryan and Mercy would not like to bring down Furia in the process. When a DEA agent walks in, Danilo suggests he stop investigating because he has all the proof he needs and hands him Milton’s USB.

Joe and Rosario talk about Mercy’s current state, as she seems almost catatonic. She thinks Mercy is lucky to have Joe (you know that guy who left his wife, doesn’t talk to his children and told Walter that Mercy had a lover and kicked this story into high gear) because he’s so thoughtful and cares for her. Rosario hopes Mercy doesn’t think about her dead baby, especially at this time, and Joe confesses that the baby isn’t dead and he may know where it is but needs to be sure. (Now is when he thinks he should share this news???) Paloma and Laura come in and Paloma goes to say hi to Mercy. (Paloma’s smile is adorable and would revive anyone).

Horacio warns Danilo that Furia will circle the drain with the investigation but Danilo doesn’t care as he has new plans with El Sagrado and his new production company. Horacio reminds him that they confiscated the accounts and they owe a lot of people money. (uh oh!)

Paloma tells Mercy that she loves her and wants her to feel better. She proposes she draw her something and Mercy slowly nods. Laura tells Mercy that she brought Paloma to cheer her up as Ryan comes. When he and Laura see each other, the awkward tension is palatable (but that’s what happens when your ex disappears, you meet someone new, fall in love, marry them and save them from danger but barely hesitate when said ex comes back even though her reason and acting skills are as flimsy as wet paper).

Estela tells Asdrubal that she will have to accelerate her plans and Asdrubal asks if she will escape with Ryan and leave him behind despite the fact that he’s always been there for her (sounds about right, dude!). Estela tells him that he is the only man for her (except she’s tried to run away twice already) and he loves that she finally realized it. He wonders how love they will have to hide but she’s a poor victim and doesn’t need to hide from anyone. Asdrubal reminds her that the truth behind the knife could still be revealed but she argues that he won’t betray her. Either way, she is going to keep the knife as a trophy because it has the blood of the most famous money launderer. Asdrubal assumes the only thing standing in her way is he and Estela agrees (but they kiss passionately nonetheless…ahh love!)

In the waiting room, Laura leaves Paloma with Rosario and then bids Ryan goodbye. He thanks her for bringing Paloma and then tells her about what happened in Danilo’s concert. Laura worries about the consequences but Ryan asks her to trust him. Laura doubts it (as he never, never trusted her words) but she has no time to talk right now. She leaves and finds Luisa in the hallway. She instructs her to take her to the address and the note and they leave.

Asdrubal agrees that getting rid of ED (I assume Danilo) is the best course of action but he wonders if she is going to change the plans on him. Estela reminds him that she doesn’t do that (except she does and has plenty of times) but he did lie to her about Ryan’s involvement in Furia. Asdrubal reminds her that he seduced Genesis, found a way into Furia and remained loyal, especially after Estela left him in the lurch, but Estela reminds him that he slept with Genesis, time after time, and even gave up his most prized possession (the mystery baby necklace) for a pair of tits. Asdrubal is done with the conversation though and asks how she wants FED (Fake El Dorado) to bite it. She pulls out a brand new gun from her bag and shows Asdrubal. She then kisses him while pointing a gun at his head.

Laura and Luisa arrive at the address and it’s an abandoned theater. They worry that it’s a trap but go inside either way. Just then, someone drags Luisa through a makeshift window as Laura makes a run for it (but will she make it?) Luisa manages to beat the assailant with a vase and goes to find Laura.

Danilo calls Estela and tells her that he knows she called the DEA but there is a price to pay. Estela warns him to not do something stupid (as usual) and proposes they meet in person to squash their differences once and for all (because they are both so trustworthy). Danilo agrees and hangs up but Horacio suggests he go with some muscle. Danilo has other plans though, a gun and a (skull) bulletproof vest.

Laura finds ED’s office and looks around. She even searches under the couch (where no one looks) and finds a zip lock bag, with the knife that killed Pedro Carrillo, inside (wow! Really?). Luisa comes then and asks if she found what she was looking for. Laura nods and they leave.

Danilo goes to the abandoned building Estela suggested but finds no one. He eggs Estela to come out but he only finds Asdrubal waiting for him. Danilo is honestly shocked that Estela tricked him but Asdrubal has been dying to fill him with bullet holes. Danilo thinks he will be the one full of holes and tries to take out his gun but Asdrubal (who has had some actual training) is too quick and kicks the gun out of his hand before taking out his own. He points it at Danilo’s (big) forehead and shoots but it’s empty. Danilo kicks the gun out of Asdrubal’s hand then, grabs his own from the floor and fills Asdrubal with bullet holes (at least one Cabrera brother keeps his promises).

Ryan goes to see Estela, who thinks he’s been distant (cause his mother almost died and his company is going down the drain) but he assures her he’s just been busy. Just then, there is a knock and it’s several DEA agents, who have some questions about money laundering. He asks them to sit at the dining room table and they imagine he knows what they are there to talk about.

Asdrubal, who is dying slowly, laughs at Danilo’s cheers. He thought he was sent to kill Danilo but he ended up in the slaughterhouse. Danilo wonders why Estela would kill him, as he is a loyal foot soldier, and Asdrubal confesses that he was in the way because he was the only one who knew…Danilo begs him to tell him what he knows but Asdrubal can only tell him that he shouldn’t give away his heart because women will always betray them (yet he couldn’t say anything more about the knife…-. -)

At the ranch, Chavalin tells Laura that his retired detective friend (who we knew nothing of until now but could’ve been a big help before!) analyzed the prints on the knife with the ones found in Milton’s bad and Laura (AKA Ms. CSI) was right: Estela killed her own father.

Ryan tells the agents that he knows his rights and they won’t trick him into saying anything (though he probably shouldn’t have let them inside). Estela thinks the accusations are ludicrous and they should arrest Ryan, right then and there, if they think he’s guilty (nope, not the right girl for you, Ryan). The agents suggest he get a good lawyer, because his record does not bode well for him, before leaving. Estela thinks Ryan has nothing to worry about but Ryan is not so sure so Estela suggests they leave before the bomb drops (ahh, so that’s her endgame?)

Chavalin takes out the knife and give sit to Laura. He suggests that she not confront her directly (even if every fiber of her being is begging her to) because Estela may still have some tricks up her sleeve. Laura thinks they should take it to the police, though it won’t prove Estela is ED, but Chavalin thinks you start somewhere anyway. Luisa asks if she will tell Ryan but Laura wants to talk to Joe first and he will tell them what to do, legally.

Ryan refuses to leave like a coward but Estela reiterates that they should anyway and wait out the storm. Either way, the charges are unfounded and they won’t be able to accuse him of anything (Estela is now a lawyer too). She then receives a call and she ignores it though Ryan thought he was the only one who called her cell. Estela asks that he not be a jealous man (but I thought you were worried about being found???). Ryan apologizes for overstepping but she apologizes as well but she was scared that he might go to jail. Ryan has a though (finally!): why did Estela not come to his rescue when he was in jail? Estela chides him for making her feel bad but Ryan wants to know whom ED is so their nightmare can be over. Estela nods and reveals that it is Lucio Galvan, an old friend of his mother’s.

Horacio thinks that Estela is capable of anything if she just killed her most loyal soldier but Danilo knows she wants to get rid of everyone in her way to be happy with Ryan. Horacio wonders what he has planned for her but Danilo tells him not to worry. Morgana then comes in and complains that no newspaper reported on her sexy chicken dance and bad lip-syncing though the auditorium was full. She asks him to take her to the producer award show but he has something better, something she has always wanted: to start from zero, together. She smiles and hugs him though Danilo does not.

Estela explains that she never wanted to tell him about ED because she wanted to protect Ryan and not cause any more problems with Mercy. Ryan wouldn’t have but Estela knows she would’ve told Mercy something (cause he’s a hothead and that’s why he and Laura work so well). Estela doesn’t know why he wants to know his identity either way, as they have nothing to discuss, but Ryan wants to find a way to find to help the others avoid jail time. HE then tells her about Asdrubal’s escape and she begs him to leave (does he not worry about her insistence? She’s one “please” away from chloroform). Ryan won’t leave though and that is final (at least he stood his ground).

As Danilo packs up his Furia office, Morgana congratulates him on finally ruining Furia, Walter’s memory and Ryan and Mercy; he even managed to destroy Regia. Danilo is quiet but then hugs her and tells her to focus on their brand new adventure (where Morgana will likely be a mail order bride) and move to Tijuana. Horacio looks at them, suspicious, but Danilo continues to count the ways he and Morgana will be happy (in her mind).

Laura meets Joe at the hospital to discuss the prints. Joe is surprised (at this point?) and Laura explains that Estela is hiding a lot of tings and that’s why she asked him to investigate the company she discovered. Joe explains that the paperwork is so extensive that will be hard to find the owner’s name but he doubts it’s Estela behind it all (her powers are working!). Laura reiterates that she has the knife as prove but Joe thinks it’s only a start. Just then, Laura sees the investigation into Furia’s money laundering practices plastered all over the news and so does Joe.

Estela chides her street fighter gal for letting Luisa get the best of her though Luisa is an armed badass. Estela demands to know what they took but street fighter doesn’t know, as Estela never told her what to guard (wowowowow!). Estela orders her to clean everything up and be vigilant, as she may not hear from her in a while. However, when she does, she better be ready. She hangs up but then receives a text message with a picture of Asdrubal’s lifeless body (not even a gasp of shock or a tear. RIP Bunman).

That night, Estela and Laura both see the news report on Furia. The reporter mentions Milton’s investigation, which pointed to Ryan being El Dorado and the leader of the whole money-laundering scheme. Laura realizes that Danilo stole the USB so everyone would suspect Ryan was ED (only now does she know).

Estela calls Danilo and chides him for ruining Ryan’s reputation. Danilo explains that he was following in the real ED’s steps but Estela warns him that ED is on the way out so, if he wants to be ED, he better watch out. Danilo thinks she should watch out too and hangs up. Estela then calls someone and orders him or her to anonymously call the police and tell theme everything that Natividad told them (guess he’s not so loyal).

Rosario is sure Joe will help Ryan but Laura worries that every one of them is tainted by the money-laundering scheme. Rosario wonders why she hasn’t been arrested then and assures Laura that it’s not as bad as she things. Laura then receives a call from Ryan, who is in the police station, and tells her that Los Primos is ready for the award show (what a thing to talk about now!) Laura thinks he’s too calm but Ryan asks her not to worry and hangs up. Rosario thinks Laura should’ve told him about the knife she found (because this is definitely not important) but Laura suggests they wait until they hear Joe’s ideas.

In the interrogation room, Ryan’s lawyers argue that Milton’s story was never published so they are fishing. The agents agree that everything is circumstantial but they will find proof soon. Ryan thinks the real ED is the one that should be sitting in front of them but the agents won’t stop till they find out the truth (hopefully soon!)

In her hotel room, Danilo tells Morgana that she has always been there for him but Morgana is confused, as he’s never been so romantic. Danilo admits that he is worried about the video she recorded, especially because no man should be forced into a relationship (pot meet kettle). He reiterates that she is the only woman in his life, aside from Regia, and has fought for their relationship. Morgana agrees to erase the video but only after another roll in the hay (I thought she was going to ask for marriage). Some time later, Danilo proposes to go to Tijuana first and find a place to live. Morgana agrees and they kiss.

Laura sends Paloma off to bed as Luisa comes and asks about the knife (best guarded secret weapon, right?) Laura explains that Joe is turning it over to the police and filing a formal report. Luisa thinks Joe is an excellent lawyer, as he got her out of jail even though she was loyal to Mr. Blake. Either way, there is something she needs to tell her about Mr. Blake but they can’t talk any more as an agent comes in with a warrant to search the ranch.

Danilo packs up his things and tells Horacio that he is actually in another room in the same hotel though Morgana thinks he’s in Tijuana. He hopes to not to stay there too long but he’s sure Estela is trying to save Ryan from his trap and reveal that he is ED. Either way, now that they have El Sagrado on their side, they can get rid of Estela. Horacio is game for anything.

Morgana arrives at El Sagrado’s house with Horacio and looks around, ecstatic. She is happy they finally know how to treat a woman of her kind but Horacio calls her an idiot (in more ways than one) and reveals Danilo’s long con: Danilo won’t live with her, El Sagrado will…at that El Sagrado wheels himself into the room and welcomes her to his house that is now also hers. Morgana is quiet and Horacio asks El Sagrado to serve her a drink because she’s still trying to understand that she was payment for a contract between Danilo and El Sagrado. Morgana, for once, looks afraid and disgusted at her predicament (though she now has everything she could want, it will be next to a slimy reptile).

Rosario wonders what the DEA agents are looking for but Laura is worried that Danilo might’ve hidden something in the ranch and they didn’t realize it. Just then, Ryan comes in and tells her that there is nothing to associate her with money laundering. They hug but their happiness is short lived (as always before FIN) as a DEA agent comes in and reveals that they found five decomposed bodies on her property. Ryan and Laura are floored…


AAA, exceptional recap as always and quick so we can get started...SO appreciated! THANK YOU !!

Julie posted (on yesterday's recap): Wild speculation: Joe is Pedro Carrillo's first son. Pedro was mad at Walter, and told Joe to seduce Mercy, just as Pedro later told Estela to seduce Ryan. Joe and Estela hadn't seen each other in years until they met up again just recently, which was why their first conversations didn't sound like what you'd expect of a convo between siblings.

Julie, I've been suspecting Joe is a Carrillo for quite some time, especially after he sent that message to Walter. Maybe he and Estela were separated when they were very young and she doesn't recognize him?

DeadBun really underestimated both Estela and Danilow....quite out of character since he was always a step ahead of Danilow and he already suspected Estela would turn on him. AND he didn't check the gun for bullets....really??? GONG!

Kirby, I'll be waiting for your GONGS....like hiding the knife under the couch....PUH-LEASE!

Thanks again Alfredo...you totally ROCK!!!

More tomorrow...Good Night!!

Thanks Speedy what a clever read. I like your use of parenthesis. What came on my CCs when Asdrubal gave his dying advice to DaniLow was "Don't give your heart to a woman, because they will use your balls as earrings."

I couldn't tell if that is what he actually said or if our CCer just spruced it up a little. :-) But it was funny as hell nonetheless.

Morgana gets a big surprise,...er...well..maybe TWO big sorpresas.

Do ducks wear lipstick?

My biggest G O N G will be not checking to see if the frigging pistola has any ammo.

CLICK ! huh...OH FORK. "Hey Dan, gimme a sec, Bud." GONG

On My 1911 and the little 38 I can tell if the clip is empty just by the weight difference. You know, after you have handled the gun a lot.

Kirby, your CCs were right on target regarding the "earrings". Also, didn't Estela tell Deadbun that she had given him the necklace? I'm pretty sure she did, but it's late so I'll check in the morning.

You're welcome, Kirby and RGV!

This episode was the calm before the storm but there were a lot things that were annoying.

As you guys said, Asdrubal knew Estela didn't trust him, even said so, on top of the fact that she tried it leave him twice but he trusts her to give him a loaded gun? Wow. That is love, I guess.

The gun under the sofa was frustrating. Even more was Estela's bodyguard telling her that she never told her what to guard. I think Estela took this whole "hiding in plain sight" too literal.

Morgana finally realizes where she is...oh boy is her anvil going to be rough.

During the necklace scene, I was straining to hear if Esela confirmed it was hers or not but I just heard that she called him stupid for giving away his most prized position for a woman he said he didn't even care for (Genesis).


Alfredo, gold. Pure gold.

"Couch Diving For Murder Weapons" and "Another Bun Bites the Dust" were marvelous.

"a bouquet of roses (which are part of his long road to forgiveness)", "Ryan promises to make it happen (maybe he will finally uphold one of his promises)" and "With his contacts (and all the people who hate and distrust him" were wonderful. I just wanted to cut and paste the entire recap. This was literally strewn with gems and there are many more to be noted.

I am very surprised that badbun died. Rgv Chick, I expected him in a REAL shoot out, guns ablaze, wild eyed. Would they have him die before Mercy knows who he is if he is indeed her missing child?

Kirby, thank you for the 411 on badbun's last words. I was surprised to see a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Rosario hopes Mercy doesn’t think about her dead baby, especially at this time and Joe confesses that the baby isn’t dead and he may know where it is" have me confused. Julie's theory Joe may be Pedro's son makes perfect sense. Either the writers have done an excellent job leading us down the path of a wild goose chase or Joe is a formidable force in one way or another.

"Asdrubal confesses that he was in the way because he was the only one who knew". Knew what?? "Either way, there is something she needs to tell her about Mr. Blake" - and what is that??

For the first time, my heart went out to Morgana. We speculated a bit yesterday as to what lengths Danilo might go to in order to "save" her. He just didn't defend her, he brought her to the lion's den himself. I guess he was angrier about Morgana's lies and video than I suspected. When he blew the non existent whiff of smoke away from the gun after he killed badbun with that cross between a wolfish grin and childlike smile, I smiled myself. I love the actor who made this character such a contradiction in terms. I can't recall loathing any character while being annoyed with myself for making me smile.

It appears to me that Mercy understands everything transpiring around her. She definitely perked up at seeing Paloma. But then again, who wouldn't?? I think she can speak too. She's just taking it all in for now.

Still so many questions...

Alfredo, your masterpiece thus far. Thank you.


Alfredo: Who were the 5 people found decomposing ?

Diana: Who was BadBun ?

We have, what?, 4 hours left before halftime? Tonight, Thursday, and two hours Friday night?

The confirmation from Chava that EsHella killed her own Father with that huge hunting knife proved some of the patio's speculation correct. OTOH, some Fathers have done things to little daughters worthy of being field dressed like a deer.........

Let us not forget, based on the packaging, that Morgana and hopeofully DaniLow, have earned ten times over, everything they get. Morgana is EVIL, and DaniLow burying 5 bodies on the property?
If Laura wouyld get her chubby ass out of the actual building sometime and DO SOMETHING, (maybe mow, or garden) she would have surely found a fresh planting and this would not be biting her big arse now. GONG
She needs some exercise and a tan. #pillsburydoughgirl

How did a punch in the face from a fellow hardly bigger than her knock EsHella out cold, but a 9 round clip in the chest allow the same puncher to recite a sonnet from Romeo and Juliet? GONG

Is it just Spanish speakers or what who never tell you anything.? "OMG get in the fallout shelter NOW ! Your life depends on it.""
"Oh by the way, what do you think of the new Ford F150s?"
"But why in the fallout shelter?"
"Yeah, get in there. Should I get 4 wheel drive?"

Steve, badbun is Asdrubal, Estela's lover and henchman that Dan shot and killed last night.


Very quite on the patio after excellent comments from RgvChick, Kirby and our esteemed Alfredo..

Can't wait to hear from Julie (after a long day at Six Flags), Susanlynn, Nina and others as to what they think about last night's events and Alfredo's stellar recap.

I'm still in shock over the fact badbun is dead and the shock as to who pulled the trigger. Still trying to figure out who the children are.

I'm still trying to swallow that Estela is El Dorado. If there is no puppetmaster, I think she lacked an inner core of strength. Also, she is sharper than I give her credit for. An awesome woman as ED would have been great. I'm not sure if the way the part was written or how the actress portrayed the character or both. I'm not faulting the actress, but something is missing. There is just no assurance she is the ultimate person who pulled this all together.


Body Count getting closer to the 30's.

Busy morning, but finally made it back.

Great comments from all as always. Daina, I'm with you on DeadBun's death...so sorry he won't be in the second season..or maybe he will...we didn't actually see him die, just pass out..just hopeoing :-) Was it me or was it weird how he lifted his arm and motioned Danilow to some closer with his finger..it was a little fast for me to see how easily he did that given he was dying. Diana, I was disappointed that there wasn't more of a gun battle too.

The other GONG I noticed was the building Laura and Luisa arrived at based on the address DeadBun gave her. The building normally shown when Estela is in her office is much nicer....looking more like a stand-alone mansion...yet they entered through what looked like and alley and ended up in Estela's office???

Alfredo, I checked on what Estela said about the necklace and you're right. It wasn't clear as to what she really said. I still think she gave it to him though.


Rgv Chick, you have such a sharp eye for detail! I really have to start watching more closely.

Like you, I'm surprised Badbun didn't live to see another day. Or another series :)

But this begs the question - are we sure there will be a second series? I see David Z is already working on something else. Of course, that might not mean anything if filming isn't set to begin for a while. With so many villains gone (dead, jailed) already and with a few more likely to follow (Dan?), who is going to keep this going? Also, if the revelations as to who the child(ren) are reveleed before this is over,(and I would certainly hope they are) can they expect us to wait with baited breath til this comes on again??

I can't believe we only have 3 episodes left!!


Alfredo, thanks so much for that detailed recap. I did not see the show, so I especially appreciated it. Right now, everything is revolving around helping with the new baby .

Wow, Dan gave Morgana over to old Turtleboots?

Has Joe been setting everyone up all this time if Julie's theory turns out to be true.

Alas, poor Badbun..such a waste of beauty.

Gotta go..I am needed !

Thanks, Alfredo. Fabulous recap. Some of my favorites:

With his contacts (and all the people who hate and distrust him), he is sure to mount a successful business.

freshly laundered money (with a scent of Downy)

Morgana then comes in and complains that no newspaper reported on her sexy chicken dance and bad lip-syncing

She’s one “please” away from chloroform

Oh no, Asdrubal won't be in Part 2! Color me floored along with everybody else. This was my favorite role for MM since La verdad oculta. I hate that Danilo was the one to take him out. Danilo already has a big enough head, with everybody propping him up for their own reasons. Then blowing on his gun, like he's in some movie western. Will we or will we not get the satisfaction of Ryan kicking his ass by Friday?

Estella never would've made it as ED without Asdrubal as her lieutenant. What's she plannng to do? Leave the business and run away with Ryan?

Do we think Asdrubal was double-crossing Estella with that note? I just can’t see him doing anything to harm Estella.

Laura is so understanding with Ryan about Estella. Is it because she trusts Ryan not to boink Estella? Inquiring minds want to know.


Deadbun gave the note to Laura as per Estela's orders. That's why Chula was waiting for Laura when she and Luisa arrived. The thing is why would Estela send Laura to her office? That doesn't make sense at all. When Laura and Luisa got to the alley, I thought they would enter a broken down, unoccupied building, but no, it was Estela's office.

If Joe does turn out to be a Carrillo, I think he would be one of the whiter sheep of the family. He really does seem to care about Mercy and have a conscience.

Alfredo,thank you.Eeeewwwwww,dead dried partially juicy people. Ok now
Did they dig these people up, or get
Them from where they keep dead people
They've murdered on hold until they need them. Thats just disgusting.If I was Laura I'd pack up my child and leave that death infested hole, It's cursed anyway. Wally didn't even care about it.And he Left it to his one night stand son. She can move back in with mercy so rosey can be right there with mercy. Cuz mercy is gonna need somebody when she sees her baby boy /girl. If Joe knows what he's talkin
Estela and Danilo are two trainwrecks that Meant in the darkness of nite. Maybe They'll take each other out.

If she plays her cards right....
If she don't talk to much....
If she don't sing to the Ol guy.....
If she plays her cards right...she may
Not have to put out much. Just wiggle
In front of the Ol guy and he'll give
Her all money she wants.But if she has
Dignity and figure she deserves better
That to be sold to the highest bitter,
She'll hightail it outta there.

Ryan seems really calm with all that
Stuff goin around him. He's got a plan
Or something. I don't think he's dumb to estela's deception. At least I hope not.Maybe he's questionin why shes all
Fired up about leaving.Whatever, three more Nights?
When hunnybunny was a dying the cc3
Translation read "don't fall in love with a woman,she'll wind up wearing your Balls for earrings. That was a terrible Thing to say on your way out Why didn't He think of wearin a bullet proof vest?
He probably knew she was gonna end him that why That tussle was so sorry.

Is Joe Trust worthy?Did he really give
The knife to the popo? Just wondering
About stuff.

Thank you Alfredo.

Rgv Chick, I am clearly challenged in following this plot. Poor Asdrubal, so loyal following Estella's orders to the end.

On Estella's clothes, I agree with the comments from yesterday on that near-burka wedding dress. ITA that woman would never cover up so much. Now the spaghetti strapped crisscross dress last night was hot. I kind of see why Asdrubal lost his head and forgot to check the gun beforehand.

And Paloma rides in on Rain Stall in a cloud of dust. She is carrying a WalMart 'Super Soaker' and proclaims "I'm gonna shoot you all"'." She pulls the trigger and somehow her water canon has been loaded with real bullets and she shoots every---body. All.

Palomalita looks into the camera and smiles her sweetest butterfly smile and says..."Ooops, Giddyup Rain !"


LOL Kirby, I like Paloma riding Rain Stall, but do you really want Paloma to use real bullets? What if she brings an army of giant butterflies that pick up all the baddies and dump 'em into huge shredder that has a pipe to the sewer?

I like that too. It was tertiary to save Rain Stall too. But Killer Butterfly Drones work as well as trampled by a herd of baby Unicorns.

I want to see how Morgagingnow 'Handles' her new assignment. Ja! .Live by the beav die by the beav Morg Baby.

Is Mercy faking it?

Can we text some 'Truth Serum' to Joe?

If I shoot my TV will the bullet get DaniLow?

Will Tad ever get a chance to teach LetMe what men like?

Is there a double episode Friday?


Alfredo, Thank you. Now that estela
Has gotten rid of hunnybunny shes got
Danilo and his stupities to deal with.

If she plays her cards right.
If she wiggles for the Ol guy, and he
Don't have a heart attack.
If she use her brain,for a change she
Might get all the money she wants. Or
Then she might see that shes got some
Dignity and think it is not worth it
To allow yourself to be sold to the
Highest bidder, grab her dignity and
Her bags and hightail it outta there.
That's "IF" she uses her brain for a change.

I don't think Ryan is as dumb as he
Seems. Hes rather calm in the midst of all that stormy stuff thats going on around him and he's right in the very center of it all. Hopefully hes lookin at how anxious she is to get out of the country and take him with her.they
Got 2 more nights left?

About those dead bodies, what? We're they people that were murdered and so
They dug them up and put them all at the ranch? If I were Laura I'd pack up
My baby and rosey and get as far away
As fast as I could. That place is cursed. Wally didn't care that much about that ranch. Didn't natividad say he wasnt just ranch sittin for wally?
Maybe he killed those people and then buried the bodies.
Laura could move back in With mercy, that way rosey could hLeo her out.Cuz mercy is gonna need somebody when her first born comes into The drama that is their lives. Ok done almost eight minutes.

Thanks Alfredo.

I hope this comment stays the other one disappeared

Recap is in the mail!!

Kirby, no, there in no double episode for Friday.

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